
Rejuvenating apples: Not a fairy tale, but a true story or Benefits of apples for the human body. What are the health benefits of apples

Apples are often used as a filling for pies. In Europe, apples are served in an unusual form for us. For example, fried apples are a side dish for sausage or pork dishes.

The best varieties of apples were bred over 2000 years ago. The global apple harvest averages over 60 million tons per year, the vast majority of which comes from China. More than half of the crop is consumed fresh.

In Europe, most of the harvest goes to cider, wine and brandy.

The composition and calorie content of apples

The calorie content of apples is 47 kcal / 100 gr.

Composition in 100 gr:

Chewed and crushed apple seeds turn amygdalin into a poisonous compound that can lead to death. It only appears in damaged seeds, so swallowing a few whole seeds won't hurt you.

The benefits of apples are to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

Live Science writes about the beneficial properties of apples: “Apples can mitigate the effects of asthma and Alzheimer's disease. They help with weight loss, improve bone health, improve lung function, and protect the gastrointestinal tract.”

Eating apples is healthier in its natural form. They are high in nutrients and fiber that provide health benefits.

For muscles

For the heart and blood vessels

Fresh apples serve as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.

Apples help prevent clogged arteries.

Eating apples reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke by more than 50%.

For nerves

Apples protect neuronal cells from neurotoxicity and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

For breath

Eating apples is associated with a low risk of developing asthma.

For digestion

A healthy human diet should contain complex carbohydrates that improve the metabolism of bile acids and activate digestion. An adult with constipation should consume fresh apples and vegetables to improve bowel function - at least 200 grams per day.

For the pancreas and diabetics

Eating apples reduces the risk of type II diabetes, according to a Finnish study. 3 servings of apples a day reduce the risk of diabetes by 7%, as they regulate blood sugar levels. Apples contain compounds that produce insulin and increase the uptake of glucose from the blood.

08:09 01.01.2014

Well-known and loved by everyone, apples are not only fragrant, crispy, beautiful and tasty, but also unusually healthy fruits.

An apple is almost 80% water, and the remaining 20% ​​includes useful substances: fiber, organic acids (malic, tartaric and citric), vitamins A, B1, B3, PP, C, as well as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium , magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.

Benefits of apples for digestion

Apples contain sufficient amounts of vitamin G, which contributes to normal digestion and growth.
Thanks to the natural acids contained in apples, which, together with tannins, calm the fermentation processes in the intestines, apples contribute to the natural cleansing and restoration of the intestines, relieve flatulence and bloating.
Pectin, which is part of apples, gently acts on the intestines as a laxative. Apples are used to prevent constipation. To do this, it is enough to eat one or two sour apples on an empty stomach in the morning. Baked apples are also useful to combat chronic constipation.
Apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the digestive organs and throughout the body.
An apple is a low-calorie product, and therefore is one of the main components of a weight loss diet.

Why apples are useful for the prevention of other diseases

Iodine, contained in apples in greater quantities than in many other fruits, is an excellent prevention of thyroid diseases.
Apples are rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent colds and other infections and promotes good eyesight.
Apples, especially sour ones, contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps to protect the immune system and recover from infections, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability to toxins.
Apples contain phytoncides that inhibit the pathogens of the influenza virus, dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus.
The potassium contained in apples, together with tannins, is the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, prevents the precipitation of salts and the development of urolithiasis.

Apples have a mild choleretic effect, thus preventing diseases of the gallbladder, the formation of stones in it and cholecystitis. Freshly squeezed apple juice is especially useful in this case.
Apples reduce blood cholesterol by up to 30%. Fruits with a low sugar content are recommended for diabetic patients, as they have a beneficial effect on the change in blood sugar.
Regular consumption of apples and apple juice prevents the destruction of brain cells and memory loss.
Apples are a serious purifier of the blood and lymphatic system, and also have a beneficial effect on low blood pressure and prevent the hardening of blood vessels.
Apples are useful for people suffering from rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, skin diseases.
Apples protect teeth from decay. An apple eaten in the morning can replace the traditional brushing of teeth with toothpaste or powder.

Benefits of apples and how to use them

It is optimal for the purpose of recovery to use fresh apples in their natural form, grated on a coarse grater, baked fruits or freshly squeezed juice.
The longer apples are stored, the less vitamins and nutrients they contain.
For the body, sour and wild varieties of apples are much more beneficial, since they contain several times more nutrients than cultivated fruits.
Fresh apples contribute to the abundant secretion of gastric juice, and therefore an apple eaten before dinner helps the body cope with digestion faster and better absorb food.

Benefits of apples - warnings

Apple seeds contain substances, vitamins and enzymes that prevent cancer, as well as a sufficient amount of iodine. However, apple seeds should not be abused: they contain a dangerous substance, hydrocyanic acid, in a small amount.
Apples with a high sugar content can damage dental health.
Sour varieties of apples should not be consumed by people with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis with high acidity.

The apple is a symbol of vitality and health, love and marriage. This fruit is an excellent culinary raw material for dishes and drinks. There are thousands of ways and recipes for making apples. Apples are used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Apples are a fruit that is eaten all over the world. The undoubted popularity of apples is due to their availability all year round, good transportability, the possibility of processing and excellent taste. This fruit is native to Central Asia. But this does not prevent the apple tree from growing and bearing fruit in any climatic conditions. There are more than 10 thousand varieties of apples. They differ in taste, color, aroma and shelf life. The composition of apples is determined by the variety, ripeness, growing and storage conditions.

Apple composition

Most of the composition of apples (86%) is water. Apples are sources of such substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin substances;
  • tannins;
  • ash;
  • water;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • starch.

Natural sugars are predominantly fructose. Apples contain the following organic acids:

  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • chlorogenic;
  • ursolic.

The calorie content of apples is low, on average it is 45 kcal per 100 grams. The nutritional value of apples consists of: carbohydrates - 12 g, proteins - 0.4 g, fats - 0.4 g. A small calorie content, combined with the ability to reduce the digestibility of fats, makes it possible to use apples as a dietary product.

Apple contains macronutrients: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. Do apples have iron? Even children know. The presence of iron in sufficient quantities allows the use of apples for the treatment of anemia. The presence of other trace elements is represented by: iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt and molybdenum.

What vitamins are in apples?

Apples are rich in vitamins. Most of the vitamins are located in the apple peel, so it is better not to cut it. If the apple needs to be peeled, leave a minimum of pulp on the peel. After all, the pulp under the cleanings is no less valuable. The use of raw apples is preferable for rapid fortification of the body. After all, heat treatment destroys many vitamins, organic substances and compounds.

Apple seeds have both beneficial and harmful properties. Undoubted benefit from the presence of active substances, iodine and vitamins. Bones contain enzymes, the use of which is an affordable prevention of oncology. Possible harm from apple seeds is due to the presence of poisonous hydrocyanic acid in them. It is safe for health to consume no more than four seeds per day.

The chemical composition of an apple is illustrated in this table:

Due to the presence of the components presented in the table, apples:
  • strengthen immunity;
  • contribute to the regulation of acid-base balance in the body;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • increase appetite;
  • prevent constipation;
  • minimize cholesterol levels;
  • remove harmful substances, toxins and slags;
  • alleviate asthma;
  • are a diuretic;
  • reduce the absorption of fats;
  • effective in removing swelling of the body;
  • stabilize and maintain blood sugar levels;
  • have a preventive effect on the development of cancer of the stomach and the entire digestive system;
  • prevent the appearance of early wrinkles;
  • strengthen the hair structure.

Eat apples with some restrictions, you need.

The most popular fruits in the world are apples. The benefits and harms of these fruits for the body have been discussed so many times that it is sometimes difficult to understand whether it is worth praising them like that. How true is the saying: "An apple for lunch - and all diseases are gone"? Is it possible, on the contrary, to get sick because of apples? If you can not answer with confidence - join, we will find the "moment of truth" together.

Choosing apples by color

Ripe apples, depending on the variety, have a different taste and color. Choosing an apple based on taste preferences is not the best way out. It is wiser to analyze the state of your health in order to understand which apples will bring more benefits. The properties of fruits that differ in color do not match.

Green apple

Such gifts of the apple tree are easily perceived by the body and very rarely cause allergic reactions. Their high content of malic acid makes them an excellent aid to digestion, and decent amounts of vitamin C will eliminate body fat and strengthen the immune system.

After eating "ripe greens", there are no significant jumps in blood sugar levels, so green varieties of apples are a dietary product for diabetics and cardiologists. The calorie content of a green apple is 35 kcal / 100 g.

Red Apple

The red fruit looks more beautiful, but cannot boast of significant doses of beneficial acids that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs. But it has a lot of sugar - this adds nutrition to the apple (47 Kcal / 100 g), while at the same time turning it into a dangerous food for people with diabetes. The benefits of red apples are still not fiction, since they also contain a lot of valuable substances.

yellow apple

Of particular interest in apples arises among those who are faced with iron deficiency anemia. In this case, you definitely do not need a yellow apple - there is less iron in it than in its "comrades". But if you are going to thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins and harmful compounds, while maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora, then do not give up the yellow fruit, because it is an abundant source of pectin!

Apples of this color treat the liver and bile ducts. The nutritional value of the product is about 40 kcal per 100 g.

"An apple a day - and the doctor is not needed!"

Have you heard this phrase from grandmothers? Do not hesitate, these words are not a colorful fruit of folk art, scientists will gladly subscribe to them. The reason for the enormous benefits of apples is not only in the reserves of iron, from which the surface of the fruit without the skin quickly oxidizes. The remaining components of the popular fruit will also not leave you indifferent.

The chemical composition of an apple:

  • cellulose;
  • organic compounds;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • ash;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin groups B, A, E, PP, H, K;
  • various proportions of iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine;
  • some iodine was found in the seeds.

Properties of "symbols of paradise"

Why are apples sometimes called heavenly? It's not just about the biblical story, according to which, by the way, it is not known what the seductive fruit was called. If you remain faithful to these fruits both in winter and in summer, your life will begin to resemble paradise to some extent.

Useful properties of apple fruits:

  • curative for ischemia;
  • reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 20%;
  • help maintain vision;
  • improve the work of the digestive system;
  • reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood by 15% and prevent the entry of this substance into the vessels;
  • increase the acidity of the stomach, stimulating appetite;
  • have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes;
  • remove slags;
  • prevent aging of the whole organism, including the brain;
  • due to the slight choleretic effect, they prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder;
  • win beriberi and anemia.

A unique long-term experiment showed that when eating 20 kg of apples per year, life expectancy increases by several years. Unfortunately, citizens of the CIS countries lag behind the specified norm by 12 kg.

Give women ... apples!

If there is no one to treat a woman with an apple, you will have to purchase several kilograms of this fruit on your own. Many problems that prevent ladies from feeling more confident are solved by apples.

Valuable properties of apples for the fair sex:

  • prevention of osteoporosis during menopause;
  • cleansing of the skin pores and rejuvenation during the massage with a slice of fresh fruit;
  • removal of papillomas (you should rub the growths with a piece of green apple);
  • strengthening the body during pregnancy (but you can not eat more than 4 fruits per day);
  • adding apple fresh to natural cleansers is good for the skin;
  • widespread use of plant leaves and apple cider vinegar in cosmetology.

In order not to damage the skin, it is important to choose the right apples. The benefits and harms of slices of this fruit for women also depend on skin type. The drier your skin, the sweeter the apple variety should be.

Benefit from harm "does not fall far"

In some cases, even apples can be called junk food. Benefits for the body and contraindications of the product are not mutually exclusive concepts. There is a misconception: there are a lot of allergens in the skin of apples, therefore, in order to avoid a negative reaction, the fruit must be cleaned.

If you are allergic to apples, avoid them altogether, removing the peel won't help!

Sweet fruits are not friendly to tooth enamel. Also, this garden miracle will harm with gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer, severe damage to the gallbladder. The vegetable fibers contained in the fruit can provoke flatulence - this property will weaken if the fruit is baked in the oven.

An apple is a truly unique product, which can be not only beneficial, but, alas, harmful to the human body. Among fruits, it is a very common product, as it is present in our diet almost all year round. Fragrant fruits are used in various forms, for example, compotes are prepared from them, which contain a large amount of vitamins, jam, jam, jam, or simply processed into juice. Let's try to figure out who should and who should not use red-sided, green or sunny yellow fruit so that it brings only health.

Benefits of apples. What vitamins and minerals does it contain

Many have heard that an apple is very often called the fruit of health - this is true, it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, as well as manganese and potassium. The pulp of the fruit is an easily digestible source of iron. Apples are used not only for the prevention of colds, but also for the treatment of serious ailments up to malignant neoplasms. A sufficient amount of potassium helps to stabilize blood pressure, but calcium is necessary for strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue. Do not forget that apples are almost hypoallergenic, and they can be consumed by most of the world's population.

The fiber contained in green varieties is digested for a long time and does not allow you to feel hungry for a long time. Such fruits also contain pectin, which will help improve the complexion and will help prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin.

The benefits of baked apples are also great, as they do not lose a large amount of nutrients during heat treatment.

Harm of juicy fruits for women, men and children

Apple diets are now very common, thanks to which excess fat is supposedly effectively burned. And therefore, people should not forget that being on it, due to coarse fiber, colitis can worsen and the work of the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted. Especially the harm is great for those who have gastritis or duodenal ulcer.

Apple seeds contain a large amount of iodine, and in order not to harm the body, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 pieces per day. They contain acid, which is a strong poison for the human body. If we limit ourselves to the recommended amount, then the seeds, on the contrary, will be beneficial for the body.

Is it possible to eat them with gastritis

You can eat apples, just need to choose sweet varieties. Because of their content of carotene, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium, they are recommended for intestinal infections. With an exacerbation of gastritis in the first week, you should eat only fruits baked in the oven.

With the help of fruits, you can improve health and treat gastritis. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the green fruits, peel and grate. It is recommended to eat gruel early in the morning, since you can’t eat anything for 4 hours before and after taking it, but by 11 o’clock you can safely have breakfast. Eating the grated fruit at night is not recommended, as it contributes to gas formation, which can worsen well-being and sleep. The first month, apples in this form should be eaten daily, the second - 3 times a week and the third - 1 time. But all this should be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, exclude spicy and salty foods, fatty foods, coffee, strong tea, fresh bread from the diet.

Useful properties of apples for weight loss

The fruit is the basis of various diets, as well as fasting days. This product can not only effectively reduce weight, but improve health. In order not to torture yourself with strict diets and at the same time achieve the desired result, you just need to include apples in your diet, arranging fasting days.

To reduce weight, fasting days should be arranged 1-2 times a week, and 1 time per month will be enough for prevention. And you also need to know such nuances:

  • First you need to determine which varieties are right for you, since with increased acidity you cannot eat sour apples, and with low acidity, they are quite appropriate.
  • Grated fruits are better absorbed, but do not remove the peel from them, as there is more nutrition under it.
  • On a diet, it is best to eat raw apples or after minimal heat treatment.

Apple peel: why you shouldn't peel it and throw it away

Many of us doubt its benefits, trying to carefully peel off the skin.

The peel of apples contains both insoluble fibers, which remove excess cholesterol from the blood, and soluble, which in turn remove cholesterol from the liver. Thanks to numerous tests, it was possible to find out that the antioxidants contained in the skin of the fruit help to slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to store them in winter

Of course, apples can be stored all winter and this is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right variety, carefully remove them from the tree and create suitable conditions.

To keep apples well, it is recommended to wipe each of them with a cloth moistened with glycerin or wrap it in thin paper. The best storage container is a box or cardboard box. The fruits must be carefully laid and sprinkled with sawdust or shavings. When storing, you need to follow certain rules: do not store them with strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic; humidity in the room should be about 85-90%.

Video about useful properties
