
Is it possible to add jam in. Cooking apple dessert

Summer is the time to stock up on fragrant northern berries so that in case of a cold or a bad mood, put a jar of raspberry jam or lingonberry jam on the table. We figured out how to cook jam so that it turns out delicious. At the end of the text - three simple recipes.

How to choose dishes for cooking jam?

It is advisable to choose a copper pan or basin. Copper is ideal for making jam because it distributes heat evenly. But if there is no such pan, then any with a thick bottom will do. It is better to choose something large in volume so that the berries do not run away during the cooking process. You may also need a wooden spoon for stirring and jars into which you will pour the jam.

How to store jam?

It is best to store jam in small glass jars with a screw-on lid (the lids must be new each time). 250 grams is the ideal size, the jam will last for a week or two and it will not have time to deteriorate.

To prevent jam from turning into wine, be sure to sterilize jars and lids. It will take you 30 minutes, but you will be sure that nothing will go bad. The procedure is actually not very complicated, especially if you have a dishwasher. Put the jars with lids in the dishwasher on the highest temperature cycle, but without detergent. Or put still wet jars and lids in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. If you prefer traditional methods, then boil the jars and lids in a large saucepan. Remove sterilized jars and lids with tongs and dry on a clean towel.

How to choose berries and sugar for jam?

Very often I go to jam overripe berries and fruits, but this is not the right choice. Strong berries contain the most pectin, a natural thickener. If you want the jam to be thicker, then choose just such berries and fruits. Least of all pectin in strawberries and peaches, most of all - in currants, apples and plums.

Sugar is the main preservative for jam, and you can choose absolutely any sand. Traditional recipes call for taking a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of refined product, and then as you like. For example, in a recipe for raspberry jam, this is how it should be done, but in blueberry jam, it is better to add a kilogram of sugar to two kilograms of berries. At the very end of cooking, you can add one or two tablespoons of lemon juice to activate the pectin and preserve the taste of fruits and berries.

How to make jam: basic steps

Jam, jam, jam, marmalade, jelly - all these are different ways of preserving fruits and berries, vegetables, nuts and even flowers. When simmering jam, the ingredients tend to hold their shape; jam or confiture - boil soft. Marmalade is a jam made from citrus fruits, most commonly oranges. Jam - mashed potatoes boiled with sugar. There is also raw jam - in it the ingredients are ground with sugar. And also jelly - for example, from red currant berries.

Once you have decided what you want (jam or jam), start cooking:

  • For jam, it is better to first boil the sugar syrup in a ratio of one to one, and for jam, pour the feedstock with sugar for 20 minutes, and even better overnight (it will be faster).
  • After boiling, you need to cook the resulting substance for 40-50 minutes over high heat, so that the water evaporates faster and the pectin starts working.
  • At the end of cooking, do not forget to remove the foam - someone does this all the time, but in general it is enough once, at the end of cooking. The foam must be removed so that the jam remains transparent.
  • Pour the hot jam or jam into the jars without adding one centimeter to the top of the jar. Tighten the lids, but not completely, so that the jars do not burst.

How to cook jam? Three recipes for Karelia

Raspberry jam

Sort the raspberries and pour them into glasses in a basin, sprinkling with sugar. To one glass of berries - one glass of sugar. After that, leave the berries for 2-3 hours. Then put on a slow fire for 40 minutes, until the juice from the berries soaks all the sugar. Increase the heat to medium, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. Don't forget to stir and skim. Jam is considered ready when the foam ceases to stand out.

Red currant jelly

For this recipe, you will need a juicer or some patience. Red currant berries must be thoroughly washed, sorted and squeezed out of them juice. The easiest way to do this is with a juicer, but if it is not there, then you can grind it with a sieve or crush it in gauze. We still have juice and "cake" from the berries (by the way, it can be used for compote). Add sugar to the currant juice in proportions of 1: 1 and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to constantly stir and remove the foam.

Gooseberry and orange jam

Rinse thoroughly and sort through all the berries, it is advisable to cut the “tails” of the gooseberries. You will need about 900 grams of gooseberries, 1.2 kg of sugar and two oranges. Remove the pits from the orange, twist together with the zest and gooseberries in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Then stir this mass with sugar, put on fire, boil for 7-10 minutes. Leave the jam for 5-6 hours in a cool place, and then boil again for 7-10 minutes. After that, you can pour the jam into jars.

Jam... A symbol of childhood! Aromatic, fragrant, sweet and viscous. Which you can secretly pull from a jar, smearing the tip of your nose and ears, and then, when the jam accidentally ends, without blinking a single eye, firmly prove that nooo, I didn’t even try that jam! Jam... Smelling of summer, countryside, vacation, open spaces and freedom... Even if you are among those who do not like this delicacy, you still take out a jar from time to time and, having opened it, spread it with pleasure on a piece of warm bun and wash down with cold fat milk ... Do you know at the same time,? Have you mastered the basic techniques, passed the main stages of training?

From bash-org:
My mother-in-law is a mathematician, recently retired and took up dacha preparations.
The stickers on the jam jars are delightful.
"Raspberry 35% + currant 65%", or "strawberry 60% + raspberry 40%".
I haven't read the lettuce jars yet, but I think I saw the sign of the natural logarithm there.

Let's make an assumption - any standard jam, be it strawberry or cherry, apricot or currant, is cooked according to the same principles. Of course, there are variations and options, there are non-classical performances and additives, there are recipes with tricks and subtleties, however, if we are talking about the most common grandmother's jam from the far corner of the pantry, then you can cook it following the general rules. Let's talk about them, shall we? Under the cut - 10 tips,.

1. Choose berries and fruits

Berries and fruits that you are going to turn into jam must be perfect. It only at first glance seems that you can stuff anything into a jar, there, they say, everything will be mixed up and nothing will be visible. However, one should clearly realize: from anything, anything will turn out. If you are aiming to cook a beautiful and tasty jam, the raw materials for it should only be of high quality. Whole berries, not crushed fruit, not spoiled, and by no means those that are about to go bad. Only fresh, whole, firm and beautiful.

2. Wash and dry

With rare exceptions (for example, raspberries), the berries and fruits that you plan to use for jam should be thoroughly washed and dried. Excess water is excess liquid in the jam, which means a minus in taste. Everyone likes it when the syrup flows down a spoon with a thick slow drop - to get such a consistency, you also need to make sure that the berry that you put in the jam is dry.

3. Cover with sugar

You can, of course, make jam by pouring berries and fruits with sugar syrup, but still the classic version is ordinary granulated sugar. Pour the raw materials evenly and wait until all the sugar (well, or almost all) has dissolved. Only after that you can start cooking jam.

4. Keep the proportion

The classic proportion when making jam is 1:1. You can vary, but you should be clearly aware that a decrease in the amount of sugar will inevitably lead to the fact that the jam will be thinner than the standard version, and an increase threatens to sugar the jam during storage.

5. Remove foam

It is believed that along with the foam, small debris rises, which you may not have washed out of berries and fruits, and extra impurities, which are abundant in industrial sugar. For this reason (cleansing and increasing the shelf life), it is recommended to remove the foam from the jam. I’ll tell you a secret, I almost never do this - firstly, I’m sure of the quality of my berries (I usually use homemade raw materials), and secondly, I think that the amount of impurities that get from sugar into foam is so minimal that it doesn’t worth the effort. The aesthetic side does not bother me at all in this case, since after the jam is ready and poured into jars for storage, no traces of foam are visible at all.

6. Cook - step by step!

Usually, the jam is cooked in three stages: slowly brought to a boil, boiled over a minimum heat for 5-15 minutes, left to cool completely and thoroughly (usually overnight). If, after three approaches, the jam does not seem ready to you, boil it for the 4th time, be sure to keep it until it cools completely.

7. Check for readiness

The readiness of jam is checked in various ways. You can apply the syrup in a thin layer on a saucer and after a couple of minutes draw a strip in the middle with a spoon or fingernail - if the white trace does not disappear, the jam is ready. There is a way to check with a drop - applied to the nail surface, it should not spread. In general, there are a lot of options, the main thing is to understand the general principle: the readiness of jam is determined by the readiness of its syrup.

8. If the jam turned out to be liquid, do not be upset

Alas, sometimes it happens that, even following all the rules and recommendations, the jam does not want to thicken. Don't worry, it happens. On sale there are a lot of natural thickeners based on fruit pectin - a substance that is responsible for the fact that the jam thickens. Run to the store, add it to the jam and don't tell anyone - believe me, no one will guess anything.

9. Pour into perfectly clean jars

The finished jam in hot (almost boiling form) is poured into sterilized jars and covered with sterilized lids, after which they are cleaned under several blankets and left to cool completely (at least a day).

10. Store properly

Nowadays, when store shelves are literally bursting with various jars of jams and marmalades, homemade jam has turned from an ordinary sweet treat into something much more. It has become a kind of symbol of a cozy home, in which family harmony and well-being reign. If you have not yet learned how to make jam, we advise you to master this culinary wisdom as soon as possible.

What is homemade jam made from?

To prepare any kind of jam, of course, sugar is required, since it is he who is the preservative agent in this delicious dessert. Jam is made from almost all types of fruits and berries. Classic options are jam made from strawberries, cherries, black currants, raspberries, apricots or lingonberries. Also quite often gooseberries, peaches, quinces, pears and small heavenly apples are used for jam. Fans of something more original can try making jam from watermelon peels, green walnuts, dandelions or rose petals. In addition, vanilla sugar, citric acid, nuts, and even ethyl alcohol (of course, in small quantities) may be needed to make some types of jam.

How to choose berries and fruits for jam

When choosing raw materials for future jam, try not to save on it if possible. Fruits and berries need to be bought only selected ones - absolutely fresh, without specks and wormholes. Berries should be completely dry on top. If they have already released juice, which can be seen at the bottom of the container, then they are not suitable for jam. Almost all berries and fruits should be bought in a slightly unripe form - then they will better retain their shape during cooking.

Preparing jam

There are two main ways to make jam:

  • The old classic recipe, which was used by our grandmothers, prescribes to boil the fruits in a pre-prepared concentrated sugar syrup. To prepare it, sugar and water in the amounts indicated in a specific recipe are placed in a container for making jam, put it on fire, stir continuously and wait for the syrup to begin to boil. After that, the fire is immediately reduced and the syrup continues to boil until it is ready. The indicator of readiness is as follows: the syrup flows down from the spoon with a viscous wide ribbon, approximately in the same way as honey flows down. Next, the fruits are immersed in the finished syrup and jam is made from them.
  • The second method, which has become widespread in our time, is as follows: the prepared fruits are immediately placed in a bowl in layers, sprinkled with the necessary amount of granulated sugar, and when the berries release juice after a while, they put the bowl on the stove and immediately begin to cook jam.

During cooking, the jam is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula to prevent burning, and the foam that forms on its surface is regularly carefully removed.

There is still no consensus among housewives about how much jam needs to be cooked so that it is completely ready. Some believe that it is necessary to cook for a very short time - no more than 5-7 minutes, then the berries in the jam will not lose their color and all the vitamins will be preserved in them. The jam brewed in this way is popularly called "five minutes". It is, of course, very tasty, but it is stored for a short time. Therefore, if you have a sufficient supply of time and are not in a hurry, it is still better to cook jam according to the classical technology - in several stages. This is done as follows: the jam is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the stove, then it cools down and infused for several hours. During this time, the berries are soaked in syrup and become denser. Then this cycle is repeated 2-3 more times, after which the jam is cooked until fully cooked and laid out in jars. Such jam is considered ready if the berries in it do not float to the surface and are evenly distributed in the thickness of the syrup. You can learn more about how much jam you need to cook until it is fully cooked from our other.

Now that you already know the basic rules for making jam, try making it yourself, for example, from apricots.

How to make apricot jam

To prepare such a jam, you will need three kilograms of apricots and two and a half kilograms of sugar. Apricots should be chosen brightly colored, fragrant and slightly underripe. In addition, they should have a dense, but not stringy flesh, from which the stone is easily separated.

  1. Apricots should be washed, dried, cut into halves along the natural groove and pitted.
  2. Apricots prepared in this way should be laid out, sprinkled with sugar, into a bowl for jam. It is desirable that the basin is made of stainless steel. If you don’t have one, you can take an enameled one. We leave the apricots in the basin for several hours and wait for them to release the juice.
  3. We put the basin on the stove and, not forgetting to stir occasionally, bring its contents to a boil. Next, reduce the heat and cook the jam for 5 minutes, regularly removing the foam that appears on it.
  4. We turn off the stove, remove the basin, put it in a suitable place and let the jam stand for about half a day.
  5. Then we repeat the whole process - let the jam boil, keep it on fire for the same five minutes, then remove it and leave it on the table to infuse for another 12 hours.
  6. For the third time, we cook the jam completely - mix well, remove the last foam and check the readiness. To do this, drip a little syrup on a saucer and see if it spreads. If the drop retains its shape well, then the jam is completely ready. It must be removed from the fire and poured into jars.

How to cook jam in a slow cooker

Jam cooked in a slow cooker, in taste and consistency, is very similar to five-minute jam. Cooking it is very simple, the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of food that you will put in the container. So that your jam does not “run away”, the total amount of products should not exceed half the volume of your multicooker, that is, you need to put 1 kg in a 4-liter pan. sugar and 1 kg. berries or fruits. Next, you just need to remove the steam valve from the lid, put the prepared fruits in the multicooker container, cover them with sugar, close the multicooker and turn it on in the “Extinguishing” mode for exactly one hour. In an hour, your jam will be ready.

To keep the maximum benefit, the jam is boiled in 2-3 doses for a minute of cooking, leaving between cooking to cool completely. This is a vitamin-sparing method of cooking, although it can be cooked in 1 step - as a rule, from 10 minutes to the moment until it is quite dense. If a drop of boiled jam syrup does not spread in a spoon, but retains its shape, the jam is cooked.

How to make jam

General principle
Berries or fruits are peeled, washed and cut as you like, and then boiled with sugar. Sugar is a strong preservative, so any jam is stored for a long time, and if you follow the rules of hygiene, then the jam will stand all winter.

1. The proportions of fruits and sugar when making jam.
As a rule, 1 kilogram of sugar is taken for 1 kilogram of berries.

2. How to cook jam?
Jam is boiled in brass or steel utensils - ideally wide enough basins so that the lower layers of the fruit do not soften under the weight of the upper ones.

3. Storage of jam.
Jam must be poured into prepared jars: washed in hot water with the addition of soda and heated to complete dryness in the oven (at a temperature of 60 degrees for 10 minutes). Store jam at a temperature of 5-25 degrees in a dark place, at least occasionally ventilated.

4. On what fire to cook jam?
Jam must be boiled over low heat so that it does not burn and all useful substances are not boiled out.

5. When is the jam ready?
Jam is cooked when a drop of syrup becomes very tight.

6. Do you skim the foam from the jam?
Skim the foam when cooking jam.

7. What should I do if the jam does not thicken?
It is recommended to bring the jam to a boil again. Or add a little gelling component. You can use lemon juice - it will release the natural gelatin it contains. Another option is to use dry powder.

8. How to cook jam without cooking? :)
For one jar of fruits, take 1 jar of sugar (or for 1 kilogram of fruits - 2 kilograms of sugar), grind with a mixer. Store the ground mass in the refrigerator.

9. How to organize the storage of jam?
To store jam, you can print labels with the name of the blanks and the date. Or just write on the bank with a marker.

Utensils for cooking jam

Jam is boiled in saucepan or bowl. The basin is good because the large open surface provides enhanced evaporation of the liquid - the jam will be thick, but the fruits or berries will not be digested. The saucepan is more convenient to use, it takes up less space on the stove or on the table between the stages of cooking jam.

Can be used:
Enamelware - it is suitable for cooking jam. But it is worth considering that even a small chip of enamel makes it impossible to use a basin or pan.

Stainless steel utensils are suitable for cooking jam, but sometimes the finished product acquires a "metallic" aftertaste.

Can not use:
Copper basins, although they are traditionally considered the best utensils for making jam. Modern research convinces the opposite - copper is not suitable for making jam. Fruits and berries contain an acid that can dissolve copper oxides that appear in the form of a patina (dark coating) on ​​the surface of dishes. Even if the basin is torn off to a shine, it is still not worth using it for cooking - copper ions destroy ascorbic acid, depriving the jam of even the minimum amount of vitamin C.

aluminum utensils categorically can not be used for cooking jam. Fruit acid destroys the oxide film on the walls of the pan or basin and aluminum molecules enter the product.

It is better to pour jam into jars with a small ladle, because. the necks of the jars are usually narrow - there is a risk of spilling the jam.

About sugar in jam

- Sugar when cooking jam acts as a sweetener, thickener and preservative. When cooking jam, sugar is divided into fructose and glucose, which contributes to its rapid absorption by the body.

When cooking jam, sugar obtained from sugar varieties of beets and cane is most often used. Exotic types of sugar: maple, palm, sorghum are rare in Russia and are not used for making jam, as well as brown unrefined raw cane sugar.

If you reduce the rate of sugar bookmarking, the jam will be less high-calorie. But there is a risk at the exit to get the consistency of compote, not jam. Sugar can be replaced with food additives based on pectin. These are jams that improve the consistency of Confiturka, Kvittin, Zhelfix and the like.

Methods for making jam

1 way to cook jam - classic

1. Pour sugar into the dishes.
2. Pour sugar with cold water.
3. Put the dishes on the fire.
4. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
5. Bring the syrup to a boil.
6. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
7. Add berries.
8. Cool the jam for 5 hours.
9. Put on fire, bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes, stirring gently and removing the foam.
10. Cool again.
11. Bring to a boil for the last time and cook for 3 minutes.
12. Cool and pour jam into jars.

2 way jam cooking - fast

1. Wash and dry the fruits.
2. Put the fruits in a bowl.
3. Pour in sugar and stir.
4. Leave for 5 hours.
5. Put the basin on the fire.
6. Bring to a boil, stirring regularly.
7. Cook for 5 minutes.

Jars for jam

Glass jars are used to store jam. They close the cans with tin lids using a seaming machine or twist the "twist" lids - they come in different diameters, you need to choose the right size jars for the neck.
The finished jam is laid out in clean, dry jars. If the product is packaged in a jar where drops of water remain, then the jam will not be stored - it will become moldy or ferment. Banks are washed with hot water and soda. It is necessary to rinse the jar inside and out with water, pour a teaspoon of soda on the sponge and carefully wipe first the inner and then the outer surfaces of the jars. Then rinse the jar thoroughly with water. The fact that the jar is well washed is indicated by a characteristic creak when you run your finger over its surface. Do not use household chemicals (dishwashing detergents). These products have a strong odor that lingers on the dishes and can ruin the aroma of the jam itself. Wash the lids thoroughly with baking soda.
Clean jars in which jam is planned to be stored must be sterilized. For this:
1. Pour water into the pan, install a special holder for cans and put on medium heat.
2. When the water boils, place the jar on the holder with the bottom up (the neck enters the hole in the holder). Steam the jar for 5 minutes.
3. Remove the jar from the holder (using a towel or potholders) and place the neck down on a clean towel. After five minutes, put the jar on its side - so the wet steam will come out, and the hot walls of the jar will dry the inner surface. After 5 minutes, a clean, dry jar can be used for its intended purpose.
4. The lids also need to be sterilized: place in a pot of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove (pry with a fork) and lay to dry on a clean towel.
More ways to sterilize jars:
- Pour 5-5 centimeters of water into a wide saucepan, install a microwave grate and put the jars upside down. When the water boils, the steam will sterilize the jars. So it is necessary to sterilize them for 15 minutes.
- strengthen the jar on the spout of a boiling kettle;
- pour boiling water over the jar and let stand for 10 minutes under the lid;
- in the microwave: pour a little (about 1 centimeter from the bottom) water into the jar. Put in the microwave, power 700 W, processing time 2 minutes;
- in the oven: put wet jars on a baking sheet. Turn on the oven. The heating temperature is not more than 130 degrees, the processing time is about 5 minutes (until the cans dry inside and out);
- in a slow cooker: pour 2 cups of water into the bowl of the appliance, place the jars in the steaming grid. "Baking" or "Steaming" modes. Processing time 5 minutes after boiling water. This method is good for small jars.
Attention! In case of overheating or temperature difference (for example, cold water gets into a hot jar), the jar may burst. Be careful!

fruit jams

Berry jam

Other jams

All about making jam

What do we cook?

  • Blanks
    • Jam

Just like all over the world, and maybe even stronger, sweets have always been loved in Russia. And one of the most common, most beloved sweet dishes in Russian cities and villages has always been jam. Even in the most meager, stingy times, the housewives tried to prepare at least a few jars of sweet, fragrant, smelling of generous summer jam. Cooking methods were often kept secret, and a well-prepared treat was proudly boasted to the guests. And these good traditions are still alive today. In every house, in every family, a carefully prepared jar with this delicious and fragrant dessert is sure to be stocked up. Today we will try to learn and remember how to make jam.

Almost any berries and fruits are suitable for making jam. Ripe fragrant strawberries, cherries and currants, strong ruddy apples, peaches and apricots, blueberries and blueberries loved by many, and even such exotic fruits for our region as walnuts and green tomatoes, everything goes into business. Various additives will not be superfluous when cooking delicious jam, for example, cherry leaves are suitable for gooseberry jam, blackcurrant leaves can be added to whitecurrant jelly, and watermelon and melon peel jam is unthinkable without vanilla and lemon juice. Jam also differs in its consistency, it is convenient to spread thick homogeneous jam on morning toast or a sandwich, and jam itself, which has a much more liquid consistency of syrup, but whole berries, it is so pleasant to eat with tea on cold winter evenings.

Today, there are an endless number of recipes and ways to make jam. The preparation time and method differ. preparation of berries and fruits, and even the base of the syrup. Someone makes jam using sugar syrup, and someone, remembering old traditions, boils berries in honey. Everyone can choose a recipe according to their strengths and means. And yet, the basic principles of cooking, little secrets and tricks developed by the generations of our ancestors are relevant to this day.

Today, "Culinary Eden" has prepared for you a selection of the most important tips and secrets that can help even those who are going to cook this sweet dish for the first time, and will fully explain to you how to make jam.

1. When choosing dishes for cooking your jam, try to pay attention to deep and wide basins or pans made of copper, aluminum or stainless steel. The best at all times were considered copper basins for jam with a comfortable long handle. Jam in such a basin is prepared quickly, which helps to preserve the color and aroma of the berries. However, it is important to ensure that no green plaque of harmful copper oxides forms on the inner surface of such a basin. Basins and pans made of aluminum and stainless steel are deprived of this drawback. But it is better to refrain from using enameled dishes, the likelihood is too high that your jam will burn and be completely spoiled.

2. Try to choose the best and freshest berries and fruits for jam. Of course, only those berries that you picked in your garden on the day of cooking can be ideal berries for making jam, but, unfortunately, this is not available to everyone. When buying berries in the market or in a store, try to give preference to local fruits. Such berries and fruits make a much shorter way to our table, which means that they retain the fullness of taste and aroma much better. Most berries and fruits are best taken not quite ripe, but choose absolutely ripe cherries and plums. Make sure that your berries do not have any visible flaws, damage, dark spots, bruises. Do not forget to smell the berries before buying, because the brighter and more expressive the aroma of fresh fruits is, the more tasty and fragrant your jam will turn out to be.

3. In order to prepare a truly tasty and beautiful jam, first of all, you should properly prepare sugar syrup. After all, only well-prepared syrup can make jam of the best quality, such jam will have a clean, transparent syrup and whole, beautiful and fragrant berries. Cooking such a syrup is not at all difficult. Take 1 kg. sugar, pour into a bowl for cooking jam, add ½ cup of clean water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling, reduce the heat slightly, stop stirring and cook the syrup, only slightly shaking the basin, trying to avoid caramelization. Your syrup will be completely ready when it flows down from a spoon into it in a thick, viscous stream. You will see - berries cooked in such a syrup retain their shape perfectly.

4. During the cooking of jam, foam is necessarily formed on its surface, which must be removed, because this foam not only spoils the appearance of your dish, but can also cause premature sourness. However, you should not rush and try to remove the foam as soon as it appears. Just before the end of cooking, let your jam boil as hard as possible and immediately remove from heat, then wait a couple of minutes for the berries to settle. Now feel free to pick up a slotted spoon and carefully remove all the resulting foam. This method will allow you to most thoroughly remove even the slightest remnants of foam, without damaging the berries, and, which is also important, will save you time and effort.

5. It is equally important and correct to track the end of the cooking process. After all, undercooked jam can ferment or turn sour, and overcooked jam will definitely be candied and will not be able to please you with a bright taste and aroma. In order to correctly determine the moment when your jam is already completely ready, it is enough to use simple tips. The jam is ready when the foam does not diverge along the edges of the basin, but gathers closer to the center. In the finished jam, the berries are evenly distributed in the syrup, and do not collect at the surface. A drop of ready-made jam syrup placed on a saucer does not spread, but retains its shape. If all these signs coincide, quickly remove your jam from the fire, it is already completely ready!

6. Let's try to cook delicious, bright and fragrant jam from garden strawberries, sometimes unfairly called strawberries. Rinse one kilogram of strawberries thoroughly, being careful not to damage the berries, and remove the green sepals. Let the water drain and transfer your strawberries to a jam bowl. Pour the berries with one kilogram of sugar and put in a cool place for several hours until the strawberries release juice. Then place the bowl over low heat and bring the strawberries and sugar to a boil, stirring gently but thoroughly. As soon as your jam boils, immediately remove it from the heat and let it brew for 8 hours. Then boil the jam until tender on the smallest fire, trying not to allow excessive boiling. The jam prepared in this way completely retains the bright taste and aroma of berries, and the syrup is clean and completely transparent.

7. It is even easier to cook delicious, fragrant and so healthy raspberry jam. Carefully sort one kilogram of raspberries, remove twigs and sepals and rinse gently. Transfer the berries to a deep saucepan and cover with one kilogram of sugar. Leave the raspberries with sugar for 4 - 5 hours, then pour the resulting syrup into a bowl for cooking jam, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Transfer your berries to the prepared syrup, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes, gently shaking the basin. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, remove the resulting foam and pour the jam into jars. This jam completely retains the taste and all the beneficial properties of fresh raspberries, but it should be stored in the refrigerator.

8. M. Syrnikov offers us a recipe for excellently tasty lingonberry and apple jam. Sort one kilogram of lingonberries, rinse and dry slightly. Peel three sour apples, remove the core and cut into 8 pieces each. Cook sugar syrup from 1 kg. sugar and ½ cup water, as described above. Pour the berries and apple slices into the boiling syrup, bring to a boil again, then remove from heat and leave for 2 hours. Place the cooled jam on the fire again, bring to a boil and cool again for two hours. Then put the jam on low heat and cook until tender, gently shaking the basin and avoiding burning. Cool the finished jam and arrange in jars.

9. Delicious gooseberry jam will require painstaking preparation, but will thank you with its exquisite aroma and amazingly beautiful color. 800 gr. Rinse green unripe gooseberries thoroughly, cut off the twigs and the remains of dried flowers, make a small incision on each berry with a sharp knife and carefully remove the seeds. Boil 2 liters of water in a deep saucepan, add 50 - 100 gr. fresh cherry leaves, cook for 10 minutes, remove from heat and immediately add the prepared gooseberries. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 12 hours. Then pour the resulting broth into a separate bowl and remove the cherry leaves. Place 1 ½ kg into the jam bowl. sugar, add 1 cup of the reserved broth and cook a thick syrup. When the syrup is ready, pour the berries into it, bring it to a boil again and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, gently shaking the basin and avoiding burning. Cool the finished jam, remove the foam and pour your jam into jars.

10. Indian cuisine invites us to try the original spicy and spicy rhubarb and ginger jam. 400 gr. Wash the rhubarb stalks, remove the rough skin and cut into thin slices. Place the rhubarb in a cooking pot, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons grated fresh ginger, 1 ½ cups sugar and 1 teaspoon minced lemon zest. Place the saucepan on the lowest heat and melt the sugar. Be careful not to burn the sugar! When the sugar is completely melted and the rhubarb is juicy, turn up the heat and bring your jam to a boil. Reduce the heat to low again and simmer the jam for 20 minutes until tender. Cool the finished jam and arrange in jars. Store in refrigerator.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find many new and proven recipes that will surely help you find the answer to the question of how to make jam.
