
Scientific experiments for the little ones. For simple experiments you will need

Who loved chemistry laboratory work at school? It was interesting, after all, to mix something with something and get a new substance. True, it didn’t always work out as described in the textbook, but no one suffered because of this, right? The main thing is that something happens, and we see it right in front of us.

If you're not a chemist in real life and don't deal with much more complex experiments every day at work, then these experiments that you can do at home will definitely amuse you, at least.

Lava lamp

For the experience you need:
— Transparent bottle or vase
— Water
- Sunflower oil
- Food coloring
— Several effervescent tablets “Suprastin”

Mix water with food coloring and add sunflower oil. There is no need to stir, and you won’t be able to. When a clear line between water and oil is visible, throw a couple of Suprastin tablets into the container. We look at the lava flows.

Since the density of oil is lower than that of water, it remains on the surface, with the effervescent tablet creating bubbles that carry water to the surface.

Elephant toothpaste

For the experience you need:
- Bottle
— Small cup
— Water
— Dish detergent or liquid soap
- Hydrogen peroxide
— Fast-acting nutritional yeast
- Food coloring

Mix liquid soap, hydrogen peroxide and food coloring in a bottle. In a separate cup, dilute the yeast with water and pour the resulting mixture into the bottle. We look at the eruption.

Yeast produces oxygen, which reacts with hydrogen and is pushed out. The soap suds create a dense mass that erupts from the bottle.

Hot Ice

For the experience you need:
— Capacity for heating
— Transparent glass cup
- Plate
– 200 g baking soda
— 200 ml of acetic acid or 150 ml of its concentrate
— Crystallized salt

Mix acetic acid and baking soda in a saucepan and wait until the mixture stops sizzling. Turn on the stove and evaporate excess moisture until an oily film appears on the surface. Pour the resulting solution into a clean container and cool to room temperature. Then add a crystal of soda and watch how the water “freezes” and the container becomes hot.

Heated and mixed, vinegar and soda form sodium acetate, which when melted becomes an aqueous solution of sodium acetate. When salt is added to it, it begins to crystallize and generate heat.

Rainbow in milk

For the experience you need:
- Milk
- Plate
— Liquid food coloring in several colors
— Cotton swab
— Detergent

Pour milk into a plate, drip dyes in several places. Soak a cotton swab in detergent and place it in a plate with milk. Let's look at the rainbow.

The liquid part contains a suspension of fat droplets, which, in contact with the detergent, split and rush from the inserted stick in all directions. A regular circle is formed due to surface tension.

Smoke without fire

For the experience you need:
— Hydroperite
— Analgin
— Mortar and pestle (can be replaced with a ceramic cup and spoon)

It is better to do the experiment in a well-ventilated area.
Grind the hydroperite tablets to powder, do the same with analgin. Mix the resulting powders, wait a little, see what happens.

During the reaction, hydrogen sulfide, water and oxygen are formed. This leads to partial hydrolysis with the elimination of methylamine, which interacts with hydrogen sulfide, the suspension of its small crystals resembling smoke.

Pharaoh snake

For the experience you need:
- Calcium gluconate
- Dry fuel
— Matches or lighter

Place several tablets of calcium gluconate on dry fuel and set it on fire. We look at the snakes.

Calcium gluconate decomposes when heated, which leads to an increase in the volume of the mixture.

Non-Newtonian fluid

For the experience you need:

— Mixing bowl
- 200 g corn starch
- 400 ml water

Gradually add water to the starch and stir. Try to make the mixture homogeneous. Now try to roll a ball from the resulting mass and hold it.

The so-called non-Newtonian fluid behaves like a solid when interacting quickly, and like a liquid when interacting slowly.

Did you know that May 29 is Chemist's Day? Who among us in childhood did not dream of creating unique magic, amazing chemical experiments? It's time to make your dreams come true! Read on quickly and we will tell you how to have fun on Chemist Day 2017, as well as what chemical experiments for children can be easily done at home.

Home volcano

If you are not already attracted, then... Do you want to see a volcanic eruption? Try it at home! To set up a chemical experiment “volcano” you will need soda, vinegar, food coloring, a plastic glass, a glass of warm water.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a plastic cup, add ¼ cup of warm water and a little food coloring, preferably red. Then add ¼ vinegar and watch the volcano “erupt”.

Rose and ammonia

A very interesting and original chemical experiment with plants can be seen in the video from YouTube:

Self-inflating balloon

Do you want to conduct safe chemical experiments for children? Then you will definitely like the balloon experiment. Prepare in advance: a plastic bottle, baking soda, a balloon and vinegar.

Pour 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside the ball. Pour ½ cup of vinegar into the bottle, then put a ball on the neck of the bottle and make sure that the soda gets into the vinegar. As a result of a violent chemical reaction, which is accompanied by the active release of carbon dioxide, the balloon will begin to inflate.

Pharaoh snake

For the experiment you will need: calcium gluconate tablets, dry fuel, matches or a gas burner. Watch the algorithm of actions on YouTube video:

Colorful magic

Do you want to surprise your child? Hurry up and conduct chemical experiments with color! You will need the following available ingredients: starch, iodine, transparent container.

Mix snow-white starch and brown iodine in a container. The result is an amazing mixture of blue.

Raising a snake

The most interesting home chemical experiments can be carried out using available ingredients. To create a snake you will need: a plate, river sand, powdered sugar, ethyl alcohol, a lighter or burner, baking soda.

Place a pile of sand on a plate and soak it in alcohol. Make a depression in the top of the slide, where you carefully add powdered sugar and soda. Now we set fire to the sand slide and watch. After a couple of minutes, a dark wriggling ribbon that resembles a snake will begin to grow from the top of the slide.

How to conduct chemical experiments with an explosion, see the following video from Youtube:

Remember the most IMPORTANT rule during chemical experiments - never lick the spoon... :). Now seriously...

1. Homemade phone
Take 2 plastic cups (or empty and clean cans without cover). Make a thick cake out of plasticine, slightly larger than the bottom, and place a glass on it. Use a sharp knife to make a hole in the bottom. Do the same with the second glass.

Pull one end of the thread (its length should be about 5 meters) through the hole in the bottom and tie a knot.

Repeat the experiment with the second glass. Voila, the phone is ready!

For it to work, you need to tighten the thread and not touch other objects (including your fingers). By placing a glass to your ear, your baby will be able to hear what you are saying at the other end of the line, even if you are whispering or talking from different rooms. In this experiment, the cups serve as a microphone and speaker, and the thread serves as a telephone wire. The sound of your voice travels along a stretched thread in the form of longitudinal sound waves.

2. Magic avocado
The essence of the experiment: Stick 4 skewers into the fleshy part of the avocado and place this almost alien structure over a transparent container of water - the sticks will serve as a support for the fruit so that it stays half above the water. Place the container in a secluded place, add water every day and watch what happens. After some time, stems will begin to grow from the bottom of the fruit directly into the water.

3. Unusual flowers
Buy a bouquet of white carnations/roses.

The essence of the experiment: Place each carnation in a transparent vase, after making a cut on the stem. After this, add food coloring of a different color to each vase - be patient and very soon the white flowers will turn into unusual shades.

Which one do we do? conclusion? A flower, like any plant, drinks water that flows along the stem throughout the flower through special tubes.

4. Colored bubbles
For this experiment we will need a plastic bottle, sunflower oil, water, food coloring (Easter egg paint).

The essence of the experiment: Fill the bottle with water and sunflower oil in equal proportions, leaving a third of the bottle empty. Add some food coloring and close the lid tightly.

You will be surprised to see that the liquids do not mix - the water remains at the bottom and becomes colored, and the oil rises to the top because its structure is less heavy and dense. Now try to shake our magic bottle - in a few seconds everything will return to normal. And now the final trick - we put it in the freezer and we have another trick: the oil and water have swapped places!

5. Dancing grape
For this experiment we will need a glass of sparkling water and a grape.

The essence of the experiment: Throw a berry into the water and watch what happens next. The grapes are slightly heavier than water, so they will sink to the bottom first. But gas bubbles will immediately form on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will float up. But the bubbles on the surface will burst and the gas will escape. The berry will again sink to the bottom and again become covered with gas bubbles and float up again. This will continue several times.

6 . Sieve - sippy cup
Let's do a simple experiment. Take a sieve and grease it with oil. Then shake and pour water into the sieve so that it flows along the inside of the sieve. And, lo and behold, the sieve is filled!

Conclusion: Why doesn't the water flow out? It is held in place by a surface film; it was formed due to the fact that the cells that were supposed to let water through did not get wet. If you run your finger along the bottom and break the film, water will start to flow out.

7. Salt for creativity
We will need a cup of hot water, salt, thick black paper and a brush.

The essence of the experiment: Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of hot water and stir the solution with a brush until all the salt has dissolved. Continue adding salt, constantly stirring the solution until crystals form at the bottom of the cup. Paint a picture using a salt solution as paint. Leave the masterpiece overnight in a warm and dry place. When the paper dries, the design will appear. The salt molecules did not evaporate and formed crystals, the pattern from which we see.

8. Magic ball
Take a plastic bottle and a balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Put it on the neck and place the bottle in hot water - the ball will inflate. This happened because the warm air, consisting of molecules, expanded, the pressure increased and the balloon inflated.

9. Volcano at home
We will need baking soda, vinegar and a container for the experiment.

The essence of the experiment: Place a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl and pour in a little vinegar. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is alkaline, while vinegar is acidic. When they come together, they form the sodium salt of acetic acid. At the same time, carbon dioxide and water will be released and you will get a real volcano - the action will impress any kid!

10. Spinning disk
The materials you will need are very simple: glue, a cap from a plastic bottle with a spout, a CD and a balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Glue the bottle cap to the CD so that the center of the hole in the cap matches the center of the hole in the CD. Let the glue dry, then proceed to the next step: inflate the balloon, twist its “neck” so that the air does not escape and pull the balloon onto the spout of the lid. Place the disc on a flat table and release the ball. The structure will “float” on the table. The invisible air cushion acts as a lubricant and reduces friction between the disc and the table.

11. The magic of scarlet flowers
To experiment, cut out a flower with long petals from paper, then use a pencil to twist the petal towards the center to make curls. Now place your flowers in a container of water (basin, soup bowl). Flowers come to life before your eyes and begin to bloom.

Which one do we do? conclusion? The paper gets wet and becomes heavier.

12. Cloud in a jar.

You will need a 3-liter jar, a lid, hot water, ice.

The essence of the experiment: Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (level - 3-4 cm), cover the jar with a lid/baking tray on top, and place pieces of ice on it.

The warm air inside the jar will begin to cool, condense, and rise upward as a cloud. Yes, this is how clouds form.

Why is it raining? Drops of heated steam rise upward, there they become cold, they reach out to each other, become heavy, large and... return to their homeland again.

13. Can foil dance?

The essence of the experiment: Cut a piece of foil into thin strips. Then take a comb and comb your hair, then bring the comb closer to the stripes - and they will begin to move.

Conclusion: Particles fly in the air - electric charges, which cannot live without each other; they are attracted to each other, although they are different in nature, like “+” and “-”.

14. Where did the smell go?

You will need: a jar with a lid, corn sticks, perfume.

The essence of the experiment: Take a jar, drop some perfume on the bottom, put corn sticks on top and close with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, open the jar and smell. Where has the smell of perfume gone?

Conclusion: The smell was absorbed by the sticks. How did they do it? Due to the porous structure.

15. Dancing liquid (non-trivial substance)

Prepare the simplest version of this liquid - a mixture of corn (or regular) starch and water in a 2:1 ratio.

The essence of the experiment: Mix well and start having fun: if you slowly dip your fingers into it, it will be liquid, dripping from your hands, and if you hit it with all your fist, the surface of the liquid will turn into an elastic mass.

Now you can pour this mass onto a baking sheet, place the baking sheet on a subwoofer or speaker and turn on loud dynamic music (or some kind of vibrating noise).

Due to the diversity of sound waves, the mass will behave differently - in some places it becomes denser, in others it does not, which is why a living dancing effect is formed.

Add a few drops of food coloring and you will see how the dancing “worms” are colored in a unique way.


17. Smoke without fire

Place a simple paper napkin on a small saucer, pour a small pile of potassium permanganate on top of it and drop some glycerin there. A few seconds later, smoke will appear and almost immediately you will see a bright blue flash of flame. This occurs when potassium permanganate and glycerin combine to release heat.

18. Can there be fire without matches?

Take a glass and pour some hydrogen peroxide into it. Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate there. Now put the match there. With a slight pop, the match will burst into flames. This occurs due to the active release of oxygen. This way you can explain to your child in practice why windows should not be opened in case of fire. Oxygen will cause the fire to burn even more.

19. Potassium permanganate in combination with water from a puddle

Take water from a standing puddle and add a solution of potassium permanganate there. Instead of the usual purple color, the water will have a yellow tint, this is due to dead microorganisms in dirty water. In addition, this way the child will more accurately understand why they need to wash their hands before eating.

20. Unusual snakes made of calcium gluconate OR Pharaoh's snake

Buy calcium gluconate at the pharmacy. Carefully take the tablet with tweezers (attention, the child should never do this on their own!), bring it to the fire. When the decomposition of calcium gluconate begins to occur, the release of calcium oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon and water will begin. And it will look as if a black snake will appear from a small white piece.

21. Disappearance of foam in acetone

Polystyrene foam is a gas-filled plastic, and many builders who have come into contact with this material at least once know that acetone cannot be placed next to polystyrene foam. Pour the acetone into a large bowl and begin dropping the foam pieces into the bowl a little at a time. You can see how the liquid will bubble and the foam will disappear as if by magic!


A small selection of entertaining experiences and experiments for children.

Chemical and physical experiments


For example, try dissolving everything around with your child! We take a saucepan or basin with warm water, and the child begins to put everything there that, in his opinion, can dissolve. Your task is to prevent valuable things and living creatures from being thrown into the water, look in surprise into the container with your baby to find out if spoons, pencils, handkerchiefs, erasers, and toys have dissolved there. and offer substances such as salt, sugar, soda, milk. The child will happily start dissolving them too and, believe me, will be very surprised when he realizes that they are dissolving!
Water changes color when exposed to other chemicals. The substances themselves, interacting with water, also change, in our case they dissolve. The following two experiments are devoted to this property of water and some substances.

Magic water

Show your child how, as if by magic, water in an ordinary jar changes its color. Pour water into a glass jar or glass and dissolve a phenolphthalein tablet in it (it is sold in a pharmacy and is better known as “Purgen”). The liquid will be clear. Then add a solution of baking soda - it will turn an intense pink-raspberry color. Having enjoyed this transformation, add vinegar or citric acid - the solution will become discolored again.

"Live" fish

First, prepare a solution: add 10 g of dry gelatin to a quarter glass of cold water and let it swell well. Heat the water to 50 degrees in a water bath and make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the solution in a thin layer onto plastic wrap and allow to air dry. From the resulting thin leaf you can cut out the silhouette of a fish. Place the fish on a napkin and breathe on it. Breathing will moisten the jelly, it will increase in volume, and the fish will begin to bend.

Lotus flowers

Cut out flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, curl the petals towards the center. Now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, flower petals will begin to bloom. This happens because the paper gets wet, gradually becomes heavier, and the petals open. The same effect can be observed with ordinary spruce or pine cones. You can invite children to leave one cone in the bathroom (a damp place) and later be surprised that the scales of the cone have closed and they have become dense, and put the other one on the radiator - the cone will open its scales.


Water can not only dissolve certain substances, but also has a number of other remarkable properties. For example, it is able to cool hot substances and objects, while they become harder. The experience below will not only help you understand this, but will also allow your little one to create his own world with mountains and seas.
Take a saucer and pour water into it. We paint with paints bluish-greenish or any other color. This is the Sea. Then we take a candle and, as soon as the paraffin in it melts, we turn it over the saucer so that it drips into the water. By changing the height of the candle above the saucer, we get different shapes. Then these “islands” can be connected to each other, you can see what they look like, or you can take them out and glue them onto paper with a drawn sea.

In search of fresh water

How to get drinking water from salt water? Pour water into a deep basin with your child, add two tablespoons of salt there, stir until the salt dissolves. Place washed pebbles at the bottom of an empty plastic glass so that it does not float, but its edges should be higher than the water level in the basin. Pull the film over the top, tying it around the pelvis. Squeeze the film in the center above the cup and place another pebble in the recess. Place the basin in the sun. After a few hours, clean, unsalted drinking water will accumulate in the glass. This is explained simply: water begins to evaporate in the sun, condensation settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. The salt does not evaporate and remains in the basin.
Now that you know how to get fresh water, you can safely go to the sea and not be afraid of thirst. There is a lot of liquid in the sea, and you can always get the purest drinking water from it.

Making a cloud

Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on top of the jar. The air inside the jar will begin to cool as it rises. The water vapor it contains will condense to form a cloud.

Where does rain come from? It turns out that the drops, having heated up on the ground, rise upward. There they get cold, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they increase in size, become heavy and fall to the ground as rain.

Vulcan on the table

Mom and dad can be wizards too. They can even do it. a real volcano! Arm yourself with a “magic wand,” cast a spell, and the “eruption” will begin. Here is a simple recipe for witchcraft: add vinegar to baking soda as we do for the dough. Only there should be more soda, say 2 tablespoons. Place it in a saucer and pour vinegar straight from the bottle. A violent neutralization reaction will occur, the contents of the saucer will begin to foam and boil with large bubbles (be careful not to bend over!). For greater effect, you can fashion a “volcano” (a cone with a hole at the top) out of plasticine, place it on a saucer with soda, and pour vinegar into the hole from above. At some point, foam will begin to splash out of the “volcano” - the sight is simply fantastic!
This experiment clearly shows the interaction of alkali with acid, the neutralization reaction. By preparing and carrying out an experiment, you can tell your child about the existence of acidic and alkaline environments. The “Homemade Carbonated Water” experiment, which is described below, is devoted to the same topic. And older kids can continue to study them with the following exciting experience.

Table of natural indicators

Many vegetables, fruits and even flowers contain substances that change color depending on the acidity of the environment. From available material (fresh, dried or ice cream), prepare a decoction and test it in an acidic and alkaline environment (the decoction itself is a neutral environment, water). A solution of vinegar or citric acid is suitable as an acidic medium, and a soda solution is suitable for an alkaline medium. You just need to cook them immediately before the experiment: they will spoil over time. Tests can be carried out as follows: pour, say, a solution of soda and vinegar into empty egg cells (each in its own row, so that opposite each cell with acid there is a cell with alkali). Drop (or better yet, pour) a little freshly prepared broth or juice into each pair of cells and observe the color change. Enter the results into a table. The color change can be recorded, or you can paint it with paints: they are easier to achieve the desired shade.
If your child is older, he will most likely want to take part in the experiments himself. Give him a strip of universal indicator paper (sold in chemical supply stores and gardening stores) and offer to moisten it with any liquid: saliva, tea, soup, water - whatever. The moistened area will become colored, and using the scale on the box you can determine whether you have tested an acidic or alkaline environment. Usually this experience causes a storm of delight in children and gives parents a lot of free time.

Salt miracles

Have you already grown crystals with your baby? It's not difficult at all, but it will take a few days. Prepare a supersaturated salt solution (one in which the salt does not dissolve when adding a new portion) and carefully lower a seed into it, say, a wire with a small loop at the end. After some time, crystals will appear on the seed. You can experiment and dip not a wire, but a woolen thread, into the salt solution. The result will be the same, but the crystals will be distributed differently. For those who are especially keen, I recommend making wire crafts, such as a Christmas tree or a spider, and also placing them in a salt solution.

Secret letter

This experience can be combined with the popular game “Find the Treasure,” or you can simply write to someone at home. There are two ways to make such a letter at home: 1. Dip a pen or brush in milk and write a message on white paper. Be sure to let it dry. You can read such a letter by holding it over steam (don’t get burned!) or ironing it. 2. Write a letter with lemon juice or citric acid solution. To read it, dissolve a few drops of pharmaceutical iodine in water and lightly moisten the text.
Is your child already grown up or have you gained the taste yourself? Then the following experiments are for you. They are somewhat more complicated than those previously described, but it is quite possible to cope with them at home. Still be very careful with reagents!

Coca-Cola fountain

Coca-Cola (a solution of phosphoric acid with sugar and dye) reacts very interestingly when Mentos lozenges are placed in it. The reaction is expressed in a fountain literally gushing out of the bottle. It is better to do such an experiment on the street, since the reaction is poorly controlled. It’s better to crush Mentos a little, and take a liter of Coca-Cola. The effect exceeds all expectations! After this experience, I don’t really want to take all this stuff internally. I recommend conducting this experiment with children who love chemical drinks and sweets.

Drown and eat

Wash two oranges. Place one of them in a saucepan filled with water. He will float. Try to drown him - it will never work!
Peel the second orange and place it in water. Are you surprised? The orange drowned. Why? Two identical oranges, but one drowns and the other floats? Explain to your child: “There are a lot of air bubbles in an orange peel. They push the orange to the surface of the water. Without the peel, the orange sinks because it is heavier than the water it displaces.”

Live yeast

Tell children that yeast is made up of tiny living organisms called microbes (which means that microbes can be beneficial as well as harmful). As they feed, they emit carbon dioxide, which, when mixed with flour, sugar and water, “raises” the dough, making it fluffy and tasty. Dry yeast looks like small lifeless balls. But this is only until millions of tiny microbes that lie dormant in a cold and dry state come to life. But they can be revived! Pour two tablespoons of warm water into a jug, add two teaspoons of yeast, then one teaspoon of sugar and stir. Pour the yeast mixture into the bottle, placing a balloon over the neck of the bottle. Place the bottle in a bowl of warm water. And then a miracle will happen before the eyes of the children.
The yeast will come to life and begin to eat sugar, the mixture will be filled with bubbles of carbon dioxide, already familiar to children, which they begin to emit. The bubbles burst and the gas inflates the balloon.

"Bait" for ice

1. Place the ice in the water.

2. Place the thread on the edge of the glass so that one end of it lies on an ice cube floating on the surface of the water.

3. Sprinkle some salt on the ice and wait 5-10 minutes.

4. Take the free end of the thread and pull out the ice cube from the glass.

Salt, once on the ice, slightly melts a small area of ​​it. Within 5-10 minutes, the salt dissolves in water, and clean water on the surface of the ice freezes along with the thread.


If you make several holes in a plastic bottle, it will become even more interesting to study its behavior in water. First, make a hole in the side of the bottle just above the bottom. Fill a bottle with water and watch with your baby how it pours out. Then poke a few more holes, one above the other. How will the water flow now? Will the baby notice that the lower the hole, the more powerful the fountain comes out of it? Let the kids experiment with the pressure of the jets for their own pleasure, and explain to older children that water pressure increases with depth. That’s why the bottom fountain hits the hardest.

Why does an empty bottle float and a full one sink? And what are these funny bubbles that pop out of the neck of an empty bottle if you remove the cap and put it under water? What will happen to water if you first pour it into a glass, then into a bottle, and then pour it into a rubber glove? Draw your child's attention to the fact that the water takes the shape of the vessel into which it was poured.

Does your baby already determine the water temperature by touch? It’s great if, by lowering the handle into the water, he can tell whether the water is warm, cold or hot. But not everything is so simple; pens can be easily deceived. For this trick you will need three bowls. Pour cold water into the first, hot water into the second (but such that you can safely put your hand in it), and room temperature water into the third. Now suggest baby Place one hand in a bowl of hot water, the other in a bowl of cold water. Let him hold his hands there for about a minute, and then plunge them into the third bowl, which contains room water. Ask baby what he feels. Even though your hands are in the same bowl, the sensations will be completely different. Now you can no longer say for sure whether it is hot or cold water.

Soap bubbles in the cold

To experiment with soap bubbles in the cold, you need to prepare shampoo or soap diluted in snow water, to which a small amount of pure glycerin has been added, and a plastic tube from a ballpoint pen. It is easier to blow bubbles in a closed, cold room, since winds almost always blow outside. Large bubbles are easily blown out using a plastic funnel for pouring liquids.

When cooled slowly, the bubble freezes at approximately –7°C. The surface tension coefficient of the soap solution increases slightly when cooled to 0°C, and with further cooling below 0°C it decreases and becomes equal to zero at the moment of freezing. The spherical film will not shrink, even though the air inside the bubble is compressed. Theoretically, the diameter of the bubble should decrease during cooling to 0°C, but by such a small amount that in practice this change is very difficult to determine.

The film turns out to be not fragile, as it would seem that a thin crust of ice should be. If you allow a crystallized soap bubble to fall to the floor, it will not break or turn into ringing fragments, like a glass ball used to decorate a Christmas tree. Dents will appear on it, and individual fragments will twist into tubes. The film turns out to be not brittle, it exhibits plasticity. The plasticity of the film turns out to be a consequence of its small thickness.

We present to your attention four entertaining experiments with soap bubbles. The first three experiments should be carried out at a temperature of –15...–25°C, and the last one at –3...–7°C.

Experience 1

Take the jar of soap solution out into the extreme cold and blow out the bubble. Immediately, small crystals appear at different points on the surface, which quickly grow and finally merge. As soon as the bubble freezes completely, a dent will form in its upper part, near the end of the tube.

The air in the bubble and the bubble shell are cooler in the lower part, since there is a less cooled tube at the top of the bubble. Crystallization spreads from bottom to top. The less cooled and thinner (due to swelling of the solution) upper part of the bubble shell bends under the influence of atmospheric pressure. The more the air inside the bubble cools, the larger the dent becomes.

Experience 2

Dip the end of the tube into the soapy solution and then remove it. At the lower end of the tube there will be a column of solution about 4 mm high. Place the end of the tube against the surface of your palm. The column will decrease greatly. Now blow the bubble until a rainbow color appears. The bubble turned out to have very thin walls. Such a bubble behaves in a peculiar way in the cold: as soon as it freezes, it immediately bursts. So it is never possible to get a frozen bubble with very thin walls.

The thickness of the bubble wall can be considered equal to the thickness of the monomolecular layer. Crystallization begins at individual points on the film surface. The water molecules at these points must come closer to each other and arrange themselves in a certain order. Rearrangements in the arrangement of water molecules and relatively thick films do not lead to disruption of the bonds between water and soap molecules, but the thinnest films are destroyed.

Experience 3

Pour equal amounts of soap solution into two jars. Add a few drops of pure glycerin to one. Now blow two approximately equal bubbles from these solutions one after the other and place them on a glass plate. Freezing of a bubble with glycerin proceeds a little differently than a bubble from a shampoo solution: the onset is delayed, and the freezing itself is slower. Please note: a frozen bubble from a shampoo solution will remain in the cold longer than a frozen bubble with glycerin.

The walls of a frozen bubble from a shampoo solution are a monolithic crystalline structure. Intermolecular bonds anywhere are exactly the same and strong, while in a frozen bubble from the same solution with glycerol, the strong bonds between water molecules are weakened. In addition, these bonds are disrupted by the thermal movement of glycerol molecules, so the crystal lattice quickly sublimates, which means it collapses faster.

Glass bottle and ball.

Warm the bottle well, put the ball on the neck. Now let’s put the bottle in a bowl of cold water - the ball will be “swallowed” by the bottle!

Match training.

We put a few matches in a bowl of water, drop a piece of refined sugar into the center of the bowl and - lo and behold! The matches will gather in the center. Perhaps our matches have a sweet tooth!? Now let’s remove the sugar and drop a little liquid soap into the center of the bowl: the matches don’t like this - they “scatter” in different directions! In fact, everything is simple: sugar absorbs water, thereby creating its movement towards the center, and soap, on the contrary, spreads over the water and carries matches along with it.

Cinderella. static voltage.

We need a balloon again, only already inflated. Place a teaspoon of salt and ground pepper on the table. Mix well. Now let's imagine ourselves as Cinderellas and try to separate the pepper from the salt. It doesn’t work... Now let’s rub our ball on something woolen and bring it to the table: all the pepper, as if by magic, will end up on the ball! We enjoy the miracle, and whisper to older young physicists that the ball becomes negatively charged from friction with the wool, and the peppercorns, or rather the electrons of the pepper, acquire a positive charge and are attracted to the ball. But in salt electrons they move poorly, so it remains neutral, does not acquire a charge from the ball, and therefore does not stick to it!

Pipette straw

1. Place 2 glasses next to each other: one with water, the other empty.

2. Place the straw in the water.

3. Pinch the straw on top with your index finger and transfer it to the empty glass.

4. Remove your finger from the straw - the water will flow into the empty glass. By doing the same thing several times, we will be able to transfer all the water from one glass to another.

A pipette, which you probably have in your home medicine cabinet, works on the same principle.


1. Flatten the end of the straw about 15 mm long and trim its edges with scissors2. At the other end of the straw, cut 3 small holes at the same distance from each other.

So we got a “flute”. If you blow lightly into a straw, slightly squeezing it with your teeth, the “flute” will begin to sound. If you close one or the other hole of the “flute” with your fingers, the sound will change. Now let's try to find some melody.



1. Smell, taste, touch, listen
Task: to consolidate children’s ideas about the sense organs, their purpose (ears - to hear, recognize various sounds; nose - to determine the smell; fingers - to determine the shape, structure of the surface; tongue - to determine the taste).

Materials: a screen with three round slits (for hands and nose), newspaper, bell, hammer, two stones, rattle, whistle, talking doll, Kinder surprise cases with holes; in cases: garlic, orange slice; foam rubber with perfume, lemon, sugar.

Description. There are newspapers, a bell, a hammer, two stones, a rattle, a whistle, and a talking doll laid out on the table. Grandfather Know invites the children to play with him. Children are given the opportunity to explore subjects independently. During this acquaintance, grandfather Know talks with the children, asking questions, for example: “What do these objects sound like?”, “How were you able to hear these sounds?” etc.
The game “Guess what sounds” - a child behind a screen chooses an object with which he then makes a sound, other children guess. They name the object that produced the sound and say that they heard it with their ears.
The game “Guess by Smell” - children put their noses to the window of the screen, and the teacher offers to guess by smell what is in his hands. What is this? How did you find out? (The nose helped us.)
Game “Guess the taste” - the teacher asks the children to guess the taste of lemon and sugar.
Game “Guess by touch” - children put their hand into the hole in the screen, guess the object and then take it out.
Name our assistants who help us recognize an object by sound, smell, taste. What would happen if we didn't have them?

2. Why does everything sound?
Task: to lead children to understand the causes of sound: vibration of an object.

Materials: tambourine, glass cup, newspaper, balalaika or guitar, wooden ruler, metallophone

Description: Game "What does it sound like?" - the teacher invites the children to close their eyes, and he makes sounds using known objects. Children guess what it sounds like. Why do we hear these sounds? What is sound? Children are asked to imitate in their voice: what does a mosquito call? (Z-z-z.)
How does a fly buzz? (Zh-zh.) How does a bumblebee buzz? (Uh-uh.)
Then each child is invited to touch the string of the instrument, listen to its sound and then touch the string with his palm to stop the sound. What happened? Why did the sound stop? The sound continues as long as the string vibrates. When she stops, the sound also disappears.
Does a wooden ruler have a voice? Children are asked to make a sound using a ruler. We press one end of the ruler to the table, and clap the free end with our palm. What happens to the ruler? (Trembles, hesitates.) How to stop the sound? (Stop the vibration of the ruler with your hand.) Extract the sound from the glass glass using a stick, stop. When does sound arise? The sound occurs when air moves back and forth very quickly. This is called oscillation. Why does everything sound? What other objects can you name that will sound?

3. Clear water
Task: to identify the properties of water (transparent, odorless, pours, has weight).

Materials: two opaque jars (one filled with water), a glass jar with a wide neck, spoons, small ladles, a bowl of water, a tray, object pictures.

Description. Droplet came to visit. Who is Droplet? What does she like to play with?
On the table, two opaque jars are closed with lids, one of them is filled with water. Children are asked to guess what is in these jars without opening them. Are they the same weight? Which one is easier? Which one is heavier? Why is it heavier? We open the jars: one is empty - therefore light, the other is filled with water. How did you guess that it was water? What color is it? What does the water smell like?
An adult invites the children to fill a glass jar with water. To do this, they are offered a variety of containers to choose from. What is more convenient to pour? How to prevent water from spilling on the table? What are we doing? (Pour, pour water.) What does water do? (It pours.) Let's listen to how it pours. What sound do we hear?
When the jar is filled with water, children are invited to play the game “Recognize and Name” (looking at pictures through the jar). What did you see? Why is the picture so clear?
What kind of water? (Transparent.) What have we learned about water?

4. Water takes shape
Task: to reveal that water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured.

Materials, funnels, a narrow tall glass, a round vessel, a wide bowl, a rubber glove, ladles of the same size, an inflatable ball, a plastic bag, a bowl of water, trays, worksheets with sketched shapes of the vessels, colored pencils.

Description. In front of the children is a basin of water and various vessels. Little Chick Curiosity tells how he was walking, swimming in puddles, and he had a question: “Can water have some kind of shape?” How can I check this? What shape are these vessels? Let's fill them with water. What is more convenient to pour water into a narrow vessel? (Use a ladle through a funnel.) Children pour two ladles of water into all vessels and determine whether the amount of water in different vessels is the same. Consider the shape of water in different vessels. It turns out that water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. The worksheet sketches the results obtained - children paint over various vessels

5. Foam pillow
Task: to develop in children an idea of ​​the buoyancy of objects in soap foam (buoyancy depends not on the size of the object, but on its heaviness).

Materials: on a tray there is a bowl of water, whisks, a jar of liquid soap, pipettes, a sponge, a bucket, wooden sticks, various items for testing buoyancy.

Description. Misha the bear says that he learned how to make not only soap bubbles, but also soap foam. And today he wants to find out whether all objects sink in soap suds? How to make soap foam?
Children use a pipette to collect liquid soap and release it into a bowl of water. Then try to beat the mixture with chopsticks and a whisk. What is more convenient for whipping foam? What kind of foam did you get? They try to dip various objects into the foam. What floats? What's sinking? Do all objects float equally on water?
Are all objects that float the same size? What determines the buoyancy of objects?

6. Air is everywhere
The task is to detect air in the surrounding space and identify its property - invisibility.

Materials, balloons, bowl of water, empty plastic bottle, sheets of paper.

Description. Little Chick Curious asks the children a riddle about air.
It goes through the nose into the chest and goes back. He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him. (Air)
What do we inhale through our nose? What is air? What is it for? Can we see it? Where is the air? How do you know if there is air around?
Game exercise “Feel the air” - children wave a sheet of paper near their face. What do we feel? We don't see air, but it surrounds us everywhere.
Do you think there is air in an empty bottle? How can we check this? An empty transparent bottle is lowered into a basin of water until it begins to fill. What's happening? Why do bubbles come out of the neck? This water displaces the air from the bottle. Most objects that appear empty are actually filled with air.
Name the objects that we fill with air. Children inflate balloons. What do we fill the balloons with?
Air fills every space, so nothing is empty.

7. Air works
Objective: to give children the idea that air can move objects (sailboats, balloons, etc.).

Materials: plastic bath, basin with water, sheet of paper; a piece of plasticine, a stick, balloons.

Description. Grandfather Know invites children to look at the balloons. What's inside them? What are they filled with? Can air move objects? How can this be checked? He launches an empty plastic bathtub into the water and asks the children: “Try to make it float.” Children blow on it. What can you come up with to make the boat float faster? Attaches the sail and gets the boat moving again. Why does a boat move faster with a sail? There is more air pressing on the sail, so the bath moves faster.
What other objects can we make move? How can you make a balloon move? The balls are inflated and released, and the children watch their movement. Why is the ball moving? Air escapes from the ball and causes it to move.
Children play independently with a boat and a ball

8. Every pebble has its own home
Tasks: classification of stones by shape, size, color, surface features (smooth, rough); Show children the possibility of using stones for play purposes.

Materials: various stones, four boxes, trays with sand, a model for examining an object, pictures and diagrams, a path of pebbles.

Description. The bunny gives the children a chest with various pebbles that he collected in the forest, near the lake. The children look at them. How are these stones similar? They act in accordance with the model: they press on the stones, knock. All stones are hard. How do the stones differ from each other? Then he draws the children’s attention to the color and shape of the stones and invites them to feel them. He notes that some stones are smooth and some are rough. The bunny asks you to help him arrange the stones into four boxes according to the following characteristics: first - smooth and round; in the second - small and rough; in the third - large and not round; in the fourth - reddish. Children work in pairs. Then everyone looks together at how the stones are laid out and counts the number of stones.
Game with pebbles “Lay out a picture” - the bunny hands out picture diagrams to the children (Fig. 3) and invites them to lay them out from pebbles. Children take trays with sand and lay out a picture in the sand according to the diagram, then lay out the picture as they wish.
Children walk along a path made of pebbles. How do you feel? What pebbles?

9. Is it possible to change the shape of stone and clay?
Task: to identify the properties of clay (wet, soft, viscous, you can change its shape, divide it into parts, sculpt) and stone (dry, hard, you cannot sculpt from it, it cannot be divided into parts).

Materials: boards for modeling, clay, river stone, model of examining the object.

Description. Using the model of examining an object, grandfather Znay invites children to find out whether it is possible to change the shape of the proposed natural materials. To do this, he invites the children to press their finger on the clay or stone. Where is the finger hole left? What stone? (Dry, hard.) What kind of clay? (Wet, soft, holes remain.) Children take turns taking the stone in their hands: crushing it, rolling it in their palms, pulling it in different directions. Has the stone changed shape? Why can't you break off a piece of it? (The stone is hard, you cannot mold anything from it with your hands, it cannot be divided into parts.) Children take turns crushing the clay, pulling in different directions, dividing it into parts. What is the difference between clay and stone? (Clay is not like stone, it is soft, it can be divided into parts, clay changes shape, you can sculpt from it.)
Children sculpt various figures from clay. Why don't the figures fall apart? (Clay is viscous and retains its shape.) What other material is similar to clay?

10. Light is everywhere
Objectives: show the meaning of light, explain that light sources can be natural (sun, moon, fire), artificial - made by people (lamp, flashlight, candle).

Materials: illustrations of events occurring at different times of the day; pictures with images of light sources; several objects that do not provide light; flashlight, candle, table lamp, chest with a slot.

Description. Grandfather Know invites children to determine whether it is dark or light now and explain their answer. What's shining now? (Sun.) What else can illuminate objects when it is dark in nature? (Moon, fire.) Invites children to find out what is in the “magic chest” (a flashlight inside). The children look through the slot and note that it is dark and nothing can be seen. How can I make the box lighter? (Open the chest, then light will come in and illuminate everything inside it.) Open the chest, light will come in, and everyone will see a flashlight.
And if we don’t open the chest, how can we make it light? He lights a flashlight and puts it in the chest. Children look at the light through the slot.
The game “Light can be different” - grandfather Znay invites children to sort the pictures into two groups: light in nature, artificial light - made by people. What shines brighter - a candle, a flashlight, a table lamp? Demonstrate the action of these objects, compare, arrange pictures depicting these objects in the same sequence. What shines brighter - the sun, the moon, a fire? Compare the pictures and sort them according to the brightness of the light (from the brightest).

11. Light and shadow
Objectives: to introduce the formation of shadows from objects, to establish the similarity between a shadow and an object, to create images using shadows.

Materials: equipment for shadow theater, lantern.

Description. Misha the bear comes with a flashlight. The teacher asks him: “What do you have? What do you need a flashlight for? Misha offers to play with him. The lights turn off and the room goes dark. Children, with the help of a teacher, shine a flashlight and look at different objects. Why do we see everything clearly when a flashlight is shining? Misha places his paw in front of the flashlight. What do we see on the wall? (Shadow.) Offers the children to do the same. Why is a shadow formed? (The hand interferes with the light and does not allow it to reach the wall.) The teacher suggests using the hand to show the shadow of a bunny or dog. Children repeat. Misha gives the children a gift.
Game "Shadow Theater". The teacher takes out a shadow theater from the box. Children examine equipment for a shadow theater. What is unusual about this theater? Why are all the figures black? What is a flashlight for? Why is this theater called shadow theater? How is a shadow formed? Children, together with the bear cub Misha, look at animal figures and show their shadows.
Showing a familiar fairy tale, for example “Kolobok”, or any other.

12. Frozen water
Task: to reveal that ice is a solid substance, floats, melts, and consists of water.

Materials, pieces of ice, cold water, plates, a picture of an iceberg.

Description. In front of the children is a bowl of water. They discuss what kind of water it is, what shape it is. Water changes shape because
she is liquid. Can water be solid? What happens to water if it is cooled too much? (The water will turn into ice.)
Examine the pieces of ice. How is ice different from water? Can ice be poured like water? The children are trying to do this. Which
ice shapes? Ice retains its shape. Anything that retains its shape, like ice, is called a solid.
Does ice float? The teacher puts a piece of ice in a bowl and the children watch. How much ice floats? (Top.)
Huge blocks of ice float in the cold seas. They are called icebergs (show picture). Above the surface
Only the tip of the iceberg is visible. And if the ship's captain does not notice and stumbles upon the underwater part of the iceberg, the ship may sink.
The teacher draws the children's attention to the ice that was in the plate. What happened? Why did the ice melt? (The room is warm.) What has the ice turned into? What is ice made of?
“Playing with ice floes” is a free activity for children: they choose plates, examine and observe what happens to the ice floes.

13. Melting ice
Task: determine that ice melts from heat, from pressure; that it melts faster in hot water; that water freezes in the cold and also takes the shape of the container in which it is located.

Materials: plate, bowl of hot water, bowl of cold water, ice cubes, spoon, watercolor paints, strings, various molds.

Description. Grandfather Know suggests guessing where ice grows faster - in a bowl of cold water or in a bowl of hot water. He lays out the ice and the children watch the changes taking place. The time is recorded using numbers that are laid out near the bowls, and the children draw conclusions. Children are invited to look at a colored piece of ice. What kind of ice? How is this piece of ice made? Why does the string hold on? (Frozen to a piece of ice.)
How can you get colorful water? Children add colored paints of their choice to the water, pour them into molds (everyone has different molds) and place them on trays in the cold.

14. Multi-colored balls
Task: to obtain new shades by mixing primary colors: orange, green, purple, blue.

Materials: palette, gouache paints: blue, red, (blue, yellow; rags, water in glasses, sheets of paper with an outline image (4-5 balls for each child), models - colored circles and half circles (corresponding to the colors of the paints) , worksheets.

Description. The bunny brings the children sheets with pictures of balls and asks them to help him color them. Let's find out from him what color balls he likes best. What if we don’t have blue, orange, green and purple paints?
How can we make them?
Children and the bunny mix two colors each. If the desired color is obtained, the mixing method is fixed using models (circles). Then the children use the resulting paint to paint the ball. So children experiment until they get all the necessary colors. Conclusion: by mixing red and yellow paint, you can get orange; blue with yellow - green, red with blue - purple, blue with white - blue. The results of the experiment are recorded in the worksheet

15. Mysterious pictures
Task: show children that surrounding objects change color if you look at them through colored glasses.

Materials: colored glasses, worksheets, colored pencils.

Description. The teacher invites the children to look around them and name what color objects they see. Everyone together counts how many colors the children named. Do you believe that the turtle sees everything only in green? This is true. Would you like to look at everything around you through the eyes of a turtle? How can I do that? The teacher hands out green glasses to the children. What do you see? How else would you like to see the world? Children look at objects. How to get colors if we don't have the right pieces of glass? Children get new shades by placing glasses - one on top of the other.
Children sketch “mysterious pictures” on a worksheet

16. We will see everything, we will know everything
Task: to introduce the assistant device - the magnifying glass and its purpose.

Materials: magnifying glasses, small buttons, beads, zucchini seeds, sunflower seeds, small pebbles and other objects for examination, worksheets, colored pencils.

Description. The children receive a “gift” from their grandfather. Knowing it, they look at it. What is this? (Bead, button.) What does it consist of? What is it for? Grandfather Know suggests looking at a small button or bead. How can you see better - with your eyes or with the help of this piece of glass? What is the secret of the glass? (Magnifies objects so they can be seen better.) This assistant device is called a “magnifying glass.” Why does a person need a magnifying glass? Where do you think adults use magnifying glasses? (When repairing and making watches.)
Children are invited to independently examine the objects at their request, and then sketch on the worksheet what
the object actually is and what it is like if you look through a magnifying glass

17. Sand Country
Objectives: highlight the properties of sand: flowability, friability, you can sculpt from wet sand; introduce the method of making a picture from sand.

Materials: sand, water, magnifying glasses, sheets of thick colored paper, glue sticks.

Description. Grandfather Znay invites children to look at the sand: what color it is, try it by touch (loose, dry). What is sand made of? What do grains of sand look like? How can we look at grains of sand? (Using a magnifying glass.) The grains of sand are small, translucent, round, and do not stick to each other. Is it possible to sculpt from sand? Why can't we change anything from dry sand? Let's try to mold it from wet. How can you play with dry sand? Is it possible to paint with dry sand?
Children are asked to draw something on thick paper with a glue stick (or trace a finished drawing),
and then pour sand onto the glue. Shake off excess sand and see what happens. Everyone looks at children's drawings together

18. Where is the water?
Objectives: to identify that sand and clay absorb water differently, to highlight their properties: flowability, friability.

Materials: transparent containers with dry sand, dry clay, measuring cups with water, magnifying glass.

Description. Grandfather Znay invites children to fill cups with sand and clay as follows: first pour
dry clay (half), and fill the second half of the glass with sand on top. After this, the children examine the filled glasses and tell what they see. Then the children are asked to close their eyes and guess by the sound what Grandfather Know is pouring out. Which fell better? (Sand.) Children pour sand and clay onto trays. Are the slides the same? (A sand slide is smooth, a clay slide is uneven.) Why are the slides different?
Examine particles of sand and clay through a magnifying glass. What is sand made of? (The grains of sand are small, translucent, round, and do not stick to each other.) What does clay consist of? (The clay particles are small, pressed closely together.) What happens if you pour water into cups with sand and clay? Children try to do this and observe. (All the water has gone into the sand, but stands on the surface of the clay.)
Why doesn't clay absorb water? (Clay has particles that are closer to each other and do not allow water to pass through.) Everyone remembers together where there are more puddles after rain - on sand, on asphalt, on clay soil. Why are paths in the garden sprinkled with sand? (To absorb water.)

19. Water mill
Objective: to give an idea that water can set other objects in motion.

Materials: toy water mill, basin, jug with water, rag, aprons according to the number of children.

Description. Grandfather Znay talks with children about why water is needed for people. During the conversation, the children remember it in their own way. Can water make other things work? After the children’s answers, grandfather Znay shows them a water mill. What is this? How to make the mill work? Children hum their aprons and roll up their sleeves; They take a jug of water in their right hand, and with their left they support it near the spout and pour water onto the blades of the mill, directing the stream of water to the center of the mill. What do we see? Why is the mill moving? What sets her in motion? Water drives the mill.
Children play with a mill.
It is noted that if you pour water in a small stream, the mill works slowly, and if you pour it in a large stream, the mill works faster.

20. Ringing water
Task: show children that the amount of water in a glass affects the sound made.

Materials: a tray on which there are various glasses, water in a bowl, ladles, “fishing rods” with a thread with a plastic ball attached to the end.

Description. There are two glasses filled with water in front of the children. How to make glasses sound? All the children’s options are checked (knock with a finger, objects that the children offer). How to make the sound louder?
A stick with a ball at the end is offered. Everyone listens to the clinking of glasses of water. Are we hearing the same sounds? Then grandfather Znay pours and adds water to the glasses. What affects the ringing? (The amount of water affects the ringing; the sounds are different.) Children try to compose a melody

21. "Guessing Game"
Task: show children that objects have weight, which depends on the material.

Materials: objects of the same shape and size from different materials: wood, metal, foam rubber, plastic;
container with water; container with sand; balls of different materials of the same color, sensory box.

Description. In front of the children are various pairs of objects. Children look at them and determine how they are similar and how they differ. (Similar in size, different in weight.)
They take objects in their hands and check the difference in weight!
Guessing game - children select objects from the sensory box by touch, explaining how they guessed whether it is heavy or light. What determines the lightness or heaviness of an object? (Depending on what material it is made of.) With their eyes closed, children are asked to determine by the sound of an object falling on the floor whether it is light or heavy. (A heavy object makes a louder impact sound.)
They also determine whether an object is light or heavy by the sound of an object falling into the water. (The splash is stronger from a heavy object.) Then they throw the objects into a basin of sand and determine whether the object was carried by the depression left after the fall in the sand. (A heavy object causes a larger depression in the sand.

22. Catch, little fish, both small and great
Task: find out the ability of a magnet to attract certain objects.

Materials: magnetic game “Fishing”, magnets, small objects from different materials, a bowl of water, worksheets.

Description. The fishing cat offers children the game “Fishing”. What can you use to catch fish? They try to catch with a fishing rod. They tell whether any of the children have seen real fishing rods, what they look like, what kind of bait the fish are caught with. What do we use to catch fish? Why does she hold on and not fall?
They examine the fish and fishing rod and discover metal plates and magnets.
What objects does a magnet attract? Children are offered magnets, various objects, and two boxes. They put objects that are attracted by a magnet into one box, and objects that are not attracted into another box. A magnet only attracts metal objects.
What other games have you seen magnets in? Why does a person need a magnet? How does he help him?
Children are given worksheets in which they complete the task “Draw a line to the magnet from the object that is attracted to it.”

23. Tricks with magnets
Task: identify objects that interact with a magnet.

Materials: magnets, a goose cut out of foam plastic with a metal one inserted into its beak. rod; a bowl of water, a jar of jam, and mustard; wooden stick with a cat on one edge. a magnet is attached and covered with cotton wool on top, and only cotton wool on the other end; animal figurines on cardboard stands; a shoe box with one side cut off; paper clips; a magnet attached with tape to a pencil; a glass of water, small metal rods or a needle.

Description. The children are greeted by a magician and shown the “picky goose” trick.
Magician: Many people think the goose is a stupid bird. But that's not true. Even a little gosling understands what is good and what is bad for him. At least this baby. He had just hatched from the egg, but he had already reached the water and swam. This means that he understands that walking will be difficult for him, but swimming will be easy. And he knows about food. Here I have two cotton wool tied, dip it in mustard and offer the gosling to taste it (a stick without a magnet is brought up) Eat, little one! Look, he turns away. What does mustard taste like? Why doesn't the goose want to eat? Now let’s try dipping another cotton ball into the jam (a stick with a magnet is brought up). Aha, I reached for the sweet one. Not a stupid bird
Why does our little gosling reach for jam with its beak, but turns away from mustard? What is his secret? Children look at a stick with a magnet at the end. Why did the goose interact with the magnet? (There is something metallic in the goose.) They examine the goose and see that there is a metal rod in its beak.
The magician shows the children pictures of animals and asks: “Can my animals move on their own?” (No.) The magician replaces these animals with pictures with paper clips attached to their bottom edges. Places the figures on the box and moves the magnet inside the box. Why did the animals start moving? Children look at the figures and see that there are paper clips attached to the stands. Children try to control animals. A magician “accidentally” drops a needle into a glass of water. How to get it out without getting your hands wet? (Bring the magnet to the glass.)
The children get the various things themselves. objects made from water with pom. magnet.

24. Sunny bunnies
Objectives: understand the reason for the appearance of sunbeams, teach how to let in sunbeams (reflect light with a mirror).

Material: mirrors.

Description. Grandfather Know helps children remember a poem about a sunny bunny. When does it work? (In the light, from objects that reflect light.) Then he shows how a sunbeam appears with the help of a mirror. (The mirror reflects a ray of light and itself becomes a source of light.) Invites children to make sunbeams (to do this, you need to catch a ray of light with a mirror and direct it in the right direction), hide them (covering them with your palm).
Games with a sunny bunny: chase, catch, hide it.
Children find out that playing with a bunny is difficult: a small movement of the mirror causes it to move a long distance.
Children are invited to play with the bunny in a dimly lit room. Why doesn't the sunbeam appear? (No bright light.)

25. What is reflected in the mirror?
Objectives: introduce children to the concept of “reflection”, find objects that can reflect.

Materials: mirrors, spoons, glass bowl, aluminum foil, new balloon, frying pan, working PITS.

Description. An inquisitive monkey invites children to look in the mirror. Who do you see? Look in the mirror and tell me what is behind you? left? on right? Now look at these objects without a mirror and tell me, are they different from those you saw in the mirror? (No, they are the same.) The image in the mirror is called reflection. A mirror reflects an object as it really is.
In front of the children are various objects (spoons, foil, frying pan, vases, balloon). The monkey asks them to find everything
objects in which you can see your face. What did you pay attention to when choosing a subject? Try the object to the touch, is it smooth or rough? Are all objects shiny? See if your reflection is the same on all these objects? Is it always the same shape! do you get a better reflection? The best reflection is obtained in flat, shiny and smooth objects, they make good mirrors. Next, children are asked to remember where on the street they can see their reflection. (In a puddle, in a store window.)
In the worksheets, children complete the task “Find all the objects in which you can see a reflection.

26. What dissolves in water?
Task: show children the solubility and insolubility of various substances in water.

Materials: flour, granulated sugar, river sand, food coloring, washing powder, glasses of clean water, spoons or sticks, trays, pictures depicting the presented substances.
Description. In front of the children on trays are glasses of water, chopsticks, spoons and substances in various containers. Children look at water and remember its properties. What do you think will happen if granulated sugar is added to water? Grandfather Know adds sugar, mixes, and everyone observes together what has changed. What happens if we add river sand to the water? Adds river sand to the water and mixes. Has the water changed? Did it become cloudy or remain clear? Has the river sand dissolved?
What will happen to water if we add food coloring to it? Adds paint and mixes. What changed? (The water has changed color.) Has the paint dissolved? (The paint dissolved and changed the color of the water, the water became opaque.)
Will flour dissolve in water? Children add flour to the water and mix. What did the water become? Cloudy or clear? Has the flour dissolved in the water?
Will washing powder dissolve in water? Add washing powder and mix. Did the powder dissolve in water? What did you notice that was unusual? Dip your fingers into the mixture and check if it still feels the same as clean water? (The water has become soapy.) What substances have dissolved in our water? What substances do not dissolve in water?

27. Magic sieve
Objectives: to introduce children to the method of separating k; coves from sand, small grains from large grains, with the help of developing independence.

Materials: scoops, various sieves, buckets, bowls, semolina and rice, sand, small pebbles.

Description. Little Red Riding Hood comes to the children and tells them that she is going to visit her grandmother - to take her a mountain of semolina porridge. But she had a misfortune. She did not drop the cans of cereal, and the cereal was all mixed up. (shows a bowl of cereal.) How to separate rice from semolina?
Children try to separate with their fingers. They note that it turns out slowly. How can you do this faster? Look
Are there any items in the laboratory that can help us? We notice that there is a sieve next to Grandfather Knowing? Why is it necessary? How to use it? What pours out of the sieve into the bowl?
Little Red Riding Hood examines the peeled semolina, thanks for the help, and asks: “What else can you call this magic sieve?”
We'll find substances in our laboratory that we can sift through. We find that there are a lot of pebbles in the sand. How can we separate the sand from the pebbles? Children sift the sand themselves. What's in our bowl? What's left. Why do large substances remain in the sieve, while small substances immediately fall into the bowl? Why is a sieve needed? Do you have a sieve at home? How do mothers and grandmothers use it? Children give a magic sieve to Little Red Riding Hood.

28. Colored sand
Objectives: introduce children to the method of making colored sand (mixed with colored chalk); teach how to use a grater.
Materials: colored crayons, sand, transparent container, small objects, 2 bags, fine graters, bowls, spoons (sticks,) small jars with lids.

Description. The little jackdaw, Curiosity, flew to the children. He asks the children to guess what he has in his bags. The children try to determine by touch. (In one bag there is sand, in the other there are pieces of chalk.) The teacher opens the bags, the children check their guesses. The teacher and the children examine the contents of the bags. What is this? What kind of sand, what can you do with it? What color is chalk? What does it feel like? Can it be broken? What is it for? Little Gal asks: “Can sand be colored? How to make it colored? What happens if we mix sand with chalk? How can you make chalk as free-flowing as sand?” Little Gal boasts that he has a tool for turning chalk into fine powder.
Shows the children a grater. What is this? How to use it? Children, following the example of the little jackdaw, take bowls, graters and rub chalk. What happened? What color is your powder? (The little pebble asks each child) How can I make the sand colored now? Children pour sand into a bowl and mix it with spoons or chopsticks. Children look at colored sand. How can we use this sand? (make beautiful pictures.) The little pebble offers to play. Shows a transparent container filled with multi-colored layers of sand and asks the children: “How can you quickly find a hidden object?” Children offer their own options. The teacher explains that you cannot mix sand with your hands, a stick or a spoon, and shows how to push it out of the sand

29. Fountains
Objectives: develop curiosity, independence, create a joyful mood.

Materials: plastic bottles, nails, matches, water.

Description. Children go for a walk. Parsley brings the children pictures of different fountains. What is a fountain? Where have you seen fountains? Why do people install fountains in cities? Is it possible to make a fountain yourself? What can it be made from? The teacher draws the children's attention to the bottles, nails, and matches brought by Parsley. Is it possible to make a fountain using these materials? What's the best way to do this?
Children poke holes in the bottles with a nail, plug them with matches, fill the bottles with water, pull out the matches, and it turns out to be a fountain. How did we get the fountain? Why doesn't water pour out when there are matches in the holes? Children play with fountains.
object by shaking the vessel.
What happened to the colorful sand? The children note that in this way we quickly found the object and mixed the sand.
Children hide small objects in transparent jars, cover them with layers of multi-colored sand, close the jars with lids and show the little girl how they quickly find the hidden object and mix the sand. Little Galchon gives the children a box of colored chalk as a farewell gift.

30. Playing with sand
Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about the properties of sand, to develop curiosity and observation, to activate children’s speech, and to develop constructive skills.

Materials: a large children's sandbox, in which traces of plastic animals are left, animal toys, scoops, children's rakes, watering cans, a plan of the area for walks of this group.

Description. Children go outside and explore the walking area. The teacher draws their attention to unusual footprints in the sandbox. Why are footprints so clearly visible in the sand? Whose tracks are these? Why do you think so?
Children find plastic animals and test their guesses: they take toys, place their paws on the sand and look for the same print. What trace will be left from the palm? Children leave their marks. Whose palm is bigger? Whose is smaller? Check by applying.
The teacher finds a letter in the bear cub's paws and takes out a site plan from it. What is shown? Which place is circled in red? (Sandbox.) What else could be interesting there? Perhaps some kind of surprise? Children, plunging their hands into the sand, look for toys. Who is this?
Each animal has its own home. The fox has... (hole), the bear has... (den), the dog has... (kennel). Let's build a sand house for each animal. What sand is best for building with? How to make it wet?
Children take watering cans and water the sand. Where does the water go? Why did the sand become wet? Children build houses and play with animals.

How to interest a child in learning new substances and properties of various objects and liquids? You can set up an impromptu chemical laboratory at home and conduct simple chemical experiments for children at home.

The transformations will be original and appropriate in honor of some festive event or in the most ordinary conditions to familiarize the child with the properties of different materials. Here are some simple tricks that are easy to do at home.

Chemical experiments using ink

Take a small container of water, preferably one with transparent walls.

Dissolve a drop of ink or ink in it - the water will turn blue.

Add one pre-crushed activated carbon tablet to the solution.

Then shake the container well and you will see that it will gradually become light, without a tint of paint. Coal powder has an absorbent property, and the water returns to its original color.

Trying to create clouds at home

Take a tall jar and pour some hot water into it (about 3 cm). Prepare ice cubes in the freezer and place them on a flat baking sheet that you place on top of the jar.

The hot air in the jar will cool, forming water vapor. The condensate molecules will begin to gather together in the form of a cloud. This transformation demonstrates the origin of clouds in nature when warm air cools. Why is it raining?

Drops of water on the ground heat up and rise upward. There they cool and meet each other to form clouds. Then the clouds also combine into heavy formations and fall to the ground as precipitation. Watch a video of chemical experiments for children at home.

How your hands feel at different water temperatures

You will need three deep bowls of water - cold, hot and room temperature.

The child should touch cold water with one hand and hot water with the other.

After a couple of minutes, both hands are placed in a vessel with water at room temperature. How does water feel to him? Is there a difference in perception temperature?

Water can be absorbed and stain the plant.

This beautiful transformation will require a live plant or flower stem.

Place it in a glass of water colored in any bright color (red, blue, yellow).

Gradually you will notice that the plant takes on the same color.

This happens because the stem absorbs water and takes on its color. In the language of chemical phenomena, such a process is usually called osmosis or one-way diffusion.

You can make your own fire extinguisher at home

Necessary actions:

  1. Let's take a candle.
  2. It is necessary to light it and place it in the jar so that it stands straight and the flame does not reach its edges.
  3. Carefully place a teaspoon of baking powder into the jar.
  4. Then pour a little vinegar into it.

Next, we look at the transformation - the white baking powder will hiss, forming foam, and the candle will go out. This interaction between the two substances produces carbon dioxide. It sinks to the bottom of the jar because it is heavy compared to other atmospheric gases.

The fire does not receive oxygen and goes out. This is the principle behind the fire extinguisher. They all contain carbon dioxide, which extinguishes the flames of fire.

What else you should definitely read:

Oranges have the ability to float on water

If you put an orange in a bowl of water, it will not sink. Clean it and dip it in water again - you will see it at the bottom. How did this happen?

The orange peel has air bubbles that keep it floating on the water, almost like an air mattress.

Testing eggs for their ability to float on water

We use jars of water again. Place a couple of tablespoons of salt in one of them and stir until dissolved. Dip an egg into each jar. In salt water it will be on the surface, and in normal water it will sink to the bottom.
