
Delicious bell peppers. Top most profitable pepper blanks

The recipe for lecho from pepper and tomato, zucchini or eggplant, cooked at home for the winter from bell pepper - this is not the lecho that is sold under the guise of a wonderful snack (sauce) in the store. In the homeland of lecho - in Hungary, this dish is prepared exclusively from peppers and tomatoes. But, despite the minimalism, local chefs turn it into a delicious side dish, which is usually served with soft white bread, pasta or meat products.

Today, almost every housewife has her own, proprietary recipe for making lecho, which she gladly shares with her family and guests. At the end of warm summer days, we will pick up fragrant ripened bell pepper in our own garden, and add sunny tomatoes and spices and spices (in extreme cases, all this can be purchased on the market) and a bright, with a unique aroma, lecho is ready.

Pepper and tomato lecho - a simple recipe

In this article we will share recipes for lecho for the winter. Checked by experienced chefs and dozens of readers, lecho recipes with photos are in this section. Lecho is a classic dish that has dozens of completely different recipes and variations; every culinary specialist is convinced that it is he who knows how to cook lecho for the winter correctly.

In reality, the only true recipe for lecho simply does not exist, therefore cooking lecho at home is a process that can be approached creatively. Choose from the recipes below the lecho that are closest to you, feel free to make your own adjustments to them and cook the lecho with your own hands!

How to cook lecho from pepper and zucchini for the winter

A rich taste and the benefits of preserved vitamins are the features that distinguish lecho recipes for the winter. This autumn fragrant preparation is very popular in our country. The pepper and tomato lecho recipe for the winter has many different options, and the classic preservation always includes fresh bell peppers, onions and tomatoes. There are several rules that will help you properly prepare an appetizer:

  1. Homemade pepper and tomato lecho should not be cooked for too long. Vegetables should remain tough and not fall apart;
  2. For preservation, it is recommended to use only ripe tomatoes;
  3. When adding herbs to a salad, it is worth remembering that basil, parsley, marjoram, cilantro (dried) are in perfect harmony with bell peppers and tomatoes. Herbs are best added to the dish shortly before readiness;
  4. The denser the tomatoes, the tastier the bell pepper will be.

Pepper and tomato lecho recipes

Lecho is a traditional Hungarian dish, a culinary calling card of the country. Such a preparation turns out to be tasty, bright, juicy and appetizing. It will easily act as an appetizer for a family dinner, but it will also look great on a ceremonial table. There are many interpretations of conservation. Below are the most popular recipes.

Each housewife prepares lecho according to a home recipe. This recipe is delicious, be sure to prepare for the winter, I am sure that you will like the appetizer. You can eat it as an independent dish or serve such a lecho as a side dish, in any case, you will lick your fingers. So the processing of the crop ends, it is at this time that many plan to cook lecho.

Recipe lecho from bell pepper and tomato "Lick your fingers"


  • Sunflower oil - 150 g;
  • Sweet peppers and tomatoes - 2 kg each. every;
  • Salt - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Table vinegar - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the bell pepper from tails, seeds, partitions, cut into rings of about 1.5 cm;
  2. Skip the tomatoes in the processor, they should turn out to be a homogeneous mass, pour them into the pan. Then add sugar, salt, pepper rings, vegetable oil, vinegar, mix well;
  3. Send the pan to medium heat, cooking takes 30-40 minutes, sometimes you can mix. The pepper will sink to the bottom of the pot as it cooks;
  4. You can not sterilize the jars, but burn them in the oven. Before burning, wash the jars thoroughly, dry slightly, place in a cold oven, turn on the temperature of 200 degrees, hold for 15 minutes. This will be much faster, be sure that all microbes will die at this temperature immediately;
  5. Transfer the hot lecho to cooled jars, roll up with boiled lids, turn over and wrap with a warm towel. Bon appetit!

At home, preparations are the most beneficial for the body, and it has been scientifically proven that the best vegetables are those grown in the region where you live. And there’s no need to talk about savings here, in the season, sweet pepper is inexpensive, but try to buy it in winter! You can pamper yourself with exotics, but why do we need someone else's expensive pepper when we have our own, without chemistry and many times cheaper than foreign ones.

Pepper and tomato lecho - food preparation

Before preparing lecho, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the recipe, purchase the necessary list of ingredients. Since the main vegetable of our lecho will be bell pepper, we will focus on it. We choose fruits for lecho only ripe, fleshy. Their skin should have a uniform color without dark spots and a smooth structure, otherwise the taste and appearance of the output dish will deteriorate in order.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter - a simple recipe

We remove the stem from suitable peppers and use convenient kitchen tools to extract the seeds. And then grind as you wish. Someone prefers to chop the peppers into strips along the entire fruit, someone - smaller.

As for the rest of the vegetables included in the lecho recipe, they should definitely be washed, dried, and, if desired, peeled from the tomato. This is not difficult to do if you pre-dip the tomatoes in boiling water.

Spicy homemade lecho with onion and garlic

Spicy preservation will definitely appeal to fans of unusual dishes. Recipe for spicy lecho for the winter.


  • Onion (large, white) - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 40 g;
  • Pepper (red or orange) - 1 kg.;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • Chili or other red hot pepper (ground) - 1/2 tsp;
  • Tomatoes (dense, ripe) - 2.5 kg;
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Sugar or light honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil, odorless - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables well;
  2. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder, and then cook on the stove until boiling;
  3. Then the mass is aged for up to a quarter of an hour, so that everything cools down;
  4. The resulting mixture must be separated from the skins and grains (use a sieve or nozzle in a combine);
  5. Add the rest of the ingredients to the tomatoes, but the time for oil and vinegar will come a little later;
  6. Return the workpiece to the stove, choose medium fire, stirring occasionally;
  7. When the vegetables become soft, the bay leaf is removed, and garlic (finely chopped) and oil are added to the rest of the products. A little later, vinegar essence is poured;
  8. Lecho blanks are laid out in sterilized glass jars, which must be closed with boiled lids using a twisting machine.

In general, lecho is a dish of Hungarian, not Bulgarian cuisine, as is commonly believed. And the recipe for the traditional Hungarian lecho is very different from the usual sweet pepper salad in tomato sauce. "World of Answers" has prepared for you the most delicious lecho recipes - from widely known to unusual ones. Have you decided to prepare lecho for the winter? Then get to work!

Lecho for the winter from bell pepper and tomato

Lecho is a native representative of Hungarian cuisine. The obligatory components that make up the dish are tomatoes and red peppers (less often yellow, but not green). Lecho in our country, like any popular dish, does not have a specific recipe and can be adapted to any available vegetables. Onions, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, garlic, spices - these and other vegetables complement the traditional Hungarian lecho.

Sweet pepper lecho - a classic recipe

An excellent universal recipe for lecho for the winter! The optimal ratio of all ingredients and spices makes the dish very beautiful, bright, appetizing and, of course, delicious. How nice it is to get another jar in winter and taste this wonderful, and most importantly, natural product with the whole family!


  • Medium-sized onion - 4 pcs.;
  • Greens (cilantro, parsley or celery) - 3 bunches;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.;
  • Refined sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sweet bell pepper - 2 kg.;
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh garlic - 1-2 heads (10 cloves);
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the bell pepper, freeing from seeds, rinse with water, cut into large pieces (about 4 parts). Also, into 4 parts, cut the washed ripe tomatoes. Onion cut into half rings;
  2. Prepare a large saucepan with thick sides and a bottom. Pour vegetable oil into it, wait until it warms up well, spread the onion;
  3. When the onion becomes transparent, you can add tomatoes. Salt the mixture and simmer, stirring constantly, over low heat for about 15-20 minutes;
  4. Now add the most important component of lecho - sweet pepper, and simmer everything in a closed saucepan for 5 minutes. Leave on fire for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  5. Grind the garlic, chopped with a knife or a special press, add to our dish along with sugar and vinegar and simmer again for 15-20 minutes. Add finely chopped greens, ground paprika, black pepper, mix and bring the dish to readiness for 10 minutes;
  6. Preparing jars for harvesting: wash, sterilize. We spread our lecho there, roll it up. It is advisable to put jars with lecho on lids, wrap them in something warm and leave to cool for about a day at room temperature, and our pepper and tomato lecho will turn out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Lecho is one of those dishes that evoke the most positive emotions among many lovers of delicious food, because it can be very different, and you can cook it for every taste. Lecho classic recipe is very easy to prepare. To make a delicious lecho just like that or for the winter, the recipes collected in this section will help you, with which you can learn how to cook lecho so that everyone who tries it will praise it - as easy as shelling pears!

A simple recipe for pepper and tomato lecho


  • Bulgarian multi-colored pepper - 1 kg .;
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg. or tomato paste - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Vegetables are peeled, cut into squares;
  2. Tomatoes (tomato paste) are stewed over very low heat until well cooked;
  3. After that, the rest of the products are placed in a container with future preservation;
  4. If the mass is too thick, then it is diluted with water;
  5. The dish is stewed for half an hour, constantly mixed;
  6. The workpiece is poured into banks, rolled up.

Cook classic lecho recipes with tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots, zucchini and even eggplant - there is no single recipe, and everyone can make this dish to their taste with our reliable and proven recipes by thousands of housewives. The aroma of delicious homemade preparations for the winter can remind a person of warm sunny summer days.

And lecho, a popular dish of Hungarian cuisine, is one of those delicious winter preparations that carefully preserves the delicate aroma of vegetables ripened in the sun. Despite the variety that characterizes existing lecho recipes, its main traditional components are ripe tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.

Bulgarian pepper lecho recipe for the winter with tomatoes

To prepare a Bulgarian lecho from a tomato, it is better to select the most mature, ripe and fleshy fruits of different colors - in this case, the future preparation will both taste unusual and look more attractive.

Peppers are cut in various ways: it is more convenient for some housewives to cut it into strips, for others - into cubes, slices or small pieces - it all depends on their own preferences. Of the most popular lecho recipes, the best ones are given below. For example, novice housewives will undoubtedly like such a lecho recipe, which requires a minimum of time and effort.

Bulgarian pepper lecho recipe for the winter with tomatoes

Zucchini Lecho with Carrots and Tomatoes

A slightly sweet light dish containing a large amount of useful substances can be prepared for the future. If your goal is preparations for the winter, prepare the required number of jars and sterilize them. The attitude towards zucchini is ambiguous. Some consider this vegetable tasteless, others use every opportunity to add it to the dish.

The fact is that zucchini has a neutral taste. But on the other hand, this quality helps to combine it with absolutely any products, because in the process of boiling, stewing or frying, it easily absorbs their taste and aroma. During the mass harvest of zucchini, their price drops sharply. Therefore, housewives successfully preserve it: pickle, salt, prepare all kinds of salads and snacks for the winter. Lecho from zucchini is one of the winning options for such blanks.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg.;
  • Carrots - 500 g;
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.;
  • Onion - 500 g;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Vinegar - 100 ml;
  • Sweet pepper - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We begin to prepare our lecho from pepper and tomato - first we clean the pepper, carrots, onions. We clean and cut the zucchini - into small cubes, onions - into larger cubes;
  2. We pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder to obtain mashed potatoes, in which the lecho will be stewed, grate the carrots, cut the bell pepper into strips;
  3. Place onions in a saucepan and lightly fry in vegetable oil, then add zucchini, tomatoes, peppers;
  4. Next, salt our pepper and tomato lecho and add sugar. Mix the vegetable mixture thoroughly and simmer over low heat for an hour;
  5. Make sure that the mixture does not burn, periodically mix well. At the end, add vinegar and after 5-7 minutes remove from the stove. It remains to decompose the finished lecho into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids. Turn over the finished jars and wrap them in a warm towel. Bon appetit!
  6. Lecho from bell pepper for the winter "Lick your fingers"

Lecho from zucchini for the winter: the subtleties of cooking

  • So that the lecho does not turn into zucchini caviar, the zucchini does not need to be greatly chopped. It is enough to cut it into 1.5 cm cubes or neat slices 0.5 - 1 cm wide;
  • So that there is no skin in the tomato filling, some housewives rub the cooked tomato mass through a sieve. But you can simplify the task by removing the skin from the tomatoes before chopping. To do this, the tomatoes are immersed in boiling water for 1 - 2 minutes, then they are quickly cooled in cold water. The skin from such tomatoes is removed very easily;
  • For lecho, young zucchini no more than 20 cm long and weighing 130 - 150 g are selected. Such zucchini have a thin skin and delicate crispy flesh. Zucchini should be fresh, not sluggish, without signs of spoilage. It is desirable that they do not have seeds;
  • Previously, lecho from zucchini was always sterilized. But modern housewives do without sterilization. But in this case, the vegetables must be thoroughly washed, like the entire inventory. The jars are first washed with soda, and then they must be sterilized over steam, in the oven, or immersed in water and boiled. Lids must also be sterilized;
  • Zucchini lecho is prepared according to the same principle as pepper and tomato lecho. In addition to zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, garlic, and onions are put in this dish. A set of spices should be minimal: salt, sugar, peppercorns, bay leaf, vinegar;
  • For a liquid base, lecho use ripe, fleshy tomatoes. They are ground in a meat grinder or ground on a grater. The last option is good because the skin of the tomatoes remains on the grater, and the tomato mass is tender and homogeneous;
  • Bulgarian pepper is put in zucchini lecho in such an amount that it does not dominate the rest of the ingredients. It is advisable to use red bell pepper, then the lecho will be brighter and more appetizing;
  • Vinegar in lecho must be present. It is a good preservative, and also adds sharpness to such an insipid vegetable as zucchini.

Pepper and carrot lecho

Lecho for the winter - a delicious recipe for pepper and tomato

Another simple recipe for a popular Hungarian dish. All ingredients included in its composition are readily available in our country throughout the year.

All that is needed is to purchase them and spend a couple of hours preparing lecho. But the result will please all the inhabitants of the family. You can serve such a lecho both in a separate form and with hot potatoes, rice, pasta.


  • 50 pieces of bell pepper;
  • Tomato juice - 1.5 l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Onions - 1.5 kg;
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 cup;
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. We select the fleshy, juicy fruits of bell pepper. Remove stems and seeds and cut into strips (not too thin). Grind the onion in half rings, rub the carrots on a Korean grater, you can also chop it in a food processor;
  2. We load everything into a large container, add sugar, salt, 9% vinegar, tomato juice and vegetable oil. We put on the stove and simmer the vegetables for about 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. The fire doesn't have to be strong. Don't forget to stir
  3. We wash the jars, pour them over with boiling water, hold them in a hot oven until the moisture has completely evaporated and put them in them. We cork with boiled lids, turn over and leave to cool. Then we put it in a place for storing blanks. Lecho of pepper and tomato is ready!
    Bon appetit!

How to cook lecho from peppers and tomatoes for the winter

Video "Recipe lecho from Bulgarian lecho and tomato"

Many housewives mistakenly consider canning a relic of the Soviet past, when there were no frozen and fresh products on sale in winter. But real thrifty housewives remain true to this method of harvesting, because in season the vegetables are fresh, fragrant, and cost a penny.

It's so nice to open a jar of fragrant lecho for mashed potatoes on cold winter evenings ... Plus, various preparations significantly save our precious time.

Today we will talk about bell pepper preparations for the winter, where I will write about my favorite recipes that I got from my mother and grandmother.

Dear friends, if you have your favorite and proven recipes for pepper blanks, I ask for a divider in the comments.

Fried peppers for the winter without sterilization

Let's cook peppers fried in oil with garlic for the winter: a fragrant, spicy, and incredibly tasty snack. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the recipe for fried peppers with garlic for the winter without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the entire preservation process as a whole. How to cook fried peppers for the winter, I wrote HERE.

Bell pepper lecho for the winter with beans

Various blanks of pepper for the winter occupy a special place in my culinary notebook. And today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite winter pepper recipes. I am sure fans of pepper lecho for the winter will like this recipe. We will cook not just a classic lecho with bell pepper, but a lecho with beans. With all responsibility I promise you that this recipe for lecho from bell pepper for the winter - you will lick your fingers! How to cook lecho from bell peppers with beans, see HERE.

Baked pepper for the winter with garlic and herbs

Baked peppers for the winter in jars are very tasty and fragrant, and will serve as an excellent winter snack, or you can use canned roasted peppers as an ingredient for various vegetable salads. In addition, it is ideal to use baked peppers in their own juice for the winter as a pizza topping in winter - it turns out much tastier than with fresh or frozen bell peppers. See the recipe HERE.

Bell pepper lecho with tomato juice

Most recently, I prepared a very interesting option - a recipe for lecho with tomato juice for the winter. It turned out very well: bright, tasty and unusual. I also liked the fact that it is quite easy to cook it: there are no complicated moments in the recipe for lecho with juice, everything is quite simple and fast. The most difficult thing is tomato juice, but a juicer or a meat grinder will help you with its preparation with great pleasure. Well, am I interested in you? Recipe with photo HERE.

Pickled peppers with honey

Bulgarian pepper in oil for the winter: the best recipe!

About how much bell pepper costs in the winter season, I will not tell you - you yourself know everything very well. I’d rather share with you a wonderful recipe for delicious peppers in oil for the winter - beautiful and very healthy. So, peppers in oil - a recipe that I got from my mother, and tested by more than one hostess, look HERE.

Lecho with carrots and onions for the winter

My last experience is a recipe for lecho from carrots and onions. And a very good experience! Like any lecho spin, this one came out bright and appetizing, and carrots added some kind of enthusiasm and spontaneity to it. As for taste, everything is very good here too: in any case, I have nothing to complain about. I think that both my relatives and friends will appreciate this recipe for lecho from carrots, onions and tomatoes for the winter, when it's time to try it. Recipe with photo HERE.

Winter pickled peppers with garlic

The main thing in the recipe is the marinade. The pepper is fragrant, with a subtle taste of garlic. Vinegar is practically not felt, and a moderate amount of salt and sugar make it possible to include this snack in the daily menu as an addition to boiled hot potatoes, various cereals, meat or fish. View recipe...

Lecho with apples for the winter

In my cookbook, there are also several options for lecho. One of the most successful of them is lecho with an apple, I will definitely close it for the winter. The recipe is very simple and the result is great! View recipe...

Pickled hot peppers for the winter

Pickled hot pepper is an incredible appetizer, and is appropriate both on the festive table as an addition to a plate of pickles, and in the everyday family menu. . View recipe...

Lecho with rice for the winter

You can see how to cook a delicious lecho with rice for the winter HERE

Sweet pepper in adjika for the winter

How to cook sweet peppers in adjika for the winter, look HERE

Lecho for the winter from bell pepper (classic recipe)

The recipe for making a classic pepper lecho can be found HERE

Lecho with tomato juice without vinegar

How to cook lecho from pepper in tomato, you can see HERE

Pickled Pepper Quarters

How to cook pickled peppers with step by step photos, you can see HERE

Delicious pepper lecho with onion

How to cook lecho from peppers with onions, you can see HERE

Adjika home "Spark" with bell pepper

The recipe for homemade adjika "Spark" with bell pepper, see HERE

Peppers for stuffing for the winter (without sterilization)

For harvesting, you need to choose a medium-sized pepper, multi-colored is best. If you follow the recipe, then in finished form my pepper turns out like summer! Recipe HERE.

Preparation for borscht for the winter with bell peppers and tomatoes

The recipe for borscht dressing with bell peppers and tomatoes can be viewed HERE

Pepper blanks for the winter: the best recipes for your piggy bank! 8 spoons

Canning Bulgarian pepper for the winter: the best recipes for you from the site 8 Spoons. Pepper adjika, lecho recipes, stuffed peppers, pepper caviar, pepper slices, peppers with beans and eggplant…

Pepper blanks

It would seem, what else to come up with blanks from pepper to come up with? Well, some kind of lecho, or a salad ... But no, it turns out that such snacks can be prepared from sweet pepper - you will lick your fingers! What if the pepper is hot? Then colds will simply have nothing to do in your house! In this article, we decided to collect the most unusual pepper blanks. Choose!

Bell peppers, canned in tomato sauce

Ingredients for 8-10 liter jars:

2 10-liter buckets of multi-colored peppers,

1 bucket of tomatoes

1.5 cups of sugar

1 tsp ground black pepper,

1 cup unrefined vegetable oil

Wash the pepper and cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice (you can not squeeze the juice, but boil it directly in a thick tomato mass). Put the tomato mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Then add all the spices to it, except vinegar, boil for 10-15 minutes, pour in the vinegar and put the pepper. Cook everything together for 20 minutes, stirring and making sure that the pepper does not boil. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up, wrap.

Peppers marinated with gooseberries

800 g gooseberries.

50 ml apple cider vinegar

Wash the pepper, sort the gooseberries, cut off the inflorescences and stalks. Put the pepper in a jar, pouring gooseberries, shaking the jar so that the gooseberries evenly fill the voids between the peppers. Prepare marinade: boil water, add sugar, salt and vinegar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Immediately pour marinade over peppers and roll up.

Peppers canned "3 cups".

The name of this canning method comes from the composition of the marinade: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. honey, 10-15 black peppercorns, garlic to taste.

Mix all ingredients and boil. Cut sweet bell pepper into the boiling marinade (it can be multi-colored, it will be more elegant), add a few cloves of garlic and cook, stirring. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Peppers marinated with apples

Marinade Ingredients:

300 ml 6% vinegar,

Select bright yellow and red peppers and pale colored apples. Rinse the pepper, remove the core, cut into halves and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box and also blanch for 1-2 minutes. Put in jars, alternating layers, peppers and apples, then pour marinade and sterilize: half-liter - 20 minutes, liter - 25 minutes.

Sweet peppers with garlic, marinated

2.1 kg of sweet pepper,

6-10 g horseradish leaves,

10-12 g dill greens,

2-3 pods of hot pepper,

5-6 bay leaves,

120-140 g 9% vinegar,

Peel large fleshy pods of sweet pepper from seeds, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, pour over with ice water and put tightly together with spices in sterilized jars. Boil the marinade with salt, sugar and vinegar and pour into jars. Cover jars with lids, sterilize: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter jars - 25 minutes, three-liter jars - 35 minutes. Roll up, turn over.

Sweet peppers with cauliflower

150 g parsley root,

150 g celery root,

150 g cauliflower,

3-5 garlic cloves,

ground black pepper.

1-2 pcs. bay leaf.

Pepper cut lengthwise into 6-8 parts. Grind the roots and cabbage. Lay half of the garlic on the bottom, put the prepared vegetables on it, alternating them and sprinkling with salt and black pepper, pour the remaining garlic on top. Seal everything so that the vegetables release juice, pour hot marinade over and leave for 10-12 hours. Then drain the filling, boil, pour pepper. Hold for 30 minutes, drain the filling again, boil it. In the meantime, put the pepper in jars, pour over the marinade, put to sterilize for 15-12 minutes. Roll up.

Sweet peppers with tomatoes in sweet and sour sauce

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

5-6 pcs. tomatoes,

8-10 sweet peppers

2 cloves of garlic

6-7 pods of hot pepper,

2 sprigs of dill,

5-6 black peppercorns.

Red sweet peppers cut into 4 parts, tomatoes also cut into 4 parts. Sterilize liter jars. At the bottom of each jar put 2 sprigs of dill, a leaf of horseradish, 2 leaves of celery, 2 leaves of parsley, 1 clove of garlic, a pod of hot pepper. Put prepared peppers and tomatoes on spices, spices again, then tomatoes and peppers. Pour vegetables and spices with marinade: dilute vinegar, salt, sugar in 600 ml of water, add spices, hot peppers, garlic, boil for 10 minutes. Strain the marinade, pour over the vegetables, cover and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Salad "Everything for ten"

10 pieces. sweet peppers,

10 pieces. eggplant,

10 pieces. tomatoes,

200 g vegetable oil,

1 head of garlic

Eggplant, pepper, tomato, onion cut. Prepare the marinade: boil the vinegar with oil, sugar and salt, dip the vegetables in it and cook for 30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and chopped parsley. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

Sweet peppers in honey sauce

Ingredients for 6 liter jars:

5 kg of sweet pepper,

500 ml 6% vinegar,

2 cups unrefined oil

1 glass of natural honey

1-1.5 tsp ground cinnamon,

5 peas of allspice,

10 black peppercorns,

10 bay leaves,

2 heads of garlic.

Cut the pepper into 4 parts, peel the garlic and put on the bottom of the prepared jars (2 in each). Boil the filling of vinegar, honey, oil, salt, bay leaf and spices. After dissolving the honey, boil the marinade for 3-5 minutes, add chopped pepper, boil for 5 minutes. Then, without turning off the fire, remove the pepper with a slotted spoon, arrange it tightly in jars. Pour marinade over, cover with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Sweet peppers stuffed with zucchini

1 l tomato juice, pepper,


Peel the peppers, cut off the lid, remove the seeds, dip in boiling water for 5 minutes. Prepare minced vegetables: grate young zucchini on a coarse grater, grate carrots, finely chop the onion. Fry the mixture in vegetable oil, salt. Stuff the peppers, place tightly in jars and pour boiling tomato juice over. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, roll up.

Stuffed peppers for the winter

1 kg sweet pepper

700 g tomatoes,

1 glass of vegetable oil,

1-2 tbsp 70% vinegar,

5-6 black peppercorns, parsley root and greens - to taste.

Cut the lid off the large peppers and remove the seeds. Chop the onion, fry in oil until golden brown. Peel the roots, cut into strips, stew in vegetable oil until half cooked. Rub the tomatoes through a sieve, remove the skin. Bring the tomato mass to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, add sugar, salt, vinegar, allspice, boil for another 10 minutes. Chop parsley greens. Boil vegetable oil for several minutes, cool to 70ºС and pour into jars at the rate of 2 tbsp. per liter jar. Mix vegetables for minced meat, salt, fill peppers with a mixture. Put stuffed peppers in jars, pour boiling tomato mass and sterilize: half-liter - 55 minutes, liter - 65 minutes. Roll up.

Stuffed sweet pepper

10 kg of sweet pepper,

2.5 kg of parsley root,

1.3 kg of celery root,

1.5 tsp ground cinnamon,

20-30 black peppercorns

1 garlic clove

15 pcs. bay leaf,

35 cloves,

10 peas of allspice.

Blanch the roots for 2-3 minutes, peel, cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion, mix with the roots, salt. Fry vegetables for minced meat in vegetable oil. Peppers for stuffing are cut on the side and stuffed, leaving the seeds and stalks. Stuffed peppers are tied with celery stalks, tightly packed in a container, poured with brine and put a load. The brine is prepared as follows: bring all the ingredients to a boil, cool, strain. Store stuffed peppers refrigerated.

Salad for the winter "As if fresh"

1.5 kg of sweet pepper,

2.5 kg of tomatoes,

300 g vegetable oil,

Cut everything, grate the carrots for Korean carrots. Mix and put on a slow fire. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, spread hot in sterilized jars, roll up. Wrap up.

2 kg sweet pepper

500 ml vegetable oil,

Cut everything, mix and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Stir constantly or it will burn! Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

Salted hot pepper

1 kg hot pepper

40 g green dill,

30 g green celery,

80-100 ml 6% vinegar,

Bake peppers in the oven. Place the cooled fruits tightly in sterilized jars, shifting with herbs and garlic, pour in chilled brine and put under oppression. Leave at room temperature for 3 weeks. Refrigerate after fermentation is complete.

Hot pepper, salty in a different way

1 kg hot green pepper,

10-15 g parsley,

10-15 g cherry leaves,

10-15 g celery root,

10-15 g of horseradish root.

Prick the pepper at the stalk, put it tightly in a container, alternating with parsley, cherry leaves and pieces of horseradish and celery, tamp. Pour boiled, cooled and filtered brine, put a circle and oppression. After 10-12 days, take out in the cold. If necessary, add brine: for 1 liter of water - 30 g of salt, 25 ml of vinegar.

Hot pepper, pickled

Ingredients for 4 half-liter jars:

1.5 kg of hot pepper,

3 tbsp vegetable oil,

250 ml 9% vinegar.

Blanch the pepper in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, place tightly in sterilized jars. Pour boiling filling, roll up.

Hot pepper for the winter

Ingredients for a 700 gram jar:

1.5 cups of water


Wash the pepper, remove the stalks, blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Put in sterilized jars, add cloves. Prepare the brine: boil vinegar with sugar and water. Pour boiling brine over pepper in a jar, cover with lids and sterilize for 12-15 minutes. Roll up, turn over, wrap.

Fry hot peppers in a frying pan under a closed lid with a little oil. When the pepper is thoroughly fried and a film forms on it, it should be removed. Don't forget to wear gloves! Then grind the pepper along with the seeds in a blender. Saute onions, carrots and tomatoes in a frying pan until half cooked. Then add chopped pepper and simmer until the juice from the tomatoes has evaporated. Salt a little. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up. A small note: you can take the same amount of tomatoes as hot peppers, but this amount can be varied - the fewer tomatoes, the spicier the sauce will turn out.

Spicy Pickled Chushlet Farts

1 kg hot pepper

400 ml 6% vinegar,

120 ml refined vegetable oil,

garlic, carrots, parsley, dill - to taste.

Rinse the pepper and let dry. In the meantime, combine vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, stir until sugar and salt dissolve. Cut the greens, peel the garlic, cut the carrots into circles. Fry the pepper in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly, so that the peppers are slightly blackened. Mix the fried pepper with herbs, garlic and carrots. Salt, ram into sterilized jars. Pour marinade, put to sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Roll up, turn over.

Pepper blanks - Recipes

What to cook blanks from pepper for the winter. Pepper recipes worth trying. All about preparations for the winter.

Pepper blanks for the winter: "Golden Recipes"

Each housewife at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn is going to make preparations from pepper for the winter. After all, canned bell pepper is insanely delicious, and incredibly healthy!

Pepper blanks for the winter can be very diverse, this is a popular lecho, pepper caviar, a variety of salads, peppers with honey, peppers stuffed with vegetables.

In general, pepper is a versatile vegetable, and bell pepper for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways, depending on your taste preferences.

I bring to your attention proven recipes for pepper blanks from the notebook of my mother and grandmother. I spied some ways on how to prepare bell peppers for the winter from my friends and former work colleagues. If you have your favorite and proven pepper preparations for the winter - write in the comments, or in the Home Restaurant group on the VKontakte social network!

Velvet lecho without vinegar and oil

If you like simple and not troublesome preparations for the winter, then my recipe for lecho without vinegar will certainly please you. We will cook lecho without vinegar and oil, which makes this preservation simply indispensable if you are on a diet. In addition, lecho without vinegar can be safely given to children, provided that all the storage recommendations given in the recipe are followed.

Baked peppers for the winter "for gourmets"

Today I want to tell you how to cook roasted peppers in your own juice for the winter for further use of this preparation in salads and snacks. Peppers baked for the winter are prepared with lemon juice instead of vinegar, there is not a drop of water in the marinade (only your own juice from peppers), and all this with the addition of olive oil. For salt and sugar, canned baked peppers for the winter also turned out to be balanced. Recipe with photo HERE.

Bulgarian pepper for the winter in Armenian

A friend shared this recipe with me: she knows that I love delicious preservation, and if it is also easy to do, even more so. The recipe for bell pepper for the winter in Armenian is just like this: with a minimum of time, with a minimum of hassle in processing the ingredients, you get an excellent snack for the winter: moderately spicy, appetizing, fragrant and tasty. See the recipe with photos HERE.

Bell pepper caviar

Bulgarian pepper caviar, previously baked in the oven, is incredibly tasty and fragrant. I prepare this preservation every year, it always ends faster than the rest. From the indicated amount of products, 3 half-liter jars are obtained, so feel free to increase the portion several times. See the recipe with photos HERE.

Bulgarian pepper salad for the winter with carrots

I really love simple preservation - when the ingredients are available, and the cooking process itself is quite easy, but in the end it turns out tasty and very appetizing. The recipe for bell pepper salad for the winter with carrots, which I want to tell you about, is just that. It is really a pleasure to cook it - without sterilization, simply and quickly. See the recipe with photos HERE.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter

How to cook pepper stuffed with cabbage for the winter, I wrote HERE.

Snack of bell pepper for the winter with a pear

In this appetizer, pepper is closed for the winter ... with a pear. Yes, that's right, with a pear. There are other ingredients - onion and cabbage: as you understand, they also play an important role when it comes to flavor composition. But most of all I was struck by the marinade. In the usual orderly row of its components (garlic, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, sugar) broke into ... Who would you think? Cinnamon! Interesting? Recipe with photo HERE.

Bulgarian lecho: a classic of conservation!

How to cook a real Bulgarian lecho, you can see HERE.

Pepper salad for the winter "In the apple!"

Do you like unusual and tasty pepper blanks for the winter? Check out this salad! Pepper salad recipe for the winter "In the apple!" You can see HERE.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter "Lick your fingers"

Lick your fingers pepper lecho - delicious and very fragrant preservation, just like the sun in a jar. In our family, lecho is simply adored and eaten with tomato sauce, it is very tasty. Therefore, we usually close lecho for the winter according to this recipe in large batches, so that there is enough for the whole winter. See the recipe with photos HERE.

Pepper in oil for the winter "Harmony"

Do you like classic pepper blanks for the winter? Then this recipe is sure to please! A delicious recipe for peppers in oil for the winter. Preserving bell peppers for the winter will not take you much time, it is done quickly and not troublesome. I recommend with all my heart! The recipe is HERE.

Bell pepper lecho with beans

How to cook bell pepper lecho with beans, you can see HERE.

Peppers pickled for the winter "Light"

According to the proportions of the marinade, everything is perfect for my taste: the pepper turns out “Light”, the vinegar is almost not felt, the salt and sugar are also excellent. With fried potatoes, or meat roast, such pickled peppers go with a bang in winter. You can view the recipe HERE.

Pepper in tomato with garlic

How to cook pepper in tomato with garlic, you can see HERE.

Bulgarian pepper with honey for the winter

The recipe for bell pepper with honey for the winter is very simple in terms of preparation, but very interesting and bright, if we talk about the taste of the finished preservation. Sweet, fragrant honey in the company of spices makes bell peppers just magical! How to cook, see HERE.

Real adjika "Spark"

  • 1 kg tomato,
  • 1 kg sweet bell pepper (preferably red),
  • 0.5 kg of garlic,
  • 1 pack of chili peppers (20 g)
  • 3 tbsp salt,
  • 100 g dried parsley root.

Twist the garlic, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper in a meat grinder (fine grate).

Add chili pepper, salt and chopped parsley root, mix and leave for a day, stirring constantly.

Arrange in dry, sterile and chilled glass jars, store in the refrigerator indefinitely.

Pepper blanks for the winter: Golden recipes

We preserve Bulgarian pepper for the winter: proven blanks of pepper for the winter from the Home Restaurant. Lecho, salads, pickled peppers, stuffed peppers

How to make bell peppers a hit on the winter table

Top 7 most profitable pepper blanks

1. Pepper in the freeze

For winter stuffing

  1. They choose fruits that are more or less the same in size and shape, cut off the “caps” with the stalk, remove the seeds, immerse them in boiling water for 20-30 seconds (no longer!).
  2. Then the peppers are put like nesting dolls, one inside the other in a kind of “train”, packed in a plastic bag, the plastic is wrapped in the last pepper cavity - and the batch of peppers is ready for freezing.

Blanched peppers are not as brittle and do not break when they are nested one inside the other. And the lids, if you like to close the peppers when stuffing, put them together with the blanks in the freezer.

As a dressing for dishes (soups, mashed potatoes, stews)

As a finished semi-finished product

  1. Bake peppers on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of +180 ° C for half an hour.
  2. Remove the skin from the cooled fruits and remove the seeds, and fold the peeled roasted peppers in batches into a bag or containers and send to freeze.

In winter, having thawed such semi-finished products, it is enough to add pepper, garlic, oil or lemon juice to taste - and you get an incredibly tasty and beautiful salad.

2. Pepper for stuffing

  1. Rinse not very large peppers, remove the stalks and seeds, boil in salted water for 3 minutes, making sure that the pepper does not lose its elasticity.
  2. Arrange in 2 or 3 liter jars, pour the brine in which the pepper was boiled to the top, add table vinegar 9%: for a 2 liter jar - 2 tbsp. spoons, for a 3-liter - 3 tbsp. spoons - and roll up.

2. Dip the peppers, peeled from the stalks and seeds, for 2 minutes in boiling water and immediately cool in cold water. Put them one into the other and put them in a jar or, flattening, lay the peppers sideways one on top of the other.

3. Pour the finished blanks with boiling filling, sterilize:

  • liter jars - 10-15 minutes,
  • 2 liter - 20 min,
  • 3 liter - 25 min.

4. Roll up immediately.

Almost Classic Lecho Recipe

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 150 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
  • Allspice - 4 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs
  1. Rinse the tomatoes, chop them in a meat grinder (blender) or pass through a juicer, cut the onion into half rings, cut the pepper into strips.
  2. Put everything in a basin or saucepan, add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf and oil and simmer the whole mass over low heat for an hour. At the end, add vinegar, pour the finished lecho into jars and roll up.
  3. Invert onto lids and leave to cool in a warm place.

Original mild adjika

  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 5 kg
  • Carrot 1 kg
  • Garlic - 350 g
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 250 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup (250 ml)
  1. Grind pepper, tomatoes and carrots in a meat grinder or blender, put on fire, and after boiling, simmer the mixture over low heat for 45-60 minutes.
  2. Then add salt, sugar and butter and continue to simmer for another 30 minutes. After this time, pour in the vinegar, after another 10 minutes, add the chopped garlic.
  3. After that, after 15 minutes, spread the finished adjika into prepared jars and roll up.

Adjika Georgian

  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 kg
  • Hot pepper - 500 g
  • Tomato paste - 500 g
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2.5 kg
  • Garlic - 5-6 pieces
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Fresh and dry cilantro - 1 +1 bunch
  • Salt - to taste

Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder (blender), put the mixture on fire, cook for 5-10 minutes. Arrange in heated jars and roll up.

As you can see, both recipes are simple in execution, but different in taste, although both are “adjiki”

5. Peppers in the marinade

pickled pepper recipe

  • Bulgarian pepper - 8 kg
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 400 g
  • Sunflower oil - 400 g
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 pieces
  • Carnation - 4-5 pieces
  • Black peppercorns - 12 pcs
  • Allspice - 4-5 pcs
  • Water - 2 l
  1. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into quarters. For blanks, it is better to choose short, more or less identical fruits, then the slices will be the same. But, if the peppers are different, it doesn’t matter, then you can cut the long ones into more slices. It will be beautiful if the pepper fruits themselves are different in color - green, red, yellow.
  2. Prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, oil and spices to the water, boil for 4-5 minutes, then pour in the vinegar.
  3. Blanch the prepared slices in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes and immediately transfer (with a slotted spoon or colander) to the boiling marinade.
  4. On a small fire, keep the pepper in the marinade for 4-5 minutes (more for the sake of prevention is not worth it)) and quickly transfer to prepared jars. Once the jar is full, roll it up.
  • If you are not allergic to honey, then it can be included in the recipe instead of sugar, the taste of the finished pepper will even benefit. You can find one of these recipes in the article Pickled gogoshary with honey for the winter
  • If you “play around” a little longer and cut the pepper into strips, the dish will definitely become a hit of the winter period: it looks very nice on the table!
  • If you want to add a unique touch to a classic recipe, put a different set of spices at the bottom of each jar - tarragon, coriander, rosemary, you can add thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles of parsley or celery root, or even carrots. Then you will definitely please everyone, no matter how different tastes of home or guests may be!

Peppers in tomato-garlic sauce

  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 700 g
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar (apple, wine) - 30 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  1. Grind tomatoes with a meat grinder (blender, juicer), add chopped garlic to the tomato mass, boil for 4-5 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, continue to boil for another 5 minutes.
  2. Peel the pepper from the seeds and cut into quarters, put in the tomato-garlic mass, mix and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After adding vinegar, hold on fire for another 10 minutes, arrange in prepared jars and roll up.

From the specified amount of pepper, 2 jars of 0.5 liters of the finished product are obtained.

Marinated fried peppers

And the pepper marinade itself

Dressing Sauce (by SLAIER L)

  • Pepper marinade - 4 parts
  • Mayonnaise - 3 parts
  • Soy sauce - 1 part
  • Chopped greens, mustard, tomato, lemon juice, horseradish, garlic, spices - for an amateur, to taste

Such a sauce can be served with any meat dish, it can be used to grease pizza dough (for filling) or used as a salad dressing. Another great idea is to use a "pepper" marinade when stewing meat. Try it and you will get an original taste with a summer fresh note.

6. Stuffed Peppers

  1. Peel the peppers, remove the stem and seeds. Blanch in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
  2. For minced meat: grate young zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion, fry everything in vegetable oil and salt.
  3. Stuff the peppers, place tightly in jars and pour boiling tomato juice over. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes and roll up.

7. Vegetable caviar from pepper

  • Pepper - 2.5 kg (best meaty varieties)
  • Carrot - 150 g
  • Onion - 250 g
  • Tomatoes - 200 g
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5-1 teaspoon
  • Ground allspice - 0.5-1 teaspoon
  1. Pepper bake in the oven, peel and seeds, pass through a meat grinder (blender).
  2. Cut the carrots and parsley and celery roots into strips, fry until half cooked, and fry the onion until a beautiful golden color.
  3. Peel and chop the tomatoes, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, then add all the prepared vegetables and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes.
  4. Arrange the finished caviar in jars and be sure to sterilize: jars 0.5 l - 30 minutes, jars 1 l - 40 minutes

Caviar in storage is capricious, so you should not reduce the sterilization time, this will guarantee long-term storage. After sterilization, roll up the jars and leave them upside down on the lids under the covers for a long cooling.

While there is time and pepper on the beds - you need to "re-prescribe" it in cozy glass jars so that on a frosty December day they begin their triumphal parade on our winter tables, where they will become the most welcome guests and favorites)

Pepper: the most profitable and delicious preparations for the winter

Sweet pepper is undoubtedly one of the best gifts of Nature to mankind. Sunny, saturated with the living energy of the sun and summer, every time he

Bell pepper for the winter - pickled, salted, fried, baked, in its own juice, stuffed and with the addition of other vegetables, sweet bell pepper - a welcome guest both on weekdays and on holidays. And how good it is in salads, lecho and seasonings! Today, almost all housewives grow bell peppers in their backyard or dacha. How can you do without a fragrant and healthy pepper?

But if you don’t have your own garden, don’t be discouraged, you can choose a good, high-quality, suitable for preparing bell peppers for the winter in the market and in the store. First of all, pay attention to its appearance. Each fruit should be dense, shiny and with thick or, as they say, fleshy walls, without wrinkles and unappetizing dents, with green, and not withered hard tails. Red peppers are considered the sweetest. Choose them for cooking lecho, adjika, and just for marinating with slices, for example, in oil filling with garlic or herbs. For a salad, feel free to use multi-colored peppers: orange, red, yellow, then your preparation will turn out to be bright and very appetizing both in appearance and taste, but for stuffing it would be best to buy medium-sized, green, slightly elongated peppers.

Be sure to remember that it is recommended to store fresh peppers in the refrigerator for no more than a week, this is in case you are not going to harvest bell peppers for the winter immediately after purchase. And even more so, in no case do not pack peppers in plastic bags. Peppers must “breathe”, and in an airless polyethylene space they will deteriorate very quickly. If the harvest of sweet pepper pleases so much that there is no time for canning it, you can freeze the bell pepper for the winter. To do this, it is necessary to remove the stalks with seeds from the selected peppers and place them in a container prepared for this case as a whole or cut into slices, circles or pieces, it's up to you.

Our site offers to prepare Bulgarian pepper for the winter in the form of the blanks below that deserve your attention.

Roasted bell peppers pickled for the winter

5 kg of pepper
100-150 g of salt,
spices, garlic - to taste,
vegetable oil.

Choose thick-walled red, yellow, or green peppers. Peel the fruits, remove the stalks and seeds and fry in vegetable oil until light brown. Remove skins from hot peppers. Before laying the pepper in the selected container, rub its walls with garlic. At the bottom of the pot or keg, put spices, whatever you like, to taste, then a layer of pepper, salt, and again a layer of pepper. And so to the top. The last layer you will have is a layer of spices, on them - a napkin, a circle and oppression. Soak the peppers for 10-15 days at room temperature. You can store salted peppers in the same container in a cool place at a temperature of 5-10ºС. For longer storage, place the salted peppers tightly in sterilized dry jars and pour over the juice released during salting, pour a little vegetable oil on top. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize: 0.5 l jars - 50 minutes, 1 l jars - 70 minutes, then roll up.

Bell Pepper Salad with Tomatoes and Beans

2.5 kg of sweet pepper,
1.5 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of onion
1 st. beans,
150 g sugar
50 g salt
100 ml 9% vinegar,
250 ml vegetable oil.

Peeled pepper cut into strips, onion into half rings, tomatoes into slices. Boil the beans until tender. In a large bowl, mix peppers, onions, tomatoes, beans, season them with sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything and cook from the moment of boiling for 1 hour. Arrange the finished hot salad in sterilized jars and roll up.

Bulgarian pepper "Pikant-fix" for the winter

5 kg red bell pepper,
2.5 kg of tomatoes,
300 g garlic
500 ml 6% vinegar,
300 ml vegetable oil,
200 g sugar
100 g salt
hot pepper and parsley - to taste.

As usual, remove the stems and seeds from the peppers, then cut into 4 pieces. Cut the tomatoes in half, boil for 10-15 minutes and rub through a sieve. In an enamel saucepan, mix the grated tomatoes, sugar, salt, add chopped garlic, vegetable oil, hot pepper and finely chopped parsley. Bring the mass to a boil and dip the bell pepper into it. Stir until all peppers are covered with marinade. Let the mass boil, cook everything for 10-15 minutes, stirring from time to time. Then lay out in prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

Sweet peppers with carrots in honey marinade

1.5 kg of sweet pepper,
500 g carrots
2 bulbs.
For marinade:
1 st. vegetable oil,
1 st. l. salt,
50 g honey
100 ml 9% vinegar.

Wash sweet pepper, remove seeds, cut into strips. Cut the peeled carrots into slices, onions into rings. Blanch prepared vegetables in boiling water for 5-7 minutes and arrange in prepared sterilized jars. From the above ingredients, prepare the marinade, let it boil from the moment of boiling for at least 10 minutes and pour over the vegetables. Sterilize jars: 0.5 l - 5 minutes,
1 l - 8 minutes, then roll up with pre-sterilized lids.

Seasoning "Pepper"

600 g sweet pepper,
200 g horseradish root,
100 g garlic
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
4 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 tsp salt,
2-4 st. l. vegetable oil.

Grind prepared vegetables with a blender: peeled and chopped pepper, horseradish root and garlic cloves, peeled. Combine all vegetables together, add salt, sugar, lemon juice and mix. Place the seasoning tightly in prepared sterilized and dry jars, pour vegetable oil on top and close the jars with tight nylon lids. Store seasoning in a cool place.

If you ask the first hostess she comes across what she plans to cook from bell peppers for the winter, I think that 90% of 100 will immediately answer without hesitation: “Of course, it’s lecho.” And it is not surprising, because lecho has gained incredible popularity in Russia since the distant Soviet times. Every family has their own recipe, and we share with you a curious variation of this beloved dish.

Multi-colored pepper lecho with vegetables

3 kg of multi-colored sweet bell pepper (green, yellow, red),
2 kg young thin carrots,
3 liters minced tomatoes
1 st. vegetable oil,
1.5 st. Sahara.
2 tbsp. l. salt,
herbs and garlic - to taste.

Cut the well-washed and seeded pepper into 6 parts, chop the carrots into thin circles. Mix the tomato mass, vegetable oil, add sugar, salt, mix and cook for 15 minutes. Then dip the carrots into the gently boiling mass and cook for 40 minutes, the pepper will follow the carrots, which cook together with the rest of the mass for another 15 minutes. Lastly, add chopped greens and garlic passed through a press to taste, let the mass boil for a few more minutes, and only then spread the hot lecho into sterilized jars and roll it up with boiled and pre-dried lids.

Marinated roasted peppers

5 kg of sweet pepper,
1 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Select whole peppers, preferably of the same size, without damage, wash and, together with the stalk, without peeling, spread on a baking sheet with vegetable oil and bake in the oven until soft, then peel and seeds. Rinse with warm water, put in a colander and leave for 5-7 minutes to make the water glass. Put the pepper in sterilized jars, sprinkle with salt, pour in the vinegar, cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jar - 30 minutes, 1 liter jar - 40 minutes and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, leave to cool completely and store in a dark, cool place.

Almost all vegetables are happy to make friends with pepper, because it has an amazing ability to endow them with its aroma, giving its surroundings a touch of its own piquant taste, while emphasizing the originality of each vegetable. Well, what can I say - just the soul of a vegetable company!

Bulgarian pepper for the winter "Company"

3 kg sweet bell pepper,
1 kg cauliflower,
600 g carrots
4 tbsp. l. salt,
1.5 st. Sahara,
300 g parsley,
1 liter of 6% vinegar.

Remove the seeds from the pepper, rinse it with cold water and cut into 4 pieces. Cut the carrots into circles, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Put the prepared vegetables in a large enameled pan, sprinkle with sugar and salt and leave overnight at room temperature overnight. In the morning, put the vegetables in sterilized jars, sprinkling them with coarsely chopped parsley, and pour the marinade, which you prepare as follows: pour vinegar into the juice that has separated from the vegetables and bring the solution to a boil. Boil it for 5 minutes, then cool, and you can pour vegetables. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn upside down, let cool completely and store in a dark, cool place.

And finally - a few recipes for those who cannot live without thrills. The fiery taste of bell pepper snacks will warm you up in winter just like a bath and boots!

Snack "Jazz"

18 sweet bell peppers
9 eggplants,
1 head of garlic
1 pod of hot pepper,
3 liters of tomato juice
1 st. Sahara,
2 tbsp. l. salt (with a slide),
1 st. vegetable oil,
1 st. l. vinegar essence.

Dice prepared bell peppers and eggplant. Pass hot peppers and garlic through a meat grinder. Squeeze 3 liters of juice from ripe tomatoes. Mix vegetables with tomato juice, sugar, salt and vegetable oil and cook, stirring, for 15 minutes. Then carefully pour in the vinegar essence and mix again. Arrange the finished salad in liter jars, which are then sterilized for 15 minutes and roll up.

Bulgarian pepper salad with vegetables and pearl barley "Camping"

2.5 kg of sweet pepper,
800 g carrots
600 g onions,
1 st. barley,
2 tbsp. water,
0.5 st. vegetable small,
2 tbsp. l. salt,
0.5 st. Sahara,
1 tsp 70% vinegar.

Boil the barley until half cooked, put it in a colander and let the water drain. Combine vegetable oil with water, bring to a boil, then add grated carrots one by one and cook for 10-15 minutes, then chopped sweet pepper and cook for 10-15 minutes, diced onion and cook for 5-10 minutes and, finally, barley and cook again for 10-15 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, salt and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Arrange the finished salad in sterilized jars, roll up with pre-boiled lids. Turn the lettuce jars upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely. When cool, transfer to a cool place to store.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Bulgarian pepper is a delicious fragrant vegetable, one of the favorites of Bulgarian, Hungarian, Georgian and Ukrainian cuisine. The sweet juicy vegetable has gained great popularity in Russian cuisine. Most often it is used in home preparations for the future. Peppers are stuffed, salted, marinated, used as main or additional ingredients in various dishes. We offer you some interesting recipes for delicious preparations: Bulgarian pepper salad for the winter "Manjo" with a photo, "Lick your fingers", in Hungarian, with apples, without tomatoes and with tomatoes, as well as preparations without sterilization.

Bulgarian salad of peppers, eggplant and carrots for the winter "Manjo" - recipe with photo

Bulgaria is the birthplace of sweet pepper, in this country many dishes are prepared from it. It is fried, baked, marinated, salted, etc. Bulgarian pepper salad "Manjo" is one of the most famous. The abundance of ingredients makes it extremely tasty and healthy. We suggest you prepare a salad of sweet bell pepper "Manjo" for the winter according to our recipe with a photo.

Ingredients for Manjo Salad with Bell Peppers

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg
  • Plum tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Eggplant - 2 kg
  • Hot peppers in pods - 2 pcs
  • Carrot -0.4 kg
  • Onion - 1.2 kg
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Garlic - 1 large or 2 small heads
  • Salt - 120 g
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp
  • Vinegar - 0.5 stk
  • Peppercorns.

Preparation of Bulgarian salad "Manjo" from pepper for the winter

  1. They move and clean, then all the vegetables are washed.

  1. The pepper is cut into strips.

  1. Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder, in a blender or in a food processor.

  1. Carrots, hot peppers and garlic are crushed in the same way.

  1. The onion is cut into half rings.

  1. Eggplants are cut into thin circles.

  1. All vegetables are put in a saucepan and sent to the fire, stewed for 20 minutes.
    Vinegar, sugar, oil and salt are added, cooked for another 40 minutes. Stir the salad from time to time.

  1. Jars and lids are prepared, washed, sterilized.

  1. Vegetables are laid out in jars and rolled up. Stored in a dark place.

Bell pepper salad for the winter “Lick your fingers”, recipe with photo

The recipe for a delicious pepper salad for the winter - “You will lick your fingers” - is one of the most popular recipes for winter preparations. Several jars with such a salad, prepared during the ripening period of vegetables, will diversify your table and will be a great vitamin help. How to cook a pepper and tomato salad for the winter with the appetizing name "You'll lick your fingers", you will learn from this recipe.

Ingredients for the Pepper Salad Recipe for the Winter "Lick Your Fingers"

    sweet pepper - 5 kg tomatoes - 4 kg vegetable oil and sugar - 1 glass of salt and 9% vinegar - 2 tbsp each.

The sequence of preparation of Bulgarian pepper salad for the winter "Lick your fingers"

  1. Washed in running water, scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  2. We wash the pepper and take out the seed box from it, cut it into 4-6 parts.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the scrolled tomatoes, put on the stove.
  4. After boiling, pour oil into the pan and spread the pepper.
  5. Keep on fire for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Turn off the fire, pour in the vinegar, roll up the jars with lids.

Pepper salad for the winter without tomatoes and apples, a step-by-step recipe with a photo (3-liter jar)

This delicious pepper salad for the winter without tomatoes and apples will be a highlight among your preparations. For its preparation, it is recommended to use sweet and sour varieties of apples, which go well with peppers and onions. Honey will give the salad a pleasant velvety note, but its taste will not be dominant. Pepper salad for the winter - without tomatoes, but with apples and honey, will be a tasty and healthy treat on your table.

Ingredients for 3 liters of pepper salad for the winter without tomatoes and apples

  • 2 kg sweet pepper
  • 1 kg apples
  • 1 kg of onion
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 4-5 tbsp grows. oils
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 65 ml vinegar 9%.

The sequence of cooking salad with pepper for the winter without tomatoes and apples

  1. We prepare all the components for cutting, clean and wash.
  2. Cut out the seed box from the pepper, cut it into cubes or strips.
  3. Remove the skin from apples, cut out the core, cut the fruit into slices.
  4. Onion cut into half rings.
  5. We put the chopped components in a saucepan, add salt and honey, mix and let it brew for 1 hour.
  6. We put the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Before the end of cooking, pour vinegar, mix again and lay out in sterilized jars.
  8. Roll up and cover with a blanket for a day.

Pepper salad for the winter without Hungarian sterilization, recipe with photo

Sweet peppers are a popular vegetable in Hungarian cuisine. Pepper salad for the winter without Hungarian sterilization will be an excellent appetizer for main courses or a light side dish for meat. Even the most sophisticated gourmets will appreciate its taste. Lettuce does not require sterilization, but must be stored in a cool place.

Pepper Salad Ingredients Without Sterilization

To prepare an original Hungarian pepper salad without sterilization, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 350 g of celery root and parsley;
  • 150 g cauliflower;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 80-100 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • 30-40 g of salt;
  • bay leaves;
  • 30 g sugar.

The sequence of cooking salad for the winter from Hungarian pepper without sterilization

  1. Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds and cut it into pieces.
  2. Divide the cauliflower into florets and wash in salted water.
  3. Finely chop the peeled celery and parsley roots.
  4. Prepare the marinade according to the usual recipe.
  5. Put the vegetables in layers in a saucepan, pour cold marinade over and put oppression.
  6. The preparation should be infused for 10-12 days. Then it is put in the refrigerator or taken out to the cold.

Bulgarian Manjo pepper salad with cauliflower, carrots, onions and eggplants, delicious Lick Your Fingers salad, fragrant preparation with apples and honey without tomatoes, Hungarian salad without sterilization and vinegar - will replenish the treasury of your homemade preparations. Recipes with photos will be a visual instruction for you, simplifying the preparation of delicious and healthy homemade salads.

Bright, fragrant and sun-filled vegetables delight us throughout the summer and fall. Is it really necessary to be content with rather tasteless products that fill supermarkets in winter? Not at all. There are several ways by which you can save bell pepper for the winter. And each of them has its own merits. Using simple tips, you can surprise your guests with a bright vitamin salad with fresh vegetables in February, or diversify your usual soups and main courses with a cocktail of colorful frozen pepper pieces.

How to choose peppers for long-term storage

Before you go to the market or your own vegetable garden, you need to decide on the harvesting method.

There are two stages of ripeness of bell pepper. This:

  • Botanical (biological) ripeness - the fruits are evenly colored in a characteristic color, the size of the fruit corresponds to the variety. Such raw materials must be used for freezing, drying, canning. These fruits keep well in the refrigerator. They are able to retain their properties for 1.5 months.
  • Fruits that are in the stage of technical ripeness cannot boast of size or bright color. You can recognize a pepper suitable for long-term fresh storage by lightly pressing it. A slight crunch indicates that the vegetable is unripe and will easily survive several months, gradually reaching the required condition. Do not freeze, do not dry, do not preserve such vegetables.

Fruits in the stage of biological maturity

If any varieties of bell peppers are suitable for drying and freezing, then the following are best suited for fresh storage:

  • Martin
  • Fugitive
  • black cardinal
  • Novogoshary
  • Aristotle ex 3 p F1
  • Red Baron F1

Vitamin Harvest

Vegetables without the slightest defect (cracks, rot, dents) are cut from the bush very carefully and always along with the stalk. The fragile fruit is easily damaged, and it will be unsuitable for long-term fresh storage.

Fresh pepper storage

Before harvesting fresh vitamin fruits for the future, it is worth deciding on a room for long-term storage of vegetables. For these purposes, a cellar, basement or glazed balcony is suitable. The main thing is that the humidity is within the range of up to 80-90%, and the air temperature does not fall below 0 C.

Storage containers, such as wooden crates, must be dry and free of mold. Before laying vegetables, it is enough to withstand the boxes for several days in the sun. The shelf life of fresh pepper depends on the observance of the optimal temperature regime and humidity in the room, as well as the thoroughness of the selection of vegetables for the winter (only fruits that are at the stage of technological ripeness).

If all conditions are met, fresh bell peppers will be able to appear on your table throughout the winter.

Popular ways to harvest fresh fruits for the winter

It is desirable that the fruits do not touch each other. This will keep the vegetables from spoiling for as long as possible. And if one pepper has started to rot, you can simply remove it.

For this, individual packaging made of polyethylene with holes for air ventilation is suitable.. The method is convenient in that it simplifies the process of regular inspection of vegetables for integrity and the absence of signs of spoilage.

Harvesting vegetables for the winter

Paper bags have proven themselves well when storing bell peppers. They allow the fruits to "breathe" and significantly increase the period of freshness of the fruits. Packages can be replaced with plain paper, in which peppers are wrapped very carefully.

You can make a bright accent at the same time both in the interior and in the diet of the household by placing flowerpots with sweet pepper on the windowsills. To do this, you should dig up bushes with unripe fruits (along with the root system) before the start of frost, plant them in pots, treat them from pests and bring them into the house. As the vegetables ripen, you can pick and enjoy their rich taste.

The best ways to freeze sweet peppers

Increasingly, housewives prefer frozen vegetables, which, unlike conservation, retain all the vitamins and bright taste properties. Pepper is no exception. It can be frozen whole, prepared, pre-cut, into small cubes or straws.

For owners of freezers of impressive size, the method of harvesting stuffed peppers is suitable, and fans of vegetable salads and sauces will appreciate freezing baked vegetables with a rich aroma and original taste.

Preparation of raw materials for freezing

Preparing Peppers for Freezing

For a blank that will help diversify the menu until the next season, peppers of biological ripeness are selected without damage and signs of decay. If the vegetables are chopped, you can use not the most beautiful specimens, simply cutting out the unaesthetic parts.

  • vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water;
  • a core is cut with a sharp knife;
  • veins and seeds are removed (if this is not done, then the dish, which will include the workpiece, may be bitter);
  • peppers are washed again with running water and dried with a paper towel (the better the moisture is removed from the surface of the vegetables, the more crumbly the freezing will turn out).

For blanks, it is worth taking peppers of different colors - red, yellow, green. This is true for both freezing whole and chopped vegetables. Vegetable dressing will become brighter, and the taste of second courses will become richer.

Whole frozen pepper

Fans of stuffed peppers are often faced with the fact that they can enjoy the taste of their favorite dish only in season. You can correct the situation by freezing the whole fruits, peeled from seeds and veins.. There are several ways to do this:

Frozen blanks

  • Peppers are placed one on one, like glasses. The resulting columns are placed in the freezer. Before cooking, they are stuffed without prior defrosting and cooked as usual.
  • You can minimize the space occupied in the freezer by first lowering the peeled fruits for 1 minute in boiling water. This will soften the peppers and prevent them from cracking during the freezing process.
  • Some housewives freeze peppers already filled with minced meat. The blanks are laid out on a flat surface, trying so that the peppers do not touch each other, and put into the freezer. A day later, they are filled with plastic bags. This method allows you to cook a delicious dinner in a matter of minutes. The frozen semi-finished product is poured with sauce and cooked on the stove or in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.

Chopped frozen pepper

Bulgarian pepper, frozen in pieces, perfectly complements soups, main dishes and salads. For harvesting, cut the fruits into small cubes or straws and freeze in bags or plastic containers.

Ready to freeze

A few hours after placing the workpiece in the freezer, shake the container or bag so that the cubes or slices do not stick together.

Before heat treatment, such peppers are not thawed.

Shredded for freezing

Bulgarian pepper frozen after grinding in a meat grinder or blender will enrich the taste of sauces and seasonings. You can freeze vitamin raw materials in small plastic cups or ice molds. Red peppers are best suited for this harvesting method.

Its taste, color and aroma goes well with tomatoes, green basil, other vegetables and herbs. This allows you to freeze almost ready-to-eat sauce. Such a preparation will be able to preserve all the vitamin and taste qualities until the new harvest.

Baked vegetables preparation

This blank will delight you with new tastes and gastronomic emotions. Ripe and intact peppers are selected for cooking (preferably thick-skinned). The fruits are thoroughly washed under running water without removing the stalk, dried with a napkin and spread on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Peppers are placed in an oven preheated to 200 0C for 35-40 minutes.

Vegetables should be browned, covered with a fragile and almost black crust. After taking them out of the oven, you must immediately place them in any thick-walled pan and cover the dishes with a lid. After 15 minutes, the peppers are peeled, holding the stem, after which all the insides are easily removed.

It is advisable to save the juice that accumulates inside the baked vegetables by pouring it into a suitable dish.. Prepared peppers are tightly packed in a container, poured with the resulting juice and sent for storage in the freezer. Such a preparation is perfect for winter vegetable salads, it will saturate soup dressing with new tastes.

If freezing is chosen for the storage of bell peppers, it is worth making sure that the freezer maintains the temperature regime necessary for this - from -18 0С to -32 0С. Only in this case, vegetables will retain their nutritional and taste properties until the next harvest.

Drying vegetables for the winter

Dried bell peppers are fragrant and filled with vitamins in summer. There are several ways to prepare an original seasoning for various dishes. For example, in the oven, electric dryer or outdoors.

Whatever drying method you choose, peppers must be properly prepared by thoroughly washing, peeling and wiping dry. It is best to use fleshy, ripe and brightly colored fruits for drying.

Oven dried peppers

When preparing a fragrant seasoning from vegetables that are bright and filled with vitamins and microelements necessary for health, the following scheme should be followed:

  • divide each pepper into four parts and cut into thin strips;
  • preheat the oven to 400 C-500 C;
  • line a baking sheet with parchment paper;
  • spread pepper on a sheet, trying to leave a small distance between the strips;
  • place the sheet in the oven and leave the cabinet door slightly ajar;
  • the vegetable mass should be periodically stirred with a spatula;
  • after 2 hours, turn off the oven without closing the door;
  • the next day, the drying process should be resumed (heat the oven, periodically stir the pepper mass for several hours).

You can check the readiness of the product for long-term storage by breaking a slice of vegetable in your hand. If it bends, returns to its original position when pressed, then it is necessary to dry the product in the oven.

After drying

Ordinary water will help restore the dried billet to the state of a fresh vegetable. The proportions are as follows: half a glass of water is taken per glass of dry pepper. By filling the vegetable mass with liquid for several hours, you will get a delicious bell pepper that can be used as food, as well as fresh.

Drying in an electric dryer

Peppers, previously washed under running water and peeled from the core, are cut either into cubes - 2x2 cm, or into thin rings 0.5 cm thick. It is advisable to blanch the vegetables in saline solution (1%) for 2 minutes, cool in cold water and give moisture drain. After that, the raw materials are laid out on pallets of the dryer.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to forget about preparing the workpiece for a long 8-12 hours. During this time, the vegetables will acquire a characteristic crunchiness, without losing either their taste properties or their inherent subtle aroma. Some devices dry vegetables in 8 hours, others may take longer to achieve the effect necessary for long-term storage.

Vegetables dried using an electric dryer can be stored in pieces, or you can grind in a blender to a seasoning state. The finished product is heated in an oven and placed in glass jars, the lids of which are pieces of linen. Vegetable seasoning retains its taste for about 2 years, can be used to enrich soups, main courses and sauces.

The sun and air are assistants in harvesting pepper for the winter

Some housewives prefer not to use an oven and an electric dryer for drying vegetables, opting for natural drying processes. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a well-ventilated room that can reliably protect the bell pepper from excess moisture and direct sunlight. It can be a covered veranda in the country, a canopy in the backyard, and even a balcony in an apartment building.

Preparatory process

Peppers cut into small strips are laid out in a thin layer on the grates and covered with a layer of ordinary gauze. The workpiece is taken out into the air, and the temperature regime does not play a special role. It’s just that on sunny and fine days, vegetables will acquire the crispy texture necessary for long-term storage in 3-4 days, and cloudy weather will force the pallets to be kept in the air for about a week.

If it rains, pepper must be brought indoors to avoid product spoilage. Periodically stir the vegetable pieces and check for doneness. Naturally dried vegetables retain a maximum of nutrients and have a bright aroma, indispensable in the preparation of first and main courses.

Oven-dried bell pepper

An original appetizer can be prepared from oven-dried bell peppers. The blank will decorate any holiday table, will be an excellent addition to the usual menu. To prepare a bright dish in every sense, you will need the following simple and affordable ingredients:

  • fleshy, ripe and aromatic Bulgarian
  • pepper - 3 kg
  • garlic - 15 cloves
  • a mixture of your favorite spices (basil and coriander are best combined with pepper) - 7-8 tsp
  • garlic powder - 2 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 4 tbsp
  • vegetable oil

Peppers should be cleaned of seeds and partitions, blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water and lowered into a container filled with cold water. This will allow you to easily remove the skin from vegetables. The peeling process is not required. If the presence of the skin in the dish does not cause discomfort, this stage (blanching and subsequent cleaning) can be omitted.

The baking sheet is covered with baking paper, on which peppers cut into quarters are evenly laid. Vegetables are sprinkled with salt, sugar and seasoning, sent to an oven preheated to 100 C. Peppers will be cooked for about 2-3 hours (depending on the capabilities of the oven and the meatiness of the peppers). You can check the degree of readiness by piercing the vegetables with a toothpick. If they are soft, then the drying process can be completed.

Appetizing even in appearance

While the main product is being prepared, it is necessary to sterilize small jars. Hot pepper is placed in a container, interspersed with chopped garlic (about 4 cloves go to a half-liter jar). A completely filled jar is poured with hot, but not boiling, oil, rolled up, turned over and wrapped until it cools completely.

Such conservation can be stored under any temperature conditions, including in an ordinary pantry in a standard city apartment.

Salads with sweet peppers for the winter

No matter how useful properties frozen or fresh peppers have, you can’t do without preservation saturated with bright flavors, which includes a popular vegetable. Bright salads will decorate the festive table, will be a wonderful side dish for meat. When choosing pepper for preservation, it is worth giving preference to thick-skinned varieties that have reached biological maturity.

Winter preparation

Sauerkraut with bell pepper for the winter

Sauerkraut- a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which our body so badly needs in the cold season. Bulgarian pepper added to the preparation will help to make the appetizer even more interesting and healthier. You will need the following ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 2 heads (large)
  • sweet pepper (preferably red) - 10 pcs.
  • carrots - 10 pcs.
  • horseradish - 2 sheets
  • dill - a few sprigs
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • salt - 6 tbsp.
  • black pepper - 8 peas

Another delicious dish

Wash the vegetables, finely chop the cabbage, cut the pepper into strips, grate the carrots. Spread in a jar in layers: cabbage mixed with salt, pepper, bay leaf and horseradish, carrots, peppers. Each layer should be compacted, put oppression and leave the jars warm for 5 days, piercing the cabbage daily to remove accumulated gases.

As soon as the fermentation process is completed, the jar is tightly closed with a lid and sent for storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter

There are many recipes for Hungarian bell pepper dishes. Each hostess prepares an appetizer in her own way, adding additional ingredients or, for example, replacing sugar for tomato sauce with honey. But before you start experimenting, you can master one of the simplest and most delicious cooking options for lecho, for which you will need the following products:

  • peeled from seeds and partitions sweet pepper - 4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • table vinegar (9%) - 6 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp.

Cut the main salad ingredient into large cubes or strips. Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces, grind in a meat grinder or puree in a blender (you can first remove the skin from them, first dropping them into boiling water for a minute, and then into cold water). Pour the tomato into an enamel pan, add butter, sugar and salt, boil.

Put sweet peppers into the boiled sauce and boil for half an hour, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar, mix again and remove from heat.

Arrange the lecho in pre-sterilized jars, roll up with sterile lids. Preservation should be turned upside down and wrapped until completely cool. An appetizer prepared according to this recipe can be stored in a cool place without loss of taste properties for 2 years.
