
Pickled cucumbers with onions in oil. Cucumber salad with onions - a great appetizer for the winter and an ingredient for sandwiches Pickled cucumbers with onions recipe

Cucumbers with onions for the winter are a great alternative to the usual winter preparations. Read our selection of recipes and start culinary experiments.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: recipes

Recipe number 1.

Chop 4 kg of cucumbers and 1.5 kg of onion, chop 300 g of dill. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly, put it in a saucepan with water, add 320 g of sunflower oil, 255 g of acetic acid, 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar. Boil the salad for 15-20 minutes. Boiling time will depend on the strength of the fire you are cooking on. Sterilize jars, pack.

Recipe number 2.

Select 4 kg of fresh cucumbers, crumble them into circles. Cut 1 kg of onions into medium or small cubes. Combine vegetables, fill with water, add 220 g of sunflower oil, 220 g of sugar. Put five aspirin tablets, knead well, add to the pan. Leave the mass for 4 hours. Sterilize jars, lay out.

Salad "Nezhinskiy".

Select 1.5 kg of cucumbers, wash, crumble into circles. Chop 820 g onion. Rinse the greens thoroughly. Your best bet is dill. You don't need to cut it too big. Sterilize the containers, put a few peas of allspice in them,? Art. a spoonful of salt, the same amount of sugar, a few laurels, vegetables, pour boiling water. Pour the jars in such a way that the vegetables are not completely filled. Cover with lids, put for 10-12 minutes for sterilization. Close it all.

Recipe for cucumbers with onions for the winter

Wash 1.2 cucumbers well, cut into slices. 755 g onions chopped into small pieces. Chop 50 g of dill. 35 ml of vegetable oil, calcine in a pan, let cool. In a half-liter container, put vegetables, greens, black peppercorns, salt, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar, add 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid, parsley, completely pour boiling water. The container must be filled with liquid to the very sides. Cover with lids, wait 15 minutes. Sterilize for another 15 minutes, seal.

Please your family and friends.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: recipe with photo

From greens for cooking, it is better to take dill or parsley. Rinse 2 kg of cucumber fruits, cut into rings, 320 g of onions into rings. Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan, add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar, 10 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, two tablespoons of granulated sugar and salt. Mix all this thoroughly, leave for 4 hours to infuse. Put on a quiet fire, boil, boil for 4-5 minutes. Arrange the salad in jars, roll up.

How to cook cucumbers with onions for the winter

Thoroughly wash 420 g of cucumber fruits, peel them, cut into slices 1 cm thick. Peel a couple of garlic cloves, wash, cut into several slices. 50 g of onion, peeled, washed, cut. Take one bunch of parsley and dill, rinse well, peel, cut. The cut may not be very fine. Place all ingredients in an enamel bowl. Sprinkle with acetic acid on top, sprinkle with salt. Prepare the container, put red pepper on the bottom, add a few tablespoons of sunflower oil, fill with the workpiece. Sterilize blanks.

Do and .

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: how to cook

Free the cabbage head from the upper leaves, cut into four pieces, while separating the stalk. Chop the cabbage into thin slices. Wash 200 g of pickled cucumbers, cut lengthwise, finely chop. Combine the vegetables, mix thoroughly with each other, arrange in prepared jars. Prepare the brine - you will fill it with an appetizer. For a liter of water, prepare 60 g of salt and 40 g of sugar. Pour the brine over the vegetables. Prepare a large bowl or saucepan, place on low heat, put the jars, cover with lids. Soak in water for 10-15 minutes. Seal the containers and let it brew.

How about you? The taste will surely surprise you.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter

Rinse 2 kg of onions and cucumbers properly, peel, cut into slices, cut the onion into half rings. Choose the option that suits you best. Add 3 tbsp to vegetables. spoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, leave to infuse, so that the slices give juice. This process will take 15-20 minutes. Put the pan on low heat, wait until it all boils. Stir the snack all the time so that it does not burn. Add black peppercorns. After twenty minutes, add 100 g of vinegar and 100 g of vegetable oil. After boiling, pack the salad.

And here are some more interesting and very tasty recipes:

Recipe number 1.

Chop 1 kilogram of cucumbers into circles, and four onions into rings. Fill it all with brine. Prepare it from 4 teaspoons of sugar, 3 tsp. salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, a teaspoon of black pepper, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Leave the vegetables in the brine for a couple of hours, stir, arrange in jars. Loosely cover the jars with lids, sterilize for ten minutes, cork.

Recipe number 2.

Chop 4 kg of washed cucumbers into slices, 1 kg of onions into thin rings. In a large bowl, mix the chopped vegetables, add a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, ground black pepper, 175 ml of vinegar. Add a glass of vegetable oil, stir, leave for a couple of hours for the vegetables to brew properly. Rinse the jars, sterilize in the oven. Boil metal lids. In each, add 2 peas of allspice, parsley. Stir the salad with a wooden spoon. Roll up.

Recipe number 3.

Wash 4 kg of cucumber fruits under running water, soak them for several hours. Cut off the stalks with a knife. Cut two carrots into strips. Cut the onion into rings. Sterilize the containers with boiling water, tamp the vegetables, evenly distribute the dill among them. Prepare the marinade: boil salted water with the addition of 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Turn off the heat, add 220 ml of vinegar. Let stand for a couple of minutes, stir, immediately put the marinade in a jar. Twist the blanks, put them under the covers.

Very tasty and. This is a great addition to any meal.

Option with carrots and sweet peppers.

Peel 1 kg of cucumber fruits, grate 320 g of carrots, chop a couple of peppers and 220 g of onions. Mix prepared vegetables, fry in vegetable oil until golden. Twist 520 g of tomatoes in a meat grinder, combine with other vegetables, salt and pepper. Stew the mass for forty minutes on low heat. Spread the finished mass into pre-prepared containers, screw them with metal lids.

"Winter King"

Wash 5 kg of cucumber fruits, cut lengthwise. Slice each half into thin slices across. Chop 320 g of dill, chop 1 kg of onions into thin half-rings. Mix it all, leave for thirty minutes until the vegetables give juice. Pour 2 tbsp into a large bowl. spoons of salt, black pepper, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, pour 100 ml of vinegar. Add the rest of the present cucumbers, stir well. Boil over low heat with slight stirring. As soon as the fruits slightly change their color, remove from heat, spread out, completely fill with a snack. Make sure the marinade covers the vegetables completely. The workpiece does not require sterilization.

"Raw" cucumber salad.

Rinse 3 kg of cucumbers, chop into slices. Chop 200 g of onion into thin strips. Pass through the press 255 g of garlic. Mix everything, season with salt, black pepper, sugar, herbs and 155 ml of vinegar. Put in a cool place, leave for 10 hours, arrange in sterilized containers. Tighten the containers with screw or nylon lids. For better preservation add sunflower oil.

Hot pepper variant.

Wash strong, slightly overripe cucumbers, cut off the peel from them, cut into circles. Put in a container, shift with dill, onion rings, garlic cloves. Add a few chili peppers. Prepare the filling from 20 g of salt, 25 g of granulated sugar and 1/3 liter of vinegar.

Variant with physalis fruits.

Pour boiling water over 1 kg of physalis, wipe with a cloth. Wash 500 g of carrots and 1 kg of cucumbers, cut into rings. Chop 320 g of garlic into small cloves. Combine everything, add 40 g of salt, black peppercorns, 120 g of sugar. As soon as the juice begins to stand out, boil for 10 minutes, pour into sterile containers, roll up, turn upside down.

Recipe with garlic and herbs.

Select 400 g of cucumber fruits, wash, remove the sepals and stalk, cut into circles. Two cloves of garlic, peel, rinse, cut into several pieces. Peel 40 g of onions. Sort through half of the dill and parsley, wash, cut into several pieces. Put vegetables and herbs in an enamel bowl, salt, add 20 g of vinegar, mix well. Put hot pepper at the bottom of the container, pour in sunflower oil. Filled jars cover with lids, sterilize.

In summer, each of us, if possible, tries to charge our body with vitamins as much as possible in order to have strong immunity to various viruses in winter. Well, and those who did not eat enough berries, fruits, vegetables, and so on, prepare vitamin jars for the winter. It is about the blanks that we will talk with you today, but not about simple ones, but super tasty and unusual ones. Cucumbers with onions for the winter, the recipe for which you are looking at, is one of those. The recipe for this exquisite and highly sought-after preparation came to me from a friend. When I cooked it for the first time, I was fascinated by its taste and aroma. Most of this did not make it to winter, because it was quickly eaten. And the part that remained - dispersed on the first holiday. Well, now I am preparing this crunchy goodies with a very large margin. There is nothing complicated in creating a blank, so everyone can handle it - as they say, "one left". Write down the recipe and surprise your family and friends with a delicious delicacy called cucumbers with onions for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

- kilogram of cucumbers,
- bulb,
- 850 milliliters of water,
- 2 tablespoons of sugar,
- 1 tablespoon of salt,
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar,
- 1 bay leaf,
- a clove of garlic

Recipe with photo step by step:

We will immediately prepare the cucumbers for harvesting. We wash them and put them in a perfectly washed liter glass jar.

Oops, I forgot about the bow. Peel it, cut into circles and spread it along with cucumbers.

Put the bay leaf to the cucumbers and onions.

Also add a peeled garlic clove.

Then prepare the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan.
Add sugar and salt to it. Bring everything to a boil, you can even let the spices boil for about two minutes. Turn off the heat and pour the vinegar into the marinade.

Pour the cucumbers with onions with the resulting mass.
Roll up the lids on the jars. It is also easy to prepare

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

An interesting combination of pickled crispy cucumbers and juicy sweetish onions. All this is filled with a fragrant spicy marinade with the perfect balance of sweet and salty. Such an appetizer is a ready-made salad in itself. In winter, all that remains is to get the twist and arrange on plates. Cold and refreshing, it goes well with hot vegetable and meat dishes. This method of pickling cucumbers with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bits is much more original than the usual salting methods. So they turn out to be especially fragrant and saturated with spicy smells of bay leaves, hints of vinegar and a slight hint of black peppercorns. The advantage of this pickling method is that you can fit more chopped cucumbers in a jar than whole ones. Cucumbers pickled with onions for the winter - recipe of the day.

You will need:
- 3 kilograms of cucumbers,
- 1 kilogram of onion,
- 1 liter of water,
- 130 milliliters of vinegar (table or apple 9%),
- 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil,
- 2 tablespoons of salt,
- 2 tablespoons of sugar,
- 5 peas of black pepper,
- a few bay leaves.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends. We cut into slices with a knife.

We divide the peeled onions into rings or half rings - everything is at your discretion.

We evenly divide the sunflower oil into prepared jars. We lay out alternately cucumbers and onions to get equal layers.
We cook the marinade. To do this, put spices in boiling water. Bring to a boil again and dilute with vinegar.

Fill jars with cucumbers to the top with hot brine. Cover them with lids.

We sterilize about ten minutes after boiling.

Can be rolled up and left to cool.
Tips: to make the pickle tasty, you need to take fresh cucumbers, hard, without visible flaws.
If you want to add a twist, add half a red pepper pod to each jar. It also needs to be cut into thin circles so that they evenly mix with all the other ingredients.

Cucumbers do not have to be cut into slices. They will taste no worse if they are crushed into large cubes.
If you leave the cucumbers for a couple of hours in cold water before pickling, they will turn out to be more juicy and crispy. Only they must be immersed in water still intact, cutting off only the tails.
Another way to keep cucumbers firm is to put an already sterilized jar of vegetables in cold water.

This preservation becomes tastiest after a couple of months of storage.
Bon appetit.
Old Lesya

No less delicious

To taste, this salad is similar to the famous Nezhin cucumbers. It will be a great addition to fried potatoes, or an independent snack - both for an everyday meal and for a festive feast. Such a salad will not let the summer harvest of cucumbers disappear. It can be made even from overripe fruits - it is only better to pre-peel the vegetables.

But the younger the cucumbers, the tastier the appetizer will turn out. Rolling cucumbers with onions is best in small jars - 0.5 liters each. If the salad stays in the refrigerator for several days, it will lose its taste. Therefore, it is better to make blanks so that you can open the jar “at once”, and a portion of fresh salad was in store for the next feast.


Recipe for Pickled Cucumbers with Onions

Prepare vegetables. Rinse cucumbers under running water and cut into not very thick circles or slices. Peel and chop the onion. It can be cut into half rings, and if it is large, then first cut into quarters, and then into slices. Rinse the greens and chop coarsely. Add the cucumber slices along with the onion. Leave the mixture for 30-40 minutes.

Pour oil and vinegar into a large container, add salt and sugar, put a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. Add prepared vegetables and herbs. Put on medium heat. Let the mass boil. Cook, stirring constantly, until the cucumbers begin to fade and lose their bright green color. In the meantime, sterilize the jars.

A jar of pickled cucumbers will delight you on New Year's holidays. As soon as the cucumbers fade, quickly place the vegetables in prepared jars and roll them up tightly. Turn the jars upside down and place them covered with something warm. Leave the blanks to cool completely at room temperature. After that, the banks can be turned over and transferred to a place where they will be stored permanently.

We need:

All ingredients are weighed after cleaning and cutting.

  • Cucumbers - 4 kg
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Dill - 1 bunch (large)
  • Salt (rock) - 3 tbsp. spoons (without a large slide)
  • Sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoons (without a slide)
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml
  • Table vinegar, 9% - 200 ml

Important details:

  • From this amount of products, about 4.5 liters of blanks will be obtained. We advise you to pack in jars up to 1 liter, preferably 500-750 ml.
  • If you are afraid to take a lot of products for the first sample, just divide the amount of ingredients by 2.

Preparing vegetables.

We cut off the ends from the cucumbers and just in case we try if there is any bitterness. We cut cucumbers into rings of small thickness 5-8 mm.

If you come across a very large (thick) cucumber, you can cut it in half lengthwise, and already cut the halves across into semicircles of the thickness indicated above. In the finished salad mass, such differences in shape do not make the weather and are practically not noticeable.

Peel the onion and cut into thin quarter rings. Finely chop the dill.

We combine the vegetables in a large bowl (enamel or stainless steel) and mix.

We insist vegetable cutting.

Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil to the cut. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to infuse at room temperature - for 4-5 hours.

Bring to a boil and cook briefly.

After the specified time, cucumbers will give a lot of juice.

We put the vegetables on the stove over high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, add vinegar.

After adding vinegar, cook the salad over moderate heat. literally 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. We carefully monitor the color of cucumbers. The case when it is better to underdo it a little than to digest it.

As soon as the vegetables change color from bright green to protective, immediately remove from heat. Otherwise, the salad will be too soft and less tasty.

We close banks.

After removing from heat, spread the salad hot in dry sterilized jars. Favorable volume of 500-750 ml. We tamp the vegetables tightly, gradually add the marinade and try to fill the jar to the top.

We roll up under any convenient cover for long-term storage. We turn over, but do not wrap, so that the vegetables do not turn out to be excessively soft.

After cooling, put in a dark cabinet.

How to diversify cucumber salad for the winter with onions

If you like, you can add finely chopped garlic, bay leaf and black pepper. We recommend always using freshly ground black pepper. There is often little spice in the purchased powder (the spice quickly fizzles out from storage in this form). And if you get to a dishonest manufacturer, then even dust of unknown origin in a pack, alas, is not uncommon.

In addition to onions and greens, Bulgarian pepper will fit well into a simple, but very appetizing cucumber salad for the winter. For the number of ingredients in the recipe above, take 1-2 pcs. medium size, contrasting color (red, yellow, orange). We cut sweet pepper to taste - in small cubes or short thin strips (no longer than onions).
