
Pickling onions for the winter without sterilization. Pickled onions: a delicious preparation for the winter

Pickled onions are one of the most unusual and interesting snacks. It is harvested during the harvest of this vegetable. It often happens that onions grow so much that people do not know where to put them. Harvesting pickled onions for the winter will help solve this problem. It is made quite quickly, simply and within the power of not only experienced housewives, but also beginners in this business.

Before pickling onions in jars for the winter, you need to choose the right one, as well as study in detail the advice of experienced chefs. All this will help to prepare a truly delicious snack and avoid most mistakes. Housewives who know their business advise the following:

pickling recipes

Chefs around the world have come up with dozens of ways to harvest onions for the winter. All of them are simple and do not require special skills and culinary knowledge. The pickling process uses a minimal amount of inexpensive ingredients that can be easily found in any grocery store or supermarket. All this allows you to cook such an appetizer even for people with limited financial resources.

Classic variant

This cooking recipe allows you to prepare onions pickled in half rings for the winter. Most often, most housewives use this method when they want to get a fragrant and absolutely not bitter onion. The finished product can be added to various fried meat dishes, herring, or simply served with a side dish. To prepare such an appetizer, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 250 ml of table vinegar;
  • at least 2 liters of purified water;
  • 6 peas of black and allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 200 g of table salt.

The pickling process is simple and consists of a sequence of the following actions:

In a slightly acidic marinade

This simple recipe for pickled onions for the winter allows you to get a finished product that will not have a sharp sour taste. The whole secret is to use not table vinegar, but also apple cider vinegar. It has a less pungent smell and a milder taste, which is reflected in the finished product. . You can prepare this dish using the following products:

  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 1.5 kg of small onions;
  • 200 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar and rock salt.

An appetizer is prepared according to the following technology:

spicy onion

This is the easiest and most affordable recipe without sterilizing pickled onions for the winter. It uses a large number of aromatic spices that give the finished dish a special spicy taste.

Such an onion will ideally complement a barbecue or any other meat dish.

You can enjoy a spicy snack by buying the following products:

Step-by-step recipe for harvesting for the winter:

With fresh dill

Dill is a very spicy herb and adding it to a marinade will give it extra flavor. During the cooking process, no additional heat treatment is used, which allows preserving the maximum amount of substances useful for the human body in the onion. To cook pickled onions for the winter without sterilization, you must:

  • 900 g of small onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 250 g of bell pepper;
  • 40 g fresh dill;
  • 2 g citric acid; 6 black peppercorns;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • 70 g of granulated sugar.

You can prepare such an appetizer by doing the following:

Pickling in Bulgarian

For lovers of spicier food, this recipe for pickling onions was invented. It uses hot pepper, which gives a special taste and aroma to the onion.

This dish is great for serving on the holiday table. It perfectly complements not only meat dishes, but also other snacks.

To please your guests with this delicious onion, you need to buy the following ingredients:

  • 0.3 l of table vinegar;
  • 1 kg of medium onion;
  • 300 ml of purified water;
  • 4 leaves of laurel;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • 2 hot chili.

A hot appetizer is made according to the following recipe:

In orange juice

Few people can believe that onions go well with orange juice. However, do not be afraid to experiment and add an ingredient such as citrus juice to the marinade. It will not only give a characteristic aroma, but also make the onion a little sour. To try this original dish, you must:

  • 250 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 800 g of small onions;
  • 1.5 liters of pure water;
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar.

Preparing a pickled onion in orange juice as follows:

Pickled onions are a wonderful appetizer that can not only decorate a festive feast, but also help diversify your daily diet. With proper preparation and observance of all the subtleties of pickling, you can get a tasty and fragrant product that will appeal to all relatives and guests.

Hello my dear readers. It's so great that there are so many snacks that are easy to make at home. For example, ordinary onions can be used as an independent snack with vodka or make a variety of salads. I just have in store for you 9 of the most delicious recipes for pickling onions for the winter. Choose the one you like and cook with pleasure!

This appetizer is very easy to make. And the cooking process itself will not take much time. You will need the following components:

  • 3 kg of small onions;
  • 3.5 liters of water;
  • 500 g of salt;
  • 3 pieces of peas allspice and black peas;
  • 2 pieces of lavrushka + cloves;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • 6-7 drops of acetic acid (in each half-liter jar).

Prepare saline solution. To do this, bring 2 liters of water to a boil and dissolve 400 g of salt in it. As soon as the salt crystals are completely dissolved, remove the dishes from the stove. We wash the peeled onion and pour it with hot salted water. When this solution has cooled, we send the dishes in which the onions are pickled to the refrigerator. Here the preparation must be kept for 2 days. After such soaking, the onion will lose its bitterness and become “glassy”.

We drain the liquid - it has already completed its mission and is no longer needed. Next, lay out the onion in sterile half-liter jars. Let's start preparing the marinade. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan. Add here 100 g of salt, cloves, pepper and bay leaves crushed in your hand. We cut a pod of hot pepper into slices with a knife and send it to the marinade.

As soon as the brine boils, immediately pour it into jars. We also add acetic acid to each container and twist it with metal caps. After that, we turn the jars over, insulate and leave to cool completely. And then we lower the workpiece into the cellar or transfer it to the closet.

By the way, the most impatient in a week can take a sample. By that time, the onion will be completely pickled. Only if you absorb at such a pace, there will be nothing left for the winter 🙂 Therefore, I recommend quickly pickling onions for salad. Prepare a delicious snack in 30 minutes.

Marinate onion rings in vinegar

Juicy rings with a piquant taste will be appreciated even by those who do not like onions. You can serve this preparation with fried meat, fish and poultry. Or you can cook a soft pork kebab and open a jar of the workpiece. The yummy comes out amazing.

To make a half-liter jar of blanks, you will need:

  • 400 g of onions;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 1 PC. cloves;
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns.

For the preparation of this blank, white onions will also fit, but purple will look more beautiful. Or you can combine by taking 200 g of white and 200 g of purple. In general, we give vent to fantasy.

First of all, we cook the brine. To do this, pour water into the pan, add salt with sugar, as well as spices. We enrich the solution with oil and vinegar. And put the container on the stove. As soon as the contents of the saucepan boil, reduce the heat and continue to cook for another 2-3 minutes.

We clean the onion from the husk and cut it into wide rings (about 5-7 mm). We send the rings to the boiling marinade, remove the dishes from the heat and leave to infuse for a couple of minutes.

Next, we move the rings with the marinade into the prepared jar and twist it with a metal lid. By the way, to reduce time, sterilize the jars in the microwave.

By the way, it is better to boil the lid before use. Then we turn the jar upside down, wrap it up and leave it until it cools. After we move the workpiece to the basement or to the closet. By the way, such onions are ready for use in a day.

Cooking Pickled Green Leek

If a leek has pleased you this year with a bountiful harvest, you can pickle some of it.

Here is his step by step recipe:

  • leek (based on three 750-gram jars)
  • 3 cups (faceted) water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of mustard seeds;
  • 15 peas of allspice;
  • 60 black peppercorns;
  • 3 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pour water into the pan and put the container on the fire. In the meantime, we switch to preparing the leek. It needs to be cleaned, washed and carefully examined again. Suddenly, what flaws are on it - we cut them out.

Then we cut the leek into pieces so that they enter the jars more tightly and more accurately. So, if it is small - it is enough to cut into 2 parts, if large - into 4 parts.

After vertically place the pieces in jars. Alternate with spices. Add 20 black peppercorns to each jar. Also here you need to add 0.5 teaspoons of mustard seeds and 5 peas of allspice.

We switch to the marinade. By this time, the water should already boil. Add salt, sugar and parsley to it. Reduce the flame of the fire to low and let the marinade simmer for a minute. Before removing the pan from the heat, enrich the brine with vinegar. And pour hot marinade onions with spices. Top each jar with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil.

Next, we preserve the workpiece, turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it to cool. When the preservation has cooled, move it to the cold. If it is not possible to store the workpiece at a low temperature, I advise you to sterilize the pickled leek before rolling. This will take 10-12 minutes. And here is an interesting video preservation recipe.

Marinate onions and garlic

These vegetables are not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Eating them will improve your health. Such a “medicine” will help you recover faster from colds, coughs and other unpleasant components of SARS. And who wants to lose weight, be sure to cook onion soup in French. Because this vegetable is an excellent fat burner!

Here is the step by step recipe:

  • onions (take small ones) - 6-7 pieces;
  • 1 PC. bay leaf;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of salt;
  • 5-6 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • Take 9% vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 (100 ml each).

We clean the onions and garlic from the husk and wash. We wash a half-liter jar, sterilize it and put vegetables in it. Then we start preparing the marinade. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and put the container on fire. Next, add salt here and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Immediately remove the dishes from the heat (the marinade will be slightly warm by then). And immediately pour the vegetables with brine. After leaving about 1-1.5 hours.

At this time, arrange the vegetables in a jar, adding hot pepper. He will add spice to the workpiece. Then pour the vegetables with hot marinade and roll up the jar with a metal lid. Turn the container upside down and wrap. After 12-15 hours, you can move the workpiece to the closet.

Onion pearls - a recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

This blank will look elegant on any table. Bulbs are transparent like pearls. In order not to get sick in the cold season, it is recommended to eat half an onion a day, adding a canned vegetable to dishes during cooking or crunching.

To prepare this blank, you need the following components:

  • 1 kg of small onions;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 45 g salt;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 2 pcs. allspice peas;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 6 pcs. black pepper;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 2 pcs. chili pepper;
  • water;
  • 40 ml of 9% vinegar.

The first step is to prepare the jars (you will need 2 half-liter jars). As usual, sterilize the jars well.

We clean the small onions. Cut the hot pepper lengthwise into 2 parts and send 2 halves to each jar. There we also add 1 lavrushka, 3 black peas and a pea of ​​allspice. You also need to add 1 pc to each jar. carnations. And then we fall asleep in a glass container bulbs.

Next, we switch to the preparation of the brine. First, you just need to pour the onion with clean boiled water and leave for 10 minutes. After pouring the liquid into the pan and put it on the stove. We enrich the water with salt and sugar. Add oil and vinegar to it. As soon as the brine boils, pour the onion into it.

And then we preserve the workpiece. After we turn the banks over and wrap them. When the preservation cools down, we move it to the pantry. And here is a video recipe that will reveal to you all the subtleties and secrets of preparing this blank.

Vegetable skewers with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

The main requirement when preparing the workpiece: onions, tomatoes and cucumbers should be small. Yes, you still need sweet peppers (red and yellow). The number of vegetables is arbitrary.

To fill you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of salt;
  • 1.5 cups of 9% vinegar.

Cucumbers are cut into rings, and sweet peppers into slices. Thread vegetables onto wooden skewers. At the bottom of each liter jar we put a dill inflorescence, 2 peas of black pepper and a fragrant pea. There we put 1 pc. cloves and 2 cloves of garlic. And then we put the skewers with vegetable skewers in jars.

Next, prepare the marinade as usual. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and salt. And as soon as the composition is washed down, we enrich it with vinegar and pour vegetables with spices with hot marinade. After that, we sterilize the jars for 15 minutes, twist them and turn them upside down. And then we wrap everything up and leave it overnight. In the morning we move the preservation to the closet.

How to cook sweet onions with apples and cranberries

The preparation prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tasty. For her, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of onions;
  • 150 g of ripe apples;
  • cranberries for sourness about 50 g;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 st. l. sweet Kikkoman sauce;
  • 0.5 tsp acetic acid;
  • 2 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 1/3 tsp black peppercorns;
  • 3 pcs. star anise.

We cut the apple into thin slices, and the peeled onion into half rings. We are preparing the marinade. To do this, boil water, add salt with sugar, cinnamon with parsley, pepper and star anise. And before removing the brine from the stove, we enrich the composition with acetic acid and sweet sauce. After the hot marinade, pour onions with apples and add cranberries.

Leave the workpiece to cool and transfer to the refrigerator. You can already eat this yummy in a couple of hours. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. But, I think that you will hamster her earlier 🙂

How to cook red pickled onions

The onion prepared according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also beautiful. It comes out so bright. Yes, you marinate yourself and see for yourself. For this you will need:

  • 6 pcs. onions;
  • 1 raw beet;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • wine vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1 (100 ml each);
  • salt to taste.

Peeled onion cut into half rings and scalded with boiling water. And chop the beets into large pieces. In a sterile jar, lay out layers of onions and beets.

We cook the marinade. To do this, mix vinegar with water, salt this mixture and enrich it with pepper. Bring the brine to a boil and fill the workpiece with marinade (2/3 of the volume of the container).

We twist the jar with a metal lid, turn it over. Leave it for 2-3 hours on the table, and then put it in the refrigerator. And after 6 you can enjoy yummy.

Cooking pickled onions in Asian style

Connoisseurs of oriental cuisine will appreciate this appetizer. Her recipe is this:

  • 500 g of small onions;
  • 200 ml of rice vinegar;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 75 ml of vodka;
  • 100 ml rosé or dry white wine.

We put the peeled vegetables in a jar, pour boiling water and hold for half a minute. Mix vodka with wine, vinegar and sugar in a saucepan. Bring the composition to a boil and pour it into a jar. Next, cover the vessel with a nylon lid, cool the workpiece and transfer it to the refrigerator. A day later, you can take a sample.

If you don’t like the vinegary taste, this is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of eating pickled onions. Try replacing the vinegar with lemon juice. And before pickling, I advise you to scald the onion with boiling water, soaking it in hot water for 20-30 seconds. So the snack will turn out more tender and tastier.

Do you want crispy onions? Then, after blanching, dip it in ice water for a minute. And do not make rings or half rings too thin. They will fall apart quickly when you pour hot marinade over them.

Before preparing salads with pickled onions, be sure to drain them in a colander. Let all excess liquid drain. Otherwise, the remaining marinade will distort the taste of the dish you are cooking.

I am sure that you have your own subtleties and secrets of preparing such an appetizer. Share them in the comments. And how to prepare a blank according to the recipes proposed in the article, share your feedback. Which option did you like best? And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that's all I have for today. I wish you culinary inspiration and say: see you again.

Why do you need pickled onions for the winter? You can’t even imagine how much such a seemingly simplest ordinary snack is in demand. Perfect for meat and salad. And under a glass - in general, beauty. Moreover, there are several variations of the workpiece.

You will find a selection of successful, and most importantly, easy recipes in the article.

We don't like messing around with onions. Because we cry a lot. Don't worry, there are ways to overcome mucosal irritation. Here are 3 of the most popular:

  1. We chew gum during the process.
  2. We take a sip of water in our mouth. Hold without swallowing until we cut the vegetables.
  3. We put on any glasses or an eye mask.

Include helpers as well. For example, a spouse. Men, by the way, are less likely to cry from onions than women.

Well, aren't you afraid of onion vegetables anymore? It is recommended to make more spins. There will always be something to take with you to barbecues, with what to marinate meat, with what to serve cold dishes, etc. In fact, such an appetizer has a wide application. Bow lovers will understand.

Pickled onions for the winter rings

The rings are crispy, without a vigorous smell and bitter aftertaste. Enjoy onion circles straight from the jar - they are so tasty.

For preparation we need:

  • onion rings per 0.5 l jar;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • a small slice of beets;
  • 2/3 of a half-liter jar of vinegar 9%;
  • 1/3 of boiled water chilled.


  1. We cut the onion into rings, 1 cm wide. We tamp together with beets (1 slice) tightly into a sterilized container. We process the container and lid in a convenient way. Are you planning to use the blank in the near future? Then it is enough to wash the jar thoroughly and allow time to dry.
  2. Add cloves with lavrushka.
  3. Pour in vinegar, then water.
  4. We close the lid.
  5. We insist a day in the refrigerator.
  6. This is how quickly and simply pickled rings are prepared.

Whole onions without sterilization - a simple recipe

Planting bulbs often go unclaimed. Did you know that such pickled fruits are popular in Germany? Therefore, do not rush to throw the kids away. It is better to write down the recipe for your future favorite snack.

On a note! Soak small onions in cold water. Let stand a little. And forget about the torment with cleaning - the husk will go away almost by itself.

Let's take the components:

  • sevok (shallot) - 500 g;
  • white and black pepper - 3 peas;
  • sweet peas - 4 pcs.;
  • carnation - 1 bud;
  • mustard seed - half a tablespoon;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • chili red - a third or half of a small pod;
  • 60 ml of table vinegar 6%;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Step technology:

  1. We clean the pearls from scales. Large fruits will not go entirely - they will not pickle well.
  2. Spices, except mustard seeds, put in a coffee grinder. Grind a little - no need to turn into dust. Pieces that have not been ground will give flavor and improve the appearance of the workpiece.
  3. In the meantime, put the water on fire. After it boils, add small onions.
  4. We withstand literally 30 seconds and drain the boiling water.
  5. Then immediately lower the sevok into cold water.
  6. Blanching onions will bring out the pungent aroma and bitter taste. You will get the most delicious pearls.
  7. We remove the top onion “wrapper” - we take out the very peas that will be marinated. We send it to a sterilized container.
  8. Let's start cooking the marinade. We put water on fire, pour in vinegar and pour salt and sugar.
  9. We wrap the ground spices in a gauze bag and lower them into the brine.
  10. We boil for a couple of minutes.
  11. In a jar with onions we throw a bay leaf, three peas of a different type (white, fragrant, black) and 1/3 of a red chili (optional).
  12. We add the marinade. It is not necessary to top up to the top - we leave about 1.5 cm of the free edge. This promotes the formation of steam.
  13. Cover the jar with a lid and sterilize in a saucepan for 5 minutes. Do not forget to lay a towel on the bottom and pour hot water from the kettle. Otherwise, the blanks explode.

Cool the twists upside down. We insist 1 day.

Red pickled onion

Good news for lovers of red (purple) varieties of onions. I present a recipe for a cool snack with his participation.

We will need:

  • 1 kg of red onion;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 480 ml of water;
  • 62 g of salt (3.5 tablespoons in brine, the rest on the bulbs);
  • 67 g of sugar sand;
  • 240 ml essence;
  • black peppercorns - 1.5 tsp

Cooking technology:

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove.
  2. We introduce salt, sugar and acid.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. We chop the onion heads with thin half rings.
  5. Sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. During this time, the straw will give juice.
  6. Take 3 cans of 0.5 liters. We sterilize. For example, in the oven. Temperature 120-150 degrees, time - 10 minutes.
  7. In the cooled containers, lay out one lavrushka and half a teaspoon of black peas.
  8. Then we send half rings into jars - distribute evenly.
  9. Pour in the marinade.
  10. Cover with a lid and put in a deep vessel to sterilize.
  11. Boil spins for 10 minutes.

We cool banks. The next day, the snack is ready to eat.
On a note! Do you still have an unpleasant onion smell on your hands after cooking? Use an ordinary body scrub. Salt combined with liquid soap will also help.

Leek for the winter

It turns out a crispy, moderately sweet and slightly spicy snack. Use it both as a supplement and in its pure form.

  • 1800 g leek;
  • mustard seed and black peas to taste.

And prepare the ingredients for the marinade:

  • water - 9 glasses;
  • a handful of bay leaves;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 12 tbsp. l.;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 12 st. l. essences 9%.

Cooking steps:

  1. We divide the leek into several parts - it is more convenient to tamp the fruits into a jar.
  2. Put in containers.
  3. Approximately in the middle of the container, pour a little pepper and mustard between the pieces.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the marinade. We bring the water to a boil.
  5. Add sugar, salt, parsley.
  6. Boil 3 minutes.
  7. We add vinegar.
  8. We send the marinade in jars. We don't finish until the end.
  9. We leave a place for vegetable oil - we introduce it on top of 2 tbsp. l. per liter container.
  10. We seal the lids.

We turn the twists, cover with a warm blanket, cool. Then we put it in the pantry.

Watch the technology in the video.

Delicious pickled onion

The consumption indicated in the recipe is taken into account for 2 cans of 500 ml. The result is the perfect snack for all occasions.

Let's prepare a set of ingredients:

  • sevok - 600 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • mustard seeds - 2 tsp;
  • balsamic (or apple) vinegar - 75 ml;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences;
  • 500 ml table (apple or wine) vinegar.

Interesting fact! Small pickled onions in Germany cost 3.5 euros for one jar, with a volume of 280 g. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to prepare the preparation for almost nothing.

Cooking steps:

  1. We take pearls, cut off the tops and roots.
  2. Fill with boiling water. Let's cool down.
  3. We clean the onion from scales.
  4. Sprinkle the peeled sevok with salt, cover with a towel.
  5. We leave for the night.
  6. The next morning we process containers and lids for blanks with boiling water.
  7. We wash the babies, dry them and distribute them among the banks.
  8. Add mustard seeds, cloves.
  9. Bring the acetic acid to a boil.
  10. We introduce granulated sugar and balsamic essence.
  11. Boil for a minute.
  12. Remove from heat and immediately fill jars with marinade heads.
  13. We seal the lids.

Turn the twists upside down for 5 minutes. We store in a dark, dry place for no more than six months.

How to pickle green onions

How great it is to enjoy the taste and aroma of homemade greens in the winter season. As soon as the hostesses do not store it: they dry it and freeze it. And you can still marinate. How? Read the recipe.

Important! Spice consumption is indicated on a 0.5 liter jar. In this case, the amount can be adjusted to taste.


  • green onions - the amount at your discretion;
  • black peas - 7 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid 6%;
  • coriander and mustard seeds - 1 tsp each;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. We prepare green feathers. We sort, remove the spoiled sheets, wash and dry.
  2. Then finely chop the onion.
  3. Banks are sterilized. There are many ways. For example, in the microwave. Pour a little water on the bottom of the containers and place in the oven for 2-4 minutes. Keep the lids in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then cool the container. We make blanks in dry and cooled jars.
  4. We combine water with salt. We put the brine on the fire.
  5. When it boils, boil for another 2 minutes.
  6. Remove from stove, cool slightly.
  7. Pour spicy grains into the bottom of the jars.
  8. Then fill with cut feathers.
  9. Pour the blanks with warm marinade.
  10. We add vinegar. Cover with lids.

We send the cans into a bowl of hot water, the level of which covers ¾ of the spins. Boil for 15 minutes, remove and cork. It is allowed to store at room temperature. Most importantly, without moisture and light.

Pickle any kind of green onion in the same way (anzur, slime, etc.)

Pearl bow for the winter

On a note! Spice consumption depends on taste preferences and the number of containers.

This appetizer is called differently: pearl, silver bow. It's all about the appearance of the blanks. Yes, and they taste amazing - a real treasure.

Onions are not the easiest vegetable, it is well known. Many people do not like its sharp and pungent taste. At the same time, it is the spicy taste of onion that gives rich and bright colors to many dishes. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a vegetable salad, and for barbecue and herring this is the best company.

Which onion is suitable for marinade?

You can marinate for the winter any bulbs - both large and small. Large cut into rings or half rings. The main thing is not to cut too thinly - then when pickling it will retain its shape. Small onion sets do not need to be cut, these onions, pickled for the winter, look amazing in jars. To quickly clean small onions, you can dip them in boiling water for a few seconds, and then in cold water. The husk can be easily removed.

For pickling for the winter, both white and red onion are suitable. You can also make pickled green onions or leeks.

Pickled onions without sterilization

This the snack will not keep for a long time but takes a little time to prepare. So if you still keep a supply of onions at home or in the cellar for the winter, then these snacks can simply be made from time to time, according to your mood or to the appropriate dish.

Recipe 1. Onion garnish for herring with potatoes

The easiest way to cook pickled onions in the winter without sterilization is to use cold brine from a can of pickled cucumbers or other winter preparations. To do this, simply pour the bulbs with brine and leave for several hours in the refrigerator.

A slightly more complicated, but also very quick option for making an onion snack - hot marinade in the microwave. The onions are peeled and finely chopped, placed in a microwave-safe container, poured with water so that it covers the vegetables on top. For a pound of onions, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to the water. Turn on the microwave at full power, leave for 10 minutes. Cool and serve. This recipe is good when you need to quickly prepare a herring appetizer with hot potatoes.

Recipe 2. Onion garnish for barbecue

Best garnish for barbecue pickled red onion.

For a pound of onions, you will need half a teaspoon of salt, two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar (if you want to make the snack more spicy, use apple or wine vinegar). Scald the onions with boiling water, but do not immediately drain the water - to get rid of excess bitterness, hold the onion in hot water for at least 20 minutes. Then prepare a filling of salt, sugar and vinegar and pour it over the onion. You can add finely chopped dill or other herbs.

Onions for the winter with hot marinade

The process of preparing onions for the winter with hot marinade is always the same: the onions are peeled, chopped (or simply peeled if we take small onions), scalded with boiling water, laid out in jars and poured with boiling marinade, and then closed with lids. Mari Recipes

Recipe 3. Basic Pickled Onion Recipe

For 1 kilogram of onion, you will need 2 liters of water, 250 milliliters of vinegar, 200 grams of salt, 10 black peppercorns and 3-4 bay leaves.

Recipe 4. Slightly acidic marinade

For 1 kilogram of onion you will need 2 liters of water, 150 milliliters of vinegar, 50 grams of salt, 50 grams of sugar.

Recipe 5. Spicy marinade

For a spicy marinade, add hot red pepper (2g), ground cinnamon (5g), cloves and star anise (3 inflorescences each) to the main recipe. And also in the marinade you need to add 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Recipe 6. Marinade with dill and pepper

We use the basic marinade recipe, but for 1 kilogram of onion we also take 2 large sweet peppers and a bunch of dill. The pepper is cut into large rings and placed in jars alternately with onion rings, sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

Recipe 7. Marinade in Bulgarian

For this recipe, a small pod of hot pepper is added to each jar.

Recipe 8. Onion pickled for the winter with lemon

This recipe uses freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar, which is also an excellent preservative.

The marinade is prepared like this.

The lemon is cut into 2 halves, the zest is carefully removed from one of them (do not remove the white pulp).

Juice is squeezed out of both halves.

Sugar and salt are dissolved in boiling water (a teaspoon per half liter of water), a tablespoon of vegetable oil, squeezed lemon juice and zest are added there.

The marinade is boiled for another 2-3 minutes, and then poured into jars.

Recipe 9. Marinade with orange juice

For 1 kg of small onions (here it is better to take sets) you will need a liter and a quarter of water, a quarter of a liter of orange juice, 1.2 liters of apple or wine vinegar and 50 grams of salt.

Salted hot water (1 liter is enough) pour peeled bulbs. After 6 hours, the water is drained.

Vinegar is boiled separately with a glass of water and a glass of orange juice - this is our marinade. Onion is transferred to this marinade, blanched for 3-4 minutes.

Onions are laid out in jars and poured with boiling marinade.

Recipe 10. Marinade with beetroot juice

For 2 kilograms of onions you will need:

  • 1 kg beets
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Tablespoon of salt
  • 10 grams of citric acid
  • 1 liter water for marinade

The marinade in this recipe is made on the basis of beetroot broth. Beets are rubbed on a coarse grater, poured with water and boiled. The broth is filtered through a large sieve. Then it is boiled again with salt and sugar, citric acid is added. Banks are poured with hot liquid of juicy dark red color.

Recipe 11. Marinade with red currant

This marinade uses redcurrant puree as a preservative. 2 kilograms of fresh berries are boiled in 1 liter of water, then the broth is filtered, and the berries are rubbed through a sieve or pureed with a blender. The puree is again mixed with the broth, and this marinade is poured into jars.

Recipe for pickled green onions for the winter

This recipe will especially please those who have slightly overgrown green onions with thick feathers left in the beds. It is no longer so tasty in a salad, but it is perfect for marinating.

You will need:

Greens for this winter preparation can be finely chopped, or you can leave long stems. Greens need to be washed and sorted out, tightly laid in sterilized jars. Pour hot marinade (this recipe will require 1 liter of water) and roll up the lids.

Recipe for green onions marinated in dry wine or champagne vinegar

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of green onions
  • Champagne vinegar or dry wine - 300 milliliters
  • Honey - 50 grams
  • Thyme - 3-4 sprigs
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

For this recipe, it is important to cook the marinade correctly. It is cooked over low heat, gradually adding vinegar and honey to salted boiling water. Thyme is also added to the marinade.

pickled leek recipe

For 4 large leek stalks, take the following proportions of the ingredients for the marinade:

  • 300 milliliters of water
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • a teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • Bay leaf and black peppercorns

Leek is cut into slices 2 cm thick and placed together with spices in sterilized jars. For the marinade, boil water with vinegar, sugar and salt. The marinade is poured into jars, topped up with vegetable oil and closed with lids.

onion jam recipe

This is a very original pickled red onion recipe. In restaurants, onion confiture is often served with steaks, but it also goes well with baked potatoes, chicken, or stewed mushrooms.

You will need:

  • 1 kilo red sweet onion
  • ½ cup dry red wine
  • 4 tablespoons wine vinegar
  • 50 grams of honey
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • Dry sprigs of thyme or rosemary

Onions, cut into half rings, are fried in hot vegetable oil for 5 minutes, then covered with a lid and simmered for another 15-20 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn. Then add all the ingredients for the marinade to the pan and simmer until the mixture becomes viscous, slightly reminiscent of jam. We put the finished confiture in a sterilized jar, close the lid and hide it in the refrigerator.

Pickled onions are a hot item. Barbecue, homemade shawarma or burgers, all kinds of salads and sandwiches - this spicy ingredient is needed everywhere. You probably noticed that from a jar of any salty preservation, onions are eaten first. It is quite logical to make a bitter vegetable the “star” of homemade preparations and cook pickled onions for the winter.

Medium difficulty

Despite their bitterness and pungent flavor, onions are the most common vegetable in the world. Here are just some interesting facts about this product.

  • Historical roots. The exact place and time of onion origin is unknown to historians, but they have established that the vegetable was known in ancient Egypt. In the writings of Herodotus, it is indicated that the slaves who built the pyramid of Cheops were fed onions to increase their ability to work and prevent diseases.
  • palm. Libya is considered the world leader in the consumption of onions. This vegetable is added to almost all national dishes.
  • Sweeter than fruit. In terms of sugar content, the vegetable surpasses apples and pears. That is why during cooking it becomes sweet.
  • Prototype of the Earth. The ancient Sumerians considered onions to be the product of the gods. They were sure that the Earth was created exactly according to the model of this vegetable.
  • Many kinds. At the moment, there are about 900 types of onions in the world, but a little more than 200 are edible. The rest are wild varieties that are not of nutritional value.

Benefits of the main ingredient

Onions are not just a food or flavoring. This is a real family doctor. Doctors say that by eating half of the onion fruit daily (in the absence of contraindications), you can protect yourself from ailments, diseases of internal organs and colds. The secret lies in the rich chemical composition, which is described in the table.

Table - Chemical composition of onions

SubstanceQuantity, mg/100 gShare of the daily norm,%Biological role
Vitamin B60,12 6 - Promotes the absorption of fatty acids and the normal course of biological reactions;
- prevents sharp jumps in blood glucose;
- normalizes brain function and improves memory;
- heals the heart and blood vessels;
- eliminates puffiness
Vitamin C10 11 - Stimulates the production of own collagen;
- takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones;
- cleanses the body of toxins and heavy metals;
- supports liver health;
- strengthens immunity;
- normalizes blood clotting;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them elastic
Potassium175 7 - Normalizes blood pressure;
- prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;
- prevents the formation of kidney stones;
- promotes the conversion of glucose into energy;
- normalizes the work of the heart;
- Facilitates the delivery of oxygen to the brain
Sulfur65 7 - Supports the production of bile at an optimal level;
- slows down the aging process of the body;
- activates collagen synthesis;
- accelerates metabolism;
- stabilizes the work of the nervous system;
- strengthens immunity;
- has antihistamine properties
Phosphorus58 7 - Strengthens bone tissue;
- increases mental and physical performance;
- promotes the production of enzymes involved in biological processes;
- normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
- maintains acid-base balance
Iron0,8 5 - Provides cellular and tissue respiration;
- accelerates metabolism;
- ensures healthy growth of the body;
- stimulates the conduction of nerve impulses;
- strengthens the immune system
Cobalt0,005 50 - Improves blood composition;
- takes part in the production of red blood cells;
- normalizes the intestinal microflora;
- promotes cell renewal;
- supports the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
- strengthens bones;
- reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- slows down the aging process
Manganese0,23 12 - Supports the normal functioning of the nervous system;
- contributes to the production of insulin;
- accelerates metabolism;
- prevents fatty degeneration of the liver;
- accelerates tissue regeneration
Copper0,09 9 - Possesses redox activity;
- promotes the absorption of iron;
- promotes tissue and cellular respiration;
- strengthens bones;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them elastic;
- suppresses inflammatory processes;
- improves blood composition
Chromium0,002 5 - Regulates lipid metabolism;
- normalizes the work of the thyroid gland;
- strengthens the heart muscle;
- removes toxins from the body
Zinc0,85 7 - Included in the composition of more than 300 enzymes;
- accelerates cell regeneration;
- takes part in protein metabolism;
- stimulates reproductive function;
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
- strengthens immunity;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- sharpens the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors

Despite the rich chemical composition of the onion, it has contraindications. It is worth refusing to use the product for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer. It is also worth eating less onions with increased nervous excitability.

Pickled onions for the winter: recipes for every taste

Onions are usually pickled cold. But for winter preparations, a hot method is used. It is more time consuming, but the result fully justifies the effort. The vegetable will give its bitterness to the marinade, and it will be saturated with the expressive taste of spices and vinegar.


Peculiarities . The traditional recipe for pickling onions has been passed down from generation to generation. A simple technology and a simple set of ingredients result in a wonderful spicy snack with a sweet and sour taste. If you marinate a small onion correctly, it will turn out transparent, but retain an appetizing crunch.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of sowing onions;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 70 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • ten peas of black pepper;
  • two umbrellas of dill;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Fill a large pot (3-5 l) with water, boil, put the peeled onion in it and boil for three minutes. It should only slightly soften, and not boil completely.
  2. Prepare a container with cold (or better with ice) water in advance. Using a slotted spoon, move the still hot onion into it. This technique helps the product stay crispy.
  3. Pour vinegar into 0.5 liters of water, pour all the flavors and chopped peppers. Boil and continue cooking for another two minutes.
  4. Place the onions tightly in clean half-liter jars and pour over the hot marinade.
  5. Sterilize for five minutes (no longer, otherwise the onion will boil) and roll up.

Bay leaves, dill and pepper are best removed from the marinade as soon as it is ready. Putting flavors in jars of onions will kill the natural taste of the main ingredient.

With beets

Peculiarities . If you want something traditional and at the same time unusual, try making pickled onions for the winter without sterilization with beets. A burgundy vegetable will give the main ingredient not only a pleasant sweetness, but also a rich pink color. Thus, from eating snacks you will get not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic pleasure.

You will need:

  • 400 g small red onion;
  • 50 g of beets;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • seven peas of black pepper;
  • 30 ml of vinegar.


  1. Peel the onion and cut the beets into oblong bars about 6 mm thick.
  2. Add bulk products and pepper to the water, boil.
  3. Add beets and boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Place the onion in the marinade and cook for five minutes.
  5. Transfer the onion to a sterile 0.75 liter jar, and place the beets on top.
  6. Pour in the vinegar, as well as the marinade, to fill all the voids in the container.
  7. It remains to roll up the bank.

Preservation should be wrapped in a warm blanket so that it cools down gradually. This will improve the taste and ensure long-term storage. Don't forget to turn the containers upside down to make sure they're sealed.


Peculiarities . Pickled onions in jars for the winter are an indispensable preparation. It will decorate any everyday or festive dish. And it goes well with hot spices and spices.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of onion;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.7 l of vinegar;
  • 300 g of salt;
  • 1 g star anise;
  • three bay leaves;
  • 1 g cinnamon;
  • 1 g red ground pepper;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • two inflorescences of carnations.


  1. Dissolve 200 g of salt in a liter of water and dip the peeled onion into the brine.
  2. Meanwhile, add the remaining salt and spices to a liter of water.
  3. Boil the liquid and boil for five minutes. Add vinegar.
  4. Transfer the onions to sterilized jars, pour over the hot marinade and seal.

To facilitate the process of peeling onions, resort to blanching. Hold it in boiling water for a minute and immediately move it to cold water. The husk will fall behind much easier.

With bell pepper

Peculiarities . Pickled onions with garlic and pepper for the winter are the perfect combination for fragrant preparations. Soaking in the aromas of each other, vegetables acquire completely new flavors. The appearance of the workpiece also cannot but rejoice. The amount of ingredients is calculated for two cans of 0.5 liters.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of small onions;
  • 200 g of bell pepper;
  • 12 cloves of garlic;
  • eight peas of black pepper;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of vinegar.


  1. Heat a liter of water, dissolve citric acid in the liquid and soak the peeled onion. Boil for three minutes and remove the vegetables from the water.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into rings.
  3. In sterilized jars, put six cloves of garlic, four peppercorns and bay leaves.
  4. Lay alternate layers of onion and pepper on top.
  5. Fill the remaining space of the jar with washed and scalded dill.
  6. Dissolve bulk products in a liter of water and boil.
  7. Add vinegar, pour the liquid into jars and roll up.

If you only have large onions, don't marinate them whole - they won't absorb the marinade. It is better to cut it into several smaller fragments.


Peculiarities . Fans of barbecue, burgers, salads and just savory snacks are advised to cook pickled onion rings for the winter. Such a semi-finished product turns out to be especially fragrant and tasty, because thin fragments are thoroughly saturated with marinade.

You will need:

  • 400 g of onion;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2 g of cloves;
  • 5 g black peppercorns;
  • 5 g of allspice-peas;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 30 ml of vinegar;
  • two bay leaves.


  1. Cut the peeled onion into rings.
  2. Send all the flavors to the water and boil.
  3. Add onion and simmer for five minutes.
  4. Arrange the product in sterile jars, fill with marinade and roll up.

Sprinkle the onion rings with turmeric before placing them in the jar. The blank will acquire an attractive sunny yellow color and a pleasant aroma.

With original marinade

Peculiarities . If simple recipes for pickled onions for the winter do not inspire you, try adding something original to the traditional snack. The peculiarity of this recipe lies in the unusual citrus marinade.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of small onions;
  • 600 ml of vinegar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 250 ml of orange juice;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 15 g tarragon;
  • 10 g of cloves;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 g sugar.


  1. Sprinkle the peeled onion with salt and leave for five hours.
  2. Combine water with orange juice, raisins and spices.
  3. Boil, add onion and boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Divide the onion into sterilized jars with a slotted spoon.
  5. Add vinegar to the marinade, boil and distribute the liquid over the containers with the workpiece.

green sprouts

Peculiarities . As a reminder of the warm season, you can pickle green onions for the winter. The preparation is beautiful and fragrant. The taste of onion feathers is quite unusual and bright. This is a wonderful addition to salads.

You will need:

  • 1 kg green onions;
  • 200 g dill;
  • 80 ml of vinegar;
  • 120 g of salt;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • three peas of black pepper.


  1. Wash and sort the greens, cut off dry and yellowed fragments.
  2. Place flavorings in water and boil.
  3. Turn off the burner and add vinegar to the marinade.
  4. Arrange greens in sterile jars, lightly tamping.
  5. Pour in the marinade and roll up.

Fresh greens often "blow up" jars, so pickled onion feathers should not be stored at room temperature. Place the jars either in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Working with a vegetable without tears

The onion contains a lachrymator. This substance, getting into the air from a cut bulb, irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes and makes you cry. To make working with a vegetable easier for you, try five tricks of housewives.

  1. Cold water . The liquid neutralizes the action of the lachrymator. Therefore, before working with onions, as well as in the process, it is recommended to rinse the onion itself and the knife in cold water. Some housewives even manage to peel a vegetable in a large basin filled with liquid.
  2. Freeze. If you have to work with large volumes of onions, place them in the freezer for an hour. Onion juice crystallizes and will not evaporate into the air. If the amount of work is small, you can freeze the knife for 15 minutes.
  3. Steam . Place a pot of water on the stove and boil. Position yourself near a source of steam. It neutralizes the action of the lachrymator.
  4. Ventilation. Turn on the hood while working with onions. The device will draw onion pairs, and they will not have time to irritate your eyes. If you don't have a hood, put a fan near your workspace. In the warm season, you can work with an open window.
  5. Vinegar or lemon. Treat the cutting board with acid. The onion juice will react with the vinegar and the effect of the lachrymator will be neutralized.

To avoid crying when working with a bow, use a well-sharpened knife without serrations. The easier the blade will cut through the vegetable, the less irritant will get into the air.

If you care about the health of your family, a recipe for pickled onions for the winter must be in your cookbook. The fact is that in the process of harvesting the vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties. Thus, this fragrant "antibiotic" will protect your household from colds all winter.

