
Master Class! We paint the fabric for the Tilda textile doll. Toning textile toys with coffee solution

Modern women often do needlework - they sew, knit, make soft toys and create real masterpieces of the now popular hand-made style. Sometimes for work you need to get a fabric of a certain shade, or you just want to experiment with its color. How to dye fabric at home? In our article, we will list "helpers" - natural means with which you can paint matter in all the colors of the rainbow.

So what are these dyes for clothes? You may be surprised, but we will talk about red cabbage, beets, oranges, lemons, onions, blueberries, blackberries and spinach. And also about other helpers - tea and coffee.

Fabric dyeing is a creative process. Love for experiments is the main quality in working with natural dyes. Do not be afraid to change the number and composition of the ingredients, leave the fabric in the water for different times - the results will allow you to choose exactly what is required.

What exactly to use

Natural dyes for clothes allow you to get a wide range of colors. Blueberries and beets allow you to achieve red or pink tones. Their pigments will help to achieve a beautiful and unusual "dusty" pink shade.

If you want varieties of purple or blue, use blackberries or red cabbage. You need mustard or copper colors - remember the usual onion peel, which is used to paint eggs for Easter.

Yellow flowers are achieved with the help of lemon and orange skins. The zest gives the yellow fabric a soft tint. A pale green color can be achieved with spinach. But for bright green it is better to take the usual pharmacy green.

How to dye fabric at home - process technology

Let's start making the potion. We cut the selected ingredients, put them in a saucepan, pour water in an amount twice as large. Boil - leave to cool for an hour. If you want a more intense color, leave it on all night. And do not forget to strain the liquid - dyeing the fabric is fundamentally different from making compote!

Particularly successful dyes for clothes and just fabrics can be obtained from beets (the ruby ​​hue appears literally before our eyes!) And from onion peel. But spinach is not so effective.

How to prepare the fabric

Before you dye the fabric at home, it must be specially prepared - with the help of a fixing solution, with which the coloring pigment will hold better. It is prepared as follows: in the case of dyeing with berries, half a cup of salt is diluted in eight glasses of water, the fabric is boiled in the resulting solution over low heat for about an hour. If you paint with vegetables, the solution is prepared on the basis of vinegar, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 4, the technology of the procedure is exactly the same.

Removed from the solution and rinsed with cold water, the fabric is ready to meet the dye. Immerse it in a container with our homemade paint and leave it for a while. Which one - depends on how rich the shade you need.

After drying, the dyed fabric will fade slightly - this must be taken into account in advance. But remember that natural dyes have excellent strength and stability, dyeing fabric with them will retain its freshness for a long time.

Dye fabric skin color

How to dye fabric at home in tan or flesh color (let's say you are sewing a tilde doll)? In this case, natural fabrics such as linen or coarse calico of light colors should be taken as the basis, and both aniline dyes and the most ordinary tea or coffee will help to give them the desired shade. Wine and some juices are also good.

The new fabric is washed before dyeing - the factory impregnation is removed. Then a solution is prepared with which the fabric is dyed. Here are some suitable recipes.

In a hot solution of strong black tea, we dip our fabric for 20 minutes. For a fortress, add a little baking soda to the tea leaves. For even coloring, the fabric should be stirred. Then she wrings out, straightens and dries. The final shade will appear in two to three days.

Not only tea, but also coffee

Coffee solution - take a spoonful of salt (a tablespoon) and a liter of water, add the cheapest instant coffee - 50 grams, dye the fabric with constant stirring for about a quarter of an hour. Then rinse in cold water and dry in the same way, straightening. Coffee can also be brewed in Turkish. At the same time, a light coffee aroma will be inherent in the dyed fabric.

In stationery stores or special departments for creativity, you can buy aniline dyes for fabric and batik. Fabric coloring in the tone of a natural tan is obtained by mixing brown (as a base) color with orange, white and red. At first, you will have to experiment with proportions. Too dark tones are lightened with white paint.

The desired shade can be achieved by correcting the fabric already dyed with black tea using aniline dyes.

The dyeing of the fabric without unnecessary risk is ensured by trial dyeing on a small piece of it.

Remember that natural fabrics can be more easily and quickly saturated with the desired color compared to synthetic ones.

There are special fixatives for factory-made paint.

Different brands of tea under the same conditions will give different shades and color intensities.

Methods for dyeing fabric in flesh colors for sewing TILDA

Methods for dyeing fabric in flesh colors for sewing TILDA

Fabric dyeing - MANGANESE

Very durable color. Things dyed with potassium permanganate have been washed many times and the color is not washed off. Used Ikeevskaya white Lenda

I poured quite a bit of manganese into warm tap water, the solution turned out to be a dark cherry color. Mix well to dissolve. I put in pieces of fabric. I got it right away, after 1,3,6,10,20 minutes, then after 1,2,3 hours (did not forget to stir).

Another double pieces, dyed for 1 and 2 hours, were dipped in a solution with turmeric. Then she dried, ironed and decorated everything on the sheet. And here's what happened:

Manganese gives a good color, and with turmeric you can make it a little yellower, it turns out pretty. :) Do not forget to wear gloves when painting and stir the fabric in the solution for uniform coloring.

Fabric dyeing - COFFEE

I used instant Pele in a red jar.
Brewed with boiling water (2 options - 1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water and 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water), mixed well to dissolve. I put in pieces of fabric. I got it right away, after 1,3,6,10 and 20 minutes (did not forget to stir). I dried, ironed, and then decorated everything on a sheet. And here's what happened:

The colors are good, bright and warm. In reality, the gradient from piece to piece is seen better. Although this scan is closest to the original. Where the coffee is thicker, the color is a little more saturated.

In the third version with coffee turmeric. Oh, and a vigorous thing! :) I made the following conclusion with her - if the fabric turned out with a gray tint (it can also be from coffee or tea) and you want to make it a little warmer, yellower, then after dyeing in tea / coffee, you need to quickly dip the fabric into a solution with turmeric. Dry, look - if yellow is not enough, then dip again. Because with a long stay in a solution with turmeric, the fabric is very strongly stained with yellow, and if you do it like this quickly, you get a neat yellow tinting. Oh, and don't forget to wear gloves when painting!

Fabric dyeing - TEA

I needed to dye the fabric in a flesh tone for my needlework. I tried different methods and as a result, whole "color cards" were compiled - a useful and necessary thing in needlework. :)
Today I'll show you what happened with tea. Used "Princess Noori Alpine" packaged.
Ikeevskaya white land was at home. This is a thick cotton, well suited for sewing bodies for toys like Tilda.
The tea was brewed and infused for 5 minutes under the lid (2 options - 2 bags per 200 ml of water and 4 bags per 200 ml of water), the bags were squeezed out, thrown away, and the fabric was dipped into the tea leaves. Then, immediately or after 1,3,6 minutes, the fabric was taken out, rinsed in cool water and dried, spread out on a towel. And then I ironed it and saw what happens.
I also experimented with turmeric in its pure form and added to tea.
The result is formatted like this:

The scan is closest to the original. :) Undyed fabric is highlighted in red.

For even coloring, do not forget to stir and move the fabric. Otherwise, the tea will settle to the bottom (and turmeric too) and stains will appear on the fabric. For samples, I didn’t really need it, so my fabrics are partially striped. :)

An easy way to try dyeing fabric at home is to use an ingredient like coffee that you probably already have at home. To dye fabric with coffee, you only need a few simple items that you most likely also have in your kitchen cabinet. It is best to use natural fabrics for work, such as cotton, wool or linen. The entire dyeing process is fairly quick and relatively neat, and allows you to change the look of almost any fabric to your liking.


Dyeing fabric by soaking in coffee

    Wash and dry the fabric as usual before dyeing the fabric. This will eliminate grease and other contaminants that may interfere with the uniform absorption of colorants into the material.

    Brew coffee. The amount of coffee you need to brew will depend on how dark you want the fabric to be. The stronger the coffee, the darker the shade will be.

    • As an alternative to brewing a few coffee beans at home, you can use instant coffee or purchase ready-made coffee at your local cafe or coffee shop. However, the latter option will cost you much more.
  1. Fill the pot with water. Put it on the stove and turn on a strong fire or heat.

    • The size of the pan will depend on how much fabric you are going to dye. The usual rule is that the entire fabric can be completely submerged in water.
  2. Add brewed coffee to the pot. When finished brewing coffee, pour it into a pot of water.

    Bring the composition to a boil. Once you have added all of the prepared coffee to the pot, bring the coffee solution to a boil. Turn off the burner as soon as the composition boils well.

    Immerse the fabric in the pan. When you turn off the burner and the coffee stops boiling, completely immerse the cloth in it. Gently stir the wet cloth in the pan to release any air pockets from it.

    • Since the coffee solution has just stopped boiling, it's probably best to use a wooden spoon to avoid burning yourself and ruining other kitchen utensils.
  3. Let the cloth soak in the coffee solution. The longer the fabric is in it, the more saturated the resulting color will be. It will take you about an hour to get a noticeable permanent dye result, but you can leave the fabric in the solution for longer to get an even deeper shade.

    Remove the cloth from the pan and rinse. Remove the fabric from the coffee composition and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Do this until clear water runs out, which will indicate that all excess dyes have been removed.

    Rinse the saucepan. When finished dyeing the fabric, rinse the pan. Coffee can cause discoloration of the pot if it is not promptly drained after the staining procedure and the dishes are not washed.

    Wash the fabric with a mild detergent and dry. Set the washing machine to a delicate wash in cold water and add a gentle detergent to it. After washing, the fabric can be dried in the dryer on low heat, or simply hung to dry in the shade.

    • The above method of coloring with coffee will not give you a completely lasting result, since coffee is a natural dye, the color of which is gradually washed out with each successive wash.

    Dyeing with coffee grounds

    1. Wash the fabric first. Before dyeing the fabric, wash it, but do not dry it. This will remove grease and other contaminants that may interfere with the uniform staining of the fabric with coffee grounds.

    2. Brew coffee. You will need grounds from brewed coffee beans. To get coffee grounds, you can use a french press or coffee maker.

      • You will need a large enough amount of coffee grounds to cover the entire area of ​​the fabric being dyed. This will probably require the coffee to be brewed several times.
      • Use a dark roast to dye the fabric a darker color, or use a lighter roast if you don't want to make the fabric very dark.
      • This is a great way to use coffee grounds in a beneficial way. If you regularly drink coffee beans, then for this staining method you can gradually accumulate the required amount of grounds.
    3. Make a paste from coffee grounds. When the coffee grounds have cooled, place them in a large bowl and then add water to it. You will need about one tablespoon of water for every cup of coffee grounds.

      • Mix coffee grounds with water using a wooden spoon to evenly moisten the composition. Ground coffee is not so fine, so it will be enough to stir the paste only 7-8 times.
    4. Apply the coffee grounds paste to the fabric. Lay the fabric out to dry on a waterproof surface. Be sure to completely cover the material with coffee grounds and rub it in. This can be done with a wooden spoon or similar kitchen utensil, or you can simply rub in the coffee paste with your hands.

      • The whole process isn't very tidy, so it's best to do it in a place where it's safe to create some mess, such as in a garage. You can also simply protect the floor or carpet with a thick layer of newspaper.
    5. Dry the fabric. Hang the fabric to dry in a shady place. You need to wait until it dries completely. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a whole day. You can also dry the fabric in a dryer on low heat for 30 minutes.

      Sweep the coffee grounds off the fabric. You can do this with your hands, use a natural bristle brush, or simply shake the cloth to remove any grains of coffee grounds. If the fabric is not dark enough, repeat the procedure until the desired effect is achieved.

      Iron the fabric if desired. The iron will smooth out the wrinkled fabric.

      • For best results, the fabric should be completely dry when you iron it with a hot iron.

      Tie-dye coloring

      1. Wash the fabric first. Wash the fabric as usual before you start dyeing the fabric using the tie-dye technique. This will remove grease and other contaminants that may interfere with the uniform absorption of the coloring composition into the fabric.

        • The fabric can be washed together with other clothes or individually (depending on your own preferences).
        • Be sure to follow the fabric washing instructions (if any).
      2. Brew coffee. The amount of coffee you need to brew will depend on how dark you want the fabric to be. Stronger coffee will produce a darker coffee tone.

        • If you need to dye the fabric a very dark coffee color, use more coffee or use a dark (heavy) roast. If you want a light coffee color, use less coffee or use a light or medium roast.
        • As an alternative to brewing a few coffee beans at home, you can use instant coffee or purchase ready-made coffee at your local cafe or coffee shop.
      3. Wait for the coffee to cool down. You can put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or just wait a couple of hours, leaving the coffee at room temperature.

      4. Then put your finger in the center of the fabric (or thing) and start turning it clockwise with your hand. Depending on the amount of fabric, you may need a plastic container or a ziplock bag. Close the bag or container and put it somewhere warm for 24 hours.
      5. Coffee allows you to achieve light to medium-dark brown on light fabrics. If you want a warmer reddish hue, you can use the same methods, but replace coffee with tea.
      6. Pre-check the staining result on a test piece of fabric. This will allow you to evaluate the likely effect of dyeing without the risk of accidentally ruining all the fabric you have.
      7. Warnings

      • Coffee ground staining is a messy process, so make sure you can securely protect the floor or carpet you'll be working on.
      • Dyeing with coffee grounds can cause abrasions on the fabric, so avoid this method if you want to keep the fabric intact.

Today we will talk about dyeing fabrics in flesh colors. THERE are colors that are simply necessary for Tilda dolls. How and with what it is possible and necessary to dye fabrics, we will understand further. All useful information is collected in a table. The fabric used everywhere is suitable for tailoring Tild Ikeevskaya white Lenda.

So, let's start with staining with manganese. Finding it now is difficult, but it's worth it: things have a lasting color, and the color of the paint is not washed off.

We paint like this: pour a small amount of manganese, fill it with water, getting a dark cherry liquid. Mix well, completely dissolving the manganese. And we look at the results of dipping, as well as after 1, 3, 6, 10, 20 minutes. And then after 1,2,3 hours. It is important to stir periodically, otherwise the fabric will be colored unevenly!

Also, pieces dyed for 1-2 hours are dipped in a solution with turmeric, which makes the color yellow.

Next, experiment with instant coffee. Here Pele was used in a red jar - 2 options - 1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water and 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water. Mix, paint in the same way, stirring. Dry, iron and see. The colors are warm, more saturated in a thick solution.

And turmeric coffee. A great option if coffee or tea is dyed with a gray tint, but you need a warmer color. So, we dyed it with coffee or tea, dip it in a solution with turmeric. If the shade is not yellow enough, dip again. We paint with gloves.

Well, where without tea. We drink it and paint with it. "Princess Noori Alpine" packaged. Brew tea 2 options - 2 bags per 200 ml of water and 4 bags per 200 ml of water. We insist with a lid for 5 minutes, and then we take it out, wring it out and throw out the bag. We paint according to the old scheme, rinse in cold water, dry. And experiments with staining with turmeric in its pure form and with the addition of tea.

For convenience, undyed fabric is highlighted in red. And don't forget to stir to avoid streaks!

Behind the seeming primitiveness and deliberate carelessness of the execution of the attic doll lies the painstaking work of the craftswoman who created it. In order for a new Tilda doll to be born, the needlewoman has to work hard.

And it all starts with the picky choice of the right fabric. For the manufacture of Tilda dolls, natural fabrics are used: linen, cotton. However, the colors of fabrics made from natural fibers are discreet and have a monotonous, inexpressive color scheme.

What if you want to make your attic doll bright and spectacular, but don't want to spend a lot of money to buy special expensive American fabrics? There is an exit! You can independently dye linen or cotton fabric to create Tilda in various colors using improvised tools available in the kitchen of every housewife.

The most common ways to dye fabric for Tilda:

Coffee fabric dyeing;

Dyeing fabric with turmeric

1 - fabric before dyeing,

2 - fabric dyed with instant coffee,

3 - fabric dyed with turmeric.

Let's consider each of these methods in detail.

It is very important to wash the fabric using laundry soap before any dyeing. Then the fabric after painting will acquire an even shade.

Before immersing the fabric in the dyeing solution, it must be wetted. This will also help to evenly dye the fabric and avoid streaks.

To fix the color obtained by dyeing the fabric, you can add 1 tablespoon of table salt to the dye solution.

For dyeing fabric, it is better to use enamelware.

0.5 liters of boiling water,

5 tablespoons of instant coffee

Dissolve coffee thoroughly in boiling water. Place a cloth in the solution and boil, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes.

After dyeing with instant coffee, the fabric acquires a pleasant light chocolate shade and a delicate coffee aroma.

To make fabric dyed with instant coffee even more fragrant, you can add vanillin and ground cinnamon to the dye solution. Only in this case, the solution will have to be pre-strained to remove pieces of cinnamon that do not dissolve. Otherwise, when stained, dark brown specks form on the fabric.

A solution of coffee, cinnamon and vanilla can also be used to color an already sewn attic toy.

0.5 liters of water,

4 teaspoons turmeric

Strain the solution. Place the tissue in the solution. While stirring, bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes.

After dyeing with turmeric, the fabric acquires a cheerful bright lemon shade.

Dyeing the fabric with instant coffee and turmeric gives a fairly lasting effect. However, with subsequent washings, such a fabric will still lose color. To fix the resulting shade, the dyed fabric can be dipped 1-2 times in a solution of 1 liter of cold water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (do not rinse, just dip!). Also, to fix the color, the dyed fabric should be ironed with a hot iron without steaming, first from the inside, and then from the front side.

Dyed fabric does not need to be rinsed and wrung out. After dyeing, the fabric must be dried by hanging it vertically and stretching as much as possible. This will prevent divorce.

Not only the fabric for making Tilda dolls is dyed using the methods described above. Instant coffee or turmeric can also be used to color embroidery canvas.

By the way, if you liked the Tilda model, which demonstrates how to dye fabric with natural coffee dyes and turmeric, you can sew a Tilda doll using this pattern:

1 - detail of the upper body (2 parts),

2 - detail of the leg (4 details, the dotted line shows the place where the leg is bent at the knee),

3 - hand detail (4 details)

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