
New recipes for sandwiches. Sandwiches with herring and cucumber

You can easily prepare bright, beautiful and unusually tasty snack sandwiches for the festive table according to detailed recipes with photos from our selection.

  • Black bread - 10-15 pieces
  • Salted herring - 250 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greens (for decoration)

Boil the carrots, peel and rub on a medium grater. Squeeze out the garlic.

And add mayonnaise. We mix.

Cut the bread into pieces. It is most delicious to take black bread, such as Borodino. Pieces can be dried in the oven or lightly fried. We smear them with carrots.

Put a piece of herring on top.

Sprinkle chopped herbs on top for decoration. And now our holiday sandwiches are ready. Sweet juicy carrots and spicy garlic complement the salted fish very well. No one will refuse such an appetizer.

Recipe 2: sandwiches with salmon and almonds on the holiday table

Cucumber along with pickled ginger will give the sandwich a special piquancy and spiciness. Thanks to the pieces of salmon, the dish will be more satisfying and tender.

  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • salmon or trout 100 g.
  • cottage cheese 50 g
  • butter 30 g.
  • pickled ginger 20 g
  • black bread 100 g
  • salt and pepper to taste.

If you don’t have the right fish at hand, you can take smoked herring, pink salmon or something similar.

Brown bread can be replaced with French loaf, rye bread or malt bread.

So that sandwiches do not lose their taste and juiciness, make them before the start of the feast.

Stir the cottage cheese with butter, add pepper and salt.

Stir the resulting mixture until smooth.

Cut brown bread into small pieces.

We spread the curd mass on each slice.

We cut the cucumber into thin rings and put it on bread.

Salmon or other fish on top of the cucumber.

It remains to put a little ginger and the dish is ready! You can serve snacks at the table. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Simple Hot Snack Sandwiches (Step by Step Photos)

  • loaf - 4 slices
  • boiled sausage - 30 gr.
  • hard cheese - 30 gr.
  • French mustard in grains - 2 tsp
  • butter - 10 gr.
  • salt - a pinch
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil

Lubricate two pieces of loaf with softened butter and mustard.

On each greased piece of loaf lay out circles of boiled sausage.

Put a thin slice of cheese on the sausage.

Cover the sandwiches with the remaining loaf slices.

Whisk the egg with milk and salt.

Dip the sandwich completely in the egg mixture.

We spread the sandwiches in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry over low heat on both sides until a golden crust appears.

We serve hearty, delicious hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese to the table, garnished with a slice of tomato and herbs.

Recipe 4, step by step: beautiful holiday egg sandwiches

  • bread 2-3 slices
  • onion 1 pc.
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • dill

Eggs are boiled, peeled, cut into slices.

We clean the onion, cut into slices.

Lightly grease the slices of bread with mayonnaise.

Spread the onion on bread, lightly grease with mayonnaise.

We spread the eggs on the onion, lightly grease with mayonnaise.

Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top.

Recipe 5: classic New Year's sandwiches with sprats

  • tomatoes - 300 g
  • fresh cucumbers - 300 g
  • sprats - 1 bank
  • white loaf
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 50 g
  • greens to taste

We cut the loaf into slices about 1-1.5 centimeters thick.

Pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer and mix with mayonnaise.

Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices.

Slices of bread are lightly fried in a pan on both sides without adding oil.

Lubricate each slice of bread on one side with garlic mayonnaise.

Then lay out the tomatoes.

Lay the cucumbers on top of the tomatoes.

Put the sprats on the cucumbers. Top sandwiches can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Bright Holiday Kiwi Snack Sandwiches

We offer you to cook unusual and very tasty sandwiches with kiwi, garlic and cheese. Fruits have long shown their best side not only for desserts, but also for meat, sauces and salads, so why not try something else. So, the combination is quite simple - slices of dried bread / loaf are smeared with the usual melted cheese with egg, mayonnaise and garlic, then a little Dutch cheese, kiwi and chili pepper are added - all as a result gives just an amazing taste. Plus, sandwiches turn out to be very beautiful, so they can decorate any holiday table with dignity.

  • gray loaf or bread - 5-6 slices;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • Dutch cheese - 40 g;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper, chili - to taste.

Prepare all the products according to the list, boil the chicken egg in advance, peel and grate on the smallest grater. Add processed cheese to the egg, which should also be grated on the smallest grater.

Salt and pepper the cheese and egg to your liking, add mayonnaise, add one clove of garlic, skipped on the press. Mix all ingredients together.

Prepare kiwi - peel it, rinse and cut into plates. Chile also cut into thin plates.

You can choose any bread - gray, black, white, with the addition of spices. Dry the bread in the oven or in a dry frying pan. Then spread each slice of bread with the prepared cheese and egg filling.

Arrange one slice of kiwi and one slice of Dutch cheese on top.

Top with chili peppers, for each sandwich, putting a few rings. After crushing the sandwiches with a pinch of salt and pepper, decorate with herbs if desired and serve immediately to the table.

Recipe 7: sandwiches with tomatoes on the festive table (step by step)

Quite often we have to torment ourselves with the question of what sandwiches to offer as cold appetizers on the festive table. Of course, traditional snacks with sausages and different types of meat are a matter of course, but still, sometimes you want to surprise guests. In fact, snack sandwiches, the recipe of which we want to offer you today, do not differ in the original composition of the ingredients. However, they have an undeniable advantage - the filling for sandwiches can be prepared in advance and used for stuffing tomatoes, tartlets or crab sticks, or simply put on the table as a pate. These snack sandwiches with egg and tomato look very profitable and beautiful on the table and their taste is simply amazing, it is impossible to tear yourself away!

  • processed cheese - ½ pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • loaf slices - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste.

To prepare our snack sandwiches, boil hard-boiled eggs, prepare everything else and do not forget about decorating. Looks great and goes well with parsley products. Cheese is best kept in the freezer until the moment of use.

Peel the boiled egg and grate on a coarse grater. Remove the processed cheese from the freezer and grate in the same way as the egg.
Peel the garlic and grate on the smallest grater. Mix garlic, egg and processed cheese in a bowl, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Be sure to fry the loaf slices in a dry frying pan on both sides, or use a special toaster. Make this just before serving the snack sandwiches, they don't taste as good when they're cold, but they're certainly quite edible!

Be sure to very quickly grease the sandwiches with the resulting putty.

Place the sliced ​​tomato on the putty, season with salt and pepper, garnish with parsley and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 8: how to make sandwiches for the holiday with champignons

I propose to cook delicious and fragrant sandwiches with champignons and bell peppers. Based on the recipe for the Italian appetizer "Bruschetta", which is a fried slice of bread, which is generously rubbed with garlic. Such sandwiches will pleasantly surprise you with their taste and bright colors, especially if you take bell peppers of different colors.

  • 1 baguette;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 yellow bell pepper;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley;
  • salt pepper;
  • olive oil for frying the baguette.

Salt, pepper and mix the fried vegetables and mushrooms with chopped herbs.

Recipe 9: delicious and beautiful sandwiches for the New Year's table

A festive table is a festive table, and everything on it should be beautiful and tasty, right? If you agree with me, then I will be glad if you cook these beautiful and delicious sandwiches for the festive table with me.

  • Lightly salted herring - 200 grams
  • Small red onion - 1 onion
  • Bread (black or white)
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 grams
  • Homemade horseradish - 1 teaspoon

The necessary products are on the table, now you can start or create goodies.

Bread should be cut into slices, approximately, so that they are designed for only one bite. Lightly salted herring fillets should be cut so that they fit on a piece of bread and do not protrude beyond the edges of the bread.

Mix sour cream with horseradish, add salt, pepper and mix well. All horseradish and sour cream sauce for sandwiches is ready for the festive table.

Using a pastry bag or syringe, apply the sauce to the bread.

Put pieces of herring on top of the sauce, and onion rings, which were cut in advance, on the herring, and put a leaf of dill or parsley into the rings. That's all, sandwiches for the festive table are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe 10: Simple Quick Cheese Sandwiches for the Holidays

  • White bread - 300 g.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bunch each.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Rinse the greens, dry and chop finely.

Preparations, the nutritional value of which depends on the products used as a filling. The name of the treat literally translates from German as "bread with butter" (in German: "buter" - butter, "brod" - bread).

What are sandwiches?

In modern cooking, various types of sandwiches are widespread, as they are very quick to prepare. In addition, with their help you can diversify the menu, appetizingly serve and decorate any table.

Various types of sandwiches (photos are presented in the article) are served as independent dishes, as an appetizer before lunch or dinner, they are served with coffee or tea, they are taken with them on hikes, picnics, etc. Classification of types of sandwiches is carried out according to certain criteria. These include:

  • Type of product used: meat, fish, dairy (curd mass or cheeses), vegetables, sweets, fruits.
  • The temperature of their serving on the table: hot (baked), cold, toasted (toast).
  • The amount of raw materials used for manufacturing: simple (one type of product is used); complex (products of several types are used).
  • According to the type of preparation, sandwiches are divided into closed (sandwiches), open, snack bars.

All sandwiches are prepared just before serving. Before that, for 30-40 minutes they can be stored in the cold in trays covered with parchment or damp gauze.

There are sandwiches open, closed, as well as snack bars. Among the most popular types of hostesses, hot and cold ones are also distinguished, a separate category is represented by the so-called sandwich cakes.

open sandwiches

The first, most familiar and, perhaps, the most common group of sandwiches are the so-called open sandwiches. Open types of sandwiches are an ordinary piece of bread, on which you can beautifully or somehow put a slice of cheese, a circle of sausage or a piece of fish. Usually bread is additionally spread with mayonnaise or butter, moistened with some kind of sauce or ketchup. Most often, caring mothers put open sandwiches in a backpack for schoolchildren for a small snack, they can often be seen on the counters of public catering, on the table at breakfast, etc. Some housewives call them the most boring of all types of sandwiches. However, if desired, this treat can be turned into a real masterpiece.


A sandwich is a fresh bun cut in half lengthwise, greased with butter (sauce or mayonnaise) and filled with some delicious content. This type of closed sandwich is a very satisfying snack option, which, in the opinion of some housewives, will be completely out of place on the buffet table, but it will come in handy as a quick snack.

A sandwich can be given a very festive look - you just need to bake small buns in which to put something non-trivial: mango or jamon, salted salmon or avocado paste, Roquefort or quiche-mish - and decorate them with a crispy salad with green leaves.

Snack sandwiches

This type includes tartinki, canapes, baskets (tartlets and flounces), etc.

  • Canape are sandwiches for one bite. These are small tender pieces of bread with a cut crust. Most often they are made from white breads, the slices of which are generously smeared with cream fillings or pasty mousses and stacked in layers. Sometimes, in order to support the filling, special sticks are used to hold the complex structure in a vertical position. Canapes look especially luxurious on the festive table - with their multi-colored layering and miniature size, they invariably attract the attention of guests.
  • Tartinki they are similar in size to canapes, but the filling in them is usually laid out in a slide in the middle of a piece of bread. As a filling, light pastes and cream pates are used, which are squeezed onto the base using a pastry syringe. As a rule, a small shrimp with a fancifully curved tail, some bright berries or pomegranate seeds, a string of lemon zest, a sprig of parsley, or any other elegant touch in a minimalist style are placed on top of the tart.
  • Tartlets are small baskets made of unleavened or shortcrust pastry, which are filled with all sorts of pâtés, spreadable salads, fruits or cheeses. As a frequent ingredient in tartlets, sauce is used, which is added to the filling, after which the sandwich basket is briefly sent to the oven in order for the sauce to thicken.
  • Vol-au-vents(the name of the treat is translated from French as “flying in the wind”) are quite voluminous baskets made of puff pastry, filled, like tartlets, stews, salads and pates, but the main thing in them is not the filling, but the dough. Vol-au-vents should be served hot.

Hot and cold sandwiches

In addition to these categories, sandwiches are also divided into hot and cold. Hot snack dishes are recommended to be prepared in advance, and before serving, reheat in the oven or microwave. Cold sandwiches are collected just before the guests arrive.

If you have to prepare for a large-scale buffet, sandwiches are recommended to be created a few hours before they need to be put on the table. Products should be carefully covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator.

To the category of both hot and cold, many gourmets include the so-called national sandwiches, which are consumed in different ways, both cold and heated: hamburgers (representing a bun cut in half with a cutlet), cheeseburgers (a bun with a cutlet and cheese), bruschetta (fried bread with tomatoes and mozzarella) and so on.

sandwich cakes

In fact, this dish is one huge sandwich, which provides for the presence of a rich and complex filling. The cake is served on the table as a whole, giving guests the opportunity to admire the mastery of the hostess and enjoy the anticipation of getting to know the contents of the masterpiece. The product is cut into pieces, and it turns into ordinary slices of bread with ham, cheese or fish. Sandwich cake adds festiveness and solemnity to the design of the table. But I must say that, according to many housewives, this treat is one of the most difficult types of sandwiches to prepare.

Recipes: Open Crab Salad Sandwich

This sandwich is called a cute snack that does not require significant expenses. It is prepared very quickly, within 15 minutes. The hostesses recommend using this recipe in case guests suddenly appeared, as a quick breakfast or as a snack during lunch. The dish belongs to Spanish cuisine.


For cooking you will need:

  • 200 g crab sticks;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of capers;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • 3 table. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • freshly ground allspice;
  • 1 baguette;
  • salt.

How to prepare salad dressing?

Eggs should be hard-boiled, grated with crab sticks on a fine grater. Place in a large bowl, add lemon juice, capers, and (to taste) pepper and salt. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix.

How to make an open sandwich?

Croissants with egg and salmon

This treat is a very tasty closed sandwich option, recommended for a snack, quick breakfast or dinner. If the sandwich buns are baked in advance, the entire cooking process will take about 10 minutes. Croissants are called very tasty, fragrant. According to reviews, the dish simply melts in your mouth along with the filling - a hot egg and pieces of smoked fish.


It takes 35 minutes to prepare 6 servings. Use:

  • 2 layers of ready-made puff pastry (1 egg is needed for lubrication);
  • 6 eggs;
  • 6 slices of lightly smoked salmon in butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • a few lettuce leaves;
  • flour.


The table is sprinkled with flour, the dough is laid out and cut into 3 parts, then the dough is folded in the form of a croissant, starting from the thick edge. Next, cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease with a small amount of vegetable oil, shift the croissants and grease them with an egg. A baking sheet with croissants is placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until ready (ready-made pastries rise and acquire a golden color).

While the croissants are baking, boil water in a saucepan. After the appearance of the first bubbles, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, immediately break and place in a boiling mixture of eggs. It is recommended to boil 3 poached eggs at a time. Then each croissant should be cut in half, grease one of the parts with butter. Slices of salmon are placed on it. Just before serving, put a poached egg in each of the croissants. The dish can be served at the table. Help yourself!


The preparation of any type of sandwiches is simple and fast, in addition, according to the hostesses, it is a very exciting activity. In order to prepare a snack for yourself and loved ones or a snack for the festive table, it is not necessary to be a certified culinary specialist. The hostesses generously share interesting proven recipes for a variety of sandwiches, the creation of which requires a minimum of products, imagination and aspiration to comprehend the new.

Hot sandwiches in a hurry are an indispensable snack when unexpected guests arrive or hungry children return home. You can make them with sausage, cheese, fish, sprats, vegetables, eggs. Housewives use white, rye, oat bread, some buy special cut slices. Such sandwiches are prepared very quickly, almost everyone can find the products at home.

There are a lot of recipes and tips on how to make quick sandwiches of various types and tastes at home. The most delicious are obtained with sausage, fresh herbs, sprats in oil. For their lubrication use mayonnaise, butter. You can combine products to your own taste, as you like, reheat or bake sandwiches in the microwave, oven.

Recipe for making simple sausage sandwiches

You will need:

  • two slices of white bread
  • 4 pieces of smoked sausage
  • 4 slices hard cheese
  • any mayonnaise
  • 2 sprigs of greens


  • Spread mayonnaise on bread with a thin layer so that it does not drip
  • We close the bread with sausage, put 2 pieces each, then similarly lay out slices of cheese
  • Bake all this for one minute in the microwave, decorate with a sprig of greens on top

These quick sandwiches are easy to make, they turn out just delicious. The cheese melts and forms a tender crust on top. You can also pour ketchup on top of the sausage for spiciness, but this is how you want.

Recipe for making delicious smoked sausage sandwiches

You will need:

  • two thick pieces of smoked sausage
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • a couple of pieces of cheese
  • fresh herbs
  • 2 loaf slices
  • mayonnaise


  • Sweet pepper should be cleaned, cut into thin strips
  • Cut the sausage into small cubes, grate the cheese
  • Greens should be chopped with a knife
  • Mix all products with mayonnaise, spread with a spoon on pieces of loaf
  • Bake in the oven for 3 minutes

These sandwiches should be made when the oven has warmed up. This way they get hotter. You can use any hot sauce instead of mayonnaise, such as garlic.

Recipe for making delicious sandwiches with sprats and garlic

You will need:

  • 1 fresh loaf, you can take a baguette
  • mayonnaise
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • jar of sprats
  • garlic


  • Grate the cheese, chop the garlic
  • Mix the garlic with mayonnaise, spread with a fork on top of the pieces of loaf
  • Open a jar of sprats, lay out two fish for each piece
  • Top everything with grated cheese, put in the oven, bake for 5 minutes

If there is a microwave, such hot sandwiches with sprats are cooked in it in just two to three minutes.

Recipe for making hearty sandwiches with sausage and eggs

You will need:

  • 2 slices of rye bread
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups boiled sausages
  • frying oil
  • greens, salt, ketchup


  • Pour oil into the pan, fry the bread
  • We break an egg into each piece, pouring them in the middle, salt, put a piece of sausage on top. Fry, turning the sausage down
  • Spread from the pan, pour ketchup, decorate with a sprig of dill on top

You can make such quick sandwiches healthier by adding slices of tomato and fresh cucumber on top. It is recommended to make them not with smoked, but with boiled sausage.

Recipe for making hearty sandwiches with sprats and pasta

You will need:

  • 1 raw carrot
  • piece of hard cheese
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt
  • 4 slices of rye bread
  • small jar of sprats
  • greenery


  • We rub carrots and cheese, open a jar of sprats
  • We mix carrots, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, grease slices of bread with this paste with a thick layer
  • Sprinkle cheese on top of pasta, bake sandwiches for 3 minutes
  • We take it out, put a dense layer of sprats on top, decorate with parsley

You can make such hot sandwiches at home not only with sprats, but also with any other smoked or salted fish.

Recipe for making fragrant hot sandwiches with ham

You will need:

  • 50 grams of ham
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 tomato
  • 50 grams of cheese
  • mayonnaise, herbs
  • 2 pieces of loaf


  • Ham, tomato, sausage and greens should be very finely chopped
  • Cheese should be rubbed
  • All ingredients must be mixed with mayonnaise, put with a spoon in the middle of the pieces with a pea
  • Now it remains only to bake them and serve for a snack.

Some housewives add pickled cucumber, but this is not for everyone.

Recipe for making crispy hot sandwiches with mushrooms

You will need:

  • a jar of champignons in pieces or caps
  • hard cheese
  • White bread
  • sausage


  • We cut the sausage into strips, if the champignons are large, we cut them into slices
  • We spread mushrooms, sausage on bread, slices of cheese on top
  • Bake for 2 minutes in the microwave at high power

You can add mayonnaise and herbs, take any other canned mushrooms.

Recipe for making delicious hot sandwiches

You will need:

  • piece of cheese
  • long loaf
  • mayonnaise
  • garlic
  • any greens


  • Grate cheese, chop greens, garlic
  • Mix everything, spread on slices of loaf
  • Bake in the oven or microwave for 1-2 minutes

The taste of the appetizer is delicate, creamy, fresh. Such sandwiches are eaten instantly and at a time.

All these recipes are prepared at lightning speed while the guests undress. You can also treat children with such snacks, they eat them with pleasure. The main thing is to use fresh products, beautifully serve ready-made sandwiches on plates.

If we compare the popularity of various dishes, then the most popular and favorite are sandwiches. And this is no coincidence, they are tasty, practical, they are quick to cook. Sandwiches are indispensable when traveling, they are great not only for breakfast or dinner, they can be served on the festive table. The undeniable advantage of sandwiches is their variety. What kind of sandwiches people have not come up with: meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sweet, salty ... At the same time, the most ordinary sandwich can be turned into a culinary and design masterpiece, if you use a little imagination.

How to pickle caviar for sandwiches

To enjoy sandwiches with caviar, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive delicacy in the store, you can pickle caviar from river fish at home, and very simply and quickly ...

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Shawarma is a great alternative to a sandwich, so it has become the number 1 dish for outdoor enthusiasts, tourists and business travelers. She is getting ready...

These hot sandwiches with ham, pineapple and cheese will be appreciated by lovers of exotic food. Sandwiches are prepared quickly - a couple of minutes to prepare the ingredients and five to eight minutes in the oven ...

Delicious cod liver sandwiches will become a real decoration of the festive table. The ingredients are not cheap, but they are worth it, especially if it's New Year or Birthday...

These sandwiches are prepared in a matter of minutes, but they turn out so tasty, so appetizing that no matter how much you cook them, it will still not be enough. Ingredients: bread, cottage cheese, dill, garlic...

Prepare these delicious and beautiful sandwiches with mushrooms, onions and cheese. They are perfect for a picnic or a children's birthday party. A simple, quick and practical recipe...

Home-cooked hamburgers are great food for picnics, children's birthday parties, and they can also be taken to work as lunch. Sharing a delicious homemade burger recipe...

Prepare very tasty and healthy summer sandwiches with egg, lettuce and tomatoes. They are prepared in minutes from the simplest and most affordable ingredients. Great solution for a summer cottage or a picnic...

Capelin caviar is an inexpensive and affordable product. Mixed with whipped cream or butter, you can get a very tasty spread for sandwiches. They are great for breakfast or lunch...

These sandwiches with smoked salmon are prepared very quickly. In fifteen minutes you can make a whole mountain of gourmet sandwiches that will allow your guests to forget about hunger ...

Sandwiches with liver pate, especially if it is made from chicken liver, are distinguished by tenderness and exquisite taste. These sandwiches will keep you energized until lunch...

These delicious sandwiches with freshly roasted chicken are perfect for a trip to the countryside or as a lunch for schoolchildren. They won't spoil until the evening...

The pate is prepared easily and quickly, it turns out tender and healthy, with a bunch of vitamins and essential fatty acids. You can make sandwiches from cabbage pate, or you can serve it as a side dish ...

There is nothing tastier than a fragrant sausage baked in dough. Adults and children alike enjoy this treat. In addition to the taste, this dish has a big plus - the filling never falls, because it keeps well in the dough)))

This sandwich is served hot, so these sandwiches are best prepared for breakfast. They are ideal for people who watch their figure, as they contain almost no fat...

Mexican tortilla is a good alternative to a regular sandwich. It combines a bread product, meat and vegetables, just everything you need to maintain strength during the working day ...

  • If sandwiches are served as an aperitif, then it is important that the main ingredients of the sandwiches do not coincide with the main ingredients of the main course. As the saying goes, long live diversity!
  • Sandwiches should be cooked just before serving. To speed up the process of preparing sandwiches, we prepare the ingredients in advance. Remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts and spreads easily on bread. We make pastas, sauces, etc. in advance.
  • Sandwiches are made either from an ordinary white loaf, or on toasted bread in the oven, or on croutons. The toast should be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.
  • We always store white bread separately from black bread. This is due to the fact that white bread quickly absorbs all odors.
  • Sandwiches will turn out sharper if you add a little table mustard to the butter.
  • To make soft cheeses easier to cut, dip the cheese knife in hot water from time to time.
  • For sandwiches, the skin is usually removed from the tomatoes. To make the skin peel off easily, dip the tomatoes for a few seconds, first in boiling water, and then dip in cold water. We begin to remove the skin from the center.
  • For sandwiches, fish is usually cooked in a large piece. So it turns out more juicy and fragrant.
  • Sandwiches are usually decorated with herbs, as well as mayonnaise. To give mayonnaise a new taste and color, various ingredients are added to it: herbs, garlic, mustard, horseradish, chopped mushrooms, etc.

The most delicious sandwich recipe

Take a slice of black or white (as you like) bread about 1 cm thick,
- cut a circle 1-1.5 cm thick from a loaf of "Doctor's" sausage,
- Put the sausage on the bread. Voila! The most delicious sandwich is ready!

(From the expanses of Runet)

Sandwiches are food that is economical from all points of view, both in terms of costs and time. Moreover, the latter circumstance is much more tangible and significant in our age of breakneck speeds, so significant that for some a sandwich has become perhaps the most common dish. Of course, it’s unwise and even dangerous to arrange a sandwich diet for yourself, but at the moment when you need to cook something quickly or take a snack with you to work or on the road, quick sandwiches become just a salvation.

Every housewife has options for how to cook sandwiches in a hurry. And, of course, for their preparation in the refrigerator there will always be a couple of the necessary products.

First of all, it's bread. For sandwiches in a hurry, it is advisable to take whole grain bread or with cereals, with bran or wholemeal flour - there is much more benefit in such bread than in loaves. If you have time and desire, bake rye sandwiches in advance and store them in a cool place.

½ stack whey,
½ stack sour cream
1 egg
Rye flour.

Knead not too stiff dough. Let stand for 30 minutes under an inverted bowl, then spread in the form of cakes on a floured baking sheet. Bake at a temperature of 160-180ºС. Sour cream in the recipe can be replaced with any fermented milk product. You can add crushed rye or wheat bran to the flour. The dough can be prepared without an egg, but then the cakes will turn out to be drier.

200 g of kefir,
100 g cottage cheese,
2-3 eggs
50 ml vegetable oil,
Rye flour,
rye or wheat bran - to taste and desire.

Knead the dough of the density of fat sour cream and pour onto a baking sheet in the form of cakes. It is better to pre-lay the baking sheet with baking paper. You can add a handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds to the dough for tortillas.

In the same way, various spreads, pates and flavored butters for sandwiches can be prepared in advance. Store them in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container and not for too long.

green oil

1 tbsp passed through a meat grinder or chopped greens in a blender: parsley, dill, young nettle, gout, wood lice, etc.,
100 g softened butter.

garlic oil

1 tbsp any greenery,
1-3 garlic cloves,
100 g butter.

cucumber oil
1 fresh cucumber
1 tbsp greenery,
vegetable oil - to taste.

Cut the cucumber as small as possible and rub it with vegetable oil. Add greens. Such oil is an excellent base for sandwiches with vegetables on rye bread.

200 g horseradish
100 g butter,
honey, lemon juice - to taste,
beetroot juice - optional.

Grate horseradish on a fine grater, season with honey and lemon juice to taste. Rub softened butter with horseradish. You can drop a little beet juice. Horseradish oil goes well with meat products.

150 g hard cheese
100 g butter,
red ground pepper - to taste.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater and combine with softened butter and red pepper.
Cheese pate with nuts
300 g of cheese,
50 g hazelnuts,
50 g breadcrumbs,
50 g sour cream
3-4 garlic cloves,
paprika, salt - to taste.

Mix the garlic, nuts and feta cheese passed through a meat grinder with paprika, salt, breadcrumbs and sour cream. Refrigerate and use as a spread spread for fish and meat sandwiches.

1 lemon
100 g butter,
1-2 tbsp honey.

Wash the lemon well, pour hot water for 1 minute and pass it together with the zest through a meat grinder. Combine with softened butter, add honey and mix well. This oil is well suited for sweet sandwiches and just as a healthy vitamin spread on bread.

Strictly speaking, there are no and cannot be any definitive recipes for sandwiches, because any housewife will certainly bring something of her own to each recipe. "Culinary Eden" only tells you how you can combine certain products so that you get delicious and healthy sandwiches, and not just bread and sausage.

4 slices wheat bread
4 slices of meat
4 slices hard cheese
2 slices of pineapple
tomato paste, parsley.

Toast slices of bread in a dry frying pan, or toast lightly toasted croutons in a toaster. Butter them and put a slice of meat, cheese and half a pineapple ring on each. Bake in the oven until the cheese starts to boil. Then put on a dish and garnish with tomato paste and parsley sprigs.

5 slices wheat bread
1 fresh tomato,
25 g butter,
25 g sweet almonds
50 g of cheese,
5 olives.

Pour boiling water over the almonds for 5 minutes, then remove the film and chop finely. Dry in an empty frying pan and mix with finely chopped cheese. Take the bread, butter it and place the tomato slices on top. Serve to the table, garnished with walnut-cheese mass and olives.

8 slices wheat bread
100 g cheese
100 g mayonnaise,
4 eggs,
3 art. l. tomato paste,
1 bunch of green onions.

Finely chop hard-boiled eggs and green onions, mix. Take slices of bread and spread with a little tomato paste. Sprinkle the egg-onion mixture on top, put 1-2 slices of cheese. Spread the sandwiches on a baking sheet and place in the microwave or oven until the cheese boils. If desired, you can drop a little mayonnaise on the finished sandwiches.

10 slices of bread for toast,
10 small patties (or 5 patties cut in half lengthwise)
150-200 g of cheese,
2 fresh tomatoes
2 pickles,
1 large onion
tartar sauce (or mayonnaise).

Form minced meat into small patties and fry over medium heat. Take two slices of bread, spread with mustard. Then lay out thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, onion rings, tomato, meatballs, cheese and lettuce. Optionally, you can add tartar sauce (or mayonnaise). Combine both pieces and put in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, focusing on boiling cheese.

5 slices wheat bread
100 g ham
100 g cheese
2 cloves of garlic
bunch of parsley,
tartar sauce (or mayonnaise).

Grate cheese and garlic and mix with finely chopped ham, chopped herbs and tartar sauce. Take a slice of bread, spread with the resulting mixture and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Sandwich "Multidimensional"

1 baguette
200 g ham
100 g hard cheese,
100 g butter,
3 garlic cloves,
fresh herbs (parsley, dill),
tartar sauce.

Take a loaf and make deep cuts obliquely, not cutting to the end of 1-1.5 cm. Mix grated cheese on a fine grater with finely chopped herbs, softened butter, 1-2 tbsp. l. tartar sauce and grated garlic. Fill the cuts in the baguette with the resulting mass and add a slice of thinly sliced ​​ham into each. Wrap the sandwich baguette in foil and bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

4 slices wheat bread
100 g boiled chicken fillet,
4 olives,
Thousand Island Sauce
a few sprigs of parsley.

Cut the meat into small pieces and mix with the Thousand Island sauce (or any other mayonnaise sauce). Take a slice of bread and apply the resulting mass on it. Serve garnished with olives and chopped parsley.

4 slices of Borodino bread,
4 slices of meat (ham),
4 slices hard cheese
2 medium pickles (gherkins)
1 boiled potato
20 g herring fillet,
fresh greens,
vegetable oil.

Pass meat, cheese, cucumbers, potatoes and 1 tsp through a meat grinder. vegetable oil. Spread the resulting mass on slices of Borodino bread and serve, decorating with finely chopped greens.

10 slices of bread
1-2 apples
75-100 g of cheese,
butter, nuts.

Cut apples into thin slices. Brush the bread with butter, lay the apples on top, put the cheese slices on top and bake until it melts. Sprinkle with nuts.

Lenten sandwiches

4 slices of cereal bread,
1 fresh tomato,
1 sweet bell pepper,
1 medium onion
vegetable oil (preferably olive oil)
fresh greens.

Cut the onion, pepper and tomato into thin rings. Take the bread, butter it and put the vegetables on top. Garnish the finished sandwiches with fresh chopped herbs and serve.

10 slices of cereal bread,
4 fresh tomatoes,
3 garlic cloves,
fresh greens,
vegetable oil.

Fry the slices of bread in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil until crispy. Place on paper towel lined platter, remove excess oil and rub with garlic. Slice the tomatoes, arrange on garlic bread and garnish with fresh herbs.

4 slices of black bread,
2 medium tomatoes,
2 cloves of garlic
1 small eggplant

Fry the bread in a little oil until crispy. Place on paper towels to get rid of excess oil. Rub the croutons with garlic on both sides and spread with a small amount of burning adjika. Cut the eggplant and tomato into thin circles, fry in a pan and put, alternating, on croutons with adjika. Serve to the table, adding sandwiches with onion rings and finely chopped greens.

250 g salted red fish fillet,
6 slices wheat bread
green oil (optional)
fresh greens.

Cut the salted red fish fillets into thin slices, drip lemon juice on each and arrange on slices of bread (each slice can be supplemented with a little green butter if desired). Serve to the table, decorating each sandwich with fresh herbs.

1 fresh cucumber
2-3 radishes
1 small onion
1 radish
lemon or grapefruit juice, vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste,
rye cakes or grain bread,

Finely chop fresh vegetables, pour over lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste and season with vegetable oil. Put this mass on slices of bread and sprinkle with herbs.

Walnut sandwiches.

Grind walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, add some sesame seeds to the nut mixture. Grease rye bread with butter and sprinkle with the resulting mixture. The combination of nuts can be very different, pumpkin or sunflower seeds can be added instead of sesame.

And finally some sweets for dessert!

Chocolate sandwiches


50-70 g chocolate butter,
1 tsp coffee,
grapes, cherries or strawberries.

Whip the butter with coffee until a soft cream forms. Spread one cookie, cover with a second, and garnish with chunks of chocolate butter and grapes, cherries, or strawberries.

Fruit and cheese sandwiches

6 slices wheat bread
100 g cheese butter,
1 stack fruit mix (banana + kiwi + orange),
1 st. l. crushed walnuts or hazelnuts.

Take a slice of bread and spread with cheese butter, then top with pieces of fruit and lightly toasted nuts.

Curd sandwiches

100 g baked milk biscuits,
100 g fruit curd
1 st. l. jam.

Take the cookies and put the curd mass so that a depression forms in the center, add jam there and serve with tea.

Now you know how delicious and easy it is to cook sandwiches in a hurry. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina
