
Unusual dish for dinner. The fast food problem

It often happens that you need to urgently have a bite to eat and run on business without delay. Quite often, people ask the same question what to cook quickly and tasty. But there are many recipes for dishes that will help solve this issue, and in each case there is an opportunity to eat not only by ourselves, but also to quickly feed the family.

To help caring housewives who always plan their affairs and think in advance, lunch and dinner, we created this topic to somehow make it easier for them to find the right dish.

Delicious breakfast recipes

The day should start with a proper and healthy breakfast. It is morning food that will contribute to the result of your activity to a greater extent. A quick breakfast is what everyone needs in the morning. Only it would not be bad at all if these very dishes turned out to be hearty and tasty, but also healthy.

The simplest thing you can offer for breakfast is to cook scrambled eggs, but not the usual one, but stuffed into a bun with milk, cheese and herbs.

It is a complete meal with affordable ingredients. An omelet with cheese starts with almost any product and is not difficult to cook.

Omelet baked in the oven A very tasty, healthy and nutritious omelette can be cooked in the oven, which looks very appetizing and attractive.

Steamed vegetables with baked eggs This meal is superior in taste and nutrition to previous recipes. Stewed vegetables with scrambled eggs are much more satisfying and flavorful, which can be the key to a successful day.

A very original approach to cooking scrambled eggs. The idea is so impressive that even if you have no appetite, you want to try them.

A delicious and healthy breakfast is the key to success that will accompany you all day long. It’s not a pity to lose a little more time in order to cook an omelette with broccoli.

What to cook for lunch

Dinner should be approached more responsibly and neglected, under no circumstances is it highly undesirable.

Well, as without the first, because lunch should be complete and soup should not be excluded from the diet in any case. And so the rich rice soup with cabbage is just right for the midday table.

And on a hot summer day, when it’s not hot, you can cook a cold soup with tomatoes. The process is quite simple even for beginners.

For a skilled housewife, it will not be difficult to knead the dough and cook pies in a hurry. For the middle of the day, pastries with meat filling will be just right.

The easiest and cheapest way to feed a family is to boil pasta with minced meat or stew using sailors' technology. After such a hearty dinner, you can safely go on a long voyage.

Marinated roasted drumsticks Chicken drumsticks can be prepared in a variety of ways, and without any hassle, they are best baked in the oven. Of course, it will take a little more time, but it's worth it.

An ordinary lunch dish that is best suited for such an occasion and can be prepared in many variations. Roast is an example of the perfect homemade food with a great combination of two main ingredients - meat and potatoes.

The culinary tradition of every family includes potatoes with meat, without these ingredients it is difficult to imagine the menu of a healthy person. Compared to the previous recipe, here the products are steamed.

It is impossible not to mention one more family dish - this is a meat casserole with cabbage, inside which completely different ingredients are successfully combined. The dish is poured with sauce, and then baked in the oven.

Wrapped minced meat with rice in white cabbage - of course, these are cabbage rolls, a hearty dinner for the whole family, which everyone loves without exception. There are different options and ways to prepare them.

Dinner is fast and delicious

For dinner, it is recommended to choose something less high-calorie, and it is advised to completely exclude fatty foods, if not completely, but you need to reduce the amount. But what to do if at the end of the working day you really want to pamper yourself and arrange a belly feast - then our recipes for a quick and tasty dinner will help you.

It is known that chocolate is not only a pleasant and beloved delicacy, but also one of the proven ways to reduce appetite. You can be sure that a small portion of chocolate pudding will not harm your health.

Chicken salad is more of a festive dish that is great for dinner too. For the preparation of such a salad, white chicken meat with all kinds of vegetables is mainly used.

Probably nothing bad will happen if you eat a plate of stewed cabbage for dinner. After all, vegetable stew is a healthy and low-calorie dish that is easily absorbed by the body.

Spanish baked potatoes It doesn’t matter what recipe the potatoes are cooked in, it is in the baked form that it turns out to be especially fragrant, tasty and healthy.

Chicken breasts in cream and cheese Chicken is a dietary meat and naturally chicken breast is ideal for a healthy diet. Thanks to cream and cheese, the chicken will turn out juicy, soft and tasty.

For many people who are satisfied with short snacks during the day, the only opportunity is to have a hearty meal in the evening. Quite often, most dinner parties are scheduled during this period of time, and for such an occasion it is necessary to prepare the most exquisite dishes for every taste.

Festive delicious dinner

The festive table for dear guests should be special and thought out to the details, so that at the first glance it is clear that they were expected here.

Compared to fried, baked fish does not create heaviness in the stomach and retains more beneficial qualities. Fish is the queen of the festive table.

An original appetizer can be easily prepared from roast beef slices. The presence of canapes on the table portends a long and fun feast.

Fish salad in an unusual combination will satisfy most guests and everyone will like it. This salad will be a great addition and will serve as a hearty snack.

Fillet is perfect for people who are on a diet. And as a filling, you can also use less low-calorie products.

Chicken with potatoes in the oven The most ideal dish of any festive table is chicken with a side dish, which will serve as an official signal for the start of the feast.

It is worth watching the action of cooking pilaf a couple of times and you can repeat and surprise everyone present with this wonderful dish.

Chicken in the oven is already a holiday. An exquisite dish for meeting guests, which is baked in foil without any extra effort and in haste.

In any case, you need to save on time within reasonable limits, because some dishes do not tolerate haste, and this mainly applies to lunch and dinner.

Every time the evening comes, we start thinking what to cook for dinner? It would seem, well, what is easier, fried eggs or potatoes. But in our country, as in many other countries, it just so happens that dinner is the main meal of the day. And as a rule, we still have the whole family at work during the day, and even more so for bachelors, so there is no one to cook during the day.

Simple and delicious step by step quick recipes for dinner with photos

Let's get started. In any of the recipes, you can add something of your own. Use your favorite spices. In those recipes where there are no proportions. take everything for yourself. You will have dinner together, take two pieces of meat, four, four. Spices are always best taken to your liking.


I. What is tasty and quick to cook for dinner

  1. Three quick dinner recipes

In this article, all products, excluding crabs, which can be freely replaced with crab sticks, are quite simple and not expensive. So you can cook all this at any time when you do not have this time.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • Salted red fish
  • Cheese - 20g


1. Break the eggs into a cup, salt and beat well.

2. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil. However, if you have a good non-stick frying pan, you can not lubricate with oil. Pour the beaten eggs into the heated skillet.

3. Close the pan and fry our egg pancake for about 2-3 minutes. Once the eggs are well set on the bottom, turn over and fry on the other side.

4. At this time, we are preparing the filling. Cucumbers cut into strips.

5. Cut the avocado in half, take out the pit. We take out the pulp from the peel with a spoon and also cut into strips.

6. We cut the fish into small pieces, trying to cut them, too, as if into straws. Remove not only the skin from the fish, but also the dark skin, then the fish will be easy to bite off in the roll.

7. Rub the cheese.

8. Now we collect the roll. Put sliced ​​cucumbers, avocados, fish on an egg cake.

9. We turn it all into a roll.

10. To make it more convenient to eat, cut the roll into pieces.

Our hearty, delicious dinner is ready.

Bon appetit!


  • Eggplant
  • Tomato
  • Mozzarella
  • green basil
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt and spices


1. Eggplant, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese cut into slices.

2. We also need green basil leaves.

3. Put foil on a baking sheet and eggplant circles on it. Lubricate each circle with soy sauce on both sides.

4. We send them to bake for 20-30 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 °

5. Put the finished eggplants on a dish with other ingredients, alternating them with each other.

Don't forget to salt and pepper if you like. We poured balsamic cream on top. You can drizzle with your favorite sauce.

Bon appetit!

II. What can you cook for dinner



  • Chicken fillet - 400 g.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Parsley
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.
  • Olive oil or any vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Spices for barbecue (sold in bags in stores)


1. Prepare the marinade. Finely chop the garlic. Also finely chop the parsley.

2. We send garlic and parsley into a deep cup. Add mustard, lemon juice, soy sauce and vegetable oil to them. We mix everything. If desired, add seasoning for barbecue and mix everything again.

3. Cut the chicken fillet into large pieces.

4. Put the chicken pieces in our marinade and mix so that they are all in the marinade. We leave them in the marinade for several hours, even overnight is better. But we need it quickly. I usually make marinade and chicken in the evening after dinner. You won't get tired because it's easy and fast. In the morning, when I go to work, I put the chicken pieces in the marinade, and when I get home after work, I cook them.

5. Turn on the oven and heat up to 200 °. Marinated chicken, string on skewers

and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

6. After 20 minutes, take out the skewers and enjoy. Serve vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes with barbecue.

Bon appetit!



1. Beef, it is best to take non-fatty meat, cut into small pieces.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes.

3. Grind the garlic.

4. We put the pan on the stove, grease it with vegetable oil and send the beef there. We will fry until it is slightly reddened.

5. The beef is reddened, add the onion. Fry until the onion softens. Add garlic. Salt, pepper.

6. In a glass, stir well the tomato paste with water so that the paste dissolves. Season the meat with this sauce, add about one more glass of boiling water, close the lid and leave to stew for 30-40 minutes.

7. Then add dried garlic and curry. We mix and our dish is basically ready.

8. Put a side dish on a plate, in our case rice, you can use pasta, pasta. We spread the meat to the side dish. We decorate with greenery.

Tasty, satisfying, short.

Bon appetit!

  1. Delicious and easy turkey dinner



1. Cut the turkey into medium pieces, put in a deep cup and pour soy sauce. 20 minutes for her to marinate. By the way, instead of turkey, you can take chicken.

2. Cut the red bell pepper and fry it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. We fry it until it becomes a little softer, but still remains crispy.

3. Remove the pepper from the pan and immediately put the meat into it. Fry it until browned on both sides.

4. Now let's prepare the sauce. In a blender glass, combine vegetable oil, mustard, apple cider vinegar and honey. Beat them together until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

5. We collect our dish. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.

6. Put the fried pepper on the salad.

7. Decorate the salad with cherry tomatoes cut in half and pour over our sauce.

8. We spread the turkey and also pour the sauce on top.

We got a delicious, as well as healthy, dietary dinner.

Bon appetit!

III. What to cook for dinner and quickly and easily - inexpensive recipes

  1. Dinner is quick, easy and inexpensive

  1. Three easy and inexpensive dinner recipes

Dinner is a sacred time for the family. Finally, the whole family gathered, sits down at the table, and if mom works, then everyone sits like that, looking at each other. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to cook simple, inexpensive dishes that are prepared quickly, and even so that it is tasty.



1. We make mashed potatoes from pre-cooked potatoes. We rub the cheese on a fine grater, add to the puree. Cut the green onion and send it to the potatoes with cheese. Separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks are immediately sent to mashed potatoes with cheese and onions.

2. Whip the whites into a stable foam. Even when we turn the glass over, the proteins remain in the glass, do not drain.

3. Now we need to melt the butter in milk, but do not bring to a boil.

4. Add protein to a cup of potatoes with cheese.

5. Now do not forget to salt and pepper. And pour in the butter melted in milk. Mix everything gently until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

6. The bottom and sides of the form in which we will bake our dish must be greased with butter, to the height of our casserole and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs.

7. We send our mass into the form, you can sprinkle paprika on top. if you love of course. We put in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 20 minutes.

Our simple and inexpensive dinner is ready. Add vegetables, cucumbers, you can tomatoes, sauerkraut.

Bon appetit!

IV. What to cook for dinner quickly and tasty, and cheap, with a photo

  1. Tortilla - delicious and quick for dinner

Tortilla Ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 100 g.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
For headset:
  • loaf - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Greenery
  • Dill parsley.
  • Olive oil - 30 g.


1. My potatoes, peel, wash again and cut into small cubes.

2. We take a frying pan, preferably thick-walled, deep, but small in diameter, so that the tortilla turns out like a pie, and not like a pancake, pour vegetable oil into it so that the bottom is completely covered with oil and heat. Put the potatoes in the pan and fry until golden brown. You can also use zucchini, mushrooms, and other ingredients instead of potatoes. Make sure there is always oil in the pan.

3. Finely chop the onion.

3. Add the onion to the potatoes and fry together with the potatoes until tender. Salt, pepper.

4. Break the eggs into a deep small cup or mug and beat well. Pour the beaten eggs into the cooked potatoes. Taste with a fork, it should be soft. Mix well. Close the lid for a couple of minutes. After 2 minutes, remove the lid and begin to prepare the tortilla for turning. Using a spatula, lightly press the tortilla away from the edges of the pan until you feel it begin to pull away on its own.

5. When we feel that the bottom of the tortilla is already fried and, if pushed from one side, it all moves along the bottom, then it's time to turn over. Take the lid of the pan, close the pan and turn the lid down. Do this over a sink because some liquid may spill.

6. From the lid with a spatula, transfer the tortilla to the pan and fry on the other side.

7. While the tortilla is fried, take the baguette and cut it in half. If there is no baguette, take some kind of long bun, and in extreme cases, just bread. Of course it will not be as beautiful, but the taste is not worse.

8. Pour a little olive oil over the halves of the baguette, cut the tomatoes into circles and place them on the baguette. Decorate with green leaves.

The tortilla is ready. Lay out on a plate. Serve with tomato baguette.

Bon appetit!


  • Smoked sausage - 1 pc. or smoked sausage - 50 g.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil


1. Rub the smoked sausage and cheese on a fine grater.

2. Mix and add eggs. Mix everything thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of breadcrumbs, or finely crumble the crust of bread. Mix everything again. Salt is unnecessary, since we use sausage, and it is quite salty.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that the bottom of the pan is covered. We spread the cutlets one spoon at a time, press a little. Fry over medium heat, 2 minutes on each side.

The patties cook very quickly. It turns out juicy, tender, satisfying. They are delicious hot because they have cheese inside.

Bon appetit!


  • Steamed rice - 200 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulbs - 2 small
  • Ribs - 6 pcs.
  • Spices to taste
  • Salt, water


1. If your ribs are frozen, put them out of the freezer in the fridge in the morning when you leave for work to thaw.

2. Arriving home in the evening, put the pan on the fire. We spread the ribs in a dry pan, they are fatty in themselves. You can add 2 tablespoons of water. They also chopped onions and carrots. Put a bay leaf. Salted, peppered. Stir occasionally, turn the ribs over.

3. Add steamed rice to the ribs. We mix. Add if necessary.

4. Add boiled hot water. The water should be level with the top of the rice. We close the lid. Simmer until the rice becomes soft. If there is not enough water, you can add more. Close the lid again, reduce the heat to low and simmer until tender. After all the water has evaporated, let stand for another 10 minutes.

Our rice with ribs is ready. This is a very satisfying dinner, and in a hurry.

Arrange on plates and eat with pleasure.

Bon appetit!

  1. Recipe for dumplings from inexpensive products

Write in the comments if you liked any of the proposed recipes. What would you like me to include in the articles.

For its delicate taste and aroma. It will fill you with warmth on a frosty day, help you wake up in the early morning and give you strength.

Delicious pastries for tea will be a great addition to this wonderful drink. This can be done very quickly and from the simplest products.

Quick recipes for baking for tea

Quick baking recipes for tea will allow any hostess to meet unexpected guests.

The easiest way out is to make puffs from ready-made puff pastry.

Puffs "For Unexpected Guests"

To do this, we need a block of frozen puff pastry, which can be bought at any supermarket.

Take the puff pastry out of the freezer lay out the layers on the table and wait 15 minutes so that they defrost at room temperature. Turn on the oven.

We roll out the layers of dough, cut it into pieces and give the shape we need (you can cut it into rhombuses, squares, circles, stripes).

If desired, you can use any filling (dried fruits scalded with boiling water, pieces of fresh fruit, homemade thick jam, etc.).

Lubricate puffs with egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. We lay out our blanks in a form, lightly oiled.
We send the form to the oven, heated to 220 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes.

Roll "Gentle"


  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • dry milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • soda (slaked) -? teaspoon;
  • thick jam.

Mix all dry ingredients, pour in the eggs, add the slaked soda and beat everything with a mixer.

We cover the form with oiled baking paper and send in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the mold from the oven, turn over and remove the paper.

We grease the surface of the finished cake with thick jam and immediately roll it up in the form of a roll. Serve on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Quick baking for tea is good because it is served to the table "hot, hot."

Donuts "15 minutes"


  • whole condensed milk - 1 can;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • flour (how much dough will take);
  • soda (repay with lemon juice) -? teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar;
  • vegetable oil for frying;

Whisk the condensed milk and eggs. Add slaked soda. Add flour and knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands.

We cut the dough into small balls and fry them in a large amount of well-heated vegetable oil. Put the fried donuts in a colander (so that the glass is excess oil) and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Delicious tea recipes

Cake "Fruit meadow"


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin (to taste).

We mix the ingredients preparing semi-liquid dough and pour it into an oiled mold.

Arrange fruit slices on top. Bake 30 minutes in the oven heated up to 180 degrees.

Quick baking recipes for tea amaze with a variety of shapes and tastes.

Bagels with boiled condensed milk


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg (for coating) - 1 pc;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can.

We prepare a soft dough from flour, sour cream, sugar and margarine, divide it into 4 equal parts.

From each part we form a ball. Each ball is rolled and cut. into 8 triangles (through the center).

On the wide side of each triangle lay out? h. spoons of boiled condensed milk.

We fold neat bagels and put them on a baking sheet (you do not need to grease it).

Lubricate the finished bagels with an egg and put in a hot (200 degrees) oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Cookies "Khvorost with condensed milk"


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 2 teaspoons;
  • yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ? teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar (to taste);
  • powdered sugar (for sprinkling) - ? glass;
  • vegetable oil (for deep-frying) - 500 ml.

And knead the steep dough from all the ingredients (with the exception of vanilla sugar and powdered sugar).

Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

We roll out the layer with a thickness of 2 mm and cut circles with a thin glass. Fry the slices until golden brown in boiling vegetable oil.

Ready-made mugs will take the form of shells. Sprinkle them with a mixture of vanilla sugar and powdered sugar.

We make a festive version of brushwood as follows: fasten 3 mugs with a drop of egg white (in the center), fry in boiling oil, holding the middle with a wooden skewer (until cooked).

Diet recipes for baking for tea

Light pastries for tea will delight gourmets who are constantly on a diet.

Air cake "Cloud"


  • jelly (preferably cranberry or raspberry) - 1 briquette;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • slaked soda - 1 teaspoon.

200 g sour cream and 50 g homemade jam (raspberry, cherry, strawberry or cranberry).

We knead the jelly briquette to a state of powder, add eggs, flour and slaked soda. The resulting dough should be liquid.

We divide it into 3 parts and pour it into molds (with a diameter of not more than 20 cm), well oiled and sprinkled with flour.

We bake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Cakes should be fluffy.

We coat them with a cream of jam and sour cream.

If you watch your weight, you can use any fresh berries instead of sour cream: this will reduce the calorie content of a delicious cake.

Simple baking for tea is within the power of even the most inexperienced hostess.

Apple pie "Delicious"


  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - ? glass;
  • sugar - ? glass;
  • butter (melted) - 150 g;
  • soda (slaked) -? teaspoon;
  • apples (sour) - 1 kg;

For cream:

  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - ? glass;
  • egg - 1 piece.

We prepare soft dough from the components of the top list and put it in a mold, leveling it with our hands (it cannot be rolled out). Over dough put apple slices, peeled.

Fill the cake with cream prepared from the components of the lower list (they need to be lightly beaten with a whisk). Bake 50 minutes in the oven heated up to 180 degrees.

Sweet pastries for tea will gather the whole family at the table.

Tartlets with apples


  • apples - 8 pieces;
  • Raisins - 100 g;
  • rum (or syrup) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter - 175 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • milk - ? glass;
  • Bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

    Mix honey with 3 tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Finished ruddy tartlets smeared with syrup from honey.

    Pastries for tea, the recipes of which you will find in this article, are distinguished by their ease of preparation and the availability of the recipe. Delight your loved ones with the taste of homemade delicacies that everyone will love.

Friday, October 04, 2013 12:22 pm + to quote pad

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Your loved one is about to return from work, but you don’t know what original, tasty and unusual to cook for him? Do not rush to panic: we bring to your attention dozens of answers to the question that is relevant for many, “what to cook for dinner for your beloved husband.” Treat your breadwinner to a delicious dinner prepared according to one of the recipes below, and he will love you even more. So, what to cook for dinner for your loved one - read and take note!

Dishes for dinner for your loved one

Monastic potato is a dish for fasting days. Little tricks - and a seemingly ordinary dish will sparkle with a new taste. I tell you how to cook potatoes in a monastic style!

Meat in pots with sour cream - an amazing taste of the most delicate dish. It takes a minimum of time to cook, and any meat is soft and juicy.

According to legend, Alexander Sergeevich was very fond of this dish, which was later named after him - Pushkin potatoes. Well, let's catch the right wave and prepare a poetic dish! :)

Meatballs in milk sauce - a great dish for the whole family! Delicious, nutritious and very easy to prepare. You will cook it quickly and be able to feed a whole army of hungry people!

That's how uncomplicated I decided to christen this salad. The dish is also very simple, so there is no point in inventing an artsy name. So, the recipe for salad with corn, cheese, tomatoes!

Meat in pots with champignons is a very tasty dish. Its special charm is that it is prepared quickly and easily and does not require the constant attention of the hostess.

Celery has a specific taste that not everyone likes. But even the most vehement opponents of this vegetable should enjoy the recipe for making a salad with shrimp and celery - it's so delicious that it's simply impossible to resist!

I tried beef stroganoff with mushrooms at a party and did not recognize my favorite dish since childhood. Mushrooms gave it aroma and exquisite taste. Mushrooms, however, were white. Learned how to cook, here's the recipe!

Chicken in bacon is juicy, soft, spicy. The bacon gives off its flavor and keeps the chicken from drying out. The dish is baked in the oven for about an hour. Vegetables can be served as a side dish for chicken in bacon.

Oven baked potatoes with greens are a very versatile dish and easy to prepare. They can feed a large group of people who will definitely remain full. It also goes as a side dish.

Salad "Olivier" with sausage

Salad "Olivier" with sausage is one of the most popular holiday salads, without which it is difficult to imagine any feast. For the New Year, birthday, anniversary - there is always a place for this salad.

Fried ribs in a pan are not only very tasty, but also versatile, because they can be served at the table both as an appetizer for beer and as a second course for lunch!

Baked pork ribs are incredibly tasty. They can be served as a weekday lunch or dinner, as well as for a festive one. Men (they are our hunters) like it especially :)

Cabbage stew with ribs is a wonderful dish that is not difficult to prepare. I give you the recipe for this dish.

Stewed potatoes with ribs is a very tasty and nutritious dish. It does not take much time, effort, or food to prepare it.

When there is very little time for cooking, but you want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

Borsch with beef is the best thing that was invented in Slavic cuisine. Everyone loves borscht - both adults and children. The recipe for borscht with beef in families is passed down from generation to generation. I share mine!

Russian cabbage soup differs significantly from traditional cabbage soup. Russian cabbage soup is unique in terms of ingredients, taste, and even color. I share the recipe.

I ate tender chicken chops at a children's birthday party, where we were invited with our granddaughter. The chops were small for children, huge for adults. Everyone ate them with pleasure and praised!

Potato pancakes with meat are so yummy! An excellent winter dish, hearty, high-calorie, warming in any frost. Making potato pancakes with meat is easy - here's my recipe!

Meatballs with potatoes are a dish of home craftsmen. The dish is original, amazing. I advise you to cook it for children and men. Indifferent will not remain.

Meatballs are a favorite homemade dish that can be prepared in a variety of ways. They can be stewed, fried, baked, steamed. I suggest meatballs in tomato-sour cream sauce.

Buckwheat with champignons can be an excellent side dish for meat or a dietary independent dish. In any case, the taste of this dish will not leave you indifferent!

Eggplant lovers - a new interesting recipe. Everyone will like eggplant boats with vegetables!

The recipe for steam meatballs is a little more complicated than regular ones, but such meatballs will bring you invaluable benefits. Ideal with a diet, because it is not so often possible to afford meat, but these are possible.

Tomato pie is a traditional southern, or rather, Mediterranean dish. Perfect for a brunch or a light dinner on a warm summer evening. The cake just disappears before our eyes.

Sour cream mashed potatoes are another way to enjoy a simple and affordable vegetable. Here is another original way to cook potatoes. I tried this at school when the children cooked for their mothers!

Green beans with bacon - an old grandmother's recipe, which I improved a little by adding balsamic vinegar. This is a nice warm salad that can be a light dinner too.

Today I will tell you about a rather unusual dish that you have hardly ever tried - this is fish jelly with tomato juice. Don't be scared because it's really delicious.

Simply a wonderful dish that is perfect for a family dinner or a festive lunch. The meat is very tender, and the potatoes act as a fragrant side dish - simple and tasty.

This dish can be called two in one. I tried it in a sanatorium, but I liked it so much that I now often make potatoes with minced chicken at home. I think you will be satisfied too.

All the ingredients I use in this dish are my favourites. I tell you how to cook potatoes with mushrooms and chicken - one of my favorite dishes, which I cook even for a holiday.

This simple eggplant and tomato salad recipe is one I use a lot during vegetable season - it's delicious, easy on the stomach, and easy to make. Ideal for barbecue and other meats;)

This is one of my favorite ways to make cottage cheese. It turns out a unique thing - it is delicious with vegetables, and with meat, and even just with bread. I think many of you will also like this simple recipe!

Fresh champignon soup is a light soup. Light in every way - easy to prepare, easy to eat and absolutely does not harm the figure. What could be better in spring?

Everything ingenious is simple, but in our case it is delicious. Try to cook champignons fried with onions - a simple and surprisingly tasty dish.

Mackerel is a fish that is a real pleasure to cook. The microwave will help you make a quick and tasty dinner from this fish.

If you decide to fast, or just want a light, low-fat meal, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe for lean cabbage cutlets. Tasty and healthy!

I love meat very much, I can’t live without it, so I try to cook it often and in different ways. Today I decided to cook meatballs - the dish is as simple as possible, quick, but tasty. Are we trying?

The garlic aroma and delicate taste of chicken will delight those who undertake to cook this dish. How to cook garlic chicken - I hope you enjoy the recipe!

In a slow cooker, the goose is not tough, well stewed and tasty. Cooking a goose in a slow cooker is a pleasure. I prepared the products, put them in the slow cooker, set the necessary mode and you're done!

Turkey meat is considered dietary, and turkey with beans can also be attributed to dietary dishes. Cooking a turkey with vegetables and a stewing method. The meat is juicy, tasty, and the dish is hearty.

I offer you a classic recipe for pilaf with raisins - this traditional Uzbek dish has such a stunning taste and aroma that you will definitely like it!

I bring to your attention an unusual taste and incredibly easy-to-cook pilaf with seafood in a slow cooker. This is a fragrant, delicious and low-calorie dish.

No matter what anyone says, the best and most correct pilaf is made from lamb, so today we turn to Uzbek cuisine and cook this dish in the best traditions.

Cordon Bleu is a breaded schnitzel (usually veal) stuffed with cheese and ham. We will cook a "pocket" of chicken - juicy, soft and incredibly tasty. Simple and fast!

Meatballs in Sweden are not just a national dish, but a popular delicacy. Every Swedish housewife has her own recipe for meatballs in Swedish. I'll tell you how to cook!

Meatballs with cabbage in the oven are very juicy and fragrant. I welcome in my kitchen all dishes with a high content of vegetables, especially those baked in the oven. Great dish for kids.

Cauliflower with cheese in the oven is a very healthy dish that is easy to prepare. Cauliflower is available in stores all year round both raw and frozen, so the dish is affordable.

If you want goodies on a diet, or in a post, I propose to learn how to cook buckwheat meatballs - a tender and juicy addition to any side dish without extra financial costs and long cooking! Are we trying?

Steamed fish meatballs are a dietary dish. I used this recipe for fish meatballs for my kids. But they turn out so tasty that I cook them even now and everyone eats them with pleasure.

Any of us at least once, but ate potato pancakes. Hot, fragrant, and with sour cream! Mmmm ... And if also with minced meat, then in general beauty. How to cook pancakes with minced meat? Read on.

Mushrooms in sour cream are probably the simplest dish in the world. But no! Add a twist - and you get a completely new interesting taste. Read the recipe with a twist;)

Savoy potatoes - it turns out very tasty, soft in texture, tender. It can be served both as a side dish and as an independent dish. How to cook Savoy potatoes!

The recipe for making fruit pilaf will come in handy during Lent. The dish is spicy, but not cloying. Vegetarians will love it.

This is an incredibly tasty juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which, I am sure, will become a hit on your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires the mild taste and aroma of real home cooking.

Constantly having a “duty” supply of food in the refrigerator, any housewife will answer the question without hesitation: what to cook inexpensively. Eating inexpensively, you must observe the well-known balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and do not forget about living vitamins, getting them from fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can always save money by completely abandoning semi-finished products. In addition, this refusal will drastically improve the quality of nutrition, because all ready-made and semi-finished products contain an incredible amount of salt and preservatives.

It is known that almost any dish can be prepared inexpensively. It is worth paying attention to traditional dishes from cereals, mushrooms, vegetables - their simplicity (not only in preparation, but also in composition) will help you to improve digestion disrupted by malnutrition, improve the body and help those who have been struggling with excess weight for a long time and often unsuccessfully.

Our site brings to your attention a selection of recipes that can be prepared inexpensively.

Mushroom cabbage soup

250 g fresh mushrooms or 70 g dried,
300 g white cabbage.
1 carrot
1 onion
2-3 potatoes
vegetable oil,
Bay leaf,
2-3 peas of allspice,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into strips, finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion. Saute carrots and onions until soft. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry separately (pre-soak the dried ones). Dip the potatoes, cabbage into the broth or water and cook until half cooked. Then put the fried vegetables and mushrooms into the pan, add the bay leaf, allspice and cook the cabbage soup until fully cooked.

Quick jellied pie with onion and egg

For test:
280 g flour
400 g of kefir,
2 eggs,
160 g butter,
2 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
1.5 tsp baking powder.
For filling:
2 eggs,
green onion,

Chop the green onion, lightly heat it with oil, salt, pepper, add hard-boiled and diced eggs. To prepare batter, melt butter, add sugar and salt, pour in kefir and beaten eggs. Mix flour with baking powder, add to liquid mixture and mix until smooth. Grease a baking dish with oil and pour a little more than half of the dough into it. Put the filling on it and fill it with the remaining dough. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200ºС for 35 minutes. Cool the finished cake a little, covering it with a towel, then put it out of the mold on a dish. This recipe is perfect for the slow cooker.

Potato "Pizza" (great recipe for "after the holidays")

3 boiled potatoes,
2 eggs,
boiled or fried meat,
tomato paste,
salt pepper.

Grate potatoes, beat in eggs, salt and pepper. Mix everything well. Put the potato dough in a pizza dish and level it, grease with tomato paste. Lay out the diced meat and cover with cheese. Then put in the oven, preheated to 180ºС, and bake until the cheese is melted.

Minced chicken cutlets with oatmeal "Super Lush"

500 g minced chicken,
1 egg
½ stack instant oatmeal,
½ stack milk (or water)
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
paprika, ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

Mix the egg with milk, pour this mixture over oatmeal and leave for 30 minutes. Chop the onion and garlic, add to the minced chicken and mix. Add swollen oatmeal, spices to the minced meat and knead the minced meat thoroughly. Heat the oil in a frying pan and spoon the meatballs into it. Fry them on both sides, first over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover and bring to readiness.

Meatloaf in a cheese-potato casing

250 g mashed potatoes,
2 tbsp potato starch,
2 eggs,
1 onion
2 tbsp chopped parsley,
150 g hard cheese
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp semolina,
500 g minced meat,
2 tbsp breadcrumbs,
½ tsp ground coriander,
salt - to taste.

Add 1 tbsp to mashed potatoes. parsley, 1 egg, 50 g grated cheese and starch and mix well. Put the potatoes on a plastic wrap in a 1 cm thick rectangle. Chop the onion and garlic and fry in oil, then mix with meat, semolina, breadcrumbs, coriander, parsley and egg. Salt, mix well, beat off and put the minced meat on top of the potatoes in a smaller rectangle. Roll up with cling film. Then carefully remove the film, and wrap the roll in foil and in several layers of film. Cook the roll on low heat for 50-60 minutes. Remove from the water and, when it cools down a bit, unfold and sprinkle with grated cheese on all sides. Put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 200ºС for 10-15 minutes to brown the cheese.

1 zucchini
1 eggplant
1 sweet pepper
2 tomatoes
1 onion
2-3 potatoes
3 garlic cloves,
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and sweet pepper cut into equal cubes. Fry potatoes in vegetable oil and add eggplant, pepper to it, fry everything together and put in a saucepan. Place peeled tomatoes, onions, garlic in a blender and puree. Pour the prepared sauce into a saucepan with vegetables, add zucchini and simmer until vegetables are soft. When serving, put the ratatouille in a ring, around which pour the sauce and garnish with herbs.

Potato fritters with chicken

500 g potatoes
1 egg
2 tbsp flour,
½ tsp salt,
greens, cheese.
For filling:
250 g minced chicken,
2 bulbs
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
a little garlic
spices - to taste.

Fry minced meat with onions and spices, adding garlic and mayonnaise. Boil the potatoes in salted water, drain the water, mash, add the egg, flour, herbs. Let the dough cool and divide into pieces. From each piece, make a small cake, put them on a greased and parchment-lined baking sheet. Lubricate each cake with a beaten egg, put the filling on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 160ºС for 30 minutes.

"Lazy Legs"

1 package of chicken drumsticks,
2 carrots
2 bulbs
1 can of canned corn
1 stack rice,
500 ml boiling water or broth
salt, pepper, paprika, spices - to taste.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Grate carrots. Fry onions and carrots in a pan. Add washed rice, corn without liquid to the pan, mix. Transfer the mixture to a mold, pour two cups of boiling water or hot broth. Season the chicken on all sides with salt, pepper and paprika and place on top of the rice. Cover with foil, place in the oven and bake for 1 hour at 200ºC.

Onion roll with chicken stew

For test:
½ stack water,
1 egg
1-1.5 stack. flour,
For filling:
3 bulbs
1 chicken fillet
1 package (400 g) frozen vegetables
salt, pepper - to taste.

From water, eggs, flour and salt, knead the dough like dumplings and let it stand for 30 minutes. Cut the onion into half rings and fry it until soft. Roll out the dough, put the fried onion, roll it into a roll and cut into small slices 4-5 cm wide. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, fry, add frozen vegetables and heat a little. Lay the onion rolls over the chicken and vegetables, add enough water to cover the rolls halfway. Simmer covered until the water evaporates and then lightly fry.

Pies "Bombs"

For test:
3.5 stack. flour,
1 stack boiling water,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
5 tomatoes,
200 g of cheese or cottage cheese,
2 cloves of garlic
salt, herbs - to taste.

For the filling, cut the tomatoes into circles, mash the cheese with a fork (if you use cottage cheese, salt it), squeeze the chopped garlic into it, add finely chopped greens and mix. To prepare the dough, stir salt and sugar in boiling water, add vegetable oil. Mix water with flour and knead the dough well. Roll out half of the finished dough into a large thin layer. Lay the tomato slices on the dough no closer than 3 cm from each other. Put some stuffing on them. Next, roll out the second layer of dough and cover it with the first one with the filling. With a glass of suitable diameter, cut out the pies along the contours of each circle of tomato. Run your fingers along the edges of each tortilla to hold it together well. Fry the pies in a large amount of hot vegetable oil on both sides.

Casserole with minced meat and buckwheat

700 g minced chicken,
250 g buckwheat,
2 bulbs
2 carrots
2 apples
120-150 g of cheese.

Boil buckwheat and cool. Fry the onion in a mixture of vegetable and butter until soft, cut it into cubes, and cool the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Mix with minced chicken, season well, knead until smooth and spread in a layer in a mold. Add peeled and coarsely grated apples and grated cheese to the buckwheat, mix well and put, slightly crushing, in the second layer in the form. Bake in the oven at 200ºC for 25 minutes. Then take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and put it back in the oven for 5 minutes.

Lentil casserole with cheese and cottage cheese

100 g red lentils,
40 g cottage cheese,
40 g hard cheese,
1 egg
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil the lentils until cooked in a 1:2 ratio of cereals and water for 15 minutes, pouring it with cold water. Salt at the end of cooking. If after the specified time there is water left in the saucepan, drain it, or boil the lentils a little more without a lid so that the liquid evaporates, then cool. Add the egg, cottage cheese, grated cheese, salt, pepper to it and mix everything until smooth. Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out the lentils and level the surface. Bake in the oven at 180ºС for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Puff pastry boats with potatoes, meat and cucumbers

1 kg potatoes
400 g of any meat,
1 onion
3-4 small pickles,
500 g ready-made puff pastry,
1 egg
50 g hard cheese.

Boil potatoes and mash. Cut the meat into slices, cut the onion into half rings and fry everything as follows: the meat over high heat, stirring, for 3 minutes, then add the onion, mix, reduce the gas and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes. Then open the lid and over medium heat, slightly evaporate the juice for another 4 minutes. Cucumbers cut into slices, if large - into strips. Divide the thawed dough into 4 parts, roll out, put 2-3 tablespoons in the center. (with a slide) cooked mashed potatoes, in the center - fried meat and chopped cucumbers. On the sides, make longitudinal cuts and thread one strip of dough into another so that the cut is in the center. Give the products the shape of boats, pinch the sides, put on a baking sheet, brush with a beaten chicken egg, lightly cover the center with grated cheese and place in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 25 minutes.

Spaghetti casserole with chicken and vegetables

1 pack of spaghetti
3 eggs,
1 stack cream,
200 g grated cheese
2 chicken fillets,
4-6 pickled cucumbers,
3-4 tomatoes
salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Beat eggs with cream and half of the cheese, salt and pepper and mix the resulting mass with cooked spaghetti. Put in a greased form, put a mixture of finely chopped fillet and cucumbers on top, also add a little salt and pepper. Then lay the sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes in circles, make a mesh of sour cream over the entire surface. The last layer is grated cheese. Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 200ºС, and bake until the cheese turns golden brown.

Very lazy dumplings

3 stack. flour,
1 egg
¾ stack. water,
½ tsp salt,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Sift the flour, add the egg, water and knead the dough. Be sure to leave it for 30-40 minutes for the flour to swell. At this time, prepare the minced meat: meat, onion, salt, pepper. Roll out the finished dough with a sheet no more than 1 millimeter thick. Put the minced meat on top and roll into a roll, pinch the long edge. With a knife, cut the dough with minced meat into columns. Put them in a deep frying pan on a "cushion" of fried carrots and garlic, cover with water, cover and simmer over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh chopped herbs.

Rice cakes with cheese

1.5 stack. rice,
2 eggs,
250 g cheese
vegetable oil,
herbs, salt, pepper.

Boil rice. Combine the grated cheese with rice, add the yolks, chopped dill, salt, pepper and mix well. From the resulting minced meat, form oval cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Then fry them in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Now you know what to cook inexpensively and tasty. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina
