
Flour sauce for meat. How to make gravy from flour? DIV tag


Gravy is a type of liquid seasoning for dishes. In fact, this is the same sauce, but only with a native Russian name. It is prepared both hot and cold. Most often, gravy is prepared from the juice released during stewing or frying. Sometimes it is made on a broth - vegetable, mushroom, fish or meat. In order to make it thicker, various components are added to it - sour cream, starch, etc. The most important requirement for this seasoning is that it should harmonize in taste with the dish with which it is served, giving flavor. So, here we will talk about how to properly prepare gravy for certain dishes. In fact, a housewife in such cases has two options. The first is not to bother and buy a ready-made product. However, its taste may not be the best, in addition, it is most often made up of far from natural ingredients. The second method (do it yourself) will take more time, but the product will definitely turn out to be of better quality. Unfortunately, few people know well, right. However, this article may enlighten you a little.

Gravy for meat

Few people are 100% vegetarian. A lot of people love meat products. Their taste can be improved by using certain seasonings. So, let's talk about meat. The following recipe is for lovers of hot spices. Wash the horseradish (100 g), clean it and then grate it and add a little vinegar. Melt forty grams of butter, mix with flour. Add this mass to the meat broth, then bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add horseradish and one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream, stir. Add two egg yolks and heat again, but do not boil.

Seasoning from fat, tomato and flour

How to make gravy for meatballs? Here is a classic recipe. It all starts with the process of frying cutlets. The juice that will stand out will become the basis for your gravy. Add a quarter of the chopped onion to it and fry. While stirring, add a spoonful of flour. Do this slowly so that it is evenly absorbed into the juice, and does not curl up into lumps. Saute this mass until it acquires a light brown hue, not forgetting to stir. Add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste there. Stir and pour in a glass of boiling water. Do not use cold water, so as not to disturb the cooking process. Add spices and continue to simmer until desired thickness. Ideally, this sauce should take an hour to cook, but ten minutes is enough.

For flour lovers

How to make gravy for pasta? Everyone knows that in itself the taste of these products is almost neutral. It is attached only to seasonings and sauces. Sometimes, by adding this or that remedy, you can turn pasta into almost a culinary masterpiece. Before you make gravy, stock up on the necessary products. You will need: a pound of minced beef and pork, vegetable oil, one large onion, half a bell pepper, a carrot, tomato paste and flour - 1 tbsp each. l., paprika and adjika - 1 teaspoon each, as well as cilantro, black pepper, garlic, parsley. First prepare the pan. Pour vegetable oil on it and then heat it up. Fry minced meat. Cut the carrots and onions and add them there too. Fry for ten minutes and send flour, pepper, paprika, salt to the pan. Mix well. Then sequentially add all the other components there. You can also pour in some water, preferably hot. All this is stewed for a total of twenty minutes.

The gravy or sauce enjoys a well-deserved love, it emphasizes the exquisite taste of a variety of dishes, enhancing and placing accents. For example, in tandem with rice, it will add spice and piquancy to a simple side dish, and special juiciness to fried potatoes. Gravy also allows you to decorate the finished dish so that it looks more appetizing and causes pleasant aesthetic sensations. The flour in the gravy recipe is used to thicken the sauce.

Gravy with flour: a basic recipe

So, how to make gravy from flour? To prepare a simple flour sauce, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 60 g of sifted flour;
  • A piece of butter (50 g);
  • 0.5 l of broth (vegetable, meat), you can use hot water.

Cooking process

How to make gravy with flour? A step-by-step guide helps you quickly and easily bring the recipe to life.

  1. Heat up a frying pan on fire. It is best to use a heavy-bottomed pan so that the sauce does not burn. Melt the butter, into which carefully pour the sifted flour. Fry, stirring, until golden brown.
  2. Pour the liquid (broth, water) into the flour in small portions. Do not stop stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Salt and pepper the thickened gravy to taste. You can use any aromatic seasonings and spices, dried and fresh herbs to give the sauce a piquant taste.
  4. Gravy goes well with various dishes, especially well it emphasizes the taste of oven-baked fish and potatoes.

Gravy recipe with flour and tomato paste

A gravy made from flour and tomato paste has a delicate taste that well emphasizes meat, pasta and seafood dishes. For spiciness, you can add garlic or spicy chili peppers to the sauce.

Tomato sauce with flour, the recipe of which we will consider below, is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp sifted wheat flour;
  • 70 g of vegetable oil;
  • 0.3 l hot water;
  • To taste - salt, pepper, paprika;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.


  1. To prepare the gravy, you will need a saucepan. It is best to use non-stick cookware with a thick bottom. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan.
  2. Carefully add the tomato paste, which then slowly stir.
  3. Add flour to a homogeneous mixture, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. Add paprika, allspice, salt and sugar. Continue to stir the resulting mass, which will gradually begin to thicken.
  4. Add water to the sauce. Stirring constantly, bring the sauce to a boil. Then remove from fire.

Tomato sauce with flour can be served with meat and fish dishes. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of spaghetti, can be used for cooking pasta and pizza.

4 recipes for making gravy with flour

There are a large number of recipes for making sauces and gravies: with broth, with mushrooms, vegetables, herbs. There are very complex flour sauces, which include dozens of ingredients, and there are very simple ones that even a schoolboy can cook. But all gravies perform one task - to serve as an addition to the side dish, to give it aroma and a pronounced taste.

Her recipe is the easiest and fastest.

For 4 servings you will need:

4 tbsp. l. pasta, which we choose to taste (spicy, spicy, grilled, chili, etc.);
- 100 gr. vegetable oil;
- 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour;
- 0.5 l. water and spices.

Pour oil into the pan, spread the tomato paste, heat it up and pour the flour, not forgetting to stir. As soon as the mass thickens, salt, pepper, add fresh herbs and let cool. This gravy is good cold, as the tomato paste does not allow it to thicken quickly. You can stew meat and fish in it, and then serve it to the table.

Vegetable gravy:

For 4 servings you will need:
How to make gravy from flour? A great side dish for french fries and pasta.

For 4 servings you will need:

1 fresh tomato, carrot, onion;
- 2 tbsp. l. flour;
- 200 gr. sour cream;
- 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste and vegetable oil.

Vegetables are passed through a blender and fried in a pan. When they become soft, add flour inside, pour everything with sour cream and pasta. The contents must be stewed for 5 minutes over low heat. Dill is always put in warm gravy, as it goes well with sour cream. Gravy is served as a side dish to any dish.

Pork gravy - a recipe for delicious and meat gravy in a pan and in a slow cooker. In order to make pork gravy from a simple recipe tasty and tender, it is best to use fresh pork. Pork goulash with gravy is one of the recipes for a meat dish that can be garnished with pasta or mashed potatoes.

Meat sauce is a full-fledged second course, which is stewed pieces of meat in a small amount of broth. Gravy can be meat, chicken, vegetable, cream or tomato. You can use a variety of meats to make meat sauce. Someone prefers to cook it from rabbit, pork, lamb, turkey, someone from beef or chicken.

Delicious and easy pork gravy recipes

Pork gravy is one of the versatile gravies that goes well with both cereals and pasta, and with mashed potatoes - just delicious. Meat in the taste of gravy plays a primary role. Properly selected meat is the key to delicious gravy. Give preference to meat without a lot of fat.

In addition to the classic set of carrots and onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, green beans, eggplant or zucchini are often added to meat sauce.

Pork Gravy: 7 Step by Step Recipes

Pork with Gravy is an incredibly tasty dish, adored by many, which goes well with almost any side dish. It will be appropriate both at a solemn feast and at an ordinary one. Gravy can be prepared in many ways, which every housewife who wants to feed her loved ones with tasty and healthy food should get acquainted with.

Pork gravy classic recipe

classic pork gravy recipe


  • Pork - 600 g;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, rinse the meat in water, then cut the meat into small pieces no more than 5 cm in width and length;
  2. Then fry the meat until half done over high heat in a pan, and when browned, make a moderate fire;
  3. Grate the carrots (or cut into small pieces), cut the onion into small cubes, chop the garlic. Add all vegetables to the pan and fry for 5 minutes;
  4. Add flour to the pan and continue to cook over low heat for 3 minutes;
  5. Pour water into the pan so that it covers all the ingredients;
  6. Add tomato paste and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and continue to cook for another 15 minutes under the lid;
  7. Add chopped greens and let it brew for another 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

Pork gravy is a godsend for rational housewives who are in constant search of dishes that allow them to feed their families tasty and inexpensively. It is enough just to cook goulash correctly once, so that later you can easily repeat the recipe without looking into the cookbook.

Goulash is cooked for about 1 hour - during this time, small pieces of meat become so soft that they literally melt in your mouth. There is a lot of gravy, it is thick, rich and can make any side dish juicy.

Gravy with pork tomato paste in a pan

Gravy with pork tomato paste


  • Pork - 800 g;
  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Tomato paste - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 250 g;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Onion - 250 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 50 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the gravy, take the pork pulp or tenderloin. It's not scary if the pork is lightly with a layer of fat. Before cooking, place the meat in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Leave for a few minutes to drain excess liquid or dry with a napkin. Cut into small portions;
  2. Heat some sunflower oil in a frying pan. Add pork pieces. Fry over moderate heat until lightly browned;
  3. Place the fried pieces of pork in a stewing pan;
  4. Peel the onion, cut into small pieces. Rinse and peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Pour the remaining oil into the pan, heat, add carrots and onions. Fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft, over medium heat;
  5. Sprinkle wheat flour. The density of the finished gravy depends on the amount of flour. The more flour, the thicker the sauce. Stir;
  6. Add tomato paste and hot water. Stir. Bring to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes. Add salt, ground pepper;
  7. Add tomato sauce to the fried pork and send to a small fire. Simmer for 30-50 minutes until soft. 5 minutes before the end of the stew, add the bay leaf;
  8. Pork gravy is ready. It can be served immediately, after stewing, or prepared for future use for several days. Store cooled gravy in the refrigerator. Reheat to desired temperature before use. Bon appetit!

For gravy, you can use not the best meat or even trimmings, which reduces the cost of the dish. Due to fine cutting and long stewing in broth or sauce, pork of any quality is soft and tender. Meat gravy is often confused with goulash. They really do look alike. But I think that the Hungarians would be offended if they knew about it. Real goulash is still different from pork meat gravy, the recipe with a photo of which is on our menu today.

The most delicious gravy is obtained in a slow cooker. Due to the special temperature regime, the meat languishes, as in an oven, steamed, it turns out to be the softest, even if the pulp of not the best parts of the pork carcass is used.

Meat Quick Gravy

quick meat sauce recipe


  • Pork - 500 g;
  • Wheat flour - 50 g;
  • Onion - 200 g;
  • Water - 0.5 l.;
  • Tomato paste 100 g;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the pork well in running water. Take a paper towel and dry thoroughly on all sides. Cut into small pieces. You can cut into cubes, sticks, plates;
  2. Peel the onion, rinse and also dry with a napkin. Cut into small cubes;
  3. In a deep frying pan or thick-walled saucepan, heat some refined sunflower oil. Dip the pork pieces in the oil. Fry over high heat for about five minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon;
  4. Add chopped onion. Stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes over moderate heat until the onion is soft. At this step, if desired, you can add grated carrots;
  5. Sprinkle in wheat flour. Stir and hold on fire for 1-2 minutes;
  6. Add the tomato paste, stir until the meat pieces are completely covered with the paste. Instead of pasta, you can use ketchup or homemade tomato sauce;
  7. Pour in boiled water. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf. From spices, you can add allspice, ground coriander, paprika. Mix well. Cover with a lid and boil. Simmer over low heat for 30-35 minutes. During this time, the pork pieces will become soft and very juicy;
  8. Pork gravy is ready. Remove the bay leaves, they have already given up their aroma, and taste. If everything suits you, it's time to have a hearty and tasty lunch. Serve pork gravy with any side dish and garnish with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Gravy ennobles any side dish, vegetables, pasta. A small piece of meat is enough to feed the whole family, because with the right gravy, any side dish goes with a bang.

Gravy does not have a clearly fixed recipe. By adding new ingredients, you will get a sauce with an unusual taste, you can make lunches or dinners more varied. The recipes provided will tell you in detail how to make pork gravy inexpensive, but tasty and healthy.

Pork meat gravy in a slow cooker

Pork meat sauce in a slow cooker

Many second courses require meat gravy. From pasta to mashed potatoes, this slow cooker recipe is perfect for any of our everyday meals. Instead of pork, you can use other meat - to your taste.


  • Pork - 400 g;
  • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 l.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Spices (greens, pepper) - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed pork meat into cubes or pieces of arbitrary shape;
  2. Peel the carrot and rub it on a coarse grater;
  3. Remove the peel from the onion and cut into small cubes, like a vinaigrette;
  4. Pour sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl;
  5. Turn on the “Frying” mode and set the timer for 20 minutes, if this is not provided by the default program;
  6. Put meat, onions and carrots in a container, mix occasionally. You can not close the lid;
  7. While the main ingredients are going through the roasting stage, dissolve the indicated amount of flour in cold water. It is advisable to use a whisk or beat with a blender so that there are no lumps left;
  8. When the meat with vegetables is fried, add spices, salt and water with flour to the bowl;
  9. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 50 minutes;
  10. At the end of the process, the gravy can be left on the heating to maintain the optimal temperature of the dish until serving. Bon appetit!

Since childhood, we have been taught that meat gravy must be served with any side dish of cereals or pasta - this rule is strictly observed in the canteens of kindergartens and schools.

Very tasty and light gravy is obtained with milk, sour cream or cream. To prepare such a sauce, you will need a dairy ingredient, onions, some water, flour and seasonings.

Pork with sour cream sauce for pasta

Gravy for sour cream and pork pasta


  • Pork - 600 g;
  • Sour cream - 300 g;
  • Milk - half a glass;
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Greens - a bunch;
  • Paprika - 1 tsp;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, cut into equal parts, salt a little, fry in a pan;
  2. Grate the carrot, cut the onion into small cubes. Saute vegetables for 15 minutes. Combine the ingredients in one pan. A brazier or saucepan with dense walls is also suitable;
  3. Add spices, water, and simmer until half cooked;
  4. In a separate container, mix milk with sour cream, salt, pepper, flour. Add crushed garlic. Stir the pork, pre-filling it with sauce. Wait until it boils and simmer on the smallest fire for some more time. Pork gravy with sour cream is ready. Serve it to the table with pasta. Bon appetit!

Meat sauce has become something familiar to us, but not all of us know how to cook it properly. Perfectly cooked meat literally melts in your mouth and many confuse the duration of its preparation, listening to foreign chefs who recommend spending no more than 10 minutes on heat treatment. Remember that meat for meat sauce should be stewed for at least 1 hour. Only then will it become tender and juicy, it will itself disintegrate into fibers.

Pork stew in sour cream and tomato sauce in a slow cooker

Braised pork - recipe in sour cream and tomato sauce


  • Pork - 500 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 ml;
  • Tomato paste - 100 g;
  • Greens - a bunch;
  • Olive oil - 100 ml;
  • Flour - 50 g;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Ground pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash a piece of pork under a tap, dry it and cut into pieces of medium size;
  2. Pour olive oil into the container, start the "Baking" function. Set the timer to 10 minutes. We spread the meat and cook, be sure to close the lid;
  3. We clean the onion from the husk, and finely chop it. We send the onion to the meat and mix. Cooking, without changing the mode, another 10 minutes;
  4. Sprinkle the meat with onion flour, salt and pepper. Mix;
  5. Put sour cream and tomato paste in a separate cup, season with salt and black pepper. Shake well;
  6. Pour the sauce over the meat, add water so that the liquid completely covers the meat. We start the "Stew" mode and cook the pork for 1 hour 30 minutes. Serve with pasta, boiled spaghetti or mashed potatoes. Bon appetit!

Goulash is a simple meat dish that men adore. It has many variations, but if you are taking your first steps in the culinary field, we advise you to remember the good old Soviet recipe - pork goulash with gravy. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will serve as a reliable visual support for you - thanks to the photo, you will know for sure that everything is happening exactly as it should in your pan. For novice housewives, the recipe is perfect.

Pork with gravy in a slow cooker with mushrooms


  • Pork - 700 g;
  • Olive oil - 40 ml;
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 250 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • Meat broth - 200 ml;
  • Hot tomato sauce - 2 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the pork thoroughly, pat dry with a towel, carefully cut the veins and cut the meat into medium slices;
  2. Under running water, clean the mushrooms with a brush and place on a towel to dry slightly. Chop large enough;
  3. Pour oil into the bottom of the appliance’s container, start the “Baking” program and heat it up slightly. Put the pieces of pork in a container, season with spices and cook the meat for 15 minutes;
  4. Stir the meat. Peel the carrots and onions and finely chop. Add vegetables to the meat, mix and cook in the same mode for another 10 minutes;
  5. Now add mushrooms, tomato puree, spicy tomato sauce and homemade sour cream. Pour in the broth and salt;
  6. Run the "Extinguishing" function for 1 hour 10 minutes. Close the lid. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the lid, put the bay leaf and add the chopped garlic. Stir.;
  7. After cooking, do not remove the pork with gravy for another 10 minutes. Serve with a vegetable side dish or spaghetti. Bon appetit!

The recipe for pork goulash with gravy was inherited from the Soviet public catering. Pieces of meat, fried with flour and then stewed in tomato sauce, appealed to many, and the dish quickly migrated to home cooking. If there are not a lot of ingredients at home, you can whip up a gravy from tomato paste, onions, flour and pepper with salt. Pork gravy helps to make any side dish delicious and the dish varied. Our tips on how to cook pork gravy correctly will help you avoid mistakes and disappointments. Follow the recommendations and you will succeed:

  1. Gravy made with potato flour must not be overcooked or it will become too thick. After the introduction of starch, it is enough to hold such a sauce on fire for only 1-2 minutes;
  2. Pork is fatty meat. As a result of its preparation, a lot of fat is released. To make the gravy less oily, it is recommended to collect all the fat before thickening the sauce;
  3. Fast frying helps preserve valuable nutrients for the body. The thinner the meat is cut for gravy, the faster it will cook and the healthier it will be;
  4. The classic proportions for gravy - 1 tablespoon of flour or starch is taken for 2 cups of liquid;
  5. To prevent flour or starch from forming lumps when combined with a hot liquid, dilute them in a small amount of cold water. In this form, add to the gravy, stirring it thoroughly. This will help make the gravy uniform, with a smooth, creamy consistency;
  6. An additional taste and appetizing look will be given by greens, the dish is sprinkled with it during serving. Parsley goes especially well with goulash. Before serving, add fresh chopped greens to the gravy - this will decorate the dish, save it from routine;
  7. Carrots added to gravy not only improve its taste, but also give a beautiful golden color;
  8. To make the gravy moderately thick, add a little flour when frying the onion. Another option is pieces of meat, after processing with spices, thoroughly roll in flour, then fry it. In order to avoid lumps for sure, you must first dilute the flour in water, and then pour it into the main mass of the dish;
  9. If you do not use thickeners, such as starch or flour, then you can add sour cream diluted in water at the end of cooking;
  10. It is preferable to use chilled meat for gravy. Its quality can be determined by pressing with a finger. In high-quality meat, the pit formed by pressure will immediately level out;
  11. It is possible to change the taste of a dish with the help of flour. Before adding it to the dish, fry until golden brown. It will give a nutty flavor;
  12. Do not salt the meat in advance - this worsens its taste and nutritional value decreases;
  13. As an increase in the mass of goulash, squash can be added while roasting vegetables. It will not spoil the taste, but will only give the dish a beautiful shade and even texture;
  14. When frying meat, do not cover the pan with a lid. Do not stack meat pieces tightly together;
  15. Unusually delicious pork stew with mushrooms. Just at the end of cooking, add fried mushrooms to your goulash;
  16. From spices, you do not need to choose too intricate options. The classic set is most suitable: black peppercorns or ground, paprika, bay leaf;
  17. If you want to get juicy meat when roasting, grease it with mustard a few hours before cooking. To keep the meat softer, it must be quickly fried over high heat, then its own juice will remain inside;
  18. The meat will turn out to be especially tender and soft if you keep it for several hours in milk;
  19. The flour in the dish can be changed to corn starch, after dissolving it in water, broth or sour cream;
  20. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put 50 g of butter in the goulash, it will give a delicate milky taste.

Pork gravy is a very convenient and versatile dish. It can be served with any side dish. You can cook porridge from cereals, mashed potatoes, pasta. This gravy will give a great taste to any side dish.

What is the most important thing in gravy? Naturally, she herself, thick, rich, with sour cream and tomato, with vegetables. And most importantly, to have a lot of it. Pork meat gravy can be served with almost any side dish: potatoes in their various incarnations, pasta, cereals.

Came from Hungary in the middle of the last century, goulash was accepted with a bang and did not bypass any house in the Soviet Union. And this is not surprising, because just a couple of tablespoons of goulash was enough for a large plate of potatoes or pasta to make the food delicious, and it was enough to feed the whole large family. You can serve goulash with different side dishes, even with different types of pasta, but in its classic version, goulash, of course, is served with mashed potatoes.

Video "Pork gravy recipe simple and delicious"

Any most ordinary dish of our daily menu can become a real culinary discovery thanks to sauces, sauces and dressings.

Sauces contain substances that stimulate the appetite and work of the stomach. Sauces give dishes a unique taste and appetizing appearance, increase their nutritional value. Sauces are not only served on the table in gravy boats as an addition to certain dishes, but they are also used for various purposes. They are prepared with thickeners (flour, starch) and without them. The basis is usually (meat, vegetable, mushroom), milk, sour cream, etc. Sauces without thickeners are prepared in oil: hot - in butter, cold - in vegetable.

Popular milk sauces easy to prepare and contain a small set of ingredients. They are prepared from milk and white flour browning with the addition of spices. They are used for meat, fish, vegetable, poultry and game dishes. Depending on the application, milk sauce can be of different consistency: thick, used for stuffing, medium density - for baking dishes, liquid - like a regular milk sauce.

milk sauce

Option number 1. thick sauce

Required: 900 ml of milk, 120 g of wheat flour, 120 g of butter, 8 g of salt.

Spasser the flour in butter, then gradually dilute the white hot sauté with hot milk, stirring constantly. Then put salt and boil for 5-7 minutes.

This sauce is used for stuffing chicken or game cutlets, croquettes. For stuffing a number of culinary products from pork, veal, chopped boiled mushrooms, browned onions and spices are added to the sauce.

Option number 2. Very thick milk sauce

For 1 liter of milk, take about 200 g of flour and fry it in a dry frying pan, in the oven, or on low heat on the stove, and then pour it into the milk with rapid stirring and heat the mixture for 5 minutes.

Such a sauce is sometimes used for binding in the manufacture of carrot and cabbage cutlets and meatballs, meat or poultry croquettes, etc.

Option number 3. Medium thick milk sauce

Required: 1 liter of milk, 100 g of wheat flour, 100 g of butter, 10 g of sugar, 3 eggs (yolks).

This sauce is prepared in the same way as thick milk sauce (see recipe). After cooking, cool the sauce to 70-80 degrees, add the yolks boiled with butter.

The sauce must be prepared immediately before using it. This sauce is used for roasting vegetables, meat, fish.

Option number 4. Liquid milk sauce

Required: 1 liter of milk, 50 g of wheat flour, 50 g of creamy milk, 10 g of sugar.

Prepared in the same way as a thick milk sauce, but with added sugar.

Liquid milk sauce is used to prepare dishes from fruits, cereals and pasta. If the sauce is served with cottage cheese or cereal dishes, you can add a little vanillin or dried and crushed orange peel to it.

If you do not need a large amount, or, conversely, you need more of it, you can always adjust the required amount of ingredients. And if at first it will be difficult for you to do this, use the recipes given below, which are calculated for approximately 400-500 g of the finished sauce.

milk sauce

For the liquid sauce you will need: 2 cups milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, salt.
For medium sauce: 2 cups milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, salt.
For thick sauce: 2 cups milk, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, salt.

Liquid, medium density and thick milk sauces differ in composition, but the method of preparing them is the same. Fry the flour in butter, then, stirring constantly, dilute it with hot milk, add salt to taste and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Liquid sauce is served with hot vegetable and cereal dishes. The sauce of medium density is used when baking vegetables, meat and fish. Thick sauce is used for stuffing.

Now, having mastered the wisdom of preparing the main milk sauce, you can diversify it to your liking, giving a flight of fancy, creating new options. Here are a few of them.

Madeira milk sauce

Required: 3 cups cream or milk, ½ cup Madeira, 7 yolks, 100 g butter, ½ cup broth (fish or poultry), ground red pepper, salt.

Mix raw yolks with cold cream or milk and boil on a stove or water bath with continuous stirring, without bringing the mixture to a boil. When the mass thickens, remove it from the heat, add the broth, boiled wine, pepper and salt. Then strain the sauce, stirring, warm and season with butter.

Serve with stewed fish, game, poultry.

Milk sauce with cheese

Required: 650 g of thick milk sauce, 250 ml of broth, 100 g of cheese (Swiss, etc.), 50 g of butter, ground red pepper, salt to taste.

Dilute thick milk sauce with hot broth. Put the grated cheese into the sauce and mix thoroughly. Season with butter, salt and red pepper.

Milk sauce with onions

Required: 0.5 l of the main milk sauce, 150 g of onion, 25 g of oil, salt and black pepper to taste.

Chop the onion and sauté until golden brown. Add the main milk sauce and cook for 10 minutes. Then salt, pepper to taste, strain.

English sauce

Required: 100 g of milk, butter and white bread, 1 onion, 1 cloves, salt to taste.

Grate white bread without crusts, stick a piece of cloves into the onion and put in boiled milk along with butter and salt. Cook for 15 minutes, remove the onion, and beat the rest of the mass with a whisk, adding cream.
Serve hot with boiled meat and poultry, separately serve potatoes, fried in slices.

And here is the famous bechamel sauce, which can be served not only with roast turkey, veal or beef, but also with simple boiled potatoes or pasta.

Option number 1

Required: 100 g butter, 0.5 l milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, salt, ground white pepper, nutmeg to taste, 100 ml of meat broth.

Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add flour, stir quickly with a spatula until smooth, heat the flour, preventing color change.
Pour in the broth, stir.

Then pour cold milk in a thin stream, stir, cook until thickened. Season with salt, white pepper and grated nutmeg to taste.

If you are not going to use the sauce right away, then transfer it to a suitable container. Heat up a piece of butter and pour over the sauce. This way you can store the sauce for several days in the refrigerator.

Option number 2

Required: 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 1 liter of cabbage broth, 1 glass of milk, 1 teaspoon of salt, 100 g of cheese.

Peel the onion, finely chop and sauté in butter with flour. Add cabbage broth and milk. Boil, salt.

Serve sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

Dairy sauces for desserts

Milk sauces are also served with dessert dishes, dough products. But most often they are made sweet.

Vanilla milk sauce

Required: 2 cups milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour or starch, 3 yolks, vanillin.

Dilute flour or starch with cold milk (1/2 cup). Grind the yolks with sugar, combine with diluted flour and gradually pour in ½ cup of hot milk. Flavor the mixture with vanilla and cook until thickened over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove sauce from heat and continue stirring until completely cooled.

Sweet milk sauce

Option number 1

Required: 1 liter of milk, 40 g of wheat flour, 40 g of butter, 120 g of sugar, vanillin, salt to taste.

Prepare white flour browning and dilute it hot with hot milk, stirring constantly, put salt, sugar, vanillin, previously dissolved in a small amount of hot water, and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Option number 2

You will need: 300 ml of milk, 2 eggs, ½ cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Grind sugar well with egg yolks and flour. Dilute this mass with hot milk and, stirring constantly, cook until boiling. As soon as the sauce thickens, remove it from heat, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add vanilla sugar.

To be continued…
