
Is it possible to eat mushrooms while losing weight - the benefits and harms. Mushroom diet menu and recipes

Dishes with champignons are delicious in taste, easy to prepare, and besides, champignons can replace meat for our body. Mushrooms are allowed to be eaten in fasting, so lean champignon dishes can really help you out on such days. There is one more good news for those who are planning to cook champignon dishes. Recipes for champignon dishes, as a rule, have a low calorie content. Soups, Italian pastas, vegetable stews - this is an incomplete list of what can be cooked from champignons. You can fry champignons in batter, you can cook stewed champignons with onions. You can cook delicious mushroom and chicken dishes, mushroom and vegetable dishes such as julienne or cocotte. Champignon very tasty with various white sauces, it can be champignons in a creamy sauce, champignons in cream, sour cream champignons. Mushroom recipes with photos will help you properly prepare both the sauce and mushrooms. Another recipe for how to cook champignon mushrooms is to make mushroom puree. So you have a wide choice of what to cook with champignons. Cooking champignon mushrooms compares favorably with many other mushrooms. Cooking champignons is convenient because they do not need to be boiled first. In fact, you can even eat raw mushrooms, but with vinegar or other salad dressing. There are several rules on how to properly cook champignons. First, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, but the skin does not need to be removed. Secondly, whether you cook champignons with cheese, champignons with chicken, champignons in the microwave or champignons in a slow cooker, these mushrooms are better undercooked than overcooked, otherwise they will lose their flavor. This is the secret of how to cook champignons deliciously. Very juicy and fragrant grilled champignon mushroom dishes. Such recipes with champignons require a little time. Champignon grilled or champignon skewers are a great option for how to cook fresh champignons. You just need to remember to marinate fresh mushrooms at least a little. But if you are interested in how to cook champignons for cream soup, then they should be boiled first.

Fresh champignon dishes are not the only ones, because there are also frozen champignons. Frozen mushrooms are often sold, but you need to know how to cook frozen mushrooms. They can be boiled or immediately fried in butter, very tasty champignons are obtained. Recipes for salads with champignons are amazing: raw or fried, cold or hot, meat or fruit. If you are new to the kitchen, choose champignon dishes from the photo and cook to your health.

Meat, mushrooms and cream are always a good combination. There are excellent recipes based on it and in the pp-kitchen. I really like chicken breasts with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, prepared according to one of the three recipes described below.

How to cook delicious mushrooms and chicken fillet in cream

In general, chicken fillet or chicken breast (and some of my friends call such meat even more erotic - chicken))) - the basis of the menu of any pp-shnik, bodybuilder, losing weight, etc. This is a lifesaver in any case - a quick dinner (just bake in spices in foil), a dish for gatherings in nature (, pita bread), an appetizing first course () and much more.

Chicken fillet with mushrooms in a creamy sauce is the best way to cook juicy tender white poultry meat with a breathtaking mushroom aroma and flavor.

Therefore, in my freezer there is always a supply of fillets, although it is tastier, of course, fresh.

Defrost chicken breast correctly on the shelf of the refrigerator or just on the kitchen table, but not in warm water, microwave, etc.

Any mushrooms are suitable - fresh or dried forest, frozen, as well as store-bought champignons or oyster mushrooms.

Dried ones are pre-filled with boiling water or hot milk for 3-4 hours, frozen ones are left to thaw on the shelf of the refrigerator, and fresh forest ones are boiled and washed.

Oyster mushrooms and champignons are easy to wash.

Cream is another constant ingredient. The main condition is fresh, and see for yourself the fat content. If you are losing weight, then be more careful with KBJU. Or just replace heavy cream with regular low fat milk, chicken with mushrooms is delicious in milk sauce too.

Chicken breast with mushrooms in a creamy sauce in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, chicken fillet in cream with mushrooms is the easiest to cook, so this recipe with a photo will be the first.

Calorie content of 100 g - 83 kcal, bzhu - 13 g of protein, 3.6 g of fat, 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

We will need:

  • chicken breast - 500 g
  • champignons - 500 g
  • cream - 100 ml
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • any greens - a small bunch
  • salt, spices - to taste

How to cook:

Grind the chicken breast into small pieces, after cutting off the excess fat.

Put the meat in a multi, cover with a lid, simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Wash mushrooms, cut into slices. By the way, whether or not to clean these mushrooms, decide for yourself, I just mine, I do not remove any film. I can only cut off the cut.

Spread the mushrooms to the meat, mix and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Pour everything with cream, salt, add spices and simmer for another 15 minutes.

Serve chicken breasts with champignons in a creamy sauce, sprinkled with herbs. Perfect for a side dish of.

Recipe for gravy in a pan

In a frying pan, you can also cook delicious pp-gravy from mushrooms and chicken meat.

But for adherents of PP, it is important to cook correctly, that is, not to fry, but to stew and stew.

Therefore, more attentive to the nuances of the process.

Calorie content of 100 g - 70 kcal, bzhu - 11 g of protein, 2.2 g of fat, 1.4 g of carbohydrates.


  • chicken breast - 500 g
  • Lisicki - 500 g
  • cream 10-15% fat or regular milk - 200 ml
  • onion - 1 large
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour boiling water over fresh chanterelles, wash them after half an hour, cut them arbitrarily and put them in a pan.
  2. We immediately send chopped meat, onion cubes and grated carrots there.
  3. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. You can stir occasionally. Attention! We do not fry in oil, namely, we stew - we do not add fat at all, enough juice from mushrooms and vegetables.
  4. Salt, pepper, add 100 ml of boiling water and continue to simmer without a lid until all the liquid has evaporated.
  5. Add cream, stir and cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off, sprinkle with herbs. Serve with any side dish or just with pita bread.

Chicken fillet with champignons in cream in the oven

Such chicken fillet in cream with champignons in the oven turns out to be simply magical!

We will also add cheese to the standard set.

Parmesan, suluguni, tofu or any other is fine.

Calorie content of 100 g - 85 kcal, bzhu - 13 g of protein, 3.5 g of fat, 0.8 g of carbohydrates.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g
  • champignons - 500 g
  • cream - 200 ml
  • cheese - 50 g
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. We cut all the ingredients, put them in a convenient baking dish, salt, pepper, put in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  2. After that, pour the cream, mix and set to bake again, lowering the temperature to 180 degrees.
  3. After 20 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese, put in the oven for another 7 minutes and the yummy is ready!
  • You can add some vegetables to the company with meat and mushrooms - peas, asparagus beans, zucchini, bell pepper - it will turn out less calorie, but no less tasty.
  • Such gravy can be served not only hot - when cold, it becomes thicker, you can eat it simply by laying it on a loaf of bread.
  • If a couple of spoons of the dish are left from the evening, beat everything in a blender, add 1-2 eggs, 1 tbsp. any whole grain flour, bake covered in a frying pan - you get an excellent breakfast.

By themselves, mushrooms are a dietary product, with a high nutritional value, their calorie content is extremely low. Mushrooms, available all year round, can become the basis of delicious dietary and vegetarian dishes. Those who care about their health will surely like champignons baked in the oven. This method of their preparation will preserve the maximum of useful properties and avoid the use of a large amount of oil. Almost all baked champignon dishes are dietary, but we have selected for our readers the easiest and safest for the figure.

The subtleties of technology

Despite the fact that baking champignons in the oven is not difficult, this process has several subtleties.

  • Fresh champignons are best for roasting.
  • Always pay attention to the color of the hat on the underside: the darker it is, the longer the mushrooms lay on the counter.
  • Do not cut the mushrooms in advance - they darken almost instantly.
  • Do not keep mushrooms in water for a long time, as they quickly absorb moisture. However, do not follow the advice of some housewives not to wash them at all, but only to clean them - such treatment is not enough. Dry mushrooms immediately after washing with paper towels.
  • For cooking stuffed champignons in ovens, select large specimens. On skewers or whole, it is better to bake medium or even small mushrooms.
  • If necessary, separate the legs from the hats, use a teaspoon - working with a knife, the hats can be easily damaged.
  • Do not bake mushrooms for too long - a quarter of an hour is usually enough.

Now that you know how to properly prepare mushrooms for baking in the oven, you can study the recipes and choose the one that best suits your taste.

Mushrooms on skewers for a vegetarian table

Such a dish will allow you not to get bored when others indulge in barbecue, decorate the festive table, although the simplicity of its preparation allows you to make it on weekdays.


  • fresh champignons of medium size - 0.4-0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • lean mayonnaise - 60 ml;
  • ground paprika - a dessert spoon;
  • salt - a third of a teaspoon.

You will also need wooden skewers, which are preliminarily soaked for 10 minutes in warm water so that they do not crack in the oven.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a tight plastic bag, put three tablespoons of lean mayonnaise, which, if desired, can be replaced with vegetable oil (two spoons are enough).
  2. Pour salt and paprika into the bag.
  3. Put garlic crushed with a special press there.
  4. Wash, wipe the champignons with a napkin and place them in a bag, tie the bag. Shaking it several times, make sure that the mushrooms are completely covered with marinade. Leave them in a cool place for half an hour.
  5. Remove the mushrooms from the bag and string them onto skewers.
  6. Lay foil in a baking dish, put skewers with mushrooms on it.
  7. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Before serving, mushrooms can be sprinkled with herbs - so they will look even more appetizing. You don’t need to remove them from the skewers before serving - just transfer them to a beautiful dish or arrange them on plates. Vegetarian champignon skewers can also be eaten during Lent.

Champignons with pine nuts

For this dish, large mushrooms are more suitable, since their hats will have to be stuffed. Pine nuts, which are part of the snack, are quite high in calories and significantly increase its energy value, but still it remains within 130 kcal per 100 g.


  • champignons - 0.4 kg;
  • cheese of any of the hard varieties - 100 g;
  • pine nuts - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • bell pepper - 0.25 kg;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Grease the caps of clean dry mushrooms with oil using a culinary brush.
  2. Wash, remove the seeds, cut the pepper into small squares and fill the mushroom caps with it.
  3. Put nuts on top.
  4. Salt, season.
  5. Finely grate the cheese, sprinkle the contents of the caps on it.
  6. Place the mushrooms on a parchment-lined baking sheet, caps down. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The taste of champignons baked according to this recipe is unique. Your guests will be delighted with them. If you fast or adhere to the principles of vegetarianism, then the cheese in the recipe can be replaced with breadcrumbs. The taste will be slightly different, but no less pleasant.

Mushrooms baked with chicken breast

According to this recipe, the filling for champignons undergoes preliminary heat treatment: the meat is boiled, vegetables and chopped mushroom caps are fried. If you categorically do not eat anything fried, then you better choose another recipe for oven-baked champignons, since their choice is quite wide.


  • champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - head;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken breast fillet - 0.2 kg;
  • olive oil - 40 ml.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare the mushrooms for baking: wash, dry, separate the legs.
  2. Grease the caps with a thin layer of olive oil.
  3. Heat the rest of the oil in a frying pan and fry in it until a creamy shade appears, alternately sliced ​​garlic, diced onion, chopped mushroom legs. Mix these ingredients.
  4. Boil the chicken breast in salted water until half cooked and cut it into small pieces.
  5. Mix chicken breast with fried foods. Stuff the mushroom caps with this stuffing.
  6. Finely grate the cheese, sprinkle them with mushrooms.
  7. Spread the mushrooms on a baking sheet and place it in the oven, which must be preheated to 200 degrees.

Due to the fact that the recipe includes meat, the baking time for champignons in this case should be increased to 20-25 minutes. The low calorie content of this dish (within 120 kcal) makes it possible to classify it as a dietary one. Meanwhile, it is very satisfying.

Champignons stuffed with cottage cheese

Our regular readers are already aware of how and how it can be done at home. If you bake champignons with cottage cheese filling, you get a dish that is unique in its organoleptic properties, very satisfying and healthy. Especially it will appeal to those who follow a protein diet.


  • champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • green onions - 20 g;
  • fresh dill - 20 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • oil - just grease the mold.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Separate the legs from clean and dry champignons and chop finely.
  2. Chop up the greens.
  3. Mix dill and onion with cottage cheese and mushroom legs. Squeeze garlic into this mixture, mix again. If necessary, you can add a little sour cream or white yogurt.
  4. Put in a greased form, put in a preheated oven, bake for a quarter of an hour.

Mushrooms baked according to this recipe can be used in the diet followed by patients with type 2 diabetes.

The principle of cooking stuffed champignons baked in the oven is simple: remove the legs, chop, fry with onions if desired, mix with other ingredients (meat products must be cooked), fill the hats and bake. So you can invent the composition of minced meat yourself.

Mushrooms are a delicious way to satisfy your hunger, while not harming your figure. They can be included in the diet menu. Also, champignons are often included in recipes for fasting days.

Mushrooms for weight loss - useful properties

The calorie content of these mushrooms is only 27 calories per 100 grams. Mushrooms contain a wide range of useful substances:

  • Vitamins of group B, C, D;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Amino acids;
  • Phosphorus.

In addition, these mushrooms have almost no carbohydrates and very little fat. But the protein here is almost the same as in meat. Only it is vegetable, not animal. However, it easily replaces the latter. If you are on a vegetarian diet, you can replace meat with champignons to keep your muscles in good shape.

Mushrooms contain practically no sugar, so even diabetics can eat them.

Rules for compiling dietary dishes from champignons for weight loss

Mushrooms are superior in nutritional value to many fruits and vegetables. There are many diets for weight loss on champignons. In the process, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  1. 1 If you eat 150 grams of mushrooms daily instead of one of the main meals for 30 days, then during this period it is quite possible to lose about two kilograms. Eating champignons after losing weight, you can not worry about the fact that excess weight will return.
  2. 2 You can combine mushrooms with various products, including those that have a negative calorie content.
  3. 3 For a diet, both fresh champignons and dry, frozen ones are suitable.
  4. 4 For dietary dishes, mushrooms can be boiled, baked, marinated, fried, grilled.
  5. 5 Drink on a mushroom diet you need at least a couple of liters of fluid daily.
  6. 6 You can eat no more than three hundred grams of champignons a day.

You should also remember the compatibility of champignons with certain products.

Mushrooms are compatible with cereals, potatoes, vegetable, butter, herbs, vegetables, sour cream.

They have average compatibility with cheese and meat.

Not compatible with milk, cottage cheese, fruits, sugar, nuts.

Diet dishes with champignons for weight loss

Salad with beans and mushrooms

  1. We take 200 grams of champignons, 150 grams of asparagus beans, one onion, 50 grams of radish, herbs, salt, vegetable oil;
  2. Boil beans in water;
  3. Put the beans, chopped mushrooms, onions in a preheated pan, salt, pepper and simmer until soft;
  4. Put in a salad bowl, add grated radish, herbs. We serve to the table.

Soup with rice, cheese and mushrooms

  1. Cooking 150 grams of mushrooms, 100 grams of rice, 50 grams of cheese, a clove of garlic, vegetable broth - 600 grams, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs to taste;
  2. Mushrooms are lightly fried;
  3. Add champignons, garlic, pepper, salt, rice to the vegetable broth and cook on low heat until tender;
  4. Before turning off, add greens and cheese.

Buckwheat porridge with champignons

  1. We take half a glass of buckwheat, 200 grams of champignons, one and a half glasses of water, one onion, vegetable oil;
  2. Fry chopped mushrooms, onions in a pan;
  3. We wash the buckwheat and set to boil;
  4. When the cereal is almost ready, add mushrooms and onions to it;
  5. We cook the dish until cooked.

Absolutely all types of mushrooms, without exception, are considered an extremely nutritious product that is not recommended for use when switching to a dietary diet, although in fact it is far from being the most high-calorie ingredient.

And champignons can be cited as a good example. When losing weight, you can eat such mushrooms, but only if you use mushroom diet recipes, which, by the way, there are a great many. But before considering which mushrooms are suitable for weight loss (recipes, dishes, combinations), it is necessary to describe in detail their energy value.

So, the lowest calorie content is observed in raw mushrooms, because 100 grams of fresh champignons contain only 27.4 kilocalories, which is really quite a bit.

It is noteworthy that there are a fairly large number of snack recipes that can involve fresh champignons without peel, because these are the only mushrooms that can be eaten raw without any risk to their own health (but only if we are talking about a product cultivated, not wild).

Raw toasts with thin slices of raw mushrooms, light goat cheese and olive oil, low-calorie salads with fresh champignons, cherry tomatoes, arugula, avocado and pine nuts, diet poultry pates with mushroom champignon paste - this list is endless.

Unfortunately, the energy value of champignons increases when they are cooked, but we are not talking about some critical indicators, so there is no reason to deny yourself the use of this delicious product during a diet.

For example, the calorie content of boiled mushrooms increases to only 28.22 kcal / 100 grams, so any dietary diet can include liquid and thick mushroom-based soups. As for baked mushrooms, 100 grams of this delicious dish contains a little more than 30 calories. It is noteworthy that the calorie content of stewed champignons is even lower and on average it corresponds to 27.5 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished dish without additives.

You can lower this already low figure if you subject the mushrooms to a deep freeze before cooking, because in this case their calorie content will drop to 25 kcal / 100 grams, although this method has one significant drawback - the loss of the vast majority of valuable qualities and properties .

On a note:

The minimum calorie content of mushrooms corresponds to 18.95 kilocalories and it can be achieved if you use canned mushrooms. At the same time, they should not be confused with pickled champignons, because vinegar, oil and other spices increase the energy value of the product up to 24 kilocalories.

If we consider the most high-calorie dish of champignons, then they certainly are fried mushrooms and especially high energy values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be observed if butter or vegetable oil is added to the product during the cooking process.

So, 100 grams of fried champignons usually contains about 44-46 kilocalories, although this figure can be significantly reduced if you use a non-stick pan or grill. In the latter case, the energy value of the finished dish can be reduced to 37 kilocalories, while retaining all its useful qualities and taste properties.

That is, the dietary diet will become much tastier and more interesting if you include steaks of large champignons fried with herbs on the grill, mushrooms baked in foil, steam pancakes from them and fragrant pates with onions and spices. Even tastier and no less safe for the figure are champignon dishes with various additives.

It can be a stew of stewed mushrooms, onions and poultry breast without skin and subcutaneous fat, steamed protein omelettes with mushrooms, mushroom pasta on rye breadcrumbs, mushroom slices crostini with herbs in white wine, lentil porridge with mushroom “slices” and many others. hearty, healthy, low-calorie hot meals and snacks. Some housewives prefer to use dry champignons for cooking, mistakenly believing that dishes from them are less nutritious and more fragrant.
