
Strawberry mousse for the winter. Strawberry mousse with cream

It is impossible to refuse sweet desserts even on a strict diet to make them as easy as possible - to cook at home. Strawberry mousse is a natural and delicious treat that can be paired with a variety of ingredients without making it harder to make.

The basis of the dessert is always berries, so choose the most delicious fruits.

For a dessert that can be prepared from a berry base, you need fruits of excellent quality. We will tell you which berries are suitable for mousse.

  • Be sure to buy ripe strawberries. It will give the dish the desired consistency and, of course, taste. Ripe berries can be mashed even if you don't have a blender handy.
  • Smell the berries before buying. A pleasant strawberry aroma speaks in favor of the product. If the strawberry does not smell at all, then it is processed with special means for long-term storage. An unpleasant odor indicates spoilage of the product.

  • Also inspect the berries before buying for spoilage. If you find dark dots, scuffs or mold on the berries, refuse such a purchase.
  • Buy berries with green roots. Such fruits stay fresh longer and are stored much longer. Also, the roots can determine the quality of strawberries. If it is green and elastic, then the berry is fresh and ripe. But the brown root, which easily departs, indicates that the berry is overripe.
  • You need to buy fresh strawberries in the season of its ripening. At this time, it is very tasty and contains only useful substances in its composition. The earliest berry ripens in early June, so you should not buy strawberries earlier.

Strawberry and lemon mousse on semolina, step by step recipe

If you have berries in your freezer, you can cook delicious summer desserts at least every day. Semolina and strawberry mousse is a budget and incredibly appetizing dish that can be prepared from traditional products.

Semolina can be boiled in milk or water, the calorie content of the dessert will depend on this.


  • Milk - 550 ml;
  • Semolina - 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Frozen strawberries - 350 g;

  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp;
  • Mint leaves - for decoration.

How to cook strawberry mousse with lemon on semolina step by step

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and put the utensils on fire. Bring the milk to a boil and pour in the semolina in a thin stream. Stir the semolina and cook it over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Remove the finished semolina from the heat and pour into another saucepan. Put the saucepan with semolina in cold water until it cools completely.
  3. Thaw frozen berries at room temperature. Grind strawberries with lemon juice in a blender. Then pass the puree through a sieve.
  4. Add strawberry puree and lemon zest to the cooled semolina, mix.
  5. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer at medium speed for 5 minutes. Divide the mousse into glasses or dessert bowls. Send the dessert to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to solidify.

Garnish strawberry mousse with fresh mint leaves before serving. You can also garnish the dish with lemon zest.

Strawberry mousse with yogurt, a simple recipe with gelatin

Strawberry mousse with yogurt can be made at home, but traditionally this dish is served only in expensive restaurants. If you want to surprise your guests with the taste of the dish and beautiful presentation, this recipe will come in handy more than once.

For dessert, you can use frozen strawberries, and for decoration, take a few fresh berries.


  • Cream cheese - 500 g;
  • Natural yogurt - 300 ml;
  • Orange juice - 8 tablespoons;
  • Strawberries - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g;
  • Gelatin for cake - 1 sachet.

How to make strawberry mousse with yogurt and gelatin

  • Wash the strawberries and grind in a blender with powdered sugar.
  • Mix gelatin with strawberry mass. Pour the strawberry mixture with gelatin into a saucepan and heat over a fire for 5 minutes.
  • Mix cream cheese and yogurt in one bowl. Add lemon juice to ingredients.
  • Beat the food with a mixer for 3 minutes.
  • Line a springform pan with cling film. Pour the whipped yogurt cheese on the bottom. Carefully level the mass with a spatula.
  • Pour chilled strawberry mass on top, also smooth with a spatula.
  • Send the dish to the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  • Carefully remove the frozen dessert from the mold. Cut the mousse into conditional pieces and put on saucers.
  • Garnish the mousse with fresh strawberries before serving.

Curd mousse with strawberries, recipe at home

Cottage cheese and strawberry mousse is a very tasty and satisfying dessert. Such a treat can be prepared for children's birthdays and other holidays. Whipped cottage cheese is very tender and airy.

If you do not know what the dessert is made of, it is very difficult to recognize cottage cheese from the first tasting.


  • Fatty cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • Fresh strawberries - 600 g;
  • Honey - 5 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • Fresh mint leaves - for garnish.

How to make cottage cheese mousse with strawberries at home

  • Wash fresh strawberries, dry and cut into slices.
  • Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl.
  • Add liquid honey, lemon juice to cottage cheese. Stir food with a spoon.
  • Using a mixer, beat the cottage cheese for 4-5 minutes at high speed.
  • Put cottage cheese in small portioned bowls, smooth. Place chopped strawberries on top.

Send the dessert to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Garnish the curd mousse with fresh mint leaves before serving.

Strawberry-banana mousse with gelatin, diet recipe

Light dietary mousse can be prepared from fruits and berries, which are almost always in every refrigerator. To make the dish low-calorie, you need to use only fruits.

To give the dish the consistency of a mousse, use instant gelatin.


  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • Strawberries - 300 g;
  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons;

  • Vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Powdered sugar - 40 g;
  • Almonds - 50 g.

How to make diet banana and strawberry mousse

  • Peel ripe bananas. Cut the fruit into small pieces and place in a blender bowl.
  • Add 1 tbsp to bananas. gelatin and lemon juice. Beat the mass with a blender and put in a bowl with high sides.
  • Send the container with banana mousse to the refrigerator.
  • Wash (or defrost) the strawberries, crush the berries in a puree. Rub the puree through a sieve, add gelatin and powdered sugar to it.
  • Put the puree with gelatin in a water bath. Stir constantly, cook the puree until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Then cool the mass and beat with a mixer for a minute.
  • Spread the strawberry mixture on top of the banana layer. Flatten the strawberries with a spoon.

Place the mousse in the refrigerator until completely set.

Garnish the mousse with almonds before serving. Nuts can be laid out whole or chopped in a blender and sprinkled with dessert crumbs.

Chocolate mousse with strawberries, holiday recipe

Strawberries with white chocolate - a chic dessert for a festive feast. Chocolate mousse with berries must be prepared in advance, as it hardens for at least 6 hours.

Using traditional products for sweet dishes, you can prepare a restaurant-level dessert. Refrigerate all ingredients before cooking.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Fresh strawberries - 300 g;
  • White chocolate - 200 g;
  • Fat cream - 200 ml;

  • Powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • Citric acid - 2 g;
  • Cane sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dark chocolate - 50 g.

How to make chocolate and strawberry mousse

  • Wash fresh strawberries in cold water and pat dry. Grind the berries in a blender along with powdered sugar. Strawberry mass wipe through a sieve.
  • Melt white chocolate in a water bath. Set chocolate aside to cool slightly.
  • Divide chicken eggs into yolks and proteins.
  • Beat chicken yolks into a thick foam. Add cane sugar and melted chocolate. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  • Whip the cream and egg whites to stiff peaks in separate bowls.
  • Whipped cream and whites gradually fold into the chocolate mass. Stir gently.
  • Lastly, add the grated strawberries to the mass. Stir the ingredients with a silicone spatula.
  • Pour the mousse mixture into a silicone mold or food tray. Place the dessert in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Before serving, melt the dark chocolate. From the frozen mousse, form dumplings with a spoon. Garnish with melted chocolate and serve.

Light mousse "Strawberry with cream"

A traditional dessert of strawberries with whipped cream can be prepared in completely different ways. Berries with cream in the form of mousse is an excellent dessert in which strawberries fully reveal their taste.

For dessert, you can use fresh or frozen berries. Chill the cream in the refrigerator before cooking.


  • Strawberries - 500 g;
  • Cream 33% - 350 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • Instant gelatin - 15 g;

  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Fresh basil - 2-3 sprigs;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons

How to make your own strawberry and cream mousse

  • Pour instant gelatin into a deep bowl and pour boiled water at room temperature. Infuse gelatin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sort the strawberries carefully. Wash the strawberries under running water and pat dry.
  • Combine strawberries with powdered sugar. Grind the ingredients in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Transfer the swollen gelatin to a saucepan. Put the utensils on a slow fire and, stirring constantly, dissolve the gelatin. Then remove from heat and cool the viscous mass slightly.
  • In small portions, add strawberry puree to warm gelatin. Mix the mass well and set aside.
  • Whip the cream with a mixer until standing peaks.
  • Pour the strawberry mass into the cream in several stages. Using a whisk, gently fold the strawberries into the cream.
  • Arrange the dessert in beautiful molds and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Garnish the mousse with sugar and fresh basil leaves before serving.

Strawberry mousse is a sweet dish that will transform friendly gatherings into a real holiday.

Do you want to turn an ordinary meal into a holiday? Then prepare strawberry mousse, since now is the season for this fragrant berry. If you have heard this word many times, but you don’t quite clearly imagine what mousse is, and how it differs, for example, from jelly, then know that this is the most delicate air mass that caresses the tongue and makes you literally lick the bowl to stay longer. feel this magical taste. Translated from French, the word "mousse" means "foam". And indeed, no matter what ingredients are used to prepare it, the mousse should be light and airy, like a lush foam. Achieving this is not as difficult as it seems, if you follow all the basic principles for making strawberry mousse. The most important thing is that the whipping cream is thick enough and well chilled, and the temperature of the diluted gelatin and strawberry mass is approximately the same.

Decided to try? Then run to collect, buy or just defrost strawberries, and get to work. The most difficult thing will be to wait for this dessert to harden to a certain consistency and not eat it before.

Ice cream, sorbets, jellies and mousses - this is the list of the most popular summer desserts when you don’t feel like spending time cooking at the stove. They delight with the fresh taste of fruits, give lightness and coolness. We offer you to cook one of such simple desserts - a simple, but such a delicious strawberry mousse!

The recipe is very versatile and simple. Perhaps it is in simplicity - its main advantage. Strawberry mousse can be prepared simply by pouring it into small glasses and garnished with fresh berries. But this recipe will also come in handy when you want to make a simple no-bake pie or a large mousse cake. In addition, this mousse is great for adding to multi-layered cakes.


  • 300 grams of strawberries (200 for mousse + 100 for decoration)
  • 150 grams heavy cream for whipping
  • 2 tsp powdered sugar
  • 8 grams of gelatin
  • 25-30 grams of water for soaking gelatin

Output of the finished product: 3-4 servings


Pour cold water over the gelatin first so it swells while you cook the bulk.

Wash and sort strawberries. Set aside 100 grams of larger berries - they will be used in the preparation of the mousse, not crushed into a puree.

Grind the remaining 200 grams with a blender until smooth.

Add powdered sugar to the strawberry puree.

Now dissolve the gelatin, without bringing it to a boil, and pour into the strawberry puree, stirring.

You can dissolve the gelatin in a water bath or on a stove, but it is most convenient to use a microwave: put the bowl with soaked gelatin in the oven and warm it up for short periods of time - literally 5-10 seconds until the liquid becomes transparent. You will see that all the grains of gelatin have dissolved.

This is how the gelatin does not overheat. Remember that when boiling, the properties of gelatin begin to break down..

Separately, whip the chilled cream into a fluffy, gentle cream.

Add a third of the whipped cream to the strawberry puree and mix gently.

Then send the resulting mass to the total mass of whipped cream and mix until smooth.

Now put 1-2 tablespoons of mousse in each glass or cup in which you will serve the mousse.

Cut the strawberries you set aside at the very beginning into halves.

strawberry mousse- a traditional dessert of French cuisine, spread over time around the world. Today I want to offer you a simple recipe for strawberry mousse, which you can cook without having strawberries. Yes that's right. The mousse will be based not on fresh or frozen strawberries, but on strawberries. It is clear that, unlike jelly, mousse has a lush, airy structure, which can be obtained in several ways. To get a fluffy foam, I suggest using an ingredient widely used in mousses - egg whites.

This strawberry mousse has some interesting feature. Like the smart cake that has literally made a splash in recent years, this strawberry mousse also stratifies during hardening, only not into three, but into two layers. As a result of solidification, a layer of transparent pink jelly is obtained, covered with an airy, like a cloud, pink foam.

Supplement strawberry mousse recipe I decided with a layer of sour cream jelly. If desired, you can cook without it, or replace it with any other.


  • Gelatin - 20 gr.,
  • Strawberry jelly - 1 package,
  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • Sour cream from 20% fat - 1 cup,

Strawberry mousse - recipe

Pour a bag of gelatin into a glass and pour hot water at a temperature of 90C. Stir the gelatin into the water with a spoon so that it does not seize in one piece.

Pour the contents of a shopping bag into a small salad bowl. Fill it with hot water according to package instructions.

Stir the jelly powder with water until completely dissolved. Let the liquid cool to room temperature. Separate the whites from the yolks. Sprinkle the whites with a pinch of salt. Beat in a fluffy foam with a mixer at high speed. Pour the cooled strawberry jelly into a bowl with whipped egg whites.

Mix the mass with a mixer.

A fluffy foam should appear on the surface of the strawberry mousse base. Pour the airy strawberry mousse into the mold.

Perfectly for these purposes, both different types of silicone molds and small portion molds are suitable. On Valentine's Day, for example, strawberry mousse can be poured into heart-shaped molds. It will turn out very beautiful and festive. In addition, you can pour the mousse directly over the bowls, wine glasses, bowls.

Place the mold(s) with strawberry mousse in the refrigerator. It will take at least 1 hour to solidify a mousse 2-3 cm high.

Once you see that the strawberry mousse has set, you can start preparing the sour cream jelly for the top layer. To prepare it, pour sugar into a bowl and put sour cream.

Vanillin can be added if desired. Mix sugar with sour cream with a mixer. Add soaked gelatin.

Beat sour cream with gelatin with a mixer until foam appears.

Pour sour cream over the frozen strawberry mousse. Place the mold back in the refrigerator. Delicious after about 1-2 hours strawberry mousse with sour cream jelly he'll be ready.

Strawberry mousse. Photo
