
You can eat dry milk. Breeding milk powder at home

To date, manufacturers provide a large selection of dairy products. Powdered milk is popular. It is ordinary milk that has undergone special processing, as a result of which its consistency has changed. Before use, this product is diluted in water, but because it has a pleasant rich taste, many people like it in a dry form. The history of powdered milk begins in the nineteenth century, but it was only produced on an industrial scale in 1932. There are still legends about the benefits and dangers of the product.

Composition and benefits of powdered milk

The composition of powdered milk is almost the same as that of regular milk, with the only difference being that it contains less fatty acids. Powdered milk contains similar vitamins and minerals. There is also lactose.

Table of chemical composition

Composition component Powdered whole milk 25% fat (per 100 g of product) Skimmed milk powder 1 - 1.5% fat (per 100 g of product)
Vitamin A147 mcg10 mcg
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.27 mg0.3 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin1.3 mg1.8 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.2 mg0.3 mg
Vitamin B12, cobalamin3 mcg4.5 mcg
Vitamin C, ascorbic4 mg4 mg
Vitamin D, calciferol0.25 mcg0.03 mcg
Vitamin PP, NE6.1 mg7.5 mg
Lactose37.5 g49.3 g
Iron, Fe0.5 mg1 mg
Iodine, I50 mcg55 mcg
Calcium Ca1000 mg1155 mg
Potassium, K1200 mg1224 mg
Magnesium119 mg160 mg
Essential amino acids9.816 g14.237 g
Saturated fatty acids14.9 g0.6 g


  1. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Helps with anemia.
  3. It helps to strengthen the skeletal system, teeth, hair and nails.
  4. It is absorbed much better than plain milk, therefore, in some cases, it can be a source of vitamins and minerals for people who, due to digestive characteristics, cannot consume ordinary milk. It should be noted that if the intolerance is due to a lack of the lactose enzyme, then milk powder will also not be digested normally.
  5. Skimmed milk powder can be consumed by obese people.
  6. It is believed that regular consumption of milk powder is a good prevention of diabetes.
  7. It has diuretic properties, and therefore prevents the formation of edema.
  8. Strengthens the nervous system.
  9. Reduces the level of stomach acid.
  10. Helps with osteoporosis.

Types of milk powder

Powdered milk can have different fat content. On sale you can find whole milk (25% fat) and skimmed. At the same time, the latter still contains a certain proportion of fat, but minimal, 1 - 1.5%. Recently, milk powder has appeared with intermediate fat content: 20 and 15%. All types of milk differ in calorie content and affect the body in different ways. It is very comfortable. Thus, a consumer who is contraindicated in the inclusion of fatty foods in the diet can choose a low-fat option for himself and will not harm his health. The percentage of fat does not affect the main composition at all, and useful substances are present in approximately the same amount in any of the listed types of milk powder. But the shelf life may vary. As a rule, in a low-fat product, it is longer.

Contraindications and possible harm

  1. Individual intolerance and lactose intolerance.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Tendency to deposition of calcium salts in vessels.
  4. Use with caution in the presence of kidney stones.
  5. With gastritis with low acidity, you should not include powdered milk in your daily diet. 3-4 days a week is enough.

Powdered milk is absorbed much better than usual, so most often its use does not cause any unpleasant symptoms. But it, like all dairy products, contains lactose (milk sugar), and many people, even in the absence of complete lactose intolerance, lack the enzyme designed to break down large amounts of it. Therefore, excess milk powder can cause discomfort. As a rule, these are digestive disorders, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen.

How often can powdered milk be consumed

The norm of powdered milk is calculated based on the norms of consumption of ordinary milk. So, a healthy adult is recommended an average of 500 - 800 ml of drink per day with daily use. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, to obtain a liquid product, it is necessary to dilute milk powder (regardless of its fat content) with water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 200-250 ml glass of water. It turns out that every day you can eat 4 - 7 tablespoons of powdered milk.

Video: is it possible to drink powdered milk

How to use the product correctly


Dairy products are very useful for pregnant women, as they contain substances necessary for the development of the fetus, especially calcium, which forms the skeletal system. Powdered milk can be consumed every day. Pregnant women are advised to drink no more than two glasses of milk, so as not to provoke digestive disorders. Accordingly, up to 4 tablespoons of powdered milk is allowed.

Among consumers, a negative attitude towards powdered milk is common, as it is considered an unnatural product. This is an erroneous opinion. In fact, powdered milk is made from regular milk and has a similar composition. It should not be confused with plant-based milk powder substitutes. To distinguish one from the other, you need to carefully read the label.

For nursing mothers

It is not forbidden to use powdered milk for women whose children are breastfed. However, this should be done carefully. The first thing to remember: it must be natural, substitutes cannot be used. And second: the child may have an allergy. It can be provoked not only by milk powder, but by milk in general. Therefore, a nursing mother first needs to try quite a bit of the product to see how the child's body reacts. If everything goes well, then, then, powdered milk can be included in the diet. It is better not to abuse it and reduce the amount consumed to 2 - 3 tablespoons per day.

Powdered milk as baby food

The ability of a child to consume powdered milk depends on his age. By itself, this product, according to some experts, is even more preferable than regular milk. This is due to the fact that milk powder, diluted immediately before eating, will always be fresh, and this eliminates the possibility of the formation of harmful bacteria in it.

However, this product, by analogy with regular milk, is not recommended for children under a certain age. Most experts are inclined to believe that it is possible to introduce it into the diet when the child is 8 months old. The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky is more categorical on this issue and believes that, despite the exceptional benefits of milk for a child's body, it should not be given to children under one year old. When milk is already introduced into the diet, its consumption rate is lower than that of an adult. Allowed 3 - 4 tablespoons of milk powder per day.

This concerned the use of dry milk diluted in warm water in its pure form. But we should not forget that from the first months of a child's life, it still enters his body along with infant formula. The composition of most of the products presented by manufacturers that replace breastfeeding contains skimmed milk powder (with the exception of lactose-free mixtures), and it is the basis of the mixture. By the way, Komarovsky advises using infant formula instead of milk until the child is one year old. So in any case, it is milk powder that is the basis of nutrition for infants. It is important that it be exactly fat-free. Whole milk powder (25%) is not recommended for children under one year old.

With pancreatitis

People suffering from this disease are advised to limit their consumption of dairy products. At the same time, it is not worth giving up dry milk completely. You just do not need to take it diluted as an independent drink, and even more so there is a dry product. Powdered milk, previously mixed with water, should be used for making cereals, omelettes, etc. Norm - no more than 2 - 3 tablespoons per day. It is important that the fat content of milk does not exceed 1 - 1.5%.

For kidney disease

The use of powdered milk can not be limited. On the contrary, it is believed that it is very useful for people who have kidney diseases. However, you need to maintain a balance of fluid in the body, so you do not need to use the product in a dry form. It is preferable to choose a low-fat option.

For gastric and duodenal ulcers

Powdered milk is extremely useful, but only if diluted with water. Powder in its pure form should not be consumed, as its consistency can cause difficulties with digestion. But if you prepare the milk mixture according to all the rules, it will envelop the walls of the stomach and promote recovery. Milk of any fat content is allowed.

With gastritis

The possibility of drinking milk powder depends on the form of the disease. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then you can drink powdered milk diluted in water without restrictions, based on the norm provided for a healthy person. If the acidity is lowered, then milk (any) will have to be abandoned.

For those who are on a diet: will it help with weight loss

Powdered milk will help those who are losing weight to maintain normal health, but you should not abuse it. The product is high in calories. Whole milk powder contains 476 calories. Fat-free - 339 calories. In terms of tablespoons, it turns out that this is the energy value of five tablespoons of the product or two glasses of the resulting drink. This is a lot, but a glass of milk a day is quite possible, especially if it is included in the diet menu. True, it should be noted that regular milk is less caloric. For comparison: the same two glasses of 2.5% fat milk would contain 260 calories.

During bodybuilding

Until recently, when the choice of special sports products for gaining muscle mass was small, in order to obtain the protein necessary for muscle growth, bodybuilders used milk powder. It immediately meets two requirements for products during the period of gaining muscle mass by an athlete: firstly, it contains an increased amount of calories, and secondly, it contains a lot of protein. Milk powder includes up to 38% protein products. Depending on whether you plan to receive fats along with food, you can choose both whole and skimmed milk. It does not affect the protein content. Bodybuilders, as a rule, using powdered milk, do not fit into the recommended daily allowance and instead of the prescribed 4 - 7 spoons they use 12 - 15 each. Otherwise, the muscles will not increase in volume.

Video: powdered milk protein shake

Is it possible to eat milk powder without diluting it with water

In moderation, it does not harm the body. Powdered milk powder has a pleasant taste and even children like it. In sports nutrition, it is also customary not to dilute it with water, but to eat with a spoon, drinking water. But we must remember that undiluted powder is a heavy food for the stomach, which is also very slowly digested. Therefore, you do not need to get too carried away with a dry product.

Health Recipes

For the beauty of teeth

It is noted that brushing your teeth with powdered milk (as if it were tooth powder) significantly improves the condition of the teeth. At first, this manifests itself externally: the teeth become whiter, tartar ceases to form. Then more global changes begin. The gums stop bleeding, the formation of caries slows down. It is advisable to use skim milk. You need to brush your teeth daily, once a day. The second time you can use regular paste. After 2 months of use, take a break of 2 weeks.

How to take for heartburn

Not everyone tolerates regular milk equally well, and it may not always help if heartburn occurs. In this case, you should try using skimmed milk powder. Dilute it in a glass and drink in small sips. It is better to drink in parts: first half, then see how the body reacts, and then drink the rest. If after one glass of heartburn has not decreased, then, therefore, the use of milk in this case is inappropriate.

beauty recipes

Nourishing face mask

  • 1 yolk;
  • half a teaspoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of powdered milk without a slide.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied to a pre-cleansed face. Exposure time - 15 - 20 minutes. This mask is well suited for dry and dull skin, leaving it hydrated and supple. Evens out complexion. Oily skin is unlikely to respond well to the mask. The procedure can be carried out 1 - 2 times a week or simply as needed. Since there are no aggressive components in the composition, interruptions in use can be avoided. For the mask, you can take both whole and skimmed milk.

Lifting mask

It also shrinks pores very well. You need to take 1 - 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and a few drops of six percent apple cider vinegar, so much so that this amount can dilute the powder to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. The mask can be done once a week. It has a drying effect, so it is well suited for oily skin. Better to use skim milk.

Nourishing mask for hair ends

Powdered milk is very convenient to use as a hair mask. If you dilute it with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1: 1/2, you will get a mass of the required consistency. By adding additional ingredients to the mixture, you can get masks of various effects.

For a nourishing mask you will need:

  • milk powder 25% fat in an amount calculated based on the length of the hair (about 8 tablespoons will be needed for shoulder-length hair);
  • 2 - 3 yolks;
  • a teaspoon of burdock oil.

Mix the ingredients and add a little water if necessary. You should get a mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply it to pre-washed damp hair for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. If the hair responds well to the mask, you can do it once a week.

Oily hair mask

It is very simple and is made from milk powder without adding any ingredients. Milk must be taken only skimmed. It is diluted with slightly warm water to a thick jelly, which must be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. Then leave for 30 minutes, wrapping your head with cellophane and a towel. Wash away. The mask should be done 2 times a week for 3 months. Then take a break for 1 month.

It is known that milk is a very useful product, but, unfortunately, it quickly deteriorates, and in order to keep it as long as possible, various methods of processing and packaging are used. Back in the 19th century, scientists came up with one of the longest-term ways to store milk - in dried form. As a result of thickening and subsequent drying, a white powder is obtained from fresh milk, which has all the useful properties of ordinary milk. The shelf life of such a product in sealed original packaging is 6-8 months. To prepare a drink, you just need to dilute it in warm water. But the taste of powdered milk, of course, is different from fresh. That is why it is widely used in the production of infant formula and cereals, clinical nutrition and in cooking.

Powdered milk, like fresh milk, can be whole and skimmed. In the first case, the product turns out to be completely non-dietary, since 25% of it is represented by fats, but it also contains about the same amount of protein, the rest is carbohydrates, represented by lactose, and minerals. 100 g of powdered whole milk contains 550 kcal.

Skimmed milk powder is more suitable
, there are practically no fats in it, the content of protein and lactose is one and a half times higher than in whole milk powder, but the fat-free product is inferior in terms of the amount of minerals. Its calorie content due to its low fat content is about 370 kcal.

Powdered milk is rich in macro- and microelements. It contains a lot of calcium, sodium and phosphorus, iron, selenium and several dozen other trace elements are present in a small amount. This product contains many vitamins, it contains all B vitamins (especially B2), ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E and D. Unfortunately, the concentration of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium, is very small in powdered milk, so the value of the product is often additionally enriched with vitamins.

The product that we can buy in stores for home use is usually a mixture of whole and skimmed milk powder. Powdered milk is made from pasteurized fresh milk, so there is no need to subject it to additional heat treatment. Milk, which is obtained by diluting a dry powder in water, is called reconstituted. So if you want to buy fresh milk, read the information on the packaging carefully.

The benefits of powdered milk

Powdered milk is the basis of infant formulas for nutrition.

Powdered milk -, fats (the content of unsaturated and saturated fats is approximately the same) and carbohydrates for the body, it has a high nutritional value. Thanks to these properties, it has become the basis of infant milk formulas - substitutes for mother's milk and nutritional mixtures for nursing patients.

Undoubtedly, milk powder is good for the musculoskeletal system. It contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation, growth and strengthening of bones, joints and teeth. participates in the processes of muscle contraction and the conduction of nerve impulses, therefore, with its deficiency, convulsions and numbness in the limbs may appear. This macronutrient is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, the heart and many other processes in the body.

It should be remembered that phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D are required for the absorption of calcium. If magnesium and phosphorus are present in sufficient quantities in milk, then additional care must be taken to saturate the body with vitamin D. In summer, sun exposure is enough, and in the cold season, it is better to take vitamin supplements, especially for children, pregnant women and the elderly, since their need for calcium is increased.

The use of powdered milk will have a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system, since it is rich in vitamins. Especially a lot of it contains B vitamins, and they perform many functions in the body. Without them, the normal functioning of the nervous and hematopoietic systems is impossible, they are involved in metabolic and regenerative processes. A lack of vitamins of this group can lead to a deterioration in memory, attention, psycho-emotional background, the development of insomnia and other disorders of the nervous system.

The harm of powdered milk

Powdered milk contains a large amount of lactose, so its use is contraindicated in case of hypolactasia (lactose intolerance due to a lack of an enzyme in the body that is necessary for its absorption). In this case, you can eat lactose-free foods. For baby food, special lactose-free milk formulas have been developed that can be recommended by pediatricians for lactase deficiency in newborns.

In some cases, it occurs (many confuse it with lactose intolerance, which is mentioned above). Often, both of these problems occur in childhood, after the child reaches 2-3 years of age in most cases, they disappear.

You can not eat expired milk powder, because it hydrolyzes fats with the formation of free fatty acids. After opening the package, the product must also be stored in a tightly closed package and consumed within the period indicated on it, since fats are oxidized upon contact with oxygen to form harmful substances. These processes are called rancidity of fats. Drinking expired or improperly stored milk powder can lead to poisoning.

Useful information about powdered milk in the Commodity Expert program.

In some cases, milk powder, which is easy to prepare, is indispensable. A soluble cream or white powder is made by drying pasteurized normalized cow's milk. As a rule, powdered milk, in order to obtain the drink to which we are accustomed, must be diluted in warm water. Due to the fact that the beneficial properties and nutritional qualities of powdered milk are almost the same as those of natural pasteurized cow's milk, it is widely used for culinary purposes. One of the main advantages of dry powder is its longer storage than regular milk. We will now try to find out what powdered milk carries for the human body, benefit or harm.

Composition and calorie content of milk powder

Now milk powder is produced in three types: instant, skimmed and whole. They differ in the content of certain substances in percentage terms. The composition of whole milk powder and skim milk contains minerals (10% and 6%), milk sugar (37% and 52%), fat (25% and 1%), protein (26% and 36%), moisture (4 % and 5%). 100 grams of skimmed milk powder is about 373 kcal, and whole milk powder is around 549 kcal. Powdered milk contains quite a lot of vitamins, all 12 essential amino acids, as well as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium.

The benefits and harms of powdered milk

Quite often, the media raises the topic of replacement by manufacturers with diluted natural milk powder. How is powdered milk different from a fresh drink? Is powdered milk healthy at all? It has been proven that between milk, reconstituted from dry powder, and whole milk, the differences are insignificant. First of all, the benefits of powdered milk are indicated by the fact that it is made from the same natural cow's milk. The calcium contained in the dry product in large quantities strengthens bone tissue, promotes growth, and potassium will take care of the full functioning of the heart. Contained in milk powder makes it useful for iron deficiency anemia. To meet the body's need for vitamins B, 100 grams of milk restored from powder is enough.

As for harm, milk powder can cause it if a person has an intolerance to milk sugar (lactose). Intolerance to this product is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, bloating, diarrhea.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk - both adults and children. This product is an ingredient in a huge variety of dishes, and has a lot of useful substances in its composition. According to the opinion of a large number of people, only a product that is stored little can be useful, and all long-term storage packages are “solid chemistry”. According to state standards (GOST), there are several varieties of milk depending on the type of processing, and none of them can be called unhealthy. The same applies to dry milk. We offer to find out how it is prepared and what properties it has.

What is powdered milk made of: composition and calorie content

You should start with the fact that milk powder is a natural product, since the powder is made from cow's milk by thickening and drying it in special equipment at a temperature of 150-170 degrees Celsius. In fact, this is a milk concentrate that must be dissolved in water to give it its original appearance. It has been used since the early nineteenth century as a method of long-term storage of a drink, and today it is most popular in the food industry and in those regions where the supply of fresh milk in sufficient quantities is not possible. Thus, the only ingredient from which milk powder is made is natural cow's milk.

As for the calorie content of the product, it all depends on its specific type. So, a whole dry product has a calorie content of 550 kcal per 100 grams, and a fat-free product has about 370 calories. Despite the unusual shape, such milk also has a whole mass of useful components in its composition:

  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, B12, D, C, PP, E);
  • micro and macro elements (sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, selenium, manganese, sulfur, iodine, iron, etc.);
  • essential amino acids for humans.

Types of Powdered Milk

The principle of preparing a dry dairy product remains the same, but depending on the specific characteristics, several varieties of such a powder can be distinguished:

  1. dry whole milk- the most nutritious of all types, as it has the highest percentage of fat. This feature also has a downside - because of this, the shelf life becomes shorter. It is this type that is most often used at home for eating;
  2. dry fat free product is whole milk that has undergone a fat removal procedure. Thus, the powder practically does not contain them, and its shelf life due to this increases to 9 months. This component can be found more often than others in the production of cheese, bread, confectionery, meat industry;
  3. the last type is instant powder. It is prepared by mixing the two previous varieties, moistening them and re-drying. It is of great importance in the production of soluble food products, in particular baby cereals and milk mixtures.

How to properly dilute milk powder: proportions

In order to drink powdered milk or use it as a substitute for regular milk in its absence, the powder must be returned to its original form, that is, water must be added. The classic dilution ratio is 3 to 1 (for one part of milk - three parts of warm water). Depending on the specific goals, this proportion may vary.

To get a good result of such a procedure, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations:

  1. cold water cannot be used for dilution, otherwise some of the particles will simply crystallize, and this will be felt when drinking the drink;
  2. too hot water, and especially boiling water, also cannot be used - in this case, the milk will curdle;
  3. it is necessary to pour water into the powder, and not vice versa, otherwise it will not work to avoid the appearance of lumps;
  4. the mixer should not be used in the process of preparing milk, as this will create unnecessary foam;
  5. after dilution, you need to let the liquid brew a little.

The benefits and harms of using the product

Discussions regarding the replacement of regular milk with powdered milk in food production are often found in the media. However, studies have found that the difference between a fresh drink and a reconstituted from a powder is negligible. If we talk about the benefits of a powdered product, then it is almost the same as the benefits of regular milk, since it is prepared from it, but the nutritional value is lower due to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in powdered milk. Discussing the benefits of the product, it is worth highlighting the following aspects:

  • calcium is necessary for strengthening bone elements;
  • potassium ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamin A has a positive effect on vision and skin condition;
  • choline helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels, etc.

Like a regular, fresh drink, powdered milk can harm the body if a person is lactose intolerant. In such a situation, diarrhea, bloating, pain in the abdomen and other symptoms are not excluded. It is important to note that if we are talking about the benefits of powdered milk, then it must be of high quality, otherwise the powder may even be dangerous. So, harm can be caused by unscrupulous manufacturers who add not milk fat to the product, but low-quality deodorized vegetable fats, which completely deprives the drink of important fat-soluble vitamins. That is why, when choosing powdered milk, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and give preference only to high-quality goods.

Powdered milk for gaining muscle mass

Before the advent of sports nutrition, and even today, when its range is very wide, powdered milk is used by athletes to gain muscle mass as a rich source of protein. As you know, bodybuilders for building muscle sit on special diets that involve predominantly protein nutrition, and therefore it is not surprising that the product in question is often found in such a diet. During active weight gain, the substance helps to increase the total caloric intake, make up for the lack of milk protein, which has a positive effect on endurance. The standard portion of powdered milk for an athlete is 100 grams per day, and during the period of weight gain - 2-3 times more. And although powdered milk is also often included in the compositions of modern sports mixtures, some people prefer to use the whole dry product in order to save money.

What can be made from it at home

Powdered milk is not only a raw material for industry, which is convenient to store and transport, such an ingredient can also get along well in ordinary kitchens, being an important component of many home recipes.

Dried milk pancake recipe

To prepare pancakes or pancakes, it is not even necessary to pre-dilute milk powder separately. So, for starters, it will be enough to beat a couple of eggs, add milk powder (5 tablespoons), a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. When everything is mixed, you need to add 300 ml of warm clean water and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. It remains to add sifted wheat flour (about two glasses) and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the liquid component. On this, the dough is completely ready for the further preparation of pancakes, it remains only to heat the pan and pour the resulting composition onto it in portions.

How to make burfi candy

Burfi is a kind of candy according to an ancient Indian recipe. It is based on milk, enriched with a large number of various spices. The recipe for sweets is simple, but they turn out to be simply unique in taste.

So, to prepare burfi, you need 400 grams of powdered milk, 200 grams of granulated sugar, 250 grams of heavy cream, nuts, vanilla sugar and butter (200 grams). The cooking process is tied to the boiling of the mass. So, first you need to melt the butter, add sugar to it until completely dissolved, then add the cream and boil for about 5 minutes. The mass should cool to room temperature, after which it is required to introduce powdered milk into it and start beating with a mixer. The resulting thick mass must be laid out on the prepared form and sent to the freezer for half an hour, so that everything freezes. It remains only to cut the layer into separate candies and place a nut in each.

Roll recipe in 5 minutes

When it is necessary to quickly prepare something delicious for tea, the hostess faces a real challenge, designed to demonstrate her skills. For a minimum amount of time, you can cook an excellent dessert - a roll with milk powder.

To create a dish you will need the following products:

  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • the same amount of flour and milk powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt and a third of a spoonful of soda quenched with vinegar.

The baking sheet must be placed in the oven in advance and left to heat up. Then you can knead the dough: beat the eggs with sugar, add flour and milk powder, sifted through a sieve, and at the very end - soda. After everything is mixed until smooth, you can pour the dough onto a hot baking sheet covered with parchment paper. The cake is baked very quickly - only 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The finished layer is rolled into a roll with a towel and left to cool, after which it can be smeared with cream. For the filling, you can use sour cream - beat 200 grams of thick sour cream and 150 grams of powdered sugar, add some fruits or berries.

Powdered milk is a soluble powder obtained by drying normalized pasteurized cow's milk. The production of powdered milk is due to the longer shelf life of this product compared to regular milk.
There is also instant milk powder.
It is usually diluted in warm water and consumed as a regular drink, retaining many of the health benefits of fresh pasteurized milk. Has wide application in cookery. Included in many types of infant milk formulas.

Powdered milk production

Probably not every one of us knows how milk powder is made. For the first time, this product became known back in 1832, when the Russian chemist M. Dirchov founded the first production of powdered milk. Real milk powder must be made from natural cow's milk. The process consists of several stages. First, the milk is normalized to the desired fat content, pasteurized and condensed in high-pressure apparatuses. Next, the resulting mixture is homogenized and dried in special devices at temperatures of 150-180 degrees. As a result, a white powder remains - this is milk powder, or rather its dry residue, which has lost 85% of its volume (water).
The only advantage of such a product over whole milk is the possibility of its long-term storage. Plus, it takes up little space, which is very important when transporting.
The composition of powdered milk is the same as that of whole milk, it just does not contain water. Powdered milk is produced in accordance with GOST 4495-87 “Whole milk powder” and GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk. Dry milk. Specifications".

Powdered milk composition

Powdered milk can be whole (SPM) or skimmed (SMP). These two varieties of milk powder differ in the percentage of substances.

Whole milk:

Fat (%) - 25
Proteins (%) - 25.5
Milk sugar (%) - 36.5
Minerals (%) - 9
Humidity (%) - 4

Skimmed milk:

Fat (%) - 1
Proteins (%) - 36
Milk sugar (%) - 52
Minerals (%) - 6
Humidity (%) - 5
Calories per 100 g - 1567 kJ (373 kcal)

The shelf life of powdered whole milk is less than skimmed milk, since fats are prone to spoilage - rancidity. It should be stored at t from 0 to 10 °C and relative air humidity not higher than 85% for up to 8 months from the date of production.
Instant milk powder is obtained by mixing whole and skimmed milk powder. The mixture is moistened with steam, after which it sticks together into lumps, which are then dried again.

When properly prepared, the composition of milk powder retains most of the vitamins and almost all of the mineral components.
100 grams of it contains (in brackets - the content in fresh milk):

- vitamin A in the amount of 0.013 mg (0.02 mg)
- vitamin B1 in the amount of 0.01 mg (0.04 mg)
- vitamin B2 - 0.02 mg (0.15 mg)
- vitamin C - 0.4 mg (1.3 mg)

In addition, the composition of milk powder includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and other macronutrients that provide comprehensive support for all body systems.

If during the production of milk powder some of the vitamins decompose due to the thermal processing of raw materials, then the mineral components are not afraid of heat treatment and are stored in milk powder in the same quantities as in fresh milk.
Not surprisingly, powdered milk may well be used as a substitute for fresh milk. It is useful in that it fills the body with energy, calcium and vitamins, is easily digested and has little effect on the overall reaction of the digestive tract. Reconstituted milk can be used by patients with diabetes and gastroenterological diseases.
In addition, vitamin B12, which is part of powdered milk, is necessary for those who voluntarily refuse to eat meat. The obvious beneficial properties of milk powder are also manifested in the fact that the preparation of a drink from it does not require boiling: when thickened and dried, it already undergoes pasteurization, which destroys various bacteria.
The only disadvantages can be considered as the ability to cause allergic reactions in those who cannot tolerate fresh milk, and a reduced amount of vitamins with a sufficiently high energy value. This imbalance can lead to weight gain.

Why dry milk is bad

Due to drying with high temperatures, harmful oxysterols are formed in powdered milk.
Because of this, milk powder is banned in a number of countries.
Homogenization is also not the most useful process, during which mixing occurs with the rotor of the disperser and exposure to pressure of 5-400 atmospheres through the homogenizer.
All food that is cooked under pressure is harmful to humans. Even more so under such enormous pressure.
The use of dryers with high temperatures, allowing to produce a maximum of products per unit of time, practically does not leave vitamins in powdered milk.
Therefore, many people consider milk powder to be harmful. The reputation of powdered milk as a healthy product is now being spoiled by various fakes, in which soy, starch and sugar are added.
It is no longer possible to call such a mixture milk, and in order not to purchase a low-quality product in a store, it is necessary to carefully check that milk complies with GOST, and not technical conditions, and read the information about the composition on the product packaging.

How to use powdered milk in cooking

Powdered milk has become very widespread in cooking and dessert business.
Added to baking, it provides a denser consistency of the final product, and as part of various creams and pastes, it ensures long-term storage of the finished product. Very often it is used to restore the drink.
It is enough to simply mix the powder with water in the right proportions to get liquid milk, which tastes and smells little different from whole pasteurized milk.
In the production of powdered milk, roller dryers are sometimes used. In the working process, the walls of such dryers are heated, and the milk caramelizes when it comes into contact with them. That is why milk powder often has a "candy" smell.
On the basis of powdered milk, various infant formulas and pet food are prepared. In some cases, this drink is more easily absorbed by the baby's body than fresh mother's milk. Powdered milk can even be fermented to make yogurt.
Also, many housewives add powdered milk to whole milk for density. Today, unscrupulous manufacturers often produce reconstituted from powder under the guise of whole pasteurized milk.

To avoid such deception, when buying, you must carefully read the composition of the product. It should list only whole cow's milk.
