
Salmon milk composition. The benefits and harms of salmon fish milk

About the benefits and harms of salmon milk began to talk relatively recently. The taste of the product is quite specific, so most people do not eat them. When gutting fish, the offal is often thrown away, not knowing that many tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from it.

Composition and caloric content of salmon fish milk

Milk is the testes of male fish, which contain sperm. Therefore, many are prejudiced against this offal and completely in vain, since milk contains a huge amount of useful substances.

The composition looks like this:

  • polyunsaturated acids (up to 11% for every 100 g);
  • nucleotides;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • protamines;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins PP, B1, B2, C, B12, B6, E.

Scientists have calculated that if foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids are regularly present in the diet, human life expectancy can increase by several decades. Therefore, it is desirable to consume milk at least once every 7-8 days.

The calorie content of milk in 100 g of the product is 99 kcal. They are loaded with protein and healthy fats. The product is digested and absorbed without problems, since even a low concentration of gastric juice is sufficient for its processing. It does not overload the digestive system, but at the same time saturates the body with proteins and leaves a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Useful properties for a woman's body

You can talk a lot about the beneficial properties of this product for women.

Its use has a positive effect on the body in many aspects:

  • improves skin condition;
  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • slows down aging and activates the process of cell regeneration;
  • beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract;
  • Protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer, protects the structure of cells from free radicals;
  • raises immunity;
  • improves mental activity;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Women can use the product for facial skin and hair care. When using products with fish milk extracts, the skin condition noticeably improves, it becomes smooth, even and silky.

Benefits of milk for men

The product normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, it can be used as a prophylactic against stroke and heart attack. Every year, millions of people around the world die from cardiovascular disease. And the only way to prevent such an outcome is to be diagnosed in a timely manner and eat right.

Salmon milk is rarely used for culinary purposes due to its peculiar taste. Nevertheless, this product is able to fill the lack of valuable components in the human body and help in solving many health problems. Milk is akin to caviar, only taken from males, as they are seminal glands, including fish sperm. And the name comes from the milky color. The product has practically no contraindications, therefore it is useful for all categories of people.


Salmon varieties include fish with red meat. Their size varies, sometimes the carcass reaches two meters in length. They have a powerful body, flattened on the sides and with a high scaly ridge. These (?) include:

  • pink salmon;
  • grayling;
  • chum salmon;
  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • red salmon;
  • trout.

They mostly live in the depths of the sea, but are also found in large river reservoirs.

If females spawn, then for fertilization, males accumulate sperm in special bags. In mature individuals, milk is almost white. In terms of nutritional value, this product is valued no less than fish meat.

Composition and nutritional value

Salmon milt is unique in its biochemical composition of substances, which includes:

  • vitamins: groups B, C, E, PP;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 acids;
  • protamines;
  • glycine;
  • amino acids;
  • micro and macro elements: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron.

The nutritional value of the product is quite high and is determined by the following distribution of BJU: proteins - 12–17 g, fats - 1.7-2.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.2-0.8 g. Due to the low calorie content per 100 grams (95–100 kcal), the product is suitable for inclusion in weight loss diets.

Beneficial features

Due to the rich composition of fish milk, it is useful for everyone: men, women, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly. The use of seminal glands prevents early aging. Children need them to strengthen bones and teeth, support immunity and increase brain activity.

First of all, milk is indicated for people suffering from diabetes and in need of insulin support. Protamines stretch the action of drugs, thereby reducing the number of injections per day. This improves the functioning of all internal organs. The saturation with Omega-3 and monounsaturated fatty acids makes the product an effective prophylactic against atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

Benefits for the body of milk:

  • increase immunity;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • contribute to the rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • rejuvenate at the cellular level;
  • have a positive effect on hematopoietic function;
  • normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • lower the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • control blood sugar levels;
  • provide protection of cells from gamma radiation and prevent oxidative processes;
  • improve reproductive capabilities;
  • restore a healthy metabolism.

The composition of salmon milk contains many amino acids (mostly essential), which are especially important for a growing child's body and during the period of bearing a child. Due to the small number of calories, they are recommended for inclusion in the daily diet of losing weight people.

Contraindications and possible harm

It is not recommended to give milk to children under 3 years old, and then introduce a little into the diet and monitor the reaction of the body. During pregnancy, be careful, during breastfeeding - completely exclude the product from the diet so as not to harm the newborn.

Fried milk is quite fatty and is no longer a dietary product, so for people with obesity and impaired metabolism, the product should be consumed in limited quantities. In such cases, the allowable daily allowance is 120-150 grams.

  • fish milk - 450 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 1–2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp. l. ;
  • vegetable oil - 30–35 ml;
  • spices and salt - to taste.


  1. 1. Thoroughly rinse the milk under the tap and lightly dry it on paper towels.
  2. 2. Beat eggs and flour in a separate bowl, with the addition of salt and spices. You should get a creamy consistency.
  3. 3. Dip the milk one by one into the resulting batter and fry in a hot pan on both sides, until a golden crust forms.

Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving. Served both hot and cold.

Some housewives cannot even imagine that many delicious dishes, amazing in their tenderness and aroma, can be prepared from milk. But in vain. In addition to the fact that milk is very useful, it is also inexpensive. But first, let's figure out what milk is.

Milk, or milk, is the testes of fish, that is, it is the seminal gland in which spermatozoa are located. It is clear that we are now talking about males. In some fish species, insemination is internal, and in them the spermatozoa are pooled in a sperm capsule. Milk that has reached maturity has a milky color: hence the name of this organ. This offal is sold in a specialized store or hypermarket and in the market. Sometimes milk can be found in special packaging, frozen. Before cooking, you need to defrost, rinse under the tap and remove the blood in the channels, if any.

Dear guests of the site, let me offer you some salmon milk recipes that are not difficult to prepare and taste delicious. But first, we want to give you advice in choosing the right product. First, the color of milk should be pinkish white; if you come across gray milt, know that this is already a product that is not usable. Secondly, milk loses its freshness very quickly, so after acquiring them, you should immediately start cooking.

Fried milk

This is the most affordable, quick to prepare and simple recipe. As already mentioned, the milk must be thawed (if it is frozen), rinsed thoroughly and dried with paper towels.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Milk 400 g;
  • Breading (flour or crackers) - 200 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Beat the egg, add salt and pepper. Pour the breading into a separate bowl.
  • Already prepared milk should be dipped in an egg, and then rolled in breadcrumbs or flour.
  • We lower the milk into a preheated pan in which the oil sizzles, and quickly fry them.
  • Turn over to the other side and also give the milk a toasty look.
  • The whole process takes 15 - 20 minutes. Milk can be served with mashed potatoes, rice, etc.

Milk omelette

This recipe is similar to a regular egg omelet. But options are also possible. In our recipe, the omelet will be baked in an oven, so you need to prepare a mold for this purpose.

So, what do we need from the products:

  • Salmon milk - 550 g;
  • One bulb;
  • Skim milk - 550 g;
  • Salt-pepper-seasoning - to your taste;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • In this recipe, milk is finely chopped after processing, but before that it is necessary to sauté finely chopped onions. Fry the onion on medium heat, but enough to make the onion soft.
  • After that, you need to put chopped milk in the fried onion, salt, pepper, mix gently and continue frying.
  • The degree of burning of the burner must be increased, and the frying of milk with onions continues for several minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally.
  • In the meantime, beat milk with eggs, salt and pepper.
  • Put the milk fried with onions into the dishes prepared for baking, level this mass and pour everything with the egg-milk mixture.
  • The oven should be as hot as possible. The omelet that we sent to the oven is cooked for about 20 minutes. But if you like a lightly fried omelette, then the cooking time may be reduced. You have to taste it.

Serve with fresh vegetables or ketchup. In general, it all depends on your preferences.

Pancakes from milk

Such pancakes are prepared in almost the same way as ordinary pancakes made from flour or vegetables: in a frying pan with vegetable oil heated in it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon milk - about five hundred grams;
  • Dry white wine - one glass;
  • Cumin - to taste;
  • Chicken egg - 1;
  • Flour - half a glass;
  • Sesame oil for dough - 15 g;
  • Oil for frying - "by eye";

Cooking technology:

  • Beat milk, cumin, wine, egg, salt and pepper with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
  • On a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, carefully spread the resulting mass with a large spoon.
  • Fry each fritter on both sides until golden brown. But be sure to try the dish before serving.
  • Serve with sour cream or any other side dish you like.

Milk of salmon fish, their benefits and harms

Not many people know that milk is a fairly high-calorie by-product - about 100 Kcal, but at the same time there is little fat in them. The pure protein contained in milk has a delicate texture and a sweetish aftertaste.

The benefits that a person receives when drinking milk:

  • Fatty acids contained in milk, known to us as Omega-3, are necessary for the human body for the cardiovascular system.
  • They are prophylactic to prevent strokes and heart attacks.
  • Salmon milk is able to prolong the action of insulin in the human body, which is very important for insulin-dependent people.
  • Can stimulate brain activity.
  • Reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Helps with hypertension.
  • Milk has the ability to regenerate tissues.
  • Slow down the aging of the body.
  • They prevent the appearance of terrible diseases, which include psoriasis, a malignant tumor, arthritis, arthrosis, and psoriasis.

But the prevention of all the diseases listed above is possible only with the regular use of milk, at least once every seven days.

What harm can milk do to a person?

  • People who have a seafood intolerance should not consume milk.
  • Those who are on a diet should avoid fried milk dishes.
  • Salmon caught in polluted waters will have milk containing harmful impurities. This breed of fish is capable of accumulating substances unnecessary for the human body in milk.

Otherwise, milk is an excellent food product that can compete with the meat of any fish.

Fish milk is the closest "relative" of caviar. But, if caviar is contained in females, then milk is in males. Milks are seminal glands that contain fish sperm. Mature milks resemble milk in color, which is why they got their name.


Salmon milk contains many complete animal proteins. You can cook from them in different ways: from ordinary frying to pancakes, fish soup, pies, omelettes and even salads.

The benefits of milk are significant and varied. First, this dietary product contains important proteins. Secondly, they contain valuable fats and fatty acids. So, Omega-3 is needed for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels and takes an active part in the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack. It is salmon milk that contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids (more than 10% per 100 g). And protamines in milk help prolong the effect of drugs, are important for people with diabetes (they contribute to the gradual and slow absorption of insulin from injections). Glycine in milk stimulates brain activity and is a popular component of neurological drugs.

Other beneficial properties of salmon milk are:

  • increased immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • rapid healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • beneficial effect on blood formation;
  • skin regeneration and slowing down the aging process.

Salmon milk contains valuable B vitamins, vitamins C and E, which:

  • necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, heart;
  • promote cell respiration;
  • restore the structure of the skin and tissues;
  • normalize lipid metabolism;
  • strengthen bones, blood vessels, gums and teeth;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • protect cells from free radicals;
  • prevent oxidation of the body;
  • participate in the synthesis of proteins;
  • improve the functioning of the sex glands;
  • optimize metabolism.

Thanks to the macronutrients that are part of salmon milk, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the heart, ensure a normal metabolism, improve the tone of blood vessels, optimize the functioning of the cerebral cortex, and maintain healthy teeth and bones. And trace elements in salmon milk will improve the process of hematopoiesis, intracellular metabolism.

Also, the valuable composition of salmon fish milk contains more than 10% of the daily requirement of amino acids (a third of them are essential) that the body needs for metabolism, especially for pregnant women, adolescents, preschool children and the elderly.


Salmon milt contains very little saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates (less than 1%). There are no harmful substances and carcinogens in this product. But, if the fish was caught in dirty waters, then the milk will contain some of the harmful components (since salmon can absorb harmful substances).

There is also potential harm if a person is allergic to seafood. If this has been observed, it is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of consuming salmon milk.

The calorie content of raw milk is low, but after frying in a large amount of fat, they cease to be a dietary product. Therefore, you should not abuse this product for people who are overweight, obese and have impaired metabolism. The maximum allowable daily intake should be 110-150 grams.


Milk contains up to 70% water, and the calorie content of 100 grams of salmon fish milk is 100 kcal (4-5% of the daily value).


There are no special contraindications for the use of salmon fish milk. But it is better to exclude this product from the diet of people with individual intolerance to seafood or individual components of salmon fish.

Pregnant women will benefit from salmon milk if consumed from time to time and in moderate doses. This product is also not contraindicated for nursing mothers. But children can be given salmon milk only from the age of three.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

The valuable vitamin and mineral composition provides the body with a part of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for the full functioning of all systems and organs.

Minerals in salmon milk do not cover the daily requirement of essential macro- and microelements, but they are also necessary for cells to maintain health.

The introduction of dishes with salmon fish milk into the diet will provide the body with a useful product, give the body a lot of valuable components that will maintain health, give energy and good mood.

Salmon milk: benefits and harms

Many people are biased towards milk: the seminal glands of fish have a specific taste, although the nutritional value of the product does not decrease from this. Salmon milk, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below, contribute to rapid satiety and relieve hunger. That is why this product should be included in the diet of losing weight.

Fish milk itself is very beneficial for human health. However, salmon fish are more valuable. The same can be said about their milk. The product contains a large amount of protamines. These are low molecular weight proteins that have a positive effect on the human body and help increase the therapeutic effect of certain drugs.

The product stimulates the immune system. It is enough to eat 2-3 milks per week to significantly increase the body's resistance to external infections. Milk helps to improve health without the use of drugs. The composition of the product includes useful substances that have a positive effect on the lymphatic system, have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Salmon milk is not often included in the daily menu, although the high benefits and minimal harm of the product make them indispensable in the diet of weakened people, pregnant women and athletes.

The product promotes rapid recovery after illness. It does not overload the digestive system, but saturates the body with the necessary protein. In milk, the content of fat and carbohydrates is minimized, but the variety of amino acids is impressive. Regular consumption of milk will help build muscle mass. Children will also benefit from eating this product, as it improves physical development, strengthens the muscular system, and stimulates growth.

Benefits of salmon milk

The list of diseases in which it will be useful to eat milk is varied. The product promotes rapid recovery after an illness, regardless of its nature. Salmon milk is highly nutritious, and the benefits of the product are due to the multicomponent composition, however, as well as the harm. The product can be recommended for dietary nutrition, but fish milk cannot be called low-calorie. Much depends on how the product is prepared. Despite the fact that fried milk is considered the most delicious, it is they who are most undesirable in the diet. Firstly, during the roasting process, some of the useful properties of the product are lost. Secondly, it dramatically increases its calorie content. Thirdly, during the cooking process, carcinogens are released that cause significant harm to human health.

With the right preparation, milk will be useful in any diet. In diseases of the heart, it is also useful to eat the seminal glands of fish. The product normalizes blood viscosity, gives vessels elasticity, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Among other advantages of milk:

  • make up for the deficiency of vitamins - the product is rich in B vitamins, and milk also contains a high content of vitamins C, E and H. They have a positive effect on human mental activity, improve brain function, and regulate nervous activity;
  • prevent the development of atherosclerosis - salmon fish milk contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and purify the blood;
  • help with anemia - salmon milk is rich in iron, necessary for the normalization of hemoglobin. The product is useful for pregnant women. In addition to the fact that the use of milk will protect against iron deficiency anemia and prevent hypoxia in the fetus, the product will saturate the body of a pregnant woman with the amino acids necessary for the full development of the unborn child;
  • useful in diabetes - the product eliminates obesity, improves metabolic processes, enhances the effect of insulin-containing drugs.

Milk should be included in the diet of students and those who have to experience heavy mental stress. The seminal glands of fish improve the blood supply to the brain, help increase concentration and strengthen memory. It is noted that men who regularly consume the seminal glands of salmon fish are less likely to suffer from diseases of the urogenital area. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of milk and the presence in them of a large number of amino acids necessary for men's health.

Possible health hazards

With moderate use and proper preparation of salmon fish milk, there will be no harm to health from the product. This is a universal product that can become a substitute for meat and some animal proteins. The main obstacle to the use of the product is individual intolerance. Unfortunately, salmon fish are allergenic, which means that the likelihood of unforeseen reactions to the product is quite high. This is especially important when it comes to children's diet.

For the same reason, the product should be treated with caution by lactating women. Allergens, once in breast milk, can cause severe reactions in the baby.

If the product is abused, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, nausea may occur. Despite the relatively low calorie content of the seminal glands of fish, excessive consumption of this product can lead to rapid weight gain. Fried milk should be excluded from the diet menu, it is better to give preference to boiled fish.

Fish milk - tasty and healthy

Is it worth the hassle...

Fish milk is a unique product, tasty and very healthy, but often completely undeservedly thrown away along with other waste. So it is unfair with milk that either the one who does not have the correct information about it, believing that it is inedible, or the one who with prejudice and a share of disgust (fu! It's fish sperm!) Treats this most delicate product. Persuading someone is a thankless task. If you don't like it, don't eat it, as they say. It is only strange that with such an attitude, fish caviar does not cause negative associations in people, and no one exclaims indignantly: “Fu! Those are eggs!"

What is milk and why are they good?

Fish milk is, in fact, the male seminal gland of fish, in which spermatozoa are stored in a dormant state. During maturation, the testicles have a milky color, hence the name. It is not entirely correct to say “fish milk”, since the meaning is a tautology (like “butter oil”), because by definition they can only belong to fish. Milk is very nutritious: 100 g contains 16 g of pure protein, some fat (healthy, enriched with omega-3 fatty acids) and no carbohydrates at all. For a complete healthy diet, a product such as fish milk is very good, while the calorie content is quite low - only 90 kcal per 100 g. Milk proteins contain protamines, which are very much in demand in medicine (these substances, interacting with some drugs, enhance their effect).

Where else is milk used?

The well-known immunomodulator "Derinat" is made on the basis of biomaterial obtained from sturgeon testes. The composition of many dietary supplements, especially anti-stress ones that help concentration and improve memory, includes fish milk. The benefits of this marine product are so obvious and great that it is also actively used in cosmetology, especially for creating anti-aging cosmetics (this is not accidental - after all, milk is practically the embryo of a new fish life).

Milk in cooking

Of course, fish milk has found the greatest use in cooking, both as an ingredient and as an independent dish. It is considered an offal, it can be fried, boiled, baked. Even those who are not attracted to the sight of milk will certainly appreciate the excellent taste that they give to dishes. For example, ordinary fish cakes will become unusually tender if you add milk to the minced meat. Or the well-known Soviet-era delicacy cod liver salad will not lose its taste at all if boiled milk is used instead of the liver (on the other hand, the cost of the salad will decrease significantly).

Additional Tips

Some recipes suggest soaking milk in a weak vinegar solution before cooking. This is not necessary at all. If the milks are extracted directly from the fish carcass, you can cook them in the same way as fish. In specialized stores, frozen cod milk is often sold by weight. It is they who need to be used in the proposed very simple recipe.

Fish milk in crispy breadcrumbs

While the cod milk is defrosting (not in the microwave!), Prepare the breading. For those who love "tender", you can mix the flour with semolina one to one, for those who like a crispy crust, it is better to take breadcrumbs with the addition of hard grated cheese. Black pepper and other spices are also best poured into the breading mixture. Salt the defrosted milk, roll it well in breadcrumbs and fry in one layer (if you “pile” them all at once into a pan, they will not be crispy) in heated vegetable oil. They fry quickly, like any fish. Serve drizzled with lemon and a suitable sauce. Bon appetit!

Salmon milk - calories

The testicles of male fish are often called milt, since in their mature state they have a milky color and the consistency of sour cream. In some countries, milk is considered a valuable delicacy. Sandwiches are made from them, added to salads and pies, fried and marinated.

Salmon milk has a composition that is beneficial to human health. And if you consider that the calorie content of salmon fish milk refers to the average (about 99 kcal), it becomes clear why some people love this product and periodically add it to their diet.

Nutritional value of salmon milk

Salmon milk is valued by athletes because it contains a large amount of protein and important amino acids. In 100 g of milk there are about 16.5 g of proteins. Fats account for 3.5% of the weight, with the majority of fats being omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are good for cardiovascular health. Carbohydrates account for less than 1% of the weight of the product. 70% of salmon milk is water.

They turn out very tasty. But carefully choose them in the supermarket or in the market. Fresh, white milk with a pinkish tint should gently smell of the sea and fish. If they are a grayish unsightly color, it is better not to take risks and do not take them. Remember that fish and fish products spoil very quickly. If, nevertheless, fortune smiled at you, and you found what you were looking for, I will be happy to advise you on some interesting dishes that contain salmon milk. Recipes that you like, you can add to your culinary piggy bank.

Provencal milk

This dish, as you already understood by the name, belongs to French cuisine. Therefore, it is important to follow all the basic principles of preparation. To prepare salmon fish milk, recipes can be used in a variety of ways. For one of them you will need:

  • salmon milk - 500 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • dry or semi-dry white wine (I use Traminer) - 80 grams;
  • breadcrumbs - 40 grams;
  • cheese "Parmesan" - 30 grams;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • Provencal herbs.


Cooking time is approximately 40-45 minutes. Rinse salmon entrails thoroughly under cold water. Remove the blood from the tubules and dry the milk with a paper towel. Lubricate the pan with oil, put on fire. When the oil is heated, put the milk in rows, sprinkle with salt, ground pepper, add butter and finely chopped or grated garlic. After 1-2 minutes, sprinkle the contents of the pan with citrus zest and a mixture of herbs and pour white wine. Close the lid and leave to simmer for ten minutes. While the fish is stewing, prepare crackers and cheese. Crackers (or just dried bread) must be pounded in a mortar into crumbs. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix with the breading. Remove the glands from the plate. On top of them lay a mixture of crackers and cheese in an even layer. Due to the fact that during baking at a high temperature, all alcohol evaporates, the steam is absorbed into the crackers and forms a crispy, delicious crust. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake milk in French for ten minutes. They can be served both cold and hot.

omelet recipe

An omelette is another quick dish that uses fish milk. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • salmon milk - 500 grams;
  • onions - 1 onion;
  • medium fat milk - 500 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • seasonings of your choice;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking an omelet

Rinse fish milk under running water and finely chop. Onions are also chopped or cut into half rings. Heat up a pan with sunflower oil. Saute chopped onion over low heat. When the onion becomes transparent, add milk to it. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and seasonings, stir and increase the heat. Stir occasionally for five minutes. At this time, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper. Remove the milk from the stove, transfer them to a pre-prepared small form. Pour the contents of the baking sheet with the milk-egg mixture. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and place the mold in it. Bake until done. If desired, you can sprinkle the omelet with cheese. By the way, for those who do not have an oven, or those for whom it does not work very well, there is an alternative option for making an omelette from salmon milk. Cooking recipes on the stove do not differ except for one point: you do not remove milk from the stove, but pour it with a mixture of milk and eggs and close the lid. Reduce the heat to the minimum level and fry the omelette until fully cooked.

What else can be prepared from fish milk?

You can also cook delicious pancakes, various salads, pies with milk, battered milk, in Korean style, with horseradish, marinated salmon fish milk. The recipes for all these dishes, which are not at all difficult to find, will help you surprise your guests and household with delicious and unusual dishes.
