
You can add plain vinegar to sushi. To create it you will need

Japanese sushi dishes and rolls are highly revered in domestic open spaces. Cooking rolls is quite difficult, but the housewives got used to it. If you buy completely all the ingredients needed to get delicious rolls, then it will cost a pretty penny. Algae, rice, rice vinegar, salted salmon, all these ingredients are expensive. But you still need to buy: pickled ginger, wasabi, soy sauce, Philadelphia cheese, crab sticks, avocado. This is not a complete list. Exotic lovers also buy special algae, which are used as fillings, mushrooms and other ingredients.

The output of rolls from a bag of rice (usually the bag contains no more than 450 g), nori packaging is not large, especially if they are prepared for a company of several people. We can say that the rolls are very expensive. In addition, the ingredients for them are not sold in all stores. But many components are subject to replacement, and quality. The fact that the replacement was made is not particularly noticeable. The dish still turns out delicious and people will appreciate it. Rice, Philadelphia cheese, even fish can be easily replaced. But here's how to cook vinegar for rolls at home, what do you need for this?

What can replace rice vinegar inrolls?

People in the household often use a variety of varieties of vinegar. Often consumed, of course, is the usual table 9% vinegar. It is quite saturated "strong". Varieties such as apple, wine, are less saturated. The amount of essence in them is about 6%. Real rice vinegar contains a small amount of essence, about 3-5%. But in fact, a variety of commonly used varieties of vinegar can be replaced with rice. Apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar are great for this. They just need to be diluted with a little water. This can be done by eye, but special proportions can also be used.

Preparation of wine vinegar to be used for dressingrolls.

If we are talking about 6% vinegar, then it must be diluted by a third with water. Then, after dilution, sugar and salt are added to it, and as a result, a sauce is obtained, which can be seasoned with sushi rice. You can make wine vinegar at home if you can’t buy it in the store. And, then, dilute it a little with water to season the rice. Although, if we are talking about homemade wine vinegar, then you may not have to dilute it, you need to taste it, since each person at home can get a different vinegar.

Prepare it as follows. A three-liter jar is poured with freshly squeezed grape juice, sugar is added to it in an amount of 200 g, and the top of the jar is closed with a glove with a hole. Over time, the glove will fill with gases, inflate, and then after another time it will fall off. After the end of the fermentation process, you need to strain the contents of the jar, then it settles for some more time and should brighten. After that, the vinegar will be ready.

It can be safely used in cooking, including for making rolls. By the way, you can use both white and red grapes to make vinegar, which is suitable for rolls.

Wine vinegar and soy sauce dressing.

Another rice dressing can be made from wine vinegar, soy sauce and sugar. Soy sauce contains enough salt, so it does not need to be added, they replace water to dilute the vinegar. You can use ordinary table vinegar for dressing. But it is advisable to do this as a last resort. You need to dilute it with water by half. He has a specific taste, he is not very suitable, but in the absence of anything better, he will do. Lemon juice is also used, a little water is added to it. Salt and sugar are put according to the recipe, that is, two tablespoons of juice will need two teaspoons of water, 1 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt.

Making rice vinegar at home.

There is a special recipe for making homemade rice vinegar. Good housewives will surely take note of it. You need to take 300 g of any rice. It can be round or long grain, it doesn't matter. For cooking, you need to use glass or porcelain dishes, and use a wooden stick to stir. First, the rice must be washed, and then pour 1.2 liters of water into it. Then it is infused at room temperature for 4 hours, and then a day in the cold. Then the liquid is carefully filtered through gauze, the rice is separated.

Add 900 g of sugar to the liquid and dissolve it well. The liquid is then boiled on a steam bath for 20 minutes and then cooled. After that, dry yeast is added in an amount of 1/3 tbsp. spoons. Then the mixture should ferment for 4-7 days and then the container is changed. It is necessary to pour the fermenting liquid into a new clean jar. After that, the jar is placed in a dark place and the liquid wanders there for a month or longer, you need to try it and determine the readiness to taste. The neck of the container is tied with gauze during fermentation. The yield of the product is impressive. It turns out more than a liter. The wasted ingredients are worth a ridiculous price. But in the store, the price for 250 g of ready-made rice vinegar is impressive.

Fans of Japanese cuisine are well aware of the important role that rice vinegar (su) plays in it. Without its addition, it is impossible to cook rolls and sushi, as it holds the rice together without making it slippery and unpleasant in taste and appearance. But not everyone is aware that the product is also good for health. In particular, it improves liver function, helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Asian cosmetologists add su to tonics and creams, as it promotes skin rejuvenation, nourishes and moisturizes it, smoothes and tightens it. Cooks respect rice vinegar for its pleasant sweet and sour taste that can transform the taste of any dish, while it does not act on the stomach as irritatingly as ordinary vinegar. This is also used by people who are on a diet, seasoning dishes instead of mayonnaise and ketchup with rice vinegar, the energy value of which is only 18 kcal.

Rice vinegar of industrial production in our country is no longer a scarce commodity, it can be purchased at most supermarkets and just large grocery stores. However, this product is not cheap, and not every housewife can afford to add it to dishes as generously as apple or grape. However, rice vinegar itself, and its analogues, can be prepared by yourself. If you know how to make rice vinegar at home, you can cook your favorite Japanese dishes as often as you like. In terms of benefits, such a product will not be inferior to the store and may even be of better quality than the purchased one.

Cooking features

The process of making rice vinegar at home is no more complicated than making a similar product from apples or grapes. The technology has its own specifics, but it is enough to learn a few secrets in order to avoid mistakes and get the expected result.

  • The basis for the preparation of rice vinegar is rice groats. Parboiled rice is best suited for this purpose, as it comes out too cloudy from uncooked su.
  • To make vinegar, rice is washed well, usually with warm water, then poured with clean liquid and infused. After straining, rice water is obtained, which later turns into vinegar.
  • For the preparation of rice vinegar, sugar and yeast are also used, which provide fermentation. Sugar can be white or brown. The ratio of rice water, sugar and yeast must be exactly as indicated in the recipe, otherwise the result may not be as expected.
  • It is advisable to use dry yeast for the preparation of rice vinegar. Pressed will give the product a specific smell that is not characteristic of real rice vinegar.
  • If fermentation does not occur after mixing rice water with sugar and yeast, or it proceeds slowly, then you mixed the yeast with too hot or too cold liquid. The optimum temperature for yeast activation is between 30 and 40 degrees. In a cold environment, they refuse to work, and under the influence of hot temperatures they die. If the yeast was activated correctly, but the rice water is still fermenting poorly, try moving the container with it to a warmer place. The higher the temperature in the room, the more actively the product ferments.
  • Immediately after preparation, homemade rice vinegar always turns cloudy, but this does not affect its organoleptic qualities. If you want a flawless result, you can lighten the vinegar with protein. This will require raw egg white. It is dipped in cloudy vinegar, boiled until the protein curdles (this happens quickly), then the vinegar is filtered - it will become transparent.

For the preparation of sushi and rolls in its pure form, it is rarely used, usually it is brought to the desired taste by adding salt or soy sauce, regular or brown sugar to it. This is done immediately before cooking.

If homemade rice vinegar is poured into clean bottles and sealed tightly, it may kept long enough, up to several months. The shelf life of the product will be longer if kept in a cool place.

homemade rice vinegar recipe

  • rice groats - 0.21 kg;
  • boiled water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • dry yeast - 5 g;
  • chicken egg (raw) - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse rice. Fill it with warm boiled water in the amount indicated in the recipe. Leave for 2-4 hours at room temperature, covering the container with rice with a thin cloth or a regular lid.
  • After the specified time, put the rice in the refrigerator and leave for at least 12 hours (but not more than a day).
  • Strain. Pour the rice infusion into a saucepan, add sugar.
  • Heat over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool its contents to 35-40 degrees.
  • Add yeast, stir.
  • Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters. Tie the neck with gauze. Place the jar in a warm and dark place.
  • Within 4-7 days, the rice infusion will ferment, then the bubbles will disappear, the fermentation will stop.
  • Pour the composition into a clean container, cover with a lid, making a narrow hole in it with a knife. Leave to infuse at room temperature for 1-1.5 months.
  • Strain the composition and pour into a saucepan.
  • Separate the egg white, beat it with a whisk or a mixer, add to the rice vinegar.
  • Bring the composition to a boil. Strain to rid the vinegar of bits of coagulated protein.

It remains to pour the vinegar into clean bottles, cork and store in a cool place.

Rice Vinegar Sushi Dressing

  • rice vinegar - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 30–40 g;
  • salt - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the right amount of bite into the cup.
  • Add salt and sugar, mix thoroughly.

The dressing prepared according to this recipe is enough to make rolls or sushi from two glasses of cooked rice.

Rice apple cider vinegar

  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with soy sauce.
  • Add sugar. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Apple cider vinegar in the composition can be replaced with grape. Of course, the resulting composition will not be rice vinegar, but will resemble it in taste and in its qualities.

Rice vinegar is an important ingredient in Japanese cuisine. You can make it at home. This process is simple but lengthy.

Sushi came to us, as you know, from Japanese cuisine, in which each ingredient plays a special role. Often people who decide to cook sushi on their own ask themselves the question - what is rice vinegar for sushi and how to use it correctly? After all, it is usually mentioned in recipes. You can find the answer to this question here, we will tell you about the correct use of this product so that you are definitely not mistaken! How much rice vinegar to add? What does it taste like? Questions will be covered in detail, and you will be pleasantly surprised by preparing everything according to our recommendations.

What is it and how to use it?

Rice vinegar has a sweetish taste, it is quite soft and without it and is not sushi at all, the Japanese definitely know a lot about cooking. How much rice vinegar you need, no one can tell you for sure, because everyone has their own secrets, so try experimenting.

You need to add vinegar to flavor the rice, besides, it makes it a little sticky. This will help you shape the rice for a wide variety of shapes. How much vinegar is needed to make the rice sticky enough is also worth determining when cooking. A lot depends on how much rice vinegar you add, and one of the best things about it is that it is very healthy and even has an antibacterial effect.

But how much anyway?

To make rice vinegar dressing, you will need sugar and salt. For 450-500 g of rice, you need to put 2 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. salt and sugar. Without bringing to a boil, the dressing is stirred, then the rice is sprinkled with this mixture or simply watered, while using wooden appliances. Stir gently, without pressing, so as not to accidentally cook porridge.

Vinegar has been known to people since ancient times, it is even mentioned in the Bible and the Sunnah. There are more than 4 thousand types of its preparation, and the recipes of many Asian dishes include expensive vinegar, the basis of which is rice. The question of how to replace rice vinegar is of interest to many housewives, but is it worth it? Let's try to understand this article.

What kind of food is rice vinegar used for?

Sushizu is a mixture of rice vinegar, granulated sugar and plain salt. 1 liter of ready-made dressing used in the preparation of classic sushi contains 600 g of regular white sugar and 200 g of salt.

Rice vinegar is traditionally used in a variety of dishes:

  • salads;
  • drinks;
  • fish and meat dishes;
  • various sauces.

The use of the product corresponds to its variety, there are three of them - white, black and red vinegar.

White rice vinegar is suitable for making sushi and rolls. Other species are used to season soups, create sauces and drinks.

What can replace the product for sushi and rolls

Buying rice vinegar for sushi and rolls is easy. Although its price is several times higher than that of other types of natural vinegar, experienced chefs do not recommend replacing it with something else.

There is ordinary rice vinegar on sale, and there is a ready-made seasoning for sushi based on it - Sushizu. It is necessary to carefully read the composition on the label, if sugar and salt are indicated among the components, then this is a ready-made dressing. You need to add it to sushi in the amount of 150 g per 1 kg of finished boiled rice.

If you bought regular rice vinegar, you can make your own dressing. For 1 kg of cooked rice, you will need 100 g of vinegar, 50 g of granulated sugar and a small spoonful of fine salt. In order for the granules to dissolve completely, the vinegar will need to be slightly warmed up, preventing boiling.

The subtleties of marinating meat:

  1. Marinate the meat before frying. Only pork or beef is suitable for this; chicken does not like such an additive in the marinade.
  2. If it is pork, they take the neck, the inside of the ham or tenderloin, for beef - a thick and thin edge, tenderloin.
  3. For the marinade, mix: onion chopped in a blender (2 tablespoons), table vinegar 9% (2 tablespoons), olive oil (2 tablespoons), mustard (1 teaspoon), seasoning for shish kebab, ground black pepper.
  4. They put the meat to marinate for at least 4 hours, and preferably until the morning.

The subtleties of pickling fish (mackerel) for sushi.

To prepare the marinade, take:

  • soy sauce;
  • mitsukan (the same rice vinegar);
  • sake;
  • shavings of ginger;
  • mirin (sweet rice wine).

Action algorithm:

  1. All components are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. Add a spoonful of granulated sugar and medium-sized salt.
  3. Butcher mackerel - cut off the head and separate the fillet.
  4. Bones are removed from the fillet with tweezers.
  5. Pour the fillet with marinade for at least 3 hours.

Marinated ginger.

Required products:

  • unpeeled ginger - kilo;
  • red wine - 100 ml;
  • beets - ½ pcs.;
  • vinegar (any available) - 240 ml;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • filtered water - half a liter + 2.5 liters of boiling water;
  • salt.


  1. Ginger root is pre-cleaned and salted.
  2. They put it in a food bag, wrap it tightly and send it in a cool place until morning.
  3. After the specified time, the root is placed in a colander, washed.
  4. With a vegetable peeler, it is chopped with elegant plates along the fibers.
  5. Pour into a large bowl, add a spoonful of medium-sized salt.
  6. Pour 2.5 liters of boiling water.
  7. Cover for 20 minutes.
  8. Prepare the marinade by dissolving granulated sugar, wine and vinegar in water. Pieces of beets are dipped into the resulting composition.
  9. Water is drained from ginger, transferred to pre-prepared jars and poured with ready-made marinade
  10. Cool and put in a cool place for a day.

Wine can be omitted from the recipe, but it makes the ginger taste more savory. If you do not put beets, ginger will turn out not pink, but white-yellow.

How to make rice vinegar at home

Real rice vinegar is made in Korea. There, the technology and secrets of its production are passed down from generation to generation.

This process is lengthy and requires not only knowledge of the recipe, but also the presence of special microorganisms that ensure fermentation.

If you feel like experimenting, try making a product that resembles rice vinegar for rolls and sushi, according to the following recipe.


  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • yeast - ¼ tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Process description:

  1. Rice is poured with cold water and left for 4 hours.
  2. Then the product is put in the cold until morning, after which it is filtered without squeezing the grains.
  3. Sugar is added to rice water and heated on a steam bath until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Dry yeast is introduced, having previously cooled the broth to a comfortable temperature.
  5. The composition is poured into a sterile jar and, covered with gauze, put in a dark place for 1 week.
  6. After this period, the liquid is poured into another sterile jar, leaving a sediment at the bottom of the previous one.
  7. Withstand the solution, covered with gauze, for another 1 month.
  8. Then it is poured gently, without sediment, into a saucepan and the future vinegar is boiled, adding egg white.
  9. Strain the composition and bottle it. Seal tightly.

Traditional rice vinegar is prepared using a different technology. The fermentation process takes over a year. All operations are performed manually. Rice vinegar, industrially prepared in the West, has a more sour taste.

How is it different from other types of vinegar

There are different types of vinegar - synthetic and natural. Ordinary synthetic table vinegar should not be used for food purposes, according to nutritionists. In some foreign countries, this is prohibited by law. Such a product does not contain anything useful, it is valued only for its sour taste and preservative abilities. In the table of food additives, it is listed as E 260.

Vinegar is usually used for dough to make it more airy, added to salads, seasonings and preservation. The problem is that the concentration of synthetic vinegar can be higher than that indicated by the manufacturer, and after eating dishes seasoned with it, you can get a burn of the mucous membrane.

Natural vinegar is much healthier. It cannot contain more than 9% acid concentration, it is safe for health. The concentration of rice vinegar for sushi is only 3%.

Such a product is more expensive than synthetic. It is prepared from rice, grape, apple or fruit wine. The label says: "ethyl alcohol and cultures of acetic bacteria." All useful vitamins, macro and microelements are preserved in natural vinegar, its shelf life does not exceed 1 year.

Rice vinegar is used in many dishes, but finding it in stores can be very difficult. And yes, this product is expensive. However, this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​pampering your loved ones with unusual goodies. What can be substituted for rice vinegar?


Vinegar 50 milliliters Soy sauce 50 milliliters Sugar 20 grams

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes

What is rice vinegar for?

Rice vinegar is a key ingredient in Japanese cuisine. If you prefer to cook rolls and sushi with your own hands, this ingredient is indispensable.

Firstly, it has a very delicate delicate taste, perfectly emphasizing the dish. Secondly, this vinegar has antibacterial properties. This is very important, because raw fish is often present in sushi and rolls.

Inexperienced cooks sometimes replace rice vinegar with wine, apple cider vinegar, or even regular vinegar. Here they make a mistake, since the taste of these seasonings is very different and you can easily spoil the dish. There are several different recipes for making a great alternative to rice vinegar.

50 ml of table vinegar;

50 ml soy sauce;

20 g sugar.

Combine all the ingredients in one container and stir them until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4 tbsp. l. grape vinegar;

3 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt.

Mix the ingredients and put the mixture on a slow fire. Stir until the salt and sugar dissolve, but do not bring the mixture to a boil. Allow the finished sauce to cool and infuse.

1 st. l. apple cider vinegar;

1.5 st. l. boiling water;

0.5 tsp salt;

1 tsp Sahara.

Knead the ingredients until the salt and sugar are dissolved and a homogeneous liquid is formed. It is not necessary to heat the sauce according to this recipe, but it is important to use very hot water so that the components “play” together.

It is important to follow the exact proportions in each recipe, otherwise you will not achieve the desired taste. Sprinkle salt and sugar with teaspoons without a slide. When pouring vinegar or soy sauce, do not rely on your eye, but use a measuring cup or kitchen scale. Take the time to knead the seasoning. Poorly dissolved particles of salt or sugar will nullify all your efforts.

Now you know how to replace rice vinegar. Choose a recipe to your taste and start cooking. Be sure to treat your loved ones with delicious rolls and sushi, because the home-made performance of these dishes is more soulful than the restaurant one.
