
Crispy cucumbers for the winter: how to pickle? We close cucumbers for the winter crispy with and without vinegar, with oak leaf and pine branches, with mint and apple juice - Women's opinion - Ekaterina Danilova. We close cucumbers for the winter

Every hostess makes cucumber preparations for the winter, and there are proven recipes for cucumber preparations in every notebook, and of course, I am no exception. After all, you must admit, it’s so nice to open a jar of pickled or pickled cucumbers in winter for fried potatoes, or roast meat ... Also, such “hits” as Olivier salad and pickle are simply impossible to cook without pickles.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention my selection of proven cucumber recipes, which I hope you enjoy. I got many recipes for cucumber preparations for the winter from my grandmother's and mother's notebook, but I also preserve according to modern recipes.

If you have your favorite cucumber recipes, please share in the comments.

Tell me, are you closing cucumber salad for the winter? I really like this idea: I opened a jar - and a great snack or a delicious side dish is ready. There are a lot of recipes for such preservation, but this year I decided to start with a salad of cucumbers, onions and dill for the winter with the funny name "Gulliver".

I really liked that the process is simple, and although the cucumbers need to infuse for 3.5 hours, all other actions do not require a lot of time. In addition, this cucumber and onion salad for the winter is without sterilization, which also greatly simplifies the recipe. You can see how to cook cucumber salad for the winter with Gulliver onions.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter (dry sterilization)

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in Polish

If you are looking for delicious pickled cucumbers for the winter, then you have come to the right place. I just want to tell you how to pickle cucumbers for the winter with vinegar so that they turn out just magical - crispy, moderately salty .... You can see how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in Polish.

Winter Cucumber Salad "Lady's Fingers"

This recipe has many benefits. Firstly, such a cucumber salad for the winter turns out to be very tasty. Secondly, it is prepared very simply and relatively quickly. Thirdly, not only medium-sized cucumbers, which usually go into conservation, are suitable for him: you can make such a salad from overgrown cucumbers for the winter. And fourthly, this blank has a very beautiful and tender name - "Lady's fingers" (due to the shape of the sliced ​​​​cucumbers). How to cook a winter salad of ladyfingers cucumbers, look.

Cucumbers in their own juice for the winter without sterilization

Crispy cucumbers for the winter with peppers and carrots

If you are looking for a delicious cucumber appetizer for the winter, then you have come to the right place. Today I want to present to your court a wonderful preservation - crispy cucumbers with peppers and carrots. They turn out simply delicious - bright and beautiful, fragrant and tasty. This recipe is a great alternative to traditional cucumbers for the winter: if you are bored with the usual preservation, try cooking them this way, I'm sure you will like the result, just like me. See the recipe with photos.

The famous "Latgalian" cucumber salad for the winter

If you need a simple and tasty recipe for cucumber salad with onions for the winter, then be sure to pay attention to this "Latgalian" cucumber salad. There will be nothing unusual in the preparation itself, everything is quite simple and fast. The only point: coriander is included in the marinade for such a Latgale cucumber salad. This spice gives the salad a special taste, emphasizing the main ingredients very well. You can see the recipe with photos.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter: a classic of conservation!

Do you like simple preparations for the winter from cucumbers? Pay attention to the classic pickled cucumbers. The recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter, you can see .

Lecho of cucumbers for the winter

How to cook a delicious cucumber lecho for the winter, you can see.

Salted cucumbers for the winter

The recipe for salted cucumbers for the winter, you can see.

Georgian cucumber salad for the winter

Do you like simple and tasty preparations for the winter from cucumbers? Cucumber salad for the winter in Georgian is exactly what you need! How to cook cucumber salad for the winter in Georgian, I wrote.

If you are looking for a light cucumber salad for the winter, then this recipe is exactly what you need! Pickled cucumber salad for the winter with bell peppers, carrots and onions will satisfy even the most sophisticated fans of seasonal cucumber preservation. I am sure that in winter such a cucumber salad for the winter in jars will be very popular: it turns out to be both beautiful and very tasty. See the recipe with photos.

Canned cucumbers with zucchini for the winter "Perfect duet"

The recipe for canned cucumbers with zucchini for the winter, you can see.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter: a delicious salad with Asian notes!

How to cook cucumbers in Korean for the winter, we read.

Cucumbers in cucumbers for the winter is a rare way of preserving a well-known vegetable. There are many harvesting methods and you always want to choose the one that will be the best. In the recipe, we want to preserve the nutritional properties, taste and aroma of the fruit.

We will store cucumbers in glass jars, which are very convenient. We will select the fruits of the same ripeness and sorted by size. All other canning secrets will be revealed to you in the best recipes of the article.

How nice it is to meet guests or set the table for your household with gifts from the garden. And also put on the table a dish with a recipe unfamiliar to everyone. So, we read and remember everything point by point.

A simple recipe for cucumbers in cucumbers for the winter without sterilization and vinegar

Learn how to prepare a simple cucumber recipe that uses selected fruits along with substandard ones. All grown fruits go into business. The taste of the workpiece is amazing, like barrel vegetables.

Cooking steps:

1. Wash prepared fruits, let dry. Cut off the ends from both ends. But in small fruits, we do not cut off the tips. Previously, the fruits in water can not be soaked. Since they will have to be saturated with their own filling.

2. For the recipe, we will use simple salt for pickling (iodized salt cannot be used). Also add black peppercorns.

3. Uneven fruits are useful for making fillings. Substandard fruits are crooked fruits and overgrown fruits. In short, not at all standard.

4. Uneven or overgrown cucumbers can be grated or passed through a meat grinder. In our recipe, we will grind them with a food processor.

5. Based on the calculation for 1 liter of crushed mass, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Our bowl contains 2 liters of mass, so we put 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and mix.

Be sure to adhere to the ratio of the mashed mass and the amount of salt, otherwise the cucumbers may turn sour.

We immediately see how, with stirring, the juice begins to stand out. Leave the mass to stand for 5 minutes for more juice.

6. Iron lids, as usual, sterilize in boiling water. But glass jars are in the microwave. To do this, pour a little water (0.5-1 glass) into jars and place it in the microwave for 3 minutes lying down.

7. So, we made a decision and prepared 3 jars of 1.5 liters and one jar of 1 liter.

As spices, you can put: cherry leaves, currants, horseradish. You can put your favorite spices: cloves and hot peppers.

8. We begin to lay spices on the bottom of each jar: umbrellas and dill sprigs, grape leaves, tarragon (tarragon) sprigs, garlic cloves.

9. We begin to fill the jars by lowering the cucumber mass on the spices in the amount of 2-3 tbsp. spoons. After that, we lower the fruits themselves into the jars in the way that suits you: vertically or horizontally.

10. On top of the laid vegetables, we begin to lay the rubbed mass along with the juice with a spoon. We try to push the mass deep into the jar with a spoon.

There should be no voids in the bank during inspection. If they are, then we eliminate them by adding juice.

11. Close the filled jar with a lid. So, the process of preparing the preparation for the winter cucumbers in cucumbers is over. Banks do not need to be sterilized. You can drop them right away.

12. Be sure to check their condition after 2 days, because the missed mass may sink down and then you need to grate the fresh cucumber, mix it with salt and add to the jar.

13. It also happens that nothing needs to be added. Look, in front of you is a jar filled 3 days ago, in which nothing has settled, it is full and without any changes.

14. And here is the second can, made 3 days ago, where nothing settled either. And in two weeks, these 2 jars, made 3 days ago, can be tried. You will be surprised by the lightly salted taste of cucumbers.

The real taste of these fruits will appear somewhere in a month and the longer they stand, the tastier they become.

Banks are perfectly stored in the cellar or refrigerator for 1 year.

16. We have performed the original Cucumber in Cucumber recipe which is very beneficial. And it is beneficial in that in winter you can eat whole fruits in the usual way, but you can use the chopped mass for pickle and sauces.

17. Today we have prepared a little-known recipe, about which tell your friends and do it yourself, believe me, you will not regret it.

Cucumbers in their own juice in a 3 liter jar

Now we will cook vegetables in our own juice, where you need to understand that these are cucumbers in cucumbers for the winter.

Cooking steps:

1. Let's prepare two types of cucumbers: some small - for salting, others large, overripe will be useful for mashed potatoes.

As a tip: All washed cucumbers must be dry, otherwise they will turn sour.

2. We pass large cucumbers through a meat grinder into a separate bowl.

3. At the bottom of a sterilized and dry jar, put the greens: a horseradish leaf, umbrellas and dill sprigs, blackcurrant leaves, cherry leaves and chopped garlic cloves in the amount of 3 pieces.

Greens should cover the bottom of the jar well.

4. Scatter 1 tbsp on the greens. a spoonful of salt (do not put iodized salt) a little with a slide.

5. Then put the missed puree. We put small cucumbers in the puree so that the puree and fruits fill half the jar. With the next layer, lay out the same greens that were placed on the bottom of the jar.

6. On the second layer of greens, sprinkle again 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, then mashed potatoes and small cucumbers. The puree should completely cover the cucumbers. Put the third layer of greens on the puree.

A sheet of horseradish should lie on top of the layer of greenery, it will prevent mold from arising.

7. On top of all the greens we put the third (last) st. a spoonful of salt. It is better to leave the jar a little incomplete so that there is room for fermentation. We close the jar with a plastic lid. In the cellar, the jars stand well until spring.

In the spring, cucumbers can turn sour a little and they can be reanimated; for this, a fresh solution is made: 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar per 1 liter of water.

According to this recipe, cucumbers in cucumbers are tender and fragrant. Puree can be used in salads or in pickle.

Video on how to cook crispy cucumbers in cucumber pickle for the winter

In the season of harvesting vegetables for the winter, I tried to present you with interesting ways to harvest cucumbers for the winter. If you decide to repeat at least one of the proposed recipes, then I tried not in vain.

There are many ways to prepare cucumbers for the winter. Look at a selection of recipes, take note and try closing a jar in a new way.

1. Cucumbers, like store bought


for 1 liter of water:

1. Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
2. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
3. Vinegar 9% - 10 tbsp. spoons

How to cook cucumbers like store-bought ones:

We take a 3-liter jar.

1. Bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onions (in rings), put dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.

2. Pour boiling water over prepared cucumbers in jars, cool to a warm state, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour cucumbers and roll up.

Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!

2. Crispy cucumbers


1. Carrot - 1 pc.
2. Bow - 2 pcs.
3. Garlic - 1 head
4. Horseradish, currant, cherry, bay leaf - 1 leaf each
5. Umbrella dill
6. Black peppercorns
7. Salt - 5 teaspoons
8. Sugar - 10 teaspoons
9. Vinegar 9% - 100 gr.

How to cook crispy cucumbers:

1. Put carrots cut into 4 parts and all of the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.

2. Put cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 minutes. Drain the water. Add salt, sugar, table vinegar to it.

3. Boil water with spices again, pour into a jar. Roll up.

3. Mild salted cucumbers

These are delicious pickled cucumbers. Ideal for those who for various reasons can not eat spicy.


For a 3 liter jar:

1. Water - 1.5 liters
2. Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook uncooked cucumbers:

1. Wash cucumbers and pour clean water for 3 hours, changing the water.

2. Put in a jar: - dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves - 4 garlic cloves -10 black peppercorns - 4 cloves - cinnamon - tarragon

3. Lay cucumbers in jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes.

Then drain the brine, boil again and pour for the last time, adding to the jar: - 1 tablespoon of table vinegar

4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until cool. Even in the spring, opening a jar of cucumbers seems to be lightly salted.

4. Country salting

A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers are crispy.

How to cook cottage pickled cucumbers:

In clean sterilized jars (3 l.) put: - horseradish leaves - cherries - black currants - dill sprigs - 5 cloves of garlic.

1. Pour into each jar approximately: - 100 grams of salt and sugar (4 tablespoons of sugar and 10 tsp of salt).

2. Fill jars with cucumbers and pour cold water over them. Close them with plastic lids, put in a dark, cold place (like a cellar).

Cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but stand until spring.

5. Drunken cucumbers

How to cook drunk cucumbers:

1. At the bottom of the jar (3 l.) put: - horseradish root - dill - garlic - currant leaves

2. Then lay the cucumbers tightly and pour the marinade over 1.5 liters. water: - 3 tbsp. salt without a slide - 2 tbsp. sugar - 1 tsp vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. vodka.

Sterilize for 15 minutes.

6. Cucumbers in tomato sauce


1. Cucumbers - 5 kg.
2. Tomatoes - 2 kg.
3. Garlic - 250 gr.
4. Vegetable oil - 250 gr.
5. Sugar - 250 gr.
6. Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
7. Vinegar 70% - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook cucumbers in tomato sauce:

1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and arrange in sterilized jars, cork.

It takes a long time to cut, but it turns out a lot of cans - 10 cans of 650 gr each.

7. Pickled cucumbers


for 2 liters of water:

1. Salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
2. Sugar - 6 tbsp. heaped spoons
3. Peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
4. Bay leaf - 5-7 pcs.

How to cook pickled cucumbers:

1. To prepare the brine, combine all the ingredients, boil for 3 minutes, then cool, add - 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar

2. Cucumbers (how many will go in) put in jars and pour over with brine. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll up.

8. Lightly salted cucumbers


1. Dill, horseradish, currant leaves
2. Garlic
3. Peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.
4. Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
5. Bird cherry leaf
6. Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon with slide
7. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons without a slide
8. Aspirin - 2 tablets
9. Vinegar essence 70% - 1 teaspoon

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers:

1. Put the cucumbers in a 3-liter, sterilized jar, adding all the spices, salt, sugar, aspirin and vinegar. Then you need to pour everything with boiling water and roll up with an iron lid.

"Home kitchen" wishes you bon appetit!

It is difficult to compare homemade pickles with store-bought ones. Especially if it's pickled cucumbers. Yes, even if they closed them with their own hands. In order for the flight of fantasy of a good housewife to be embodied in the happy faces of households crunching cucumbers on winter days, you just need to spend one incomplete day on cooking. Let's look at the "what and how".

How to close pickles for the winter

Ingredients are listed per liter jar.
Cucumbers - 0.3-0.6 kg (depending on size)
Stick (umbrella) dill - 1 pc.
Garlic - one medium head (6-7 cloves)
Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.
Currant leaves - 2 pcs.
Capsicum hot pepper - 3-4 rings
Bulgarian pepper (green or red) - 2 rings
Coarse salt - 20 g
1.5 tablets of "Soviet" aspirin

The cost of closing a 1 liter jar of pickles at home: from 40 rubles / $1.2 / 0.95€ *
*exchange rates may vary. Summer prices.

Keep in mind:
    1. Cucumbers will correctly choose small, even, without flaws and not thick.
    2. It is not necessary to sterilize the jars; it is enough to wash them thoroughly under hot water.
    3. Covers are also washed in boiling water. Leave them there until use.
    4. For an average family, it is convenient to close pickles of 1 or 2 liters, no more.
    5. This recipe is designed for hot cucumbers. So vary the pepper, based on this.

A simple recipe for how to close / roll up pickles for the winter

Step-by-step instruction

Bon appetit.


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for 1 liter of water:
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt
- 3 tablespoons Sahara
- 10-12 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 3 liter jar.
1. Bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onions (in rings), put dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.

2. Pour boiling water over prepared cucumbers in jars, cool to a warm state, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour cucumbers and roll up.
Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!

-1 carrot
-2 bulbs
-1 head of garlic
- 1 leaf of horseradish, currant, cherry, lavrushka, dill umbrella
- black peppercorns
1. Put carrots cut into 4 parts and all of the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.
2. Put cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 minutes. Drain the water. Add to it:
- 5 tsp salt
- 10 tsp sugar
- 100g. table vinegar.
3. Boil water with spices again, pour into a jar. Roll up.

These are delicious pickled cucumbers. Ideal for those who for various reasons can not eat spicy.
For a 3 liter jar:
- 1.5 l. water
- 2 tbsp salt
- 3 tablespoons Sahara
1. Wash cucumbers and pour for 3 hours, changing the water.
2. Put in a jar:
- dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves
- 4 cloves of garlic
-10 black peppercorns
- 4 cloves
– cinnamon
- tarragon
3. Lay cucumbers in jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes. Then drain the brine, boil again and pour for the last time, adding to the jar:
- 1 tbsp table vinegar
4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until cool. Even in the spring, opening a jar of cucumbers seems to be lightly salted.

A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers are crispy.
In clean sterilized jars (3l.) Put:
- horseradish leaves
– cherries
- blackcurrant
- dill sprigs
- 5 cloves of garlic.
1. Pour into each jar:
- 100g. salt and sugar (4 tbsp sugar and 10 tsp salt).
2. Fill jars with cucumbers and pour cold water over them. Close them with plastic lids, put in a dark, cold place (like a cellar). Cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but stand until spring.

1. Put on the bottom of the jar:
- horseradish root
- dill
- garlic
- currant leaves
2. Then lay the cucumbers tightly and pour the marinade into 1.5 liters of water:
- 3 tablespoons of salt without a slide
- 2 tbsp. Sahara
- 1 tsp vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of vodka.
Sterilize for 15 minutes.

- 5 kg. cucumbers
- 2 kg cucumbers
- 250 g of garlic
- 250 g of vegetable oil
- 250 g of granulated sugar
- 3 tablespoons salt
- 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar
1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and arrange in sterilized jars, cork.
It takes a long time to cut, but it turns out a lot of cans of 10 cans of 650 gr each.

Put cucumbers in jars and pour brine into 2 liters of water:
- 2 tablespoons of salt with a slide
- 6 tablespoons of sugar with a slide
- 5-7 peppercorns
- 5-7 laurels
1. Boil everything for 3 minutes, then cool, add
- 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar
2. Pour into jars. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll up.

1. Place cucumbers in 3-liter jars with spices:
- dill
- horseradish
- currant leaves
- garlic
- peppercorns (4-5 pcs)
- cloves (2-3 pcs.)
- cherry leaf
- 1 tbsp. salt with a slide
- 1.5 tablespoons of sugar without a slide
- 2 aspirin tablets
- 0.5-1 tsp. 70% vinegar essence and pour boiling water, close the lids.
