
Nutmeg how to use to perlo. Nutmeg: narcological properties of a common seasoning

Muscat. Experience of constant consumption
Version 1.9

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Table of contents
1. Introduction to Muscatology.
2. How did I get to a life like this ...
3. Peculiarities of nutmeg as an entheogen.
4. Differences in effect with frequent and rare use.

6. Rules of the nutmeg trip.
7. Recipe "Locomotive" (for those who do not like the powder).

9. Applications. Composition and extraction data. (Image files are only available in the download version)

1. Introduction to Muscatology
This part can be skipped by all those who are not familiar with the action of the nut or do not like it at all. The following will do nothing for them. But "hazelnuts" will easily understand me.
The first thing to understand when confronted with nutmeg is that a nut is a LIVING BEING. This is the concentrated energy of the tree, invested in its seed. In order for a seed to germinate, it must be alive. Therefore, until you break it and grind it, the seed is alive. Therefore, it does not make sense to buy long-ground nuts or cracked nuts, it's like comparing fresh meat barbecue with "Bush legs".
On the other hand, having taken nutmeg, a person himself becomes a piece of wood. And he "feels" the same as the tree! Muscularized subject very much (to the point of euphoria) likes: the sun, fresh air, warm water (as food and as a bath) and warmth in general (remember where a nut grows). A muscled subject really (to the point of physical chills) dislikes: darkness, stale air, dryness and cold. From all this it is very easy to draw conclusions about what conditions must be observed in order to get a pleasant trip instead of betrayal.
In any case, it should be understood that nutmeg is not “bezmazovka” and not a means of pleasant pastime. The experience it gives can hardly be compared to strong psychedelics (such as LSD). The effect of the latter is indeed a change in consciousness, which creates the basis for a new worldview (this is the difference between this class of substances and banal drugs). Muscat (like cannabis in the form of grass or weak hashish) does not get rid of the socially imposed I (and this is the basic premise of psychedelia), on the contrary, it fixates on its personality. He lets you on the threshold of a new, psychedelic worldview, creates all the prerequisites for it, persistently invites you to enter a new dimension, but does not give you the worldview itself. Roughly speaking, both of these substances are "keys to the door." This “door” can be opened as much as you like, but as long as it is dark in the “room” where you are striving, there is little sense from the “key”. You will not get inside (well, unless you decide to overdose). You need to know where to "turn on" the light in order to enter. This knowledge is given only by mixes of nutmeg with other substances (I personally used Ipomoea and MAOIs), more powerful psychedelics or mind-altering techniques (I’m already silent about the fact that in this “room” you need to look for yourself, and not focus on the “switch” of light, do not forget about the goal behind the external magnificence of the means). At the same time, nutmeg is quite toxic in itself and, especially, with carcinogenic substances. So the idea of ​​accepting it "like having fun" looks pretty stupid.
I really hope it never becomes a popular psychedelic. And, accordingly, will never be banned. This is guaranteed by its specific taste, which for many is simply unbearable; poor digestibility; digestive problems if taken incorrectly. Psychologically, few people will like that distorted and hypertrophied mirror of their own personality, which Muscat gives as a new reality. If you decide to experiment with a nut, listen carefully to your body. When, after taking nutmeg, pains began to appear on the right and left in the hypochondrium - this is a sure sign that it's time to say goodbye to the nut. Preferably forever.

2. Reached ...
By the fall of 2006, I came up in a state of wild dissatisfaction with myself. The continued use of DXM for three years did not lead to anything. On the one hand, all the effects of the dissociative made me wildly tired, on the other hand, I was unable to refuse it. The difference between the trip and the surrounding reality was too striking. So much so that consumption grew up to 4 times a week (and once stuck out without stopping for 2 weeks). Outcome: VOID. It was a road to nowhere.
It was clear that an alternative had to be found. LEGAL. It is fundamentally. I am not a poor student who has nothing to lose and who is ready to get any illegal drug. No, damn it, I have a job and a family and I didn’t want to lose it (especially after watching the movie Cocaine). At first I thought about fly agarics. I really didn’t want to go into the forest alone, but I didn’t manage to find a company. Began to look further on the sites. And I came across nutmeg. I already tried it a few years ago, the dose was small and I decided that it was a bezmazovka. What was described on nutmeg.narod.ru convinced that experiments should be continued.
And now, in the evening, at 7 o'clock, I bought 4 nuts on the market. Joyfully ate them (after all, I'm legally sticking around, who the hell will arrest me). True, these placebo effects passed quickly. I waited and waited, and, completely disappointed in the nut, I started to eat. And then bam - let's go ...
Since then, I have consumed nuts almost daily, the tolerance has grown to 10 nuts a day. Later, tolerance dropped again to 5 pieces due to mixes of nutmeg with morning glory. This mix, by the way, just gave me what I was looking for in psychedelics. And on that independent consumption of Muscat (the very end of winter) I stopped. To be honest, I have not seen reports on such a long (almost six months of daily trips) consumption on the network, so I decided to unsubscribe.

3. First, about the entheogen in general. Pros: absolute legality. Even if you get burned, even if the cops detain you, no one will recognize it as a drug. Long (with infrequent use) duration of the trip. A real psychedelic, by this I mean exactly that it changes the consciousness of the recipient (though not radically), changes his life, habits, tastes. The cons are the other side of the pros. Plant entheogen with all the ensuing consequences. Those. it is simply impossible to predict the effect of this or that party on this or that subject without testing. Dosage forum posts vary from 1 nut to 15 (that's the maximum number of small nuts I've subtracted). In general, without trying it, it will be difficult that it will be EXACTLY FOR YOU.
I would compare the characteristics of a high from nutmeg to a high from cannabis. Only nutmeg has less pronounced strong emotional instability inherent in cannabis and addicting to treason, just as cannabis has practically no aphrodisiac properties (and with a strong stone, it’s hard to think about sex at all). Cheating also occurs after a nut, but in those cases when the set & setting rules are not followed (under cannabis, I even tremble from cheating in complete safety). In general, the sensations resemble an acute attack of schizophrenia. Any events in the external world are immediately linked to internal synchronicity, and, due to the state, it is very difficult to separate whether this pattern is real or only a consequence of madness. Muscat's ability to visualize ideas makes consciousness so omnipotent that it is difficult to maintain criticism. Thoughts, as if having lost the support of reality, fall in an endless waterfall of concepts. Any vibrations, barely noticeable in the normal state, immediately penetrate the body. The sounds are amplified to the point that I can hear them very well even under the pillow with my ears stuffed with cotton. For vision, the usual boundaries seem to have been lost: both what is nearby and what is far away is seen equally clearly and almost simultaneously, while there is a feeling of intensity of lateral vision, as if you see with your whole eye at once, and not with one pupil. When hallucinations appear, there is no criticism of them (that is, you perceive them precisely as a reality, the so-called "true hallucinations"). Saves only their transience.
Roughly speaking, a nutmeg trip can be divided into three stages: 1) a period of excitement; 2) braking period; 3) post-effects. The first lasts from the moment of taking the powder until the next meal. The duration can be very, very different, depending on the batch of nutmeg. Some nuts begin to "cover" after half an hour. Others change consciousness only after 2-3 hours. The peculiarity of this stage is stimulation as the main effect. I want to move, dance, have fun, etc. It is bad if this desire coincides with the growth of paranoid thoughts - then you can lose control over the situation due to stupid actions. The second stage begins after eating and before falling asleep. It is characterized by a sharp drop in stimulation. On the contrary, I don’t want to do anything, just sit and go crazy. Trying to do something quickly leads to dysphoria. The stage of post-effects occurs only with rare use, with daily use it does not appear. It is characterized by the presence of all visual changes the next day (sometimes the second) after administration. If sleeplessness is added to this, then there is a strong stupor.
There are a couple more interesting features that I would like to dwell on. The fact is that most drugs interact very badly with vitamins and the same glycine (it is actually intended to remove substances from the body). Muscat is a completely different matter! The trip from taking juices and vitamins does not worsen one iota, only energy is added. As for glycine, it only enhances the trip. According to my observations, 4-6 wheels of glycine increase the effects by about 2-3 extra nuts. So the freaks who are undergoing some kind of rehabilitation course will be very pleased with this news. (I believe nootropil and other similar drugs will also mix well with nutmeg).

4. So, the effect changes with constant and infrequent use. Rare consumption is characterized by a fair duration of the trip: with a good dose of pret, light effects remain on the next day and even on the third. Add to this the stupor and indifference to everything (because it is so good).
It is somewhat annoying that in this state it is quite difficult to force yourself to even move from a sitting position to a standing one. I got rid of it with the help of physical exercises. The latter are especially pleasant at an early stage: after physical effort, it seems that every muscle in the body, which has lain in a glycodin coma for 3 years, comes to life. I understand, it’s hard for any junkie to imagine how you can do physical education during a trip? Nevertheless, under nutmeg it is very pleasant, not without reason one of my friends goes stoned to wrestling classes. In general, under nutmeg and with rare and frequent use, vibrations, changes in gravity, etc. are very sharply felt. (a tree after all!). For example, in trams, motion sickness simply blows away. And with ice under Muscat, I manage to walk, as if I was walking on hard asphalt, slowing down where necessary and not falling.
Hallucinations under nutmeg are a rare thing, and are rather characteristic of infrequent use (or an overdose). But these are really hallucinations in which the unreal is perceived as reality. I had, for example, such a glitch. I cut the child's nails, tried to do everything very carefully. But on one finger the scissors jumped off and, apparently, touched the other finger. The son began to cry, and I jumped up in horror: blood poured from this finger! I immediately turned around, grabbed alcohol and cotton wool, looked again at the place of the “wound” ... There was no blood there! At any frequency of consumption, nutmeg provides oneiric visions on the principle of "what you wanted, then you saw."
As consumption began to increase tolerance and dose. And quite peculiar. Those. the DURATION of the trip decreased from the same dose. But, the intensity of the trip itself remained the same, it just became less long. From 5 nuts I climbed 10 and stopped there. I usually take it in the morning at 7:30. It all dissolves without causing any practical effects until lunchtime. By its beginning (12 o'clock) it starts to shove, after lunch it is especially strong. Peak effects reach an hour or two after dinner and gradually fade to 23 hours. The main difference between constant use (in my case, that is, with the addition of physical exercises) and rare use is that instead of stunning, there is a surge of energy. Not like stimulants. No, just a state of inner well-being and euphoria leads to the fact that you are good at doing anything, whether it is meditation or adjusting the annual report. So at work, paradoxically, such energy has a very good effect. You focus well on the task and do not get distracted from it until you complete it (after all, it’s fun to do something!).
True, there are some features of the perception of work under nutmeg that are worth knowing. If you concentrate on completing one task, with all the necessary conditions, then it goes even better than usual. But any switching from one problem to another or the search for missing components does not lead to anything good. Memory at the peak of a nutmeg trip works with a fair amount of strain and remembering what, where and from where, you know, is extremely annoying.
Due to the fact that nutmeg increases emotional experiences, any negative environment can adversely affect the condition of a musk subject. That is, an ordinary nuisance grows into a global problem. Therefore, I would advise you to avoid taking the nut in an uncomfortable psychological situation, save your nerves, yo! The situation is similar, by the way, with cannabis. Both of these plants can lead to a painful obsession with oneself, one's problems, and, as a result, a depressive state that borders on obsessive hypochondriacal ideas. This is their difference from strong psychedelics, which simply destroy the personality and the state of one's Self under the same "acid" is no longer a concern. Therefore, if at the peak of the nutmeg trip it begins to seem that you have wild problems, try to pull yourself together and convince yourself that all these problems are the result of an altered perception of reality. With frequent use, due to the weakening of the sedative effect in the second stage, depression appears more often.
There are also a number of effects that are absolutely identical with both constant and rare use. This is, first of all, the already mentioned pleasure from the world and a completely different attitude towards it, towards oneself, up to a change in personality. Let's say I really don't like walking. But under the nut, I am ready to walk for hours, enjoying the world around me. Even a special “walnut gait” has developed. I noticed that if you go very slowly and unhurriedly, then the feeling of stonedness increases many times over. And vice versa - if you go fast, you become almost sober (and even start to feel sick ...). Or - for me, electronic dance music has always been on a par with pop and rap. But under the nut, I just get bastard from it and dance with might and main (it’s worth, by the way, letting the nut go, I immediately turn off the same music). Visual sensations also remain in place: all colors acquire a special saturation and depth. It seems that you even see shadows - not those that lie on the ground as reflections, but those that hang in the air from the object to the reflection! These sensations remain the longest - even after the end of the intake for about a week, although not so intense.
Regardless of the frequency of consumption, an effect with impaired speech is observed. You can perfectly remember the name of a thing, but verbalizing its name becomes very problematic. At the same time, written speech does not suffer in any way, from which we can conclude that the areas of the brain responsible for speech are intoxicated.
It remains the effect of nutmeg as an aphrodisiac. You feel much more excited than usual and give yourself up to passion as if you are not with your wife, with whom you have been in bed for many years, but some experienced whore.
As for, in the language of narcologists, "dependence", then physical does not arise at all. Of the physical manifestations after the cessation of use, I can note only two that are somehow pronounced. According to my observations, the stomach, with constant consumption of nutmeg, gets used to it and starts to whine when it is not given. This goes on for two days. Worse is the lack of sexual stimulation. A few days just do not want sex. For women, this is not much of a problem. Men recommend these days to use an erection ring. Psychological addiction is always individual and how to overcome it depends on the circumstances. For me, the worst thing about withdrawal was the lack of physical stimulation. I coped with this with the help of caffeine-sodium benzoate (a psychostimulant legally sold in pharmacies).
In any case, I would like to note that taking nutmeg daily is not a good idea. It reduces the effect and leads to an increase in tolerance, the body begins to feel exhausted. Meanwhile, it is enough to withstand a one-day break to prevent the formation of tolerance.

5. The effect of reverse tolerance in a mixture with morning glory.
At 5-6 months of general consumption of nutmeg, after it was mixed (1-2 times a week) with purified morning glory seeds for the last two months, the opposite effect began to be observed: a decrease in tolerance. (See my text “Modern Hippie Recipes”, trip reports from mixes “How I Reconciled with Eternity” and “The Way to the Pyramids”, “The Wolf Man and the Coming of Anubis” on the site forums (here are the files for download), http://s-gate.info (currently not functioning, this is the former “lsd-info”), .).
The dose has decreased, in fact, to the original: 4-5 nuts. At the same time, at the end of taking both drugs, the same long duration of post-effects was noted as at the beginning of taking Muscat, in addition, increased LSA. After a 4-day break, the following post-effects were noted:
1st day. All the Muscat visual effects remained, sometimes Ipomoea “flies” actively breaking through reality (as I called them, because I noticed while looking at the sky through the window that in addition to the usual dust particles floating down the lens of the eye, there is also a whole flock of them, not obeying the law of gravity, but swarming at the edge of vision), although there was no hypersensitivity of LSA vision. All emotional effects (I would say, “weakness of will”) remained. You remember what you need to do, but it is very difficult to force yourself to do it.
2nd day. There were strong flashbacks of the LSA after eating, all the visual effects of nutmeg are in place. Reality seems to “blur” from the inside. Thinking retains the “asymmetry” characteristic of the LSA.
3rd day. In fact, the same thing, only the reality in the distance is not distorted in the same way.
4th day. After eating - flashbacks, but then visually everything seems to be normal. But still, the deprivation of Muscat as an energy source and general physical fatigue (he stuck out at work, after all) make themselves felt.
Because of such a strength of post-effects, I refused the daily use of nutmeg. In addition, the acid changed a lot in my mind, making the daily "torch" completely unnecessary. Therefore, I can recommend not to focus on nutmeg, but after the first acquaintance with it (it is unlikely that this will require more than the indicated 5 nuts, even for people with large body weight) immediately mix it with bindweed.

1) Take care of your digestive system! Try not to take other psychoactive substances orally during regular consumption of nutmeg. Do not swallow a nut just by cracking it! Before you do this, see how much energy the coffee grinder will need to bring it to a powder state. Now consider how long it will take your digestive system to get rid of very hard lumps of nuts. Moreover, a nut just gnawed with teeth has rather sharp edges. Such a surface can actually injure your insides and lead to internal bleeding! And do not complain later about pain in the abdomen, if you have done such a stupid thing.
2) Do not save on dairy products (namely, they are best suited for ingesting nut powder). Watch the shelf life and the integrity of the package. Believe me from personal experience, milk poisoning is a terrible thing. Sensations as in opium withdrawal: fever, fever, chills, diarrhea, constant nausea, aching joints.
The best drink for our purposes is bifidok. Due to the presence of bifidobacteria, the digestion process is not inhibited (as usual) and the trip starts the fastest. But an overabundance of bacteria can lead to heartburn, so it is more suitable for infrequent consumption. For constant consumption, I recommend alternating it with "Snowball", a very tasty thing.
3) Grind the nut as finely as possible. Otherwise, large lumps that have fallen into the mixture can easily fly into the wrong place during the reception and cause nausea. ALWAYS use a mixer or food processor to mix the powder and milk product - hand stirring will not get rid of lumps. Reception in powder provides maximum impact, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, comfortable digestion. With a sufficient amount of liquid, its presence is practically not felt.
4) Store nutmeg after washing and drying only in the freezer. These will not only prevent spoilage of the product (according to my observation, a drop in psychoactivity is observed under such storage conditions after 10 months), but also get rid of a very characteristic nut flavor. After the nut is ground, it must also be placed in the freezer for 5-10 minutes! Such a freezing avoids any unpleasant sensations from the taste of the spice when taking it. On the contrary, an increase in temperature leads to a strong increase in odor.
5) Help the digestive system, it needs it. I can recommend the following wheels. The Indian drug "Liv-52" in the amount of 1-2 wheels is taken 30 minutes before taking nutmeg. If you forget to do this, the stomach will still remind you of this later with wild heaviness (when taking Liv-52, it never happens). And shortly before a meal (that is, just before the start of the main arrival), one wheel of Motilak is swallowed. It will relieve nausea (if it appears - I had this only at an early stage). It does not make sense to take this wheel before taking nutmeg, if you feel sick during the reception from taste or a large lump - nothing will help here. In no case do not take the terrible wheels of "Cerucal" for nausea! They give wild side effects in the form of fear and panic even when sober!
6) The meal following the intake of nutmeg is very important. In fact, two hours after the absorption of the magical liquid, all the milk is already out of the body, and the nutmeg remains to lie like a kind of inert mass of sand. To activate it, you need a lot of warm liquid. Therefore, food should consist of 80-90 percent of it. If instead of this there is a dry food, and even a cold one, you may not wait for the trip. At the same time, rushing and starting a meal earlier does not make any sense. The trip won't start earlier anyway. Obviously, these two hours are required for our stomach to dissolve the cell walls of the nutmeg powder and add an ammonia atom to the essential oils (if Shulgin's assumptions are correct).
7) Always stay warm during the trip! This is especially true of the stomach (in combination with morning glory, watch your legs!). I recommend wrapping it with something like a shawl, very nice. Any strong cold, calmly tolerated by a sober person, is perceived by the "hazel" extremely painfully: chills and convulsions begin. I don’t even know what this can lead to, because I myself dived under the covers or into a warm bath in time. (The opposite effect can also be observed, a weakening of the sensitivity to cold, at least this has been encountered in forum messages).
8) Consider: how beautiful and euphoric the atmosphere on the street is on a warm summer day, it is just as frightening and terrible on a dank autumn evening. Accordingly, the stay under nutmeg should be planned so that in the warm season it takes place on the street, and in the cold season - indoors. (For example, under DXM, on the contrary, the cold is very well tolerated, but the stuffy heat is like death).
9) Never take nutmeg with the expectation that it will work at night (or even when you are used to sleeping there). Mental arousal will simply keep you awake. And a sleepless night under nutmeg guarantees a terrible bad trip in the morning, when you feel like a complete vegetable (even stimulants will not help), incapable of any action.
10) At the peak of the trip, it can easily seem that you are the most unfortunate creature in the world, who is not lucky in anything and never. Remember, this is bullshit. I strongly recommend that you remember everything that don Juan said about self-pity and indulgence. People who are familiar with more powerful psychedelics will find it easier in this situation - they already know how to get rid of the Self and its "problems". Through concentration and meditation, you can prevent this self-looping and move on to a more productive pastime.
11) Muscat visualizes views very easily. Given the state of consciousness, the messages for them can be quite delusional. It may, for example, seem that you are turning into a werewolf. It might be a good experience to live through it. But this does not mean that you have to rush around the house and try to bite everyone. Or, even worse, try to call a priest to "cast out the demon." Remember, the visualization of representations is the fulfillment of desires and, due to its emotional roots, it leads to the wrong place. Instead of knowing the deep properties of the Universe (which is also available under nutmeg), the fulfillment of desires gives only one more illusion.
12) Taking a nut towards the end of a trip can lead to a deterioration in breathing through the nose (this is even more pronounced in morning glory). Perhaps due to the effect on the vessels. If this is not known, there may be a feeling of "breath constraint". It is treated simply - by instilling a couple of drops of "Nazivin" into the nostrils.

7. Recipe "Locomotive"
If the taste of the nut itself is completely unpleasant for you, then you can try a more digestible (but also less potent) recipe. It is based on the principle of extracting nutmeg oil in industry, but in relation to domestic conditions.
In industry, oil is obtained by steam distillation from dried nuts. Recipes distributed on the Internet based on other solvents (gasoline, alcohol, acetone) also have the right to exist. But they have significant drawbacks. First, the vapors of all of these solvents are extremely flammable and, if the right equipment is not available, can lead to an explosion. Secondly, except for ethyl alcohol, other solvents are poisonous and their residues must be disposed of, which will certainly attract the attention of others because of their characteristic smell. Water is easily accessible and safe, odorless. Its main advantage is that it can be used without separating from the oil extract, only by straining from the nut.
So, for cooking, we take nuts in an amount of 10 to 50 pieces (the less experience in consuming nutmeg, the less you need). For the first fraction of oil, they DO NOT even NEED TO GRIND. We also need a wide and deep saucepan and a three-liter jar with a metal lid (better, of course, some kind of metal vessel that certainly will not burst). We put the jar in a saucepan, fill it with warm water somewhere up to the level of half the jar and put the whole structure on the stove. At the same time, put the kettle on. When the water boils both inside the pot and in the teapot, put the nuts inside the jar, pour boiling water over it and close the lid. Soon, pressure will begin to build up inside so that the lid is not knocked out, it must be opened once for a few seconds. Watch the integrity of the jar, at the slightest suspicion of a crack, turn off the fire.
The boiling time is quite arbitrary (there is no exact data on the Internet, as soon as I find out the relevant data on the industry I will post it), from 10 minutes to 12 hours (it is clear that the latter is possible only with constant monitoring of the water level). Very interesting is the fact that inhalation of vapors from whole nuts gives a slight but noticeable effect of "baldness". Of course, this is not connected in any way, but in general, the feeling of “bursting” from nuts and the first stage of coming from the once-produced Moment glue are very similar. Perhaps some volatile substances are responsible for the similarity of the effect ...
After cooling the solution, you can drink it. The taste with a little added sugar is simply amazing: very pleasant, sweet, just melts on the lips. Coca-Cola is resting! The effect is very similar to the usual nutmeg trip, and for people who have not previously taken nutmeg, it acts just as long (I was told this after trying this recipe on the forum) and powerful.
For a freak like me (and, apparently, regular consumers), the action lasts a very short time, only 2-4 hours, while the solution is digested (for some reason, for me it does not depend on the number of nuts put into circulation). "Steam locomotive" allows you to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract by an order of magnitude. And due to the short action at the end of the trip, sobriety simply sets in, instead of the sensations of stupefaction and emotional instability that are very depressing at the end of the trip from the nutmeg powder.
Actually, in all the recipes given on the Internet, this is where it all ends, the nut is simply thrown away. But we won't do that. Vice versa! After draining the first portion of water, the jar of water is again put on fire, and, after boiling, boiling water is again added inside. This continues until, after cooling, white-yellow flakes of oil no longer appear on the surface of the water. Thus, the psychoactive strength of the solution can be easily visually monitored.
Then all the whole nuts fall out into a colander, dry and grind. The powder is launched into the Parovoz in a new way. It is interesting that the taste of the solution prepared on the powder becomes no longer sweet, but bitter, close to the powder. Since it is quite difficult to separate the powder from the oil that has settled in a cooled form, it is necessary to heat the solution and only then strain.
Due to this repeated use, you can safely get high for the prescribed few hours, and then (during the next meal) prepare and take a new solution, thereby avoiding the main disadvantage of nutmeg oil - a short action. The solution is consumed very easily and, unlike the powder, does not require any special diet. The difference in the effect on the stomach is also clearly noticeable - its motility is not inhibited, on the contrary, the solution leads to an increase in appetite.
There is also the possibility of organizing a mobile Parovoz. To do this, the whole operation is carried out inside ... a thermos. The final concentration of substances will obviously be less, but you can carry it with you.

8. Toxicological warning.
As far as I know, there are only data on the toxicology of individual substances in nutmeg (for more details, see the appendices). At the same time, the effect of chemically purified substances can differ significantly in effect from the COMPLEX of substances in the plant (take at least mescaline cacti), because in addition to the toxic effect, nutmeg also has a positive effect on the body (which has long been known).
Chemically refined substances of the nut have carcinogenic properties (this is especially true for safrole, which, fortunately, is contained in a small amount, about 1 percent). True, doctors conducted these tests on animals (in one case, on a human cell), so whether nutmeg affects the development of cancer in the human body is unknown to me. The same rats are able to survive in such terrible conditions that are unbearable for humans. And elephants can die from a dose of LSD-25, which is ridiculous for humans. This is the case when a direct analogy does not give anything. I am not even sure that after the publication of confirmed cases of cancer due to nutmeg trips (and there have not been any yet) this will stop psychonauts. For that matter, taking mescaline is no less risky (“High doses can lead to liver damage, motor paralysis, central nervous system depression, and death through respiratory paralysis.” The lethal dose of mescaline, orally LD50, is 680 mg/kg in mice, which is lower than that of the most toxic safrole), but the Indians have been using it for thousands of years.
Therefore, I will not take on the role of the Lord God. It is not for me to decide what is harmful to whom, what is useful. I put all the information available to me in applications. Watch, read, decide. Think for yourself what is best for you: look for "ecstasy", risking jail time, but staying healthy. Or turn off the nutmeg, without risking falling into the field of view of law enforcement agencies and at the same time risking your health. For me personally, a Russian prison is much worse than death.
I personally think that you should not get carried away with the extraction of oils. After all, they are responsible not only for the psychoactive effect, but also for the carcinogenic (possibly) effect. And the nut itself already contains important substances that just counteract the formation of a tumor! We are talking about vitamins A, B1, B2, B3. All of these are effective antioxidants. I quote “Vitaminy.ru”: “Vitamin B1 acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body from the damaging effects of aging, alcohol and tobacco.
Both vitamin A and beta-carotene, being powerful antioxidants, are means of preventing and treating cancer, in particular, preventing the recurrence of the tumor after surgery.
Both vitamin A and beta-carotene protect brain cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals, while beta-carotene neutralizes the most dangerous types of free radicals: polyunsaturated acid radicals and oxygen radicals.
The antioxidant action of beta-carotene plays an important role in the prevention of heart and arterial diseases, it has a protective effect in patients with angina pectoris, and also increases the blood levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL).
Riboflavin minimizes the negative effects of various toxins on the respiratory tract.
Riboflavin is essential for the metabolism of tryptophan, which is converted into niacin in the body.”
And finally
“Niacin (vitamin B3, vitamin PP) is one of the most important substances for electron transport and energy production in a living cell. Without niacin, large areas of tissue die very quickly and life itself is threatened.
Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system (brain).
An extremely important metabolic function of niacin is to lower blood cholesterol levels. Studies in the United States have shown that niacin treatment reduces blood cholesterol levels by 22 percent and triglycerides (fat metabolism products) by 52 percent. In addition, niacin dilates blood vessels, thereby eliminating circulatory delays. The ability of niacin to dilate blood vessels can also help people suffering from migraines.
Vitamin B3 attaches to proteins, and together with them creates several hundred different enzymes that convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy.
This is the only vitamin that is an integral part of hormonal metabolism. ()
Needless to say, as if nature itself made sure that toxic substances enter our body with other substances that prevent the harmful effects of the former! If, nevertheless, the issue of carcinogenicity worries you, then try to use more antioxidants during the nut sessions. Among plants, dates are especially famous for their antitumor properties. Both tasty and healthy. Good antioxidants are tea and coffee (with proper storage and preparation). (The same green tea absorbs even strontium-90. Some psychonauts use a mix of nutmeg and chifir. However, in this case we are talking about intoxication, not detoxification.) In addition, you should take care of taking those vitamins that are not in the nut.
At this point, the role of refined nutmeg substances as precursors to "ecstasy" and the similarities between the action of the nut and MDMA (as well as personal experience) suggest that all contraindications that apply to MDMA apply to the nut. Here are quotes from "Extasy (MDMA) Frequently Asked questions answered in Russian" with my corrections for toxicity.
“Information about contraindications and overdose.
Ecstasy increases blood (arterial) pressure and speeds up the pulse, in most people not very much, about the same as with average physical activity. For this reason, and because in some people the cardiovascular system may be more sensitive, it is not recommended to use Ecstasy with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, even if they are not currently manifested, or at least one should start with a dose much lower than usual.
The same applies to people with hypersensitivity to drugs. Liver and kidney disease can slow down the elimination of Ecstasy from the body and increase its effects to an undesirable degree. It is, of course, desirable to hear from your physician that you are in good health before taking any potent substances.
Several deaths have occurred while taking Ecstasy and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs are often prescribed as antidepressants). Ecstasy is *categorically* not recommended until two weeks after your last MAOI. Ask your doctor if you are not sure if the medicines you are taking are MAO inhibitors (they also require a special diet and are incompatible with many other medicines). Also be aware that some other antidepressants (particularly Prozac and Zoloft) can block many of the beneficial effects of Ecstasy.
(However, I experimented with the use of nutmeg the day after taking MAOIs (pyrazidol). I remained alive, there were no unpleasant effects. Not only that: nutmeg under these conditions demonstrated a powerful HALLUCINOGENIC effect that was absent when taking nutmeg alone and even mixed with morning glory. MONOAMINOXIDASES - ARE THEY SO TERRIBLE? - Author's note)
Ecstasy is considered by many to be a perfectly safe drug, as long as you keep an eye on the current state of your body. The euphoria that can occur after taking Ecstasy makes it difficult to perceive unpleasant sensations, so you need to be attentive to feelings of thirst (drink lots of fruit juice!), muscle cramps, dizziness, exhaustion and fatigue.
"Substance Effects
Grass No dangerous reactions known. Weed is addictive for some users. (IMPORTANT. With regard to the mix with nutmeg, you should be more careful. One thing is tetrahydrocannabinol taken orally or good hashish smoked through a hookah. It is unlikely that such a combination is dangerous. Another thing is ordinary grass, and even mixed with tobacco. It will provide you with a fair dose of carcinogens, and this is absolutely contraindicated with nutmeg! - Approx. Author).
LSD No dangerous reactions known. (IMPORTANT: Taking unpeeled ipomoea or other ergoalkaloids with nutmeg is an overly toxic compound. Not because of the alkaloids, but because of the harmful shell. Therefore, clean the ipomoea - it's as easy as shelling pears, the process is described in my text "Modern Hippie Recipes". Hawaiian rose is cleaned without any problems. Approx. Author).
Phenamine, pervitin and other amphetamines The likelihood of overdose and amphetamine poisoning increases dramatically. Highly not recommended. Amphetamines are addictive (cause dependence and addiction).
Cocaine Similar to amphetamines. Cocaine is addictive.
Heroin and other opiates There are no dangerous reactions, but the stimulant effect of Ecstasy can mask the effects of opiates and increase the possibility of overdose. Opioids are addictive. (IMPORTANT. Obviously, together with nutmeg, opiates form a physical addiction much faster. Forget about taking opiates if you chose nutmeg. - Note by the author).
Tobacco No dangerous reactions known. Tobacco is highly addictive and is also a carcinogen. (IMPORTANT. It is absolutely contraindicated when taking nutmeg. - Author's note).
Alcohol Same dangers as with opiates. In addition, alcohol can dramatically increase the dehydration that is dangerous when using Ecstasy. Not recommended. Alcohol is addictive for some users. (IMPORTANT. It is absolutely contraindicated when taking nutmeg. The same effect as from opiates. - Author's note).
Another danger comes from Ecstasy's ability to reduce pain awareness (both purely analgesically and through psychological mechanisms). In conjunction with the excess energy that Ecstasy provides, it becomes easy to get bruises, calluses and other bodily injuries of all sorts and shades from an excess of dancing, running, climbing and other bodily exercises without noticing it until it is too late.
While under the influence of Ecstasy, it may seem "right" to make immediate changes in relationships with other people (both positively and negatively). The new perspectives learned under the influence of the drug are one of the most valuable results of using Ecstasy, but it is probably a wiser decision to postpone changes in long-term relationships until you have had a chance to evaluate the possible changes after the effects and aftereffects of Ecstasy are completely over.
“Ecstasy and the immune system.
Some Ecstasy users report reduced resistance to disease, especially with frequent use. It is not known what percentage of these cases are due to increased stress on the body or lack of sleep during night sessions, what percentage is due to increased physical contact with people, what percentage is suppressed appetite, eating disorders, et cetera ad infinitum - Ecstasy does not have a direct effect on the immune system.
These are the contraindications. They are built by analogy, but the effect of the nut is in many ways similar to empathogens (adjusted for increased stress for the stomach). So, in the absence of better and verified data, we use these.
I have come across two official descriptions of deaths from nutmeg so far. And in one case, death was due to a mix with flunitrazepam, in the second, an eight-year-old boy ate two whole nutmegs, fell into a coma, and died less than 24 hours later. Let's omit the mix with the medicine, as for the child, children generally have serious restrictions on any medicine, especially such powerful ones.
As for my state of health, I took tests after 4 months of almost daily intake of nutmeg. Blood, urine, heart - everything is in order. True, after six months I am no longer capable of such a feat as daily consumption. On the third day of such a marathon, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract begin (stopped with spasmol). But there is no need for this either - the impact of nutmeg after long breaks is an order of magnitude more powerful than during daily sticking. Tests taken a year after admission showed the following: blood and urine are normal. In the genitourinary system there is a “small” (as the urologist put it) sand. No trace of cancer. Another consumer of muscat from the CCU - odinochka - has been consuming almost daily for 5 months and they do not complain about anything.
All this casts doubt on the much inflated myth about the "terrible toxicity" of Muscat. Hindus, who recently conducted a study of the nut as an aphrodisiac in rats (see appendix), noted that at doses up to 500 mg/kg, "the extract was devoid of any adverse effects and acute toxicity." There is no reason to believe that a similar dose taken by a person can have any dangerous effect (you can calculate how much it will be for your body), given that the content of active substances in the extract is lower.
On the other hand, it is obvious that there is a serious danger in the combination of the nut with other psychoactive substances. The most dangerous mixes of nutmeg with "bodily drugs", including alcohol. Here, for example, is a description of the consequences of a mix with beer and, after that, with wine. “The kidneys are aching for some reason, the temperature seemed to be 37.1. In general, further - worse, the longer I could not sleep, the more I felt a sharp pain and every day stronger and stronger. This went on for 4 painful days, then it gradually began to pass ”(trip report from Re_Type on). The use of nutmeg during withdrawal is absolutely contraindicated: it will only increase the feeling of suffering.
On the other hand, the ability of a commonly available spice to increase the impact of other substances makes experiments with it very promising. We can confidently say that taking morning glory without nutmeg is a waste of time and effort. I believe that the strengthening effect will also appear with other LSA-containing plants.

P.S. Any help, suggestions, comments - will be accepted with pleasure! I will be especially grateful to those people who will be able to get and send me in electronic form this edition of Shulgin-AT, Sargent, and C. Naranjo. 1967. "The chemistry and psychopharmacology of nutmeg and of several related phenylisopropylamines." In D.H. Efron : Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs. U.S. Dept. of H.E.W., Public Health Service Publication No. 1645. Pp. 202-214. Discussion: ibid. pp. 223-229. 49.

9. Application. Composition, extraction and toxicity data from various sources.

Nutmeg in Pinkal.
The mechanism of psychoactive action of nutmeg is directly related to the properties of its essential oils: myristicin, eugenol, elemicin and safrole (and their isomers). Unfortunately, there are still people who deny their connection with the known entactogens and psychedelics of the phenethylamine series. For example, on etheogen.ru, a site with well-known "specialists", their chemical moderator stated that there was "nothing in common" between them. I won't even write anything myself. Otherwise, they will accuse me of not being a chemist and would not meddle with my swine snout of gonzo-journalistic analysis in their inviolable row of test tubes. Therefore, I will give the floor to Alexander Shulgin. A few quotes from Pinkal (my translation, since the available Russian version is still too fragmentary), of course, with abbreviations, since Shulgin gives extensive material, but here only the ratio of essential oils and their analogues in the world of amphetamines is important.
From chapter 132, on MMDA. “This is a material that could be an active factor in the pharmacology of nutmeg. The main essential oil of this spice is myristicin and it is the easiest source of MMDA. The passage of this oil through the liver of a rabbit has been reported to produce MMDA in that animal. The only difference between the two molecules, structurally, are the elements of ammonia. Myristicin plus ammonia gives MMDA."
From chapter 157, about TMA. “Elsewhere, I have made comparisons between myristicin and MMDA, and between safrole and MDA. And there is a similar parallel between elemecin and TMA. What is the relationship between essential oils and amphetamines? In a word, there are about ten essential oils that have three carbon chains, and each of them lacks only an ammonia molecule to become an amphetamine. So, perhaps these essential oils, or "almost" amphetamines, can serve as an index to detect corresponding real copies of amphetamine. As the old folk wisdom says: "Nature is trying to tell us something."
…2) 3,4-dimethoxy example. The main actor here is methyleugenol, or 4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene. It is located in almost every product in the “spice cabinet”. It is in citronella, laurel which is myrtle, pimiento, grapefruit, pepper, tea tree oil, and again and again. It has a faint smell of clove... The propenyl counterpart is methyl isoeugenol... The allyl material is eugenol, 4-allylguaiacol, and it is found in cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, sassafras and myrrh. The propenyl counterpart is isoeugenol, with a very subtle and long lasting odor, used more in soaps and perfumes than in foods. The addition of an amine to the methyleugenol world produces 3,4-dimethoxyamphetamine, or 3,4 DMA…
…3) 3,4-methylenedioxy sample. One of the best known essential oils is safrole, or 4-allyl-1,2-methylenedioxybenzene. It is the base of sassafras oil, and safrole and its stereoisomer isosafrole have a smell that is familiar: beer! They are among the most widely used essential oils, found in most spices, including "heavies" such as cinnamon and nutmeg. I don't know about 2,3 isomers ever found in nature. Adding ammonia to either would give MDA.
4) 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxy sample. The parent compound is myristicin, 5-allyl-1-methoxy-2,3-methylenedioxybenzene, and the source is nutmeg (or a botanically similar material, nutmeg color). Nutmeg is the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree, and nutmeg is the fibrous covering of the seed. The two spices are virtually identical with respect to their chemical composition. Myristicin and the stereoisomer isomyristicin are also found in parsley oil, and in dill. These are the oils that have actually been shown to be converted to MMDA by the addition of ammonia through the liver's recycling passage. So this is the main justification for the equation between essential oils and Amphetamines...
6) 3,4,5-trimethoxy sample. Elemecin is a well studied essential oil, 5-allyl-1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene. It is, like myristicin, a component of nutmeg oil, but it is also found in Camphor, and in the resin of Canarium Philippine in the Philippines. This tree is the source of elemi oil. I found a trace component of it in nutmeg many years ago which turned out to be 5-methoxyeugenol, or elemecin without the 4-methyl group; it is also present in the magnolia plant... The base amphetamine from elemecin or isoelemecin would be TMA, the subject of this very recipe."
Shulgin even makes the names of these substances similar - essential oils (essential oils) and Essential Amphetamines (Basic Amphetamines), meaning by this that the latter can be obtained from the former by adding ammonia to their structure. (The only drawback of this name, I believe the association of the term "amphetamine" among professionals and consumers purely with stimulants. Although, of course, this group produces a much wider range of effects, including psychedelic ones). In this regard, he even created such a cocktail: “I made a mixture of 1 part MDA, 2 parts TMA and 5 parts MMDA. A total of 100 milligrams of this combination (which I have called the "Pseudonuts Cocktail" for pseudonutmeg) should be equivalent to the safrole, elemecin and myristicin that would be in 5 grams of nutmeg. And 100 milligrams really made reality sparkle and widen the eyes a lot. But I've never consumed 5 grams of nutmeg, so I can't make any comparisons." Actually, I did not use either such a cocktail, or any of its substances separately. But I can say with confidence: 5 grams of freshly ground nuts will make “reality sparkle”!
In addition to the mentioned MDA, TMA, MMDA, and 3,4 DMA essential oils (especially safrole and isosafrole) from nutmeg are used in the manufacture of MDMA (Ecstasy), MDEA (Eva), N-OH-MDA (Fantasy). The process is also described by Shulgin, but he is of little interest to us. It is clear that in the latter case, we are not just talking about adding ammonia, however, the effect of nutmeg in any case strongly resembles the effect of similar psychedelic entactogens.
Probably, the obvious difference in the impact of different batches of nuts can be explained both by the different specific gravity of one or another fraction of the oil, and by the different metabolism of the body, which in this case serves as a kind of chemical laboratory for the production of torch. Also, the apparently weaker effect of the extracted oil compared to the whole nut can be explained by the inhibition of digestion in the latter case. Longer digestion contributes to the fact that most of the essential oils turn into amphetamines.

Date of Creation: 1966/01/01
The use of nutmeg as a psychotropic agent
Andrew T. Weil
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Pharmacology of nutmeg
Early research
The first pharmacological experiments on nutmeg were carried out by Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch microcosm researcher, around 1676 (And here the Dutch are ahead of the rest! - Fakir).
By 1900, little was known about the effects of nutmeg, in large part because researchers could not agree on which component of the seed contained the (psycho)active element.
Reviewing the findings of earlier work, Shulgin in 1963 wrote that the myristicin fraction of nutmeg oil "is most suspected of producing an effective toxic factor in cats (God, these scientists of all living creatures are ready to inject anything! - Fakir)", but that this seems "ineffective in duplicating the psychological effects of whole nutmeg in humans." He then speculated about the possible pharmacological activity of other components of the oil:
"The minor aromatic esters, eugenol and safrol, are supposed to be as active as possible. This seems unlikely, since their amounts in ingested 5 gram nutmeg (0.001 g and 0.003 g respectively) are well below the usual therapeutic levels of these substances (3.0 ml and 0.5 ml respectively). The toxic agent is the pinenedipentene fraction.Many descriptions of terpene-induced toxic syndromes parallel the usual toxic manifestations of nutmeg (i.e., nausea, cyanosis, numbness, cold extremities, often delirium).[However] the actual toxic dosages of oils that produce an effect similar to the hydrocarbon fraction of nutmeg (such as turpentine oil) are typically 20 to 60 times higher than what is encountered in the intoxication of nutmeg."
Shulgin's conclusion is the best summary of our present knowledge of nutmeg; "As yet, no known pharmacology of any known component of nutmeg oil can explain whole nutmeg syndrome."

Nut psychopharmacology: a brief note
Speculation on the psychopharmacology of nutmeg must be cautious, since, as Shulgin said, "the failure to assign a single component of nutmeg to the role of being the main toxic factor makes the discussion of its mode of action, by definition, entirely theoretical"...
However, several findings are interesting. Truitt and a new group of researchers in 1963 pointed out "a degree of structural similarity between the chemical formula for myristicin and those of certain sympathomimetic amines". This similarity, together with the stimulant effects of the nut, has led to the suggestion that myristicin and nutmeg may act as central MAO inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, synthetic myristicin and nutmeg oil concentrate were given to rats, and MAO suppression was established by measuring the potentiation of tryptamine convulsions. The process was controlled by comparison with two powerful known MAO inhibitors: tranylcypromine and iproniazid. This experiment showed that myristicin produces effects that are less potent but parallel to those produced by these reference drugs.
The authors emphasized that this was mere circumstantial evidence, but they felt that nutmeg and myristicin were likely mild MAO inhibitors. Compared to other such compounds, their toxicity is very low. The authors cited work done with depressive schizophrenics in whom daily administration of nutmeg base produced "improvements".
Shulgin, who tried to solve the biochemistry of the hallucinogenic action of nutmeg, has now suggested that the myristic oil fraction (with its over 25% elemecin content) is indeed the active principle. He noted that the metabolism of the aromatic esters found in the essential oil is "virtually unknown" except for the detoxification mechanism in which safrole is converted to piperonylic acid. This reaction indicates the ability to oxidize the olefin chain. Shulgin suggested that if this degradation process is "applicable to myristicin, or especially to elemycin, the theoretical intermediate, vinyl alcohol, could undergo transamination and lead to the creation of the well-known psychomimetic drug, 3,4,5-trimethoxy amphetamine (TMA)" - which could be obtained by a similar process directly from myristicin, is even more suggestive of a psychotropic function for this component of nutmeg.

Nutmeg contains approximately 10% of essential oils, which mainly consists of terpene hydrocarbons (sabinene and pinenes; also camphene, p-cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, limonene, myrcene, together 60 - 80%), terpene derivatives (linalool, geraniol, terpineol, together 5 - 15%) and phenylpropanoids (myristic in, elemicin, safrol, eugenol and eugenol derivatives, together 15 - 20%). Of the last group, myristicin (methoxy-safrole, typically 4%) is responsible for the hallucinogenic effect of nutmeg (In fact, as seen from other sources, it is the combined action of phenylpropanoids - Fakir).
Nutmeg is only mildly hallucinogenic; therefore, everyone needs a large dosage (typically, half to one nut is used for a trip) (Apparently, the author has never tried a nut and has not communicated with consumers, such a “dose” is the maximum that can improve mood. - Fakir). High dosage can give rise to very unpleasant side effects caused by other components of nutmeg, which include long-term extreme nausea and long-term hypersensitivity to nutmeg. The hallucinogenic phenylpropanoids themselves are hepatotoxins and are not at all safe for frequent use (Again, a bold statement, given my experience of consumption in the presence of hepatitis. - Fakir)
Mulava oil (up to 12% in the spice) contains the same aromatic components, but the proportion of terpenoids is increased to almost 90% at the expense of phenylpropanoids (10%).
Both nutmeg and mulava contain approximately 2% lignanes (diarylpropanoid), which are a non-volatile dimer of the phenylpropanoid elements of essential oils, such as dehydroisoeugenol.

In nature, nutmeg is limited to the Banda Islands, a tiny archipelago in Eastern Indonesia (Moluccas). The main producing countries today are Indonesia (East Indian Nutmeg) and Grenada (West Indian Nutmeg); while Indonesian nutmeg is mainly exported to Europe and Asia, Grenada nutmeg is mainly shipped to the USA.
Nutmegs are graded according to their size. Large nutmegs weighing around 8 grams are considered superior and are sold at a higher price. Especially in Grenada, it is customary to define the size of nutmegs as the number of dried nutmegs converted to British pounds; accordingly, the best grades are counted from “55’ nuts” (8.2 grams) to “65’ nuts” (7.0 grams). The smallest varieties available commercially, "160' nuts", weigh only 2.8 grams. Even smaller nutmegs and nutmeg fragments are included in the “BWP grade”, which is considered the lowest quality.
Two more species of nutmeg are found: M. argentea (Macassar Nutmeg, Papua Nutmeg) from New Guinea and M. malabarica (Bombay Nutmeg, Wild Nutmeg) from South India. While the latter lacks flavor, the former is described as pungent and wintergreen (a cosmetic industry term). Both admixtures can be identified by the shape of their seeds: whereas true nutmegs from the Banda Islands are shaped from globose to egg-like, the other two varieties show decidedly elongated seeds, more resembling acorns (oak seeds) than eggs.

An experimental study of improving sexual function with
Myristica fragrans Houtt.
By Tajuddin, Ahmad S, Latif A, Qasmi IA, Amin KM.
Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology),
Faculty of Unani Medicine,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh-202002, India.
Myristica fragrans Houtt. (nutmeg) was mentioned in traditional medicine as a cure for male sexual disorders (According to messages from the forums, women are also very receptive to sex under the influence of nutmeg. So in the case of the fair sex, the nut manifests itself as an excellent aphrodisiac. - Fakir). The present study was undertaken to evaluate the sensory effects of a 50 percent extract from nutmeg (with ethanol) along with its likely adverse effects and acute toxicity using various animal models.
METHODS: The extract was dosed (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg) to various groups of male rats daily for seven days. Female rats involved in mating have been made sexually receptive by hormonal treatment. General mating behavior, libido and potency were studied and compared with the standard remedy in such cases, citrate. The likely adverse effects and acute toxicity of the extract were also evaluated.
RESULTS: The extract, at a dose of 500 mg/kg, produced a significant increase in sexual performance in male rats. This greatly increased the increased frequency of intercourse and caused a significant reduction in intercourse and interval between ejaculations. The extract was also observed to be free from any adverse effects and acute toxicity.
CONCLUSION: The resulting substantial and lasting increase in the sexual activity of normal male rats, without any noticeable adverse effects, indicates that the 50% nutmeg extract has a sensory activity, increasing both libido and potency, which could be attributed to its stimulant action. The existing research thus provides a scientific explanation for the traditional use of nutmeg as a remedy for male sexual disorders."

Aphrodisiac properties
A 2003 study found that nutmeg extract administered to male mice caused an increase in activity and improved sexual performance. A follow-up study by the same group in 2005 found further evidence that nutmeg increased the variety of male sexual behaviors, and it was suggested that this was due to nutmeg's effects on the nervous system as a stimulant.
In Ayurvedic herbology, nutmeg is considered a stronger aphrodisiac than spices such as cinnamon or ginger. Nutmeg is used to both awaken the libido and prevent premature ejaculation. Nutmeg is also used as a sedative and to improve sleep for insomniacs. Ayurveda believes that nutmeg is hard on the body or dulls when taken in large doses or for long periods.
In Chinese medicine, nutmeg has not received much attention as an aphrodisiac. Chinese and Indian systems agree that nutmeg has beneficial effects on digestion, especially nutrient absorption.
A typical Ayurvedic dose is 250 - 500mg and mixed with a warm drink such as milk (Don't use this recipe for intoxication! Increasing the temperature causes a sharp increase in flavor - as opposed to cooling. - Fakir) 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg weighs approximately 500mg according to my measurements.
Nutmeg contains many interesting chemical compounds, including myristicin, elemecin, and safrole. A 2006 study found that nutmeg has quite powerful antidepressant activity. In an experiment using mice, nutmeg extract showed such potency as to be comparable in potency to imizin and fluoxetine - which are measured in standard tests for antidepressant activity. Nutmeg markedly affected adrenaline, dopamine, and the serotonin neurotransmitter systems.
One theory is that the active compounds in nutmeg have pharmacological properties similar to amphetamine and "ecstasy"; this has been widely described, although it has not been proven. According to the experience of the ambulance, an overdose of nutmeg seems to cause most of the problems, showing an anticholinergic effect.
I find that nutmeg can make sex more sensual - it changes how the skin feels and makes it great to have in bed. I didn't notice an increase in erection or a direct change in libido.
Nutmeg as an Intoxicant
A study of nutmeg intoxication in Texas covering a 6-year period (1998-2004) documented 17 emergency calls for adverse symptoms due to the consumption of large doses of nutmeg. None of the cases led to serious consequences, and many of these cases were not in intensive care. This group of people was characterized by somewhat more males than females, and adolescence was at its peak.

This overseas nutmeg spice has spread throughout the world. It is used as a seasoning in cooking, added to cosmetics, used for treatment. How the kernels of the fruits of this tree are used, what are the benefits and harms of them are interesting questions that it is advisable to deal with.

What is nutmeg

India, Brazil, the Malaysian island of Rune and African countries are the places where the evergreen dioecious tree with leathery leaves prefers to grow. It belongs to the Muscat family. The plant has female flowers in the axils of the leaves, which become fruits of bright color with a burning-spicy taste. On fragrant nutmeg - a nutmeg tree - more than two thousand of them grow in a year. Fruiting is ongoing. What the fruit looks like can be seen in the photo.

nutmegsare located inside the fleshy pericarp in a large seed. The kernels have a pleasant spicy smell, which becomes more saturated with time. The aroma depends on the size of nutmeg - the larger, the thinner, more pronounced. After harvest:

  • the seed is dried;
  • smash;
  • take out the kernels;
  • to increase the shelf life, soak in sea water with coral lime.


A pleasant smell is determined by the substances that make up the structure of the nucleus - elemicin, myristicin. With a calorie content of 527 kcal,contains nutmeg:

  • vitamins A, PP, E;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • fiber;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oils;
  • starch.

What is useful nutmeg

The most common use of nutmeg is in cooking. Residents of different countries add seasoning to national dishes. Knownbenefits of nutmegfor other areas. When used:

  • improves digestion, digestion of food;
  • the muscles of the body are toned;
  • calms the mind and nerves;
  • skin rejuvenation occurs;
  • hair growth is stimulated;
  • eliminates the smell in the mouth;
  • immune forces increase;
  • fatigue is removed.

The unique product contains a hormone of joy that improves mood and copes with depression. Nutmeg contributes to:

  • exacerbation of sexual desire, being an aphrodisiac;
  • restful sleep;
  • fight bacteria;
  • memory improvement;
  • stimulation of the memorization process;
  • treatment of diseases;
  • stop the blood;
  • weight loss.

For women

Regularly using nutmeg for cosmetic masks, at aromatherapy sessions, massage, a woman will notice significant changes, comparing with her photo of two years ago. Fresh skin, a bright look, a great mood - this is the result of a moderate amount of spice. There are othersbeneficial properties for women:

  • disclosure of sexuality;
  • increase in sexual desire;
  • removal of painful symptoms during menstruation;
  • normalization of the menstruation cycle;
  • reduction of unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • help in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the nut. Oriental healers used the spice in their healing tinctures to improve men's health. Witches and shamans performed rituals with her.Nutmeg for menis an aphrodisiac, but it has a less pronounced stimulating effect on them than on women. However, moderate use of the nut helps to solve the problems of sexual disorders:

  • eliminate premature ejaculation;
  • deal with impotence.


The use of this seasoning should not be abused, especially used as whole kernels.Nutmeg is badif you eat more than 2 pieces per day. Substances safflower and myristicin, which are in the composition, cause irritation of the nervous system. This results in:

  • intoxicating effect;
  • problems with consciousness;
  • mental disorder;
  • clouding of mind;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

This nutmeg composition is harmful as a seasoning for the work of internal organs, when used frequently and in large quantities. Essential oils:

  • act irritatingly on the tissues of the kidneys, liver, provoking diseases - cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis;
  • increase the secretion of juice in the stomach, pancreas, causing the occurrence of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, ulcers.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to its constituent components, the nutmeg seed is used in the treatment of numerous diseases. Recipes with it are recommended by doctors in clinics and traditional healers. There are suchmedicinal properties:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce pressure - it dilates blood vessels;
  • improve brain function;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve painful symptoms;
  • boost the immune system;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • stop diarrhea due to astringent action.

The nuclei contain potassium, which helps in the prevention, treatment of diseases of bones and joints. The use of moderate doses contributes to:

  • restful sleep - stops insomnia;
  • strengthening teeth and gums;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • removal of nervous excitement;
  • easier breathing;
  • destruction of bacteria in the mouth;
  • decrease in acidity of urine - improves kidney function;
  • stop the division of cancer cells;
  • stimulation of the heart and blood vessels.

How does nutmeg work

The effect of the application depends directly on the dosage. Taking a large amount can cause hallucinations, drug intoxication - even death. At low doses, anotheraction of nutmeg:

  • acceleration of digestion processes;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • warming during massage with essential oil;
  • soothing, relaxing with aromatherapy;
  • removal of depressive conditions;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • improvement of brain function;
  • getting rid of extra pounds.

Human brain activity

The kernels of the fruits of the plant have a beneficial effect on the activity of the human brain. Due to the presence of elemycin, myristicin in the composition, they are used:

  • in the treatment of depressive conditions, as a tonic effect;
  • in order to increase concentration;
  • improving memory processes;
  • reducing the degradation of the nervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease, increasing the functions of attention, language, spatial and visual perception.

Psychoactive influence

In narcology, it is believed that substances in the composition of nutmeg havepsychoenergetic impactlike a drug. Seek medical attention in case of overdose. Their use in large quantities, fresh or dried, can cause severe poisoning, which will be accompanied by:

  • euphoric state;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lack of coherent speech;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • a state of coma.

For weight loss

It seems that a product with such a high calorie content cannot be used for weight loss. If you remember that it is necessary to use it in small doses, it will become clear that this will not have a negative impact. Activenutmeg for weight loss So:

  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • accelerates fat burning;
  • improves the quality and speed of the digestion process;
  • reduces appetite;
  • improves digestion of food.

Application of nutmeg

In the form of essential oils, the inclusion of nutmeg in compositions for perfumery is very popular. The plant is included in the recipes of cosmetics.Where is nutmeg used?Besides? It is very popular with home cooks. Aromatic seasoning:

  • added to dishes, drinks;
  • put in baking;
  • together with cloves, marinade is added during canning;
  • treat various diseases;
  • used by traditional healers.

In cooking

This seasoning is most loved by culinary specialists around the world. A special aroma is obtained if you grind nutmeg yourself, and do not use ready-made ground powder. Where is this spice added?The use of nutmeg in cooking diverse:

  • dishes with fish, meat;
  • vegetable side dishes;
  • sauces;
  • all kinds of desserts;
  • bakery;
  • additive to drinks - coffee, wine, tinctures, kefir;
  • teas with seasoning and addition of cinnamon, cardamom.

The spice is also used in the food industry. Nutmeg is included in culinary recipes:

  • marinades for cooking sausages;
  • mustard;
  • ketchups;
  • sauces;
  • tomato pastes and juices;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • canned fish;
  • preparations from vegetables;
  • curry mixes;
  • alcoholic beverages - mulled wine, punch, beer;
  • pickling fish;
  • preparation of jam, preserves;
  • chocolate
  • cocoa.

In folk medicine

Many useful recipes with this plant are used by traditional healers. They consume the spice in the form of powder or essential oil. It is recommended to drink with milk or make a tincture of vodka. It is important not to abuse the quantity.The use of nutmeg in folk medicine helps:

  • cope with a cold if you add half a spoonful of seasoning, ginger and cardamom to tea;
  • fall asleep when you drink milk with nuts at night;
  • urination, if you brew half a teaspoon of seasoning in a glass of boiling water;
  • when taken orally in a fresh, grated form with thrombophlebitis.
  • chop the nutmeg kernels and ginger - take a glass each;
  • add anise seeds - 150 grams;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • withstand the solution for 7 days, systematically shaking;
  • filter out;
  • use according to instructions.

In medicine

As an addition to the main appointments, it is often usednutmeg in medicine. This is done with the help of essential oils, which contribute to:

  • relief of breathing with bronchitis, pneumonia with cold and hot inhalations;
  • calming the nerves and disinfecting the air during aromatherapy;
  • creating a warming effect during massage;
  • reduction of pain during the application of compresses on sore joints;
  • relief of depression with the use of therapeutic baths;
  • in gynecology - the removal of menopausal symptoms;
  • improvement in varicose veins.

In cosmetology

Essential oils obtained by steam distillation from nutmeg kernels are often used in cosmetic formulations. Due to their useful property to activate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, they have a beneficial effect on the skin. Finds thisthe use of nutmeg in cosmetology:

  • compositions for hair that improve their growth, appearance;
  • face masks that regenerate the skin.

You can look like Hollywood beauties in the photo if you use homemade recipes with nutmeg kernels. A homemade scrub will not be harmful when they are very finely ground, mixed with kefir and oatmeal. This will help resolve issues:

  • removal of excess fat from the skin;
  • acne problems;
  • epithelial renewal;
  • correction of acne scars;
  • improve blood circulation for a refreshed complexion.


Using this substance, even as a seasoning, it should be remembered that an overdose causes serious problems - hallucinations, death. The recommended serving is no more than 0.1 grams per kilogram of body weight. Should be considerednutmeg contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • joint use with alcohol - convulsions are likely;
  • excitability;
  • old age and childhood;
  • individual intolerance;

Muscat: pros and cons of muscat trips
Benefits of trip under nutmeg:
- low cost and legality of nutmeg remain out of competition;
- long trip time (up to two days at high dosages);
- at small doses, nutmeg acts like a light cannabis smoke for the whole day;
- light and pleasant waste (if you do not violate the rules of the nutmeg trip);
- with the appropriate dosage of nutmeg, you can achieve the required depth of the trip.

Cons of nutmeg trips:
- long action, many begin to strain;
- due to the long time of the nutmeg trip, it is necessary to carefully plan the next day;
- with large doses of nuts, bad trips and betrayals are possible;
- nutmeg is disgusting to use;
- possible pain in the abdomen, red eyes;
- if you neglect the tips on the trip, then there is a chance to get a hard waste and a strong blow to the liver.

Nutmeg trip rules
1. Conditions for taking nutmeg. It is better to take nutmeg on an empty stomach. When eating nutmeg on a full stomach, a bad waste is guaranteed, the effect will be weaker, stomach pain is possible after 3-4 hours. After taking it, do not eat for two to three hours, it is allowed to drink (not alcohol). After a few hours, you can eat, preferably liquids, like soups and cocoa, but a little and if necessary. Perhaps the use of some digestive tablets, this will minimize the negative effect of nutmeg alkaloids, nothing will hurt. Hard and dry food during the trip is better not to eat at all. In a word, carefully monitor food intake, do not overdo it.

2. Form of nutmeg for consumption. Take nutmeg nuts only in crushed form, mixed with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. Ordinary kefir is also suitable, milk is absolutely useless and even harmful, the best option is Bifidok and Snezhok. It is possible to use nutmeg with honey: honey is mixed with nutmeg to a very thick consistency. It is said that Nutmeg nut is even better with honey. It is better not to gnaw nuts, it is harmful to the teeth and is absorbed very poorly: it is better to crush them with a hammer and throw them into a coffee grinder, or grind them through a grater. It is undesirable to buy ground nutmeg.

3. Dosage of nutmeg. The amount of nutmeg for a trip is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of human weight, you need 0.33 grams of nuts, that is, 15 ... 20 grams per 60 kg of human mass. When using more than 20 grams of nutmeg, you must carefully prepare for the trip. With frequent use, the body develops tolerance to nutmeg; to overcome it, it is enough to take a break in trips or mix nutmeg with morning glory seeds, or gradually increase the dosage of nutmeg. When buying nuts, it is enough to take 4 ... 5 nuts, depending on their freshness - this is enough with a margin.

4. Start time of the nutmeg trip. It is better to take nuts in the morning or in the afternoon. The action of nutmeg begins differently for everyone, on average after 3.5 ... 4 hours, the peak of action begins approximately 8 hours after consumption. It makes no sense to start a nutmeg trip in the evening, especially if you expect to go to bed.

First example: ate nutmeg at 18.00. The beginning of the effect is from 22.00 to 23.00, the peak of the trip will be at 02.00. Do you need it?! Weak action is guaranteed for the whole next day after the trip; maybe even sleep all day.

Example number two: they took Muscat at 13.00. The beginning of the effects at 17.00, the maximum nutmeg action will come at 20.00…21.00. In the morning, a fluttering person may have a very weak residual effect or a slight withdrawal.

5. Muscat mixes with other substances. Many psychonauts believe that morning glory is ideal. Someone has tried mixing nutmeg with dextromethorphan (DXM), but it's very life threatening. It is possible to smoke marijuana during a nutmeg trip. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated. Nutmeg does not mix well with other substances and poisoning is possible. Be careful when experimenting with strong substances. Caffeine will accelerate the action of nutmeg alkaloids, but heart problems are possible: a very large load.

6. Action of nutmeg. With a nutmeg trip, tactile hallucinations from nutmeg are possible, that is, hallucinations with the behavior of the limbs of the insides (that crackles, crunches, opens). There is a feeling of euphoria, more physical. There may be a violation of coordination of movements when eating a large amount of nuts. Memory and concentration worsens, time stretching occurs, increased color saturation, the effect of presence. It is recommended to spend the trip under nutmeg warm. You can also outdoors, provided that it is summer outside. It is desirable to watch films without violence: comedies, science fiction, cartoons. Listening to music while tripping is possible and even necessary, but not heavy. Some advise having sex under nutmeg - in fact, just for the sake of this you can already try. It is very good when both trippers are partners.

Nutmeg Trip Warning
Don't underestimate nutmeg. You can’t imagine how many people were dumbfounded by its action, and this is due to the fact that the nutmeg begins to act after a very long time (up to four hours), and not noticeably, not in waves, but constantly increasing without relief. In no case do not try to “catch up” during this time (that is, take an additional dose of nutmeg to enhance the trip)!

Nutmeg is not a drug and is not addictive. It is not prohibited by law, it is sold legally as spices. Muscat is a psychedelic of medium strength, contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins, but even more - harmful substances. When taken in large quantities leads to a state of euphoria. Muscat poisoning is not caused by nutmeg itself, but by a violation of the digestive function of the stomach. That is why it is recommended to follow a diet after a nutmeg trip, eat only soups and drink juices, teas, cocoa.

The hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg have long been known. Historical records of the 16th and 17th centuries comment on its narcotic properties. What chemicals define them?

Several connections are involved in this. The main one is myristicin, it is approximately 1.3% in the raw product. The study suggested that the narcotic effect of nutmeg may be due to the breakdown of myristicin in the liver, and this in turn leads to the appearance of MMDA, an amphetamine-class drug known as a psychedelic. However, this transformation has only been observed in the liver of rats, and there is no evidence that it also occurs in humans.

Interestingly, when a significant amount of pure myristicin was given to a group of subjects (twice as much as contained in 20 g of nutmeg), six out of ten had some effect, but it was much weaker than expected. Scientists have suggested that the full "nutmeg effect" is caused by a complex of substances. Compounds that have been suspected of complicity are elemicin and safrole.

Before you reach for an experimental spoonful of nutmeg, know that the consequences are definitely not worth it. 1-2 mg of nutmeg per 1 kg of body weight can affect the central nervous system (myristicin suppresses nerve impulses responsible for involuntary muscle movements in certain body systems, such as the gastrointestinal tract and lungs). It is believed, but not proven, that as little as 1 tablespoon is enough to cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, flushing, heart palpitations, euphoria, hallucinations, and dry mouth. Not very funny side effects, you must admit.

And in addition to being very unpleasant, the side effects are also long-lasting and can last for several days, and some symptoms, such as problems with vision, balance and concentration, sometimes do not go away for more than a week. In general, the summary is this: let nutmeg get into your food, if the recipe requires it, only in a clearly prescribed dosage - on the tip of a knife.

Hi all! So far, no videos have been found about the effects of nutmeg on the body from the point of view of biology, although the substance is popular, we are correcting the situation.

So, if you know nutmeg only as a seasoning, then we hasten to inform you that it is also a compound that can change the mental state. Nutmeg is actively used by teenagers and sometimes by older people when you want to take something so that everything is legal, but not alcohol with nicotine and do not overeat on pills. How nutmeg works, what side effects and effects it has, about all this in today's story!

How does nutmeg work

In the beginning, we inform you that a nut is not just one substance, but a lot of active substances that may differ from one nut to another, so we highlight the general focus.

  1. Endocannabinoid system

Nutmeg can be somewhat similar to marijuana. 2016 study ( Link 1) demonstrated that nutmeg interacts with the endocannabinoid system through the inhibition of entocannabinoid metabolizing enzymes. Now it is easier: in our body there are already cannabinoids, their molecules are attached to the receptors, then after some time they are destroyed. Nutmeg delays the time of destruction. We get a light effect like marijuana, but of course weaker. There are also many other effects that will be more noticeable (you can read more)

  1. MAO inhibition

One of the active ingredients in nutmeg, myristicin, is weak or MAO. This means more action of dopamine, phenylethylamine and norepinephrine. This can be considered a stimulating effect. ( 3 )

  1. Metabolism to MMDA

A possible action that was sometimes confirmed was sometimes refuted. MMDA is a derivative of . Myristicin, which was discussed earlier, probably becomes MMDA during metabolism. But even here there is not much myristicin per nut, but eating a lot of them is deadly, it turns out there is an action, the strength is small ( 4 ).

  1. Decreased Choline and Acetylcholine

That's what nutmeg really feels like, in direct proportion to the dosage, is the blocking of acetylcholine in the brain. This group of substances is called anticholinergic. Sort of like an anti-nootropic. Nutmeg in a sense temporarily dulls, and in a large dosage it is confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia, etc. So if you've ever taken nutmeg and felt really bad, you should have eaten less.

Effects of Nutmeg

The effects depend on the dosage, with a small one it is rather a stimulation, an improvement in mood. With a large - delirium, impaired coordination, hallucinations ( 5 ). You can actually go to the hospital.

You can highlight other effects from a small dosage: an aphrodisiac, to improve sleep (on the decline of effects) and as a spice of course.

It starts working only after a few hours, conditionally the first stage is 1-5 hours, the peak falls at 9-12 hours, then the decline is another 12 hours.

How to use

Nutmeg for psychoactive purposes is used alone, without other substances. Available in powder form and whole. If it's a powder, make sure it's just nutmeg with no other seasonings or salt and pepper.

Dosage up to 3-4 grams, this is about 1 tsp. without a slide - optimal and fairly safe. Ideally start in half. Many people take many times more, but here there is already a concrete stupefaction and count the days fall out of life.

side effects

Walnut can increase blood pressure and heart rate - keep this in mind. It is also toxic to the liver, especially at high doses.

So far, we have found references to 2 or 3 deaths due to a nut overdose, of course, we do not know the whole picture, and you can reproach that millions of times more people die from vodka. Nevertheless, there were such data and it is necessary to say about them ( 6 ).

In general, serious side effects and terrible health are more likely to occur when eating 10 or more grams of nuts.

ANTIDOTE: Nootropics (at least 3-5 days of piracetam, 4 g per day, lecithin or chicken eggs) + Water (so there will be wild dried wood) + activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Separately, it should be said about his taste, to put it mildly - bad. For this reason, most often this teaspoon of the nut is taken along with juice or kefir somewhere in the afternoon or in the late afternoon, but there may be problems with falling asleep.


- Nutmeg is a strong additive with different effects. Stimulant dosage is usually small, narcotic - large.

- Works as an endogenous cannabinoid, mild MAO inhibitor and anticholinergic.

- It is taken in a dosage of 3-5 grams, the effect is after 8 hours. It is better to drink with juice.

- Side effects depend on the dosage.

Well, comments periodically flash, like “what can be taken to change the psyche, but legal and not alcohol.” Half or 1 teaspoon of nutmeg is an option. Do not listen to junkies who advise 15 grams at once.

Write your experience of admission, if any! And I hope you enjoyed the release, good luck and see you soon!
