
Walnut oil is a unique product. Walnut oil: useful properties and uses

Calorie content and composition of the product. What are the unique beneficial properties of walnut oil. Does it have any contraindications? Dishes with nut butter - the most delicious and original recipes.

The content of the article:

Walnut oil is a cold-pressed product obtained from the kernels of the walnut of the same name. It is characterized by a rich amber color and a pronounced nutty flavor. However, taste is far from its main value. This oil boasts amazing beneficial properties, and among other vegetable oils, it cannot be found equal. For this reason, the product has been treated with deep respect since ancient times and even respectfully called it one of the wonders of nature. The walnut itself is grown today in many regions, but oil production is far from being established everywhere where it is cultivated, which is why it is a rather rare and expensive product. However, you can find it in large supermarkets or eco-goods stores. And even not only possible, but necessary - this unique product will help you improve your body and diversify your diet, familiar dishes will be revealed from a new perspective.

The composition and calorie content of walnut oil

Of course, like any other, walnut vegetable oil is a high-calorie product, and therefore you should not be zealous when flavoring dishes with it, especially if you are shown a diet.

The calorie content of walnut oil is 884 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 0 g;
  • Fats - 100 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.
You should not be afraid of such a composition. The fats in this oil are not the kind of fats to be feared. Of course, this does not mean that you can afford to eat the product uncontrollably, but in moderation, vegetable fats will play a big role in healing the skin, hair and nails.

The main value of the product is the fatty acids that it contains in large quantities.

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-3 - 10.4 g;
  • Omega-6 - 52.9 g;
  • Saturated - 9.1 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 22.8 g;
  • Polyunsaturated 63.3 g
Fatty acids in walnut oilUseful property
Omega 3Cardioprotector
Omega 6Acceleration of metabolic processes in the cell
palmiticSkin tissue renewal
StearicImproving the cognitive functions of the brain
PalmitoleicPrevention of inflammation
GadoleicStimulation of lipid metabolism
LinoleicRegulation of hormonal balance
LinolenicBurning excess fat

Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B4 - 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 15 mcg.
It is also noted that walnut oil contains vitamin C and many minerals - iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper. It is rich in retinol and carotenoids, which are transformed into vitamin A in the body.

Finally, it is worth pointing out that the product is rich in so-called phytosterols - they contain 176 mg per 100 grams. These elements play an important role in metabolic processes and can help in the treatment of certain pathologies.

Useful properties of walnut oil

In ancient times, the properties of walnut oil were highly valued and respected. The product was used to treat many diseases, it was credited with properties to relieve any inflammation. It was also considered an aphrodisiac and a good antidote. References to its use in therapeutic practice are found in the treatises of the great healers - Avicenna and Hippocrates.

However, the benefits of walnut oil go far beyond the aforementioned healing properties. Let's break it down in detail:

  1. Normalization of the digestive system. With regular use of the product, you can pay attention to the fact that the number of gastrointestinal disorders has significantly decreased even in the absence of additional treatment. Traditional medicine claims that the oil is useful in the treatment of heartburn, colitis, gastritis and ulcers. Anthelmintic properties and the ability to restore the normal level of acidity are also noted.
  2. Choleretic effect. Walnut oil enhances the separation of bile and increases the elasticity of its duct, which has a beneficial effect on the liver - tones it and restores the structure in the presence of damage. By the way, the product is often used for the treatment of hepatitis.
  3. Improving the condition of the heart, blood vessels and blood composition. With prolonged use of the product, a steady effect of normalizing the work of the heart muscle and improving the structure of the vessels is observed - they become more elastic and elastic, the pressure in them stabilizes. As for the composition of the blood, here the beneficial effect is expressed in a cleansing action - excess cholesterol and toxins are removed. Those suffering from ischemia should consume the product daily, but it will also benefit a healthy body, significantly reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases in the future.
  4. Beneficial effect on the nervous system. The state of the thyroid gland affects the health of the nervous system. Walnut oil has the ability to improve the functioning of the endocrine system, which means that it has a positive effect on the central nervous system. If you use it regularly, you can cure insomnia and psychosomatic disorders.
  5. Activation of brain activity. The product plays a particularly important role in improving brain function. The oil nourishes the brain cells, increasing capillary elasticity. Long-term use of the product can increase the efficiency of the brain, improve memory. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of the elderly in order to avoid the development of degradation processes in the brain.
  6. Strengthening immunity. Due to the content in the composition of a large number of biologically active substances necessary for our body, walnut oil helps to increase the body's resistance to various infections and viruses.
  7. Beneficial effect on the respiratory system. The product is useful in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. In folk medicine, it is used to treat such a serious illness as tuberculosis.
  8. Positive effect on the fetus. Walnut oil is especially recommended for pregnant women. It helps the proper formation of the nerve cells of the unborn baby.
  9. Improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Many cosmetic products are prepared on the basis of oil, but even just eating it will give a tangible effect in nourishing the skin, hair and nails with essential vitamins and give them strength.
  10. Prevention of the development of oncological processes. The product contains a record amount of tocopherol (vitamin E). It is a powerful antioxidant that has a destructive effect on free radicals, the excess of which leads to the development of various kinds of inflammatory processes and even cancer, as well as early aging.
  11. Normalization of the genitourinary system. The beneficial properties of walnut oil are also manifested in increased blood circulation in the genital organs. Also, the product helps in cleansing the kidneys and is used in the treatment of urolithiasis.
It is important to note that the healing properties of the oil were respected not only by ancient healers. More recently, researchers from the University of California have proven that the product is effective in treating a wide range of diseases, including atherosclerosis, coronary disease, and diabetes.

Contraindications and harm of walnut oil

The uniqueness of the product lies not only in its enormous benefits, but also in the fact that it has almost no contraindications. Of course, when it comes to vulnerable populations, there is a fine line between the benefits and harms of walnut oil.

Particular care must be taken in the presence of any serious diseases of the digestive tract: in this situation, the introduction of any new product into the diet is impossible without prior consultation with the attending physician. Consultation will not hurt in the presence of other serious ailments not related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Another important point is pregnancy. We wrote above that expectant mothers are, in principle, recommended to take this oil, but it should be introduced into the diet with caution, since the reaction of the fetus can be unpredictable. The same recommendations apply to nursing women, because any product that the mother eats is transmitted in a small amount to the baby, and his unformed immune system can give a negative response.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the potential harm of walnut oil for allergy sufferers. In general, it is considered a hypoallergenic product, but exceptions do occur. So if individual intolerance to the components of certain products is a common practice for you, be careful.

Important! Do not forget that walnut oil is a very fatty and high-calorie product, and therefore even the healthiest person should not abuse it.

Features of the production of walnut oil

As we said above, the product is made by cold pressing - this method makes it possible to preserve the healing properties as much as possible. The essence of the technology is very simple.

We suggest you conduct a little experience at home on the preparation of walnut oil. Put the nucleolus in a tablespoon and press down firmly on top with a teaspoon - you will see that a couple of drops of liquid will stand out from it. This is walnut oil! But, of course, there is no need to talk about getting it at home in this way - there are a lot of efforts, and the result is almost zero.

Of course, special machines for wringing are used in production. Really good oil is obtained in wooden oil presses. In this case, contact with the metal is excluded, which oxidizes the product and reduces its useful properties. In addition, in such units, the parts practically do not heat up even during long-term continuous operation, which means that oil heating, during which valuable components are lost, is also excluded.

However, in large industries, wooden presses are not used, usually a hydraulic press, but a metal one, which means that there is contact with the metal, but there is practically no heating.

But this is by no means the worst case. Some literature defines cold pressing as "the process of obtaining vegetable oil from oilseed plants through cold extraction." This very extraction is performed on special equipment using extraction gasolines and other high-octane compounds. Doesn't sound like much, right? It is, but unfortunately, thanks to this definition, manufacturers can use this process to make oil and call it cold pressing. Needless to say, there is little benefit in oil produced in this way?

Unfortunately, large enterprises usually work using extraction technology, and therefore it is better to buy a product from medium-sized manufacturers.

walnut oil recipes

For many centuries, walnut oil has been widely used in cooking. It is especially loved in eastern countries and the Balkans - in this region, perhaps, only olive is more popular. It is impossible to imagine the cuisine of the Caucasus without nutty aromatic oil, but in Russia, unfortunately, it has not yet found wide application.

However, now that you know how useful the product is, it's time to introduce it into your diet. They can be seasoned with salads in their pure form or as part of an interesting sauce based on it - this is a great opportunity not only to make the dish healthier, but also to add new original flavor notes to an already familiar recipe.

The oil makes a good marinade for meat kebabs, and it also “sounds” great in pastries and cereals. Well, of course, no one forbids just frying on it. However, you need to understand that during heat treatment, a greater amount of useful substances will leave it forever.

Let's look at several options for using walnut oil in recipes:

  • fennel salad. Chop the fennel root (400 grams) into thin slices, and leave the greens for decoration. Finely chop an apple (1 piece). Remove the peel from the oranges (2 pieces), rid them of the white pulp and cut into thin circles - at this stage, you can not do without a sharp knife. Prepare the dressing: mix olive oil and walnut (2 tablespoons each), add the juice that has flowed from the orange during cutting. Combine the prepared ingredients, pour over the dressing, garnish with herbs and flax seeds (1 teaspoon) and eat immediately.
  • . Cut the chicken fillet (100 grams) into thin strips and fry in a pan in a small amount of oil. When the meat is fried, add a little oil, chopped champignons (200 grams) and chopped coarse walnuts (100 grams). Fry everything together for 7-10 minutes. In the meantime, cut the pear (1 pear) into thin slices and prepare the dressing: mix olive oil and walnuts (2 tablespoons each) with red wine vinegar (1-2 tablespoons) and honey (1 teaspoon), beat a little. Salt and pepper the ingredients in the pan when ready. Arrange lettuce leaves (60 grams) and arugula (30 grams) on portioned plates, then slices of pears, and put mushrooms with nuts and chicken fillet on top, pour dressing.
  • Oatmeal with nuts and dates. Boil oatmeal (50 grams) in salted water. Put chopped walnut kernels (20 grams), chopped dates (6-8 pieces) and pine nuts (20 grams) in a serving plate. Transfer the boiled oatmeal to a plate, pour walnut oil (2 tablespoons). Sprinkle the dish with cinnamon - honey can be added if desired, but the dates will already give a good sweetness.
  • Apple muffins with nuts. Peel the apples, cut into cubes, mix with sugar (2 tablespoons) and rum (2 tablespoons), set aside to infuse. In the meantime, sift flour (200 grams), add baking powder (2 teaspoons), cinnamon (1 teaspoon), ginger (1/4 teaspoon), a pinch of salt. Separately, beat eggs (2 pieces) with sugar (150 grams) and butter (120 ml). Gradually fold the mixture into the prepared flour, then add the soaked apples and chopped walnuts (100 grams). Transfer the dough to cupcake molds and bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.
Having mastered these simple recipes and having a good understanding of the taste of the product, you can easily come up with your own original ways to use walnut oil in cooking.

Interesting facts about walnut oil

The use of walnut oil is not limited to medicine and cooking. It is indispensable in the cosmetic industry. The product helps to make healthy and beautiful skin, hair and nails. It also finds application in other interesting areas - for example, in the manufacture of printing inks and soap making.

The product can be used as an independent face cream: it is better to apply it at night, and it is suitable for all skin types. This oil also works well as a “cream” against sunburn, of course, it will not surpass coconut oil, but it will also not allow you to burn.

In ancient Egypt, the product was used to embalm mummies. And in regions where walnut trees grew especially actively, oil was used to fill the lamps that illuminate the home.

In the Middle Ages, the French considered walnut oil to be sacred, but this did not stop artists from using it as a link to create various paint pigments. Chemical analysis revealed that the painting of Monet, Picasso and Cezanne could not do without its use.

Watch a video about walnut oil:

Walnut oil is a truly unique product. Despite the high calorie content, it will not be superfluous in the diet and will help cure and / or prevent the development of many diseases. It is also noteworthy that walnut oil has practically no contraindications. So be sure to include it in your diet, only when purchasing a product, carefully choose the manufacturer.

The walnut is a unique fruit with many valuable nutrients. It is eaten, used for treatment, and also used in cosmetology. Incredibly useful is prepared from this fruit. peanut butter. This product has long been famous for its miraculous power. The medieval Persian scholar, Avicenna, even devoted a whole book to him. Ancient healers used this product to treat various ailments. He was considered an elixir of health and a panacea for many diseases.

Natural composition and nutritional value

The beneficial properties of walnut oil are due to its rich natural composition. This unique product contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Its use favorably affects the activity of the whole organism. The oil boosts the immune system and improves health.

Composition of nut butter:

  • vitamins - A, E, C, PP, K, as well as group B;
  • macro- and microelements - magnesium, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, calcium, selenium;
  • coenzyme Q 10;
  • unsaturated fatty acids (palmitic and oleic, stearic and linoleic);
  • Omega fats -3,6,9;
  • phospholipids;
  • sphingolipids;
  • carotenoids;
  • beta-sitosterols, etc.

The nutritional value of the nut is represented by:

  • fats - 99.8%;
  • carbohydrates - 0%;
  • proteins - 0%.

Calorie content is 884 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Walnut oil has amazing properties. This product is endowed with:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • regenerating;
  • antitumor;
  • and anthelmintic action.

The benefits of walnut oil are:

  • improvement of digestion and work of a gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase brain function and improve memory;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increased outflow of bile;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of the work of internal organs;
  • improving sleep;
  • increasing resistance to infections;
  • stimulation of hair and nail growth;
  • excretion of carcinogens and radionuclides from the body;
  • increased libido (used as an aphrodisiac), etc.

Walnut oil contains a large amount of fatty acids. Linoleic and oleic acid, which is part of the product, helps to normalize blood cholesterol, as well as improve the condition of blood vessels and heart function. When used correctly, it can prevent atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hypertension and ischemia;
  • kidney disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • ulcer treatment;
  • diabetes
  • helminths and worms;
  • colitis, etc.

Walnut oil brings particular benefits to the female body. Useful properties are a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of women. The oil acts as an aphrodisiac, and when used in small quantities, increases the sensuality and sexual desire of a woman.

Medicinal properties

  1. Often used to recover from illness, as it has a high nutritional value, many vitamins.
  2. It is used in folk medicine as an additional remedy in the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes.
  3. It has a local wound healing effect, is successfully used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, irritation, acne.
  4. It is used to maintain the work of the heart and blood vessels, treats atherosclerosis, cleanses the liver and kidneys.
  5. It enhances the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, therefore it is quite popular among men.
  6. Regulates metabolic processes, preventing constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, recommended for varicose veins and severe rosacea.
  8. The content of vitamin E allows you to cope with early toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Walnut oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect. It is these properties that have found their application in the treatment of conjunctivitis, follicular tonsillitis, otitis media.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Wipe the upper and lower eyelids with undiluted walnut oil, lubricate the corners of the eyes, the conjunctiva, which becomes inflamed during the disease. Do not instill in the eyes, as this may cause irritation.

Treatment of follicular, or purulent tonsillitis

Moisten a sterile bandage with walnut oil and treat the tonsils, carefully cleaning off the purulent plaque.

Treatment of otitis media

  • Tea tree oil (essential) - 1 drop.


Mix the ingredients, slightly heating in a water bath. Drip a warm composition of 1 drop in each ear.

For the treatment of kidneys, liver and biliary tract

At night for a month you need to drink 30 gr. walnut oil. After a month break, repeat the course.

How to take for health?

  1. For adults, the dose is one dessert spoon, which must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. Pregnant women - 1 teaspoon dressed in a salad or any other food.
  3. Babies from one to four years old - up to 4 drops;
  4. Children under 6 - 5 to 9 drops;
  5. From 6 to 10 years - 0.5 tsp;
  6. After 10 years - 1 tsp.

In order to lose weight, it is recommended to take oil in several ways. You can add one or two teaspoons of it to salads as a dressing. And you can take it separately for 1 tsp. half an hour before the main meal, and also drink 1 tsp daily in the morning. on an empty stomach


Walnut oil, due to its beneficial properties, is actively used in various fields. It is actively used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in folk medicine. It is part of many recipes for the treatment of diseases of the skin and internal organs.

In cosmetology, the product is used in the production of creams, gels, shampoos and balms. At home, they prepare natural masks for skin and hair, which will be discussed later.

Walnut oil is also used in cooking. It is recommended to add it to salads and various dishes where there are vegetables. Eaten, the oil enriches the body with useful vitamins and microelements, improving human health.

Alternative medicine is replete with various recipes using walnut oil. This product has a lot of useful properties that make it possible to eliminate even those diseases for which drug therapy was unbearable.

Effective remedy for rosacea and varicose veins: to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to rub the oil daily into problem areas. With regular use, this method will eliminate the effects of broken capillaries and give a healthy look to the skin. It is very important to constantly maintain the result, and use the oil throughout your life for prevention purposes.

Folk remedy for otitis: take 5 drops of oil in each ear. We drip the product with a pipette in a slightly warmed form. You can also apply cotton wool moistened with oil to the ear hole. To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, we perform this procedure for 7-10 days.

For constipation: to eliminate difficult trips to the toilet, it is recommended to take 30 ml of walnut drying oil daily at bedtime, or two hours after the evening meal. The course of treatment is 10 days. This technique improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, normalizes stool metabolism.

Remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids: in the presence of pain and spotting, it is recommended to take a regular cotton swab and soak it in nut oil. Next, insert the swab into the anus. The procedure must be carried out at night. The course of treatment is ten days. Such a folk remedy relieves the process of inflammation and has a regenerating effect. It eliminates the symptoms at any stage of its manifestation.

In cosmetology

Undiluted walnut oil is present in almost all areas of cosmetology: in skin and hair care, to give a beautiful tan, in the fight against cellulite.

Facial care

Walnut oil softens and cleanses the skin, has anti-aging properties, perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones. These properties determine its action:

  • cares for mature skin, including fading;
  • tones sluggish, inelastic skin;
  • soothes sensitive skin;
  • treats acne, psoriasis and various kinds of eczema;
  • significantly improves complexion, lightening age spots.

Products prepared on the basis of the product are also used for oily skin, because it is very light, does not clog pores, and is quickly absorbed. Masks using walnut oil are especially popular.

For oily skin


Perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminating blackheads, tightens pores.

  • Ground oatmeal flakes - 3 tsp
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Whites of two eggs.


Beat the whites, add all the ingredients, mix and apply on the face. The composition is washed off after drying.

For dry skin

  • Walnut oil - 2 tsp
  • Yolk of one egg.


Cleanse the skin of the face, apply oil, on top in a circular motion - the yolk, mixing them right on the face. Leave for 20 minutes, remove the remaining with a cotton swab.

For combination skin

  • Clay green - 20 gr.
  • Walnut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 6 drops.


Mix cosmetic green clay with oil until a mushy state, pour in lemon and apply on face for half an hour. The composition is washed off with warm water.

For skin prone to inflammation

  • Chamomile decoction - 40 ml.
  • Walnut oil - 10 drops.
  • Colorless henna - 1 sachet.


Mix henna with chamomile decoction to a mushy state, add oil. Apply the mask, wash off after 15 minutes.

To give elasticity


Improving skin tone, moisturizing, smoothing fine wrinkles.

  • Walnut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Peach oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp


Pour all the ingredients into the bottle, close it and shake. Use at night several times a week.

Walnut oil is an excellent tool in the care of delicate skin of the lips. Balms based on it remove peeling, accelerate the healing process of cracks. Due to the content of vitamins A and E, such a balm will be an excellent tool in the treatment and prevention of so-called seizures, which are especially common in children. If you apply the product before going outside in winter, your lips will be under reliable protection from chapping.

Healing lip balm

  • Shea butter - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Walnut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamin E - 3 drops.


Combine the ingredients, heat for better mixing, pour into a small container. Keep refrigerated.

Hand care

The same composition can be lubricated hands. It helps with dry skin of the hands, it is especially effective when used after working with water and earth, as it protects against chapping. Walnut oil has a firming effect on the nail plate.

Nail treatment

  • Walnut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon oil (essential) - 2 drops.


Mix all the ingredients, apply on the nails and let it completely absorb. For brittle and exfoliating nails, repeat daily. For prevention, once a week is enough.

Body care

The most popular is the use of walnut oil in the manufacture of tanning products, after-sun products. Its application contributes to a beautiful tan, acting on the skin softening, protecting against redness and sunburn. It soothes, has a cooling and regenerating effect, eliminating discomfort and tightness of burned skin.

Tanning agent

  • Sesame oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat germ oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ylang-ylang oil (essential) - 6 drops.
  • Lavender oil (essential) - 6 drops.


Pour everything into one container, heat slightly for better mixing, apply to the body and face before tanning (preferably 2 hours before). Wipe off the rest with a clean cloth.

After sun product

  • Avocado oil - 3 tsp
  • Walnut oil - 3 tsp
  • Sesame oil - 3 tsp
  • Hazelnut oil - 3 tsp.
  • Wheat germ oil - 3 tsp
  • Calendula oil (essential) - 5 drops.
  • Patchouli essential oil (can be replaced with mint) - 3 drops.


Mix everything in a small resealable container, shake. Apply after sun exposure, especially on burned areas.

Cellulite wraps

Wraps using walnut oil help to increase skin elasticity and remove excess fluid from cells. Apply the product to problem areas, wrap with cellophane, insulate. Keep an hour, wash off using a contrast shower.

The use of walnut oil is popular for the treatment and restoration of hair, especially with increased hair loss. After applying, the head needs to be insulated, this will help the nutrients to penetrate to the hair follicles. Wash off after an hour with shampoo.

To strengthen hair

  • Walnut oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp


Combine all ingredients and mix. Rub the composition into the roots, massage, apply the rest along the length of the hair.

Hair Growth Mask

  • Yeast - ½ tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Kefir - ½ cup.
  • Walnut oil - 2 tbsp. l.


As you can see, walnut oil has found application in folk cosmetology and medicine due to its unique properties. However, we should not forget that nuts are an allergenic product, therefore they are not suitable for everyone. Even with topical use, an allergic reaction may occur.

You should not take it orally for those who have high acidity, stomach ulcers or gastritis during an exacerbation. It is not recommended to consume a large amount of the product for obese people, as it is very high in calories.

Walnut oil, the benefits and harms of which are already well studied today, is obtained from its kernels by cold pressing. The oil has an original taste, amber color and a specific aroma. These properties depend on the grade of the feedstock. A valuable and nutritious product - oil and its harm are determined by its chemical composition.

It contains fatty unsaturated linolenic, stearic, linoleic, palm), tannins. It also has a large set of trace elements: copper, zinc, iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt. Of course, the dominant quality that walnut oil has is the benefit, and the harm from it is minimal. It is a real storehouse of vitamins B, P, A, C, E. The oil also contains sucrose, glucose, proteins and a specific substance - juglone, it is considered a natural antibiotic.

The unique composition of this product determines its widespread use in cooking, medicine (for the prevention and treatment of diseases), and in cosmetology. Good for the skin, it has a moisturizing, tonic, rejuvenating effect. It can be used to prevent wrinkles, improve complexion, as a tanning agent and lip care. This material is often added to a variety of creams, masks, balms, preparations for body hygiene.

Oil treatment improves cellular immunity, increases the body's resistance to acute respiratory infections, and stabilizes metabolism. It is considered an excellent weight loss agent. It can help lower blood cholesterol levels. The vitamins contained in the oil improve the processes of hematopoiesis. When used externally, this product promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, burns, and inflammation.

The oil shows high efficiency in the prevention of diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, and liver. Helps with varicose veins. The oil has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, has good anti-inflammatory properties. With the help of oil, you can reduce the negative impact of carcinogens, radiation exposure, and reduce the likelihood of tumors. This product improves reproductive function in people of both sexes. In men, by increasing blood circulation in the genital area, walnut oil stimulates the formation of spermatozoa.

In cooking, it is added to cold appetizers, salads, oriental dishes. Sometimes oil is used for frying, giving a specific flavor to bread. It is considered one of the most important elements of diets aimed at burning fat and saturating the body with useful substances.

An ambiguous product is walnut oil. Benefits and harms can be observed when using it. There are, for example, a number of contraindications. It is not recommended for peptic ulcers, it should not be used at elevated temperatures, with low acidity of the gastric fluid, with poisoning, vomiting. This oil is not recommended during pregnancy, chronic colitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.

They call the product unique in nature - its benefits are undeniable and the harm is minimal. It contains a set of vitamins, fats and useful elements. Based on the extract, various medicinal and cosmetic products are produced, it is also suitable for ingestion. Let's take a closer look at how nut oil can be used, its contraindications and side effects.

Chemical composition

Such popularity and many applications are due to the unique chemical composition. The highest value among components present:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
  • vitamins, (PP), P.
  • macro- and: iron, copper, .

The composition also includes beta-phytosterols, phytosterols, phospholipids, enthymyriase, carotenoids, sphingolipids, coenzyme Q10. A distinctive feature of the product is that it tastes very pleasant. That is why including it in the diet is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Benefits of walnut oil

Based on the composition of the product, it becomes clear that it is simply created to improve the human body. Dark amber liquid with a delicate aftertaste can act as a medicine, cosmetic or food additive.

Important! The healing effect is provided exclusively by the cold-pressed oil product.

For women

It's no secret that women use a lot of cosmetics to maintain. But not every one of them knows what fruit extract can make perfect.

Among the miraculous abilities of the product are the following:

  • rejuvenates, softens and moisturizes;
  • tones;
  • removes irritation;
  • promotes growth and strengthening;
  • creates a beautiful and uniform ;
  • stops delamination.

women in oil find salvation from, and the child receives a set of necessary substances.

For men

The use of walnut oil can smooth out small ones to improve elasticity. In addition to general cosmetic care for the skin, it is able to heal stab and cut wounds, and remove rashes. Used in the treatment of dermatitis, and. Such a tool can strengthen, prevents the appearance of a capillary network on.
Lubricating the face with nut oil, you can significantly improve its color, get rid of small ones, and also get a uniform beautiful one. The problem of chapped dry lips is also solved with a walnut product.

Application recipes

The lion's share of the areas of use of vegetable oils is cosmetology. Nut extract will replace a lot of funds for, and. Let's see what can be prepared from this wonderful product, and what problems you can get rid of with it.

For hair

The use of walnut oil for hair is an indispensable care. Walnut helps, first of all, strengthen them. Regular masks based on this product will help get rid of hair, make hair vibrant and shiny.

To prepare the remedy, you need to mix a couple of tablespoons of nut butter, one tablespoon and. The mask is applied to the roots, rubbed with fingertips into the scalp. Next, wrap your hair in a towel and hold for half an hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. The tool is completely safe and helps all types of hair.

Important! It is better not to apply the oil in its pure form, mix it with shampoos, hand and face creams.

For face and body

Walnut oil is immediately absorbed into the skin, so it ideally cares for the delicate skin around.

  • No inflammation
In case of problems with the epidermis, such as acne, burns and scratches, the skin areas should be treated undiluted with the product 3 times a day. A mask based on walnut oils will also help relieve inflammation, and in a one-to-one ratio. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on all night.
  • Rejuvenate the skin
This mask gives an instant tightening effect. We put it on in the evening. To remove wrinkles, you will need the following oils: walnut (20 ml), evening primrose (10 ml) and etherol (3 drops), (4 drops) and patchouli (2 drops). The mask can be left on the face for 8 hours.
  • Remove oily sheen
Owners of oily skin often have to suffer from enlarged pores. To combat this problem, you can use the following remedy: add 15 ml of walnut oil to green clay diluted with warm water. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.

For hands and nails

Walnut fruit extract is also effective in exfoliating nails.
To do this, you need to do with walnut and olive extract. To align and strengthen the nail plate, a mask is used, for the preparation of which you will need a couple of tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon. Then intensively rub it into the cuticle and after 20 minutes wash off with warm.

For Tan

For an even golden tan, you do not need to spend money on expensive creams. If you mix 100 ml of walnut oil, 10 drops of bergamot and 20 drops of extract and apply to the skin before going to bed, the next day the tan will lie down just perfectly. At the same time, it will retain tenderness and velvety.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Walnut oil is widely represented on the shelves of supermarkets and. When choosing a product, be careful, only a 100% natural product produced by cold pressing will bring the effect. Read the label carefully, the bright name "oil" may hide a mixture with a minimum proportion of natural nut extract.
Unscrupulous manufacturers dilute most of the product with sunflower or oil. In addition, be sure to check the date of manufacture, because the product can retain its properties for no more than six months.

Also, pharmacies sell oil in capsules, which is much more convenient in dosage and has a longer shelf life than in a bottle.

How to store at home

Like any natural oil, walnut oil should be kept in a dark glass container. Open containers should be stored for no more than a month. Before use, check the product for taste and smell, if it is unpleasant, then it is better to throw it away. Remember that a spoiled product will not only not be beneficial, but will also harm your health.

Did you know? Many people think that walnuts are named after the country of origin. In fact, the fruits themselves have nothing to do with Greece, these nuts come from Asia. In the CIS countries, they began to be called walnuts because they were first brought by Greek merchants.

Contraindications and harm

There are very few reasons for not using this unique product. Not recommended use it in excessive amounts and too often.
This is especially true for people suffering from:

  • exacerbations of gastritis, ulcers or diseases of the duodenum;
  • low acidity of the stomach;
  • allergies.

Also contraindicated during breastfeeding.

From the above, we can conclude that walnut oil is amazingly useful. It can and should be used by every person to maintain health and beautiful appearance. Think for yourself what it takes to poison the body with miraculous creams and medicines, because nature itself has taken care of our health and beauty.

There are natural products whose benefits have been known since ancient times. One of these is walnut oil.

The oil is rich in ascorbic acid. It contains fats (Omega 3, 6, 9), proteins, carbohydrates. The composition also includes glycerides of various acids.

In addition, nuts are rich in vitamins A, E, B and P, provitamin A and amino acids. They also contain iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus.

Beneficial features

Seeing such a rich set of trace elements, vitamins, acids and mineral salts, one can guess the presence of useful properties of walnut pomace.

Due to its calorie content, it helps to restore strength after illness or physical exhaustion. Athletes include it in their diet. It is very useful for pregnant women to take it. Vitamin E contained in it is necessary for the development of the fetus.

Do not forget about this vegetable fat and those who care about the health of the digestive tract.

This product is successfully used as an anti-inflammatory, and is also used to stabilize pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protecting against atherosclerosis. This is due to the presence of linoleic and oleic acids in it.

These same acids normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, provided that this gift of nature is used correctly.

In what cases different properties help:

Application in medicine

A thousand years ago, the famous scientist and philosopher Avicenna lived. He served as a doctor at the court of emirs and sultans in Bukhara. The great sage knew the benefits of walnut oil and wrote about its ability to strengthen the heart, liver, and brain vessels. He sang about the fruits of the walnut, dedicating his works to it.

Modern medicine has learned to use this component of the nut wisely for medicinal purposes.

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nephritis and other kidney diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.


The rich composition does not mean at all that it is necessary to absorb this product in large quantities. It is important to know how to take it correctly .

Taking just 1-2 teaspoons at bedtime will help cleanse the body, normalize the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and promote healing of the gastric mucosa.

Another way to take is one teaspoon 3 times a day.

Oil intake should not be mixed with food or drink. A greater effect is achieved if you drink it on an empty stomach. Before eating should take at least half an hour.


Even such a useful product as walnut oil can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

It is contraindicated in case of poisoning, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnant and lactating women should take it with caution. Individual intolerance to this product is also possible.

Application in traditional medicine


Take 30 ml daily two hours after dinner. Regular intake improves metabolism and normalizes bowel function.

The presence of worms

Varicose veins

Rub daily into problem areas. The method helps to eliminate capillary nets and prevents varicose veins.


For 10 days at night, insert a swab moistened with oil into the anus. The procedure removes the process of inflammation, eliminates pain.


For 10 days, instill 5 drops of the heated product in each ear. The remedy relieves inflammation at various stages of the development of the disease.


Rub on damaged areas. This should be done at night when the body is at rest. It is very good to use it as a massage tool.


During nausea, drink a mixture of 15 drops of oil and lemon juice.

Swelling of hands and feet

Massage daily with oil. It is necessary to rub in the evenings, trying to do it with sparing movements.


It is believed that it is enough to use it in salads in order to prevent the development of tumors.

Application in cosmetology

Nut fat can be used instead of a nourishing cream. It is easily absorbed, making the skin velvety. Small wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed. With this tool, you can get rid of peeling hands and prevent chapping in cold weather.

Do not forget about hair and nails and include this gift of nature in the composition of masks for their nutrition. Hair takes on a well-groomed shiny appearance. Nails become strong and even.

Face mask for skin problem

Against "spider veins" on the skin, mix 20 drops of the product with 20 g of boiled mashed potatoes and vitamin C in powder form. Mix well, apply on the skin for 20 minutes.

Acne and acne mask

Pour 15 g of red cosmetic clay with weakly brewed tea, add 4 g of zinc ointment, 20 drops of walnut oil and a pinch of ginger powder. Apply the composition to the steamed skin of the face for 10 minutes. This face mask will get rid of acne.

Rejuvenating mask

Dissolve 15 g of gelatin in cold water. Heat in a water bath and add 30 drops of oil. Apply a thin layer on the steamed face skin. After 30-40 minutes, carefully remove the frozen mask.

Hair Mask

When caring for hair, it is also very good to use walnut oil. It can be added to any hair mask, for example, in combination with egg yolk and honey.

Nail care

Mix a small amount of oil with lemon juice, rub daily into the nail and cuticle.

Application in cooking

In terms of calories, this oil is 2 times higher than bread made from wheat flour, in addition, it contains fats. Therefore, Michurin described it as "the bread of the future."

You can add a few drops to almost any dish, and this will add sophistication and original taste to meat, vegetables, fish. This wonderful liquid is in the assortment of any French or Mediterranean chef.

In order to improve the taste of baking, a small amount can be added to the dough. And dishes such as baklava or halva cannot be cooked at all without this product.

If you replace sunflower or olive oil with walnut oil in a regular fresh vegetable salad, you can immediately notice the difference. The snack will have a spicy taste and aroma.

Variants of salads with the addition of walnut fat:

  1. Grated carrots, garlic, melted cheese.
  2. Tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, basil leaves.
  3. Turkey meat, green salad, egg.
  4. Arugula lettuce leaves, grated parmesan.
  5. Beijing cabbage, celery stalk, tomatoes.
  6. Boiled beets, cheese, finely chopped garlic.

Any nuts are considered healthy and tasty. However, walnuts occupy a special place. And the fruit oil is of the greatest value, since it is in it that all the most valuable vitamins, trace elements and healthy fats are concentrated. And the range of application of this vegetable fat is huge.

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