
Can you eat raw chestnuts? Alcohol tincture of flowers

Horse chestnut fruits contain: potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, silver, iodine, malic, lactic and citric acids, lipase, globulin, as well as protein and tannins, starch, vitamins B, C, K, ash and fats . They also consist of glucose and sucrose, sapon, coumarins, flavonoids, carotene and other substances.

Chestnuts are very nutritious and satisfying. They contain less fat and are not as oily as other nuts. In 100 g of fruits there are 210 kcal, 42% carbohydrates, 3.6 - proteins, 2.2 - fats. Chestnuts are considered an excellent component of a vegetarian diet.

Chestnut fruits are widely used in folk medicine. They are harvested during the period of full maturation, when they fall out of the valves. Next, the nuts are dried in a warm and ventilated room. They can be used both inside and outside.

You can just have nuts in your pocket (the method is common in the treatment of articular rheumatism) and feed on its natural strength. With mastopathy, carry out a gentle massage with chestnut fruits. They also make special beads that help the thyroid gland and the heart to work without disturbance. They are a good prevention of irritability, bad mood and headaches.

An alcoholic extract of chestnut fruit is of great importance for health. It has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens capillary walls, reduces blood viscosity, blood pressure and the appearance of fatty plaques in the aorta. Such an extract normalizes the content of cholesterol and lecithin in the blood, and is also an anesthetic.

At the same time, horse chestnut nuts are placed in a jar and poured with vodka. The container is tightly closed and kept first for three days in the sun, and then forty - indoors. The resulting remedy is rubbed on the affected areas of the body. Very often, the extract is used for sciatica.

With this disease, it is also useful to sleep on chestnut fruits, tying them to the affected areas. An infusion of fruits is often used for diarrhea, chronic bronchitis in smokers, malaria, and a decoction of walnut skins for uterine bleeding.

Often people use a decoction of chestnut fruits and leaves. The crushed funds, taken 5 g each, are brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for half an hour. Then the liquid is filtered and topped up to a volume of 200 ml. To identify possible side effects, take two days, 1 tbsp. spoon once a day. In the absence of reactions, the dose is increased up to 2-3 times a day. The decoction is drunk after meals.

This is quite effective for the treatment of varicose veins (the course of application is from 2 to 8 weeks), for hemorrhoids (without the presence of bleeding bumps, a course of 1-4 weeks), as well as for acute and chronic thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, arteritis and trophic ulcers shins.

With hemorrhoids, you can also eat three chestnuts or take a bath from a decoction of its branches (for bleeding cones). At the same time, 50 g of the product is brewed in a liter of water, and water pepper grass is added to the resulting solution. A bath is done after a bowel movement with cool water for 10-15 minutes.

Strong energy is concentrated in chestnut nuts. Therefore, they are considered quite effective in the fight against cough, sciatica and many other ailments. When coughing, one chestnut fruit is applied to the bronchial point between the nipples and fixed with adhesive tape. In gusts, it is pressed on this area. Under the influence of chestnut cough passes in a short time. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure at night.

It is very useful to sit on chestnut trees for intellectual or creative workers. Even after a short period, the fruits will give their energy to the coccyx, from which it originates, and where the reserves of the human body are concentrated. The result will be inspiration and increased productivity.

As for contraindications in the treatment of chestnut nuts, it can be noted that healing is not desirable - chestnut greatly thins the blood. Medicines with chestnut are not recommended for pregnant, lactating women and people with liver, kidney and hypotensive patients.

Edible chestnuts belong to the beech species, being essentially a nut. They grow in North America, some European and Asian countries. In the Russian Federation, there is a chestnut that is not eaten. Everyone has long known about the benefits and harms of edible chestnuts, successfully using knowledge in the culinary, medical and cosmetic fields.

By the amount of carbohydrates and starch, chestnut is equivalent to potatoes with rice. The fruit is quite nutritious with the presence of tannins, fats and proteins. The benefits and harms of edible chestnuts are suitable for people who follow the figure, despite its high nutritional value - the main thing is not to overeat. The fruits are also suitable for vegetarians, due to the high content of vegetable protein.

There are approximately 30 varieties of chestnut trees on the planet that are used for food. But the most popular are only three types:

  1. European sowing - with the presence of a fluffy surface resembling a cocoon. The fruit has excellent taste and large size.
  2. The softest from China. The fruits are medium in size and very tasty. They do not even require additional preparation, they are consumed fresh.
  3. Japanese chestnut is the largest with a diameter of 6 cm and a weight of 80 grams.

Chestnut fruits are also filled with sugars, trace elements and vitamins - C, A and B. There are less fats in the composition than in any other nut, which makes it a dietary product.

The benefits of edible chestnuts extend to wood with bark, used to stop bleeding of internal organs and heal kidney ailments. Dry fruits and foliage successfully treat angina. The ability to relieve inflammation is widely used in the cosmetology field, preparing creams and hair shampoos based on them. In addition, chestnut can have a positive effect:

  • Expanding the arteries, and accelerating the movement of blood through the vessels and arteries. Which reduces blood clotting and strengthens capillaries, improves the tone of dilated veins and dissolves blood clots. Pharmacists use seeds with chestnut bark to eliminate blood clots and;
  • The fruit perfectly restores tired legs, increasing muscle tone. The juice of the inflorescences of the plant, along with baths in the decoction, will relieve dilated veins on the legs. The area of ​​the nasopharynx with the same problem is treated with a decoction of the bark of a tree - pour 50 g of boiling water (1 liter) followed by infusion for half an hour. Wash the nasopharynx with the resulting solution in the morning and evening;
  • Bleeding is stopped by fresh juice from chestnut flowers. Take drip - 30/1 tbsp. l. water twice a day;
  • Edible chestnuts are useful tannins in the composition, able to bind, heal wounds and heal burns. Properties are used to eliminate problems in the gallbladder, heal rheumatism, the digestive system and wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • High energy value helps eliminate ailments and fatigue. To do this, it is enough to eat only 2 nuts a day.

In case of breast diseases in women, it is necessary to put a small chestnut fruit in the bodice, using it for massage as well.

Many are interested in the question of how to cook edible chestnuts. In fact, the recipes are very simple and accessible to everyone. A common dish is roasted chestnut. To do this, the fruit is cleared of the upper shell with the removal of the membrane. The nut is cut with a cross or side cuts are made.

If this is not done, the fruit will explode. After that, the chestnuts are laid out in a pan and covered with a cloth moistened with water. Nuts are covered with a lid and fried in this form for half an hour. During the procedure, be sure to stir and moisten the drying cloth. Roasted chestnuts are consumed hot with salt.

How else to cook edible chestnuts and what to serve them with will be discussed further. They are used to prepare puree soups, a side dish for pork and lamb, and also combine with chocolate and coffee sauces. You can dream up and independently come up with a tasty and healthy dish.

Chestnut dessert recipe

There is a recipe for making a delicious dessert for ice cream from edible chestnuts:

  • Half a kilo of chestnuts;
  • Cognac - 100 ml;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar to taste.

Cut chestnut nuts, dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes, peel and cook for another 5 minutes. After that, the fruits are laid out in a form (refractory) and mixed with sugar and butter and placed in the oven (200 degrees). Sprinkle the prepared fruits with cognac and set on fire.

The dish is eaten with ice cream.

Chestnut soup

Fans of culinary exotics are invited to cook chestnut soup. First, roasting is done with onions, carrots and celery. Separately, chestnuts are poured with meat broth and put on the stove. Fry the flour and combine with vegetable frying.

After softening the chestnuts, add vegetables, spices to them and cook for another 10 minutes, followed by straining the broth. The vegetable mass is whipped in a blender to a mushy state.

The broth is combined with mashed potatoes, mixed and served on the table, seasoned with sour cream.

Tasty chestnuts baked in cheese, stewed in milk or mashed. Ground chestnut nuts are added to flour and cereals.

Edible chestnut contraindications - 5 prohibitions

Contraindications and useful properties of any product always coexist. Even Paracelsus mentioned this, arguing that any product is endowed with poison when used in excess.

Excess will lead to a severe allergic reaction and poisoning. Many mistake horse chestnut or acorn for an edible product, which leads to digestive upset. To avoid this, you need to purchase the product only at trusted outlets. Contraindications to the use of edible chestnut, despite its beneficial properties, apply:

  1. For people with low blood pressure.
  2. For any liver disease.
  3. For people with bladder stones.
  4. for renal dysfunction.
  5. For pregnant women nursing mothers.

You can not use chestnuts with individual intolerance and diabetes of any type.

Selection and storage

The absence of edible chestnut trees in Russian gardens leaves only one option for acquiring fruits - in retail outlets.

Fruits should be round in shape with a firm surface and no damage.

Chestnuts perfectly retain their beneficial properties in plastic bags placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. They will keep in the freezer for at least 5 months.

Interesting about chestnuts

Statistics show that the Chinese consume more than 40 percent of the world's crops. In this country, chestnuts are also used in pet food to improve the quality of meat. The most delicious dish is dried pork sausages of animals that have eaten this product.

In France, it is customary to celebrate a real chestnut festival every year, when chestnuts are roasted en masse on the streets using huge frying pans.

According to Corsican tradition, on the wedding day, the bride treats guests with a variety of dishes - at least 20, made from chestnuts. Nature has endowed this plant with a mass of positive properties for humans, which cannot be ignored.

They are regaled not only in Paris, on Pigalle Square. Nevertheless, for most of our compatriots, such an autumn delicacy is still a little-known product. But it is not only one of the most exquisite additions to dishes and desserts: edible chestnuts are also a benefit that not many people know about.

Beneath the glossy dark brown skin hides a nutty flavor. It can be described as slightly mealy and sweet. As it turns out, chestnut fruits are not only edible and even tasty, but also have unique properties in terms of promoting health. Here are some facts about the gifts of the beech family and how to handle them in the kitchen.

Edible chestnuts: the benefits of eating

  • Edible chestnuts differ from their "cousins" nuts in their higher content antioxidants and vitamins. 100 grams of this product contains as much vitamin C as 100 grams of lemon, which is famous for their amount. Thanks to this, chestnuts have a positive effect on the immune system: they strengthen the body and counteract infections.
  • The benefit of edible chestnuts is that it is a tasty dose potassium, magnesium, folic acid, other B vitamins and vitamin E, called the vitamin of youth.
  • Chestnuts contain approximately one-fifth of the recommended daily value. fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of our intestines. In addition, it helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • The edible chestnut fruit is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, in particular, oleic and palmitoleic. According to scientists, their use allows you to increase the level of good cholesterol and lower - bad.
  • Traditional Chinese medicine considers chestnuts to be one of the most important sources of life-giving energy. Due to their shape they are called fruits. kidney. They actually restore the energy of this organ in a very efficient way. The Chinese believe that the kidneys are the main source of energy for the body. If these organs do not work properly, the tendons and bones are weakened. That is why edible chestnuts are useful in that they are used for strengthening bones and joints, as well as for improving overall performance and energy, endurance, improvement of physical condition in general.

Chestnuts: how to cook and how to eat?

  • They can be eaten raw, but they are much tastier when hot. In addition, in this case, the body absorbs them better.

Attention: you can only eat yellow gifts of nature. The dark ones can be bitter. Fruits that are moldy inside should be discarded immediately.

  • The fruits of these trees are most often grilled. How to cook chestnuts in this case?

1. Before sending the future delicacy to the stove or oven, each of them needs to be pricked (for example, with a needle) in several places or cut the peel along a crosswise pattern. This must be done, because otherwise they will burst and will bounce up with a bang.

For people who are trying to cook such a delicacy for the first time, it is recommended to lightly boil chestnuts in salted water. This will make them softer and help cooks avoid the pitfalls of being too hard or hard shells that can't be peeled off.

2. Strained and cooled fruits are placed on a baking sheet, flat side to the bottom, and baked for a quarter of an hour at 220 degrees on the bottom shelf.

We learned about the edible chestnut from French films.

At home, it is a favorite delicacy, but for us it remains an unprecedented curiosity, although now this overseas delicacy is available and on sale.

Let's talk about the beneficial properties and dangers of fruits today.

This is a tall tree of the Beech family with unusual pyramid-shaped inflorescences, as well as edible fruits.

The cut fruit is a creamy or yellowish nut.

The territory of its distribution is the south of Europe (the Balkans, Greece, etc.), Asia and America, in the post-Soviet space - the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast.

Outwardly, this nut is similar to the horse chestnut growing in our latitudes, but, unlike it, it is not poisonous, although both plants have medicinal properties.

Chemical composition, calorie content and nutritional value of chestnut

The fetus contains: ascorbic and folic acids, B vitamins, retinol, riboflavin and niacin, and in addition, copper and iron, potassium and calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Energy value of nuts- 166 kcal fresh, 182 kcal fried per hundred grams of product.

Unlike other nuts, the fruit contains more carbohydrates and proteins than fats. It is also high in starch, fiber and sugars.

Spiders do not like this tree and do not weave webs on its branches. Perhaps that is why chestnut wood was used in most European castle buildings.

Chestnut is often used for metabolic problems., walnut with its beneficial properties helps to normalize metabolism, stimulates the production of the necessary enzymes, regulates the water-salt and acid-base balance. It regulates fat metabolism, which reduces the risk of liver disease.

Edible chestnut has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, beneficial properties support the endocrine system, normalize blood flow.

Moderate but regular consumption of fruits in food is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, venous congestion and varicose veins.

The benefits of chestnuts for men

Horse chestnuts are most useful for men who have problems with the reproductive system. Most potency problems are related to poor circulation in the genitals. Fruit-based preparations help to solve this problem, as well as cure prostatitis. Of particular value is that such a medicine does not harm other organs.

Chestnut trees have been around since the prehistoric period, they can live for more than half a century. Written evidence dating back to 378 BC has survived about the baking of bread from chestnut flour by the ancient Romans.

The benefits of chestnuts for women

Roasted nuts, if consumed during critical days, greatly facilitate the well-being of a woman.

They are useful in menopause: they improve the hormonal background of women during this period. In gynecology, preparations based on fruits are used for uterine bleeding and edema, with stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

It is interesting how edible chestnuts are useful for women who prefer to walk in heels: how to cook them for strained foot joints and not only - a detailed description is below.

The use of chestnuts

Are chestnuts useful - of course, their use is not limited only to cooking, the fruits are used in medicine (folk and traditional), in cosmetology. It is even harvested for future use in order to have raw materials for the preparation of medicines or dishes.

In folk medicine

What is the health benefit of chestnut from a medical point of view? Traditional medicine uses tinctures, decoctions and ointments based on this nut.

For the treatment of joints, prepare a tincture of fruits, make compresses, rubbing, in the absence of contraindications, taken orally. For preparation, take 70 g of flowers, 10 g of crushed fruits and 0.5 l of vodka; insist a week. Inside take 20 drops before meals. This tincture is useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arthrosis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It is advisable to specify the dosage in consultation with your doctor.

A similar tincture, except for the flowers in the composition, Helps with hypertension when taken orally. For diseased joints, an ointment is also prepared from nuts ground into flour, adding vegetable oil.

In pharmacology, horse chestnut is part of medicines for various diseases (gynecology, urology, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory tract).

In cosmetology

Chestnut, due to its properties, benefits and is used in skin, nail and hair care. Many cosmetic products: tonics, scrubs, creams and milk contain these fruits.

Walnut in cosmetology exhibits the following properties:

  • stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • reduces pigmentation;
  • relieves swelling and smoothes scars and scars;
  • normalizes thyroid function, which positively affects the general condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • slows down the aging of the body.

What is useful chestnut nut for the skin? It is an effective antioxidant, in addition, products based on it regenerate and nourish, as well as moisturize the skin and cleanse pores.

In cooking. How to cook chestnuts

From the point of view of cooking, this is a multifaceted product: it is baked, boiled, fried, dried, ground into flour. Desserts (mousses, soufflés), salads are prepared from fruits, they are added to main courses, to meat, seafood, and added to pastries.

How are chestnuts useful for the body, and how are they eaten? Vegetarians make up for their missing protein.

Since there is little fat in the product, it is valuable in terms of diets and rehabilitation measures after illness or surgery, and in addition, for weight loss.

The easiest diet salad is made from these nuts, any fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes) and herbs, seasoned with olive oil.

When frying or baking fruits, the skin covering them must be pierced, otherwise they will explode. So that the fruits are not too hard, it is important not to overexpose them.

Harmful properties and contraindications for use

The fetus has contraindications for pregnant women: you should not eat them and use drugs based on them. You can not use the product during lactation, it will cause bloating in the baby.

It is forbidden to use the product and medicines with it for the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • hypotension;
  • liver disease.

Frequent use in large quantities can lead to gastrointestinal problems: bloating, diarrhea.

How to fry chestnuts at home, see the video:

As soon as overseas fruits appeared in our stores and restaurants, many questions arose about the benefits of chestnuts, what kind of fruit. It turns out that this is not only an interesting dish, but also a medicinal and dietary product.

The chestnut tree pleases us with its beautiful flowers, openwork leaves and useful fruits - nuts. There are two main types of chestnut: horse chestnut and sweet chestnut. Horse chestnut fruits are inedible and are used in pharmacology. We often see horse chestnuts on city boulevards and parks. Sweet chestnut is a delicacy that is rich in nutrients and is used in culinary preparations for gourmet dishes. Sweet chestnut grows in the USA, Asia and southern regions of Europe. Today, edible chestnut nuts can be bought at any supermarket.

Discovery history

One ancient legend says that the beautiful nymph Neia, avoiding the excessive attention of the loving Jupiter, committed suicide. The young man turned the nymph into a tree with thorny fruits and named it "Casta", which means "virgin". After a while, the tree was named chestnut.

In ancient Rome, chestnut nuts were used in cooking. Roasted nuts on fires and served as a delicious and fragrant dessert. In Japan and China, chestnut fruits began to be cultivated before rice. They were prepared with meat products and vegetables or used as an appetizer for alcoholic beverages.

Nutritious chestnut fruits Alexander the Great often took with him on long-distance military campaigns. Nuts perfectly restored the strength of the soldiers and helped them cope with many diseases. By order of the legendary commander, chestnut groves were planted.

Types of edible chestnuts

Currently, there are about 30 species of chestnut trees, the fruits of which can be eaten. The most popular among consumers are the following types of chestnuts:

  1. European chestnut. The nuts of this chestnut are covered with a round fluffy shell that resembles a cocoon. The fruits of the sowing chestnut are large in size and excellent in taste.
  2. Chinese chestnut is the softest. The fruits of this chestnut are medium in size and high in taste. Chinese chestnut nuts do not need additional heat treatment before use.
  3. Japanese chestnut. This type of edible chestnut is considered the largest. The chestnut nut reaches a diameter of 6 cm, and its weight is about 80 grams.

The composition of the nut

Chestnut fruits have a unique chemical composition. It contains vitamins, carbohydrates, styrenes, essential oils and other compounds.


Despite the fact that chestnuts are direct relatives of nuts, they still have a lower calorie content. 100 g of chestnut nuts contain 131 kcal.

The nutritional value

The chestnut nut contains a minimum amount of fat, so this product can be included in the diet of people who seek to normalize overweight. Chestnut fruits are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and other organic compounds important for human health.

Useful Connections

Chestnut nuts are saturated with B vitamins, vitamin A, C and PP.

The composition of this product includes minerals valuable for human health. Especially a lot in the fruits of chestnut iron, potassium and phosphorus.

Culinary processing

Chestnut fruits do not require long cooking. They can be baked in the oven or boiled. Before cooking nuts in the oven, pierce each fruit with a fork. Then bake for about 15 minutes in a preheated oven. Be aware that overcooked chestnuts become hard and less flavorful.

To boil chestnuts, dip the fruit for 2 minutes in boiling water. Next, carefully peel them from partitions and skins. Then place the peeled chestnuts in a container of cold water and boil for 15 minutes until soft.

Chestnut nuts go well with vegetables, meat products and various sauces. This product can be added to desserts and confectionery. The daily norm of chestnut is 40 grams.

Useful properties and application

The benefit of the chestnut nut lies in its valuable composition. This product has an anti-inflammatory, wound healing and astringent effect on the body. Chestnut nuts have the following healing properties:

  • accelerate blood flow;
  • strengthen capillaries;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • normalize pressure;
  • reduce swelling;
  • activate the work of the brain;
  • improve blood composition.

In folk medicine, a decoction of chestnut fruits is used to treat:

  • liver diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • rheumatism of the joints;
  • varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • gynecological pathologies that are associated with circulatory disorders of the small pelvis.

To prepare a healing decoction, grind 5 grams of chestnut fruit, place them in a container and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Then put the container in a water bath and bring the broth to a boil. Gently strain the resulting broth, and bring its volume to 200 ml.

The beneficial properties of chestnut nuts explain its widespread use in cosmetology. The extract of this product is included in creams for oily and normal skin, as well as in nourishing masks, bath foams and shampoos.

Medicinal properties of chestnut oil

Chestnut oil contains tocopherols, vitamins, flavonoids, organic acids, sterols and other valuable compounds. This product has tonic, decongestant, astringent and rejuvenating properties. Chestnut oil is used for:

  • restoration of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • improving the general condition of the skin;
  • regeneration of skin cells;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • activation of blood circulation.

How to choose and store

High-quality chestnut fruits have a rounded shape and a flat surface without traces of mold. Fresh chestnuts will keep in an airtight container for up to 14 days in the refrigerator. In the freezer, this product retains its life-giving properties for 6 months.

Contraindications and harm

Nutritionists do not advise eating chestnut fruits if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • kidney failure.

Expectant and nursing mothers should also not include this product in their diet.

The benefits and harms of chestnut nuts have not yet been fully studied by dietitians. Excessive consumption of chestnut can provoke constipation and indigestion in a person.

Sometimes people use the horse chestnut nut for cooking, which is inedible. As a result of such experiments, severe poisoning develops.

According to statistics, Chinese people eat more than 40% of the world's chestnut crop. In China, chestnut fruit is used not only to prepare delicious dishes, but also to improve the quality of pet meat. Fragrant dry sausages made from the meat of pigs that have been fattened with chestnuts are considered a special delicacy.

In the cities of France, a bright event is held annually - the Chestnut Festival. On this day, chestnuts are roasted en masse in city squares using large frying pans.

In Corsica, the locals also love the chestnut nut. Traditionally, the bride's family at the wedding celebration should offer guests to try at least 20 chestnut dishes.
