
Protein milkshake recipe. Protein shakes for weight loss at home

For the normal functioning of organs and systems, the body needs protein. A high-molecular compound is responsible for transport, enzymatic, contractile functions, and participate in chemical and biological processes. It consists of "building blocks" - 22 monomeric units known as alpha-amino acids, involved in the formation of skeletal muscles, metabolic processes.

During exercise, athletes need them to increase volume, release energy, and prevent catabolism. To this end, they buy concentrates with an artificially synthesized substance and prepare protein shakes for muscle building according to adapted recipes.

What's under the lid

As part of a protein shake, in addition to the amino acid complex contains: vitamins A and C - 0.3 mg / 100 g each and a number of trace elements. Among others:

  • 3 mg / 100 g of magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • silver;
  • sulfur, potassium;
  • sodium.

Drinks are usually offered in fitness centers with flavored fillers. However, a home-made protein drink has a natural taste and also contains the necessary norm of nutrients. Per 500 ml serving:

  • proteins - about 40 g;
  • carbohydrates 80g;
  • fat - 30 g.

Energy value820-840 kcal/100.

How to make a protein shake with your own hands from dry concentrates

For the base, take dairy products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese), berries or fruits. They provide the supply of amino acids and trace elements. Honey, syrup and other sweeteners transport carbohydrates. Ingredients for the compositions of protein shakes are selected at will or ready-made recipes are used.

Important observe the percentage of components and beat the mass well.

Some operate a mixer or blender, others grind the mass with a spoon.

Recipe #1

To make a protein drink necessary:

  • 2 servings of sports nutrition;
  • for taste - a handful of berries and a spoonful of honey;
  • 20 ml of linseed oil;
  • half a liter of milk.

If the body does not absorb it, the cocktail recipe is adjusted by adding kefir or yogurt instead. Some people also add Grovo protein. After pasteurization, it does not contain pathogenic microorganisms that are dangerous to health.

Recipe #2 by George Zangas

  • 10 g of brewer's yeast;
  • Grovo protein - 70 g
  • 1 standard rate of whey product;
  • 3 ice cubes;
  • a handful of berries or slices of fruit.

The components are whipped until homogeneous.

Recipe number 3. Homemade Muscle Growth Drink with Hercules

  • 500 g muesli;
  • 2 l. yogurt;
  • 160 g soy isolate.

The mass is thoroughly mixed, placed in a container, a fermented milk component is added. Then pour into 4 glasses and send to the refrigerator. Drink morning, afternoon, before and after training.

muscle protein shake recipes for men

Recipe #4

  • To make the protein yourself, a portion of the sports nutrition is stirred in half a liter of milk;
  • add puree of 2 bananas and beat.

Recipe number 5

  • 220 ml of orange juice is combined with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 cocoa, half a banana.
  • A sweetener is added to improve the taste.

Recipe #6

  • To prepare protein at home, 250 grams of curd mass is combined with 2 cups of fermented milk product;
  • add 2 bananas;
  • a spoonful of thick jam or 50 ml of syrup.

Recipe number 7

Alternative option protein shake for gaining muscle mass:

  • half a liter of fresh milk and 65 g of dry;
  • 5 tablespoons of egg powder; 70 g of cheese mass;
  • berries or a banana are added for taste.

Protein drinks for weight gain with peanut butter

Recipe number 8


  • 1 banana;
  • a glass of chopped spinach leaves;
  • 150 g of almond milk;
  • dry concentrate - measured portion;
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and peanut butter.

Recipe number 9. Homemade Strawberry Protein

  • half a glass of yogurt and milk;
  • 5 g of any whey concentrate;
  • 2 liters of peanut mixture;
  • a glass of fresh or frozen strawberries.

Products are laid in any order and whipped into foam.

Recipes for Energy Recovery

Recipe number 10. Peach variant

  • 150 vanilla isolates;
  • 4 glasses of fruit juice;
  • 100 g canned peaches, cut into pieces

Recipe number 11. Smoothie fruity

  • 200 ml diluted isolate;
  • 5 strawberries;
  • 15 blueberries;
  • half a liter of yogurt;
  • a couple of ice cubes.

Protein shakes with natural products

Recipe #12

Protein shake immediately after workout restore glycogen stores:

  • half a liter of 1% kefir;
  • 180 g of cheese mass;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 ice cream;
  • 100 ml concentrated cocoa drink.

Recipe #13

  • A spoonful of sprouted wheat is combined with flax oil;
  • 230 cottage cheese and beat;
  • a thick mass is bred with fermented baked milk.

Recipe #14

To prepare natural protein you will need:

  • melange Grovo - 50 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk;
  • banana;
  • a spoonful of gelatin granules;

Recipe #15

It is important for athletes to maintain protein intake. You can make a natural drink at home according to the recipe, taking:

  • 50 g grated walnut;
  • 40 ml syrup;
  • 200 ml curdled milk.

Recipe number 16. Drink from Steve Reeves

  • 3 village eggs;
  • 20 g of powdered milk;
  • banana;
  • 12 g gelatin, maple syrup or honey.

Read also how to drink protein for muscle growth for men,.
What are amino acids and what are they for?
The main differences and difference in reception for different people.
Do I need to take creatine for muscle growth, find out.
Features of the use of protein.
The correct selection of sports nutrition for bodybuilding beginners is described.

Chocolate Vanilla Protein Shake Recipes

Recipe #17

  • 25 g whey isolate with cocoa flavor;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 120 g ground almonds;
  • half a protein bar.

To properly make protein for muscle growth, liquid ingredients are first whipped, sprinkled with almonds and crumbs on top.

Protein smoothie for lean muscles with cocoa

Recipe #18


  • a standard spoonful of protein concentrate with an admixture of chocolate;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 50 g "Nestvik";
  • about 160 g of cottage cheese.

Cooking method: the liquid is heated, combined with other products, whipped at high speed.

Recipe #19

As an option: take a measuring spoon of protein powder and casein with vanilla flavor and dilute with juice or lemonade without asparkam, mix. Taken after exercise.

Recipe number 20: How to make a Mocha protein drink at home

  • a cup of black coffee;
  • 2 l. honey;
  • chocolate flavored powder.

Sweetness is optional.

Do you work out in the gym? Do you want to increase muscle mass or lose weight, sculpt your muscles or create an Arnold Schwarzenegger look? Then the daily menu must be diversified with a protein shake. The basis for it is protein - the most important trace element for building and maintaining muscle mass. What to choose - ready-made mixes from well-known manufacturers or make a protein shake at home on your own? Let's try to understand the variety of offers and options.

The benefits of protein shakes

Protein shakes were conceived as a nutritional supplement for weightlifters with high loads. Gradually, from food for professionals, they have become an everyday source of energy for those who want to give the body a beautiful look. What are the benefits of protein shakes?

The daily protein requirement of an athlete is up to 5 grams per kg of body weight. Dairy products, eggs, fruits are good as main meals, but a special diet is needed before and after sports activities. A homemade protein shake will replace snacks and saturate you with energy.

The main component of powder mixtures is protein. Different types of loads require different types of protein shakes. From the method of obtaining drinks are divided into:

  1. Serum. Made from whey. They are quickly digested. Such cocktails are recommended to be consumed in small portions after training every 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Dairy. More than 2/3 is casein, a slowly soluble protein.
  3. Egg. High production costs limit the range of cocktail consumers.
  4. Soy. The low price of cocktails with such a base creates demand. Recommended for athletes intolerant to animal protein; vegetarians.
  5. Casein. Useful before bedtime as a cocktail.

Useful properties of ordinary protein shakes and drinks with energy components (gainers) are extensive:

  1. Saving time and effort. A cocktail is faster to make than to cook, for example, baked meat with vegetables.
  2. Caring for the digestive tract and the body as a whole. To get the right amount of protein, you will have to consume a huge amount of food. The volume of muscle mass will grow slowly, and the stomach will stretch quickly.
  3. Energy drinks (gainer cocktails) are nutritious, quickly restore strength after training. Pleasant to taste.
  4. The ability to balance the protein requirement through drinking a cocktail.
  5. Financial savings. Healthy food, in particular, homemade products, costs a lot of money. Shakes will come to the rescue by maintaining high protein levels for a long time.
  6. A relatively simple dosage of components in cocktails will help track the amount of consumed substances and amino acids.

Recipes for making protein shakes at home (photo)

Gainers will help to invigorate the body, nourish the muscles with protein. "Training" cocktails are prepared 40-45 minutes before active sports. They contain proteins (from 60%), healthy carbohydrates and some fats. Time of use - half an hour before and after training. All components should be at human body temperature (37⁰) to increase the body's cost of burning calories. Portions are designed for 250 ml of the finished product. Drink should be in small sips, slowly. Cook according to the recipes with the photo below, have fun, and most importantly - the desired result!

Protein shake for muscle growth for men

To make a classic protein drink that stimulates muscle growth, take the following ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of 0% - 100 g. Homemade is tastier, but very high-calorie and fatty.
  • Skimmed milk - 100 g. There is intolerance to the product - replace with soy.
  • Quail eggs - 3 pcs. (to avoid salmonellosis). No quail - boil 2 chicken eggs. For a cocktail, you only need protein.
  • Fruit syrup, jam, jam - 3 tbsp. spoons. Choose any sweet ingredient.
  • Dry milk formula (baby) or protein shake powder - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cook in this order.

  • Mix cottage cheese with eggs, grind until smooth.
  • Add dry mix. Mix thoroughly.
  • Add sweet carbs.
  • Pour in the milk. Turn on the shaker (Turbo mode) and shake all the ingredients.

For mass gain with banana, oatmeal and milk

Bananas contain vegetable protein, and oatmeal will replenish the supply of healthy carbohydrates. The drink is effective in the first half of the day and before training. You will need components:

  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Milk (1% fat) or soy - 100 ml.
  • Protein in a dry mix (dairy / sports) - 1 tbsp.
  • Ice cream - 50 g. If desired, replace with yogurt, cottage cheese.
  • Oat flakes - 50 g
  • Refined oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon.

Before starting cooking, use a blender in turbo mode to grind the oatmeal to a powder. Pour into a shaker, adding ice cream and vegetable oil. Stir. Send the mixture, banana and honey to the glass. Stir again. Pour in milk, whisk until foamy. Your cocktail is ready!

For weight gain without cottage cheese

The recipe for making protein drinks without cottage cheese is simple and does not take much time. A fruit gainer would be great for a morning meal. Take the ingredients, mix until puree:

  • 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 150 ml of natural yogurt;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a spoon;
  • whey protein/milk formula;
  • honey - 1 spoon.

A sweet dream spent with benefit (weight gain due to muscle growth) will provide a chocolate-vanilla drink with casein. This smoothie is slowly digested, keeping protein levels high almost into the morning. You will need:

  • milk - 200 g;
  • dry milk - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • casein mixture - 1 tbsp;
  • milk chocolate - 50 g or a chocolate bar.

Beat all the ingredients with a mixer. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top. It is better to drink in small sips before going to bed.

Check out other recipes on how to cook.


How to make a delicious protein drink for weight loss?

There is an opinion that a protein shake contributes to weight gain. This is wrong. A protein set of products in combination with fruits will give weight loss. Physical activity should not be heavy, regular. Replace snacks with a portion of a protein drink, a maximum of two per day. You will need:

  • whey / kefir - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs. (for a change, replace with raspberries, lingonberries, blackberries);
  • protein / infant formula - 1 tbsp.

A serving of 250-500 g will be useful to the body in the morning half an hour before training. Enjoy the taste and lose weight!

Harm of protein shakes

Protein shakes are contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with kidney disease;
  • in the presence of kidney stones, gallbladder;
  • athletes with gastrointestinal problems.

Negative consequences:

  1. Clinical studies have shown that the composition of protein drinks cannot be called organic, natural. The use of these drinks is addictive, a quick result stimulates an increase in portions consumed. The result will be problems with the heart muscle, there will be a threat of stone formation.
  2. The habit of the body to process easily digestible proteins causes a long-term restructuring of the body after refusing to use it. At a minimum, a disorder in the work of the intestines and some loss of muscle mass, relief forms are guaranteed.
  3. Significant cost of money. Good products are expensive. The more famous the manufacturer, the more expensive his products. Cheap analogues have many side effects.
  4. Busting with the number of servings of the drink, especially gainers, leads to obesity.
  5. Athletes, seriously carried away by the volume of triceps, biceps, lose touch with reality and switch to the use of steroids and anabolic drugs. Doing this is absolutely not worth it!

Hello friends! Today we will talk with you about protein shakes at home for gaining muscle mass and for weight loss. I have never posted any recipes for anything on my blog, although, as I understand from your comments, many such articles would be interesting. I really like to experiment and try something new, so I have prepared some interesting protein shake recipes for you.

To be honest, after reading what they write on the Internet about taking protein shakes at home, I was a little uncomfortable ...

How can you lose weight by drinking a cocktail with honey and kiwi, which has a calorie content of 850 kcal, I don’t understand. And what kind of “lightness” we are talking about also remains a mystery.

Today we will learn how to competently prepare a natural protein shake at home and administer (track) our results.

Protein shakes at home for weight gain and weight loss

What is the difference between protein shakes that are designed for mass gain and those for weight loss? For some reason, there is no clear answer anywhere.

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

Two moments that play a DECISIVE role! If we can “sandal” 200-300 ml of milk (100-160 kcal + 10-15 g of carbohydrates), a banana (100 kcal + 23-25 ​​g of carbohydrates) and 100 g of ice cream (240 kcal) into a protein shake for gaining muscle mass + 25 g of carbohydrates), then when it comes to losing weight and, for example, which is GENERALLY without carbohydrates, we are unlikely to be able to do this.

Therefore, CALORIES and CARB CONTENT will be very different between those who drink a protein shake to gain some weight, and those who are desperately trying to lose weight! Naturally, if both groups of these people are set up for the result, and not just flatter themselves with the hope that after drinking some kind of protein shake, as if by magic, they will begin to lose weight. This is the first.

Well, the second is that the TASTE of these cocktails will be completely different. Imagine if you have two cocktails in front of you:

  1. 200 ml of milk, 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of strawberries, 1 banana, a spoonful of honey, coconut, cocoa, 4-5 mint leaves.
  2. 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered milk, 5-7 egg whites (or dry egg white powder), black coffee ice cubes (or tablets), 4-5 mint leaves, 100 g strawberries.

Which one will you choose, if we ignore the issues of gaining mass and losing weight? If you do not dissemble yourself, then most likely the first! Due to the fact that it will be MUCH TASTER (because more carbohydrates and sugar).

Our body is very fond of carbohydrates that are quickly digested ("fast" carbohydrates), because this is the EASIEST WAY TO GET ENERGY!!!

I took fast carbohydrates, and after 10-20 minutes they are in the system.

Honestly, I am not a supporter of any great variety of products when I am in the phase of "drying" (weight loss) for one simple reason - ADMINISTRATION OF INCOMED NUTRIENTS!

When you start to deviate from your diet plan during the “drying” towards a large variety of products, then with a high degree of probability you will “fly out” of your calorie corridor (the number of calories that you need for daily life, which you gradually reduce to the body was in ENERGY DEFICIENCY, and used fats as an energy source).

When there is a phase of gaining muscle mass, then, by and large, do not care. I drank high-calorie protein sweet shakes for a couple of days, gained some fat, slightly reduced calories, excess fat was gone. Plus or minus 2-3 kg. No problem.

Another thing is when you reduce the amount of fat in the body and you need to clearly monitor your calorie content, and also try to maintain the training volume so that the body does not begin to actively use muscle proteins as energy (muscle catabolism - “destruction”).

A high-calorie sweet protein shake will easily raise your body's insulin levels and stop fat burning. No options.

Drank a sweet protein shake while losing weight = stopped losing weight (at least for 1-2 days).

That is why I believe that protein shakes prepared at home, in their classical sense, are NOT NEEDED for drying!

It is better to strictly adhere to your nutrition plan, train competently and get results as soon as possible.

In the phase of gaining muscle mass, at your discretion.

But for those who are now losing weight or just trying to keep themselves in their weight, I, of course, will also give a couple of recipes that, in my opinion, should not harm fat burning or, at least, not much “roll back” your progress.

As they say, we will choose the lesser of two evils.

People who want to lose weight understand the following simple points:

  • There are diets that allow you to periodically consume carbohydrate protein shakes in the diet (for example,).
  • There are NO protein shakes that will make you lose weight like magic! Replenish the amount of protein and other nutrients, microelements in the body - YES! To lose weight without effort - NO!

This information is VERY UNFAVORABLE to sports nutrition manufacturers and fitness bars in fitness centers that sell their useless incredibly working “oxygen cocktails” for weight loss, high-calorie"light" milkshakes with chocolate and ice cream, for obvious reasons, but I'm sure you people understand this and do not fall for such marketing "ducks".

Let's start with how to prepare a protein shake at home for muscle growth, i.e. for weight gain, tk. there is a huge variety of different options, and then we will talk about protein shakes for weight loss.

To prepare homemade protein shakes for gaining muscle mass or for weight loss, we first need the following things:

  1. Blender (alternative: shaker, whisk).
  2. Container (to stir all the products there; blenders often come with a special glass).

This is necessary for the preparation of almost all protein shakes (both for weight gain and for weight loss). True, it’s still better to take a blender, not a whisk, because it’s hard for me to imagine how you will stir the second banana.

Homemade protein shakes for muscle gain may contain the following foods:

  • Milk (any fat content);
  • Cottage cheese (any fat content);
  • Eggs chicken or quail (whole);
  • Any protein (complex, casein (long) or whey);
  • Boiled buckwheat (slow-digesting carbohydrate with a low glycemic index; for cocktails with a lower calorie content);
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Boiled oatmeal (glycemic index is higher than that of buckwheat, but as a calorie boost due to carbohydrates, it is preferable to sugar or honey);
  • Banana;
  • Yogurt;
  • Chocolate;
  • Strawberry;
  • Kiwi (however, in combination with milk, it can give bitterness);
  • Nuts, including coconut flakes (coconut, by the way, is the largest nut in the world);
  • Honey (preferably liquid);
  • Sugar (we add as a last resort, because it has a high glycemic index and there is a high probability of gaining excess fat);
  • And others.

You can combine them in almost any form, but there are recommendations that, in my opinion, should be considered:

  • There SHOULD NOT be more than 20-30 g of protein in one serving of the cocktail (there are experiments that say that 20 g of protein works the same as 30 g, although if there is a need, the muscles can absorb 50 g, but I think that this is with training on steroids, and not with natural).
  • Stick to a moderate calorie content of one cocktail: 200-500 kcal (I don’t see the point anymore, because the body is unlikely to absorb such an amount of nutrients at a time, you will just work on the toilet; it’s better to divide the protein shake into 2-3 parts and drink a little - BETTER LESS, BUT MORE THAN all in one fell swoop).
  • Less fast carbohydrates (if it is possible not to use sugar, honey, fruits, then do it; I understand that this is difficult, but it is better to eat fewer foods with a high glycemic index, because, most likely, you will gain excess fat, and we No need).

The homemade banana protein shake is perhaps the most classic shake in today's selection, because a banana goes great with just about any shake.

That is why, I decided to highlight for you some interesting banana recipes separately.

Since, almost all of our banana cocktails are mass gaining cocktails, we have almost no restrictions (except for the recommendations that I indicated above).

Classic Banana Protein Shake:

Beat the whole thing with a blender and divide into 2-3 doses.

  • Calories: 1000-1100.
  • Proteins: 70.
  • Fats: 45-50.
  • Carbohydrates: 100.

As you can see, the cocktail is very high-calorie (about half the daily diet of a healthy man and almost the entire daily diet of an average girl). I think it's understandable that consuming these shakes often will be a little harmful (especially for natural athletes, because most likely you will store quite a lot of fat over time).

There is still one problem - A LARGE AMOUNT OF MILK! Many people after the age of 18-20 begin lactose intolerance, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, etc. This is quite normal. It so happened evolutionarily that we needed milk only in childhood, therefore, over time, the need for its digestion disappeared.

If you have a problem with digesting milk, then this cocktail will be heavy for you.

In my case, for example, only 150-200 ml of milk can normally be absorbed per day, then problems begin.

There is a way out of this situation. I discovered it for myself when I received my first higher education.

Instead of 600 ml of milk, I poured 300-400 ml of kefir and diluted the whole thing with water so that it was not so thick. It turns out that the taste is commensurate, as with milk, only a little less sweet and much easier to digest (because kefir is, in fact, a dairy product already digested by bacteria).

Protein shake with banana (instead of milk kefir):

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 900-1000.
  • Proteins: 60-70.
  • Fats: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 80-90.

The cocktail turned out to be a little less high-calorie, but I still advise you to divide it into at least 2-3 doses. Be mindful of protein digestibility.

You can slightly increase the protein component and add egg whites (although I don’t worry about this and eat whole eggs).

Here's what will come of it.

Banana Protein Shake:

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 1200-1300.
  • Proteins: 90-100.
  • Fats: 60.
  • Carbohydrates: 83.

It turns out very tasty, but its calorie content is slightly higher.

WASH CHICKEN EGGS before throwing them into a cocktail if you add them raw (salmonella "live" on the shell).

To slightly reduce the amount of fat in the cocktail, you can pre-boil the eggs, remove the yolk and add the protein to the cocktail (then beat everything with a blender).

Our next cocktail will be orange-chocolate-banana.

Cocktail: "Orange-Banana Mood"

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 350-400.
  • Proteins: 20.
  • Fats: 5.
  • Carbohydrates: 65.

This is one serving. The combination of orange juice and cocoa is surprisingly delicious!

You can combine almost any of the ingredients that I indicated at the beginning. Plenty of variations!

I also like this option.

Protein Shake with Banana and Strawberries:

It turns out very tasty! If it gets a little thick, you can add a little more milk or water.

You can also crush 4-5 mint leaves in a mortar and mortar and mix them together with the cocktail in a blender. It turns out a specific, mint-strawberry, very pleasant taste.

Experiment friends! I would also add coconut flakes to this. Coconut flakes, of course, will also add a little flavor. You can put 10-30 g, if desired.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 800-900.
  • Proteins: 40-45.
  • Fats: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 60-70.

Student cocktail:

Now student memories came flooding back, when there was no money at all, and we tried to cook at least something protein after training. Then this cocktail helped out perfectly))

  • Calories: 1080
  • Proteins: 70
  • Fats: 30
  • Carbs: 130

I think that's enough banana smoothies. As I said, a banana goes well with almost any cocktail, so you can experiment.

You are unlikely to ruin a protein shake with a banana.

Let's look at other muscle building shakes.

The following cocktails can be prepared with or without a banana, at your discretion.

Let's take a look at some interesting protein shake recipes that I'm sure you'll love.

Chocolate cocktail with strawberries:

Coconut flakes, by the way, will also be very good to taste here.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 440
  • Proteins: 30
  • Fats: 15
  • Carbs: 50

Coffee and chocolate cocktail:

The cocktail has a pleasant coffee aftertaste with hints of almonds.

Coffee ice cubes are prepared in advance, it turns out VERY TASTY! To prepare them, you need to brew coffee in a Turk or in a coffee maker (quite strong), pour it all into silicone molds for ice (sold in any hardware store) and put it in the freezer (the coffee must first cool down). These ice cubes are then put into a cocktail.

According to BJU and kilocalories, it turns out:

  • Calories: 970
  • Proteins: 53
  • Fats: 56
  • Carbs: 68

Mint Cherry Cocktail:

A very special cocktail. Too sweet for me. I don't really like cloying sweetness, so I diluted it in 100 ml of water.

But kiwi with mint gives some awesomely pleasant “minty sourness”, I don’t know what to call it, but it tastes very cool.

This cocktail is different in that it does not have much protein, but, as a kind of alternative for occasional use, it is even nothing.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 340
  • Proteins: 25
  • Fats: 3
  • Carbs: 50

Cocktail: "Protein Monster":

  • Powdered milk (5-6 tablespoons);
  • Water (400 ml);
  • Natural yogurt - 300 ml (either with the taste of strawberries, berries or something else; I advise you to pay attention to Valio yogurts);
  • Egg whites (6 pcs.);
  • Boiled buckwheat (50 g; weigh DRY);
  • Extra virgin olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Honey (1-2 teaspoons);

In the cocktail, as we can see, an increased amount of protein, a decent amount of carbohydrates (complex from buckwheat, simple from milk and honey) and even healthy unsaturated fats (from olive oil) are present.

According to BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 850
  • Proteins: 75
  • Fats: 10
  • Carbs: 125

MASS OF VARIATIONS!!! These are just a few of the shakes you can make with these muscle building foods.

The gist is this:

  1. We do not mix sour foods with milk (for example, kiwi with milk), because. there is a high chance that the milk will curdle.
  2. The calorie content is quite high, so spread your shakes over several meals (to get 20-30 g of protein per serving).
  3. We give preference to ANIMAL PROTEIN (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs). It has a much higher value than the vegetable, which has an incomplete amino acid composition.
  4. I don’t see much point in using such cocktails on an ongoing basis (not cheap, and high in calories, but as a treat, why not).

Now let's look at the various protein shakes at home for weight loss.

First, I would like to clarify a bit the situation with slimming cocktails, whether at home or not.

As I said, THERE ARE NO such protein shakes (of course, allowed) that you drank and, as if by magic, begin to lose weight.

A few rules for making homemade protein shakes for weight loss:

  • Calorie content should be as low as possible (less carbohydrates, more protein).
  • If possible, completely eliminate the presence of fast carbohydrates in them (fruits, sugar, honey, etc.).
  • You can additionally use stimulating supplements (caffeine,) and others (L-carnitine, BCAA, protein, etc.)

Those. we MAXIMUM REDUCES THE PROBABILITY that the body will store energy from a protein shake into fat reserves. This is not important for a person who is gaining muscle mass, but it is very important for a person who is trying to lose weight.

Protein Shake #1:

The simplest protein shake for those who are losing weight (0 sugar, 24-27 g of protein in one scoop, about 100 kcal per scoop). As you can see, the cocktail is very simple, but nevertheless low-calorie (especially since you can choose a whey isolate with some flavor).

Protein shake "Energy":

I really like to prepare this cocktail on drying before training in the gym (about 15 minutes before it) for several reasons:

  1. BCAAs are great for keeping muscles lean, and it has long been proven in many experiments that BCAAs help make fat burning more effective.
  2. Whey isolate is perfectly digestible and contains an additional portion of BCAAs, which cannot be found on drying.
  3. Coffee ice cubes (namely, caffeine) stimulate the central nervous system. The fat-burning effect of coffee has long been proven, so it's foolish not to use it.
  4. Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus. These drugs were called "weapons of Soviet athletes", they are sold in any pharmacy. Tinctures for alcohol, so you don’t need to add a lot of them to the cocktail (it will be bitter), 15 drops are enough.

In terms of calories, it also comes out very low-calorie (less than 150-200 kcal) + stimulants contribute to additional fat burning.

By the way, I wrote a detailed article about. Read it, there are a lot of interesting things.

Protein Shake "Fat Burning Machine":

With this cocktail, drink 2-3 tablets of 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride (I gave a link to the article about it above) 30 minutes before training.

It’s like an “energy cocktail”, only L-carnitine is added here, which helps to transport triglycerides into the mitochondria (energy stations) of cells during training, as well as yohimbine hydrochloride, which blocks alpha-2 adrenoreceptors and prevents you from becoming fatter.

Protein shake "Russian standard":

This cocktail belongs to the category “I’m afraid to drink sports nutrition, it’s all harmful, I would like something from real food.” The cocktail is slightly more high-calorie than the above.

Such a cocktail was very fond of bodybuilders of the 90s in our country, because it was practically impossible to get a sports nutrition.

According to BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 500
  • Proteins: 50
  • Fats: 5
  • Carbs: 80

Again, I remind you that it’s better not to abuse various cocktails at all, because this makes it difficult to control progress (it’s difficult to count calories).

But I wanted you to know these recipes, because. I understand perfectly how much you sometimes want to diversify your diet.

Well, I could not get past the standard protein powder shakes and how to prepare them, because since my student life I have tried, probably, almost all the protein companies available in Russia today.

Preparing them is easy. This is a classic of the genre, as they say.

By the way, I don’t throw out protein cans, but take them to my parents (now I just came to visit them for a couple of days). They use these jars to store spring water)))

Here's a photo (my favorite protein brands on them, by the way):

First, briefly about the main forms of protein:

I have an article where I spoke in great detail about that, and about all its forms. Read. It is very detailed and understandable.

You can buy at the CHEAPEST price there is, whey or any other protein for yourself by this link.

Each of these proteins can be mixed with either water (less calorie, but generally less tasty) or milk (more calorie, tastier, but not suitable for everyone, because some people have lactose intolerance).

Standard protein shake in the classic sense:

  1. Mix 1-2 scoops (scoop is a measuring spoon that is in every protein pack) of protein with 200-300 ml of water or milk.
  2. Then you stir the whole thing in a shaker (a jar with a mesh, very convenient for sports), or in a blender, or in a mixer.

ALL! The cocktail is ready. There is nothing easier. Some proteins are easier to mix (whey, egg), some are a little more difficult (beef, casein), but in general, this is a protein powder shake.

To this whole thing, you can add 1-2 bananas, strawberries, chocolate, or something else at your discretion.

I do not recommend adding anything protein to a powdered protein shake, for one simple reason.

1 scoop of protein powder contains 20-27 g of protein, which is more than enough for one dose (more is unlikely to be absorbed).

  • If calorie content is not particularly important for you, then you can drink a complex protein, and indeed any protein.
  • If you are losing weight, then whey isolate.
  • Drink CASEIN at night (it takes 4-6 hours to digest, does not raise insulin levels much and supplies your muscles with amino acids almost all night).


Let's recap what we've learned today:

  • There are NO cocktails that will burn fat for you without your efforts.
  • In one serving of the cocktail should not be more than 20-30 g of protein. If more, we break it down into several steps.
  • We eat less fast carbohydrates, because. they have a high insulin index and contribute to the accumulation of excess fat.
  • We do not interfere with sour fruits with milk (there is a big risk that it will curdle).

The difference between mass-gathering cocktails and those for weight loss:

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

That's all, friends. Today we reviewed a lot of interesting information about protein shakes at home for weight gain and weight loss. I hope you found this article interesting and useful.

Experiment with the ingredients, I'm sure you will find the recipe that will not leave you indifferent.

Curious, have you tried making your own protein shakes at home? Share the recipe in the comments.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Not so long ago, the public became aware of drinks such as protein shakes. Previously available only to a select few (gym goers and professional athletes), today they are considered the best assistants in both muscle building and weight loss.

And you can't argue with that. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of protein drinks, as well as how to prepare a protein shake yourself.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have ..

So, you start going to the gym, communicate closely with trainers and other lovers of a sports lifestyle, and soon you realize that without additional mixtures, vitamins and supplements, a beautiful body simply cannot be created. Protein shakes, amino acids, BCAAs are not empty words for those who are passionate about sports. But are these drinks and supplements really needed or is it a huge business? In fact, there is no urgent need, just thanks to cocktails you can make your body more beautiful in a faster time and with the lowest cooking costs.

The need for protein

How much protein does the body need? Are muscle protein shakes really that good? According to the fitness instructions, a person needs about 1.5-2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight for his development, existence, normal renewal and cell division. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then in order to feel healthy and be in great shape, you need to eat at least 90 g of protein daily. Do not confuse the weight of the nutrient with the weight of the product! So, for example, 100 g of cottage cheese contains only 16 g of protein, 100 g of chicken fillet contains 23 g of protein, and one egg contains 12 g. During the day (including three meals), it is quite possible to eat 90 g of protein along with food without any cocktails or special additives.

The need for protein for athletes

The situation is different with the nutrition of athletes. During training, the muscles under the influence of the load are torn, and then restored and due to this increase in volume. To build muscle tissue, an athlete needs protein in a much larger volume than an ordinary person - approximately 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

A 100-kilogram man needs to eat about 200 g of protein per day, which is more than 2 kg of food. This is where protein shakes come in. Thanks to the drink, you can eat as much as you want, and get the missing protein from cocktails.

How much do protein shakes cost?

Reviews of such a tool for building muscle mass and maintaining the beauty of the body, like a protein shake, speak in favor of their use. But how much does it cost?

Of course, any gym "makes money" not only on the operation of equipment by clients, but also on the desire of the client to "sculpt" Apollo out of himself. Naturally, each hall has a special sports bar where you can treat yourself to a protein shake or a gainer, profit from a special energy bar. If your goal is to save money, then it's easier to make a protein shake at home for only 20-30 rubles. Protein shakes in a sports bar can cost 60-200 rubles.

If you buy protein yourself

The price of protein does not depend on the production technology, but on the manufacturer. Well-established global brands produce products using the same technology as little-known domestic firms, but the prices are increased significantly. You can argue about the quality and benefits of certain protein shakes, but it's best to read the ingredients on the package.

So, 1 kg of whey protein from an unknown domestic manufacturer will cost you 600-900 rubles, while well-known brands offer you the same product at a price of 2000 rubles per 1 kg. And this is not at all surprising, because you pay for advertising this brand and for a piece of the glory of a famous name.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to ask the trainers in the gym for advice - almost everyone is “pushing” certain sports nutrition for sale, as this is another source of income for the gym. As soon as you start exercising, you will immediately be “prescribed” a lot of supplements, and if you ask if it is possible to purchase a similar product cheaper, they will politely explain that this is impossible.

A logical question arises: is it possible to make a protein shake at home? Agree, there is not always money for expensive sportswear, visiting a good gym, and even for supplements to create a beautiful figure. Therefore, consider simple recipes for protein shakes.

What should be in the recipe?

So, before moving on to the kitchen, you need to decide what kind of drink you will prepare - for building muscle or protein shakes for weight loss. Since these are cocktails that are different in their effect on the body, the ingredients will need different ones - to increase the volume of muscle mass, carbohydrates will need to be added to the protein.

So, the first common component is a liquid foundation. You can take water, milk or juice (if we are talking about a gainer). The same ingredient is needed if you are making a shake using protein powder.

The second component is proteins. Use egg white, cottage cheese, milk, whey.

Carbohydrates (berries, honey, bananas) must be added to protein shakes if your goal is to build muscle. If you intend to prepare homemade protein shakes to get rid of unnecessary fat mass or drying, do without this component.

In addition, you will definitely need a blender. The fact is that the cocktail (especially if you are preparing it from a powder) needs to be stirred well to a homogeneous consistency. This task is best done with an immersion blender or mixer.

Protein Shake Recipes

In order to build muscle, you need to add simple carbohydrates to protein products (cottage cheese, eggs, milk) for rapid protein absorption. It can be condensed milk, honey, jam or sugar. Take note of this recipe:

  • Milk (medium fat, for example 2.5% or 3.2%%) - 1 cup.
  • Cottage cheese (medium fat, up to 9%) - 100 g.
  • Egg whites boiled 2 pieces.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons

Immerse all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

chocolate protein shake recipe

Such a drink cheers up with its pleasant aroma and taste. It is recommended to consume an hour and a half before training.

  • Milk - 250 g (fat content not more than 2.5%).
  • Cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%) - the amount at the discretion.
  • Chocolate black - 40 g.
  • Banana - 1 piece.

Grate the chocolate on a fine grater, mix all the ingredients with a blender.

Cocktails for weight loss

If you want to make a cocktail for weight loss, you need to reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the recipe. You should get maximum protein with minimum other nutrients.

  • Milk (skimmed, no more than 1%) - 150 ml.
  • Cottage cheese (fat-free, 0%) -150 g.
  • Banana - ½ pc.

Such a cocktail tastes good, you can use it instead of dinner for an hour and a half before training and 20-30 minutes after training. Due to the low content of carbohydrates, a banana cocktail will not harm the active process of fat burning.

  1. If your body doesn't absorb milk well, you can replace it with water, whey, or juice (if you want to build muscle).
  2. If you are faced with a choice (sugar, banana or honey), then give preference to fruits.
  3. The egg can be added to the cocktail completely - with the yolk. Many athletes prefer only protein.
  4. You can add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to the shake - this component will provide you with the essential fatty acids that contribute to both weight loss and muscle gain. Another "secret ingredient" of the cocktail is a handful of nuts. Use hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds, just be sure to chop them well.
  5. A protein shake is better and faster digested when consumed warm, so you can warm it up a bit.
  6. If you are preparing a slimming smoothie, add a couple of sweetener tablets to improve the taste.

Do protein shakes help you lose weight?

Not so long ago, nutritionists have proven that protein shakes can become assistants in the fight against excess weight.

It really is. Firstly, everyone knows the fact that the most effective diet is a protein-based way of eating, that is, if you prefer protein over fats and carbohydrates, you are guaranteed to get rid of fat without huge loss of muscle mass.

Agree, not everyone has the opportunity to consume enough protein during the day: busy work schedule, employment, lack of healthy dishes in the canteens and gastronomic departments, etc. In this case, you can use protein drinks that you can take with you on finished work.

"Fashionable" drink "We lose weight in a week"

Recently, a protein shake “Lose Weight in a Week” appeared in pharmacies, advertised by Ksenia Borodina, the built host of the Dom-2 show. Is it worth buying? Let's look at the composition: whole milk powder, whey protein, inulin, insoluble dietary fiber, phosphates, fructose. The price of a serving of a cocktail is 50-60 rubles.

The advantage of such a mixture is that supplements in the form of dietary fiber or inulin help reduce appetite. In addition, there is no glucose in the mixture, and therefore you can drink the drink even if you are diabetic.

The disadvantages of the drink is that the manufacturer added fructose to the composition. If you are on a carbohydrate-free diet, then this cocktail is not suitable. In addition, in the miracle remedy "Lose Weight in a Week" there is only 10 g of protein. For comparison, let's give an example: the same 10 g of protein is contained in 70 g of cottage cheese or in one egg. An egg costs 4 rubles, while a portion of the Lose Weight in a Week drink is at least 50 rubles.

As can be seen from the composition, the Lose Weight in a Week protein shake is a regular protein mixture that can be used in dietary nutrition. However, if your goal is to save money, then replace it with a regular meal (one egg is enough), protein powder, or a homemade protein shake.

Can drinking protein shakes be harmful?

Naturally, the correct dose determines the benefit. Any medicine becomes poison if you overdo it. Protein is no exception. As we have already said, there is an average norm - about 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates, and therefore after a serving of cottage cheese or scrambled eggs, you will feel full for at least 3-4 hours. Nature has already laid down a mechanism for protection against overeating - satiety. The situation is quite different with powdered protein shakes. You can prepare a mixture of 25 g of protein in a small glass, add a small banana or juice and get a delicious shake. Of course, that such a cocktail imperceptibly you can drink much more than absorb the same protein with food. Excess protein will not bring benefits, but will deal a blow to the liver and kidneys when it is excreted from the body. Therefore, if you use powdered protein, accurately measure its amount with a measuring spoon (there is usually such a spoon in the box with the powder).

Today, almost everyone who devotes part of their time to bodybuilding or fitness is well aware of the importance of proteins not only in sports, but in life in general. The amino acids in proteins are an essential part of building tissues like muscles, and they also make antibodies to help form new blood cells. In addition, in the pursuit of perfection, we are all pursuing some kind of goal - to get rid of excess weight, quickly gain muscle mass, become bigger and stronger. And the successful achievement of any of these goals will depend on the sufficient availability of one of the the most important components of nutrition - protein. What is a protein? The answer can be obtained from the link.

Protein, of course, is best obtained from natural products. However, for most, it can be an overwhelming task to prepare the required amount of protein food and consume it in large quantities. That's when a lot of demand is created for protein shakes, the foundations of which are a dime a dozen in the sports nutrition market. But not everyone is ready to immediately shell out several thousand rubles for a well-known and sought-after protein for gaining muscle mass or simply find supplements ineffective.

Thus, more and more people are opting for homemade protein shakes without the use of any additives.

So, in today's article, for muscle growth, we will make a protein shake at home from natural products. All the ingredients are not only available in every store, but which you can even "borrow from your neighbors".

Before you start making a protein shake for muscle growth at home, examine your refrigerator for all the necessary products, namely:


Protein shake recipes at home

First you need to choose the right foundation. The most obvious option is, of course, milk, which contains about three grams of protein per 100 ml. We will need somewhere around 350 ml of milk, and this is already 10 grams of protein.

I do not recommend using yogurt as an alternative to milk, since, in combination with other components, it will give the neck an excessive density. It is better to make a mix - "zabatsat" 250 ml of milk and a 150-gram pack of some yogurt (about 5 grams of protein per 100 grams of yogurt).

Now choose a protein-rich ingredient. Cottage cheese is perfect for this role, it will provide you with a long-acting protein and a considerable amount of vitamins. To prepare a protein shake at home, we need 150 grams of cottage cheese, which will provide us with 24-27 grams of protein.

Another peanut butter is considered a high-protein food. With 2 tablespoons you will get as much as 7 grams of an important nutrient. However, peanut butter is oily as hell, so don't add it to your pre-workout shake.

It's time to add fruit. They, of course, are not the main source of protein, but they are fruits will provide us with a lot of carbohydrates that will replenish glycogen stores and provide energy for training. A common ingredient is bananas, without which, probably, no cocktail is made, so do not forget to throw one medium banana into the future protein shake. One banana is about 125 grams of the edible part, which is, after all, 3 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbohydrates.

You can add dried apricots to a banana, about 5-7 pieces, which will give us additional protein in the amount of 3 grams and 20-30 grams of carbohydrates. With such a composition, you will get a gainer at home rather than a protein shake. Although, their only difference is the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in the first of them than in the second.

I think the downside of dried apricots is the inability of this product to completely grind, which makes the resulting mixture with pieces that will need to be chewed. Although, maybe this is the lack of my mixer, which is powerless against dried apricots.

Now a word or two about when to drink your homemade protein shake. You can do this almost daily or limit yourself to only days of training. On training days, I recommend kneading DOUBLE servings at once., that is, increase the amount of all ingredients exactly 2 times. It will turn out somewhere a little more than 1 liter of a homemade protein shake: we drink half 40-60 minutes before training, and pour the rest into a shaker and take it with us to training, after which we immediately use the whole thing.

By the way, remember the previous article about? It talked about the importance of eliminating fat from pre- and post-workout nutrition. This also applies to our drink, but only on training days. This means removing ice cream and peanut butter from the list of ingredients. On the rest of the week, you can not only leave these components, but also experiment, for example, add nuts or oatmeal to the mix to make the drink more nutritious.


One serving gives us about 500 ml, which is:

With all ingredients

  • Proteins - 57
  • Carbohydrates - 84
  • Fats - 30
  • Calories - 834

Without peanut butter and ice cream (serving x2)

  • Proteins - 94
  • Carbohydrates - 128
  • Fats - 12
  • Calories - 996

All in all, experiment and use new ingredients to make your perfect homemade protein shake. help you build muscle naturally. And don't forget to follow a proper and balanced diet.
