
Is it possible to paint the mastic with a dry dye. How to make dyes for elastic mastic

Mastic today is a very famous product. They cover cakes with it, make figurines for decorating confectionery products, and create primitive toys. However, the mastic itself is an ordinary white mass, similar to plasticine. And in order for mastic products to be authentic and diverse, it must be painted. But not everyone knows how to do it positively.

You will need

  • - food coloring (gel or dry);
  • - gouache paints;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - brushes.


1. The most primitive and harmless method to paint mastic - the use of food colorings. If you take gel, then you only need to drop each one a couple of times from the bottle onto the material. Later, knead the mass richly and get a homogeneous lump of graceful dough, from which it is more possible to create. Just remember that it is necessary to mix the dough with paint very actively, so that the mastic does not harden, and the color is distributed evenly.

2. If you are using dry dyes, you can dye mastic by two methods. 1st looks like this. Take a toothpick and dip it in dry dye, then pierce the mass itself with it. Repeat this several times, after which start mixing the dough. Do this until the color is evenly distributed. If you feel that the color intensity is not enough, add dry powder again with a toothpick.

3. The 2nd method of staining mastic with dry dyes looks like this. Put a little dye of one color or another in a small container. You only need a teaspoon of each. Drop 2-3 drops of ordinary water or lemon juice into it (diluted citric acid is also suitable) and mix. After that, place this mixture in the mastic dough and mix.

4. If you are not going to eat mastic figurines, you can paint the initial material with ordinary gouache paints. You will also need 1-2 drops of them. Be zealous not to pour too much, on the contrary, you risk spoiling mastic - tea from excessive moisture, it just breaks. As with food coloring, stir mastic and paint. Start creating.

5. Allowed to be dyed mastic and after the fact. To do this, mold a figure, combine its parts together, let it dry - traditionally, the mastic dries for about a day. Then take felt-tip pens or paints and a brush and start coloring. Again, remember that it is impossible to wet the material powerfully - your toy may leak.

Homemade cakes are a bit easy to bake - they have to look great. What to come up with for decoration if you don’t want to create the usual cream roses on the surface of each? It is quite primitive to prepare confectionery mastic at home, the basis of which is condensed milk.

For 150 g of condensed milk, you will need a glass of powdered sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice, as well as milk or cream in powder - about one and a half glasses. More powdered cream is occasionally required. Consumption must be controlled at ease during preparation and kneading of the mass.

In a deep bowl, mix milk or cream with powdered sugar. Add condensed milk, stir. Prepare your work surface. The mastic will need to be kneaded like dough. Sprinkle the surface on which you will do this with powdered sugar. After that, put the mass from the bowl on it and knead until it stops sticking to your hands.

If it seems to you that the mastic turns out to be excessively sugary, you can replace part of the powder with potato starch. When it is added, the mass will stick less to the hands. If there is glycerin, drop a few drops - this will help the mastic become more beautiful and flexible, and not dry out during storage.

Ready mastic is allowed to be considered when it reaches uniformity. You should get an elastic, flexible mass, resembling plasticine in its properties. When the mass is kneaded, it is allowed to start sculpting figures from it. The surface on which you are going to do this, cover with powder. On it, the mastic is allowed to be rolled out without fear that it will stick to the table.

To get different colors of the confectionery mass, divide it into parts and add food coloring to each of them. To acquire a chestnut or beige color, it is allowed to use cocoa powder. Pink and scarlet color is obtained by adding berry syrup.

Decorations must be made in advance - they must dry before serving them on the table or decorating the cake. To dry, they need to be wrapped in a film or placed in a suitable dish and covered with a lid. If the mass remains, it is allowed to save it in the refrigerator. Before sculpting from it again, leave it for 30 minutes in a room at room temperature, in a film, so that the mastic becomes soft and more pliable.

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Pastry fondant is a spectacular way to decorate a cake in any way you like. It is comfortable to use, graceful, perfectly stored and looks charming on the cake. It is allowed to decorate a wide variety of desserts with mastic - from themed cakes to multi-tiered wedding cakes.

Often, when working with mastic, it is required to paint it in some color. This can be done using special food dyes of the desired shade. And if the choice in stores is not pleasing and you cannot find the required shade, these tips can come to the rescue.

· If you can not find the right food coloring, or contrary to the use of chemical dyes, it is allowed to use juices. A clear green color will give the mastic spinach juice, scarlet - beet juice, orange - carrot juice. For a clearer color, you can defrost the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. A more concentrated color is obtained by boiling spinach in a small amount of water and straining.

· Yellow color can be obtained from turmeric. To do this, you need to brew turmeric with boiling water (1 tablespoon of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of boiling water), let it brew, then strain. The resulting decoction can be used as a yellow dye.

· Violet color can be obtained from elderberry juice. Another way to get purple dye is to boil shredded red cabbage in a small amount of water.

· It is very difficult to dye mastic black without black dye. Craftswomen in this case use a mixture of 3 dyes: one part red and blue and two parts blue. The resulting blackness depends on the shades of dyes that were used. The color may not be entirely black, but slightly greenish with a hint of purple.

Another way to get black is to add burnt sugar to the mastic, getting a chestnut color. After that, correct the color with blue dye.

Use these tips - and your desserts will delight you and your guests with bright colors.

It is not worth pouring dry dye into the mastic. You will not be able to stir it positively, and the mass will turn out to be spotty and with lumps.


The easiest and safest way to color is to use food coloring. If you take, then you just need to drip a couple of times from the bottle onto the material. Then intensively knead the mass and get a homogeneous lump of plastic dough, from which you can already create. Just remember that you need to mix the dough with paint very vigorously so that the mastic does not harden and the color is evenly distributed.

If you are using dry dyes, you can dye mastic two ways. The first one looks like this. Take a toothpick and dip it into the dry dye, then pierce the mass itself with it. Repeat this several times, then start mixing the dough. Do this until the color is evenly distributed. If you feel that the color intensity is not enough, add dry powder again with a toothpick.

The second method of staining with dry dyes looks like this. Put some dye of one color or another in a small container. You only need a teaspoon of the product. Drop 2-3 drops of plain water or lemon juice (diluted citric acid is also suitable) into it and mix. Then put this mixture into the mastic dough and mix.

If you are not going to eat mastic figurines, you can paint the source material with ordinary gouache paints. You will also need 1-2 drops of them. Try not to pour too much, otherwise you risk spoiling mastic - after all, from excessive moisture, it simply breaks. As with food coloring, stir mastic and paint. Start creating.

Can be dyed mastic and after the fact. To do this, mold a figure, connect its parts together, let it dry - usually the mastic dries for about a day. Next, take felt-tip pens or paints and a brush and start coloring. Again, remember that you can’t wet the material too much - your toy may leak.


It is not worth pouring dry dye into the mastic. You will not be able to mix it properly, and the mass will turn out to be spotty and with lumps.

It’s not enough just to bake homemade cakes – they have to look beautiful. What to come up with for decoration if you don’t want to create the usual cream roses on the surface? It is very easy to prepare confectionery mastic at home, the basis of which is condensed milk.

For 150 g of condensed milk, you will need a glass of powdered sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice, as well as milk or cream in powder - about a glass and a half. Powdered cream is sometimes needed more. The consumption must be controlled directly during the preparation and kneading of the mass.

In a deep bowl, mix milk or cream with powdered sugar. Add condensed milk, stir. Prepare your work surface. The mastic will need to be kneaded like a dough. Sprinkle the surface on which you will do this with powdered sugar. Then spread the mass from the bowl on it and knead until it stops sticking to your hands.

If it seems to you that the mastic is too sugary, some of the powder can be starch. When it is added, the mass will stick less to the hands. If there is glycerin, drip a few drops - this will help the mastic become more beautiful and elastic, and not dry out during storage.

Ready mastic can be considered when it reaches uniformity. You should get an elastic, elastic mass, resembling plasticine in its properties. When the mass is kneaded, you can begin to sculpt figures from it. The surface on which you are going to do this, cover with powder. On it, the mastic can be rolled out without fear that it will stick to the table.

To get different colors of the confectionery mass, divide it into parts and add food coloring to each of them. Cocoa powder can be used to obtain brown or beige. Pink and red color is obtained by adding berry syrup.

Decorations must be made in advance - they must dry before serving them on the table or decorating the cake. To dry, they must be wrapped in a film or placed in a suitable dish and covered with a lid. If the mass remains, it can be stored in the refrigerator. Before sculpting from it again, leave it for half an hour in a room at room temperature, in a film, so that the mastic becomes softer and more pliable.

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Pastry fondant is a spectacular way to decorate a cake the way you want. It is easy to use, plastic, perfectly stored and looks great on the cake. You can decorate a variety of desserts with mastic - from themed cakes to multi-tiered wedding cakes.

Often, when working, it is required to paint it in any color. This can be done using special food coloring of the desired shade. And if the choice in stores is not pleasing and you can’t find the right shade, these tips can come to the rescue.

· If you can't find the right food coloring or don't want to use chemical coloring, juices can be used. Spinach juice will give a light green color to the mastic, beet juice will give red - beet juice, orange - carrot juice. For a lighter color, you can defrost the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. A more concentrated color is obtained by boiling spinach in a small amount of water and straining.

· Yellow color is available. To do this, you need to brew turmeric with boiling water (1 tablespoon of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of boiling water), let it brew, then strain. The resulting decoction can be used as a yellow dye.

· Violet color can be obtained from elderberry juice. Another way to get purple dye is to boil shredded red cabbage in a little water.

It is very difficult to dye the mastic black without black dye. Craftswomen in this case use a mixture of three dyes: one part red and blue and two parts blue. The resulting blackness depends on the shades of dyes that were used. The color may not be completely black, but slightly greenish with a hint of purple.

Another way to get a black color is to add burnt sugar to the mastic, getting a brown color. Then correct the color with blue dye.

Use these tips - and your desserts will delight you and your guests with bright colors.

Today I will tell you how to make buttermilk cake fondant at home. Mastic looks very nice on cakes. With its help, you can fit cakes, sculpt beautiful figures and patterns. But since the main consumers of sweets are children, I want the cake to be not only beautiful and tasty, but at least not harmful. Therefore, I advise you to make mastic with your own hands at home.

Powdered milk mastic recipe

I will make mastic from powdered milk. To prepare the mastic, I use the recipe for which you will need:

  • Powdered milk 150 gr.
  • Powdered sugar 150 gr.
  • Condensed milk 1/2 can.

How to make mastic at home

Making mastic at home is not difficult, you just need a little patience and desire.

To do this, take milk powder and powdered sugar in the same amount.

Mix thoroughly and sift through a sieve. This is necessary so that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps, which then, when rolled out, will tear our mastic.

Do not be stingy and take more fatty milk powder, it will make the mastic elastic and obedient. Then you can roll it out in a thin layer, without tearing, which is very important for wrapping the cake.

After pouring your mixture into a deep bowl, gradually stirring, add condensed milk. To prepare mastic, you will need about half a can of condensed milk. After pouring it, knead the mastic well.

Start kneading the mixture first with a spoon, and when the mixture thickens, you should knead with your hands.

If the mastic crumbles

If the kneaded mastic crumbles and continues to crumble, add a little more condensed milk. If the mastic mixture floats, dry it with a small amount of milk powder.

Hand kneading mastic

At first, the mixture sticks terribly to the hands and spreads. You will understand that the mastic is ready when the mass becomes homogeneous and begins to lag behind the hands.

Mastic consistency

The consistency of the mastic will resemble soft plasticine or shortbread dough. The color of the finished mastic is from milky white to cream. There is never a pure white mastic made from powdered milk.

How to store mastic?

Ready mastic can be stored for quite a long time. To do this, it must be put in the refrigerator or freezer, wrapped in a plastic bag.

It is very comfortable. After all, you can prepare mastic in advance, a few days before the holiday itself and baking your cake.

The storage conditions for the finished cake are somewhat different. It is necessary to store a cake decorated with powdered milk mastic in the refrigerator at medium temperature.

From extreme cold, “perspiration” may appear on the surface of the cake.

So, we figured out how to make mastic for a cake at home, we got it homogeneous and elastic. But that is not all.

How and how to paint mastic at home

The finished mastic has a milky white tint, and in order for the cake to turn out beautiful and bright, the finished mastic needs to be painted. How and how to paint mastic at home, we will now analyze.

How to dye mastic with dye

Divide the finished mastic into proportional parts and paint with liquid dye in the colors you need. To do this, add a few drops of dye to a piece of mastic and mix thoroughly.

The easiest way is to take ready-made food coloring. There are natural and synthetic food colors.

Natural dyes are extracts from plants and vegetables for coloring dishes. They are, of course, expensive. True, in order to paint the mastic, you only need a few drops, so they last for a long time.

How to paint mastic with dry dye

Dry powdered food colors will not dissolve in the mastic, due to its density, and the color will be uneven, speckled.

Therefore, to paint the mastic with a dry dye, you need to take a little powder on the tip of a knife and mix it with a few drops of water. Then mix the liquid thoroughly and drip into the mastic.

How to replace food coloring for mastic

How to color the mastic if you do not have food coloring?

You can dye the mastic with homemade improvised natural dyes. They perfectly replace purchased synthetic powders. To do this, you can use vegetable and fruit juices, seasonings.

How to get the right colors for mastic:

  • pink, red- beet juice, cherry juice, pomegranate juice;
  • brown- cocoa, coffee;
  • yellow and its shades- carrot juice, turmeric;
  • violet- blueberry or blackcurrant juice;
  • blue- decoction or juice of blue cabbage;
  • green- juice or decoction of spinach, parsley, lettuce;

Base for mastic. Cream

From moisture, the mastic from milk powder flows and dissolves. Therefore, it is not worth spreading it on liquid creams. You must first make a base for mastic, for this we use oil cream.

This is an important rule: when you cover the cake with mastic, be sure to put the mastic on the oil base.

If the cream in your cake is sour cream, protein or any other, you need to cover it on top and on the sides with a layer of butter cream or softened butter.

Mastic reveals all the bumps and bumps. Therefore, having smeared the finished cake with butter cream, put it in the refrigerator to harden.

When the cream hardens, it must be properly leveled. To do this, take a wide knife, dip it in hot water, quickly wipe it off moisture, and run it over the surface, removing bumps.

When the knife cools down, the procedure can be repeated. Having given the surface of the cake the desired shape, in your opinion, put it in the refrigerator, let it harden. When the butter has hardened, you will have a good base for buttercream cake fondant.

How to properly cover a cake with fondant

Now the cake can be safely covered with mastic.

The consistency of mastic is similar to plasticine. To cover the cake with fondant, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is convenient to roll out mastic on starch.

It is important to properly cover the cake with mastic without wrinkles. To do this, roll it out, carefully place it on the cake and lightly spread it with your hands.

No need to press and pull hard to prevent breaks.

On an oil base, the mastic glides perfectly and lays down evenly. And from the warmth of the hands, it heats up and stretches. Press gently on the sides and, if desired, level with a spatula. Cut off the excess at the base of the cake with a knife.

The basis for your creativity is ready.

Do-it-yourself mastic cake figurines

Mastic is a very malleable and elastic material. Therefore, you can easily make mastic cake decorations in the form of various figures with your own hands.

Figures from mastic can be made both flat and voluminous. Volumetric figures are desirable to mold in advance and dry a little.

To keep the figures well, you can glue them on a drop of water. Flat drawings stick well and without gluing.

If your pattern consists of multi-colored parts, cut out flat parts of the corresponding colors, after which they are connected already on the mastic.

Maybe you don't have a very rich imagination and can't imagine what the final version will look like? Try laying it out on cling film (rolling), and then carefully transfer it to the cake.

In any case, experiment, and you will understand that it is quite possible to make figures from mastic at home.

Powdered milk mastic is a convenient and beautiful tool for decorating cakes and pastries, sculpting delicious and interesting figures. With its help, each of your cakes will become a unique work of art, each holiday will become a celebration of creativity.

Do not be afraid to try making mastic for the cake at home. After all, powdered milk mastic is not only tasty and beautiful, but also safer for your children than purchased decorations.

After all, you can control the naturalness and freshness of products. But, most importantly, you will be able to realize the fabulous desires of your children and prove to them that their mother is a sorceress.

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If you want to create impeccable confectionery products that would be beautiful not only in taste but also in appearance, then you will need original decorations. Most often, mastic is used for such purposes. But boring white figures are no longer interesting, colorful and saturated colors are in trend. If you are not a professional pastry chef, but want to improve in baking sweets, check out how to color the fondant yourself by making dyes from improvised means.

Powder dyes, can be used in painting mastic

What are the dyes

There are three types of dyes:

  1. Dry or powder. Used to create an expressive color of miniature parts of confectionery. Paints of a dry consistency are usually dissolved in boiling water, medical alcohol (2 tsp of liquid per 2 g of paint). Sometimes applied to cakes in a dry form.
  2. Liquid. Designed to give the original color to creams, protein mass for drawing. Often added to sugar mastic instead of water.
  3. Gel-like. They resemble liquid, differ in a denser structure. Gel paints are suitable for mastic, biscuit dough, creams, glazes.

Making our own food coloring

Fruits, vegetables, juices, seasonings, herbs are suitable for creating coloring substances. The durability of an ordinary dye is 2-3 days, but if you add sugar to it, the period of application is extended by 12-14 days. The main thing is not to leave the dye open in a warm place.

Raspberry, strawberry, cherry juices are used to create red color. Ordinary beets are also suitable. You need to take a few vegetables, wash, peel, grate. Then put in a saucepan, pour in water, put to boil for 60 minutes. After cooking, add ½ tsp to the broth. citric acid. When the beets have cooled, the broth is filtered, used for its intended purpose.

Orange tones are created using carrots. It is cleaned, ground on a grater. The fruit is laid out in a pan, poured with butter (butter and carrots are taken in equal proportions). After that, the mixture is simmered on the stove for 5-7 minutes. Then the composition is filtered through a sieve or gauze cloth.

You can make green dye from fresh spinach. Greens are whipped in a blender or chopped in a meat grinder. The resulting composition is boiled for 30 minutes, passed through gauze.

The yellow tint comes from lemon. Citrus zest is ground on a grater, squeezed until juice is formed.

Painted mastic, finished result

Food colorings

Coloring substances from natural products do not harm the body, do not contain preservatives, give the mastic a natural bright color, and have a pleasant taste. Below we will look at a variety of shades that are easily created at home from improvised ingredients.

Variety of dyes

Using different products, it is easy to recreate dyes of all colors:

  • white shades are created from powder (sugar), sour-milk products;
  • yellow - from carrot juice, pineapple juice, turmeric powder, saffron;
  • orange - from freshly squeezed citrus fruit drinks;
  • pink and scarlet - from beets, cranberries, currant berries, pomegranate juice, cherries, red wine;
  • green - spinach greens, mustard seeds, parsley, dill, sorrel;
  • purple - from blueberry juice, grapes, purple cabbage, blackberry juice;
  • brown - from instant coffee;
  • chocolate - from cocoa powder, dark or milk chocolate;
  • black - from activated carbon.

Creating new shades

When you can’t find the right shade, you can combine already made colors, getting new interesting variations. By combining yellow and blue, you get a green color. A dark green palette can be achieved by combining a little black and green tones. Swamp shade is made from a drop of red and green colors. Pistachio - from yellow and a drop of blue. Lavender - from lilac and pink. Plum - from red (a bit) and lilac.

Coral color is obtained from a yellow and pink palette (2: 3). Terracotta - from orange and brown color.

How to make mastic at home

Making mastic with your own hands

Creating a dye is only half the battle, you also need to know how to make mastic.


  • dry milk (160 g);
  • powdered sugar (similar amount);
  • whole condensed milk (180 g).

Combine flour with powdered sugar, place in a deep container. Add milk powder a little to the composition (it is better to buy with a high percentage of fat content). Mix the mass gradually, then enter the condensed milk, stirring with a spoon. After thickening the mastic, carefully knead it with your hands.

If the mastic crumbles

Sometimes the mixed mastic can crumble, crumble. If this happens, you should add a little more condensed milk to it. The mastic will reach the desired consistency when it comes off hands and has a uniform structure.

Mastic consistency

To easily make figures from mastic, its consistency should be soft (reminiscent of plasticine). Usually the color of the prepared decoration is milky white, cream. There is no such thing as a crystal white shade of a sweet product.

How to store mastic

Made mastic is allowed to be stored for 2-3 months. This is best done in the freezer, wrapping the sweet mass in cling film or a disposable bag.

How and how to paint mastic at home

The light milky shade of mastic can be easily turned into the desired color. Below we will deal with ways to color a sweet decoration.

How to dye mastic with dye

The prepared mastic is divided into parts, then the necessary colors are prepared. A couple of drops of dye are added to a piece of jewelry, and then they are thoroughly mixed so that the liquid is absorbed into the mastic.

How to paint with dry dye

Dry dyes will not be able to melt in thick mastic, so the shade will turn out to be uneven, resembling dots of various shapes. For dry staining, a colored powder mass (2-3 g) is taken, combined with water. The resulting liquid is dripped into the mastic.

Do-it-yourself natural coloring pigments will be an excellent substitute for synthetic substances. They are easily created from products that everyone has at hand. Cooked dyes are a great way to decorate fondant, biscuits, cakes and other sweets.

Natural Food Colors. How To Do. Color table. natural food coloring. How To Make

Preparation of mastic from condensed milk

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