
Can starch be replaced with flour? Corn starch - what is it? What can be replaced with starch

Baking is one of the oldest methods of cooking with dry heat. It calms the mind and nourishes the soul, despite the extra calories. There are several ways in which hearty ingredients are replaced with simpler ones, such as flour, vegetable oil, or cornstarch. Even the absence of any of the main components will not complicate the preparation of a festive dish.

Alternative egg substitutes are low in calories and fat, and in some cases fortify baked goods with additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  • Pumpkin puree can be a full-fledged egg ersatz for sweet pastries (1/4 cup of the product replaces 1 egg).
  • When combined with water, chia seeds form a thick gel that is similar in texture to raw eggs. They are odorless and rarely change the texture of the dough, which has a positive effect on delicate and light cakes (1 tablespoon of seeds combined with 3 tablespoons of warm water equals 1 egg).
  • Applesauce has less stickiness and viscosity, but it also serves as a full-fledged replacement for eggs, for example, when baking pancakes. Puree adds sweetness and fruity flavor to baked goods (1/4 cup puree = 1 egg).
  • Baking powder combined with vegetable oil, a small amount of water will add splendor and perform the function of eggs (1 egg \u003d 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tbsp water).

What can replace baking powder in baking?

The following combinations will replace the finished powder.

  • Corn starch in combination with potassium tartrate, soda and corn starch (2: 1: 1) in the recipe will replace 4 tbsp. l. baking powder.
  • A combination of flour, soda and citric acid (12 tbsp: 5 tbsp: 3 tbsp) corresponds to 20 g of the product. Instead of a lemon, you can take dried and ground cranberries or currants (5 tsp)
  • 1 tsp ammonium carbonate is equal to the same amount of baking powder. It is best used when baking cakes and cookies.1 tsp powder = 1 tbsp flour.

  • 1 tsp baking powder = 1⁄2 tsp soda + 1 tbsp. l. vinegar / lemon juice + 3⁄4 cups milk.
  • Composition of 1⁄4 tsp. baking soda + 1⁄4 cup dry lemon balm = 1 tsp. powder.
  • 3⁄4 tsp soda + 1⁄2 tbsp. molasses are similar in action to baking powder.

What can replace baking soda?

Today there is no 100% analogue of the product, but some tools can still perform its main functions.

  • Soda is replaced with baking powder (1⁄2 tsp : 2 tsp), while acid (lemon juice, vinegar or buttermilk) is not added.
  • 1 st. l. vodka, cognac = 2.5 g of soda.
  • Kefir or highly carbonated water is added to the dough, where fermented milk products (1: 1) act as the basis.

What can replace starch in baking?

Starch in baking is usually combined with other types of flour to remove excess moisture.

  • Wheat flour is the fastest and most common starch analogue, taken in a 2:1 combination.
  • Starchy flour from the roots of the tropical arrowroot plant (arrowroot) is another analogue of starch. The crushed dried roots of the plant are mixed with water until a gel is formed, which is injected into the dough or thickens the liquid with it. It is taken twice as much as the norm of starch.

  • Rice flour also acts as a thickening agent in recipes. It has no color, so it is useful for thickening clear liquids. It is taken twice as much as the norm of starch.
  • Flaxseed (1 tbsp + 4 tbsp water) is another absorbent that is similar to 2 tbsp. starch.

What can replace paper in baking?

To protect the baking sheet at high temperatures from leaks and soot, a regular A4 office sheet is used. Before use, it is abundantly lubricated on both sides with oil. Today, such a base is being replaced with drawing tracing paper or parchment paper with a silicone coating.

What can replace parchment paper in baking?

Parchment paper easily withstands the highest temperatures, quickly separates and protects the product from burning. Parchment is not always available, so there are other substitutes available.

  • Before baking, grease a baking sheet with a brush and generously sprinkle with flour.
  • Office sheets or drawing tracing paper can function as parchment, but they are liberally oiled.
  • Quick release aluminum foil is often used for baking crispy foods.
  • Food parchment from grocery bags is the least suitable for replacement.

What can you substitute for butter in baking?

Replacement of the main ingredient is necessary for atherosclerosis, allergies and excess cholesterol.

  • Fruit purees (peach, apple or pumpkin) will add a delicate structure and sweetness to the dough, while reducing the amount of sugar. For baking gingerbread, prune puree is suitable (its ratio to oil is 1/2 tbsp.: 1 tbsp.)
  • Replacing oil with vegetable oil (olive, rapeseed, sunflower) is quite possible, only they take half as much, and flavorings are added to enhance the creamy taste.

  • The exchange of butter for coconut oil occurs 1:1.
  • Avocado puree is another component that (1:1) replaces butter. The composition makes the cakes slightly greenish and enriches them with fat and aroma.
  • Banana puree is also used as an equal replacement for butter.
  • Butter is replaced with margarine or spread (1: 1), although the taste of baking is slightly lost.

What can replace flour in baking?

The lack of flour or allergies to wheat and gluten force housewives to look for a replacement for it. There are several formulations and more than a dozen alternative types of product that can be applied.

  • Pure oatmeal makes pastries dense and slightly damp, so 1 tbsp. flour is replaced with a composition of oatmeal and whole wheat flour (1/2 tbsp.: 1/4 tbsp.)
  • 1 st. flour = 1 tbsp. bean puree.

  • For pancakes, replacing wheat flour (2 tbsp.) With a combination of buckwheat and wheat composition (1/2 tbsp. : 1/4 tbsp.)
  • When replacing wheat flour with coconut flour, its increased absorbency must be taken into account. 1 st. flour = 1/4 coconut product + double or triple the number of eggs.

What can replace sugar in baking?

For those who want to reduce the use of a sweet product, and for whom it is completely contraindicated, there are a number of proven analogues.

  • Vegetables and fruits can add sweetness to baked goods, as well as saturate them with valuable fibers and nutrients. Carrots, parsnips, beets and even zucchini create friability and sweetness in the dough. Ripe bananas, mangoes and pineapples are high in sugar. Dried dates, raisins, prunes and apricots are rich in fiber and nutrients, including iron and potassium. They also increase the sweetness.
  • Xylitol is a direct substitute for sugar. Cooks often use it in baking at a ratio of 1:1, with the exception of yeast dough.

  • For those who are worried about their calories, the use of stevia will do. It is 300 times sweeter than sugar, so its amount in the recipe should be minimal. Stevia is available in granules, tablets, and liquid form.
  • Replacement 1 tbsp. sugar 3/4 tbsp. maple syrup causes a decrease in the amount of other liquids by 2-3 tbsp. l. The syrup has a pronounced taste and brown color.

  • 1 st. sugar = 1 tbsp. applesauce minus 3-4 tbsp. l. other liquids.
  • The most affordable substitute for sugar is honey, but pastries acquire a specific flavor and burn at high temperatures. 1 st. sugar = 3/4 tbsp. honey with a decrease in other liquids by 1/3 - 1/2 tbsp.
  • 1 st. sugar = 1 tbsp. coconut sugar, however, it is coarser than beet sugar and the texture of the baked goods is less smooth.

What can replace kefir in baking?

A direct substitute for kefir can be curdled milk:

  • By combining milk with lemon or vinegar, after a couple of minutes you can get ready-made kefir. 2 tbsp. kefir \u003d 1 tbsp. lemon juice (1 tsp vinegar) + 2 tbsp. milk.
  • In 1/4 st. warm milk diluted 3/4 tbsp. yogurt in the absence of kefir.

  • A piece of softened bread is added to warm milk and left warm. Yeast reacts with milk and causes fermentation.
  • Milk will go sour in heat during the day.
  • The basis for pancakes and dumplings is made from soda, and juice is used for pizza and muffins.

What can replace vinegar in baking?

The vinegar substitute should not change the taste or affect the texture of the dough. Lemon juice is commonly used in baking (¼ cup vinegar = ⅓ cup freshly squeezed juice, or ¼ cup apple cider vinegar).

What can replace margarine in baking?

The best substitute for margarine is butter (1:1), which is added 1/4 tsp. salt.

Other analogues of the ingredient:

  • 1 st. cream cheese,
  • 1 st. vegetable oil,
  • 1 st. prunes for dark bakery products,
  • 1 st. unsweetened applesauce, which contains fat and adds vitamin C.

What can replace the baking dish?

Forms vary in height, diameter and wall pattern. Each hostess can make a replacement for such kitchen accessories herself. Cardboard, foil, parchment, tin cans - all this easily turns into a practical form.

What can replace slaked soda in baking?

Not all housewives want to see slaked soda in their products, so its action is replaced with baking powder (1: 2). When baking pies, pie and buns, dry or pressed yeast is used, as well as a composition of citric acid and soda (0.5 tsp: 0.5 tsp)

What can replace sour cream in baking?

The role of sour cream, which gives splendor and elastic consistency to the dough, can be performed by cream and kefir in biscuit cakes, and in shortbread - unsweetened yogurt. The cottage cheese analogue is taken a third less than sour cream, so that the base is not made too dense.

What can replace vanillin in baking?

In the absence of the popular vanilla food flavoring, you can replace the ingredient:

  • Maple syrup (1:1). When preparing the recipe, less sugar is used, since the analogue itself is too sweet.
  • Almond extract has a rich aroma, so it is used in smaller quantities (1:0.5). If the recipe calls for 1 tbsp. l. vanilla, use 0.5 tbsp. extract.
  • Vanilla essence has a less pronounced aroma, so 1 tbsp. vanilla replace 2 tbsp. essences.

What can replace yeast in baking?

Yeast analogues are slightly inferior in their action, so the products come out much lower and have a difference in taste and texture.

  • AND the ingredient is replaced by a combination of a certain amount of baking soda with acid. It is quenched with lemon juice, buttermilk or milk with vinegar (1:1). If the recipe calls for 1 tsp. yeast, you need to add 0.5 tsp. soda and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

To get good quality baked goods, use only fresh baking soda.

  • You can take baking powder in equal proportions with yeast, and a double rate will give the best result.

What can replace milk in baking?

There are many dairy analogues that have proven themselves well during baking. Of course, it is best to replace the product with another dairy ingredient.

  • Condensed milk is the best substitute. It is enough to open the jar and mix it in a ratio of 50:50 with water, you only need to reduce the amount of sugar.

  • Plain yogurt or sour cream is also used as a milk substitute. For a pie, take an equal amount of yogurt or sour cream with the same amount of milk.
  • In some cases, water can be analogous to milk, but this will entail a change in the taste and texture of the dessert. Usually, 1 tbsp is placed with each glass of liquid. butter.

  • When milk is completely removed from the diet, it is replaced with an equal amount of soy, almond or rice milk.

What can replace honey in baking?

When choosing an analogue of honey for baking, they stop at the following products:

  • Ordinary table sugar replaces honey well, just add water. Standard conversion: 1 tbsp. sugar is diluted in an equal amount of water.
  • The liquid honey substitute is brown rice syrup (1:1).

  • Maple syrup tastes similar to honey and can be used in recipes.
  • Agave nectar is considered a good honey substitute (1:1). It is sweeter and denser than honey, so baked goods bake faster and have a darker appearance.

What can replace malt in baking?

Malt is a rather rare product, so many housewives replace it with other flavoring additives: dry kvass, liquid chicory, dark beer or rye sourdough.

What can replace cocoa in baking?

In order not to run to the store for a new package of cocoa, you can look for its analogues in the kitchen.

  • Melted unsweetened chocolate is added to the recipe at the same time as sugar and butter, but such pastries do not have a pronounced chocolate flavor.
  • Instant cocoa mix Mix Fix will be a good substitute for cocoa.

Remember that the recipe contains only a small amount of cocoa powder, as well as sugar, milk powder and other ingredients, so a 1:1 substitution will give only a small part of the intended cocoa in the recipe.

  • Replacing cocoa with instant coffee is quite possible, just add 2 tbsp. powder.

What can replace rum in baking?

  • The most accurate substitute for rum is its extract. As a rule, for 2 tbsp. dark rum in recipes use 1 tbsp. extract.
  • Spirits: Liqueur and cognac taste good in baked goods.
  • A substitute for rum can be vanilla extract or diluted pineapple juice.

What can replace milk powder in baking?

Powdered milk is usually replaced with whole milk. When the recipe says 2 tbsp. dry milk for 1 tbsp. water, it is replaced by 1 tbsp. milk. When preparing cookies, milk can be replaced with dry infant formula, cottage cheese and kefir.

What can replace cognac in baking?

Cognac is made in the same way as wine, so it is the best analogue in the recipe. In addition, you can replace cognac in the recipe with unsweetened grape juice. Other juices (apple, peach or apricot) are added only when they are sour. Cognac is rarely substituted for rum and vodka.

What can replace yogurt in baking?

Yogurt is often used as an ingredient in baking. Its direct replacement can be non-acidic sour cream or kefir, as well as a mixture of coconut milk with the addition of applesauce.

What can replace ammonium in baking?

Direct analogues of ammonium are yeast (2:1), soda and baking powder (1:1).

What can replace cornstarch in baking?

Corn starch is much less common than potato starch, so it is often replaced in baking.

  • Repeated sifting of flour is similar in action to starch.
  • In cottage cheese dishes, it is replaced with semolina.
  • Potato starch is taken 2 times less than the norm of corn starch.

What can you substitute for lemon juice in baking?

A substitute for lemon juice can be apple cider vinegar 6% (1 tbsp), lime or rhubarb juice, and ¼ tsp. citric acid diluted in warm water (50 ml.)

What can replace baking powder in baking?

In most cases, the powder is replaced with slaked soda (2 tsp: ½ tsp) or a baking powder is prepared based on wheat flour or starch.

What can replace vanilla sugar in baking?

The usual aroma of vanilla sugar when baking is replaced by:

  • Natural vanilla pods, when 2 sticks fall asleep 0.5 kg of sugar and stand for a week in an airtight container.
  • Vanilla essence (20 g sugar = 12.5 g essence).
  • Vanilla extract (10 g sugar = 1 tsp extract).

What can replace cottage cheese in baking?

Cream cheeses (ricotta and mascarpone) are considered the closest substitutes for cottage cheese, although bean curd (tofu) is also used in puddings and pies.

What can you substitute for maple syrup in baking?

Maple syrup is a common ingredient in American and Canadian dishes. Its direct substitute is liquid honey or pear jam syrup.

What can replace bran in baking?

Bran intolerance makes you look for their analogues. The product is usually replaced with cornstarch, skimmed milk powder, cottage cheese or tofu.

What can you substitute for nuts in baking?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% replacement for nuts, but when baking cookies, they are replaced:

  • Caramelized sugar. 2 tbsp. l. heat in a frying pan, and then add a piece of butter and a handful of oatmeal. Ready lumps are placed in the dough.
  • 0.5 st. hercules are fried in a pan, seasoned with butter and the finished flakes are sent to the dough.

What can replace semolina in baking?

An alternative to semolina is oatmeal, wheat, corn or any other flour (1:1), starch (1:0.5), as well as banana or carrot puree (1:4).

What can replace gluten in baked goods?

Psyllium and xanthan are direct analogues of gluten. They are used depending on the type of baking: psyllium is placed in the yeast base (1-2 tbsp per liter of liquid), xanthan is mixed with flour (1 tsp per kg of flour).

What can replace the egg for greasing baking?

It is difficult to replace an egg when lubricated, but sugar water, milk, melted honey and sweet tea leaves can be used.

What can replace vegetable oil in baking?

Consider options for replacing vegetable oil:

  • Unsweetened fruit puree (1:1): apple, plum, pumpkin, banana.
  • Other natural oils: olive or rapeseed.
  • Melted margarine or butter (1:1).
  • Plain unflavored yogurt.
  • Corn starch can also serve as an alternative to vegetable oil. It is mixed with water and then added to the recipe.

    Can honey be substituted for sugar in baking?

    Honey is a complete sugar substitute. Do not forget that the bee product is 2 times sweeter, so when replacing it, you must take this into account. When replacing, a little soda is also added and the usual oven temperature is reduced by 5 ° C.

    Can I replace kefir with sour cream in baking?

    Kefir can be replaced with sour cream when baking, provided that it is previously diluted with milk or water.

    How to replace the oven for baking?

    An alternative to the oven can be a small-sized roaster, an economical microwave, a convenient bread machine and a practical multicooker.

    Can butter be substituted for margarine in baking?

    Margarine and butter are interchangeable (1:1), however, such a replacement does not carry similar taste qualities. Butter-based biscuits have sharp edges, and with the addition of margarine, the product becomes softer.

    Is it possible to change the baking mode?

    The baking temperature must fully correspond to the level indicated in the recipe. If it is recommended to preheat the oven first and then reduce the temperature, follow these steps. Each recipe has its own temperature and its own approach.

    Can butter be substituted for margarine in baked goods?

    Butter is a direct analogue of margarine, so replacing it will not particularly affect baking.

    As you can see, the interchangeability of products is quite possible. The main thing is to adhere to proportions and technologies.

Sometimes you tune in to cooking a dish, read the recipe, and your hands drop. Everything is there, but the main binding ingredient was not found in the locker. What to do? What can replace starch in meat dishes, pastries or desserts? What proportions to choose for this, and will the dish lose its taste? Let's try to understand these subtleties of cooking.

Replacement or substitution? What is the difference between varieties of starch?

Rich jelly, delicious ice cream, soft cutlets, delicious openwork pancakes - starch can be found in each of these recipes. Why is it used at all? Everything is very simple: the main acting function of starch is thickening.

It would seem that you can stop there, but no, he has many other things to do:

  • starch absorbs excess moisture and allows baking to become light and airy;
  • gives the sauce the necessary viscosity;
  • adds calories and nutritional value to the dish;
  • bleaches everything that needs to be bleached;
  • adds a pleasant aftertaste to meat, fish and minced meat;
  • as part of the breading, it allows cheesecakes and vegetables to acquire a ruddy and crispy crust.

Why do you need to know? A simple knowledge of the basic properties of starch will allow you to better understand how and with what to replace it in your recipe.

Today you can buy several varieties of starch:

  • rice;
  • potato;
  • corn.

Rice starch is used most often in the perfume industry in the manufacture of bath salts, face masks and deodorants. But the other two types are quite suitable for cooking.

Read also:

Many housewives have a completely logical question: is it possible to replace corn starch with potato starch and vice versa? To answer it correctly, you need to understand what consistency this or that variety gives to the dish. Potato starch is considered the strongest. It is added to jelly, as a result of which it becomes like melted jelly.

But if you add corn starch instead of potato jelly, you get a liquid that looks more like compote. For baking, these rules are not so strict and such a substitution of products is acceptable. If you decide to replace it in recipes, then you need to take 2 times less potato starch.

We cook, we soar without problems

In Soviet times, when cookbooks were full of various recipes, and store shelves, on the contrary, were empty, there was a saying among the people: “Put the elephant in the elephant coop.” Fortunately, now there are no such problems with the choice of food. However, the desired recipe may not be available due to the lack of conventional starch.

Do not drive your desire to treat yourself to a tasty treat in the far corner. Try to cheat a little:

  • Many custard recipes recommend using starch instead of flour to avoid lumps. Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether starch can be replaced with flour is an unequivocal yes. By the way, any will do - rye, wheat and even linen.
  • An alternative to starch in baking will be eggs, semolina, baking powder, breadcrumbs. And you can not put it in puff pastry at all, the taste and texture will remain the same.
  • What can replace starch in meatballs? There is nothing easier. Try adding one grated potato or 2 chicken eggs to the minced meat.
  • But to prepare the filling in muffins, cakes and other sweets, instead of starch, you can add a little chopped coconut or semolina.
  • A good option for replacing starch in ice cream is a simple and affordable ingredient - flour, but only in 1: 1 proportions. For the same purposes, agar-agar, thick homemade cream, sour cream, gelatin or sweet milk jelly are perfect.
  • Many believe that it is impossible to replace starch in jelly. But it's not. In Ancient Rus', such an ingredient was not known at all, and the drink was brewed on the basis of buckwheat flour. Just grind some buckwheat grains in a coffee grinder and you're done!

But it also happens that you need to replace starch not in baking, but for any household needs. Then semolina, coconut and eggs will not help. There are some tricks for this. For example, in a paste it can be replaced with flour. And for starching napkins and collars, use PVA glue diluted in water: 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of liquid.

Culinary experiments

What can replace corn and potato starch if none of the above was found in the house? Of course, it is better to postpone cooking until better times. But when it’s completely unbearable, you can try to cook starch at home. How to do it? Use this recipe.


  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • cold water.


  1. First, let's prepare the potatoes. Wash it in water from dust and dirt, remove the peel with a thin layer and cut into cubes.
  2. Put the potato slices in a blender bowl and carefully grind everything to a puree state.
  3. Now let's take gauze folded in several layers and squeeze out all the juice that has appeared through it.
  4. This juice will be a natural substitute for starch. 4 tbsp. l. liquids will replace 1 tbsp. l. the same dry ingredient.

If you wish, you can work even harder and get real dry starch from potatoes. To do this, it is soaked in water, and then they wait for all the liquid to come out and the tubers to fade. The potatoes are thrown away, while the water is gradually evaporated in the oven. True, this process is laborious. It is much easier to buy a bag of a ready-made product in a store.

The culinary purpose of starch is to change the structure and consistency of dishes. But this transformation can be carried out thanks to other food products. Many starch substitutes suitable for making muffins, pies, biscuits and other baked goods are probably among your household supplies.

polyhedral starch

In baking, starch, like a multifaceted actor, plays several roles at once:

  • contributes to the thickening of the dough;
  • absorbs excess liquid, making pastries fluffy, light, airy;
  • gives the dough ductility that holds the shape of the product.

A good alternative to starch

The above functions can be "entrusted" to the following ingredients: chicken eggs,

  • wheat, buckwheat or rye flour,
  • coconut shavings,
  • manke,
  • oatmeal
  • gelatin.

For example, in biscuit dough, starch is successfully replaced by wheat flour, which, as you know, also contains starch.

Use chicken eggs (proportion: 1 egg instead of 1 tablespoon of starch) in the batch for pancakes and pancakes, which hold the dough together and prevent it from creeping

Shortcrust pastry will work great with an alternative - grind semolina or dry coconut flakes into powder with a blender. Increase the number of eggs in the dough batch.

The simplest replacement for starch is modest breadcrumbs.

After learning what you can replace starch in baking, stop at one of the options and check your choice in practice.

Sponge nut cake with coffee and chocolate fudge

Let us give a clear example of such interchangeability. Instead of starch, let's take some crushed crackers, which, due to their consistency, will absorb excess moisture and make the baked goods crumbly.

For the test you will need:

  • 12 eggs;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 250 g chopped nuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of ground crackers;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

For cream:

  • 250 g chopped nuts;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

For fondant:

  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
  • 50 g chocolate or cocoa;
  • 1 cup of coffee;
  • 20 g butter;
  • vanillin.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff, gradually adding sugar. Then throw in the yolks, mix quickly. Combine the mass with nuts and breadcrumbs, mix thoroughly again.

Divide the prepared dough into 2 parts and place in 2 greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs baking dishes. Put them in the oven (+200 ° C) and bake for half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream and fudge.

Combine the cream with sugar and cook over low heat, stirring and bringing to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add nuts, vanilla, oil, mix well.

Corn starch is often used to prepare various dishes, but many do not know what it is and why it is needed. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Corn starch - what is it?

Corn starch is a food additive that is used to thicken the mass. As a result, the dishes come out softer and more tender.

Get this supplement under the influence of light during photosynthesis. Corn kernels are placed in a solution of sulfurous acid, after which they are crushed, the kernel is removed and crushed. At the last stage, starch is released, which is separated from the protein and dried.

It tastes like corn, it also has a yellow color and a corresponding smell.

Chemical composition and calorie content

It is generally accepted that starch is an extremely harmful additive, but this is not at all the case, unless, of course, it is abused. The composition of corn starch includes vitamin PP, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and some other trace elements.

As for calories, the product is quite nutritious - 343 calories per 100 grams. At the same time, the energy value is mainly carbohydrates, which account for 83 grams of the total weight. There is only one gram of proteins in starch, and there are practically no fats - 0.6 grams per hundred grams of product.

There is almost no dietary fiber in starch, which is so necessary for our body, but there are a lot of calories. Therefore, its irrepressible use can lead to excess weight, which means that it should be used with caution and in small quantities.

Cornstarch comes in several varieties: higher, first and amylopectin. Determining belonging is very simple - just look at the color and clarity.

How to replace cornstarch in baking

You can often find recipes in which housewives offer to cook something using this type of starch. You should not run headlong to the store for the missing ingredient, because you might think about how to replace it. Perhaps a product with similar properties will be in your home.

Starch is a unique substance. It is a complex carbohydrate found in plants. It is well absorbed and actively used in food production. Most often I use potato starch, but corn starch is often found in recipes. Now we will talk about whether it is possible to replace corn starch.

What can replace cornstarch in baking?

Starch increases the elasticity of the dough, giving it airiness, friability. In biscuits, starch removes excess moisture, and as a result, the finished product becomes lighter. So, if we see cornstarch in the recipe, but we don’t have it on hand, what is the right thing to do - just skip this ingredient or replace it with something?

Some chefs claim that nothing terrible will happen if this ingredient is not put into the dough at all, only the flour must be sifted. And it’s even better to do this several times, and then the baking will turn out very light and airy without starch.

If, for example, we talk about, then it makes sense to replace corn starch with semolina in the same proportion.

If you are concerned about the question of how to replace corn starch in a cream, we will tell you that it can be safely replaced with ordinary flour. It will give the product the desired consistency and density.

What can replace cornstarch in ice cream?

When cooking, corn starch can be replaced with regular wheat flour. In this case, the amount of flour should be exactly the same as the amount of starch. And it must be sifted without fail.

Can potato starch be substituted for cornstarch?

Potato starch can be found in the kitchen, and on sale much more often than corn starch. So can they be interchanged? Let's look into this issue.

It turns out that starch is different from starch. Potato starch is more viscous. If you cook jelly on it, then it will turn out thick and more transparent. And jelly, in which corn starch was used, will come out more liquid and opaque. And if you already replace corn starch with it, then it costs about 2 times less to take it. If you follow this simple rule, then the products in question are completely interchangeable.

In general, if corn starch is found in the recipe, you should not be afraid of this, because we have now told you what to replace it with.
