
Delicate steamed rice. How to cook rice: basic rules and secrets

Rice is a healthy dietary product that does not irritate the intestines, therefore gluten-free rice porridge is recommended as a first complementary food even for infants. The same variety of rice can have a different taste and even different nutritional and nutritional properties depending on the way it is processed - unpeeled (brown), peeled (white) and parboiled (golden grains).

Steamed rice: how to cook?

Features of parboiled rice

Rice processing technology allows you to get different types of grain. Brown rice is minimally processed, its grains have such a color, since the natural bran shell is almost completely left on them, due to which almost all of its beneficial properties are preserved. White polished rice does not have this shell, and although it looks more appetizing than brown, it is no longer so useful - it contains the minimum amount of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Parboiled rice is obtained using a unique technology invented not very long ago. Raw grains are first kept in water, and then steamed under high pressure, dried and only then polished. Thanks to this, useful substances, which are mainly found in rice bran, are transferred by 80% to the rice grains themselves. Such rice has a golden color and after heat treatment becomes the same white as regular peeled rice.

Secrets of Cooking Steamed Rice

Cooking time for rice dishes - porridge, pilaf, etc. - largely depends on the type of rice, but if ordinary white rice needs to be cooked for about 15 minutes until cooked, the cooking time for steamed rice should be increased by almost 1.5–2 times. To cook it deliciously, you can cook it with the addition of aromatic spices. Usually, curry powder, ground nutmeg, and cumin are added to rice. Delicious rice can be cooked in a small amount of meat, fish or mushroom broth and served with an appropriate dish.

Parboiled rice does not need to be washed: its processing technology requires a high degree of grain cleaning

How to cook tender steamed rice in broth

For this method of cooking rice for 2-3 people, you will need:

1 cup steamed rice; - 2-2.5 cups of hot broth; - 2 tablespoons olive oil.

Heat up a frying pan, pour olive oil into it, pour in the rice and mix the grains well with a spatula so that each of them is saturated with oil. Flatten the rice in the pan and pour half a ladleful of hot broth into it. You can also add a pinch of dried herbs if you like. Cook the rice over medium heat, constantly adding the broth in small portions as it absorbs into the rice and boils away. When the rice is almost ready, pour another half a glass of broth into the pan, wait until it boils, close the pan tightly with a lid, turn off the fire under it and leave the rice to sweat for another 15-20 minutes.

Anastasia Panait

Photo Anastasia Panait

Fluffy golden rice is the perfect side dish! It is best to use basmati or other parboiled rice for making this rice, but with other varieties of rice it will turn out just as tasty! Also, this rice can be used to make salads - it will look much more impressive instead of the usual boiled white!

Be sure to rinse the rice in several waters before cooking and preferably soak - not only to get rid of contaminants, but also to wash out excess starch that can prevent the rice from becoming crumbly!

Turmeric can be replaced with saffron - then, along with an appetizing golden color, the rice will acquire an amazing aroma characteristic of saffron! But still, with turmeric, the option is more easily accessible and cheaper.

Such rice as a side dish is suitable for almost all dishes - meat, fish, vegetables! You can also eat it without anything, it turns out so perfect, just season the dish with butter - and a simple, but such a tasty second course will be ready!

We will need:

  • pot
  • Bowl
  • colander
  • spoon


  • basmati rice
  • refined sunflower oil
  • butter
  • turmeric

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook golden fluffy rice:

In order to prepare fluffy golden rice, we need basmati rice (150 grams), water (750 ml), salt (0.3 tablespoons), turmeric (0.5 teaspoons), refined sunflower oil (1 tablespoon .) and butter for serving.

Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over high heat.

After boiling water, pour salt into it and pour in refined sunflower oil. Thus, the finished rice will never stick together!

Pour turmeric into the water. Thanks to turmeric, the finished rice will acquire a golden appetizing color!

Bring the water back to a boil, pour in the rice previously washed in several waters and soaked for 30 minutes.

Cook rice after boiling water over very low heat under the lid for exactly 12 minutes. After we remove the pan from the stove, cover it with a towel and let the rice walk for another 15 minutes in peace and quiet.

If you want to cook fluffy rice, rinse it under cold water before cooking. So you get rid of starch, which is responsible for stickiness. Rinse the rice about five times or more until the water runs clear. It is most convenient to perform this procedure using a fine sieve.


Some dishes, such as , require glutinous rice. In this case, it is not worth rinsing. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to one rinse to wash off all the excess.

To make rice cook faster, you can soak it for 30-60 minutes. Then the cooking time will be reduced by almost half. However, in this case it is better to reduce the amount of water used for cooking.


It is generally believed that rice needs twice as much water to cook. But this is an approximate proportion. It is better to measure the volume of water based on the type of rice:

  • for long grain - 1: 1.5–2;
  • for medium grain - 1: 2–2.5;
  • for round grain - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for steamed - 1: 2;
  • for brown - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for wild - 1: 3.5.

Be sure to read the instructions on the package. The manufacturer knows exactly what kind of processing the rice has undergone, and suggests the optimal amount of water for it.

Measure rice and water with a measuring cup - it's much more convenient. The standard serving for one is 65 ml of dry rice.


It is better to cook rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom: in it the temperature is distributed evenly. You can also cook rice in a large skillet. A cauldron is traditionally used for pilaf.

Cooking rules

If you are cooking rice in a saucepan, first bring salted water to a boil, and then pour the grits into it. Stir the rice once so that the grains do not stick to the bottom. Then wait until the dish begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid.

Do not open the lid during cooking, otherwise the rice will take longer to cook. If you want the rice to be fluffy, don't stir it (except the first time). Otherwise, the grains will break and release starch.

The average cooking time, depending on the type, is:

  • for white rice - 20 minutes;
  • for steamed rice - 30 minutes;
  • for brown rice - 40 minutes;
  • for wild rice, 40–60 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and let it stand for 10-15 minutes covered. If there is water left in the cooked rice, drain it or cover the pan with a dry towel to absorb excess moisture.

If you are cooking rice in a pan, use a pot with a diameter of 24 cm or more, high sides and a lid. Rice is cooked in it in almost the same way as in a saucepan, with the exception of one nuance: the grains must first be quickly fried in vegetable oil. Do this for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains are covered with oil: then the rice will be crumbly. Then it must be poured with boiling water and cooked as described above.



Rice is good because its taste can always be changed a little. For example, with the following:

  • saffron;
  • curry;
  • cardamom;
  • zira;
  • caraway;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Spices are added to the water during cooking or to a ready-made dish.

Also, rice can be supplemented with the taste of herbs, citrus zest, or cooked not in water, but in meat or chicken broth.

Bonus: how to make rice for sushi

  1. Special Japanese rice is used for making sushi. You can replace it with the usual round-grain.
  2. Rice should be washed 5-7 times before cooking. It is better to throw out the floating grains.
  3. Pour washed rice with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. A piece of nori seaweed can be added to the pot for flavor, but must be removed before boiling.
  4. Rice is cooked under a lid: before boiling - over medium heat, after - at a minimum for about 15 minutes. After you need to remove the rice from the stove and let it stand for another 15 minutes.
  5. Ready rice must be seasoned with a special dressing. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a separate saucepan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt and heat the mixture over medium heat until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. Transfer the rice to a wide bowl, pour over the sauce and stir gently with a wooden spatula. After that, cool and start cooking sushi.

Do you know other ways to cook delicious rice? Share your secrets and recipes in the comments.

Huangjin Chaofan, or "Golden" fried rice, - a simple dish of homemade Chinese cuisine. One of the options for traditional Chinese side dishes, and "Golden" fried rice can also serve as a full breakfast. The secret of the dish is simple - yesterday's boiled friable rice (all fried rice dishes in Chinese cuisine are made from such rice), in which eggs are added (they are present in many recipes with fried rice). A little Maggi sauce and turmeric powder - it is turmeric that turns rice yellow.
With its appearance and aroma, Huangjin Chaofan will decorate an ordinary everyday breakfast or lunch, as well as a festive feast. The recipe is not at all complicated, this dish will be appreciated by lovers of rice dishes and Chinese cuisine in general.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
yesterday's boiled rice (Basmati or Jasmine) - 2 cups (400 g),
chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
sauce Maggi (Maggi)- 1 tsp,
ground turmeric - ½ tsp,
Weijing flavoring (monosodium glutamate) - ¼ tsp,
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

To prepare fried rice dishes, as a base, you need boiled crumbly rice, cooked in advance and spent the night in the refrigerator. Golden fried rice is no exception, so stock up on boiled rice ahead of time. Before cooking, you need to gently knead the lumps of rice with your hands.
Break the eggs into a suitable bowl and beat them a little, as for an omelet.
In a wok (or just in a frying pan), heat vegetable oil over medium heat and add boiled rice to the wok. Gently mix the contents of the wok so that the rice is covered with vegetable oil.

Fry the rice, stirring constantly so that it warms up and so that all the oil is absorbed into it.
Remove the wok from the heat and pour the egg mixture into the rice and mix very well so that the rice is covered with the egg film. The temperature will not be enough for the egg mass to seize right away, and therefore the rice will be covered, as it were, with an egg film. This is what we need.
Return the wok with rice to the stove and fry the rice with the egg over low heat until the egg mass is cooked, stirring occasionally.
Add Maggi sauce, turmeric, Weijing seasoning and salt to add extra flavor and golden color to the finished dish.

Stir the contents of the wok well again until the rice is evenly colored. Remove the wok from the fire. You can add a handful of green onion rings to give the rice additional flavor and attractiveness and mix the rice again.

Transfer the finished dish to a serving plate or arrange in portioned bowls and serve as a side dish. Perfectly complements poultry, seafood, meat dishes.

Rinse rice, add to a saucepan with salted cold water, put on fire. Wait for the water to boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then cook rice for 20 minutes over low heat under a lid until the water is completely boiled out of the pan.


How to cook rice

Cooking friable rice in a saucepan step by step

How else is rice cooked

How to cook rice in the microwave
It will turn out a little drier than in a saucepan.
Rinse rice, put in a microwave bowl, add salted boiling water (ratio 1:2) and close tightly. Set the microwave to 700-800 W, cook for 20 minutes, then insist in the microwave for 20 minutes.

By timer
Cooking rice, with a timer on the stove, can be even easier: just set the quiet power / fire (3 on a 10-point scale), and the stove time is 35 minutes for 1 cup of cereal, 45 for 2 cups and 1 hour for 3 cups . For the first time, the procedure is recommended to be carried out under supervision.

How to cook colored rice
To turn the rice yellow, you need to add curry or turmeric (for 1 cup of raw cereal - 1 teaspoon with a slide). To cook burgundy rice, it is recommended to fry it after cooking with a small amount of beets.

Boiled rice for a child
Children from 5 months old can be offered rice in rice porridge - boil rice in milk (for a glass of rice, 3 glasses of milk and sugar to taste).

rice for salad
Rice for any cold salads that are no longer amenable to heat treatment, cook until fully cooked.

How to cook rice for sushi
Rice for sushi and rolls (including Sen Soi rice) is small and round rice, cook the same 15-20 minutes for sushi rice, but after cooking, the rice should be dried for 20 minutes.

How to cook rice in bags
Boil white steamed rice in a bag for 12-15 minutes. Cook brown rice in bags for 20-25 minutes. Dip the rice in the bag into boiling water - the water must be out of proportion with the rice, so that the water with a margin of 2 centimeters covers the bag of rice.

Short notes reading no more than a minute

What do we cook?

  • cereals
    • Rice
