
Omelet with white cabbage. Fried eggs with fried white cabbage

If you already have stewed cabbage, the task is simplified and the cooking time is reduced to a minimum. Instead of sour cream, you can take water, milk or kefir.


  1. Finely chop the desired amount of cabbage.
  2. Fry the cabbage in a pan, adding salt and pepper.
  3. Whisk sour cream and eggs.
  4. Finely chop the dill.
  5. Mix the dill with the egg-sour cream mixture, adding a pinch of salt.
  6. Pour the egg mass into the fried cabbage.
  7. Grate or chop the processed cheese and put on a slightly seized omelet.

Cover with a lid and cook until cheese is melted. Serve hot.

Cauliflower omelet recipe in the oven

This dish is rightfully considered dietary. It is healthy, satisfying, but low in calories.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cauliflower - 150 g;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • salt and pepper.

Cabbage can be taken fresh or frozen.


  1. Divide the cabbage into florets and boil in boiling water. After 5 min. take it out so that it does not get overcooked and does not become too soft. Drain the water. Cool, cut into smaller pieces. Place in a colander to remove excess liquid.
  2. Beat eggs with milk, adding will and pepper. To make the omelet more tender, at this stage, you can add 2 tsp. sour cream or kefir. A more unusual taste can be obtained by adding a little grated cheese to the egg mass.
  3. Put the cabbage in the form. Pour over the egg mixture.

Bake for ¼ hour at 180 °C. You can cook this omelette in a double boiler, but it will take twice as long. Serve warm, cut into slices.

Omelet with broccoli in a pan

In a frying pan, this omelette cooks the fastest.


  • broccoli - 200 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt and spices.


  1. Fry the inflorescences in vegetable oil for 3 minutes.
  2. Add a little water, reduce the heat and simmer the cabbage until the liquid has evaporated. It is important here not to overcook the broccoli, but only to blanch a little.
  3. Mix the eggs with a fork, add salt, spices and chopped garlic.
  4. Pour the egg mixture over the broccoli and cook over low heat.
  5. Grate cheese.

Sprinkle omelet with broccoli with grated cheese. Serve with croutons and herbs.

Airy and at the same time satisfying omelette is easy to make and good with any filling. Therefore, it is a great option for a full breakfast, especially when paired with cauliflower. Appetizing pieces with a ruddy crust are very fond of children.

For cooking, it is better to choose the inflorescences of a small head of cabbage, which are entirely placed in a baking dish. It is important not to overcook them.

Laid cabbage kops can be sprinkled with fried or green onions, add cubes of sausage or soft cheese. Cream or sour cream and a pinch of soda are added to the egg mass instead of milk to add volume.


  • cauliflower - 300 g
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • cream - 60 ml
  • dill - 5 sprigs
  • butter - 10 g
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground pepper


1. Buy fresh quality cabbage. It should not have black spots. Rinse under running water. Cut into florets with a sharp knife. If the flowers are quite large, divide into 2-3 parts. In order to remove possibly invisible spider bugs from the inflorescences, soak the cabbage in salted cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then fold in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Boil water in a separate saucepan. Salt lightly. Drop the cauliflower. Boil. Boil over moderate heat for 7-10 minutes.

3. At this time, rinse the eggs, break them into a deep bowl. Stir with a fork or whisk until smooth.

4. Pour in milk of any fat content or cream. Continue mixing with a whisk until smooth.

5. Sprigs of dill or any other herbs, rinse, dry. Remove coarse stems. Finely chop the leaves, add to the omelette mixture. Sprinkle salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir. Omelette mixture is ready.

6. Throw the boiled cabbage in a colander and rinse with cold water. Shake off excess moisture.

7. Grease a suitable baking dish, preferably ceramic, with soft butter. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and spread them all over the dish.

Who among us does not like an omelet - a delicate egg dish that has helped out more than once in the morning, when you need to eat a full and high-calorie meal before the start of a working or school day. An omelet never fails, it is a delicious and nutritious breakfast, that is, the basis of a healthy diet. If desired, you can add ham, tomatoes, greens, sausages, cheese and even cabbage to it. Lush mass, consisting of beaten eggs with milk, fried or stewed cabbage, dill aroma and golden crust - a truly royal dish, which confidently occupies a leading place in the kitchens of people of different nationalities.


Cabbage omelet is quick and easy to make. This dish is prepared according to the classic recipe, that is, without the addition of soda, various seasonings and baking powder. For such a light and dietary dish, different varieties of cabbage are suitable - white, cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, etc. Each type of egg mass with a vegetable has its own special taste options and slight differences in the cooking process. The main thing that unites them is that egg dishes are prepared with a small amount of vegetables. In taste and incoming components, the egg mass must necessarily prevail. Also, a common feature of all egg dishes with this vegetable is that they are great for children's and dietary diets.

You can cook an omelet with cabbage in a pan, in a slow cooker, in a double boiler, in an oven, and even in an air grill. An important detail - for a dish in a pan, you should choose a massive thick-walled product. And if you want to taste a juicy and toasted dish with a tender vegetable, you should cook it in the oven. Usually, this dish is served with dried white bread, which can be supplemented with olive oil.



Ingredients for a tender omelette with white or Beijing cabbage

For 2 servings of a delicious dish you need to take:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • cabbage (choice of Beijing or white cabbage) - about 100 g;
  • dill, parsley, other herbs - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

It should be noted right away that an excessive amount of salt harms the taste of this omelet. The soft consistency of the dish does not tolerate oversalting and seasonings at all (except for fresh herbs).


  1. We prepare cabbage - wash, dry and finely chop.
  2. Break the eggs into a small bowl and mix thoroughly with milk and salt. Whipping the ingredients into a fluffy mass is not necessary. For taste, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream or kefir, as well as a piece of grated hard cheese to the mixture.
  3. Put the prepared vegetable in a heat-resistant form. Top with egg mixture.

The duration of cooking depends on where it is prepared:

    • a double boiler will cook a dish in 15 minutes;
    • the multicooker (“Baking” program) will be ready to feed in 20 minutes;
    • in the oven, the omelette is baked for 15-20 minutes (temperature is about 150 degrees);
    • in an air grill, the standard cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

The duration of the recipe also depends on the height of the egg-vegetable mixture and the choice of kitchen appliance. Greens are added at the end of cooking.

Serve omelet with cabbage should be slightly cooled. The process of preparing the ingredients takes no more than 10 minutes. The total cooking time depends on the kitchen appliance, but is usually no more than 35 minutes.

With broccoli in the oven

Broccoli is full of vitamins, but not many can appreciate its taste. But if you cook broccoli in baked eggs, and even use small portion molds, the success of the dish is guaranteed. Broccoli florets with eggs will be eaten with pleasure even by children who did not like it before.


Ingredients for Broccoli Omelet (Serves 2):

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • flour - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • broccoli - 4 small florets
  • salt, fresh herbs - to taste.

This cabbage can be put in an omelette both boiled and raw. If this dish is prepared for the first time, it is better to use boiled broccoli. To do this, the inflorescences are lowered into boiling water and boiled for about 2 minutes.


In a small container, combine and mix eggs, sour cream and salt. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add flour and mix again. Prepare baking molds - grease them with oil. Put broccoli slices on the bottom, and pour the prepared omelet on top. Place molds on a small baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees and put a baking sheet with molds in the oven. Bake the egg dish for about 15-20 minutes.

With cauliflower in a slow cooker


The most delicious meal is cauliflower, which every autumn rules its show in almost every kitchen. What ingredients are needed to prepare this dish (3 servings):

  • cauliflower - 6-7 inflorescences;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • salt, fresh herbs and cheese - to taste.


Preparation of cabbage and egg mixture - as in the variant with broccoli. We spread the inflorescences of raw vegetables on the dry bottom of the multicooker. There is no need for salt in this recipe. Cauliflower, which is prepared without the addition of this mineral, has absolutely no taste. Vegetables are poured with egg mixture. In the multicooker, the "Milk porridge" mode is turned on. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, put a circle of baking foil on the surface of the dish. So the inflorescences will become soft faster. Before the end of cooking, an omelet with cabbage can be decorated with herbs and sprinkled with cheese.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source of biologically active components and vitamins that a person needs daily. And the combination of egg white with vegetables is just the perfect pair, which optimally preserves all the useful components and is completely absorbed by the body.

- a variant of the popular dietary omelet with the addition of a classic flavor additive - shredded cabbage leaves. The dish uses the traditional flavor combination of cabbage cooked with an egg in reverse proportion. An omelette with cabbage is prepared with a small addition of a vegetable. Omelette mixture prevails in taste and ingredients. The omelet mixture is prepared according to the basic dietary recipe without soda, various baking powder and empty fillers. White and Chinese (Beijing) cabbage are suitable for the recipe. An interesting option, similar in taste, is obtained with the addition of cauliflower inflorescences. The addition of broccoli brings a completely excellent taste to the dish. In addition to changing the taste, the cabbage additive increases the dietary value of the dish, reducing the calorie content and specific cholesterol content, increasing the digestibility of the dish and the content of nutrients. Cabbage-omelette mixture is added carefully, with a small amount of salt. Omelette with cabbage has a soft texture and mild taste - it does not tolerate oversalting. Seasonings should not be added either. Suitable for dietary, children's and healthy food. Omelette with cabbage is steamed or baked, in a double boiler, slow cooker, oven, air grill. The ingredients are taken the same, the cooking modes for various kitchen appliances change. The volume of ingredients varies in proportion to the required number of servings.

In the photo, an omelet with Chinese (Beijing) cabbage, cooked in a double boiler for two servings. The baked version will look browned. Dried bran bread smeared with unrefined extra virgin olive oil is served with the dish.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Milk -1/3 cup
  • Cabbage (white, Chinese) - 100 g
  • Salt - to taste

Cabbage omelet - recipe

  1. We separate the cabbage leaves from the head, rinse thoroughly with cold water, dry, finely chop.
  2. We spread it in a heat-resistant form (glass, metal, ceramic) or a multicooker pan for cooking with a baking program. It is not necessary to grease the mold with oil.
  3. With a fork, in a circular motion, thoroughly mix the eggs, milk, salt, without whisking to obtain a dense lush omelet. For a flavor variation of the dish, you can add two tablespoons of sour cream or kefir, hard cheese, grated with large straws.
  4. Pour the prepared omelet mixture onto the chopped cabbage straw.
  5. We cook an omelet with cabbage in a double boiler for 15 minutes, in a slow cooker with a baking program for 20 minutes, steaming for 30 minutes, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees, bake in an air grill at a temperature of 180 degrees, an average fan speed of 20-25 minutes .
  6. The cooking time is chosen individually: it depends on the thickness of the omelette mixture, the power of the kitchen appliance, the electrical network at home.
  7. Serve the finished omelette with cabbage slightly cooled with baked slices of bran bread, smeared with unrefined extra virgin olive oil according to the Spanish tradition.

Fried eggs are the most popular breakfast for many families. Experiments with this dish can be carried out limitlessly. Today I am sharing one of the most popular recipes for scrambled eggs - with white cabbage.
Recipe content:

In continuation of the simplest and most delicious dishes, I want to talk about how to quickly and easily make scrambled eggs with fried cabbage. It will undoubtedly be a great side dish for boiled porridge, meat and fish dishes. In addition, to make the taste more saturated, you can add pieces of boiled meat, sausages, mushrooms, offal, chopped and blanched onions, carrots and many other components to the dish. Cabbage usually does not need special preparation. It is enough just to remove the upper leaves, chop the stalk or cut into squares.

The calorie content of fried white cabbage is low. In addition, it has an excellent property - during frying it does not lose its useful properties, and these are: calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, copper, manganese, zinc. In addition, the fruit is rich in vitamins C, U, PP and group B, as well as folic, tartronic and pantothenic acids. Therefore, this dietary vegetable should be on the menu of everyone who watches their figure and appreciates health. And this white product, regardless of the method of preparation, is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, and proteins - the constituent units of the body.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 50 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Young white cabbage - 300 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch or to taste

Cooking scrambled eggs with fried white cabbage

1. Remove the top leaves from the stalk, because. they are usually dirty. Wash the fruit under running water and dry with a paper towel. Then finely chop with a sharp knife.

2. Place the pan on the stove, pour in refined vegetable oil and heat. Then send the cabbage to fry.

3. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, fry the cabbage until light golden.

4. Then season with salt, ground pepper and fry a little again, up to 5 minutes. Although the degree of roasting, each eater can regulate independently. I prefer light roast.

When the cabbage is soft and sufficiently cooked, beat the eggs into the pan with it. You can mix them with cabbage, or leave them with fried eggs.

5. Season the eggs with a lot of salt, pepper and sprinkle the scrambled eggs with grated cheese on a medium grater. Continue cooking scrambled eggs over medium heat until cheese is melted. This process usually takes no more than 5 minutes. If you want to get hard yolks, then cover the pan with a lid, leave the liquid open.
