
Raw duck meat. Low calorie duck dishes

Duck meat is of great value to consumers. Delicious and satisfying product is the decoration of any holiday table. It contains many useful substances. Such a product is allowed to be used by both adults and children.


duck meat contains such nutritious and useful components for the body:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin A, C, E, D, K, PP;
  • trace elements;
  • macronutrients;
  • beneficial fatty acids;
  • betaine, choline.

Each of these components has a positive effect on the body.

Energy value

Glycemic composition per 100 g of duck meat:

  • proteins - 19.7 g;
  • fats - 18.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.94 g.

The calorie content of the product is 248 kcal per 100 g. Due to the high calorie content of duck meat, all dishes are nutritious and satisfying.

Poultry skin is the main source of fat, so duck meat can be made more dietary if cooked without skin. But you should not refuse such a product, because. duck skin is a valuable source of healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


Fragrant and tasty duck meat has unique beneficial properties:

  1. The greatest benefit for the body is duck fat, which cleanses it of toxins and carcinogens. It is useful to eat this product for those who have a metabolic disorder.
  2. Vitamin A, which is part of the product, improves the condition of the skin and vision.
  3. Doctors note the beneficial properties of the product that can increase immunity.
  4. Such a product is necessary for a person with exhaustion.
  5. Due to the content of a large amount of amino acids and retinol, this product is especially useful for men, because. is a good potency stimulant.
  6. Meat is also useful for women, because. beneficial effect on the reproductive system.
  7. The product contains choline and betaine, which are directly involved in the structure of the cell membrane, which is vital for the body.
  8. The benefits of duck meat have been noted in the treatment of anemia.

Those who want to lose weight and adhere to a diet should not eat fatty meat of domestic duck. For an obese person, dietary wild bird meat is well suited.

Green salad in combination with duck meat prevents the accumulation of fats and contributes to their rapid decay.


Duck meat not only benefits, but sometimes turns out to be harmful, therefore it has some contraindications:

  • such a product should not be consumed by obese people, it contains a large amount of fat;
  • with high cholesterol;
  • noted the harm of duck meat to people suffering from diseases of the liver, pancreas, this product is tough and takes a long time to digest;
  • the harm of the product is noted in the presence of allergies.

Application in cooking

This is one of the most sought after products in cooking. It is stewed, fried, baked. Duck makes delicious roasts, soups, goulash. Dried duck, which is an excellent substitute for sausage, is very popular.

Such a product is also suitable for conservation, it can be salted in a jar. Roast duck with apples, potatoes, buckwheat and cabbage is a real delicacy.

Dietary wild duck can be prepared according to the same recipes as homemade fat duck.

They eat not only meat, but also the internal organs of acids - the liver, the ventricle. These products are no less useful and tasty for humans.


It is important not only to cook duck deliciously, but also to be able to choose it correctly. The taste of the cooked dish will depend on the quality and freshness of the carcass.

It is better to buy such a product in the market than in a store, because. in markets, carcasses are often sold frozen. Suppliers are foreign manufacturers.

You should not choose too large a carcass, the optimal weight is 1.5-2 kg. A large carcass will take longer to cook, it will have a lot of fat. The second point when buying is the freshness of the product. The carcass is inspected, looking for cuts, spots, plaque. In a fresh duck, the skin is slightly yellow, shiny and elastic, and the product itself is a rich red color. The presence of an unpleasant odor and stickiness indicates that the product is not fresh.

Features of breeding birds

Knowing about the beneficial properties of duck meat and the great demand in the consumer market, many farmers are raising this bird for business. The following points are important:

  1. For large-scale rearing of poultry, meat breeds are chosen. They quickly gain mass, which reduces the time and cost of their maintenance.
  2. On a small farm, it is possible to grow from 250 to 280 heads. The livestock is periodically replenished with young animals, it is worth choosing ducklings that are bred on their own. This will significantly reduce the cost of the project. 3-4 females are enough to get a brood. Domestic duck offspring have good survival and immunity, which cannot be said about purchased ducklings.
  3. In winter, keeping ducks is required in a well-ventilated area, where there is no dampness, drafts and sudden changes in temperature. In the summer, birds are kept in an aviary, 3 individuals account for 1 m².

The domestication of ducks was carried out before our era. And now it is one of the most common poultry - there are 110 species of ducks in the world. The weight of the carcass is on average 2-4 kg, depending on the breed.

Disputes about the usefulness of duck meat for human health among experts do not stop. They are associated with the presence of a significant amount in the duck. All housewives, when carving a duck, see a large amount of fat in the carcass and know that, compared to other types of meat, duck is tougher.

Therefore, mothers are interested in whether duck meat is suitable for baby food, whether its properties are useful for children, and at what age it is recommended to introduce it into the child’s menu.

With a low (less than 1 g) content of carbohydrates (per 100 g of meat), duck contains fats of 5.95 g and about 18 g, almost 74 g of water, and about 1 g of ash.

Duck is a high-calorie product: 100 g of it - 248 kcal.

Duck meat contains a huge set of vitamins:

  • riboflavin (B 2);
  • thiamine (B 1);
  • niacin (B 3 or PP);
  • choline (B 4);
  • folic acid (B 9);
  • pyridoxine (B 6);
  • pantothenic acid (B 5);
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12);
  • , K, D.

The mineral reserve is also impressive:

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • cobalt;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • molybdenum;

The content of potassium (271 mg), copper (253 mcg), phosphorus (203 mg) in 100 g of meat is especially impressive.

What is useful duck

Duck meat is very fatty, so it cannot be attributed to dietary products.

Although duck meat is not dietary, it still has useful properties:

  1. Due to the presence of a whole complex in the composition of meat, it has a beneficial effect on the function of many organs: the nervous system, digestive tract, hematopoiesis, and the cardiovascular system. Vitamin B1 helps to improve the child's appetite, relieve fatigue, normalize sleep, and improve mood. Vitamin B2, together with zinc, ensures the health of the skin, hair, and nails. Choline (vitamin B4) and thiamine (vitamin B1) are involved in the formation of cell membranes or their restoration.
  2. According to the quantitative content of vitamin A, which provides visual acuity, duck meat is superior to turkey and chicken. This vitamin, in combination with minerals and other vitamins, ensures the health of the skin, increases the effectiveness of treatment for dermatological diseases.
  3. The optimal ratio of amino acids in meat is of great importance - it is an excellent building material for tissues in the body.
  4. The iron and folic acid contained in meat are necessary for the synthesis of erythrocytes (red blood cells), increasing hemoglobin. This is especially important in children.
  5. Pantothenic acid improves the absorption of nutrients, promotes the activation of metabolism in the body.
  6. Phosphorus and calcium contribute to the development and strength of bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  7. The content of polyunsaturated fats (Omega-6, Omega-3) in duck is very significant (5.57%), it practically corresponds to their presence in seafood. These fats are necessary to ensure most of the vital processes for the body: the functions of the organs of vision, smell, transmission of impulses along nerve fibers, and the normal functioning of the heart. Insufficient consumption of foods containing unsaturated fatty acids can lead not only to cardiovascular pathology, but also to a slow development of intelligence in children. According to the content of these acids, duck is equated to.
  8. The antioxidant properties of vitamins A and E, unsaturated fatty acids ensure the removal of harmful substances and carcinogens, radionuclides from the body, which is important for children from environmentally unfavorable regions. These substances contribute to the accelerated recovery of the mucous membranes of the organ of vision, the respiratory tract in modern children, sitting for hours at computers, inhaling exhaust gases on city streets.
  9. Duck fat linoleic acid (there is more of it in duck than in beef or chicken) contributes to its conversion into energy, and not accumulation in the body's fat depot.

Duck harm

The main disadvantage of duck meat is its high fat content. Quite a lot of fat remains in the meat even when the skin is removed from the carcass. Therefore, duck should not be included in the diet:

  • children with;
  • suffering.

Duck is a tough, hard-to-digest product containing refractory fats. For this reason, it is not recommended to give it to children:

  • having problems with digestion;
  • suffering, biliary tract and liver.

With caution, duck should be introduced into the diet of children prone to the development of allergic reactions, since the use of duck meat can provoke a manifestation.

Housewives buy duck carcasses in the market, and in the store you can buy their frozen meat. When buying a frozen duck, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. There should be no blood crystals in the package. But you can fully appreciate the quality of the purchased meat only after defrosting.

When buying fresh meat, you need to follow the rules for assessing its quality:

  • duck skin should be yellowish, shiny, elastic and not sticky;
  • inside the meat should have a bright red color;
  • the old duck has a larger carcass and a rich specific smell;
  • too thin a bird can be excessively stiff and sinewy;
  • a young duck has a light fat, relatively soft beak and light yellow paws.

Chilled carcass can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and frozen in the freezer - up to a year.

When can you give duck to children

Children should be offered boiled, stewed or baked duck. Roast duck goes well with apples.

The opinions of experts on this matter are ambiguous. Some of them believe that duck can be cooked for children only after the age of 7, others allow duck meat to be included in the diet from the age of 5.

Unanimously, all pediatricians and nutritionists declare that ducklings cannot be given to babies under 3 years old. Its tough and fatty meat is poorly digested and absorbed, especially since the baby's digestive system is not yet mature enough.

Specifically for each child, the question of eating duck meat should be decided with a pediatrician who observes the baby and knows the characteristics of his body. With regard to this type of meat, we can say this: it is better to introduce it into the diet later than earlier.

Regarding the size of the portion for the child, it is also better to consult a pediatrician. The first duck sample should be minimal: 0.5-1 tsp.

Monitoring the child's condition in the next day or two will help make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the duck. With good tolerance, the portion of meat can be gradually increased and brought up to 70 g.

It is desirable for children to cook fresh meat of a young duck - it has less fat and is less tough. Duck can be:

  • cook;
  • cook for a couple;
  • put out;
  • bake.

The use of fried meat for children should be excluded.

For a child, it is preferable to boil or bake duck breast.

  • Duck goes well in dishes with vegetables and. Fragrant apples will reduce the peculiar smell of meat.
  • The dish is best served with green salad leaves - the substances contained in it neutralize fat and prevent it from accumulating in the body.

When preparing broth, which, like chicken, has healing properties, it is better to use meat without a skin. If there is a lot of adipose tissue in the carcass, then it is better to pre-cut it before starting cooking.

When cooking duck, no additional vegetable or animal fats are added. The duck needs to be boiled long enough to become softer and more tender.

When using canned meat, preheat it with a water bath or microwave.

Duck can be used to prepare:

  • borscht, soup;
  • roast in a pot;
  • vegetable stew;
  • jelly;
  • pilaf;
  • homemade meat pate;
  • cutlets;
  • meatballs;
  • meatballs.

Duck Recipes for Kids

duck soup

  1. Put a small duck carcass and 1 whole onion in a saucepan and pour hot (about 80 0 C) water. Boil after boiling for 5 minutes and drain the broth.
  2. Take out the carcass and cut it into portioned pieces, put them in a saucepan along with chopped carrots, roots (50 g of parsley and celery each), pour water, put on fire.
  3. After boiling, remove the foam, add sautéed and 150 g of well-washed millet with hot water, salt to taste and allspice.

The soup is cooked until done. If desired, you can collect and remove the fat that has risen to the top. Greens are added before serving.

Duck breast with honey and cherry sauce

To prepare you should:

  1. Take 2 duck breasts, rinse them thoroughly and make small cuts on them, salt a little.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. l. with nutmeg and cinnamon, taken at the tip of a knife.
  3. Lubricate the breasts with the resulting mixture (pickle), put in a plate and leave them for two hours.
  4. After 2 hours, it is necessary to drain the released juice (but do not pour it out).
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 0 C, put a baking sheet in it with the breast laid out on it for half an hour.
  6. To get the sauce, you need to add 2 tbsp to the juice released during pickling of the breast. l. canned, boil for a couple of minutes and add 1 tsp. starch, mix well.
  7. Put the baked breast on a plate, pour over the resulting sauce.

baked duck

  1. Wash the duck carcass, dry it with a paper towel, rub it inside and out with a mixture of salt and spices, and place it in a baking dish.
  2. Wash 0.5 kg of apples (preferably sour varieties), cut the core out of them, cut into slices and fill the duck with them. Fasten the duck skin with wooden skewers.
  3. Bake in the oven for 3 hours, periodically basting the carcass with a mixture of fat and juice that stands out.

Summary for parents

Duck meat, although healthy, but containing a large amount of animal fats, definitely should not be given to children before 3 years of age.

Otherwise, an unbearable load on the immature organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the child can lead to a deterioration in the digestive process, a violation of the functions of the pancreas and liver.

Due to its composition, duck used by older children will help improve skin and hair, cleanse the body of toxic substances, activate metabolic processes, and improve blood composition.

A nutritionist talks about the properties of duck meat:

Turn any dinner into a celebration. From China came the tradition of baking the carcass of Peking duck, cooking broths with herbs and vegetable roots on the bones. According to an old legend, it is the ratio of cold and heat in meat that is beneficial for healing the body, so each province has special cooking secrets.

The dietary cuisine of French Provence offers a dietary option - dishes from muscovy duck, reminiscent of game in taste. It is a mistake to refuse duck because of its fat content, because for cooking it is enough to remove the skin to start experimenting with delicious dishes.

The ratio of benefits and harms to the body should take into account moderate consumption of the product and the absence of serious diseases of the digestive tract. When compared with other types of meat, duck meat contains a complex of useful amino acids, vitamins and high quality protein.

Useful Ingredients:

  • Vitamin A helps to increase the body's defenses, becomes a barrier against the penetration of infection through the mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B1 prevents the development of depression and fatigue, activates appetite, normalizes falling asleep.
  • Vitamin B2 is involved in lipid metabolism, strengthens the structure of hair, nails and skin.
  • Nicotinic acid activates the excretion of harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • Iron increases hemoglobin levels, improves vital signs in patients with anemia and chronic fatigue.
  • Zinc and selenium ensure the stable functioning of the thyroid gland and improve immunity.

Dishes from are recommended for bodybuilders to build muscle, children for normal development and the elderly to prevent the development of dementia. Duck is also a useful product for nervous and physical stress, soreness or weakening of the body.

You can not eat dishes for people with obesity, so as not to provoke even more weight gain. The meat has hard fibers, so it is not recommended to use it with indigestion or liver diseases.

The benefits of duck fat

Duck fat has useful qualities, although it is often thrown away by housewives as unnecessary. Excess calorie content of the product is undeniable, but the harm is manifested only when fat is abused. Moderate consumption has a positive effect on organs and systems, activates the immune system.

Useful qualities:

  • The amount of useful poly- and monounsaturated acids in the composition is equivalent to olive oil.
  • Preparations based on duck fat are used for weight loss.
  • To melt duck fat, a low temperature is required, and therefore, its components do not linger in the body.
  • Helps build muscle mass.
  • Removes carcinogenic compounds.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.

Poultry is often overfed, which causes a fat carcass. You should cut off excess fat from the duck for cooking, and then stuff with apple slices. Not everyone will like the specific smell of duck fat, so for the preparation of a side dish, it is better to stop at a different gas station.

Chinese soup

Although meat contains a huge amount of nutrients, it is contraindicated in dietary nutrition due to the high percentage of fat content. You can not eat duck with a diet, as well as with an allergic reaction of the body to meat.

If there are no contraindications, then it is useful to periodically prepare various dishes from broiler poultry. Chinese cuisine offers the most recipes, because it is here that they know how to serve several thousand variations of baked, boiled or fried duck.

Soup according to Chinese recipe


  • 2.5 liters of water will require 1 kg of Peking duck
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 3 slices ginger root
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • grated carrot
  • 2 sour plums
  • chopped dried mushrooms
  • a few leaves of Chinese mustard or sour mustard

First, the duck is boiled in water for half an hour, after which the remaining ingredients are introduced, except for tomatoes. Leave to languish for at least three hours on a small fire. Chopped tomato slices are dipped into the soup shortly before the end of cooking, salted to taste.

Beneficial properties of meat

Duck meat satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time, has a set of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of meat:

  • contributes to the production of blood cells responsible for the amount of hemoglobin in the blood
  • localizes inflammation on the skin
  • strengthens bone tissue and blood vessel walls
  • activates mental performance
  • normalizes metabolic processes
  • removes carcinogenic compounds from the body

It is recommended to eat duck meat for people whose activities are associated with increased mental activity and nervous strain. Thanks to thiamine, energy reserves are released, so carbohydrates are converted into energy.

In some cases, the use of the product should be abandoned. Contraindications are associated with the difficult digestibility of meat fibers and excessive fat content of meat:

  • The tough fibers of the meat will not harm people in excellent health. But in the presence of diseases of the liver and gastric tract, they will lead to malfunctions in the body.
  • Fat activates the formation of cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels. With a tendency to obesity, it is better to choose dietary meats.

You should personally compare the pros and cons of using the product for yourself.

If there are no health problems, then duck dishes will decorate the table, contribute to the normalization of the mental and protective forces of the body.

Differences between domestic and wild birds

Duck meat is red-brown in color and has a high fat content. Thanks to its juiciness, it allows you to cook many delicious dishes, although the baked carcass stuffed with berries, fruits or cereals is the leader in popularity.

The taste of domestic meat differs from wild species. Poultry products are more fatty and high-calorie, therefore delicate in taste. Wild duck meat is tough, almost devoid of fat, has a characteristic fishy smell and taste. It will have to be processed for a long time before cooking, there is also a risk of infection with helminths. Such meat should not be given to children and with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The largest selection of ducks in autumn, when you can choose a fattened fresh carcass. Pay attention to the nuances:

  • The young bird has the most pronounced taste qualities. She is recognized by her yellow paws and soft beak, a transparent fatty layer. As the bird ages, the fat becomes a richer yellowish color.
  • The fresh carcass has a yellow skin color, it seems shiny. On the cut, meat of a rich reddish color stands out.
  • When you press the skin, a tubercle is formed, which is quickly leveled. If the hole remains for a long time, then this indicates an expired product.
  • Duck carcass should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than three months. After defrosting, the dish must be cooked within three days, otherwise the meat will spoil.

Secrets of duck carcass processing:

  • Frozen is transferred from the freezer to the common compartment of the refrigerator for a day, after which they continue to defrost in the room.
  • Before cooking, cuts or punctures are made with a knife to drain excess fat.
  • A few hours before cooking, the carcass is marinated in lemon juice or the skin is rubbed with coarse salt.
  • For the formation of an appetizing crust, the duck is doused with boiling water before cooking.
  • When frying, it is not advisable to add fat, as it already stands out from the carcass.
  • When frying, the carcass is doused with fat, which flows into the pan;
  • If you want to stuff the carcass, you should not tightly lay the filling, because it increases in volume during the cooking process.

Every cuisine in the world has its own secrets for preparing delicious duck. The most common recipe is a carcass with oranges or apples, which add piquancy and tenderness to meat. Traditionally, fried duck is served with sweet and sour cranberry sauce, garnished with boiled carrots, parsnips, mashed potatoes or rice.

When eating any type of meat, moderation must be observed. Duck-based dishes will bring a lot of positive, provide the body with valuable compounds, promote healing and good mood. There is an abundance of cooking recipes that allow hostesses to show their creative talent, amaze guests with virtuoso cooking.

Dishes such as duck with apples and Peking duck are on everyone's lips. And duck meat is considered one of the most useful and important in the diet. And we can agree with this - just look at the composition of the meat of this bird and appreciate the variety of dishes that can be prepared with its participation.

Features of duck meat, its composition

Compared to meats such as chicken and turkey, duck is more fatty but also more nutritious. There are an average of 300 calories per 100 grams of duck. However, this figure may increase if the bird is already quite mature and has a visible fat layer. Also, the calorie content of dishes with this product depends on whether fat and duck skin are indicated in the recipe or not. The highest calorie content reaches about 500 units. Lean tenderloin, breast fillets, contain 290-300 calories. This is worth paying attention to if you include duck in your diet for weight loss.

Like other types of poultry, the duck is saturated with proteins - about 17 g. Fats in it - about 50 g.

Unlike similar products, duck meat is not white, but red. When choosing, note that her skin should be slightly yellowish and quite dense. A very old bird will have an unpleasant odor that is characteristic of it. Because of the latter, duck is predominantly cooked by frying or roasting. Broths based on it are relevant only for the preparation of spicy soups, hodgepodges, pickles.

The nutritional value of a bird is confirmed by the presence of a mass of useful substances in it. The increased fat content of the product determines the high content of oleic acid, omega-three and omega-six fatty acids in it. Here you will also find vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, choline, PP. A small amount is found in the duck and B9, as well as vitamins A and E. The mineral composition of this bird is also rich. This includes potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, fluorine. But the primacy among the nutrients in this category takes cobalt, copper, chromium, zinc, molybdenum and iron. Based on this characteristic, it is clear that duck meat is indeed very useful.

The benefits and harms of duck meat

Given such a rich composition of duck meat, we can confidently say that it should be present in the human diet. Considering this issue in more detail, it is important to note the high nutritional value of the product, which provides the body with all the necessary substances, allows you to get full quickly and for a long time, and also maintains a high metabolic rate. Often, in contrast to the beneficial qualities of such meat, opponents of high-calorie foods point out the harm that it can cause due to the high fat content, which makes duck a rich source of cholesterol. Refuting the negative reviews on this matter, it can be noted that the fat layer contained in the duck has a melting point of only 14 ° C, so the human body copes with it very quickly and removes it from the body. For the same reason, duck meat is well digested and even helps the digestive system to work optimally.

The high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids provides enhanced nutrition for the cardiovascular system and brain cells. With the regular use of dishes with duck, you carry out high-quality prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, loss of elasticity of blood vessels, the formation of vascular networks, and heart disease. In addition, you strengthen your mental abilities, your memory and reaction, and maintain your eyesight.

An important component of duck meat is also in serious physical training. It helps to quickly restore muscle tissue, maintains the state of the whole organism in conditions of active training, with regular stress exposure. Duck helps in the fight against depression, as well as beriberi.

This meat is very useful for women during periods of PMS and during pregnancy, as well as during rehabilitation after treatment for diseases of the genitourinary system.

Duck has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails, helps to strengthen keratin scales on their surface, restores natural shine. The meat and eggs of this bird act as a catalyst for body cleansing reactions. Often they are included in the diet of cancer patients as a fighter against the growth and spread of tumor cells.

Duck meat is useful for people with low hemoglobin, with iron deficiency anemia, with abnormalities in the thyroid gland, and some skin diseases. If you are a supporter of active tanning, duck meat will help your skin to better endure a meeting with ultraviolet radiation, and the pigment will spread more evenly over the entire surface of the skin.

Low calorie duck dishes

The average calorie content of dishes with duck will be 500 units per 100 grams of product. If you use fatty poultry during cooking, and the recipe itself includes ingredients such as animal and vegetable fat, butter, other types of meat, pickles and smoked meats, as well as honey or chocolate, then the calorie content may well rise to 800-900 grams . At the same time, the high efficiency of digestion of dishes with duck remains, especially if poultry meat, sour fruits and berries, and spicy seasonings are used in one recipe. Then even with a high calorie value, you do not risk gaining extra pounds. Of course, this is true if you are active during the day and do not eat cooked food shortly before bedtime.

1. Duck, pumpkin and apples– a useful trio of autumn! You will need: 100 ml of vegetable oil, better than olive oil, 50 ml of honey, one medium duck, 4 star anise, 8 sweet peas, one and a half kilos of pumpkin, a kilogram of apples, 8 small sprigs of thyme, 5 tbsp. salt, a tablespoon of dill seeds, black pepper and balsamic cream to taste. Bring 5 liters of water to a boil and add spices: dill, star anise, pepper, salt and honey. Mix well and let cool. After that, lower the duck into this brine and send it to infuse in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Take out the soaked bird and dry it with a clean towel, you can use paper. Next, send the duck to an oven preheated to 90 ° C for an hour and a half. At the end of the main time, increase the temperature in the oven to 200 ° C and keep the duck there for another half hour, until fully cooked. Vegetables for duck are prepared separately. Place peeled and diced pumpkin and apples in a baking dish, sprinkle with thyme sprigs, butter, balsamic cream, season with pepper, salt and send to the oven, heated to 200 ° C until cooked.

2. Duck with apples in lingonberry sauce. This dish contains only 380 calories. To prepare it, you need: 2 pieces of duck fillet, 4 apples, an orange, 100 ml of lingonberry sauce, 2 tbsp. l. port wine, 4 cloves, salt and pepper to taste. The dish is ready very quickly! Remove excess skin and fat from the duck, cut it into small portions. Cut the processed apples into slices and arrange in a double boiler alternately with the duck. Pour the orange juice and port wine sauce over the meat, spread the cloves here and steam for 15 minutes. Serve with sauce. This cooking option helps to preserve the maximum of the nutrients contained in the meat. It is great for diet food, in particular, for dinner for those who want to lose weight and are actively involved in the gym.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine site

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A duck is not used to seeing on the dining table so often. Maybe it's because chickens are more popular, or maybe taste plays a role. Not every housewife can say that she makes a tender dish out of tough meat. And the very musky duck, which is ideal for cooking, has become popular not so long ago. But the benefits and harms of duck meat are still worth discussing. In Asian countries, a useful product has been used for more than 4 thousand years due to its properties.

The chemical composition of duck meat

Healthy duck meat contains microelements, macroelements, vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, K. Each group has its own functions and properties.

One of the most important elements is iron. It is found in moderation in duck and makes it useful. It is this element that tends to be responsible for the norm of hemoglobin in the blood. Otherwise, the person suffers from anemia. Without it, vitamins are not absorbed in normal amounts. For these processes to proceed normally, a person needs 20 milligrams per day. But it is desirable for the female body to consume half as much, because it loses blood during menstruation.

Vitamin A is useful for normal vision. This is one of the most important properties that a child's body needs. In the age of modern technology, this is important. The element helps to treat dermatological diseases. B1 normalizes appetite, energizes, reduces the risk of insomnia, guarantees a normal mood. B2 is a truly feminine vitamin. It helps to preserve the beauty of nails, hair, skin, normalizes metabolism.

Unsaturated acids are found in large quantities in this meat, they are more than in chicken, veal, pork. They are of great importance for those who suffer from high cholesterol. After all, they have the ability to reduce its harm. If unsaturated acids are found in small amounts in the body, there is a risk of diseases of the heart, brain and arteries.

Nutritional value and calorie content of duck meat

The calorie content and nutritional value of domestic and wild ducks are different. The indicators of a useful product prepared in different ways also differ, respectively, and the benefits of the dish:

  1. Duck fillet contains 304 kcal.
  2. Smoked loin - 415 kcal.
  3. In the breast without skin - 145 kcal.
  4. Baked duck - 307 kcal.
  5. Boiled meat - 252 kcal.
  6. Fried - an average of 279 kcal.
  7. In the broth - 25 kcal. Thanks to this calorie content, duck broth has more benefits than harm.

Benefits of duck meat

According to some indicators, duck is healthier than chicken or beef. Here is a list of properties that speak about the benefits of duck meat for the human body:

  1. A large amount of vitamin B and other trace elements are responsible for the normal functioning of almost all body systems.
  2. Men can also highlight a useful property for themselves - increased potency.
  3. Most of the useful elements in it should be ingested daily.
  4. Riboflavin and folic acid have a positive effect on women's health and beauty.
  5. The use of the product benefits vision and skin health.
  6. Fat cleanses of carcinogens.
  7. Normalizes metabolism.

Is it possible to give duck meat to a child

It is possible and even necessary to give duck meat to a child. The only question is at what age this introduction will not be harmful. The product is certainly useful, albeit with its shortcomings.

It is very difficult for the baby's digestive system. And a large amount of fat will cause health problems. Children who are prone to fullness are not even given such a useful product even at a later age because of this property. But duck broth will do more good than harm.

Vitamin B is responsible for the normal development of the child's body. It is useful for the digestive, reproductive, nervous system. And amino acids are the main component for building muscle tissue. Vitamin A, as you know, is responsible for the quality of vision, skin, and is even useful in diseases of the dermis.

Iron and folic acid tend to increase hemoglobin. Duck meat ensures the normal development of the child, subject to normal consumption. If you use the product from the allowed age and observe the required caloric content of the diet, it will only benefit.

The benefits and uses of duck fat

Housewives try to make duck meat less fat, remove excess or choose her small build. But a good hostess will not throw out fat either. It is collected and later used for cooking, in cosmetology, home medicine.

This fat is of animal origin, and it has a lot of useful properties. Omega 3 and 6 are not produced by the body. The use of fat allows you to replenish the amount of vital elements. All metabolic processes of the body are provided by choline, selenium, vitamin E. Oleic acid helps the cardiovascular system.

Like any fat, it should be consumed in moderation, not to exceed the required harmless rate. Otherwise, there is a risk of high cholesterol. And the rest of the useful properties will not be of any use.

The benefits and harms of wild duck meat

Wild duck has its positive and negative sides. The meat has good taste. But it also needs to be cooked properly. Firstly, it is no less harsh, and can also smell. But there is an advantage - the wild individual is less fat, less high-calorie. Therefore, for some it will be more useful.

Important! Wild duck may be infected, so it is boiled. This is a sure way to protect yourself and avoid harmful consequences.

How to cook duck

Duck, like any other bird, is cooked in different ways: stewed, fried, stuffed, made into soup, goulash, pate. But in this case, you must follow some rules. Without them, it will not be possible to cook a good tender dish. Often, the duck is frustrating with stiffness, an unpleasant odor, and excessive fat content.

Cooking secrets:

  1. Cooking a duck begins with the choice of a carcass. The breed must be meat, not egg-bearing. In this case, you can hope for a more tender dish.
  2. The smell is a distinctive property of ducks. So that the dish does not smell unpleasant, the meat should be no more than two months old.
  3. Before cooking, the butt is cut out to avoid smell.
  4. The ideal filling is apples, citruses, mushrooms, dried fruits.
  5. On average, if the carcass weighs 2 kilos, then they cook it for at least 105 minutes.
  6. Like any bird, the duck is thawed before cooking.
  7. If the duck is not cut, then choose a sleeve or foil.
  8. If there is no foil or sleeve, then the top of the carcass is poured over with its own fat.
  9. Before baking, the duck is quickly fried so that the juice remains inside.
  10. In order for everything to be baked to the bone, the meat is first boiled.
  11. If there are hemp on the skin, then it is singeed.

Harm of duck and contraindications for use

Not everyone prefers duck because of its fat content. And this is one of the most harmful properties of the bird. With the amount of fat in it, we are no longer talking about losing weight people, but about patients with problematic digestion, some other diseases. By cutting off all the fat, the calorie content can be reduced. But it will still be more than chicken, beef, veal, pork, which is bad for most people.

It is fat that causes excess weight, problems with cholesterol levels. Those who consume poultry in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract can also get more problems. The meat not only has excess fat, but also toughness, which causes problems, especially for children and the elderly.

Cholesterol, which rises after eating fatty foods, is harmful. After all, this is the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood vessels.

Pancreatitis, gastritis, overweight, cardiovascular disease, liver disease are the main contraindications to eating duck.

How to choose duck meat

Choosing a duck carcass is not so easy. You need to know certain rules in order to please your family with a delicious dinner in the evening. The fact is that her meat is “capricious”. Most people do not prefer duck, but stop there only because they cooked or chose it incorrectly. The most common problems are meat that is too tough or fatty with a smell.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to act correctly even when buying:

  1. Duck on the market is more likely to taste better, less harmful. After all, it is most likely domestically produced and contains fewer chemical additives.
  2. It should be medium in size. Many are attracted to large carcasses, but duck fat does not smell very good.
  3. A thin bird is also not good. It will be dry and hard.
  4. The skin should be elastic.
  5. Bright colored meat.
  6. Normal skin is not sticky, shiny, slightly yellow.
  7. If the smell is very unpleasant, the bird is old.
  8. The optimal age is 6 months. Broiler should not be more than 3.
  9. A young duck has yellow paws, a slightly soft beak.

According to the rules, chilled poultry is stored at a temperature of -4 0C for no more than three days. Further it is desirable to freeze. When frozen, the carcass lies even for three months at a temperature of -15 0C.


The benefits and harms of duck meat are due to the presence of trace elements in its composition. The product has many useful properties. But a large amount of fat in it is a problem. Duck is contraindicated for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract and overweight. In order to prepare a delicious dish, it is important to choose the right carcass, prepare it for processing, otherwise it will be tough and smell bad.

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