
Avocado oil: benefits and uses for the face, body and hands. Whitening mask on kefir and avocado

Avocado oil is a thick greenish-yellow liquid with a rather pleasant mild taste that resembles nut butter and an original spicy smell. It is obtained by cold pressing from the pulp of avocado, the fruit of a tall tree from the Laurel. It is this technology that makes it possible to fully preserve all the properties of the oil, its minerals, vitamins, acids and other biologically active substances.

Avocados were cultivated by the tribes of Central America about seven thousand years ago, and today this fruit is included in the diet of poor Mexicans.

Avocado oil was exported as exotic to Spain, England and other countries, and there it was used for cosmetic purposes, because the natives of Latin America considered it an excellent skin care product that can protect it from the harmful effects of wind and sun rays. However, Native Americans also considered the fruit to be the strongest aphrodisiac that arouses passion, and women used the juicy pulp as the first food for children.

How to choose

It is better to choose cold-pressed oil, as high temperatures can destroy many of the beneficial ingredients found in the oil.

When cold pressed, no chemicals are used, so the oil remains extremely pure and natural. But cold-pressed oil is not suitable for everyone because of the rather thick consistency and intense smell. In addition, this product is quite expensive due to this processing method, although its benefits are worth the money spent.

Refined oil, due to heat treatment using certain chemicals, as a rule, loses its natural smell and color, acquiring a mild aroma and a golden yellow hue. It is generally used in the cosmetics industry for skin care products. Compared to unrefined cold-pressed oil, refined oil costs much less.

How to store

Avocado oil before use should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6-9 months or in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees.

After each use, avocado oil should be tightly closed with a lid and stored only in the refrigerator. It is worth remembering that when stored in a refrigerator, when the temperature is less than 5 degrees, a flaky light precipitate may form in the oil, which will disappear when the product is placed in a place with room temperature.

In cooking

Now the light aroma and exquisite taste of avocado oil is used in cooking all over the world. So, it is added, both to traditional dishes of Latin American, Mediterranean, and also Spanish cuisines, and for frying seafood, chicken meat, vegetables and fish. Avocado oil, when heated, does not have a burnt smell and does not lose its excellent taste. It harmonizes perfectly with many salads, soups and serves as an excellent addition to special baby food mixtures.

avocado oil calories

Avocado oil, which has a high nutritional value and delicious taste, contains a lot of easily digestible fats, a variety of essential vitamins, micro and macro elements and other biologically active substances, which is why it is considered a useful dietary product.

In terms of calories, which is 885.7 kcal, the oil is not inferior to chicken eggs and meat, and also surpasses most of the edible vegetable oils.

The avocado fruit in terms of protein content is 2-3 times higher than apples, grapes, pears, citrus fruits, bananas, and in terms of healthy fats, it is simply the leader among known fruits, it is second only to coconut. It should be noted that 30 percent of the fats contained in the oil of this fruit are unsaturated fatty acids, easily absorbed by the body, that is, vitamin F (this product is 3 times superior to fish oil in its content).

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of avocado oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Avocado oil contains many vitamins, including A, C, E, B and D. It is known that E in combination with A and C are not only an excellent antioxidant, but also a strong immune stimulant. And vitamin E in this oil is 5 times more than in olive oil.

Another valuable substance of avocado oil is squalene, which is an integral part of the skin and is part of the sebum and subcutaneous fat. This substance takes part in the formation of sex hormones, has a strong disinfecting and wound healing effect.

Of course, all these substances can only be present in the oil obtained by the method cold pressed with obligatory observance of all norms and requirements.

Avocado oil also contains histidine, phytosterols, salts of phosphoric acid, polyunsaturated, as well as saturated fatty acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic, linolenic), essential oils, micro and macro elements (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, etc.).

Useful and medicinal properties

Avocado oil has wound healing, antifungal, antiviral and bactericidal properties, which make it possible to use it for the prevention of various skin lesions and diseases.

Magnesium and potassium are essential for the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. Vitamin E helps to lower the level of pressure, prevents the appearance of blood clots, and together with vitamin C reliably strengthens blood vessels. The complex of unsaturated acids, vitamin E and beta-sitosterol helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. All of the above allows us to recommend the inclusion of oil in the diet for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, coronary disease, strokes, and hypertension.

In addition, avocado oil can stimulate the process of hematopoiesis. Vitamins B, C in combination with copper, iron, cobalt, zinc and other useful trace elements are actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells. In this regard, the oil is considered a useful product for people suffering from anemia.

Avocado oil helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Its systematic use improves metabolism and digestion. Avocado oil is able to have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which means it is an extremely effective tool for the prevention of gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. The oil also stimulates bile secretion, improving fat metabolism and the composition of bile, and can also be beneficial for such ailments as cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc. Among other things, with regular use, avocado oil will reliably protect the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of toxins, free radicals, and also radionuclides and various heavy metals.

Avocado oil is also beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. Due to its low sugar content (1.5%) and very high calorie content, this product can be considered ideal for such people. Fatty acids help lower sugar levels and are excellent sources of energy for the body.

In addition, the oil can improve the functioning of the nervous system. Its constant use is an effective tool used in the prevention of various neuroses, headaches, insomnia. Avocado oil in your daily diet will help to lift your spirits, as well as increase efficiency and improve mental abilities.

In English pediatrics, oil has long been advised as a complementary food for babies of a very young age. It is also introduced into the diet of lactating and pregnant women. After all, it can improve the course of pregnancy and childbirth, help increase lactation, and plays a major role in genetic processes. In addition, the constant use of oil in food will help women improve their mood and well-being in menopause or premenstrual periods.

Vitamins E, B6, B3 and beta-sitosterol help increase potency and are considered very effective as part of the treatment of infertility. Regular consumption of oil is also recommended for men to prevent and treat problems such as prostatitis and adenoma.

Avocado oil is also used in the prevention of osteoporosis and various diseases of the joints, oral cavity, thyroid gland and urinary system.

Use in cosmetology

The use of avocado oil in various areas of cosmetology is especially popular today. Moreover, this oil is recognized as one of the most effective means for moisturizing, rejuvenating and nourishing facial skin.

This oil is considered the base oil. This means that it can not be diluted with other vegetable oils (as is the case with essential oils), and various masks, creams and other cosmetics can be prepared on its basis. However, the oil can be used by itself, without additives.

Avocado oil is suitable for all skin types. Unlike many oils of vegetable origin, this oil is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue on the face.

Avocado oil moisturizes and softens the skin, saturating it with essential nutrients. It will also help improve blood circulation in the skin, enriching its tissues with such necessary oxygen. And due to deep penetration into the skin, the oil stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Avocado oil can be used to regenerate all damaged facial skin cells, and to eliminate various irritations and rashes, rashes, wrinkles, peeling and dryness. It is enough just to lubricate the face with oil, and remove its excess after 30-40 minutes with an ordinary paper napkin. If the problems are severe, such masks are recommended to be done twice a day.

Also, the oil is ideal for thin skin around the eyes, as it can make it soft, well-groomed, moisturized, eliminating fine wrinkles and sagging.

It is especially good to use avocado oil in adverse weather conditions. For example, in summer care, oil protects from harmful ultraviolet radiation, and in winter - from the cold.

Avocado oil can be used in its pure form, for masks, applications, facial massage and enrichment of various cosmetic products (10 drops of oil per 10 grams of cream, tonic or lotion).

Dangerous properties of avocado oil

In addition to those who have an individual intolerance to this product, it is worth refusing to use it for people with acute diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Or at least consult a doctor before using the oil.

Tropical avocado oil is one of the most useful and environmentally friendly products of this type. This product has a very pleasant taste and is well absorbed by the body. Avocado oil contains the largest amount of trace elements and vitamins. It can be used for cosmetic purposes or for preparing dietary or vegetarian dishes.

Composition of avocado oil

You can use this product in its pure form or add it to the composition of cosmetics - oils, creams, tonics. Its beneficial properties are due a unique set of substances that make up the product:

  • Vitamins of group B;
  • · Ascorbic acid;
  • · Fat-soluble vitamins, A and E;
  • · A nicotinic acid;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin F;
  • squalenes;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Fatty acids - oleic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic, etc.;
  • Lecithin;
  • Amino acids.

When applied to the skin, the oil begins to exert its beneficial effects almost immediately. This allows you to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

How useful is the product

  1. Eliminate greasy shine and increased fat content.
  2. Get rid of freckles and age spots on the face and body, give the skin a healthy color.
  3. Smooth out fine wrinkles.
  4. Eliminate peeling, irritation and signs of inflammation of the skin.
  5. Stimulate the production of collagen, which will make the skin more elastic and firm.
  6. Prevent premature aging.
  7. Heal small wounds and microcracks.
  8. Tighten the oval of the face and even out the relief.

Avocado oil will also help protect the skin from adverse external influences - ultraviolet radiation, dryness, heat or frost. Application in cosmetology is not the only way. This product is popular in medicine and in cooking.

How oil is made

For the preparation of this natural product, the pulp and seeds of the avocado fruit are used. It is customary to obtain it in factory conditions by cold pressing. This method of preparation allows you to save all the useful properties of this product. The result is an emerald-colored liquid with a pleasant taste and smell.

You can make natural avocado oil at home - it will not be difficult.

A kilogram of fruit must be peeled and the bones removed. The resulting pulp is crushed in a blender and a few drops of another essential oil are added - tea tree, ylang-ylang, citrus.

The resulting mixture is heated over low heat for 5 minutes with constant stirring. In this case, excess moisture will evaporate, and the mass will become darker in color. Then the dishes with darkened pulp are covered with several layers of gauze and squeezed thoroughly. The result is an oil that is collected in a dark glass bottle. It is best to store it in a dark, cool place.

Methods of use in cosmetology

There are many ways to use avocado cosmetic oil. The use is allowed both in pure form and as part of creams or masks.

In this case, for every 10 grams of the product, 10 drops of pure oil are added.

You can apply masks with pure oil for 30 minutes. Excess product is removed with a napkin or cotton pad. Doing this procedure is also allowed on the areas around the eyes. You can soak gauze napkins with this product and make applications on the skin of the face. This cosmetic procedure can be repeated twice a day.

If there are big problems with the skin or hair, you can make masks daily. For preventive purposes, one session per week is sufficient.

In order to strengthen and grow eyelashes, you can use this product in its pure form or in combination with other vegetable oils. For a better effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil.

You can also do anti-cellulite massage using avocado oil. The properties for the skin of this product are truly unique - it helps to improve blood circulation, smooth the skin and eliminate swelling. For one tablespoon of the massage agent, you will need 3 drops of any essential additive.

For hair care, the undiluted product is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the entire length. The mask is left on the hair for 1 hour. Rinse off with regular shampoo. With this tool you can take care of nails and cuticles. Mix in equal proportions this product with almond oil and add a few drops of essential - lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, patchouli. The resulting liquid is rubbed into the cuticle and nail plates every day.

When you get out of the shower, you can moisturize your body with this beneficial preparation.

Medical indications for use

In order to improve health and improve immunity, it is very useful to take the drug orally. You need to do this for a month, 1 teaspoon per day. Then a break is made for 2 months and you can repeat the course.

The undiluted product can be used in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

It is very useful to include avocado and its derivatives in the diet of pregnant women and children.

In the cuisines of some countries, this product is considered a basic food element. Vegetables, fish and meat are fried on it, salads are seasoned with it.

Contraindications to the use of the product

The only contraindication to the use of avocado oil may be individual intolerance to the product or its individual components. It can manifest itself as an allergic reaction.

With caution, this remedy should be used in acute diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Before you start taking it, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Cosmetic mask recipes

Can be used for all skin types. Therapeutic and cosmetic effects depend not only on the oil itself, but also on other components.

Dry skin care

To nourish dry and sensitive skin, you can make a homemade mixture of avocado, oatmeal and cream. Get a nourishing mask with scrub functions. It is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. You can do this procedure twice a week.

You can mix equal proportions of almond oil and avocado oil and add a few drops of myrrh ether. The mixture is applied to the skin and after 20 minutes the excess is removed with a napkin. You can do this procedure for 2 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break for a month.

Care for oily and problematic

To dry oily or combination skin, you can mix the main product with kefir and a few drops of lemon juice. This procedure will help get rid of traces of acne and whiten the skin. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which a break is made for a month.

You can mix cosmetic avocado oil for the face with blue or pink clay and apply the resulting composition until completely dry. Usually this time is 10 minutes. Then the clay is washed off and a regular moisturizer is applied. Before the procedure, the skin should be cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics.

Products for mature aging skin

To improve the condition of mature skin, you can use banana puree mixed with avocado pulp and liquid honey. Such masks are made once a week, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Another anti-aging mask consists of pink clay with the addition of almond, avocado and rose oils. The mixture is diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the skin and wait until the mixture is completely dry. Wash off the residue with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

You can independently prepare an anti-wrinkle cream from natural products for the care of mature skin. It will require the following types of oils:

  1. Frankincense (essential) - ½ tsp
  2. Lemon - ¼ tsp
  3. Almond or jojoba - 40 ml.
  4. Avocado - 20 ml.

In addition, you will need a handful of marigold flowers, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, 20 grams of beeswax. Calendula flowers (marigolds) are brewed with boiling water and infused for half an hour, then the resulting infusion is filtered.

Wax is melted in a small enameled bowl, then almond and avocado oils are poured into the same place, calendula infusion and lemon juice are added. The container is removed from the fire, the contents are stirred until the mass cools down to 36-37 degrees. Esters are added at the end. The finished product is poured into clean containers and stored in the refrigerator. Apply to the skin in the evening before bedtime. The expiration date is three weeks.

Some Precautions

Those who prepare creams and masks with essential oils at home should be aware of the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Its typical manifestations can be redness, itching and burning of the skin at the site of application.

When the first signs appear, the affected area is lubricated with neutral vegetable fat, the remains of the essential product are removed with a cotton swab. In no case should you use ethers in their pure form.

When choosing a finished product in a store, you should give preference to what was obtained by cold pressing. It has a rich emerald color. If the product is yellow, its quality and useful properties will be much lower.

The manufacturer is important. It is better if the product is produced in the same countries where this exotic fruit grows - Africa, Australia, South America.

It is best to purchase a ready-made product in pharmacies or specialized stores. If you decide to place an order in an online store, you must be 100% confident in the seller. Make sure that all product storage conditions are carefully observed.

You can store the purchased product for 6-9 months. The container must be tightly closed. An open bottle can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month, as the natural product will quickly begin to lose its useful qualities.

The benefits of avocado oil have long been known to residents of South America and the Caribbean. The Aztecs called it forest oil and widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology - for the face and body. Today, any modern beauty can take advantage of the natural resources of distant countries.

Useful qualities

The properties of alligator pear oil (that's what avocados are called in English-speaking countries) are truly unique. Its chemical composition is almost identical to the natural hydrolipid mantle - a thin protective film of a mixture of particles of human fat, sweat and organic acids, which protects the skin from moisture evaporation and the penetration of microbes into the body. That is why avocado oil acts on the skin so gently, but at the same time very effectively. It:

  • perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Oleic acid, the content of which reaches 80%, not only intensively saturates with moisture, but also prevents its evaporation;
  • increases elasticity. The tandem of linoleic and palmitic acids activates the production of collagen, smoothes the skin of the face and improves elasticity;
  • shows excellent results in the treatment of dermatological diseases, eliminates focal acne and acne due to the presence of avocutin in the composition;
  • copes with aging in the form of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The combination of vitamins A and E with phytosterols is a real elixir of youth;

Avocado oil serves as a means of express recovery after sunbathing, heals wounds and microcracks, and also restores shine and strength to damaged hair.

Contraindications and precautions

For cosmetic purposes, the product can be used almost without restrictions.. Given the exotic origin of avocados, before the first application, experts recommend testing the individual tolerance of this substance. To detect an allergic reaction, 1-2 drops are rubbed on the wrist or elbow and observed for an hour. In the absence of unpleasant itching and rash, you can safely use the healing properties of the drug.

Do not expose to direct sunlight immediately after applying the substance, in order to avoid pigmentation. Cosmetologists advise to wait at least an hour after cosmetic procedures, and then go out into the sun.

Main Applications

The beneficial properties of avocado oil are successfully used by cosmetologists in various combinations. It is applied:

  • in its purest form;
  • in combination with essential and other vegetable oils;
  • as the main component of individual cosmetic compositions;
  • for the enrichment of factory preparations.

Intense hydration for dehydrated dry skin will provide a compress of undiluted oil. The recommended course duration is 5 days. The maximum degree of saturation of the skin with moisture can be achieved if you additionally cover a cloth soaked with avocado oil with cling film (or a plastic bag) with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth.

Strengthening the properties of factory cosmetics is done by mixing it with natural oils. In the case of avocados, it is recommended to combine drugs in a 1:1 ratio.

Avocado oil is beneficial for all skin types. Already after the first procedure, the owners of dry skin feel the positive effect. 5-7 sessions can significantly improve the condition of problem skin and cope with acne.

Delicate texture allows the use of the substance as a skin care product around the eyes. The drug is easily absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen. Preheating enhances the effectiveness of this natural remedy.

Avocado goes well with dairy products, cereals, fresh fruits, which makes it an ideal base for multi-component cosmetics.

The use of natural oils is a simple procedure and does not require special skills. But in order to increase the effectiveness of the use of avocados, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • it is not allowed to apply the composition to the face with the remnants of makeup. Household pollution and decorative cosmetics nullify the effectiveness of procedures;
  • the effect of a mask or compress will increase several times if applied directly after taking a bath or pre-steaming;
  • light massage improves skin tone, helps the drug to effortlessly penetrate cell membranes, promotes overall rejuvenation;
  • the duration of procedures recommended by cosmetologists using the oil of this exotic fruit is 20-30 minutes;
  • thanks to a special chemical formula, avocado oil can be used for skin care on an ongoing basis, without fear of addiction;
  • excess cosmetic preparations are removed with paper napkins. Then it is recommended to wipe the face with a soft cloth dipped in warm water or a weak infusion of green tea.
  • any cosmetic manipulations should not be carried out at night. Avocado oil should be applied no later than an hour before going to bed.

The best recipes for home use

Cosmetologists from different countries have developed many effective recipes that can successfully cope with skin defects and eliminate the first signs of aging.

Moisturizing Complex

  • Mix a tablespoon of almond and avocado base oils, add 5-6 drops of myrrh essential oil, stir and apply to the face with a cotton pad along the massage lines. Leave for 20-25 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a paper towel.
  • A compress from this mixture moisturizes the skin even more effectively. The composition should be heated to body temperature, moisten gauze folded in several layers in it and leave it on the face for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the excess is removed with a napkin, and the face is rinsed with warm water. The result is visually noticeable after the first procedure. The skin is saturated with moisture, becomes elastic and elastic.

Mask for combination and problem skin

A simple but very effective mask will help you quickly deal with acne and acne. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon of avocado oil with a tablespoon of kefir, add 5-7 drops of lemon juice, stir and apply on your face for 15 minutes. The dried mask is washed off with warm water without the use of soap or lotion. The recommended duration of daily sessions is 2 weeks.

Drying mask for oily problem skin

Rejuvenating mask

Mash half a ripe banana into puree, add a teaspoon of natural honey and avocado oil and grind thoroughly. Apply to the face along the massage lines and leave for half an hour. Regular use of this mask will smooth wrinkles and return the skin to a radiant appearance.

Scrub for aging skin

Avocado-based scrub will help to cleanse the skin and improve the appearance of mature skin, stimulate the production of collagen. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of salt and fruit oil, add 2-3 drops of orange extract and apply on the face, rubbing the composition along the massage lines. To achieve the maximum effect, the mixture must be kept on the face for at least 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Wrinkle Cream

Mix in equal parts avocado and jojoba oils (20 g each), make a decoction of calendula flowers (1 cup). Melt 20 g of beeswax in a small saucepan, mix with herbal decoction and oil mixture. Add 10 drops of lemon juice, stir all the ingredients and cool to body temperature. Supplement the composition with essential oils of frankincense and lemon (0.5 teaspoon each) and arrange in containers. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Eye cream

Intensively moisturizes and eliminates "crow's feet" vitamin homemade cream. To prepare it, a teaspoon of avocado is mixed with 5 drops of pharmaceutical vitamins A and E. The resulting substance is applied with light movements to the area around the eyes and remains until completely absorbed. If necessary, excess cream can be removed with a paper towel.

Video: how to use avocado oil for face care

Avocado oil's unique formula makes it a great alternative to factory-made skin care products. The adequate price of the drug ensures wide availability, and its effectiveness is not inferior to the fashionable developments of well-known corporations.

Not only users in the reviews, but also experts say that avocado cosmetic oil for the face has all the useful and necessary properties for the skin. It can be safely used in its pure form to eliminate dryness, irritation, inflammation, and also as a prophylactic. In addition, the remedy is a frequent component of masks, gels and scrubs for combination, problematic or mature skin.

What is avocado oil

The substance is obtained by cold pressing the berry, also known as the alligator pear and growing in Chile, as well as some other regions of Australia, South America and Africa. This is avocado oil. In its unrefined form, it has a dark emerald color and a nutty smell, and has a lot of useful properties. In the refined one, half of them are lost, and the ether itself acquires a yellowish tint.

Chemical composition

Avocado oil has powerful antibacterial, nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating properties. All thanks to the composition, which includes not so many components, but in high concentration:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E;
  • squalene;
  • chlorophyll;
  • lecithin;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • the amino acid histidine;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements such as sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, iodine;
  • phytosteroids.

Applying avocado oil to the face

Avocado oil in cosmetology is considered basic - it is used pure or in combination with other esters. It is used due to its ability to slow down the aging process. In addition, it prevents the early appearance of wrinkles caused by a lack of elastin and collagen. Used for daily facial skin care, is an integral part of homemade nourishing masks.

What skin type is it suitable for?

Avocado oil for the skin is universal, because it can be used for any type of epidermis, especially the composition is recommended for oily and combination. This is because the composition of the substance is as close as possible to sebum. The product is quickly absorbed, does not leave stains like other vegetable oils. This means no oily sheen after application. This is a great advantage over, for example, castor oil.


The properties of matter have already been discussed a little above. Thanks to the ingredients it contains, it is a unique product that is used to solve many skin problems. This is true, because it is used both as a regenerating agent, and for moisturizing, and as a way to get rid of acne, pimples, and other defects. Application methods are listed below.

For skin

Due to the fact that the oil contains vitamins and other beneficial components, it has many beneficial properties for human skin. Among them are:

  • phytohormones fight age spots;
  • phytohormones and vitamin E contribute to the deep penetration of the substance into the epidermis, moisturizing it;
  • enhance local immunity, protect the skin, including from the harm of UV radiation, vitamins F, A, E, C;
  • squalene regulates oxygen metabolism and blood circulation;
  • vitamins A and C start cell regeneration, stimulate collagen production.

For lips

Avocado oil for lips is used in its pure form. To get rid of peeling, cracks, excessive dryness of the skin, they are lubricated once a day - at night, or used two to three times a day as a balm. Lips quickly regain their lost softness, look healthy and shiny. In addition, ether can be added to home scrubs to not only exfoliate the epidermis, but also heal microcracks and wounds.

Best Avocado Oil Facial Recipes

According to reviews, the best facial skin products are homemade, and avocado cosmetic oil, thanks to healthy fats, is one of the most suitable components for healing formulations. It is combined with such substances:

  • ready-made cosmetics, for example, are added to regular skin cream or lotions;
  • vegetable oils, such as jojoba, tea tree, lavender or grape seed, often for massage mixtures;
  • other natural ingredients, for example, add honey.

Cosmetic scrub for mature skin

This tool has three functions at once: eliminate dead skin cells of the epidermis, stimulate the production of collagen and give a good mood thanks to the fruit composition. It is used as a regular scrub: applied, massaged, washed off with warm water. Optimal composition:

  1. a tablespoon of sea salt (finely ground);
  2. a tablespoon of ether from the seeds and pulp of avocados;
  3. a couple of drops of orange essential oil or a similar fruit - grapefruit.

Night natural anti-wrinkle cream

Products with avocado ether are quickly absorbed, which is especially convenient for night creams with a high fat content. Prepare these natural products:

  • esters of frankincense and lemon, half and a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of jojoba or almond oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of avocado ether;
  • half a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a handful of calendula flowers;
  • 20 gr beeswax.

Preparation and application:

  1. Pour boiling water over calendula, leave for 30 minutes, then strain.
  2. Melt the wax in a saucepan along with the almond and avocado essential oils.
  3. Add lemon juice and calendula infusion.
  4. Wait until it cools down, stirring the product all the time.
  5. Pour in the remaining essential oils only when the infusion is at room temperature. Stir again, pour into jars.
  6. You need to store the cream in the refrigerator for a period of no more than three weeks.

Mask Recipes

The best thing about this substance is that avocado oil for the face is close in composition to sebum, which is why it is widely used to create homemade masks, regardless of the problems: dryness, inflammation or rashes. Detailed recipes for different skin types are described below. Remember: no matter how good the masks are, they will not give anything without proper regular care.

For dry skin

For this type, pure ether can be used, since avocado itself contributes to the acquisition of elasticity even with sagging skin. It is applied for 30-40 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a dry cloth. If severe peeling is observed, the procedure is repeated twice a day, if it is moderate, once before bedtime. If there are wounds on the skin, mix the oil 1:1 with almond ether, apply in the same way.

If the skin is not sensitive, not prone to allergic reactions, try another mask recipe for dryness. It also relieves breakouts:

  1. prepare a water bath, let the honey (one tablespoon) melt to a liquid state;
  2. add 10 drops of avocado ether;
  3. mix, cool;
  4. apply to problem areas for 20 minutes;
  5. wash off with plain warm water, repeat every other day.

For problem skin

You can use the mask, the recipe of which is described above. If there is an allergy to honey or other reasons why the remedy is not suitable, try making homemade medical cosmetics based on aloe:

  1. break off a leaf of a plant, wash;
  2. cut the aloe and scrape out the pulp;
  3. add a few drops of oil to the substance;
  4. apply for half an hour, rinse without soap.

Reviews say that such a mask acts very gently. Her alternative for spot defects is avocado oil for acne + tea tree ether. They are mixed one to one and applied to inflammation. Tea tree is responsible for decontaminating areas, while avocado is responsible for healing. Dark-skinned girls need to be careful with this mixture, as it brightens the skin. In addition to masks, avocado scrub helps with acne:

  1. take a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  2. add liquid honey (to a thick consistency of the mixture), you can replace it with aloe juice;
  3. drip 5-7 drops of avocado ether;
  4. the scrub is rubbed gently, massaged and washed off with warm water;
  5. then rinse the face with cold - to narrow the pores.

The last mask recipe is expensive, but the effect of it is amazing and appears immediately:

  • oils from avocados, almonds, peach and grape seeds are mixed in equal proportions;
  • the mask is applied for a long time: from 40 minutes to several hours (even at night, but there is a risk of staining bed linen);
  • repeat twice a week.

For mature, withering, prone to wrinkles

Avocado ester for mature skin is a gift. Even in its pure form, it nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates. To enhance and discover new properties of the composition, it is mixed with other natural ingredients:

  • rose, rosemary and geranium ether;
  • olive oil;
  • cream;
  • fruits and vegetables.

Signs of skin aging such as wrinkles are the first to appear around the eyes and are difficult to treat. This gel mask is applied at night and washed off with warm water in the morning:

  1. a pinch of agar-agar is dissolved in heated water;
  2. one cucumber is washed, rubbed and mixed with a teaspoon of avocado oil;
  3. both substances are combined, then fennel, parsley and dill esters are added in turn;
  4. continue to stir, watching how the mixture thickens (due to agar-agar);
  5. store the gel mask in the refrigerator.

Another home remedy is prepared immediately before application. It provides high-quality intensive facial skin care:

  1. two teaspoons of green clay are diluted with a tablespoon of water (it is better that it be mineral);
  2. mix until a homogeneous consistency;
  3. add a tablespoon of warm liquid honey and 5 drops of avocado and coconut essential oils;
  4. apply on the face in one layer, leave to dry, then rinse with water;
  5. repeat every two days.

Avocado has long been growing in Chile, in the states of Central America, the USA and Australia, as well as in some parts of Africa and New Zealand. Nutritious oil is made from the fruits of the tree, which is widely used in cosmetology, medicine and gastronomy. Surprisingly, most people think of avocados as a fruit, when in fact pear-shaped foods belong to the berry family.

The pulp of the fruit is used in the manufacture of an effective cosmetic product -. Hand-harvested and cold-pressed dried berries result in a clear and unrefined extract with an emerald green hue. You can recognize the “miraculous” avocado substrate by its spicy nutty aroma and viscous, viscous consistency.

If heat treatment was not used in the production of an oily liquid, then the extract retains useful substances and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The "rich" chemical composition of the liquid allows the use of oil as an independent skin care product. It is also appropriate to include additional components in the recipe of a mask made on the basis of an avocado substrate - the ingredients are used to enhance the effect.

Structural composition and beneficial properties of avocado oil for the face

The structural composition of avocado pomace is comparable to the ratio of unsaturated fats present in the epidermis. In the process of absorption of the oily liquid, the skin is saturated with biologically active substances. Traditionally, unrefined avocado oil for the face contains:

Vitamins "A", "B1", "B2", "E", "D", "F".
Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (antioxidants).
Micro and macro mineral formations.
plant estrogens.

As a result of the regular use of an oily liquid made on the basis of a tropical fruit, the following processes are carried out:

Saturation of the skin with nutrients and minerals.
Stimulation of collagen production, which returns firmness and elasticity to the upper layers of the epidermis.
Moisturizing and softening the skin.
Regeneration and restoration of tissues.
Removal of toxins and normalization of blood circulation.
Return of a healthy and natural complexion.
Protecting the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
Slowing down the process of cell decay.
Strengthening the circulatory system.
Regulation of fat and water-salt balance in the body.

According to cosmetologists, the “rich” chemical composition of the avocado substrate allows you to eliminate various defects that are on the surface of the skin of the face. Such an extract has a strong rejuvenating effect and becomes indispensable in the procedure for restoring dead or damaged tissues. The peculiarity of this consistency is an affordable price, so people with different financial capabilities can purchase a cosmetic product.

Features of the use of avocado oil for facial skin

In order to achieve the desired result in a short period of time, you need to use avocado oil for the face correctly:

An extract made from tropical fruits can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the mask to the face, check the body's susceptibility to the substrate by rubbing a drop of the consistency on a small area of ​​​​the hand.
It is recommended to heat the oily liquid in a water bath so that beneficial substances and minerals penetrate deeper into the structure of the epidermis.
Before using, made on the basis of avocado pulp, use a scrub. By removing foreign substances and impurities from the surface of the skin, the oily consistency will be absorbed better.
Regardless of the purpose of compresses and applications soaked in avocado oil, the applied mass is washed off after 15–20 minutes using a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of herbs or pasteurized water.
Masks consisting of several ingredients are recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week. Avocado extract compresses can be used up to 2 times within 7 days.

To chemically enrich existing cosmetics, drop a drop of unrefined avocado oil into containers with extracts.
It is recommended to apply a warm consistency to the skin.
Avocado substrate can be used to remove makeup, because the extract perfectly dissolves various cosmetics.
A mixture based on avocado oil with the addition of aromatic esters is used in SPA centers for massage sessions.
The consistency is used as a soothing face cream at night, rubbing the oily liquid into the epidermis with massaging movements 30 minutes before bedtime.

Avocado oil for the face is a harmless product created on the basis of natural ingredients, which means that the substrate can be used daily. The main thing is that the oily consistency does not cause an allergic reaction.

Recipes for masks and compresses based on avocado oil for the face

To enhance the desired effect and reduce the time required for the implementation of the cosmetology course, they are mixed with other natural ingredients:

Nutritious. We use unrefined avocado oil, low-fat cream and oatmeal in equal proportions. After whipping the consistency, apply it with massaging movements on problem areas of the face.
For aging skin. Add 2 drops of lemon juice, 5 milliliters of avocado extract and 10 grams of sour cream to the container, mixing the above components thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture on the face with a thin layer, gently rubbing the mass into the epidermis. Wash off the oily liquid after 15-20 minutes under warm running water.
Against peeling. Beat 35 grams of raspberries until a porridge-like consistency is obtained, add 1 drop of avocado, sandalwood, chamomile, neroli essential oils to the contents of the tank. It is recommended to remove the mass from the surface of the face with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with cucumber lotion.

For sebaceous skin. Mix equal proportions of blue clay and avocado extract, diluting the contents of the container with water until the mass becomes like a thick consistency. Rinse with exceptionally warm water so that limestone elements do not remain in the narrowed pores.
Against swelling on the face. Grind 50 grams of pearl barley, add 15 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice, 1 egg yolk, one drop of avocado, chamomile and sandalwood esters to a container with a porridge-like mixture. Rub the consistency with massaging movements on the face, washing off after 20 minutes the mass under running water.
For shiny skin. In 15 ml of avocado pomace, add 50 ml of kefir. Apply the mixture on the face an hour before the start of rest, rinse off 30 minutes before bedtime.
Preventive. Thoroughly whisk the oily liquid consisting of, avocado and (5 ml each) with a whisk. Apply the mixture on the surface of the face, pre-noting 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mass with a cotton pad, abundantly dipped in a container with a decoction of herbs.
Against burns. Mix 20 milliliters of avocado extract with 10 drops of lavender ether, lubricating the resulting consistency on the face after sunbathing.

For eye care. To prepare the mask, you will need to mix 15 milliliters of avocado substrate, and. In a whipped consistency, add 2 drops of willow, geranium and. We impregnate a cotton pad in a similar consistency, and then carefully apply such a mask on.
Balm for cracks and wounds. After combining jojoba oil with avocado substrate, slowly rub the resulting consistency over the entire surface of the lips.
Against age spots and scars. The mixture and avocado are applied to the problem area of ​​the face, previously cleaned with a scrub. The oily liquid is eliminated by means of a cotton pad dipped in a container with a decoction of herbs.
For newborn skin care. Pure avocado extract is applied in a thin layer on the baby's face before going outside in the winter season. Such a film protects the skin from frostbite and eliminates the risk of.

All components present in the recipes for masks based on the pulp of tropical fruits are cheap, sold in pharmacies and stores, so such mixtures can be easily prepared at home. Regardless of the purpose of the medicinal consistency and the amount of mass made, the shelf life of the product must be observed.

Avocado oil is a natural product with which you can get rid of acne, irritation, rashes and acne, restore skin elasticity and firmness without harming your health.

December 28, 2013, 15:33
