
Inexpensive buffet. Which snacks do you prefer?

You can arrange a small feast on your own for any reason and quite often (anniversaries, New Year, February 23 (I advise you to look at ideas), March 8, successful completion of business, and so on).

Before you plunge into the preparation of the buffet table, let me remind you that the site "Again Prazdnik" contains the most interesting proposals for holding small corporate holidays. If you decide to celebrate in the office or in a cafe…

We are ready to organize an interesting holiday in the office, call us!

If you do not plan to cook yourself, do not read further this article :-). Just call, we have ready-made offers with a price per person (Moscow and Moscow Region). We will find the best option for you! Let's create a menu for your holiday, your guests will be delighted.

Read on if your team loves and knows how to cook…

I tried to choose tried and simple snacks, so bookmark the article so that this cheat sheet is at hand at the right time! My ideas will help you organize a holiday quickly and inexpensively.

What to cook for a buffet at work?

I'm not advocating to cook all these snacks! Choose!

"For one tooth" - collection "100 canapes"

The first thing that comes to mind is small elegant appetizers (canapés). I collected all these ideas in pictures for a long time and replenish them regularly, so you will definitely find suitable options (estimate the time and financial costs).

Attention! All words in red

Check out my articles one by one:

I liked the idea of ​​serving canapés on a figured mirror. An unusual tray, it looks festive, and there are 2 times more snacks :-). We take note!

The sandwich will be tastier if…

... if bread is smeared with home-cooked bread mustard oil(for 200 g of softened butter - 1 tablespoon of ready-made mustard from a jar)

make cream cheese(in a blender, beat 150 g of hard cheese, 150 soft cream cheese, 2 cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of herbs, 1/2 cup cream 20-22%)

... put a piece of sausage or boiled pork for tartar sauce(in 150 grams of mayonnaise, add 30 g of finely chopped pickled cucumbers, 1 tablespoon of chopped capers and green onions, cool for 30 minutes, pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste).

As a rule, more than one person prepares a buffet at work, so you can distribute it among colleagues in advance, who can do what in advance at home. Approximate design of sandwiches on the picture:

Meat for sandwiches better to do it yourself. Trust me, your colleagues will appreciate the natural homemade product, it's worth a little effort! Meat is easy to prepare.

... just decorate with a sprig of greenery:

herring oil(beat one herring fillet in a blender with 200 g butter) or farshmak(scroll one herring fillet through a meat grinder, a green apple without a peel, a small onion, a boiled egg, 70-100 g of butter, season with black pepper) will require only a small decoration from a slice of cucumber and a sprig of dill. Shaped bread can be made with cookie cutters.

Homemade chicken liver pate on a slice of bread with a thin straw of bell pepper - a great snack for a buffet at work. Recipe: put carrots and onions in a pot of water, boil until tender, add 500 g of chicken liver to boiling vegetables. Boil everything together for 15 minutes, remove from the water and beat hot with a blender, gradually adding the broth in which the products were cooked until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar in density to sour cream. Allow to cool slightly, add 150 g of softened butter, salt to taste. This is a very cheap but festive snack!

Cheese cream with garlic on bread toast. I already wrote about how to do it in this article a little higher (it can be used as a “pillow” for boiled pork and sausage). But the cream itself is incomparably tasty and beautiful, if you put it on a lettuce leaf using a pastry syringe.

Pies and pancakes

Small pies made from yeast or puff pastry with the most traditional fillings (meat, cabbage with eggs, potatoes with mushrooms) are a constant success. They fly apart first! I won’t describe in detail, for now I’m just throwing up an idea for a holiday in the office. The most important - small size, also for "one bite".

Another good appetizer for a buffet table at the office, which can be prepared at home and eaten cold - spring rolls. Also tiny, of course. With red caviar or lightly salted salmon, for example. Look for a craftsman in the team, someone will definitely do it :-)!

Buffet at work: are salads appropriate?

Yes, I say boldly, as there are several ways to present them in an original way!

If you chop up the usual salad (olivier, crab, etc.) a little smaller than you are used to cutting for a regular feast, you can put it on a slice of bread or in a basket. Sometimes for salads they use disposable glasses or the most ordinary glass glasses (Martini glasses, bowls). Here's what it looks like:

By the way, you can put it in cups and I decided to throw a very nice idea here! I saw it in a magazine and immediately scanned it for you :-). it will look very original (if your buffet at work was organized on New Year's Eve) or just a “tree of happiness” made of sweets if you are celebrating something else.

Birthday is one of the most important and joyful holidays in a person's life. The birthday boy, of course, wants the celebration to go flawlessly in a homely, relaxed atmosphere.

For this purpose, the organization of a buffet table is the best fit. True, questions immediately arise about what the menu should be, how this type of celebration differs from the traditional feast, what rules must be followed.

So, what should be the buffet table for a birthday (menu, in particular) at home?

A family anniversary usually involves a large number of invited guests. Then thoughts involuntarily arise about how to hold a feast so that everyone has enough space, snacks and drinks. The main thing, in the end, is that people are satisfied.

Business receptions are a great occasion to have a bite to eat and chat with business partners

The buffet style of holding family holidays originates from Europe, and specifically from France. The very word "buffet" means "fork". A fork is practically the only device at such a table.

Whatever the decoration of the table, there should be enough space around it so that the invited people move freely, dance, pour themselves a drink and treat themselves to hot dishes and snacks.

In the foreground in this style of celebration is not eating, but communication. However, this picture of the holiday is not to everyone's liking.

Many people are used to the fact that the table should be bursting with dishes, and the more the better. Other celebration lovers, on the contrary, liked the idea of ​​holding their birthday in the style of a home buffet so much that they are seriously thinking about a buffet for a wedding, New Year and other important events.

Important to remember! At such a banquet there are no chairs, there is no place strictly assigned to the guest.

Therefore, if elderly relatives or small children are present at the birthday party, you should take care of cozy places where you can sit down: chairs, armchairs, sofas.

How to organize a high-quality buffet table for a birthday? Is it still possible to make a menu at home on your own, or do you need to seek help from specialists in this field? The choice is individual. However, a personally prepared table will save money and bring pleasure.

A buffet table is a great idea for an unforgettable birthday party. After all, he is able to provide full communication between all participants in the celebration. Each invited guest will be able to find his social circle and interlocutor of interest.

The role of the culprit of the festive event comes down to maintaining conversations and some kind of walk between the guests.

Distinctive characteristics of a buffet table and an ordinary festive table

Preparation for the celebration of a birthday usually begins 2-3 days before the event itself. They try to choose this type of feast so that all guests feel comfortable and pleasant to attend it.

Celebrations can be: banquet at the table (traditional); banquet-cocktail; tea banquet; business buffet (family); private buffet.

In the modern world, it has become very fashionable to organize an anniversary not in a traditional form, but as a buffet table. For a birthday, the menu at home used to look like ordinary classic dishes, but now you can, if you wish, get away from all these relics of the past.

So, Distinctive features of a buffet table from a traditional home table:

Tiered dishes are perfect for a buffet table
  • A buffet table does not require a large table, chairs, plates for each person.
  • No need to worry about serving dishes in order.
  • Food is not laid out in portions for everyone.
  • Snacks and dishes are made in a mini version.
  • Each guest serves himself.
  • The rest of the dishes play the role of decor.
  • Table decorations give scope for imagination.

The buffet table is placed in the center of the room, covered with a snow-white tablecloth. The largest dishes are evenly spaced in the middle and at the ends of the table. Snacks on small plates are placed at the edges. Forks and spoons, unlike the traditional feast, are placed on the edge of the plate, but not in the dish itself or the snack.

Note! It is very convenient to use not ordinary dishes, but multi-tiered ones.

Perfectly complement the festive table vases with fresh flowers.

There are not so many differences between a home buffet and an ordinary holiday table, but they are significant. Properly prepared and thoughtful holiday will create a charming atmosphere of the evening.

Suitable events for a home buffet

Having decided on the concept of this foreign word, it remains to be clear exactly in what cases they arrange a home buffet so as not to appear in a stupid and confused light in front of the guests.

Firstly, if the goal of the audience is not a meal, but still communication, then for a party - a buffet table is ideal. Food and drinks become an addition to conversations.

For a New Year's party, a buffet style will be most welcome

Secondly, if the house or apartment is small for all the invited guests, then this type of celebration is also suitable(for example, a small home wedding, engagement, New Year).

Third, buffet is never held for a long time. When there is no time and energy for a long traditional celebration, but it is necessary to hold a meeting, a party, then this is exactly what you need.

An idea such as a buffet table for a birthday (it’s easy to make a menu at home) will delight guests with its uniqueness and unusualness.

Therefore, do not be afraid, the new tradition of celebrating the holiday does not mean a bad idea. It's worth trying just once.

Components of the buffet menu

The menu is the basis of any buffet. Cooked meals should be such that it is convenient for a person to eat them while standing. In addition, it is not customary to heat food at such events. Cooling down, it must not lose its unique taste.

Snacks are usually prepared light, well compatible with drinks. They can be easily taken with a toothpick or by hand, without extraneous cutlery. Thinking over the menu of the buffet table for a birthday at home, you need to take care of the main goal of all those gathered and put a beautiful multi-tiered cake in the center.

The main menu consists of:

  • canape;
  • pâtés;
  • tartlets;
  • hot meals;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Canape - small original sandwiches in the form of two toasts with various fillings (fish, caviar, shrimp, ham, cheese, vegetables). They are fixed with skewers, toothpicks. Decorate them with herbs, lemon, vegetables.

Tartlets are a kind of dough basket. The filling is placed in such a baked mold. It will be very tasty if you fill the tartlet with pate: fish, meat, liver, cheese. However, they are often consumed without filling.

Canapés and tartlets are offered at the buffet table instead of the dishes of the traditional festive table.

It is appropriate to serve ordinary sandwiches to the table, but in a reduced form and with an original design (in the form of animals, characters). Rolls, cutting vegetables, fruits - complement the buffet table.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that the buffet is radically different from the usual banquet, it still provides for an entertainment program. At home, they come up with contests or call a toastmaster.

The advantage is the fact that the host does not need high culinary skills, the menu requires more creativity.

Hot meals at home buffet

Light cold appetizers, canapes, tartlets, cuts, drinks are put on the table immediately after its small serving and decoration. As for hot dishes, they are taken out immediately before the arrival of guests. Prepare in the amount of 1-4 dishes.

The traditional serving of hot dishes at a buffet table is closed containers, food warmers and other similar utensils.

Hot buffet dishes (such as meatballs) are best served on skewers

Small kebabs on skewers will please guests. Suitable for their preparation: chicken, beef, fish, shrimp, vegetables, mushrooms. Slices of boiled vegetables are used as a side dish. Mashed potatoes, pasta, rice are excluded at such a celebration.

Celebrating a birthday at home is wonderful, and the buffet table menu will be remembered by guests for a long time. A buffet table is a great alternative to preparing a troublesome and dull traditional table.

Features of alcoholic drinks at the buffet table

A birthday is rarely complete without alcoholic beverages. They are served in beautiful bottles, always open. Homemade wine, liquor, tincture will complement the festive table.

The birthday boy was born in the winter - it is recommended to serve mulled wine, and if the celebration falls in the summer, then fruit punch, sangria will do. Mulled wine stands on the table in a miniature saucepan and is heated by a special stove. A ladle and glasses with handles are included with the drink. Vase-crook is selected for sangria.

Spicy snacks are combined with strong alcohol (vodka, cognac), mild dishes, hot snacks - with strong wine, port wine. It is advisable to serve fish with dry white wine, but it is reasonable to set champagne, liquor for dessert, coffee.

Champagne on a buffet table should be served with dessert

The main rule at a home buffet is that everything should be in moderation, including alcohol. Then everything will pass on a light note and without incident.

Basic rules for a home buffet

The rules of a home buffet table do not depend on the upcoming event, whether it's a birthday or New Year's Eve. The main recommendations that are advised to follow are as follows:

Food on the buffet table should be comfortable (easy to prick with a fork or skewer), and there should be enough drinks
  • The food on the table is comfortable, easily pricked with a fork, skewer or taken by hand.
  • The approach to the table is open from all sides.
  • Cutlery and utensils are arranged on one side (plates to plates, forks to forks, and not individually for each guest). There should be a lot of dishes; at the buffet table, it is not customary for the hostess to leave and wash it.
  • Salad bowls and gravy bowls stand at the edges, and snacks are arranged so that it is easy to get close to them from any side.
  • Next to the main table is a small table where guests put dirty dishes and cutlery.
  • Drinks (juice, water) and alcohol on the table in sufficient quantities.
  • Candles, room decoration, unobtrusive musical accompaniment will not interfere with the festive buffet table.

Even in case of errors in organizing a holiday, it is important to remember that the buffet table menu for a birthday party at home should take into account all the preferences of guests. Then only pleasant impressions will remain from the evening.

Recipes for dishes and snacks for a buffet at home

A responsible hostess, before the arrival of guests, is obliged to review a large number of recipes, sort out all the ingredients, think through everything to the smallest detail and choose such snacks and dishes that will satisfy each invited guest, of all ages.

We offer the following simple recipes for a homemade buffet.

Tartlets with cheese

You will need hard cheeses. Cut it into long strips or squares. The form for baking muffins is greased with vegetable oil. Spread cheese in it and bake in the oven.

Allow to cool, and then carefully remove the cheese basket, filling it with meat, salad, shrimp, olives, pate. Garnish with lettuce leaves and parsley.

Cheese tartlets can be filled with meat or seafood

Canape with cucumber and lard

A piece of lard of the same size is placed on dried black bread. Top with a circle of pickled cucumber and fasten with a skewer.

Salo in canapes with cucumber can be replaced with bacon or fish

Fruit canape "Assorted"

You will need a couple of oranges, a few kiwis and apples, a canned pineapple, a couple of peaches, 7 skewers, a spoon for making ice cream (fruit) balls. An orange is cut into slices, kiwi and pineapple - into triangles, an apple - into cubes, but a ball is cut out of a peach.

You can string on a skewer in any order. Kids will love this dessert.

String fruits and berries on skewers in random order

Grate pickled cucumber, mix with pate. The resulting mixture is filled with a basket and decorated with herbs, chopped olives.

Tartlets with liver pate garnish with herbs and olives

The simplest recipe for tartlets

Ready salad "Olivier", "Crab", "Capital" is placed in a prepared form. Decorate with lemon slices, slices of olives, herbs.

The simplest version of tartlets for a festive buffet table is with some kind of salad, for example, with everyone's favorite Olivier

Buffet table for a birthday - just a godsend! The menu compiled at home does not require large cash outlays. The success of any home event is attention, care and goodwill towards the guests, and then any buffet will be perfect.

Video with recipes for quick snacks in buffet tartlets:

How to cook children's canapes - you will learn from this video:

The buffet table is convenient if there are a lot of guests and they have something to talk about. This form of organizing a festive feast allows guests to move freely from table to table and taste snacks while chatting with other guests. Choosing this form instead of a traditional banquet, you need to prepare the dishes in advance (there should be 2-3 times more plates and forks than those invited), think about where to put the tables and how to cover them. What cold appetizers to cook for a buffet table, the recipes with photos below will tell you. The word “buffet” itself gives a hint, which means “fork” in French. For a buffet table, everything that fits on a fork, or, in other words, what can be eaten in one bite, is suitable. The choice of these dishes is huge, and we have collected the best ideas in this material, accompanying them with a description of the preparation.

Simple Solutions

Simple Solutions

Let's start with simple solutions on how to set the buffet table quickly and effortlessly.

  • Traditionally, on the buffet table, a place of honor is occupied by large dishes with cuts of meat, sausage, fish, cheese and vegetables. It is convenient to “drag” flat slices to your plate, make a sandwich out of them. They will easily fit in your mouth. You should not refuse cuts, considering them banal. If everything is laid out beautifully and in an original way, as in the photo, then the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bdish will surely attract the attention of guests.
  • You can not force the guests to make sandwiches themselves, but put pre-prepared ones on the table, fastening them with skewers for structural strength. Such sandwiches look interesting and elegant, hardly anyone will refuse to take canapes to their plate.
  • Instead of canapés, you can use pieces of vegetables, fruits, cheese, olives, meat and other products, simply strung them on a long wooden skewer.
  • As a basis for canapes, dried or toasted bread is most often used. However, crackers for this purpose will serve just as well.
  • If the cold appetizer is not too liquid, then you can put it in potato chips, decorating the appetizer with caviar or herbs.
  • Such a cold appetizer as stuffed eggs will never lose popularity - they are suitable not only for a buffet table, but will decorate any feast.

You can stuff eggs with different pastes, cottage cheese, cheese, herring. We propose to take arms with the recipe of one of the most exquisite and easy-to-prepare buffet dishes - eggs stuffed with shrimp paste and red caviar.

What do you need:

  • eggs - a dozen;
  • shrimp - 0.3 kg;
  • dill greens - 5 branches;
  • red caviar - 0.25 kg;
  • mayonnaise, white pepper, salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the shrimp in salted water with dill for 5 minutes. Cool, remove from shell. Finely chop the shrimp meat with a knife.
  2. Boil eggs in salted water. Peel, cut in half lengthwise, remove the yolk.
  3. Finely chop the dill.
  4. Mash the yolks with a fork.
  5. Mix the yolks with shrimp and dill, adding a little mayonnaise.
  6. Start with the resulting squirrel paste.
  7. Place a spoonful of caviar on top.

It remains to lay out on a dish and put on the table for a buffet table. You can bet that guests will be one of the first to eat this appetizer. She looks, as seen in the photo, more than seductive.

If you want salad

Cold buffet appetizers

One of the most popular dishes on any holiday table is a salad. However, putting a large vase of salad on the buffet table means cruelly teasing guests. For a buffet table, such an appetizer is not suitable. But if you still really want to offer guests a salad or pate, there is a way out. More precisely, there are several options for serving salad to the buffet table.

  • Tartlets. You can cook them yourself, using simple ones, you can buy ready-made ones in the store.
  • Profiteroles. This original replacement for tartlets will not go unnoticed by guests either. They are baked in the same way as profiteroles for dessert, then cut and filled with a delicate pâté.
  • Spoons. Spoons can be baked on your own using tartlet dough, you can look for beautiful ceramic or metal ones designed specifically for a buffet table (you can see them in the photo). They can be filled with slices in random order or salad. Cold snacks in the form of rolls and balls look beautiful in such spoons, for example, Raffaello from crab sticks.

Recipe "Raffaello" from crab sticks known to many, but if you do not have it, be sure to write it down.

What do you need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • crab sticks - 0.2 kg;
  • cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Crush the garlic with a press, mixing with eggs.
  3. Finely grate the cheese and mix with the eggs too.
  4. With wet hands, shape the egg mixture into balls.
  5. Roll them in grated crab sticks (frozen ones are easier to rub).

This cold appetizer for a buffet table should be served really cold - this way it tastes better and keeps its shape better.

Rolls for buffet

Rolls for buffet

Small buffet rolls are perfect.

  • They can be made from salmon with cottage cheese or soft cheese, ham with nuts, cheese and garlic, ham or salmon with eggs and herbs.
  • The leading snacks include vegetable rolls. You will find many recipes on our website. Zucchini rolls are made according to the same principle.
  • Lavash rolls look completely different. To do this, Armenian lavash is smeared with soft cheese, cottage cheese or sauce, sprinkled with herbs, plates of lightly salted fish, ham or cheese are placed, rolled up and cooled. It remains only to cut and spread.
  • The original version is cheese rolls. They are not made very often, yet they are very tasty. And you can evaluate their appearance for yourself by looking at the photo.

To confirm these words, we present recipe for cheese rolls with chicken breast and mushrooms.

What do you need:

  • boiled or smoked chicken breast;
  • mushrooms (for example, champignons);
  • mayonnaise, herbs - to taste;
  • cheese - 0.5-0.7 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the breast, fry with mushrooms.
  2. Mix the filling with mayonnaise and herbs.
  3. Finely grate the cheese and place in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour the cheese mass onto cling film, quickly spread over it with a spoon.
  5. Spread the cheese base with the filling.
  6. Roll into a roll and refrigerate.
  7. Cut, arrange on a dish, serve to the table and collect compliments - buffet participants will surely appreciate your ingenuity and culinary skills.

Cheese roll can be made not only with chicken. Ham, greens, trout, cottage cheese are also a good filling for him.

A great idea for a home party or informal communication in the office is to organize a buffet table.

In translation from French, a buffet table is a fork. This cutlery is used as the main one at the buffet table.

A buffet is when:

  • the congregation eats while standing;
  • choose their own food
  • most often, they serve themselves;
  • the main purpose of the event is communication, and the secondary purpose is a snack;
  • maximum free space for movement and discussion of issues for which everyone has gathered;
  • minimum space occupied by tables;
  • an abundance of plates with great bite-sized snacks and drinks.

At this event, each guest can easily move around and find an interesting and pleasant companion.

It costs nothing for a creative manager to organize a buffet table. Main idea! If you are trying to hold this buffet at home or at work for the first time, then we will share some interesting recipes for preparing snacks for the buffet table.

What snacks satisfy the term "buffet"?

B buffet dishes are mini-sized portioned snacks. Cooked quickly and, nevertheless, not inferior in taste to long-cooked dishes. It is supposed to be eaten with your hands or using a fork or skewer.

Light snacks for the buffet table are usually simply prepared, but served in a fantasy way.. Any products will work.

If you grasp the basic principle of cooking, you can invent your signature recipes quickly and easily. Main, take care in advance about buying tartlets, canapes, crackers various tastes, bread.

Consider the most popular options for quick snacks.

Great option - buffet appetizer on a skewer

The good thing is that it is easy to use. Meat, vegetables, seafood or fruits - you can put everything on a skewer.

  • Products that require heat treatment before attachment are easily fried in an elementary batter (a mixture of water, 1 yolk and flour).
  • The simplest recipe is to stick cheese of various varieties on a skewer, alternating with pineapple cubes, cherries, multi-colored grapes and olives or olives.

Nice, buffet snacks and small canapes will wonderfully decorate the festive table.

To begin with, we offer a list of blitz ideas for a buffet menu.

Small round buns are perfect. You need to cut them and put everything your heart desires inside: meatballs, meat, ham, cheese, a variety of vegetables and herbs. Sauce - any.
Or split the buns into halves. And put any filling or salad on each half.

Sandwiches - perfect for a buffet table. Suitable for any cut. Show originality!

Snacks for a buffet table in the office can be ordered from specialized catering companies with delivery on the day of the holiday. In this case, the menu options will be offered to you by the specialists of the supplier.

For those who decide to put their hands on the preparation of the buffet table, or to diversify it, we offer:

Step-by-step recipes for cold buffet appetizers with photos

Cold fish snacks

In cooking, use skewers or fill tartlets.

Salmon rolls

Perfectly diversify the buffet table. Delicious and bright. Easy to prepare.

Composition of products:

  • salmon, cut into thin slices;
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • olives or olives.

The number of products depends on the number of guests.

  1. Cook rice as usual. We do not add salt.
  2. Boil an egg. Grate. Combine with boiled rice in one mass.
  3. Cheese, also grate and add to the rice-egg mass.
  4. Add mayonnaise, mix. You should get a sticky thick mass.
  5. Put 1 tbsp on a piece of fish. a spoonful of the prepared mass. Roll up into a roll.
  6. Secure with a toothpick or skewer. Decorate with an olive.

Herring tarts

Z akuska has an original look. Anyone who loves fish will love it. The taste is spicy.

Required products:

  • slightly salted herring;
  • puff pastry or ready-made tartlets;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • sour cream;
  • greenery.

Cooking order.

  1. We cut out any shapes from the dough.
  2. Beat the egg and brush the shapes. Bake at 220° for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Boil a couple of eggs and take out the yolk. Peel the herring, remove the bones. Chop a good part into rectangles.
  4. We turn the rest of the ugly herring, cottage cheese, yolks and sour cream into minced meat with a blender.
  5. This is what the mixture should look like.
  6. Putting the tarts - put the mixture on the tart and decorate with greens paws.

vegetable recipes

eggplant sandwich

These sandwiches are prepared in an original way - without bread. Very few calories. Eggplant lovers will love this recipe!

You will need:

These unusual snacks on skewers are prepared as follows:

  1. Sprinkle sliced ​​eggplant with salt and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Rinse the circles and dry.
  3. Fry on both sides.
  4. Pepper and salt the cooked eggplant.
  5. Coarsely chop the garlic, fry and discard. We need the resulting oil with the smell of garlic.
  6. Slice the tomatoes too.
  7. Saute tomatoes in garlic butter.
  8. We make cheese sticks.
  9. We prepare the turret: eggplant - cheese - eggplant.
  10. Top with a circle of tomato.
  11. Pierce the resulting sandwiches with a skewer and put in the oven for a couple of minutes. You need the cheese to melt.

Arrange on platter, garnish and serve.

Vegetable sandwiches

Waxy mini sandwiches look appropriate on the table next to other holiday snacks.

For cooking you need:

  • tomatoes;
  • long thin loaf;
  • mozzarella or feta cheese;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • different greens;
  • vegetable oil or butter for frying.

  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. In a bowl, mash the cheese with a fork.
  3. Chop greens. Pass the garlic through a press.
  4. Mix cheese, herbs and garlic.
  5. Fry slices of bread in oil.
  6. We cover the slices of loaf with the prepared mass.
  7. Decorate with a circle of tomatoes and herbs.

Cold meat appetizers for buffet

Salad with bacon

Delicious and bright appetizer. Simple and quick to prepare.


  • bacon - 100 gr. ;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs. ;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • loaf - 3 pieces;
  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  1. Cut the bacon and fry until crispy.
  2. Cut the loaf into cubes and dry in a pan.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half, tear the lettuce leaves. Add croutons and bacon.
  4. Mix and dress the salad with oil and lemon juice.

Meat in oranges

Juicy, low-fat, with a pleasant citrus flavor and aroma dish.

What is needed for cooking?

  • beef meat 1 kg;
  • oranges 2 pcs. ;
  • spices, onions and salt to taste.
  1. We take a piece of meat in the form of a bar. We cut not to the end.
  2. We cut the onion and oranges into rings.
  3. Rub beef with spices and salt.
  4. We fill the cuts with onion and orange rings.
  5. Transfer the meat to the mold. Add some water.
  6. Cover tightly with foil. Pierce the foil with a needle in several places. Bake in the oven at 200-220 for 1.5 hours.

The dish is ready! Carefully remove the foil, hot steam can burn. Let the meat stand for 20 minutes, then cut into portions.

By the way, try the oranges! Delicious!

cold cuts

You don't have to be too smart with cutting. The main thing is to serve and decorate it on dishes.

The photos below will help you.

Initially, the reception a la buffet was invented in France. This method of organizing a ceremonial table has a number of advantages. A buffet table is a way of receiving guests, which eliminates the need to purchase additional pieces of furniture, since the main purpose of the reception is communication, not a feast. In most cases, the buffet table is associated with the need to organize the reception of guests in a short time. The name itself can literally be translated from French as “on a fork”, which characterizes the whole process of eating.

The advantage of a buffet table is that the number of guests is not related to the amount of furniture in the house. An additional plus for the hostess is that she does not need to worry about the serving of dishes, the degree of their warmth and the filling of guests' plates. A buffet table is more suitable for young people, since a family feast with representatives of the older generation on their feet will not be very convenient for the latter. Guests move freely around the room, gather according to interest groups, communicate freely, choosing those snacks on the table that are more to their taste. Snacks should be quite diverse: variety is the key to a good buffet!

Buffet at home or buffet at work: how to set the table

For a buffet table, the table is placed either in the center of the room, or in the corner. The table should be large enough to accommodate a variety of dishes. Sometimes two tables are combined with each other, covering them with a long tablecloth, but the tables should be the same height. It is preferable that the legs of the table be covered with a tablecloth or buffet skirt.

Clean dishes with cutlery are placed along the edges of the table and napkins are laid out. Plates are stacked to save space. Additionally, you can decorate the table with glasses, placing them in an original and varied way. Cutlery is laid out according to the number of plates, while the knives should be 2 times less.

Chairs are not placed around the table. . They can be placed along the perimeter of the walls or in groups around small coffee tables. It is desirable that in the room where the buffet will take place, there should be at least one sofa.

Dishes are served in sections or in tiers (using special buffet stands), if possible.

Appetizers, several types of sliced ​​bread, salads are placed closer to the edge. The second tier in the depth is sweet dishes, pastries, fruits. Each dish with food should have an appropriate device with which you can put a portion on your plate.

It also depends on the position of the table: if you can approach it from all sides, then you need to serve the buffet table in a circle.

Serving buffet "in a circle"

Spices are traditional - salt and pepper. If sauces are required for dishes, they are placed next to the corresponding dishes.

Not necessarily the table should include both cold snacks and sweets. Not allowed to arrange sweet parties , where only dessert snacks. Such buffets are especially good for ladies' society: light wines, cakes and sweets, fruits are a win-win component of the party.

Soft drinks when serving are poured into glasses or served in jugs. Alcoholic drinks are placed in open bottles in groups at different ends of the table, next to the glasses. For used dishes, an additional, small table is placed next to the main table, on which guests will put the empty dishes.

It also includes the decor of the buffet table. Leave a place in the center for a bouquet of flowers, a basket of whole fruit, candles, figurines in the theme (snowmen - for the New Year or angels - for a holiday in honor) and other decor - edible or inedible. The design of the buffet table should be no less thoughtful than the design of a traditional festive table.

buffet menu

There are no restrictions for the buffet menu. The only requirement concerns the convenience of the dishes. For the most part, these are a variety of snacks that are easy to put on a plate and eat. Salads are preferable to light ones - multi-layered “fur coats” and heavy “oliviers” are best left for the New Year.

Since the same devices are used for table setting as for a regular feast, the dishes can be varied. The only requirement is that the dishes for the buffet should be served already cut and divided into portions - they should be in such a way that it is most convenient for guests to put them on an individual plate and treat themselves, as they say, "on the go." If it is a fish, then in the form of a fillet, if it is chicken pieces, then without bones.

Canape for buffet

Canape is the simplest, but quite satisfying snack to prepare, ideal for a buffet table. The advantage of canapes is that they can be cooked according to various recipes - in any refrigerator there are almost always suitable ingredients for this.

The principle of preparing canapes is the same. Black or white bread is taken, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick, after which small portioned pieces of various shapes are formed from it. The crust is removed from the bread beforehand. Future sandwiches can be shaped using a regular kitchen or special buffet knife. Canapes can be made square, round or triangular. If the house has metal molds for dough, then with their help canapes can be made in the form of a fish, a flower, or any other shape.

Bread can be fresh or lightly toasted in the oven. The most popular base for canapés is the French loaf. From above, the bread is smeared with sauce or butter, depending on the recipe, on which the appetizer itself and its decorations are already placed. Canapes can be served both with a device with which the sandwich is transferred to a plate, and on small skewers, which is even more convenient.

Canape with cream cheese

For him, grated cheese is mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise and chopped dill, after which it is laid out in a slide on top of the bread base, on which there is already a lettuce leaf. You can decorate such a sandwich with greens or pieces of fruit. A grape, a slice of melon or a pear will do. You can diversify the recipe if you add a little garlic to the cheese, and spread the mass not on bread, but on a slice of tomato, decorating the structure with an olive on a skewer or toothpick.

Buffet snacks: canape with cheese

Canape with sausages

A pre-dried piece of bread is smeared with mayonnaise, a lettuce leaf is placed on top, and a slice of ham or smoked sausage is placed on it. Vegetables and herbs are used as decoration. Although not too elegant, but for a large company it is satisfying enough.

Red fish canape

A slice of white bread is smeared with butter, salted red fish is laid out on it, a slice of lemon or a slice of cucumber is placed on top.

Snacks for buffet canapes

Tartlets for buffet

Another solution for a buffet table - tartlets . These are dough baskets in which appetizers or salads are served. The diameter of the tartlets can be different - from 3 cm or more. Usually they are sold in large supermarkets, but if you have ordinary cupcake molds, you can also bake them at home from shortcrust pastry ( tartlet recipe under snacks you will find in our article "").

Salads in tartlets

In principle, dough baskets can be stuffed with any salads. The only requirement is that salads should not be too liquid so that the dough does not get wet. For this reason, vegetable salads that give juice are not put in tartlets.

Buffet snacks: tartlets with salad

You can make a salad of boiled shrimp, green peas and fresh cucumber with mayonnaise dressing. Top the salad with grated cheese and garnish with sprigs of parsley or dill.

Another option is fresh pineapple salad with smoked chicken fillet, seedless grapes and grated cheese. As a dressing, you can use not only mayonnaise, but also sweet yogurt. Depending on the sauce chosen, the taste of the salad will be different.

Snacks in tartlets

The classic recipe is caviar. The type of caviar depends on material wealth, as well as the size of the tartlet. However, the smallest ones are usually taken so that the snack can be immediately put in the mouth. A few grams of softened butter are placed at the bottom of the tartlet, on which caviar is stolen in a slide. On top, you can put a sprig of greens or half a slice of lemon.

Buffet rolls

Rolls can be prepared both on a bread basis and directly from the original main product. The advantage of rolls is that they are quite convenient to eat, they are satisfying and look beautiful on the table.

Lavash roll

A thin layer of pita bread is smeared with mayonnaise, string cheese and Korean carrots are laid out on top of it on one edge. The roll is wrapped tightly and cut across into portioned rolls of the desired size. The filling can be varied - rolls with smoked fish and fresh cucumbers or with ham and mushrooms are no less tasty.

Buffet snacks: rolls

Salmon roll

For its preparation, wide thin layers of salmon are needed, which are folded cone-shaped and laid out on a dish with a wide part upwards. Inside each cone is placed a small piece of butter and a slice of lemon. To make it easier to cut the butter, it must first be cooled in the freezer.

Buffet snacks: red fish rolls

Have a beautiful and delicious buffet!
