
Pickled cucumbers for the winter. Cucumbers in gooseberry juice

So let's get started. We do everything per 3 liter jar:

1. Approximately 2 kilograms of medium and small cucumbers, preferably just taken from the garden, lightly rinse and soak for 4-6 hours.

2. Banks should be washed with soda or laundry soap, and you can sterilize in the oven, 10 minutes will be enough. When cool, take out and place on a clean towel. Let them wait in the wings.

3. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly after soaking, cut off the tips and let them dry.
Photo: alexmak, PressFoto.ru

4. Brine for a 3-liter jar will require 1.5 liters. I recommend doing 2, I'll explain why later. For 2 liters of water, put 4 (standard) tablespoons of rock (!) Salt with a top. Boil for 3-5 minutes and cool.

5. At the bottom of the jar put: 1 umbrella (!) dill; garlic, (if summer - then 4-5 cloves, after removing the core; winter is larger, 3 is enough). Black currant leaf (!) - 3-4 leaves, no more, as the leaf gives fermentation and “soapiness” to the brine. One sprig of tarragon (tarragon, as it is also called). A small part of a horseradish leaf and 2-3 cherry leaves from young branches.

6. Put cucumbers vertically, press as tightly as possible to each other. The second row will be slightly tilted. You should add a little garlic, another dill umbrella and a sprig of tarragon. Cover the last, third layer with an umbrella of dill and a whole leaf of horseradish and pour the contents with cooled (!) brine. (Pour hot brine only when cooked.)
Photo: lenikovaleva, PressFoto.ru

Add a few cucumbers, spices to the rest of the brine and leave to ferment in another container. (Cucumbers will absorb some of the brine during the fermentation process, and it will not be enough to fill the jar, and the cucumbers will sag, you will have to add for the desired density.)

7. Cover the jar with a lid. An important moment begins -. The optimal period for hot weather is two days. No more!

8. After 2 days, drain the brine, add the remaining brine and boil again. Cucumbers, without removing from the jar, rinse with cold boiled water to remove white bloom. Fill the remaining space of the jar with cucumbers from the reserve. Then add 15-20 black peppercorns and pour hot (!) Pickle over the “shoulders” of the jar. Then roll up. After that, turn the jar upside down and leave to cool.
Photo: YayMicro/friday, PressFoto.ru

9. Metal lids should be boiled for at least 15 minutes. If you use plastic lids, wash them with soap and water and soak in boiling water for 15 seconds.

10. You need to store such cucumbers in the refrigerator or in another cool place (cellar, caisson).

I assure you that cucumbers prepared in this way will become your pride. And everyone will, having tried them, ask: “Give me the recipe!”

Do you dream of learning how to pickle cucumbers for the winter yourself? We will introduce you to the basic principles of pickling, and also tell you how to pickle cucumbers in a cold and hot way.

Summer is a hot time for every good housewife, because it is at this time of the year that she must conserve the maximum amount of tasty and healthy vegetables. July is considered the ideal month for pickling cucumbers. Actually, only this month you can find the most natural and fragrant greens on the shelves of stores.

  • Pickling cucumbers is a rather troublesome business. Since you will be using only one salt as a preservative, it is extremely important that the amount is sufficient. If you do not guess with the dose of this ingredient, then your vegetables will turn out either very salty or almost tasteless.
  • But still, if you manage to observe all the nuances of salting and achieve the perfect taste, then in addition to crispy cucumbers, you can use the brine in which they are stored to prepare delicious homemade dishes. This spicy liquid will become simply indispensable components for the preparation of pickle, hodgepodge, okroshka and cabbage soup.

Why soak cucumbers before pickling, for how long?

Soaking cucumbers before pickling
  • Many housewives, having bought cucumbers in the market or in the supermarket, bring them home and immediately begin to salt. As a result, because of such a rush, in winter they eat not hard and crispy greens, but not very tasty vegetables with large voids inside
  • Most often this is due precisely to the fact that the cucumbers were put in jars without prior preparation. Usually greens that we buy in stores, before getting to our house, travel for some time and are stored in grocery warehouses. During this short period, due to increased temperature indicators, they become less solid and lose some of their natural moisture.
  • And if you do not try to return the cucumbers to their hardness even before pickling, then this will certainly affect their taste. Therefore, even if it seems to you that the purchased vegetables are absolutely perfect, take your time and be sure to soak them in clean cold water. And only after they stand in it for at least 7 hours can you start salting
  • But fill, pickling cucumbers requires maximum sterility, so after soaking the cucumbers, you must definitely rinse it again, and it is advisable to do this under running water. So you can get rid of the bacteria that appeared on the skin of the greens during the soaking process and you will not have to worry that they will become moldy during storage.

What kind of salt to use for homemade pickling of cucumbers and how much?

Salt for pickling cucumbers
  • Salt is almost the main component that helps cucumbers retain all their beneficial properties. A modern housewife has a fairly large selection of this product, so sometimes, at her own peril and risk, she puts sea or iodized salt in a jar of vegetables
  • In principle, you can quite easily use such a preservative. Some housewives even claim that iodized salt makes cucumbers healthier. In fact, this is not at all the case. For the manufacture of this product, a substance called potassium iodide is used, which is categorically not suitable for canning food.
  • In the process of long-term storage, it begins to break down and this immediately affects both the taste and the appearance of vegetables. If we talk about sea salt, then in terms of its qualities it practically does not differ from ordinary rock salt. The only thing that makes them different is the price.
  • Therefore, there is no need to chase fashion and buy a more expensive product. You can quite easily buy rock salt familiar to us and use it to prepare delicious pickles. Moreover, it is rock salt that reveals the taste of greens as well as possible, while maintaining their natural hardness and crunch.

Seasoning for pickling cucumbers

Greens for pickling cucumbers
  • In order for the pickles to turn out to be as fragrant as possible, in addition to water and salt, it is necessary to add as many spicy seasonings as possible to the jar. Some housewives, due to a banal lack of time, buy ready-made seasonings and simply cover vegetables with them.
  • In principle, the taste of such a product is quite tolerable, but still it cannot be compared with cucumbers that were pickled with fresh herbs. Therefore, if you want your greens to have their own special individual taste, then prepare the seasoning for pickling with your own hands.
  • To do this, go to the garden and pick fresh currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas and a few heads of garlic there. After all this greenery is thoroughly washed and dried, it can be safely laid out in clean jars
  • And in order for the pickles to turn out not only fragrant, but also spicy, be sure to add a mixture of peppers, horseradish root and a couple of pieces of chili pepper to the cucumbers. If you are not too lazy and spend a little more time than usual, then in winter your cucumbers will be a great addition to meat dishes.

A simple recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars without vinegar: a recipe for a liter and three-liter jar, per liter of water

Salted cucumbers for the winter
  • It is probably difficult to find a person who would not like hot and spicy crispy cucumbers. Having tried them once, you will no longer want to eat pickled greens with hay. It is the absence of vinegar in the brine that gives them some particularly piquant taste, which is easily combined with almost all homemade dishes.
  • But keep in mind that in order for the cucumbers to turn out to be quite firm, it is extremely important to put the perfect amount of salt in the jars. In order to achieve the right taste on a three-liter jar, you need to put 3 tablespoons of salt without a slide. Accordingly, 1 tablespoon will be enough for a liter
  • Add exactly this amount of salt to cucumbers, even if it seems to you that the brine is slightly salty. In the process of pickling, cucumbers will take salt from the brine and the finished product will have the perfect taste.


  • We thoroughly rinse the jars, put them upside down and let them dry a little.
  • We put the cucumbers in a large basin, fill them with cold water and leave to set for 5-7 hours
  • In prepared jars we lay dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and garlic cloves
  • On top of the spices, carefully lay out cucumbers of the same size.
  • We put water on the stove, add salt to it and prepare the brine
  • Prepare the brine at the rate of 3 tbsp. liters of salt per liter of water
  • While the brine is cooling down a bit, put currant, cherry and oak leaves on the cucumbers
  • Fill the filled jars with brine and close them with nylon lids
  • Move the cucumbers to a cool room and wait for them to ferment
  • When the fermentation process reaches its maximum (the lids will be very swollen at the same time), open the jars and let the excess air out
  • When the brine stops bubbling, close the jars again with lids and move them to the refrigerator or cellar.
  • Make sure that the temperature in the room in which pickles will be stored does not rise more than 10 degrees

Hot pickling of cucumbers with citric acid: a recipe for 1 liter of water, for a liter and three-liter jar

Hot pickling cucumbers

Although such cucumbers require a lot of attention, they taste divine. Therefore, do not be afraid to spend your time and please your household with truly healthy pickles.

Recipe for hot pickled cucumbers:

  • Carry out all the preparatory work as described in the previous recipe.
  • Then prepare a brine from salt and water, cool it to 30 degrees and fill it with cucumbers
  • Cover the jars with lids and leave to salt for a day
  • During this time, an intensive fermentation process will begin and it will be possible to transfer containers with cucumbers to a dark, cool place.
  • They must stay here for at least one week.
  • When the cucumbers become salty and crispy, drain the brine from them and transfer them to a clean container with herbs and herbs
  • Add citric acid to the brine, bring it to a boil and pour the cucumber jars with the resulting liquid
  • Close them with lids, refrigerate and return to the basement or pantry for further storage.

Hot pickling of cucumbers with vinegar: a recipe for 1 liter of water, for a liter and three-liter jar

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar

If you live in an apartment and you do not have a cold cellar or basement, then salt the cucumbers with the addition of vinegar. This component will make the brine more concentrated, and will also prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which likes to multiply on salted vegetables.


  • Wash the cucumbers and soak them for several hours in cold water
  • Wash jars with baking soda and sterilize them over steam
  • Do the same manipulations with lids.
  • We put greens, spices and cucumbers in prepared jars and fill everything with boiled water
  • We wrap the filled container with a towel and let it brew for 15-20 minutes
  • Drain the slightly cooled water, add salt and sugar to it and cook the concentrated brine
  • Add vinegar to jars with cucumbers, fill them with hot brine and tightly close the lids
  • We leave the cucumbers to cool, and then put them in the pantry.

Cold pickling cucumbers without vinegar: recipe

Cold pickled cucumbers
  • Cold pickling allows you to preserve the most natural taste of cucumbers, making them even firmer and crispier. The only thing you have to consider is that vegetables pickled in this way should be stored in a room that constantly maintains the same temperature.
  • If you store them in a kitchen cabinet or a warm pantry, they will last just a couple of months and begin to deteriorate. The optimum temperature for storing such a product is +7 degrees.

Recipe for Pickled Crispy Cucumbers:

  • Sterilize jars and lids and set them aside for a while
  • Boil a large amount of water, pour it over the washed cucumbers and immediately transfer them to ice water
  • When they are completely cool, carefully place them in jars.
  • Put salt, pepper, horseradish root and currant leaves on top of vegetables
  • Pour all this with cold boiled water in which salt is diluted
  • Close the jars with tight lids and immediately lower them into the cellar

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel: recipe

Barrel cucumbers for the winter
  • If you dream of trying cucumbers prepared according to an old recipe, then for this you will have to find a real oak barrel. First you need to pour water into it and wait until the wood slightly absorbs it.
  • After it swells a little, the water will need to be drained and the barrel allowed to dry a little. In order for the cucumbers to be as fragrant as possible, be sure to rub the entire inside of the barrel with fresh garlic. After the preparation of the container is completed, you can begin to pickle greens


  • Rinse the cucumbers, fill them with water and leave to soak in moisture for 10-12 hours
  • Prepare a large amount of horseradish leaves, cherries and currants
  • Be sure to prepare and cool the brine to room temperature in advance
  • Prepare the brine at the rate of 900 g of salt per 10 liters of water
  • Start laying cucumbers mixed with spicy herbs in a barrel
  • For more piquancy, you can also add horseradish root to vegetables.
  • When the barrel is completely filled, fill it with brine, cover with a cloth and a special lid
  • So that during fermentation the greens do not rise above the brine, be sure to put something heavy on the lid
  • After about 25 days, the cucumbers will be ready to eat.

Salting cucumbers for storage in the apartment: a recipe

Recipe for spicy pickled cucumbers

If you plan to store cucumbers in quartzite, then in addition to herbs and spices, add components to the brine that will not allow various pathogenic microflora to develop. These products include horseradish root, red hot pepper and mustard seeds.

If at least one of these components is present in a jar of greens, then they will definitely stand all winter. If your household likes very spicy dishes, then with peace of mind you can add all three products at the same time.

Recipe for spicy pickled cucumbers:

  • Pour thoroughly washed cucumbers with water and let them absorb moisture.
  • After 5-7 hours, drain the water from them and rinse them again in clean water.
  • Scald a large enamel pot or bucket with boiling water
  • Wash greens under running water, pour currants, cherries, horseradish root and dill umbrellas
  • At the bottom of the pan we put the leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, add a few pieces of horseradish
  • On top of all these fragrant seasonings, lay out a ball of cucumbers
  • The next ball should consist of dill umbrellas, garlic, hot peppers and mustard seeds
  • Alternate layers until the pan is full.
  • Try to stack the cucumbers in such a way that the spicy greens are the overestimating ball.
  • Pour the greens with a brine of water and salt and cover everything with a lid
  • Put the cucumbers in a dark cool place for 20-30 days
  • After this time, the salted vegetables will be ready to eat.

Dry pickling of cucumbers without brine

Dry pickling of cucumbers for the winter

If you need to make cucumbers in a faster way, then pickle them in an ordinary plastic bag. This method allows you to achieve the desired result much faster, and literally a day after the start of the pickling process, you can please your family with hard and fragrant cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers in a bag with dill:

  • Choose small firm greens and rinse them in cold water.
  • Carefully cut each cucumber with a knife and place them in a clean bag.
  • Chop the dill, parsley, celery, garlic and hot peppers and add it all to the cucumbers
  • Salt, pepper vegetables with herbs and tie the bag as carefully as possible
  • Shake the bag vigorously, put it in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Transfer the finished cucumbers to a hermetically sealed container and store in a dark, cool place.

Salted pickled cucumbers: recipe

  • Although the greens prepared in this way are slightly similar to an ordinary vegetable salad, this does not affect their taste in any way. But since in the process of cooking they release juice very much, it is best to pickle such quick cucumbers not in a bag, but in a plastic container
  • If you come across very juicy greens, then you can use the resulting brine to make okroshka or fragrant summer pickle


  • Wash the cucumbers and cut them into small rings
  • Salt them, pepper them and put them in a plastic container
  • Chop garlic, dill, parsley and chili as finely as possible
  • Grind all these ingredients with sugar and add the resulting paste to the cucumbers
  • Mix everything thoroughly, close the lid and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours
  • Serve lightly salted cucumbers with young potatoes or lean meat

Video: Cucumbers for the winter. Like from a barrel, for home storage

Homemade salting of various vegetables for the winter is a small but very responsible duty of every housewife. After all, in any family in the winter, when there is so little fresh vegetables, they like to eat tomatoes and cucumbers. And this is possible only under one condition: that there are jars with canned vegetables in the pantry or in the cellar. That is why in autumn the work on harvesting vegetables is in full swing in the kitchens, the most interesting and tasty recipes for an individual look are found and selected. But why shovel mountains of literature in search of the right recipe, when all the most popular of them are collected on our website in the "Salting" section.

Salting is one of the ways to preserve and preserve vegetables using ordinary table salt. Thanks to it, harmful bacteria are destroyed, which cause the appearance of mold, due to which home pickles deteriorate. In addition to this important factor, salt has a positive effect on the taste of vegetables; with it, salting at home acquires a pleasant, specific aftertaste.

Pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is considered the easiest and most reliable way to store them for a long time. Salt and lactic acid act as preservatives, preventing vegetables from spoiling.

We have described a wide range of salted tomatoes: hot and cold salting, salting green tomatoes, assorted salting with cucumbers, salting stuffed tomatoes, cooking lightly salted tomatoes and salting tomatoes with apples. The site presents the methods “How to pickle mushrooms correctly” - black mushrooms, black mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and, of course, salting of mushrooms. After all, without jars in which the salting of mushrooms for the winter is closed, your pantry with winter supplies will be incomplete.

Pickled cucumber recipes represent the largest spectrum in the pickling section. And not in vain! After all, pickling cucumbers is the most popular and in demand. Only salting tomatoes for the winter can compete with it. Among the diverse recipes for harvesting cucumbers, you can find both traditional methods of their preparation (salting in a cold way or hot salting, harvesting according to village recipes, harvesting lightly salted cucumbers, salting in mustard, etc.), and quite unusual (for example, salting in a bag).

In addition, we will tell you how to pickle dill for the winter and how to ferment cabbage, watermelons. Using our recipes, you are unlikely to make mistakes when salting or fail. This can only occur if they are stored incorrectly (the optimum storage temperature for pickles is slightly above 00C) or due to fermentation.

Salting vegetables for the winter is a whole art that combines vegetables, spices, seasonings and spices. We will notice that everyone can "command" salted vegetables, especially according to our recipes, regardless of age or gender. After all, there are materials for salting in any kitchen. Well, patience and desire will arise by itself, as soon as you remember how pleasant it is to open a jar of pickles in winter and proudly put it on the table.

Every hostess wants to surprise her guests and loved ones with delicious cucumbers. But it is not always possible to preserve cucumbers so that they are spicy and crispy. It seems that everything is done as it should, but the cucumbers are far from the desired result. And try new recipes every year to achieve the desired result. A couple of tips before canning cucumbers:

For pickling, green cucumbers are selected, not quite ripe, with dense pulp and underdeveloped seed chambers. To obtain a good product, the quality of fresh cucumbers is of great importance, and therefore overgrown, sluggish, damaged or diseased fruits should not be salted. It is best to pickle cucumbers on the day they are picked or on the second day. The fruits are divided into large, medium and small: (9-12, 7-9, 5-7 cm).

And so, I offer you the top ten recipes and tricks:

1. "Crispy" recipe
for 1 liter of cold water (boiled or filtered) - a little more than 1.5 tablespoons of salt
For a 3 liter jar:
1-2 cloves of garlic (cut into circles on the bottom), then cucumbers,
on top of cucumbers - greens: several inflorescences of dill, currant leaves, cherry leaves with sprigs, horseradish leaf


Wash the cucumbers and pre-soak them in cold water for 4 hours (we do not cut the buttocks of the cucumbers).
Then put the cucumbers in clean jars with spices, pour in brine, close the jars with plastic lids and put in a cool place (the temperature in the room should be about 20 ° C).
A few days later, when the fermentation process begins (the plastic lids on the jars will swell), open the lids to let the air out - then the cucumbers will be crispy. After a day, close the lids again and pickles can be put in the refrigerator.
Such pickles should be stored in a cold place (for example, in a cellar or refrigerator). So they are perfectly preserved all winter and remain crispy (and quite spicy - due to garlic).

2. Mom's recipe

Spices are placed at the bottom of the jar - dry dill, dill greens, horseradish leaves, garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

Then cucumbers are laid and poured with marinade.

The marinade is prepared in a separate saucepan: for 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablespoons of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Boil the whole mixture well and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence.

3. Spicy cucumbers


1 kg of cucumbers, 30 g of dill, 10 leaves of celery or parsley, blackcurrant, 1 black pea and 1 pod of red hot pepper.

For brine:

1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Cucumbers are often salted in enamelware and glass jars. Seasonings are laid at the bottom, in the middle and on top. Pick up small cucumbers.

The brine is poured with some excess. A wooden circle (not plywood) or a porcelain plate and oppression are also placed on top.

The dishes with cucumbers are covered with a clean cloth and kept at room temperature for several days.

Then they are transferred to a cold and dark room.

After 10-15 days, brine is added to the brim and covered with lids.

4. Old recipe

They take 10 kg or more of cucumbers, wash them in cold water, put them in a bowl and dissolve salt in hot water in proportion to their number. (approximately 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Cucumbers are poured with this brine, sprinkled with dill, a blackcurrant leaf, 2-4 cloves of garlic are added.

When the brine has cooled, they take out the dishes with cucumbers in the cellar and put them on ice. A wooden circle is placed on top of the cucumbers and pressed with a clean stone. After 3-4 hours, the cucumbers are ready.

A different ratio of cucumbers, spices and salt gives pickles different taste qualities. Cucumbers pickled according to these two, also old, recipes are very tasty.

Method number 1

For 10 kg of prepared cucumbers, 600-700 g of salt and 500-600 g of spices are taken (including spices 40-50% dill, 5% garlic, and the rest is tarragon, leaves and horseradish root, celery, parsley, basil, leaves cherry, black currant, oak, etc.).

For a sharp taste, it is good to add dried red hot pepper or 10-15 g of fresh.

Method number 2

Prepared cucumbers are placed in 3-liter jars, poured with brine at the rate of 50-60 g of salt per 1 liter of water, covered with lids and kept for 3-4 days at room temperature until lactic acid fermentation begins. Then the brine from the jars is drained and boiled.

Cucumbers are washed, washed greens are added: for a 3-liter jar - up to 40 g of dill, 6-8 cloves of garlic, etc. and pour hot brine. Banks are pasteurized at a temperature of 90 degrees for 12-15 minutes, removed from the water, immediately corked.

5. Aspirin cucumbers

Instead of vinegar - aspirin. There are six aspirin tablets per three-liter jar.

Dill, horseradish, currant leaves, cherry leaves, black pepper (peas) are not put in jars, but are poured with salt water (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) in a saucepan and brought to a boil. And with this hot brine, cucumbers are poured twice.

Dill cuttings and leaves remain in the pan.

Before rolling up the jar, vegetable oil is added. Brine never becomes cloudy, jars never explode, can be stored at home. Cucumbers are obtained as if they were plucked from the garden yesterday, as if they were fresh.

6. Sweet and sour cucumbers

Fresh spicy greens are placed in a jar: horseradish leaves, dill, tarragon, parsley, celery, etc. Large greens are cut into 2-3 parts. Peel small heads of onions and garlic.

In a liter jar put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf, 15-20 g of fresh herbs and ½ teaspoon of mustard. Cucumbers are laid and poured with hot filling.

For pouring 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 25 g of sugar are required. Sterilize in boiling water liter jars - 10 minutes, 3-liter jars - 15 minutes.

7. Canning with currant juice

Pick up small cucumbers of the same size. Rinse well and cut off the ends.

At the bottom of each jar, put 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a sprig of dill and mint.

Cucumbers set in a jar vertically. Pour in a filling prepared from 1 liter of water, 250 g of ripe currant juice, 50 g of salt and 20 g of sugar.

Bring to a boil and pour into jars. Close the lids immediately and sterilize for 8 minutes.

8. Cucumbers with mustard seeds

For 1 jar - small cucumbers, 1 onion, 1 small carrot, seasonings for pickling, mustard seeds.

For 2 liters of water - 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Wash the jars well, sterilize (in the oven), boil the lids.

Wash the cucumbers, do not cut off the buttocks and nose, put in a colander to drain the water.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into rings, put on the bottom of the jars. There also put carrots (circles), pepper, cloves, bay leaf and 1 tsp. mustard (peas).

Fill the jars with cucumbers, pour ordinary boiling water, cover with lids and let stand until the water is warm.

Drain the water into a saucepan, boil again, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Be sure to remove the foam. Pour boiling brine over cucumbers and quickly roll up.

Turn jars upside down and wrap until cool.

9. Vigorous cucumbers

Place tightly cucumbers, greens (leaves of blackcurrant, horseradish, cherries, dill stalks and baskets), bay leaf, garlic in sterilized jars.

Pour cold brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Leave the jars for 3-5 days without a refrigerator, cover with gauze.

Remove the resulting white coating, pour the brine through a sieve into a saucepan and boil for 20 minutes (it is advisable to measure how much brine turned out). Cucumbers, without removing from the jar, rinse under running cold water 3 times.

Add 0.5 liters of water per 3 liters to the brine + add 1 tbsp. salt. Pour over cucumbers. Roll up. Turn over, leave until the next day.

10. Spicy pickled cucumbers

While the jars are being prepared, you can cook the marinade.

1 liter of water
2 tbsp salt without a slide
1 tbsp sugar also without a slide
Bring it all to a boil and remove.

So we get a hot jar. At the bottom we put prepared greens (leaves of blackcurrant, horseradish, cherries, dill stems and baskets), bay leaf. We lay the cucumbers tightly to each other (very tightly!), Black peppercorns on top, allspice 1-2 peas, again greens and red hot pepper (here attention: if the pepper is whole, then you can put it all, if there are cuts, cracks, then put a thin strip, otherwise then the cucumbers will simply be impossible to swallow because of the sharpness).

Add vinegar 9%:
1 liter jar-2 tbsp.
2 liter jar-3 tbsp.
3 liter jar-5 tbsp.

Pour the marinade in a thin stream

At the bottom of the pan, a tray (or a rag), pour warm water so that the jar is more than half immersed in water. Place lids on top of jars. Cook for about 20 minutes 2 liter jar. You can check the readiness like this: the lids have become hot, the cucumbers have changed color from light green.

We take out the jars, put them on a wooden board. Lay garlic, black peppercorns and a couple of peas of allspice. Marinade topped up to the brim. Roll up. Put the jars upside down, wrap and leave for a day.

Little culinary tricks

Pickled cucumbers should be medium-sized, fresh, with black spines. Cucumbers with white spines are not suitable for canning - they are dessert, perishable varieties. Banks with such cucumbers tend to "explode". Sluggish, "cork" cucumbers are also not suitable. They have lain too long. It is better to salt them for food, without rolling them into jars.

Soak cucumbers in water for 2-6 hours. This procedure will "make" the cucumbers crunchy.

To avoid an "explosive" situation, add a few mustard seeds to the jar. Sometimes use 1 spoon of alcohol or aspirin.

Also, for crispy cucumbers, they add shrimp, and sometimes oak bark.

Cucumbers will not grow moldy, and their taste will even improve if you put horseradish still cut into shavings on top.

The so-called garlic pickles have a sharp and spicy taste - when they are salted, twice the amount of garlic and horseradish is used.

Bon appetit!!!

One of the most common pickles that is harvested for the winter is delicious crispy cucumbers. The secret to preparing perfect cucumbers for the winter is the right variety and moderate brine. In this article, you will learn what are the correct proportions for creating a delicious brine, which cucumbers are best salted, and what to do with jars immediately after seaming.

Cucumbers for the winter: recipe secrets

Right choice

How to choose the right cucumbers in order to make blanks for the winter - the recipes are silent about this. But experienced housewives will tell you that you need to give preference to small pimply cucumbers of approximately the same size. Why is size so important? If they are all the same, then they will be salted to the right moment equally.

If you are thinking about how to pickle cucumbers correctly, remember: pickling cucumbers for the winter requires good selection. Of course, it is best to use homemade cucumbers, freshly picked from the garden. If there are none at hand, then after the market it is best to put them in cold water for a while, so they will return to their original strength. Remove all hooked, yellowed or broken vegetables from the common basket. Do not forget to check the selected cucumbers for bitterness, otherwise you may be very disappointed with one winter dinner. Before salting cucumbers for the winter in jars, these same jars must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter - the perfect pickle

The taste depends not only on the freshness of the cucumbers, but also on the right ingredients for the brine. The main rule is to use only ordinary coarse salt: no additives in the form of iodine and vitamins are suitable here. Leaves of horseradish, walnut, currant and cherry are suitable for pickling cucumbers for the winter. Dill is desirable to choose the old, preserved seeds. You can also add garlic, pepper, oak bark. If you overdo it with seasonings, then the cucumbers can ferment or simply explode.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars - ideal proportions

Each housewife has her own approach on how to properly pickle cucumbers, however, pickling cucumbers for the winter requires following several rules.

  • Do not put too many cucumbers in the jar; the brine should touch the cucumbers on all sides.
  • Add an aspirin tablet to the cucumbers; per liter jar - 1 tablet, then proportionally.
  • For brine, 1 liter of water needs 1 tsp. salt without a slide.
  • Each herb - about 3-4 large leaves - they need to be finely chopped.
  • Cucumbers are poured with hot brine, and rolled up with boiled lids with rubber bands (they are boiled for at least 10 minutes).
  • Ready rolled cans need to be turned upside down, and wrapped in a blanket for the night. If nothing has leaked by morning, the preparation was a success!
