
Stuffing for pies with rice and egg, and green onions: the best recipes. Pies with rice and egg - a tasty and affordable delicacy

Pies with rice and an egg in the oven are a simple, tasty, inexpensive dish, the only drawback of which is that there are always few pies! The simplest filling for rice pies with eggs and green onions always turns out delicious for everyone, it is impossible to spoil it. Yeast dough for pies you can buy ready-made or quickly knead from the products listed in the list; it will come out lush, airy and light, incredibly tasty and fragrant. In general, if you are not too lazy, you can cook delicious unsweetened pastries for broth or tea, even without having a lot of culinary experience behind you.

  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Servings: 9

Ingredients for Rice and Egg Pies
Ingredients for Yeast Pie Dough:

  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 185 ml of milk;
  • 35 g butter;
  • a pinch of fine salt;
  • a pinch of granulated sugar;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • raw egg yolk;
  • 15 g white sesame.

Ingredients for the Rice and Egg Pie Filling:

  • 210 g white rice;
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 100 green onions;
  • 140 g of onions;
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley);
  • 20 g butter;
  • salt, oil for frying.

How to cook patties with rice and eggs in the oven

We knead the dough; my grandmother said: - I'll go put the dough. So, we heat the milk to 35 degrees Celsius so that it is warm, pour dry yeast, add a small pinch of granulated sugar and wait until bubbles appear on the surface.

Sift flour into a bowl, mix it with fine salt, make a “crater” in the center, pour milk with yeast. Melt the butter, send it to the dough.

Mixing dough for pie

We spread the mass on the work surface, knead for about 8 minutes. Then put in a bowl, cover with a wet towel, put in heat for 40 minutes.

Boil round rice for stuffing pies

We make the filling while the dough is rising. Boil white round rice until tender. I do not advise cooking with long rice, it is not sticky, the filling will crumble.

Grate hard-boiled eggs into rice

Grate the hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater and add to the rice.

Fry onion and herbs

We heat 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, add a piece of butter, then, when the oil has melted, we throw finely chopped onions into the pan, after 5 minutes - chopped green onions and a finely chopped bunch of greens. Stew onions with herbs for 5-7 minutes, salt to taste, add to rice with eggs.

Divide the dough into equal pieces

After the dough has doubled in size, punch it down, divide it into 9 pieces - about 60 g per serving. Roll out thin cakes. You can dust the board with flour, but I prefer to grease the board and rolling pin with olive oil to keep the dough from sticking.

We spread the cold filling on the dough and form pies

We put a tablespoon of cold filling in the center of a piece of rolled dough, pinch, form an oval pie.

Putting the pies on a baking sheet

We put the pies on a dry baking sheet, leaving an empty space between them so that there is room for them to grow.

Lubricate the pies with egg yolk

For a ruddy sheen and a delicious crust, grease the surface with raw egg yolk.

Sprinkle porridge with sesame seeds

Pour white sesame seeds on top of the yolk, they stick well to the yolk.

We remove the baking sheet in a warm place for 30 minutes, meanwhile we heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Bake pies with rice and eggs in the oven

Place the baking sheet in the center of the hot oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Remove the pies with rice and egg from the baking sheet, put in a bowl, cover with a towel, leave for 20 minutes to rest; they will become very soft.

Pies with rice and egg in the oven are ready. Bon appetit!

Of great importance in the taste of any pies is the dough. For our rice and egg patties in the oven, we will knead the dough using dry activated yeast. We start by heating the liquid ingredient (meaning milk) in a saucepan. Pour the dairy product into a capacious bowl, in which the process of kneading the dough for pies with rice and egg will take place. Pour dry activated yeast, followed by a little sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour. Let's wait until a yeast “cap” forms over the surface of the milk (this is about 15 minutes). At the same time melt the butter. So a quarter of an hour has passed. Add one egg and softened butter to the milk mixture. Add the remaining flour, salt and knead the dough until elastic. We remove the finished dough for an hour in a warm place.

  • Let's get on with the pie filling. Boil rice in salted water. Drain off excess liquid.

  • Add chopped boiled chicken eggs (3 pieces) to rice.

  • We diversify the composition of the filling with fresh herbs (for example, dill).

  • To make the filling juicy, add a little mayonnaise to it. Mix all the ingredients for the filling.

  • The dough, which has noticeably increased in volume, is divided into pieces of the same size.

  • Roll each piece of dough into layers that look like a circle.

  • In the center of each round layer lay out the egg-rice filling.

  • We will decorate the pies with pinches.

  • Put the resulting pies on a baking sheet with the “seam” down (by the way, it’s time to turn on the oven and set it to 180 degrees).

  • Shake the remaining chicken egg, grease the pies with it. Bake pies with rice and egg in the oven for 30 minutes.

  • The filling for pies with rice and egg is a real pie classic. And if you add green onions to this delicious combination, it will be simply impossible to resist the ruddy beauties.

    I cook pies with rice, egg and onion, both fried and baked in the oven. The latter option is less high-calorie, so for those who follow their figure, I will recommend it.

    Well, fried pies are undoubtedly the best choice for everyone, and especially for men, as a hearty snack. I suggest you evaluate my simple recipe and please yourself and your family.

    Recipe for baked pies with rice, onion and egg

    • The more eggs in the filling, the tastier the pies - so you should not save on eggs. To be sure of their quality without breaking, lower the egg into a deep bowl of cold water. If it remains at the bottom, then it is fresh. And if it floats to the surface, you can safely throw it away. This egg has gone bad and should not be consumed. When buying, always pay attention to the expiration date of the eggs - it is indicated on the package.
    • Rice for the filling is suitable for any, except, perhaps, steamed. The filling with it will be useful, but very dry and too crumbly. But you can take brown and brown rice - it is not only tasty, but also healthy.
    • Choose fresh green onions with a dark green feather and a strong white bulb. Its stems should be smooth and not damaged.

    Did you know? You can sprout green onions at home by placing an onion upside down in a jar of water.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils: scales; baking sheet; 2 bowls; scapula; culinary brush; board; knife; pot; sieve.


    Step by step cooking

    Cooking the dough

    Cooking stuffing

    Forming and baking pies

    What are pies served for? Serve with salads, first courses, broths instead of bread. They eat pies as an independent dish with various drinks, for example, with tomato juice or kefir.

    Recipe video

    See how to knead yeast dough and how to properly form pies. This video will help you figure it out.

    • In addition to the above products, you can add chopped parsley or dill to the filling. You can also completely replace the onion with it if you do not like it.
    • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, table and rolling pin, sprinkle them with flour or grease with vegetable oil.
    • Pies before baking can be sprinkled with white or black sesame seeds.

    Recipe for fried pies with rice, onion and egg

    Cooking time: 1 hour 40 min.
    Servings: 8.
    Calories: 287 kcal.
    Kitchen appliances and utensils: scales; deep frying pan; 2 bowls; scapula; board; knife; pot; sieve.


    Step by step cooking

    1. For the dough, mix half a liter of warm water, a pack of dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and 30 grams of melted butter. Pour 4-4.5 cups of sifted flour and knead the dough. It should be more "weak" - soft and tender - consistency than for oven pies. We put the dough for fermentation for an hour.

    2. For the filling, boil 100 grams of rice in a glass of salted water until tender.
    3. Add 10 hard-boiled and diced eggs.

    4. Mix, add finely chopped bunch of green onions.

    5. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil.
    6. Add it to the filling and mix everything well. If needed, salt and pepper to taste.

    7. We grease the hands and the table with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into pieces and roll them into balls.

    8. We roll each ball with a rolling pin or flatten it with our hands to a thickness of about 0.5 cm.

    9. We put the filling and pinch the pie with a “boat”.

    10. Turn the patties over with the seam down and leave for a while so that they fit.

    11. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. It needs to be poured enough so that the pies are half immersed in oil.

    12. Fry on both sides in turn until cooked.

    13. To get rid of excess oil, put the finished pies on napkins. Now you can eat them. Bon appetit!

    Recipe video

    This video will reveal all the secrets of fried pies to you. Check it out and you won't regret it.

    Other cooking options

    Not only milk is suitable as a liquid, you can cook - dough for pies with yeast on kefir -.
    Prepare - fried meat pies - and with other fillings, for example,. These products are good both warm and cold.

    I am sure: now you know - how to knead the dough for pies - and many other secrets - yeast dough for pies -. Write in the comments about your results of preparing these delicious dough products. I will also be grateful for your "signature" recipes for pies. Let everything taste delicious!

    Step by step recipe with photo and video

    Homemade cakes are always the best! Pies, muffins and buns, cookies and cakes are loved and revered in every family. It would seem that among such a variety of simple and unpretentious pies it is easy to get lost, but everything happens exactly the opposite, because there is little that can compare with the aroma and taste of fresh homemade pies. Simple and easy to prepare, airy, golden, hot pies - a delicacy that is impossible to resist.

    Today I propose to treat yourself and loved ones and cook tender and ruddy pies with rice and egg. This filling option is rightfully considered the simplest and most affordable, moreover, it is relevant at any time of the year. As a basis, we will prepare an airy milk-based yeast dough. To simplify the process as much as possible, we will bake pies in the oven. And in order for a simple filling to turn out to be tender and creamy in taste, we apply a few simple culinary tricks. Let's start?!

    Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

    Sift wheat flour. Add yeast, sugar and salt to half of the sifted flour. Pour in vegetable oil.

    Combine water and milk and heat. While stirring the flour, gradually pour the warm milk into the flour.

    While continuing to stir the dough, gradually add the remaining flour and form a soft ball of dough. The dough prepared according to this recipe can be practically not kneaded and immediately start baking pies. I let the dough rest while I prepare the filling.

    If desired, place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover the dough with a towel and let it rest for 40-60 minutes until it has doubled in size.

    For the filling: hard boil 3 eggs. Cover the eggs with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Peel the boiled eggs and chop finely. To make it easier to peel the eggs, salt the water during the cooking process, and immediately after it is finished, move the eggs into cold water.

    Cook rice, rinse it with cold water. Drain the water and cover the rice with a mixture of water and milk. Add 1-2 pinches of salt. Bring the water to a boil and cook the rice for 13-15 minutes (until cooked). Adding milk during cooking will make the rice more delicate in taste, and the finished filling will give a pleasant creamy note.

    Rinse cooked rice with cold water. A quick change in temperature will stop cooking, the rice will retain its texture, won't stick together when cooled, and won't turn into porridge.

    Add melted butter to rice and mix thoroughly.

    Add boiled eggs and salt to taste to rice.

    If desired, other ingredients can be added to the filling, such as green onions and (or) peas.

    When both the dough and the filling are ready, you can start forming the pies. Punch down the dough and knead it for 1-2 minutes.

    Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into small pieces (I have pieces of about 50-70 grams).

    Thinly roll out a portion of the dough and put a portion of the filling in the center (about 1 tablespoon, you can with a slide).

    Or give the pies a more intricate shape. I like the pigtail pattern.

    To make the “pigtail”, lightly brush the pastry around the filling with beaten egg and cut the pastry into strips. Fold over the top edge of the dough. Move the strip on the right side of the filling to the left, thereby covering part of the filling. Move the strip on the left to the right.

    Repeat the process with the remaining strips of dough. Tuck the edge of the pie (for more details, see the video version of the recipe).

    Leave the formed pies with rice and egg for a few minutes until the oven warms up to 180 degrees.

    Brush the pies with beaten egg and bake for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown.

    Lubricate the finished pies with water and (or) let cool, covering with a towel - so the pies will remain soft the next day.

    Rice and egg pies are ready! Bon appetit!

    From the indicated number of components, approximately 22–24 medium-sized patties are obtained.

    Homemade pies are always the most delicious pastries! Everyone loves them, and if you master at least the simplest yeast dough recipe, you can make them with a variety of fillings: meat, mushrooms and herbs, vegetables and fruits. You can start with a culinary classic - cook pies with rice and an egg in the oven, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you with this.

    We will make dough dough, yeast, but not rich, without eggs and butter. It fits quickly, is easy to cut and does not require special skills.

    The taste of the filling will depend on the proportions of the products. Put more rice - it will be neutral, in this case it's good to add a little pepper, some fragrant greens (for example, dill) and make the filling a little more salty. If there are more onions, it will turn out to be moist, but the most delicious is when there are a lot of eggs. Combined with green onions and rice, it turns out incomparably delicious!

    - fresh yeast (in a cube) - 15 gr;

    - salt - 0.5 tsp;

    - sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

    - refined vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;

    - premium wheat flour - 450-500 gr.

    - green onions - a large bunch;

    - hard-boiled eggs - 4 pcs;

    - butter (melt) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

    Heat the milk so that it is pleasantly warm, but not scalding, not hot. Crumble the yeast cube, add salt and sugar. Stir. As soon as the yeast dissolves, add 150 grams of sifted flour. Take flour from the total amount indicated in the recipe.

    Stir, it is not necessary to achieve uniformity. It is enough to moisten the flour, cover the dough with a lid and put in heat. For a faster rise, you can put the bowl of dough in a saucepan or a larger bowl filled with warm water.

    After half an hour (or 40-45 minutes, depending on the yeast and the quality of the flour), the dough will rise. Bubbles and depressions will be noticeable on the surface, a sour smell of fermentation will appear. These signs indicate that the dough is infused, ripe, ready for further dough kneading.

    Add the remaining flour to the dough (in parts), add vegetable oil as the dough kneads. The first batch of flour should be mixed with dough with a spoon, then, when it starts to thicken, already knead with your hands.

    After more than half of the flour has been added, it is more convenient to put the dough out of the bowl on the table, after sifting the remaining flour on it and gradually picking it up from the edges, kneading a smooth soft dough. Roll the dough into a round ball, return to a greased bowl, cover with a towel and leave to rise for about 1.5 hours.

    While the dough is rising, prepare the pie filling. Boil the rice until cooked, do not forget to salt it during cooking. Cool down. Finely chop a bunch of green onions, mix with rice and coarsely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Drizzle the filling with melted butter to make it juicy. Salt. It is better to make the filling a little salty, in contrast to the sweetish dough, it will turn out very tasty!

    Well-risen dough will increase in volume four to five times, become very soft, airy.

    To make it convenient to cut the pies, you first need to knead the dough, push it in the middle to the bottom and lower it along the edges. Then divide in half, make 8-9 koloboks from each part. Cover, let rise a little.

    Using your hands, mash the koloboks into cakes, making the edges thinner than the middle. Lay out 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of filling, leaving the edges free.

    Raise the edges over the filling and begin to pinch from the center, first in one direction, then in the other. The dough needs to be pulled up a little and squeezed tightly with your fingers so that the seam is thin and strong.

    After you get a scallop, bend it inward as if making folds and turn the pies over with the seam down. Spread on a lined baking sheet at a distance, given that the pies will increase during proofing and baking.

    Turn on the oven to warm up, heat up to 200 degrees. Leave the pies on a warm plate, covered with a towel. After 15-20 minutes, they will fit a little, and it will be possible to send them to the oven. Bake pies on the middle tier of the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes, until a pleasant golden color. Remove the finished pies from the baking sheet, cool on a board or on a wire rack and serve with fragrant apple tea. Happy baking and bon appetit!
