
Stuffed meat in a large piece in the oven. Pork roasted in the oven

Oven and meat are always a great combination. Often we just do not have enough good ideas on how to cook delicious meat in the oven so that it is soft and juicy.

How to cook any meat in the oven

Boneless pieces of meat are ideal for baking: it can be fillet, ham or tenderloin. Look for quality meat. What characteristics should it have, where to buy it and how to choose the right meat for roasting

Be sure to use the marinade to make the meat juicy and tender. A delicious marinade for meat can be easily prepared by yourself: look for

If you are in doubt about how long you need to bake meat in the oven, remember: usually 1 kilogram of meat is cooked for about an hour. But some types of meat, because they are tough and fibrous, require about an hour and a half to bake. For example, beef takes longer to cook than pork.

Last tip: use only ceramic or other heat-resistant dishes for baking. To avoid unnecessary hassle, be sure to lay parchment paper or wrap the meat in foil.

Juicy meat in foil in the oven

You will need:

  • Pork shoulder - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 5-6 small cloves
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf - to taste
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Seasonings - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Make a marinade. Squeeze the garlic and combine it with spices, salt, ground bay leaves, pepper, vegetable oil and sour cream. Spread the washed and dried piece of pork with marinade, then leave to marinate for several hours in the refrigerator.

2. Set the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. Wrap meat in foil and place on a baking sheet. Pour some water onto a baking sheet. Put the meat to bake first for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees, and then for another 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

3. To brown the meat, make a large cut in the foil and bake for another 20 minutes. Check the readiness of pork by piercing with a knife: it should be soft and not give juice.

4. Serve juicy pork with a vegetable side dish or garnish with fresh herbs.

Meat in French with potatoes in the oven

You will need:

  • Pork chops - 800 g
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 50 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Grated hard cheese - to taste

1. Set the oven to warm up to 200 degrees. Salt the pork chops, add spices to taste, pepper and spread with homemade mayonnaise. How to quickly prepare this delicious sauce yourself,

2. Put finely chopped onions on the meat. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and place on top of the onion. After that, lay out the tomatoes, and at the very end - grated cheese.

3. Line a baking sheet with foil and bake the chops for 40 minutes. Serve with a side dish of vegetables (like baked potatoes).

Meat in pots in the oven

You will need:

  • Pork - 800 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 8 pcs.
  • Large onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - to taste
  • Hard cheese - to taste (for decoration)

1. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and set to warm up. Pork, cut into cubes of about 2 × 2 cm, fry until golden brown.

2. Grate carrots and onions on a medium grater and add to fry to the meat. Add also the garlic passed through the press. Cook for about 10 minutes until the carrots are done.

3. Peel and cut the potatoes into medium-thick slices. Add it to the meat with vegetables, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices. Mix properly.

4. Set the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. Put the contents of the pan into the prepared pots, adding warm water so that it reaches half the pot.

5. Put the pots in the oven to bake for 40 minutes. After that, take out one pot, mix the contents and try for readiness (the potatoes should be soft). If necessary, leave the pots to bake for another 10-15 minutes.

6. Add grated cheese to the pots, cover them with lids and bake for another 5-10 minutes, turning off the oven.

7. Serve the dish in pots, garnished with fresh herbs.

Soft meat with tomatoes in the oven

You will need:

  • Beef - 800 g
  • Large tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

1. Cut the beef into portions and beat off properly on both sides. The softness and juiciness of the dish depends on how you beat the meat. Prepare the oven by setting it to 200 degrees.

  1. Take pieces of meat without bones: tenderloin, loin, ham. What exactly to ask for your dish in the market or in the store, Lifehacker will tell you.
  2. A piece baked as a whole should weigh no more than 2–2.5 kg. Too big can burn around the edges, and not baked in the middle.
  3. It usually takes one hour to bake 1 kg of meat. But some types of meat require more time, and the temperature should be higher. For example, beef is tougher and more fibrous than pork, so a kilo can take an hour and a half to bake.
  4. To make the meat soft and juicy, use. For pork, mustard and honey are excellent, from spices - basil, garlic, suneli hops. Beef goes well with sweet and sour sauces and Provence herbs.
  5. Use ceramic molds or other heat-resistant utensils. When baking on a baking sheet, it is better to wrap the meat in foil or cover it with parchment.

1. Pork in French


Meat in French is an invention of Soviet housewives, which has nothing to do with the cuisine of France. Each family has its own signature recipe, here is one of the simplest and most affordable. The pork is very tender, and the potatoes are fragrant.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped dried basil
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • sunflower oil for lubrication.


Wash, dry and cut the pork into medallions about 1 cm thick. If desired, the meat can be lightly beaten. Sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper. Let the meat sit for a couple of hours. If possible, let it marinate overnight, but in this case, keep it in the refrigerator.

When the meat is cooked, peel and cut the potatoes into thin rounds. Do the same with tomatoes. Cut the onion into rings.

Mix mayonnaise with basil. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

Grease a deep baking sheet or baking dish with sunflower oil. Lay out in layers: pork, onions, potatoes, mayonnaise, tomatoes, cheese.

Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C.


When the meat is marinated, thread it onto wooden skewers. Their length should be about 20-23 cm to fit in the jar.

Finely chop the remaining three onions, put on the bottom of a three-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. It is important that the jar is dry, without cracks and flaws. Add liquid smoke and line meat skewers inside. Will fit about five or six pieces.

Seal the neck of the jar with foil. Place the jar on the oven rack. The oven must be cold. Then set the temperature to 220 ° C and bake for 1.5 hours.

Wrap the jar in a dry towel (wet glass may break), remove from the oven, place on a wooden cutting board and let cool slightly. Then remove the foil and carefully remove the meat skewers.

Meat in the oven is probably the most convenient way to cook. Firstly, saving time and effort, because you do not need to stand over the stove and make sure that the dish does not burn. Secondly, when baking in meat, useful substances are better preserved, and it turns out to be much tastier, juicier and softer.

There are several ways to roast meat in the oven. A piece of meat can be baked on a baking sheet, making sure that it does not dry out, pouring over it with the secreted juice and fat. At the same time, meat in the oven can be breaded in breadcrumbs or herbs. Meat in dough is very tasty - an old Russian recipe, according to which meat is wrapped in dough and baked at a not too high temperature. The meat inside the dough cocoon is stewed in its own juice, however, with this method you will not get a golden crust. Roasting in a special form also allows you to preserve the juiciness of the meat, and most importantly - you get a delicious crust. Meat can be baked in foil or a roasting sleeve. All these methods have one positive thing in common: you just put the meat in the oven and go about your business. And if it is also in foil, then you are free even from the need to water the meat.

For baking, meat of the 1st grade is used - tenderloin, thin and thick edge. The meat must be freed from bones and tendons, washed and dried. Meat for roasting should be chilled. Why not freeze? Water expands when it freezes, which means that the fibers in the meat break when deep-frozen. When thawed, juice flows out of the meat, it becomes dry and hard. You can try to salvage the situation by putting the frozen meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and letting it thaw as slowly as possible, but there is still nothing better than a piece of chilled meat.

The dough for baking can be puff, shortbread and rich. Baking in the dough is also good because the meat can be prepared, wrapped in dough and frozen, and then cooked as needed. Thus, you can freeze, say, cutlets or portioned pieces. You can wrap meat stuffed with mushrooms or pâté in the dough. It will turn out a ceremonial weekend dish that can surprise the most demanding gourmets!

The filling can be very different, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the taste of the meat. Mushrooms are perfect for any type of meat. To prepare the filling, fry finely chopped mushrooms in melted butter until the liquid has completely evaporated, while starting to fry over high heat, and then reduce it. You can add garlic, onion, parsley, ham, sour cream and herbs to mushrooms. For stuffing beef, finely chopped liver can be added to mushrooms.

You can make your own chicken or duck liver pate. To do this, fry 100 g of the liver in butter until it hardens and cool. Grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder (in a blender it is better, as the pate will turn out more tender). Mix the resulting mass with 50 g of softened butter and 1 tbsp. dried bread crumbs, salt and pepper. If you want to stuff a piece of pork, then add a little unsoaked dried apricots, a baked apple and parsley to the pate.

In order to stuff the meat, take a sharp thin knife, stick it into the pulp and, without pulling it out, put half a garlic on one side and a carrot plate on the other. The more often you stuff a piece of meat, the tastier it will turn out in the end. You can stuff the meat with strips of bacon. Place a strip of bacon between the carrots and garlic. Garlic, carrots and bacon can be rolled in finely chopped herbs.

Meat in the oven can be made softer and more flavorful with a conventional disposable syringe with a thick needle. Prepare a solution for injection: dilute 1 tsp in a glass of boiled water. salt, ½ tsp black pepper and a whole head of minced garlic. Let the resulting solution stand for about 20 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze and inject the solution with a syringe into a piece of meat. Hold it for half an hour, then set to bake.

The meat is very tasty as a whole piece, cut into plates, between which slices of cheese are inserted. And if you put potatoes in a foil or baking sleeve along with meat, you get a delicious side dish. Before baking, meat can be marinated in lemon juice, wine, beer or kefir. The surface of the meat can be smeared with adjika, only real, Georgian. The aroma is amazing! As you can see, there is room for fantasy to unfold. It's about the recipes.

Pork in spicy breading

1.5 kg pork loin,
2 tsp mustard,
2 tsp honey.
a mixture of peppers, mustard seeds, coarse salt, garlic, ground nuts (any, you can mix), cloves, dry pomegranate.
200 g lingonberries,
½ stack brown sugar
2-3 oranges
1 tbsp flour.

Wash the loin, pat dry and stuff with garlic. Mix mustard with honey well. Grind all the spices in a mortar, except for the cloves. Lubricate the meat with a mixture of mustard and honey, then sprinkle generously with spices, and stick the cloves in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface. Wrap meat in foil and leave at room temperature for 1 hour. Then put the baking sheet with the meat in the oven, preheated to 180-200 ° C, for about 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before cooking, open the foil, put a couple of sprigs of rosemary and bake until golden brown. For the sauce in a saucepan, melt sugar over low heat, pour in the juice from one orange and wait for it to boil. Add lingonberries, boil and put orange pieces into the mixture, boil a little and remove from heat.

1.5 kg pork,
2 liters of dark beer,
1 yolk,

Rub a piece of pork with salt and pepper, stuff with halves of garlic. Pour 1.5 liters of beer into the pan, put the meat in it and cover with a lid of a smaller diameter than the pan. Place a weight on top to submerge the meat in the beer and leave for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Pour 1-2 cm of beer into a deep frying pan, put meat in it and place in the most heated oven for 15 minutes. then reduce the heat to medium and roast the meat for 1.5 hours. Baste the meat with beer frequently, about once every 10-15 minutes, and for the last time, baste it with a mixture of beer, yolk and ginger. Turn on the heat for a maximum of 2-3 minutes so that the meat is browned.

1.5-2 kg of pork,
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp cumin,
spices, salt, pepper - to taste.
1 stack beer,
½ stack water,
salt pepper,
1 tbsp olive oil,

Boil 2-3 liters of water, cool, salt well. Soak the meat in this solution for 2 hours. Then dry the pork and prick deeply with a knife in 15-20 places. Prepare a mixture of crushed garlic, pepper, cumin and your favorite seasonings, rub a piece of meat with it. Make a “fur coat”: mix beer and water, add ginger, salt, pepper and oil, mix and add enough flour to make a thick dough like putty. With oiled hands, spread the dough over the surface of the meat so that there are no open spaces. In an oven preheated to 200 ° C, place a baking sheet with meat, and under it - a deep container with water. Sprinkle the surface of the dough periodically with water. Watch the process, and if the dough burns, cover it with foil or baking paper moistened with water. The meat cooked in this way becomes tender and fragrant, and the “fur coat” can be eaten - it absorbs all the juices.

Beef in the "sleeve"


700 g beef,
2 tbsp salt,
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp Sahara,
pepper, bay leaf, garlic, mustard, vegetable oil - to taste.

Dissolve salt, sugar and lemon juice in 1 liter of boiled water and dip a piece of meat into the solution. pierce a large piece in several places with a knife. The brine should cover the meat completely. Add a few peppercorns and bay leaf. Place a smaller plate than the saucepan on top and place a weight on top. Leave to marinate for 12 hours at room temperature. Then dry the meat and spread it with a mixture of mustard, pepper and vegetable oil. Stuff with garlic cloves and leave for half an hour. Then put the meat in the roasting sleeve, tie one end of the sleeve tightly, squeeze the air out of it, pour about 100 ml of water inside and tie the other end just as tightly. The distance from the meat to the ends of the sleeve should be at least 15 cm. Remember that the sleeve inflates strongly during baking, so place the meat in the center of the baking sheet and not very high so that the inflated sleeve does not touch the walls of the oven. Place the baking sheet with the meat in the oven, preheated to 180°C. As soon as you see that the water inside the sleeve boils, reduce the heat to 150-120 ° C and roast the meat for 80 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave the meat for another 20 minutes. The beef becomes soft and aromatic and is delicious both hot and and cold.

1 lamb leg
900 g puff pastry,
2 cloves of garlic
2 sprigs of rosemary
1 egg
2-3 thick lavash cakes,

Remove the thigh bone from the lamb leg, leaving the drumstick. Cut off excess fat, make a few cuts in the meat and stuff the leg with garlic and rosemary. Pepper well. Roll out the defrosted dough into a triangular layer and place your foot on it with the flat side down. Cover the meat with pita bread and wrap in dough. Leave the bone sticking out. Moisten the edges of the dough with water and pinch the seams tightly. Turn over (lavash cakes will be at the bottom), make 2 holes for steam to escape. Lubricate the surface of the dough with a beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 230 ° C for 15 minutes. then reduce heat to 190°C and bake for 1.5 hours. If the dough starts to burn, cover it with foil. Serve garnished with chopped parsley.

400 g yeast puff pastry,
1 kg pork
1 onion
500 g champignons,
1 egg
1 tbsp vegetable oil,

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add sliced ​​mushrooms to the onion, mix and season with salt. Fry, stirring constantly. Rinse and pat dry a piece of pork and make an incision in it. Salt, pepper and stuff the meat with onion and mushroom filling. Wrap the meat in the rolled out dough and bake in the oven, preheated to 180°C, until done. If the dough starts to burn, cover it with foil or baking paper dipped in water.

1.5-2 kg pork neck,
1-2 lemons
1-2 bulbs
200-300 g of hard cheese,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Rinse an even piece of the neck and dry it. Cut the lemon and onion into thin circles, cut the cheese into thin slices. Cut the meat into slices 1 cm thick, without cutting all the way through, that is, the slices should be joined at the bottom. Rub the salt and pepper mixture on the outside and inside of the meat. Insert a circle of onion, a circle of lemon, a slice of cheese into each slot. Squeeze tightly and wrap with foil in several layers. Place in the oven preheated to 180-200°C for 40 minutes. Serve hot, whole, cut into portions on the table.

Festive roll in foil

1-1.5 kg of pork,
500 g champignons,
½ stack walnuts,
100 g fresh pork fat,
100-150 g of hard cheese,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil mushrooms until tender. Chop the walnuts. Wash the piece of meat and pat dry. Then, with a sharp knife, begin to cut the meat from its wide side into a layer 1.5-2 cm thick, moving in a spiral. As a result, you should get a meat layer, as if you unfolded it. Beat off the layer, salt, pepper. Lay thin slices of fat on the meat, sprinkle with grated cheese, put a layer of boiled mushrooms, and on them - a thin layer of nuts. Roll the meat into a roll, wrap tightly in foil and put in the oven with a slight heat for a couple of hours.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Meat baked in a piece is the best way to prepare a delicious dish for a festive feast or dinner with the family.

Such meat is covered with a ruddy crust and has an excellent taste.

Meat baked in a piece is used hot as an addition to second courses, and the cooled product can be used to make sandwiches and salads.

Meat baked in a piece - the basic principles of cooking

For baking use pork, beef, chicken, veal or lamb. So that the meat baked in a piece does not turn out tough, take a ham, shoulder or neck. A piece of tenderloin should be of a three-dimensional shape, without cartilage, films and veins.

Meat can be baked in a variety of ways. Meat baked in a piece in foil, sleeve or dough turns out to be more tender and juicy.

When roasting meat open in a slow cooker or oven, it may dry out. To prevent this from happening, a piece of meat is stuffed with lard, covered with slices of bacon, or smeared with animal or vegetable oil.

Before baking the meat in a whole piece, it is washed, dried with napkins and rubbed well with spices or marinated in a special brine.

Meat can be baked with vegetables or mushrooms, which will only benefit the taste of the dish. The finished meat is cut into slices and served as an appetizer or addition to a side dish.

Recipe 1. Meat baked in a piece with apples


one and a half kilogram piece of pork;

vegetable oil;


spices for meat;

two cloves of garlic;


three sweet and sour apples;

a mixture of peppers;

sugar - 50 g;

drinking water - 60 ml;

Cooking method

1. Dry the thoroughly washed piece of meat with a paper towel. Sprinkle it on all sides with a mixture of peppers, rosemary, salt and spices for meat. Using a silicone brush, brush a piece of meat with vegetable oil. Place it in a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour so that the meat is well saturated with the aromas of spices.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the meat in it over high heat on both sides until a crust forms. This will keep all the juices inside. Remove the meat from the heat and transfer it to a heat-resistant dish.

3. Peel and wash the garlic cloves and onion. Chop the onion into thin feathers, and chop the garlic with a garlic crusher. Put in the pan where the meat was fried and lightly simmer the vegetables until transparent.

4. Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds and cut them into slices. Add apples to the pan with vegetables, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Simmer everything together until the sugar begins to caramelize. Pour in cold water and add honey. Mix again. Once the water boils, remove from heat.

5. Put the onion-apple mixture on a piece of meat and pour over the remaining syrup.

6. Place the form in an oven preheated to 170 C for an hour and a half. Cut the finished meat into slices, put on a serving dish and pour over the onion-apple mixture.

Recipe 2. Meat baked in a piece in foil in a slow cooker


800 g of beef;

20 ml sunflower oil;

coarse salt;

spices for meat

Cooking method

1. Wash a piece of beef under running water, wipe it with a paper towel and cut off films, veins and excess fat. Sprinkle the cleaned piece of meat with spices and salt. Rub the spices well into the meat.

2. With a silicone brush, grease the meat with any vegetable oil. This will increase thermal conductivity and allow heat to be distributed evenly. Leave the meat to marinate for at least half an hour.

3. Wrap the meat tightly in three layers of foil so that during the baking process, the released juice does not leak out.

4. Place the meat in the multicooker bowl. Turn on the "Baking" mode. Set the timer to one hour. After the beep, leave the meat for another half an hour in the "Heating" mode. Remove the cooked meat, unfold the foil and cut the beef into thin slices.

Recipe 3. Meat baked with a piece in a sleeve in mustard sauce


one and a half kilogram piece of meat;

four cloves of garlic;

50 g mustard;

a bunch of lettuce leaves.

Cooking method

1. Wash a piece of pork or beef under the tap, dry it with a napkin and clean it of everything superfluous. Make small cuts on the piece with a sharp knife. Transfer the meat to a deep bowl.

2. Put mayonnaise, garlic and mustard passed through a press into a separate cup. Salt and mix well until smooth. Lubricate the piece of meat with the resulting sauce, trying to get the marinade into the cuts. Leave the meat in the refrigerator for two hours.

3. Put the marinated meat into the sleeve and tie it tightly on both sides. Transfer the sleeve with the meat to a heat-resistant form. Send it to the oven and bake for a little over an hour at a temperature of 200 C.

4. Remove the cooked meat from the oven, cut the sleeve and remove it. Put the form with meat in the oven for another quarter of an hour so that it is browned. At the same time, pour it with sauce a couple of times. Remove the meat, cut it into portions, arrange on a serving dish and pour over the sauce.

Recipe 4. Meat baked in a piece in the oven with juniper


kilogram piece of meat;

vegetable oil - 50 ml;

large onion;

meat broth - half a liter;

large carrots;

juniper berries - 10 pcs.;

black pepper;

allspice - five peas;

bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

1. Preheat the oven to 150 C.

2. Wash the whole piece of meat, clean it from films, excess fat and veins. Pat it dry with paper towels and season all over with salt and pepper.

3. Put on fire the form in which you will bake the meat, pour in the oil and heat well. Put a piece of meat in a dish and fry it on both sides until light golden brown. Approximately seven minutes each.

4. Peel the vegetables, wash under running water and pat dry. Chop the onion into thin feathers. Slice the carrot into thin slices. Wash juniper berries. Cut them in half to release their flavor.

5. Transfer the vegetables to the meat, cover the form with a lid and simmer for another ten minutes over low heat. Pour in the broth, add spices and put the bay leaf. Taste the broth for salt, if necessary, add salt. Cover again and send the meat to languish in the oven for five hours. Take the meat out of the oven every hour and turn over. Remove the lid shortly before the end of cooking to brown the meat. Cut the finished meat into slices, put on a serving plate and pour over the vegetable sauce.

Recipe 5. Meat baked in milk


pork neck - 1 kg 200 g;

milk - 700 ml

olive oil - 100 ml;

two pinches of black pepper;

white wine vinegar - 30 ml;

salt - 7 g;

garlic - two cloves;

juniper berries - a tablespoon;

rosemary - a branch.

Cooking method

1. In a baking dish, mix vinegar and oil. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through the garlic press, add it to the mixture of vinegar and oil. Put rosemary and juniper berries here too. Season with pepper and salt. Mix everything until smooth.

2. Wash the pork neck and pat dry with a paper towel. Transfer the piece of meat to the marinade and turn it over several times so that it completely covers the meat. Cover the container with cling film and put in the refrigerator for a day. Turn the meat three times a day.

3. Remove the pork from the refrigerator one hour before cooking. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Pour the contents of the container with milk and bake in the oven for an hour. Then increase the temperature to 200 C and bake for another 20 minutes, periodically pouring sauce around the meat around it. While baking, the sauce should thicken. Cover the finished pork with foil and leave for a quarter of an hour. Take out the meat and cut into slices. Strain the sauce and pour over the chopped meat.

Recipe 6. Meat baked with minced mushrooms in dough


minced mushroom

champignons - 750 g;

freshly ground pepper;

shallots - two heads;

olive oil - 50 ml;

garlic - 4 cloves;

butter - 50 g;

dry white wine - 100 ml;

thyme - two branches.

For meat

one and a half kilogram piece of beef tenderloin;

two pinches of sea salt;

olive oil;

two eggs;

black pepper;

bacon - 12 thin slices;

puff pastry - 500 g;

Dijon mustard - 50 g;

a little flour.

Cooking method

1. Peel and chop shallots and garlic. Put the garlic, peeled mushrooms, onion and thyme leaves into the bowl of the food processor. Grind everything in a pulsating mode into a homogeneous mass.

2. Pour olive oil into a heavy-bottomed pan, add butter to it and melt over moderate heat. Transfer the mushroom mass to the pan, pour in the wine and fry for ten minutes until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Season with pepper and salt. Turn off the fire and cool.

3. Wash a piece of meat, dry it with a napkin and tie it with culinary twine. Drizzle meat with olive oil, pepper and sprinkle with salt. Fry the beef in a hot pan until golden brown on both sides.

4. Arrange bacon slices in a rectangle on a piece of cling film. Spread the minced mushrooms in an even layer on the bacon and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Cool the beef, cut the twine and grease the piece with Dijon mustard. Wrap a piece of meat in bacon with minced mushrooms, trying to do it as tightly as possible. Wrap the ends of the film and send the meat for half an hour in the refrigerator.

5. Preheat the oven to 220 C. Powder the table with flour and roll out the puff pastry on it. Remove the beef, carefully remove the film and put it in the center of the rolled out dough. Brush the edges with beaten egg. Wrap the meat in the dough so that there is no air between them. Brush the surface of the dough with egg and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake in the oven for forty minutes. Cut the cooked meat into thick slices.

    It will be better if a small layer of fat is present on a piece of meat, this will give it juiciness.

    To make the meat juicier, pour a little water onto a baking sheet or into a mold where you will bake the meat.

    Use fresh meat for roasting, it will turn out much tastier than frozen.

    Bake lean meat only in sauce or foil, otherwise it will turn out dry.

Culinary experts of all countries are competing to see who can invent or make something new and supernatural from meat. Meat in the oven - that's what you should pay attention to first. In addition to the fact that meat baked in the oven is very tasty, it also has a special festive look and exudes an indescribable aroma. This dish has many varieties depending on the accompanying products. You can cook meat with mushrooms in the oven, meat in the oven with cheese, meat with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven, meat with tomatoes in the oven, meat with vegetables in the oven, meat with pineapples in the oven. Often resort to the oven when you need to cook a large piece of meat. It is inconvenient to fry or boil it, and for various reasons it is not necessary to divide it into pieces. In this case, just a piece of meat in the oven is obtained. You can't do it any other way.

Meat dishes in the oven are varied. On our site you can find recipes with photos of dishes. When preparing the “meat in the oven” dish, a photo of this delicacy will help you understand how it should look when finished. Or, if you are planning to make some original meat with potatoes in the oven, a recipe with a photo of such a dish will be especially useful to you. It should be noted that when choosing “meat in the oven” recipes, recipes with photos win and immediately acquire their admirers. Therefore, if you have prepared your own version of the “meat in the oven” dish, be sure to send us a step-by-step recipe, we will try to teach this to other meat lovers. Alternatively, a variant of the dish "meat in the oven with tomatoes", the recipe of which is your invention, can also be offered on your behalf to other visitors to our site.

Of course, any housewife dreams that after tasting her dish, the guests would say: “Yes, this is juicy meat in the oven”, or “What soft meat turned out in the oven!”. In order for you to get just such delicious meat in the oven, you need to pay the most serious attention to the cooking process itself, whether it is frying meat in the oven or baking meat in the oven. And if you do not yet have skills in these processes, the recipe with a step-by-step photo will best help in cooking meat in the oven. It's very visual. And the most ideal option for learning how to cook meat in the oven is a video. Send your photos or videos of work on how to cook meat in the oven. After all, everyone has their own recipe for roasting meat in the oven, usually at least a little, but it differs from the classics. Just like meat baked in the oven, recipes tend to have different options.

Many people know how to cook soft meat in the oven, or how to cook juicy meat in the oven, but it's still worth checking out our recipes. There you will find a lot of interesting things, and perhaps discover something new for yourself.

Perhaps some tips for cooking meat in the oven will also help you:

Meat should only be thawed at room temperature. No microwaves or other accelerated defrosting methods.

You need to cut the meat only across the fibers.

In the process of cooking, you need to check the readiness of the meat by the incision. If white juice comes out, the meat is ready. If red - no.

For frying and roasting meat, the back and back are most suitable.

To give the meat a golden crust, it is not recommended to cover the container with a lid.

To make the stew tastier, first fry it until golden brown, and then add a glass of boiled water.

In order for the baked meat not to dry out, place a pot of water in the oven.

Baked meat will turn out juicy and soft if you grease it with sour cream or mustard.
