
Bulk pie with cherries. Simple Cherry Loose Pie Loose Cherry Pie

Do you want sweet and tasty pastries, but don't want to mess with the dough for a long time? I offer a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo of a bulk pie with cherries. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

When there is no time to cook the dough or you just don’t want to mess with it for a long time, then a bulk cherry pie in the oven comes to the rescue. Assembling such a cake in haste is very easy and simple. For it, you do not need to knead the dough, but simply combine it with the necessary ingredients, mix and the dry dough is ready. It's quick and easy: I prepared a dry crumb, grated the butter, put the filling between two layers and sent the product to the oven. And after half an hour you can treat yourself to a delicious pie. In addition, the necessary and affordable ingredients are always at hand.

It turns out a bulk cake with crispy crumbs, slightly moist inside and insanely delicious. It does not look like a classic pastry, so I definitely recommend trying it. Baking with cherries is always something special, fragrant, unique and juicy. You can take it fresh, frozen or even in the form of jam, but then limit yourself to the addition of sugar. This product has a number of undeniable advantages, and one of them is almost any choice of filling. If there are no cherries, then other berries and fruits will do. For example, strawberries or apples. Another plus of the recipe: it is not canonical, because. the amount of flour, butter and sugar can be varied according to your preferences. Thanks to what to get a cake more or less crumbly or sweet.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 236 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 Pie
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Flour - 150 g
  • Semolina - 50 g
  • Cocoa powder - 30 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Cherries - 250-300 g
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch

Step-by-step preparation of bulk pie with cherries, recipe with photo:

1. Combine all dry ingredients: flour, semolina, cocoa powder, sugar, salt and soda. It is better to sift flour, soda and cocoa through a fine sieve so that there are no lumps.

2. Stir the dry ingredients so that they are evenly distributed into a homogeneous mass.

3. Grate the butter and place half of the serving on the bottom of the pie baking dish.

4. Spread half of the dry mass evenly on top.

5. Put pitted cherries on it and sprinkle them with sugar. If the berries are fresh, then wash them, dry them and remove the stone. Frozen fruit, thaw beforehand. And if you use jam, then do not add sugar to the dough, because. the filling is sweet.

6. Spread the remaining dry mass in an even layer on the cherries.

7. Sprinkle it with oil shavings on top. It is not necessary to press down the oil, because. it will look airy. From warm temperature, it will melt and saturate the dry mixture.

8. Send the pie to a heated oven chamber up to 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Do not remove the finished pastry from the mold until it has cooled, otherwise it may break. Since the cake is very fragile when hot.

Holidays with the family are a great opportunity to start making desserts with the kids. We suggest taking affordable berries - frozen cherries, as well as pumpkin, which is now sold everywhere, add spices - and enjoy new tastes. And at the same time teach little cooks how to beat egg whites, yolks, cream and cook pralines.

Tiramisu with pickled cherries

The classic of Italian cuisine - tiramisu - is good to cook with children. The dessert is simple, but requires several steps, which even a preschooler can do. Just do not forget to replace the liquor and cognac with fruit syrup. After all, if the children cooked tiramisu, then let them eat it without fear.

For 4 servings:

  • 3 eggs
  • 250 g cream cheese, preferably mascarpone
  • 120 ml cream with a fat content of 30%
  • 200 g savoiardi cookies
  • 150 ml espresso
  • 50-70 ml amaretto
  • 80 g powdered sugar
  • bittersweet chocolate for serving

For pickled cherries:

  • 300 g freshly frozen cherries
  • 75 g sugar
  • 30 ml cognac
  • zest of half a lemon
  • zest of half an orange
  • 1 star anise
  • half a cinnamon stick

Cooking: 30 min.
Heat treatment: 10 min.
Cooling: from 6 h.

  1. For the cherry filling, defrost the berries in advance. Throw the cherry on a sieve over a bowl, save the resulting liquid.
  2. Mix this liquid with sugar, star anise, cinnamon and zest. Boil. Remove from heat, strain and return liquid to saucepan, add cherries. Boil 3 min. Add cognac, stir and cook for 1 more minute. Remove from heat and cool completely. Remove star anise and cinnamon.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Put the egg whites in the refrigerator before use.
  4. Put the yolks together with powdered sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer. Beat until fluffy white mass.
  5. Place cream in a clean bowl of a stand mixer. Beat until thick cream. Gently fold in the mascarpone with a silicone spatula. Add beaten yolks, mix.
  6. Place egg whites in a clean bowl of a stand mixer. Beat until strong foam. Gradually mix with a spatula into the yolk mass.
  7. To serve, put a layer of cream mass on the bottom of the glass. Then biscuits soaked in coffee. Drizzle it with amaretto. Put a cherry on top and again a layer of cream. So spread the dessert among all the glasses.
  8. Refrigerate tiramisu for at least 6 hours. Before serving, remove and sprinkle with finely grated chocolate.

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Elementary in preparation, but very tasty cake. It has a number of undeniable advantages: firstly, it can be made with almost any filling to your taste (for example, any seasonal berry is suitable), secondly, it is prepared from simple products that are usually found in any refrigerator, and thirdly, it is done almost instantly, therefore it is suitable for completely unexpected guests or in case of acute attacks of a lack of sweets (or food in general - after all, the filling can be savory). Also, the advantage of the recipe is that it is, in principle, not canonical, i.e. the amount of flour, sugar and butter can be varied (within reasonable limits) to suit your preferences, making the cake more or less sweet or crumbly. Considering that in this situation, the pie can be baked with a huge variety of fillings, I propose to consider its recipe using the example of fresh cherry berry filling.

Butter (good quality, because cheap analogues behave unpredictably when baking) - 180 g (standard pack)
Flour - 2.5 cups (about 300-350 g)
Sugar - 3 tablespoons spoons in the dough (if desired, the amount of sugar can be reduced or not put at all if you like moderately sweet pastries) + 3 tbsp. in the filling (sugar for the filling must be varied depending on the sweetness of the berry)
Fresh cherries - 500 g (if desired, you can sprinkle the cherry with lemon juice, which should make it taste more saturated, but I usually don’t do this, because the cherry comes across to me not very sweet)

Step by step preparation:
Step 1. Butter must be frozen and then chopped. I know two ways. Method 1. Butter is rubbed on a grater. In order to make this process more comfortable, you can use flour, dipping from time to time that part of the oil that you hold during friction into flour.
Method 2. Cut the butter into small cubes.
The choice of method is a matter of taste and convenience. In the photo, the oil is rubbed on a grater, but I usually just cut it finely.

Step 2. Add flour to the dough (you can add not all the flour at once, and then add as needed).

Step 3. If desired, you can replace part of the flour with oatmeal. I use hercules for this, which does not require long cooking. This step is purely voluntary and has nothing to do with the classic bulk pie. This option arose once in a situation where there was a sharp shortage of flour during the cooking process, and turned out to be quite viable. Further photos are taken with a classic bulk cake.

Step 4. Add sugar to the mixture. I take 3 tablespoons. To knead the dough, I also know two ways. You can use a knife to chop the dough for a while (until the moment when the dough turns into a relatively homogeneous crumb). You can grind sugar and flour with butter with a spoon (the result is expected to be the same - relatively homogeneous oily crumbs). I use the second option more often, but it's also a matter of taste. Divide the finished dough into 2 parts: larger and smaller.

Step 5. Put most of the dough into a baking dish and carefully press it with your hands, forming small sides.

Step 6. Put cherries on the test base, from which you first remove the bones. Sprinkle cherries with three tablespoons of sugar, sprinkle with lemon juice if desired.

Step 7. Put the remaining dough on the cherry, leaving it in the form of crumbs.

Messing with dough is not my favorite pastime, so I really love all kinds of pies without kneading - yet homemade cakes are many times better than store ones. Very often I bake bulk pies - it's fast, simple, affordable and very, very tasty.
Today I decided to treat my beloved men with a bulk pie with cherries and bananas - such a sweet and sour combination is just perfect, and the aroma as a result is simply divine, however, as well as the taste.
To prepare a bulk pie with cherries and bananas, you must first prepare the fruit.
As for the banana, everything is utterly simple - peel it and cut it into thin slices. I had only one banana, but to make the cake more delicious, I recommend taking at least a couple of these fruits that are already familiar to us.
We wash the cherries in cold water, put them in a colander so that all the water is gone, and then we take out the bones from it - I do this with an ordinary pin. Excess juice that is formed in the process must also be drained.

When the fruits are prepared, let's start "kneading" the dough for the pie. We take a deep container, pour wheat flour into it, add margarine.

I take the margarine straight out of the fridge before making the pie. It remains to thoroughly grind the margarine with flour to get a small crumb - we got such a dough, it will take a couple of minutes to do everything about everything.

Lay sliced ​​bananas on top.

Place the cherry on top of the bananas in a thick layer, sprinkle with sugar on top. We determine the amount of sugar to your taste, but remember that our “dough” is savory, so keep this in mind.

We fill the fruit with the remaining half of the crumbs - we get a fairly tall cake, completely ready for the baking process.

We will bake it at a temperature of 200 degrees for an hour - the resulting golden crust on top will indicate readiness.

Bulk pie with cherry and banana is very tasty, my men ate it in one evening. And although it crumbles a lot, I still can’t refuse this simplest and most delicious recipe, although I run around the house every time with a broom, sweeping away the crumbs.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min

A simple recipe for a bulk pie "Nowhere Easier" with homemade cherries step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 67 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 13 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 min
  • Amount of calories: 67 kilocalories
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Bakery

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Sugar - 0.75-1 cup
  • Frozen margarine (or butter) - 200 g
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Cherries (or strawberries, blueberries) - 500 g

Step by step cooking

  1. How to make a bulk cake: Rinse and peel the cherries.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl.
  3. Grate frozen margarine (or butter) into a bowl with sugar on a coarse grater.
  4. Soda extinguish (pour) with vinegar. Add to bowl. Salt. Sift flour and add to bowl.
  5. Mix with your fingers and grind everything into crumbs.
  6. Turn on the oven. Pour two thirds of the dough into the mold. Do not grease the mold! Evenly distribute and trample the dough with your palm, you can form a side.
  7. Put the berries, sprinkle with sugar to taste.
  8. Sprinkle the filling on top with the rest of the dough. Put the form in the oven on the middle shelf. Bake a bulk cake at a temperature of 175-180 degrees until cooked (about 20-25 minutes).
  9. Bulk pie Easier nowhere with cherries ready.
  10. Ready-made pie. Happy tea!
