
Can pregnant women drink kvass? Is it possible to drink kvass for pregnant women in the third, first or second trimester.


Diets and healthy eating 10.07.2017

Dear readers, today I propose to talk about the good old kvass - a drink known in Rus' for over a thousand years. In the old days, kvass was indispensable at festivities and in everyday life for its taste, ability to quench thirst well and induce a feeling of satiety.

It is kvass, the benefits and harms of which cause so much discussion and questions, that will become the subject of our conversation today. What is it made of and how is it made? Is kvass good for our body or should we limit ourselves? These questions also worry me, because with the advent of summer, we are increasingly eating it. And we make okroshka and just drink it.

The benefits and harms of kvass

Today on the Internet there is a lot of information about the benefits and value of this drink, but I do not really trust allegations, especially when it comes to health, so I decided to figure it out on my own.

To find out the properties and effects of kvass on our body, let's take a closer look at its composition.

Composition of kvass

Main Ingredients:

  • water,
  • malt,
  • yeast,
  • sugar,
  • flavor additives.

It is these components that will determine the effect of the product on the human body. Therefore, we will analyze them in more detail.


The quality of water affects both the quality of kvass and its taste. Pay attention to this, if you decide to make a drink yourself, then it is better to use boiled spring water, and not the one that flows from your tap. In industry, well-purified, but so-called "dead" water is usually used, it is safe, but does not carry any value to the body.


For the manufacture of kvass, rye and barley malt, sometimes wheat malt, is most often used. Malt refers to the soaked and germinated seeds of cereals, which, after fermentation, are dried with warm air.

We have already talked about the benefits and how rich it is in vitamins and various trace elements. Similar information can be found about rye and barley seedlings.

So, rye malt is rich in the following elements:

  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, chromium and other trace elements;
  • vitamins A, E, vitamins of group B;
  • enzymes that help break down starch.

Useful properties of rye malt:

  • Restores and strengthens the body after operations, physical exertion and exhaustion, contributes to the formation of muscle mass due to its energy value (high calorie content, protein, low fat level);
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels, contributes to the regulation of insulin production;
  • Slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, activates the metabolism;
  • Helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • Maintains healthy hair, nails, teeth;
  • Can be used in the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver (but not during an exacerbation).

Barley malt also has a rich composition and the ability to have a positive effect on our entire body. Its useful properties include:

  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Favorable effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restoration of the mucosa;
  • Reducing the risk of gallstone formation;
  • Reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood cholesterol levels;
  • Therapeutic effect in diabetes;
  • Maintain joint and skin health.


When analyzing the question of the benefits and harms of kvass for the human body, it is worth paying special attention to the presence of yeast in modern kvass. After all, despite the beneficial properties, their negative impact causes serious concern. Recent studies show that yeast:

  • Increase appetite;
  • May cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • With frequent use, the beneficial intestinal microflora is inhibited;
  • Contribute to the reduction of immune forces and fatigue of the body;
  • Can cause cancer.

Today, microbiologists have found out that baker's yeast, which we usually use in everyday life and which is used in the production of bakery products, carries a hidden danger, contributing to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and creating a favorable environment for the development of cancer cells. We all need to know about this. This information was a great discovery for me as well. Now I will pay special attention to this.


Here is another unhelpful ingredient in the composition. I'm sure you know enough about the dangers of this carbohydrate. And in kvass it contains a fairly large amount. Although its presence is not required. In Rus', the drink was made without sugar and yeast.

We examined the main components in the manufacture of kvass, in addition to them, there are also various additives, natural or not - it depends on the production technology.

You are unlikely to find useful natural supplements in store-bought kvass. These are usually chemicals that improve taste or increase shelf life and should be avoided.

Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, spices, honey can be added to natural kvass. Such additives improve the taste and increase the usefulness of the drink.

And in order to complete our study, it is worth considering the nutritional and energy value of kvass.

Nutritional and energy value of kvass

As well as the exact composition, the value of the drink can be different, depending on the method of manufacture and the presence of additives. We will consider approximate figures for the simplest home and store kvass.

The calorie content of store kvass is 27-30 kcal per 100 g of product.

The nutritional value:

  • carbohydrates - 5 g / 100 g,
  • proteins - 0.2 g / 100 g,
  • fats - 0 g / 100 g.

The calorie content of homemade kvass is slightly less - 20-27 kcal, the nutritional value is approximately the same as a store product.

What conclusion can be drawn from this data? Both store-bought and homemade kvass contains a lot of carbohydrates at a low calorie content. This determines its ability to quickly induce a feeling of fullness, but then it also quickly causes a feeling of hunger.

It turned out to be a difficult analysis to find out whether kvass is good for health. But for me personally, the answer to this question has become more or less clear: only fresh home-made kvass, made without the use of yeast, is really good for health. It is better to refuse from the store or use it only in very small quantities.

But even if you use homemade kvass, do not forget that ethyl alcohol is released during the fermentation process, which also has a negative effect on the human body. Summarize.

Homemade kvass - benefits and harms

Since we found out that a store-bought drink can hardly be called useful, then speaking about the benefits and harms, we will mean homemade bread kvass.

How useful is homemade bread kvass:

  • Contains vitamins, useful minerals and enzymes;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Increases the body's resistance and gives strength;
  • Strengthens hair and nails, gives health to the skin;
  • Promotes better digestion of hard-to-digest foods.

These useful properties of kvass are determined by the natural components that make up its composition.

Harm of homemade kvass:

  • Contains alcohol in small quantities;
  • Contains a lot of carbohydrates at a low calorie content, which leads to rapid satiety, and then to rapid hunger;
  • May cause edema;
  • Contraindicated in allergy to cereals.

If yeast was used in the manufacture of the drink, then the disadvantages can also be added to the harm from the influence of this culture on our body.

I suggest you also watch a video about contraindications when using kvass:

Separately, I would like to consider the use of this product during pregnancy.

Kvass during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink kvass? Doctors unequivocally agree that the use of ethyl alcohol, even in small quantities, negatively affects the development of the fetus. But the harm from drinking kvass during pregnancy also lies in the fact that it can cause bloating and even intestinal upset, causing discomfort to mother and baby.

Store-bought kvass should definitely be excluded during pregnancy. And if you really want kvass, then it is better to cook it at home, and afford a little.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about nutrition. If there is no allergy, then you can cook more healthy beetroot, birch or honey kvass.

Is it possible to give kvass to children and from what age?

What else is kvass?

Speaking of the word “kvass”, we usually mean a bread drink made by fermentation from water, malt, bread (or flour) and other ingredients.

But kvass can be different: birch, beetroot, honey, mint, oatmeal, etc. In these drinks, instead of malt, birch sap, beets and honey and other components are used as the main ingredient, respectively. Fermentation occurs with the participation of sugar, dried fruits or fruits. Also, some recipes involve the addition of yeast, but you can do without them.

I propose to say a few words about each type of kvass.

The benefits and harms of birch kvass

Miraculous have been known since ancient times. This is a real storehouse of useful substances, therefore, kvass based on it is distinguished by its exceptional usefulness. The main thing is to properly collect the juice itself.

Birch kvass has a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism, normalizes digestion, has a diuretic effect, removes toxins and helps with diseases. Raisins, honey, fruits, mint are often added to it.

From time immemorial, this drink has been considered primordially Russian. It has an amazing taste, sweet and sour aftertaste, heady aroma and texture. We quench their thirst, refresh ourselves. We are talking about a well-known drink - kvass. We can rightfully consider it our own, Russian heritage. In addition to the fact that it quenches thirst, it has a lot of useful qualities and properties. Let's talk - what are the benefits and harms of kvass, is it possible for women to use it, at what age is it given to children. And yet, what are the positive qualities of the drink for men's health and why since ancient times it has been called the drink of health and longevity.

Being one of the healthy and nutritious foods, kvass was known in ancient Egypt. Around the 6th century BC, the Egyptians prepared a drink that tasted like the kvass we are studying. And even then people realized that after consuming the fermented liquid, the state of health improved. But real kvass was actually only made by the inhabitants of Ancient Rus'. There are sources from which it becomes clear that the drink was prepared and drunk everywhere. And there was no normal house in which in the morning, afternoon and evening they would not consume a delicious drug. The drink was prepared by both poor and rich Russians. Moreover, it was kvass that symbolized the fact that hardworking and prosperous people live in this house.

The drink raised one's feet after serious illnesses, saved one from fatigue during plowing and mowing, they drank it when they harvested firewood, at the harvest.

From childhood we hear about him when reading folk tales, stories, novels and short stories from great Russian writers. The drink was so popular that there was a special profession for this - kvass. So much importance was given to the product, and everyone strove to consume only correctly prepared and high-quality kvass.

To date, there is apple, white, fragrant, okroshochny, mint, thick, sweet, daily kvass and others. Various dishes were prepared on its basis - summer, winter okroshka, botvinniki. There is even an excellent recipe for sterlet fish soup, to which not only kvass is added, but also lemon, cloves, peppers, and onions. Kulebyaka, pancakes, stewed vegetables and pies were always accompanied with a cup of kvass.

Has anyone at least once thought about why our language differs from the majority in the purity of pronunciation? According to some studies, the reason for this is the use of certain types of drinks and foods. Pickled cucumbers, cabbage, as well as honey and kvass have long been important components of Russian cuisine. Sauerkraut and kvass contain antioxidants and a large amount of vitamin, as well as other elements that are easily absorbed by our body through fermentation. Thanks to this, we, unlike the French, did not lose our teeth, and our pronunciation remained clean and intact.

What is real kvass

It should be noted right away that this product is obtained due to non-fermentation, that is, not complete lactic fermentation and alcohol. It belongs to a number of non-alcoholic products, but it still has a small percentage of alcohol - about 1.2%. It is for this reason that foreign companies, in which there is a judging panel of tasters, attributed the drink to beer.

There are three categories of kvass - bread, berry and fruit. The first contains crusts of bread (black), and berry and fruit are prepared on an appropriate basis and the addition of juice, ripe fruits.

The chemical composition of kvass

A properly prepared drink has a refreshing taste and aroma, has a considerable energy value, and quickly quenches thirst. Carbonic acids help to quickly digest food, promote its assimilation. There are only 27 kilocalories in 100 grams of the product, which makes the product dietary.

Scientific classification - local, historical Russian beer. It is a national treasure. It includes:

  • substances originally contained in whole grains: minerals, vitamins, saccharides and polysaccharides, proteins, etc.;
  • 8 types of amino acids essential for the body - leucine, phenylalaline, threonine, lysine, tryptosan, valine, methionine, tryptophan;
  • products formed by the reaction of proteins and amino acids, melanoidin, which gives the drink a dark color;
  • trace elements and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, etc.;
  • the product contains vitamin A, E, C, D, H, PP;
  • lactic phytic acid, carbonic acid.

Important: in the manufacture of the drink, the destruction of inhibitors occurs, which do not allow the formation of valuable enzymes. This fact helps to better absorb vitamins and other elements.

Medicinal qualities of the drink

Kvass, prepared only from natural ingredients, is not only tasty, but also a healing drink in the literal sense of the word. It can be included in the diet, both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, and it should be consumed under the following conditions:

  1. Avitaminosis. The rich composition makes it easy to endure the off-season, when there is a deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements.
  2. Substances regulate the activity of the digestive tract, do not allow the development and accumulation of harmful, putrefactive bacteria.
  3. Acids, potassium, magnesium contribute to the normalization of the activity of the heart and are the prevention of stroke, heart attack.
  4. Acids and trace elements reduce the level of bad cholesterol, which prevents the formation of plaques and thrombosis.
  5. Microorganisms that form in kvass contribute to normal digestion, eliminate dysbacteriosis.
  6. Consumption of kvass before meals protects against gastritis, peptic ulcers, improves the condition of hypertensive patients.
  7. Kvass contains potassium and magnesium, these substances normalize sleep, relieve insomnia, and calm the nervous system.
  8. The drink is useful for people with high acidity and those who suffer from depression, frequent stress.
  9. The components remove toxins, toxins and decay products of dead cells from the body.
  10. The drink perfectly strengthens tooth enamel, increases the working capacity of a person.
  11. A decoction of rye spikelets in ancient Rus' was used to get rid of respiratory diseases as an effective expectorant. Therefore, kvass containing barley malt was used very often. Also, the product helped to get rid of hemorrhoids, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, with problems with the kidneys, urinary tract, and inflammatory processes of the skin.
  12. Yeasts formed in kvass are unicellular particles that do not contain chlorophyll. This is a great way to regulate sugar in diabetes, normalize the condition with toxic goiter, problems with the activity of the pancreas.
  13. The drink is recommended to be consumed with liver diseases as a cleansing product.
  14. Vitamins and microelements contribute to the healing of purulent processes in the lungs and trachea, in the bronchi.
  15. Regular consumption treats boils and pustular acne.
  16. Vitamin C, PP inhibit the development of atrophy of the nerve of the eye, retinitis pigmentosa.
  17. In its composition, the drink is similar to fermented milk products and can be replaced with good nutrition.
  18. Due to the content of antioxidants and vitamins, kvass has been used since ancient times for the treatment of scurvy and recovery from illnesses, with exhaustion.
  19. Kvass perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates human activity, helps to easily digest flour products, fatty foods, meat dishes, normalizes salt and water balance.
  20. Drinking a drink on an empty stomach promotes the secretion of gastric juice and increases appetite.
  21. It is recommended to include in the diet of people with impaired blood supply to the brain.

Useful properties of beet kvass

This type of drink is also popular among the population and has a lot of valuable advantages. Its effectiveness has been proven by many who managed to lose extra pounds with it in a short period of time. Moreover, this happened without any harm to the health of the body as a whole. The product is useful for:

  1. The beetroot drink contains iodine, chlorophyll, vitamins PP, C, B, A, iron, copper, carotene.
  2. Anemia - the carotenoids contained in it increase the level of hemoglobin.
  3. Cleans blood vessels from plaques and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

A huge amount of antioxidants has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and also effectively prevents the development of oncological and inflammatory processes.

Kvass is one of the best "weapons" in the fight against alcoholism. Due to the small percentage of alcohol, it is consumed so that the body can survive the rejection of alcoholic beverages without stress. Thus, cravings are reduced and addiction is treated more effectively.

Is it possible to drink kvass for pregnant women

It is difficult to resist a glass of kvass in hot and sultry weather. Pregnant ladies are no exception and more than others need to cool their bodies. In addition to some water, compotes and jelly, I really want kvass. But compassionate future mothers look with caution at a healthy and tasty drink - is it possible for pregnant women to drink kvass? Is healing nectar dangerous for a baby in the womb? Consider carefully the myths and the true state of affairs and decide whether to drink or not to drink.

The drink is harmful to women's health.

Everything that is consumed in large quantities, inadequate doses can lead to negative consequences. If you drink kvass in small doses and not very often in an “interesting” position, then everything will be in order. Moreover, following the rules will allow the body to receive valuable trace elements, vitamins and minerals. And the amount of alcohol is so small that it is impossible to damage both the mother and the baby with such an amount.

Important: A factory-made product may contain chemicals. Therefore, it is better to use homemade kvass, prepared in compliance with hygiene standards and recipes.

It doesn't matter where you bought kvass.

If you think that you can buy products at any corner and have fun, then you are deeply mistaken. Yes, the drink sold from barrels and at stationary points is much better in terms of the composition of the store product. But there are a few rules that will minimize the risk of acquiring a defective drink:

  1. Unpleasant smell, strange cloudy or unnatural color - do not buy.
  2. When spilled, the norms of sanitation and hygiene are not observed.
  3. The product is sold in a plastic bottle.
  4. Excessively bright taste - bitter, sweet.
  5. The purchased drink contains a large amount of preservatives.

Important: a pregnant woman can occasionally consume kvass, the quality and freshness of which she is absolutely sure.

Regular consumption of kvass adds extra pounds.

This is not to say that yeast is a calorie bomb. Yes, they are involved in digestion, increase appetite, which can be controlled by various methods. In order not to encroach on your figure - drink kvass in moderation and snack on light fruits and vegetables.

Important: the drink has a mild laxative property and prevents constipation in pregnant women.

When you can not drink kvass for pregnant women

  1. With flatulence, you should not get carried away with a drink, as the fermentation process can aggravate bloating.
  2. With an increased tone of the uterus and pathology of the fetus, kvass is strictly forbidden to use.

Is it possible to give kvass to children

We are so accustomed to the primordially Russian drink that we drink it to our kids without fear or doubt. Or maybe you should think - is it possible for them to use this drink, are negative reactions, problems with well-being possible?

First of all, you need to take into account that kvass is a must, a product of fermentation, during which alcohol is released. Of course, it cannot be said that the drink turns into alcohol, but a small dose is still present - about 5 percent of commercials. For an adult, this is zilch, and for a child - a serious portion. In order not to harm, it is necessary to cook according to a more gentle recipe, in which the dose of alcohol will be no more than 1.5%.

Important: before you drink the baby, you should consult a doctor.

At what age can kvass be given to a child - in no case should a baby be given water until he is 5 years old. This is especially true of a purchased product, in which there are a lot of chemicals, dyes and preservatives that are toxic to the body.

Another important reason why you need to protect the consumption of kvass up to 5 years is colic. Fermentation in the baby's ventricle can lead to gas, pain. It is better to drink your favorite child with dill water, fennel tea, compote or just water.

What is useful kvass for men

We are more often accustomed to seeing men with a glass of not kvass, but banal beer. And that's bad! It is much better to enjoy the taste of an amazing and natural drink than to spoil your health with alcohol, albeit a weak one. How useful is the drink we describe for the strong half of humanity? Doctors say unanimously - it only benefits. This is especially true for a product made at home.

Fermented kvass is involved in the processes of metabolism, metabolism, removes toxins and slags from the body. Yes, and it refreshes in the heat perfectly, strengthens the human defenses.

So, we list the positive qualities of the drink:

  1. Increased energy and vitality. A glass of kvass after hard work and sports activities will immediately return to life and fill the body with life-giving moisture.
  2. Eliminates bloating, regulates stools, has a laxative effect.
  3. Vitamins and minerals are involved in the production of testosterone, increase sensitivity, increase the time of sexual intimacy, and affect the quality of conception. It is for this reason that at the wedding the newlywed was given not vodka, but kvass.
  4. Promotes the production of lactic acid, strengthens muscles and tissues.
  5. Calcium strengthens joints and bones and prevents injury.
  6. Kvass is an excellent prevention of colds and infectious diseases, as immunity is strengthened, antioxidants remove decay products of dead cells and putrefactive bacteria from the body.
  7. Zinc and selenium have a positive effect on potency, maintain thick hair and protect against premature aging.

Kvass - contraindications and harm to the body

Any product has both positive and negative qualities. There are a number of points at which it is impossible to include the drink described by us in the diet:

  • celiac disease;
  • high acidity;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stones in the gall and kidneys;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, liver;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • ailments with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to use kvass during lactation.

Kvass for weight loss

Unlike their ancestors, contemporaries easily figured out another feature of the drink - it can burn extra calories and speed up metabolic processes. We offer the best cooking recipes, thanks to which you can become slim without harm to the body. The main rule is to prepare a drink without yeast.

1 recipe - oatmeal

The diet lasts 14 days and by this time the body will feel light, digestion will be regulated. Pour a pound of oatmeal or oats into a three-liter container. Pour boiled water, pour 3 table. spoons of granulated sugar, bandage the neck with a bandage and set aside for 2 days. A film should form at the top - a signal of readiness. Drink a glass half an hour before meals.

2 recipe - beetroot

Grate one large or two medium beets on a grater, add a little bread (rye) and pour all this over two liters of cool water. Pour 4 table. tablespoons of granulated sugar, set aside for 4 days and then refrigerate.

This composition perfectly helps to cleanse the intestines, regulates cardiovascular activity, and is indicated for obesity.

Take half an hour before meals for half a glass of drink, but do not exceed the dose of 5 glasses per day.

Important: if there is a strong cleansing - reduce the dose.

3 recipe - lemon

Prepare 4 lemons, pour boiling water over them. Squeeze the juice into a container, pour 2.5 cups of granulated sugar, 100 grams of raisins, lemon zest and 20 grams of yeast. Fermentation will take place for two days, then you can drink the drink.

Homemade kvass - a universal recipe

This method of preparation is indicated for everyone, without exception, who has no contraindications to use. To make the drink excellent, you should pay attention to such points:

  1. The choice of yeast - they must be absolutely fresh.
  2. Choice of bread. You can use any type, but a truly delicious drink will turn out if you use rye bread. It needs to be dried in the oven and the darker the crusts are, the richer the color of the kvass will be.
  3. Water. It should be boiled, but cooled to room temperature.
  4. Capacity - cook in enameled or glassware. It is strictly not allowed to cook in an aluminum pan.
  5. Storage. Initially, the drink should be at room temperature, and the finished product in a cool place for 3 days, no more.

For cooking we need:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • yeast (wet) - 30 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • bread (rye) - 300 grams.

We breed yeast in a glass of water (warm), pour it into a bottle, add granulated sugar and broken bread into pieces. We fill everything with prepared water. We cover the neck with cheesecloth, leave for a couple of days at room temperature. As soon as the drink is ripe, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. Put kvass in the refrigerator. Take half of the bread from the sourdough and keep it in a cold place for the next preparation. It is ready to eat and does not require the use of yeast.

So, we have studied the beneficial properties and contraindications in the use of our favorite kvass. Now we know perfectly well who can and who cannot include a refreshing Russian drink in their diet. Moreover, we have learned how to prepare a healing drink at home and can enjoy its taste at any time without spending money. Drink kvass, have fun and strengthen your body.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

An old Russian drink, beloved by most Russians, is kvass, the benefits and harms of which will be the subject of discussion in our article. There are many different varieties of kvass: bread, apple, daily, mint, beet, okroshka, berry. An invigorating drink can be purchased ready-made in the store. Or you can cook it yourself using natural products. It will be the most delicious and healthy drink.

Beneficial features

From time immemorial, a tasty fermenting product in Rus' was found in almost any home, and during fasting days it was the basis of many dishes: okroshka, botvini. Why is this drink so popular so far, is kvass useful and what is this benefit expressed in?

There are very few nutrients in the drink from the store. Most often, in its preparation, chemical additives, food colorings and preservatives are used, the product is subjected to pasteurization. After such procedures, the leaven loses all its healing qualities.

Therefore, we will only talk about “live fermentation” kvass, made according to the correct technology from natural ingredients. The benefits of such a product for both men and women are indisputable:

  • It has a tonic, invigorating effect.
  • Well removes thirst, especially in the summer heat, as it contains lactic and acetic acids.
  • It has the ability to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the digestion and assimilation of heavy foods.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system. Yeast fungi developed as a result of fermentation help to remove cholesterol plaques, which increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Therefore, it is useful to drink kvass with high blood pressure.
  • It has a bactericidal effect, due to which harmful bacteria in the intestines are destroyed.
  • Relieves colds, sore throats and flu.
  • Increases appetite in case of loss of strength.
  • Improves the functioning of the pancreas thanks to the yeast that is part of the drink, enhances the production of insulin. Therefore, a naturally fermented drink is useful for people with diabetes.
  • Helps those suffering from alcohol addiction to reduce cravings for alcohol.
  • It is an energetically valuable low-calorie product due to the presence of rapidly digestible amino acids and carbohydrates, which is valuable for overweight people.
  • It relieves stress, fatigue, irritation, strengthens muscles due to the content of a large amount of B vitamins in it.
  • Helps restore and strengthen immunity due to the presence of a significant amount of ascorbic acid.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel, reduces the risk of caries due to the presence of calcium in the composition.
  • Strengthens male "strength", helps in the treatment of typical male diseases.
  • Reduces the risk of stones in the bile ducts and bladder.
  • It helps to restore and strengthen the body after surgery, heavy physical exertion, during exhaustion, as it has a high energy value.
  • Helps fight spring beriberi.
  • Promotes better sleep, helps in the fight against chronic fatigue, depression.
  • It cleanses the skin and improves its appearance, removes inflammation and purulent acne.
  • Helps to stabilize the condition of patients with kidney and liver diseases.
  • It has a positive effect in eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, myopia, optic nerve atrophy. Cleans the capillaries of the fundus due to the presence of vitamins capable of this.
  • It is a prophylactic against harmful viruses and infections.

It is useful to have an invigorating drink on the table if there are fatty meat products on the menu. Not without reason, in the old days, a delicious foamy product was familiar and everyday for Russian people.

But, for all the usefulness of kvass, you should not use it thoughtlessly or fanatically in significant volumes. There are restrictions on the use of such a healthy drink.


Doctors did not reveal much harm from the use of natural kvass in food. There are only restrictions on its consumption.

  1. Kvass is a product of live fermentation, it contains a small portion of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it should be used with caution in children and pregnant women. Doctors recommend letting children drink the delicious drink from the age of three. Some baby nutrition experts advise waiting until age seven. The decision is up to the parents.
  2. This feature must be taken into account by those who plan to drive the car themselves. We drank kvass - wait at least an hour for the vapors of alcohol to disappear, then just get behind the wheel.
  3. Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, liver cirrhosis, urolithiasis prohibit the use of bread kvass.
  4. Natural bread kvass is not stored for a long time. It is necessary to strictly observe the expiration dates so as not to get poisoned by a damaged product.

Dietary Properties

Kvass, made from natural products by the method of live fermentation, is recognized by doctors as an excellent diet drink. With low acidity, nutritionists advise taking half a glass of delicious drink 30-40 minutes before meals.

Kvass diets have been created for those who want to lose weight. Moreover, the benefits of such diets far outweigh the harm:

  • Diets based on kvass show a high weight loss result.
  • They act favorably on the health of losing weight. The appearance, condition of hair and skin changes for the better, it becomes elastic.
  • There is no constant feeling of hunger. Kvass promotes the production of insulin, its blood level rises, the sugar content decreases, and a feeling of satiety arises.
  • There is a natural bowel cleansing.
  • Metabolic processes in the body are restored.
  • The mood rises.


The calorie content of natural bread kvass is 27 kilocalories per 100 g of drink. Calorie content may deviate up or down depending on the product used in the manufacture of kvass:

  • Beetroot - 12 kcal
  • Apple - 26 kcal
  • Honey - cranberry - 40 kcal
  • Ginger - 9 kcal

A store-bought, industrially produced drink contains one and a half to two times more calories.


Although kvass is considered a dietary product, not everyone can enjoy it.

  • Having increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, stomach ulcer, you can forget about this delicious drink or use it with caution. With increased acidity, heartburn becomes an unpleasant consequence of drinking kvass.
  • Allergy to cereals can also become an obstacle to the intake of fermented grain liquid.
  • Due to the alcohol content in the drink, it is unacceptable for children under 3 years old to give kvass, from 3 to 7 years old it is worth limiting its amount to a small dose.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not drink kvass because of the small amount of ethyl alcohol formed in it (from 0.6% to 2.6%). A baby who feeds on mother's milk may experience colic, bloating due to the resulting gases.

The nutritional value

Natural kvass, prepared in compliance with all the rules, serves as a storehouse of many vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for health.

The energy value of an invigorating drink per 100 g is shown in the table.

The product's name calories, kilocalories Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Bread kvass 27 0,2 0 5,3
Cranberry kvass 41 0,21 0,02 11
Kvass from apples 36,0 0,2 0,08 9,0
Kvass from rhubarb 34,0 0,2 0,04 8,9
Bread kvass (from the finished concentrate) 4,3 0,05 0,007 1,2

There are many in the fermented drink and useful substances that determine its medicinal properties:

There are micro and macro elements in kvass, their quantity is different depending on the main component of the drink. Let's compare two types of kvass - honey - cranberry and apple. These elements are absent in bread kvass.

Micro and macro elements Per 100 g of product, mg
Honey - cranberry apple Daily rate, mg Apple,% of the norm
Calcium 3,2 6 1000 0,7
Magnesium 0,9 1,7 400 0,5
Potassium 13,3 49,3 2500 2,1
Sodium 1,6 4,9 1300 0,5
Phosphorus 2,5 5 800 0,7
Zinc 0,0043 0,0360 12 0,35
Chlorine 0,02 0,3 2300 0,02
Manganese 0,015 0,04 2 2,2
Molybdenum 0.04 µg 1.05 mcg 70 mcg 1,4
Iron 0,2 0,45 18 2,4
Iodine 0.015 µg 0,45 150 0,4

Correct use

Kvass, made according to all the rules, can and should be drunk, especially in the summer heat. It quenches thirst well due to the presence of lactic acid in it. The main thing is not to overdo it, to know the measure.

You should not drink a fermenting drink to a driver who is going on a flight. Recently created sensitive breathalyzers will definitely show the minimum dose of alcohol in the blood, which is fraught with loss of rights and a fine.


It is better to pour ready-made kvass into portioned plastic or glass bottles with tightly screwed caps.

It is better to keep bottles with a drink in the refrigerator, laying on their side.

The shelf life of homemade kvass at a temperature of +5 degrees is 7-10 days.

The shelf life of purchases from the store is indicated on the packaging. Preservatives and stabilizers are usually added to ready-made kvass, so the shelf life of such a product in unopened packaging is much longer. But the health benefits of such drinking are highly questionable.

How to choose

When buying a ready-made drink, pay attention to the container in which it is poured. It is better to take kvass in dark packaging. Sunlight has a negative effect on the finished product, in the dark, useful properties are preserved better and longer.

The longer the shelf life of the drink, the greater the amount of chemical preservative additives it contains. It is better to refuse the acquisition of such a drink.

Take an interest in the composition of the product - it should include bread yeast.

When pouring a drink, pay attention to the foam - it should not be at all or be very small.

What is good to combine

On the basis of kvass, everyone's favorite cold soups are prepared: okroshka, tyurya, botvinya.

The drink goes well with many products:

  1. With vegetables - potatoes, cucumbers, horseradish, carrots, radishes;
  2. With greens - celery, dill, parsley, onion, sorrel, nettle, mint, lemon balm;
  3. With cereals - buckwheat, millet, wheat, barley;
  4. With berries - strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, cherries;
  5. With bread;
  6. With meat and meat products - sausage, ham;
  7. With dairy products - kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, whey;
  8. With chicken egg;
  9. With vegetable oils.

Kvass and spices (pepper), lemon, raisins, apples, pears go well together. The combination depends on your gastronomic preferences.

It is easy to prepare kvass at home, there are different recipes on the Internet, and in the store you will be offered a concentrate for kvass (or kvass wort). Treat yourself to a delicious homemade drink whose benefits and healing properties are obvious.

It will definitely not work to answer the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink kvass. for some, it is contraindicated, but in general, for most women, small amounts can be drunk. More details can be read below.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Kvass is obtained as a result of fermentation, that is, it is a natural drink. This product has been known since ancient times, it was made by different peoples, including in Rus'. Both poor and rich loved kvass, it was on the table in a wide variety, with different additives, served for festive treats and on weekdays. Until now, it is considered useful for adults and children, as well as for pregnant women. But women who are carrying a child need to know how much and how to drink a drink so as not to harm themselves and the baby.

General information about kvass

In the old days, kvass belonged to intoxicating drinks, it was made for feasts, and the alcohol content in it was high. When they learned how to make vodka, then kvass moved from the category of intoxicating drinks to a refreshing one, which they drank in the hot season and cooked liquid cold first courses on it. Until now, okroshka is a favorite food of all peoples inhabiting Russia and neighboring countries.

The basis for the preparation of kvass is the wort, its fermentation is achieved with the help of yeast, and the basis of the wort can be flour, malt, crackers, fruits.

The expectant mother, on the contrary, needs to eat well and not deny herself in hot weather to drink what she likes.

There are many varieties of kvass, it can be lemon or apple, beet or with the addition of raisins, but bread kvass is considered the most common and easiest to prepare. In order to make kvass at home, you can buy a ready-made concentrate in the store or use rye bread crackers for this.

Kvass during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, there are no strict prohibitions in nutrition and in the use of soft drinks. The expectant mother, on the contrary, needs to eat well and not deny herself in hot weather to drink what she likes. If you have always wanted kvass to quench your thirst, then drink it to your health while carrying a child, but subject to some restrictions.

At the initial stages of pregnancy in the first trimester, the pregnant woman undergoes adaptation processes, the body begins to rebuild and get used to the fact that a new life is ripening in its bosom. Doctors warn the woman that now she needs to be careful about the products she uses. She herself feels responsible, and before drinking or eating something, she wonders if it will harm the baby. You need to remember information about how kvass will act on your body:

  1. Kvass is a fermented product, getting into the stomach and intestines, it provokes fermentation there as well.
  2. If you drink a lot of kvass, then your stomach will swell as a result of increased gas formation. Such a phenomenon as flatulence contributes to an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  3. If the uterus is constantly in good shape, then an abortion may occur.
  4. Even a small proportion of alcohol in kvass can adversely affect the development of the embryo.

Therefore, it is better not to use kvass in the first trimester.

In the second trimester, toxicosis is already behind, many of the baby's organs have formed, the woman feels good. She is mobile, she still has a small stomach, and her appetite has been restored. Therefore, there are few restrictive measures in nutrition and drinking, and the list of products that are not recommended for pregnant women with a period of 4-6 months is minimal. Kvass is not one of them. It will not harm the expectant mother and child, but it is still necessary to limit its use if there is one of the reasons listed below:

  • poor general health of the pregnant woman;
  • swelling of the legs, face;
  • increased flatulence;
  • loose stool.

Kvass is useful for a pregnant woman with its rich vitamin and mineral content, but within reasonable limits. The maximum amount of drink consumed is calculated as two glasses per day. It is no longer possible, even if you really want to, and you are used to quenching their thirst.

The third trimester is the most difficult period of pregnancy. In these months, you need to be extremely careful again and drink only those drinks that do not contribute to gas formation. This is due to the fact that flatulence provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth. But this is the worst option, more often there is an increase in edema, which is quite noticeable in recent months. There are also advantages of using kvass at this time, they are that digestion improves, and slight fermentation in the intestines is a moderate internal massage of the uterus. The conclusion is that you can drink kvass, but you need to carefully monitor what effect it has on your well-being. At the slightest discomfort, it should be abandoned.

The benefits of this drink for pregnant women

  1. Vitamin C has a vasoconstrictive property, it has a positive effect on blood circulation and prevents the formation of hematomas. In the first trimester, vitamin C is helpful in relieving morning sickness.
  2. Complex B1 plus PP actively affects the fetus, helping it to develop and grow.
  3. Kvass contributes to the normalization of metabolism, maintains the balance of microflora in the intestines, which helps to avoid dysbacteriosis.
  4. Some laxative effect helps pregnant women with constipation, which is a common occurrence during the entire period of bearing a child, with the exception of the last days of the prenatal period.
  5. Magnesium and calcium are necessary for the formation of the bone and cardiovascular system of the baby, the health of the teeth, nails and hairline of the mother.
  6. The drink has a calming effect, helps to relax and relieve physical fatigue.

Doctors advise pregnant women not to deny themselves their favorite drink if after drinking it you feel a surge of energy and an improvement in mood. Cautions apply to the first trimester and some caution is needed in the third trimester.


The influence of kvass on the gastrointestinal tract is especially strong. It creates an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract, and for pregnant women with high acidity, it can bring unpleasant consequences. They consist in heartburn and exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis, enterocolitis, stomach ulcers.

Fermentation, which is the basis of the preparation of the drink, is a source of increased gas formation. For pregnant women, this effect is harmful at any time, it leads to bloating and flatulence. Both of these phenomena are dangerous for the uterus. Despite the fact that gases are formed in the intestines, this is reflected in the uterus. Anxiety in the swollen intestine leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can lead to its contraction.

If kvass is your favorite drink and you drink a lot of it, then do not be surprised at the increase in edema. This product has the ability to retain moisture in the body, so the legs, stomach become swollen, and the face is puffy.

Kvass with a normal alcohol content of up to 1.2% is practically safe for mother and child. But there are types of drink in which the alcohol percentage is higher; pregnant women should not drink such kvass. For women who have intolerance to alcohol, kvass is strictly forbidden, because it will cause an immediate allergic reaction.


  • imbalance of microflora in the intestines and dysbacteriosis, in this case, kvass plays the same role as yogurt or kefir with bifidobacteria;
  • low acidity, it ceases to manifest itself due to the content of organic acids in the drink;
  • caries, its development is inhibited, because kvass contains a rich mineral composition that has a positive effect on tooth enamel;
  • defects of the skin and hairline, yeast in the composition of the product contributes to their elimination;
  • fatigue, kvass helps to restore strength, it is considered tonic and increases efficiency;
  • lack of appetite, a drink based on rye bread stimulates the desire to eat.


Forget about kvass should be those who are sick with gastritis and stomach ulcers, and also have a number of other health problems:

  • Edema and kidney failure;
  • Preeclampsia - toxicosis in late pregnancy;
  • Hypertension and pressure drops;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Flatulence and urolithiasis;
  • Deviations in the development of the fetus of any etiology.

After evaluating the indications and contraindications for the use of kvass, each pregnant woman must conclude for herself whether she can drink kvass, or is it better not to endanger the child and her health.

Methods of use

Even in the absence of warnings against drinking kvass, you can use it no more than two glasses a day. But besides the amount of the drink, it is important what kind of kvass should be consumed and how.

Regarding the methods of use, we can say that the drink should not be drunk supercooled. Kvass that has stood for several hours in the refrigerator loses some of its beneficial properties and can cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In hot weather, or if you need to take a drink on the road, some people freeze it and then drink it with ice. Remember that this is a completely useless and dangerous drink. From sub-zero temperatures, all healthy components are destroyed in it.

The easiest way is to purchase bottled kvass. But when using, ask what the composition of this product is. If it contains chemical flavors or other unnatural elements, it is better to refuse store products and make kvass yourself. But if the drink is of high quality, then it will contain only healthy ingredients - malt, water, yeast, sugar and additives in the form of berries and fruits. You can drink this drink.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the bottled product. A carbonated drink with fermentation components that has stood the allotted time is doubly dangerous. Firstly, they can be poisoned, and secondly, the alcohol content rises in it. Even one sip of such a potion can cause belching and nausea. And if you drink a glass, then it is possible.

Barrel carbonated kvass for pregnant women is a prohibited product. Remember that when pouring into a barrel, sterility cannot be maintained. This kvass is not recommended to be drunk primarily for hygienic reasons.

It remains homemade kvass. This is the safest drink in terms of creation and storage. You make it yourself and put only quality products. Drink it to your health, but do not forget about moderation in everything.

Who should not kvass during pregnancy and why

The categorical ban on the use of kvass applies to pregnant women who, during the gestation of the fetus, have features in the state of the uterus and the pathology of the course of pregnancy, as well as deviations in the development of the fetus.

  1. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then the use of kvass can increase the risk of abortion.
  2. The uterus is in high tone. This condition can lead to premature birth if there is a rapid process of gas formation in the intestines.
  3. Tendency to edema at all stages of pregnancy and moisture retention in the last weeks. Kvass can increase swelling, and in the final weeks it will interfere with the cleansing of the body.
  4. With frequent occurrence of heartburn, the acidity contained in the product can increase it and cause discomfort and an appetite disorder.

Thus, kvass is a healthy drink for everyone, including pregnant women. But at certain periods of gestation and with some anomalies in the course of pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon it. With good health, the use of kvass should be moderate. Remember that pregnant women can do everything that is not forbidden, but little by little.

Pregnancy affects many aspects of a woman's life, including nutrition. And not only the foods that she consumes, but also the drinks are of great importance. If everything is clear with coffee, soda, alcohol, then there are often doubts about kvass. How is this fragrant drink useful or, conversely, harmful for the expectant mother? How to use and choose it correctly?

The chemical composition of the drink

Kvass is a very ancient drink, which is a product of fermentation. Initially, it was made on the basis of cereals, and only later fruits, honey, and spices were added to it.

Kvass received the greatest distribution and general popularity in Rus' (the very name of the drink is of Russian origin, and the etymology is associated with the word "sour"). For the first time, it is mentioned in the annals in connection with the baptism of Rus', when, at the direction of Prince Vladimir, honey, other food and kvass were distributed to the people. By the 11th century, the aromatic drink was already being prepared everywhere. Kvass received the greatest popularity in Rus'

The profession of a fermenter in the old days in Rus' was very common. Everyone specialized in making a certain type of drink: from barley, apples, pears, etc. Moreover, kvass in the old days was made both low-alcohol and quite strong (it’s not for nothing that the Russian language has the verb “sour” with a well-known meaning). The relevance of the latter was lost with the advent of vodka.

The chemical composition of modern bread kvass is quite complex and includes, first of all, the initial components of whole grains:

  1. Proteins and carbohydrates (respectively, 0.2 g and 5.2 g per 100 g). A pregnant woman in the first trimester needs 110 g of protein and 350 g of carbohydrates per day (in the future, this need increases to 2900 kcal). Thus, from one glass of drink (250 g) of drink, she will receive 0.45% of the daily requirement of proteins and 3.75% of carbohydrates. Moreover, proteins obtained from kvass contain several essential amino acids.
  2. Vitamins B1, B2, E, PP.
  3. Minerals: especially a lot of calcium and phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Also present are zinc and iodine, manganese and copper, silicon and boron, molybdenum and other elements.
  4. Polysaccharides.
  5. Enzymes formed during the fermentation of the drink.
  6. Lactic acid, carbonic acid.
  7. Ethyl alcohol (0.3–1.5% by volume).

Table: percentage of the daily requirement for vitamins for a pregnant woman in a glass of kvass

Vitamin Content in 100 kvass Daily requirement of a pregnant woman Percentage % of the daily requirement in one glass of kvass
IN 10.04 mg1.5 mg6,7%
AT 20.05 mg1.8 mg7%
E0.2 mg15 mg3,3%
RR0.7 mg20 mg8,75%

Interestingly, whole grains of cereals contain substances that prevent the formation of enzymes (they are called inhibitors). In the production of kvass, when grains are filled with water, inhibitors are destroyed, due to which enzymes contribute to the additional synthesis of B vitamins. In addition, enzymes and lactobacilli in the drink destroy phytic acid: it binds phosphorus in cereals and prevents it from being absorbed human body.

There are even more vitamins of group B in bread kvass than in bread, since they are additionally synthesized by enzymes

The calorie content of kvass is 27 kcal per 100 g of drink. The daily norm for a pregnant woman is approximately 2550 kcal (in the first trimester, as the period increases, energy costs increase). Thus, after drinking a glass of kvass, the expectant mother will receive 1% of the daily amount of kilocalories she needs.

Video: kvass - a primordially Russian drink (TV program of Elena Malysheva "Live great!")

The benefits of kvass during pregnancy

Bread kvass, containing a lot of useful substances, will certainly benefit a pregnant woman:

  1. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper development of the fetus. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails of the expectant mother. Together with magnesium, they calm her nervous system, improve her mood. Vitamin C improves immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to alleviate well-being with toxicosis. Vitamin PP dissolves bad cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Due to the content of enzymes, kvass helps maintain normal intestinal microflora: eliminates mild dysbacteriosis, has a slight laxative effect (and many women "in position" have problems with stools).
  3. Potassium and magnesium help the heart muscle work.
  4. Calcium strengthens bones and tooth enamel (which often becomes weak during pregnancy).
  5. Kvass perfectly quenches thirst and tones. This is especially true if pregnancy occurs during the hot summer months.
  6. Carbohydrates in the composition of the drink give women strength and energy.

Even in the old days in Rus', people noticed that kvass increases efficiency, relieves fatigue. They drank it both old and young, representatives of all classes. The peasants, who worked all day in the field, took with them not milk and curdled milk, but kvass.

Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, tones and saturates the body with nutrients.

Possible harm from the use of kvass for a pregnant woman and baby

With all the benefits of kvass during pregnancy, it can also bring harm:

  1. Excessive consumption of the drink provokes increased gas formation. After all, kvass is a product of fermentation, and the same process starts in the intestines. In addition, heartburn occurs. Moreover, these phenomena are especially likely in the first trimester of pregnancy: the mother's body during this period is very sensitive to all changes, as it adapts to the existence of a new life in it.
  2. In the vicinity of the intestines, full gas, the uterus can increase its tone, which is fraught with miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth at a later date.
  3. We must not forget that alcohol is still present in kvass (albeit in a negligible dose). And if the expectant mother in the first trimester is too fond of a foamy drink, then the risk that it will somehow affect the development of the baby cannot be completely ruled out.
  4. With a drink, you need to be careful in the later stages. The main reason for this is edema, which some pregnant women suffer from. Kvass containing gases can provoke them.
  5. Kvass tends to stimulate appetite, and often drinking a drink, a woman can easily gain extra pounds.

Photo gallery: potential harm to kvass during pregnancy

Kvass can cause heartburn in a future mother The drink can cause increased gas formation and bloating, especially in the first trimester Drinking kvass in the second half of pregnancy can provoke edema Due to the proximity to the intestines filled with gases, the uterus can tone up

Contraindications to the use of bread kvass

There are a number of conditions in which kvass should not be included in the diet of a pregnant woman:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity (drinking a drink will only aggravate the situation, since it creates an additional acidic environment).
  2. Tendency to diarrhea, flatulence.
  3. Diseases of the urinary system. Kvass is able to retain fluid in the body: in case of violation of the pathology of the kidneys, they will not be able to cope with the increased load.
  4. Preeclampsia.
  5. Already fixed uterine tone.
  6. Overweight woman.

How to use kvass for pregnant women

If the expectant mother does not have obvious contraindications to the use of kvass, then doctors do not prohibit drinking it. However, there are some nuances here.

You can safely enjoy the drink in the second trimester. Indeed, by this time all the vital organs of the fetus have already been formed, and the female body has adapted to its position (in medicine, this period of pregnancy is also called the “period of calm”). However, kvass should be consumed within reasonable limits: the daily dose should not exceed two glasses.
The safest period for using kvass is the second trimester of pregnancy

Any undesirable reaction is a reason to refuse kvass. In addition, you should not try this drink for the first time during pregnancy: this is not the time for experiments.

In the first and third trimesters, if a woman feels a great desire, she can quench her thirst with kvass only occasionally and in very small quantities (for example, drink a glass a couple of times a week).

During toxicosis in the early stages, the pleasant sourness of the drink helps some to cope with nausea. In this case, a few sips will be enough for the expectant mother to cheer up.

In order not to provoke too rapid weight gain, a pregnant woman should choose not very sweet kvass. In addition, you should drink it carefully so as not to chill your throat.

You can use kvass during pregnancy not only in its pure form, but also as part of okroshka - a tasty and healthy dish. It satisfies both thirst and hunger at the same time. Of the many existing recipes, the expectant mother should choose options with boiled meat (rather than sausage), and also avoid greenhouse vegetables.
A pregnant woman can also use kvass as part of okroshka

Why can a pregnant woman be drawn to kvass

Sometimes a pregnant woman may develop cravings for certain foods or drinks. Often this is not at all accidental: the body thus signals a lack of any nutrients. So, if the expectant mother really wants kvass, then, most likely, she simply does not have enough B or E vitamins. In this case, in consultation with your doctor, you should add more other sources of these nutrients to your daily menu: whole grain bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, eggs. Stocks of vitamin E will be filled with butter and vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.
It is possible to make up for the deficiency of vitamins contained in kvass with other products.

Which kvass to choose for a pregnant woman

Not every type of kvass can benefit a pregnant woman:

  1. Bochkova. Absolutely not suitable for an expectant mother. Very often, sellers of draft kvass violate the sanitary standards for storing and transporting the drink: and this is fraught with food poisoning and the ingress of infectious agents into the body.
  2. In bottles from the store. Bottled purchased kvass is most often not completely natural (it is enough to estimate the expiration date on the package - with natural fermentation, it simply cannot be long). As part of it, you can find dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. (in fact, this is no longer kvass, but a kvass drink - lemonade with the appropriate taste and aroma). Often it is highly carbonated. Such a product is also harmful to a pregnant woman: it can cause allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman really wants shop kvass, then it should contain only malt (rye or barley), water, sugar, baker's yeast. But it must be remembered that even such a product often contains too much sugar, which, of course, is undesirable.
  3. Homemade kvass of own preparation. This is the best option for a future mother. She will be sure of the quality of the components, the method of production, the storage conditions of the product. In addition, there is always the opportunity to adjust the sweetness and strength of the drink.

Photo gallery: the safety of various types of kvass for a future mother

There is a very large selection of kvass in stores, but often it contains flavorings and preservatives A woman can be sure that homemade kvass is safe When storing and transporting draft kvass, sanitary standards are often violated

Homemade kvass recipe for a future mother

A simple kvass recipe can be mastered by any woman.

Previously, in Rus', every hostess knew her own “signature” recipe for a foamy drink. One could often hear such names as “Daryin kvass”, “Malanin kvass”, etc. And the process of its preparation became a real holiday in the family. The stewed, sweetish-tasting grain, which was used in the creation of the drink, replaced sweets for the children.

Recipe with yeast


  1. 300 g of black bread.
  2. 100 g sugar.
  3. 2.5 liters of water.
  4. 6 g dry yeast.


  1. Cut the bread into small cubes and brown in the oven until a golden crust appears (they do not need to be overcooked so that the kvass does not acquire a bitter aftertaste).
  2. To boil water.
  3. Place the resulting crackers in a three-liter jar, add sugar and pour boiling water. Leave the composition to cool.
  4. Dilute dry yeast in a glass of warm water. When the composition in the jar has cooled to room temperature, add diluted yeast there.
  5. Place the jar of drink in a dark place for two days.
  6. Strain the finished kvass.

Recipe without yeast


  1. 500 g black bread.
  2. 300 g sugar.
  3. 5 liters of water.
  4. 50 g raisins.


  1. Bread cut into pieces and dry in the oven.
  2. Pour crackers and 250 g of sugar into a container. Add boiled water to it.
  3. Cool the resulting wort to room temperature, pour raisins into it and mix.
  4. Cover the composition with gauze and place in a dark place for fermentation.
  5. After a couple of days, strain the kvass, add the remaining 50 g of sugar and raisins. After about 10 hours, the drink can be tasted.

To make delicious bread kvass, you need very few ingredients.

Keep homemade kvass should be no more than five days. If the drink has acquired an unpleasant odor or a suspicious color, it is better to refuse to use it: poisoning is too big a risk for the expectant mother and baby. The signs of stale kvass also include the presence of sediment, turbidity and a bitter taste.

Video: how to make kvass

In the video, the refectory of the Moscow Vysokopetrovsky Monastery, novice Georgy, shares a homemade drink recipe
