
Is it possible Turkish delight. What is Turkish Delight made of? Oriental sweets

Oriental sweets and delicacies are known all over the world and are no less loved. Millions of tourists visiting Turkey tend to try the national delicacy of this country - Turkish delight. It is difficult, but possible, to repeat the aroma and taste of this sweet at home.

What is Turkish Delight made of?

The composition of the national Turkish dessert is very primitive: sugar syrup or sugar, fruits, berries, nuts, water and starch. Flour is a component that is never added to Turkish Delight. In Eastern cuisine, starch, flour and molasses, mixed together, have a slightly different name - shaker-delight.

In ancient times, such a delicacy was prepared only by specially trained people - kandalachi, who were the only ones who knew how to cook it correctly.

Today, a huge range of ingredients, the popularization of oriental cuisine and the disclosure of long-term secrets have made the Turkish Delight recipe available to every housewife in the world.

Turkish delight recipes

It is easy to make Turkish Delight at home. The recipe for a classic delicacy is now available to many, and a do-it-yourself sweet brings much more benefit to the body than a store-bought one.

In addition, its calorie content is many times lower - after all, the composition includes only natural ingredients without flavors, dyes and preservatives, which not only harm, but also increase the calorie content of Turkish delight.

In order to cook your own Turkish delight, you need:

  • Lemon zest and juice;
  • orange zest and juice;
  • One and a half glasses of clean water;
  • Three tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • Two-thirds of a glass of starch;
  • Scarlet food coloring;
  • Mint essence - a few drops (optional)

So, Turkish delight is being prepared with a minimum calorie content and a bright taste according to the following recipe:

  1. Citrus zest is placed in a saucepan with thick walls and poured with a mixture of lemon and orange juices. Powder and water go there. Citrus zest is cut into thin long strips with a special fruit knife - this way it is easier to remove it from the pan at the end of cooking.
  2. Stirring constantly, the mixture is cooked over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then brought to a boil.
  3. The flame is reduced to a minimum as soon as the mixture begins to boil. On such a fire, she should stand for five minutes. It is impossible to interfere at this time.
  4. A mixture of dye and starch is poured with half a glass of water.
  5. Gelatin is poured with warm water and left to swell for 15 minutes. The same amount of water is added to the already swollen gelatin. The container with the mixture is placed in a water bath. As a result of heating and with constant stirring, a thick, stretchy mass should be obtained. Gelatin should never boil. If it has not completely dissolved, then the cooled mass is filtered.
  6. Gelatin mass, colored starch are mixed with the remaining components.
  7. In a saucepan, all the ingredients are cooked over medium heat, they need to be stirred occasionally. As a result of heating, the mass should become glossy. At the very end, mint flavoring is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  8. Citrus zest is carefully removed from the mass, which is poured over a pre-prepared dish.
  9. The form with Turkish delight is removed for 6 hours in the refrigerator. The finished delicacy is sprinkled with powdered sugar and served cut into pieces to the table.

Easy Turkish Delight Recipe

To prepare a dessert according to this recipe, you need to spend only one hour, unlike the classic version, which requires at least several hours.

At home, Turkish delight with nuts is made from the following products:

  • One third of a glass of starch;
  • Two glasses of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 100 grams of nuts;
  • Two glasses of water;
  • A quarter cup of powdered sugar;
  • Flavoring or food essence;
  • Food coloring.

Cooking order:

  1. Nuts are roasted in an oven at a temperature of 200 ° C for 10 minutes.
  2. One and a half glasses of water is poured into a saucepan with thick walls, in which citric acid and sugar are dissolved.
  3. Sugar syrup is brought to a boil, after which the fire is reduced and the liquid is boiled down. This is done until a characteristic caramel shade and thick consistency appear.
  4. The rest of the citric acid is mixed with starch and water.
  5. Starch diluted with water is boiled over low heat until fully cooked. The finished mass should be almost transparent and thick consistency.
  6. Sugar syrup is slowly poured into starch in a thin stream and mixed thoroughly without removing from heat.
  7. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, after which nuts, dye and flavorings are added to it.
  8. The form into which Turkish delight will be poured is covered with foil, film or special baking paper.
  9. The sweetness is cooled in the refrigerator for 8 hours, after which it is cut and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Turkish delight: harm or benefit?

Not all desserts and sweets benefit the body, but it is the Turkish delicacy that is a pleasant exception to the rule. The composition of Turkish delight (natural, consisting of honey, nuts and natural juices) includes a large amount of glucose, which is the main source of energy for the body and a substance involved in metabolism.

Violations in the work of organ systems and individual organs are the result of an acute shortage of glucose. In addition, Turkish delight, like any other sweet, promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

However, the benefits of Turkish delight go hand in hand with harm: uncontrolled consumption of sweets can cause health problems and excess weight due to the high calorie content of the dish and the large amount of glucose and sugar.

The calorie content of Turkish delight is very high (which, however, is typical for any sweets) and amounts to 316 kcal per 100 grams. Oriental delicacies are not advised to be consumed by those who are diagnosed with diabetes, as its excessive consumption increases blood sugar levels.

Turkish Delight Secrets

Pieces of oriental delicacy are necessarily sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar - so they do not stick to each other and retain an attractive appearance.

A well-known oriental delicacy that children are so happy about. In Soviet times, it was a favorite dessert on the table.

Then his appearance on the tables was not so frequent, and therefore - always a joyful event.

The history of the appearance of this delicacy goes back to the 18th century. The Turkish Sultan hired two of the best chefs.

A real battle began in the kitchen: after all, there are no two housewives. Everyone tried to surprise the Sultan with a new unusual dish.

Competition worked as an engine of progress, and one of the chefs presented the sultan with the most delicate dessert.

Since then, for several centuries, the recipe for Turkish Delight has been kept secret. Only royal persons and their guests were treated to delicacy. And the chef who invented it received a generous reward.

The original recipe of the product included natural ingredients and additives.

Such as:

  • Starch.
  • Sugar syrup.
  • Peanut.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Oriental aromatics.

Today, flavoring and aromatic additives are added to sweets. To preserve the product, extend the shelf life, preservatives are used.

It is hardly possible to call the purchased Turkish delight natural and healthy. But you can always make sweetness yourself, at home.

Recipe for cooking at home

  • Cooking time - 1 hour.
  • Preparatory work time - 40 minutes.
  • Cooling - 5 hours.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Two glasses of boiled water.
  • Two glasses of sugar.
  • Half a glass of starch.
  • Half a teaspoon of citric acid.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • 100 grams of nuts.
  • Food coloring: on the tip of a knife.
  • A quarter cup of powdered sugar and starch for sprinkling.

The result is 16 cubes of Turkish Delight.


  1. Roast the nuts. We do it on a hot pan or in the oven.
  2. Dissolve sugar in half a glass of water, add half the lemon juice.
  3. We put on fire, cook for 5-6 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Mix 1.5 cups of water with starch, add the remaining lemon juice and acid.
  5. We put on fire, cook for 15-25 minutes, until the composition becomes thick.
  6. Add the composition to the syrup, put on fire and cook for another 15 minutes.
  7. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add nuts, flavors, dye - whatever your heart desires. Turkish Delight can be given different flavors and aromas.
  8. Remove from the stove, pour into a rectangular container, lined with cling film, greased with oil. Leave for 5-6 hours to solidify.
  9. We remove the dessert from the container, cut into cubes, sprinkle with powder.

The benefits and harms of sweets

There is no need to talk much about the dangers of Turkish delight. Sweetness is contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes, obesity.

The reverse side of the coin: the benefits of sweets. This includes the production of hormones of joy, there is a feeling of satisfaction, peace.

The anxiety goes away for a while. Strength, endurance appear, concentration of attention is facilitated.

Nuts are of great benefit. 100 grams of nuts for 16 cubes is a fairly large amount.

Nuts have a positive effect on brain function, on the heart and blood vessels. They contain unique substances that are necessary for a person.

Important! Today, cases of an allergic reaction of the body to nuts have become more frequent.

The consequences are quite serious: up to suffocation and coma. Make sure you don't have a nut allergy before trying Turkish Delight.

Useful properties of Turkish delight for the human body:

  • The feeling of fatigue disappears.
  • Accelerates the release of endorphins.
  • The work of the heart improves.
  • When used properly, sore throat goes away.
  • Delicacy in the East is considered a delicious aphrodisiac. Especially useful for women.
  • Gives a large supply of energy, useful for increased mental and physical stress. It is good to use it at the beginning and middle of the working day.
  • Increases immunity due to the content of ascorbic acid, improves resistance to seasonal diseases. Useful for breakfast and snack for schoolchildren and students.
  • A product prepared with honey water improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Oriental sweetness stimulates the production of red blood cells, improving the condition of the blood.

    This leads to a natural expansion, cleansing of blood vessels, which is the prevention of blood clots. This effect is not as pronounced, but studies have shown that it is present.

  • Improves mood, helps fight depression, overcome stress.

How many calories and is it possible to have sweets on a diet

Turkish delight contains 316 calories per 100 grams of product. This number is quite high.

It is good to eat it in the morning, when there is a dense labor activity ahead, and all the calories will be used up.

Important! Because Turkish delight is high in sugar and calories, it is contraindicated for people on a strict diet for medical reasons.

Obese people will not benefit from oriental sweetness.

Excess weight is removed by eliminating high-calorie foods containing a large amount of fast carbohydrates, which include Turkish delight, from the diet.

Weight loss without strict adherence to a diet. Today, many experts are inclined to replace the strict restriction in nutrition with a reduction in portions and an increase in physical activity.

This avoids breakdowns and rapid weight gain. Diets cannot be followed forever, and the weight will definitely return after it ends. This makes any diet ineffective.

If the weight loss program does not include food exclusions, Turkish delight can be consumed. A person should eat small meals, eat dinner early and exercise.

This mode does not cause psychological discomfort. Weight loss is slow, but the weight does not return. You can eat a cube of sweets without fear and continue to lose weight.

Useful video

Türkiye is the birthplace of such a beloved sweet as Rahat-Lokum. This is a real oriental sweet!

The history of this sweet is very interesting, although not known to everyone. The emperor, having broken his teeth on another candy, immediately demanded to make them soft. It was after this incident that such delicious, soft and tender sweets appeared.

On the shelves of stores, such sweetness looks like this: chopped pieces of soft candy, which are abundantly sprinkled with sweet powdered sugar. Such sweets are usually brought by tourists from sunny countries. However, you can make your own Turkish Delight at home. Ingredients and inventory are on the website zapodarkom.com.ua. Don't forget to take a silicone mat. What's stopping you? Cook delicious food yourself and delight your family! See how to make homemade Turkish delight below.

Composition of Turkish Delight

Nowadays, there are many recipes for delicious sweets Rahat - Lokum. Usually this candy is made from all known products: sugar, molasses, starch and, of course, various fillers such as chocolate, nuts, dried fruits. Very often, sugar is replaced with honey. Often mixed with various fruit juices. In general, a real Turkish delight - Lokum should have a white color. When it is made in production, various food additives and dyes are added.

Useful properties of Turkish sweets

Rahat-Lokum is a source of energy for the human body. Due to the large amount of sugar, it heats up our body and brain.

The most useful sweets are those that contain natural juices and real nuts. After all, all of the above contains a very large amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body.

Well, and finally, like any sweetness, it simply improves mood. After all, snacking on sweet candy is a reason for joy.

Are there any harmful properties of Rahat-Lukuma?

No matter how many useful properties, harmful ones cannot be ignored either. Rahat - Lokum is sweet, and therefore teeth can deteriorate very quickly from overeating.

Rakhat sweets are contraindicated for those people who have a disease such as diabetes mellitus. After all, after eating this sweetness, such people will very quickly increase their blood sugar levels.

And, of course, we must not forget that Turkish Delight is produced in factories where they can not do without various kinds of food additives and dyes that do not contribute to improvement.

In any case, such sweets should not be abused, and certainly should not be consumed in kilograms. It is, after all, a gastronomic delight.

Legends of Rahat-Lukum

There are many legends about this sweet. There is even one Eastern fairy tale about this.

A long time ago, a very capricious ruler lived in the East, who loved sweets, but could not find the very thing, no one could satisfy his needs. But at one fine moment, the confectioner was still able to satisfy the gastronomic desires of his master.

Rahat Lokum Recipe! He mixed honey, rose petal extract, almonds and spices. When this mixture warmed up, starch was added there. When all this mixture had cooled, he cut it into pieces, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.

The ruler liked this delicacy so much that it became his favorite. He called it, translated into Russian, "tender pieces."

To believe this fairy tale or not is everyone's business. But no one doubts that Rahat-Lokum is liked by everyone.

Lukum is a traditional Turkish sweet made in many countries of the Ottoman Empire. He is loved all over the world. Even today it remains the most popular souvenir that tourists bring not only from Turkey, but also from Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and other countries of this region. What is Turkish delight, what it is made of, is there any benefit to the human body in this sweetness, we will consider in detail in this article.

The name of this sweet "Turkish Delight" comes from Arabic and translates rahat - "pleasure, comfort, convenience", lokum (lokum) - pieces. The full name can be translated as "pleasure for the palate" or "pleasure for the throat".

The history of the origin of Turkish delight

There are several versions of the origin of this delicacy. Which of the bottom is true, and which is more commercial, historians cannot yet answer this question. But one thing is for sure - the origins of modern Turkish delight originate in the Ottoman Empire, which existed for six centuries.

According to one version, Turkish delight appeared for the first time in 1777 after a man named Haji Bekir Efendi made a pilgrimage to Mecca. Returning from Mecca, he opened a candy store, which soon became very popular for its handmade sweets. The rumor about popularity reached Sultan Mahmud, who, having summoned a confectioner, made him his chief court confectioner. The Sultan had many wives and mistresses and was very fond of sweets.

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the descendants continued the work of their relative, and after the visit of their grandson Hadji Bekir to Europe in 1897, they introduced Europeans to this delicacy and patented the copyright, trademark and recipe for Turkish delight three years later. It was at this time that this sweetness began to gain popularity in Europe.

However, this origin story is questioned by some culinary historians. According to the Englishman Tim Richardson, his grandfather was one of the first suppliers of sweets to England, Bekir's descendants somewhat exaggerated their importance. He is sure that the Turkish delight recipe is much older and goes back many centuries. A similar recipe made of sugar and starch, cut into small pieces, was known to the Persians as early as the beginning of the 9th century AD. It was called "Rose", which means "New Year".

According to another version, lokum was invented over 500 years also for the sweet-toothed sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who loved sweets and women, after he broke his tooth on a lollipop.

The stories are similar and have a lot in common. Lukum may be over a thousand years old. One thing is for sure, that Hadji Beker gave a new taste to this delicacy by adding nuts to it and inventing a recipe where flour is used instead of starch.

Today, Turkish delight is included in the assortment of almost every confectionery factory located around the world. However, everyone associates the origin of sweets with Turkey and considers it a national confectionery. In Turkey itself, it is traditionally served with Turkish coffee.

What is Turkish delight made from?

The original recipe for Turkish delight includes sugar syrup (or rather molasses), starch and rose water. This delight is called Shaker Delight. Sweetness where flour is present instead of starch is called Turkish delight. Later, nuts began to be added to it, and many people simply call this sweet delicacy simply Turkish delight.

Lukum technology is simple. Diluted starch was mixed with sugar and boiled. The nuts are then added and, after cooling, cut into square pieces and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Currently, there are many varieties of this delicacy, including without sugar, nuts, with fruit juices, fresh or dried fruits, candied fruit, vanilla, chocolate, coconut, spices.

It is not always square in shape. Now Turkish delight can be bought in the form of rolls, rectangular, multi-layered, colored, cut into figures.

Its name can directly speak about the filler and additives: fruity, ginger, with figs, with pistachios, nutty, with rose petals.

Cooking sweets takes two days. The whole secret of delicious Turkish delight lies in the careful preparation of raw materials and the constant mixing of the sweet mass and the corresponding long cooling. The process cannot be called too laborious or costly, but requires constant attention. Therefore, cooking at home is sometimes problematic. But probably.

The composition and calorie content of Turkish delight

As mentioned above, the classic Turkish delight recipe includes only starch, sugar and water. Turkish delight with the addition of flower water or honey is considered more expensive.

The composition of the treat directly affects the calorie content of the finished product. Of course, more calories are contained in the product where there are nuts, chocolate, dried fruits. In 100 grams of such Turkish delight, there can be more than 300 calories. Turkish delight with nuts can have over 350-370 calories. But, since it is cut into small pieces, on average one such cube contains about 35-38 calories.

The number of calories is also affected by the type of sugar: ordinary beet or cane, how much it is contained in the finished product.

Colored Turkish delight contains fruit syrup. Classic - traditionally white.

Regardless of whether it is regular Turkish delight without additives, with nuts or other fillers, this sweet is a high-calorie product. And, therefore, no matter how indifferent you are to oriental sweets, you should not consume more than 50 grams, especially if there is a tendency to be overweight.

Turkish delight

Even the biggest sweet tooth is always wondering if there is any benefit in the sweetness that they eat. They seem to be not for use, but for pleasure. Lukum is no exception in this respect. And yet, sweet lovers should be pleased, there are certainly benefits, including in Turkish delight.

Firstly, it is a sweet product, which means that it contains glucose. Glucose has a tonic effect and promotes the release of endorphins into the blood. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the brain, and improves mood.

To a greater extent, of course, the benefits of Turkish delight depend on the additives included in it. Honey has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improves blood composition, digestion and has many other beneficial properties.

Nuts are useful for the brain, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, give a surge of strength and energy.

In ancient times, Turkish delight was considered a medicinal product. It was believed to improve potency and female sexuality. Yes, and the history of its origin indirectly speaks of this.

The name lokuma itself translates as "pleasure for the throat." Mild taste, healthy additives make this sweet not only tasty, but also healthy. It may have once been the first chewable lozenge for sore throats.

Turkish delight

The main harm from Turkish delight is its calorie content. Carbohydrates are quickly and completely absorbed by the body, which will certainly affect the figure.

The additives that are included in the product may cause an allergic reaction in some people.

This delicacy is contraindicated for patients with diabetes mellitus. True, now there are varieties of Turkish delight with sweeteners.

About the benefits and harms of Turkish delight in the video

According to legend, Turkish delight was invented for the voluptuous sultan, who was a great lover of women. And, indeed, the use of Turkish delight is its ability to increase potency and saturate the body with energy for love pleasures.


Turkish delight is a famous oriental sweet. The composition of Turkish delight includes molasses, sugar and starch, and for a variety of flavors, various ingredients are added - berry or fruit juice, nuts, fresh berries, chocolate, candied fruits, vanilla, coconut flakes, etc.

Turkish delight was invented at the end of the 18th century in Istanbul, and in many ways its recipe has remained unchanged to this day. Traditionally, the preparation of sweets takes two days, so it is problematic to cook Turkish delight at home, but if you have diligence and desire, it is possible. The secret of proper preparation lies in the thorough and constant mixing of the sweet mass and observing a long cooling period.

Preparation and composition of Turkish Delight

At the first stage, 400 ml of water, previously infused with rose petals for some time, and 4 cups of sugar are mixed, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is added. This mixture is put on a strong fire and brought to a boil for ten minutes. The finished syrup is removed from the heat and cooled. The second stage of preparation begins with whipping 3 cups of water, 1 cup of starch and 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar. The resulting mass is heated over low heat, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form. After boiling the mass, chilled syrup is poured into it in a thin stream, without ceasing to stir. At the third stage, the sweet billet is boiled at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C for several hours, stirring constantly, until the mass thickens and becomes golden in color. After that, the pan is removed from the heat, and then the transformation of the sweet thick mass into a delicious oriental sweetness begins. Candied fruits, nuts, vanilla, grated chocolate and other ingredients are added to the sweet base, depending on what taste the cook wants to get. At the same time, the amount of additional ingredients can occupy a third of the volume of the entire mass.

In conclusion, the cook pours the still warm and liquid Turkish delight onto a sheet of parchment laid out on a baking sheet and greased with vegetable oil. In order for the mass to be evenly distributed on the sheet, it slightly shakes and shakes the baking sheet, covers the mass on top with plastic wrap and leaves to harden. After about 12 hours, Turkish delight is shaped into the desired shape using special molds or an ordinary sharp knife. The resulting delicacy is sprinkled on top with a mixture of powdered sugar and starch or coconut flakes. Store the finished sweet in a special container or wrapped in paper to avoid contact with air.


The history of the most exquisite and popular oriental sweet is known for certain, unlike many others, regarding the origin of which there are different opinions.

Turkish delight was invented by the court confectioner of the Turkish Sultan, Ali Hadji Bekir, at the end of the 18th century. But about the circumstances preceding the invention, there are several opinions. According to one hypothesis, the great Sultan had a big sweet tooth. Once he broke his tooth on a hard candy and got so angry with the confectioner that he came up with a new soft dessert literally overnight. In Arabic, Turkish Delight means "convenient pieces".

According to another hypothesis, the Arab sultan was very fond of women and had a large harem. The habit of giving pleasure to his women not only with the help of carnal pleasures, but also with a preliminary delicious treat, forced him to demand from his confectioners the invention of new unusual sweets, more and more varied and complex. As a result, Haji Bekir came up with a universal Turkish delight, which included sugar, rose water and starch, and diversified its taste by adding various ingredients. Regardless of what is true, the Sultan and his cook made all the sweet tooth happy for hundreds of years to come, because this viscous and delicate delicacy is popular in many countries of the world to this day.

It is known that the descendants of Haji Bekir became rich and famous owners of a sweet shop in Istanbul, and in the 19th century they introduced Turkish delight at the Brussels Exhibition. The sweet received a gold medal and was widely distributed throughout Europe. In Europe, Turkish delight began to be called "Turkish Delight", or "Turkish delight". The sweetness was especially fond of the British, where it was used for a five-hour tea party. Currently, there are a huge number of types of Turkish delight, a wide variety of forms - these are nut, fruit, two-layer, cubic, children's, sliced, fig, white, honey and many other types.

Turkish Delight Calorie

Like many sweets, the calorie content of Turkish delight is quite high and is about 350 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, it is better not to abuse them and not to eat more than 50 grams of this sweetness per day. And if you want to get rid of excess weight, then it would be best to give it up altogether for a while.

Since Turkish delight contains sugar, its excessive consumption causes "failures" of fat metabolism, which often causes weight gain and fat formation.

The benefits of Turkish Delight

The high calorie content of Turkish delight does not yet give a reason to classify it as a harmful product. Indeed, in this oriental delicacy there is glucose, which, no doubt, is useful for the human body. Thanks to the effects of glucose, cardiac activity and brain function are improving, and the production of endorphins, hormones that elevate mood and work efficiency, is enhanced. In addition, glucose, which is part of Turkish delight, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and improves intestinal motility.

Some will find it very strange, but the benefits of Turkish Delight are also to increase immunity. It turns out that glucose in combination with starch forms a component that helps the human body fight colds and viral diseases.

The benefits of Turkish Delight largely depend on the additives included in the recipe. So, for example, pieces of orange or lemon help to cure a cold, honey improves blood quality and normalizes digestion, berries and fruit juices saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals.


Due to the high calorie content of Turkish delight and high sugar content, in the body, sweetness turns into fat and is deposited under the membranes of the internal organs and skin. Therefore, excessive consumption of sweets leads to hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

Among other things, the oriental delicacy violates the secretion of enzymes of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, and also spoils tooth enamel. Therefore, in the presence of chronic diseases and a sedentary lifestyle, it is better not to use Turkish delight at all.
