
Semolina porridge is simple and delicious. How to cook semolina - preparing dishes

Despite the fact that doctors and nutritionists unanimously refute the benefits of semolina, consider it “empty”, it still remains very popular.

Children and adults are happy to eat the dish if it is properly prepared. TO

how to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps?

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps - general principles of preparation

Semolina porridge is cooked in pure milk or diluted with water. Pour everything into a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom and put on the stove. In classical technology, cereals are added to a boiling liquid. When these two products come into contact, hated lumps are formed. Of course, you can strain the finished porridge, but this is not an option. It is much easier, easier and more convenient to master the correct preparation of a dish without lumps.

What else is put in porridge:

Often jam, fruits, fresh or frozen berries are added to the dish, but it is better to do this after cooking. Sometimes porridge is prepared with milk powder. With a shortage of the product, even diluted condensed milk is used. It is very important to remember that cereals absorb water well. The ratio of liquid and semolina is on average 7:1. However, if you are preparing porridge in advance, and it will need to stand a little, then you can put even less cereal.

It is desirable to cook semolina porridge in a saucepan that looks like a ladle, that is, with a long handle. It will be convenient to control the process, it is easy to remove the bowl from the fire if the milk starts to run away. Before adding milk, it is recommended to rinse the bowl or simply add a spoonful of cold water.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps

A simple way to cook semolina porridge with milk, in which lumps simply cannot form. Porridge turns out to be of medium density, if you need a more liquid consistency, then simply reduce the amount of cereal.


250 ml of milk;

4 tsp with a slide of cereals;

2 tsp Sahara;

10 g of oil;

0.4 tsp salt.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, do not add anything else. Put on the stove.

2. Take a clean and always dry glass or cup, pour semolina into it.

3. Add salt and sugar, stir dry ingredients.

4. As soon as the milk begins to boil and rise with a hat, start pouring the cereal. But take your time, "pour" in a thin stream.

5. With the other hand, quickly stir the boiling milk so that it does not run away, and the semolina is evenly distributed.

6. As soon as all the cereal is in the pan, let the porridge boil for three minutes.

7. Cover, leave for fifteen minutes.

8. Now you can put the porridge on a plate, add oil.

Semolina porridge in milk without lumps with the addition of water

It is this porridge that is prepared in kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. Naturally, no one will cook it with pure milk, but in fact, semolina turns out even better with water.


A glass of milk;

0.5 cups of water;

0.3 tsp salt;

2 spoons of semolina;

1 piece of butter;

Sugar to taste.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on the stove.

2. Add milk, salt, continue heating.

3. If you add sugar, then do it right away.

4. As soon as the milk mixture with water begins to foam, that is, boil, reduce the heat.

5. Immediately add semolina. Pour in a thin stream, with a spatula or spoon, quickly stir the place where the cereal meets the milk.

6. Let the porridge boil for three minutes.

7. Turn off the stove, add oil, stir and cover.

8. Leave the porridge for ten minutes so that the cereal absorbs the milk, the porridge will become thick, homogeneous.

Semolina porridge in milk without lumps with soaking

An interesting technology for making semolina porridge in milk without lumps with preliminary soaking of cereals. In the process, the grains swell, the porridge does not seize in lumps.


300 ml of milk;

10 g of oil;

3 spoons of semolina;

Salt and sugar.


1. Pour cold milk into a saucepan.

2. Immediately salt, add sugar. If porridge will be consumed with jam or honey, then only salt is enough.

3. Now add cereal to cold milk, stir and leave for five minutes. If you want to get a thick porridge, then add another half a spoonful of cereal.

4. Stir again, put on a fire below medium.

5. Boil the porridge until boiling, stir regularly.

6. After boiling, boil for two minutes, remove from heat.

7. Transfer the porridge to a plate, season with a piece of butter. Stir.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps in a slow cooker

The recipe for semolina porridge in milk without lumps, which is cooked in a slow cooker. Water is added. If the porridge is prepared for adults, then you can cook it with milk alone. Products are measured with a multicooker glass.


0.5 cups of cereals;

2 glasses of milk;

1.5 glasses of water;

0.5 tsp salt;

2 spoons of sugar;

10 g plum oil.


1. Pour water into a multicooker saucepan and immediately add milk with granulated sugar and salt.

2. Take a spoon, stir until all ingredients are dissolved.

3. Immediately put a piece of butter.

4. Turn on the "Multi cook" mode. Cook porridge at 90 degrees for about 20 minutes.

5. Open, stir the porridge thoroughly. If it seems a little liquid, then just wait ten minutes, the grits will swell more.

6. When serving on a plate, you can add a small piece of butter.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps

Another way to prepare a popular dish without lumps. Can be boiled in pure milk or mixed with water.


350 ml of milk;

2-3 tablespoons of semolina, depending on the desired density;

Salt and sugar;

Oil in a saucepan and in the finished porridge.


1. Pour half of the milk into a saucepan, put on the stove.

2. Add semolina to the rest of the milk, stir. It must be cold. It is better to use a cup with a handle for soaking, so that later it is convenient to pour the mixture into a saucepan.

3. Add salt and sugar to a saucepan on the stove, throw in a piece of butter.

4. As soon as the future porridge begins to boil, take the soaked semolina, stir and slowly pour into a saucepan, stir constantly.

5. Let the porridge boil again.

6. Boil two to five minutes, no longer needed.

7. Stir, turn off, let stand for a while. You can also add a piece of butter to the finished porridge.

Semolina porridge in milk without lumps (in powdered milk)

Another recipe for semolina porridge. For this dish, dry milk is used, which can also be seized in lumps along with cereals.


0.3 cups of semolina;

3 spoons of sugar;

5 tablespoons of milk;

500 ml of water;

Oil as desired.


1. Take a saucepan, it must be empty and always dry. To be sure, wipe the inside with a towel.

2. Now add milk and semolina, add sugar and salt. Stir the dry mixture until all lumps disappear.

3. Now pour cold water in a thin stream, stir. It is convenient to use a whisk for this.

4. It's time to put the porridge on the stove. Heat until boiling, stir occasionally and do not leave.

5. As soon as the mass boils, boil for three minutes.

6. Turn off the heat, add oil, let stand under the lid for several minutes so that the dish acquires the desired consistency.

Semolina porridge with milk without lumps - tips and tricks

So that an unpleasant crust does not form on the surface of the semolina porridge, the hot dish should be immediately sprinkled with sugar on top.

The porridge remained, thickened so that you could even cut it with a knife? That's fine! Remove, put on a board and cut into slices with a knife. Then fry the pieces in butter and pour over the jam. Tasty! But only serve hot.

To make semolina porridge tender and airy, after cooking, you can add butter to the dish, immediately beat everything together with a whisk. You can also dilute the dish with whipped cream, it also turns out very tasty.

The child does not want porridge? Cook delicious! Add jam, fruits, nuts, grated chocolate. It turns out delicious with raisins, candied fruits, unusual aromas will be given by additives such as vanilla or cinnamon. You can lay out multi-colored patterns from additives and turn your unloved semolina into a culinary masterpiece.

Semolina porridge can be cooked not only in plain or powdered milk. A delicious dish is made with baked milk. By the way, you can also fill any porridge with ghee. Down with boring and monotonous breakfasts!

Semolina has long been a staple for babies. Now, of course, many people consider it not at all useful, but this does not reduce its value. This is a great breakfast for your child, you just need to know how to cook semolina porridge with milk.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk and without lumps

Many do not like semolina porridge because of its lumps, so you should learn how to cook it without them.

Required products:

  • 0.75 cups of milk;
  • 0.25 cups of water;
  • three teaspoons of semolina;
  • sugar, salt - to taste;
  • butter.

In order to get really tasty porridge without lumps, all proportions should be observed. This is ¾ cup of milk, ¼ of a glass of water and three teaspoons of semolina.

For cooking, you should take a suitable saucepan with a thick bottom.

Now you should pour water with milk into it and, without heating, pour semolina there. So she should stand for ten minutes.

Before putting the porridge to boil, you should mix everything well, since from standing all the cereals settle to the bottom. Add salt and sugar to the porridge, stirring occasionally until it boils.

After the porridge has boiled, you need to stir it constantly until it is cooked. If this is not done, semolina porridge may burn. Cook for three minutes.

That's it. It remains to add butter if desired and serve.

It is better to eat porridge immediately, since its storage contributes to a change in taste for the worse.

You can cook semolina porridge not with milk, but with condensed milk. Just watch the proportion of water and condensed milk, otherwise the porridge may turn out to be too sweet.

You can add raisins, jam, dried fruits, fresh fruits, nuts, jam to semolina. Vanillin or cinnamon will add piquancy to the taste.

If you want semolina porridge to turn out liquid, then for its preparation it will be necessary to take 500 ml of milk per 100g of semolina. For an average density of semolina porridge, 500 ml of milk and 120 g of semolina will be required. If you like thick semolina, then you need 500 ml of milk per 150g of cereal.

How to cook semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

You can also cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker. The advantage of this method is that, with the correct proportions, it will not run away and will not burn, it does not need to be constantly stirred.


  • one multi-glass of semolina;
  • two multi-glasses of water;
  • four multi-glasses of milk;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin optional.

Mix semolina and sugar in a multicooker bowl. If you add vanillin, then you need to put it at this stage. First, pour water into the mixture, stir. Then carefully add milk and stir again.

Now set the mode in the multicooker. It may be “Milk porridge”, but if this function is not available, then you can set the “Extinguishing” mode. Porridge is cooked for fifteen minutes.

After the beep, stir the porridge. Can be served on plates. You can add butter to it, as well as any jam or fruit. All according to your taste. Bon appetit!

How to cook semolina porridge with milk in a double boiler

Semolina porridge can also be cooked in a double boiler. This method of preparation will allow you to save all the valuable substances of the finished product.


  • semolina - five or six teaspoons;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar and salt - to taste.

To prepare porridge, you should take a rice bowl, pour the required amount of cereal into it, add the required amount of sugar and salt, water and milk to taste.

Now the bowl should be closed with a lid, set the timer for thirty minutes to the “Porridge” mode.

After cooking, you will get a delicious porridge without lumps. You can add butter or jam if you like. Bon appetit!

How to cook semolina porridge with milk in the microwave

Semolina porridge can also be cooked in the microwave. It cooks quickly, which is undoubtedly good when your child is hungry.


  • semolina - two tablespoons;
  • one glass of milk;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • butter - to taste;
  • salt.

Mix semolina, sugar, salt, milk in a special saucepan for the microwave. Now put it in the microwave for thirty seconds, turning on the oven at full power, then take out and mix the porridge. So you need to repeat three times.

The last time you need to put oil in the porridge and put in the microwave for a minute. After that, take it out, wait until it cools down and serve. Bon appetit!

Semolina porridge for the little ones

To date, semolina porridge is considered undesirable food for babies. Therefore, up to a year, it is better for a baby not to give semolina porridge, as it turned out, semolina does more harm than good to a small body.

This is argued by the fact that it has a negative effect on the intestines, prevents the absorption of nutrients from foods.

For cooking you will need:

  • semolina 1-2 tsp;
  • milk 100ml;
  • water 100 ml.


Mix milk with water.

If the milk is too fatty, then it is better to take more water.

Put on fire, bring to a boil. Slowly pour semolina in a thin stream. You can add a little sugar.

Cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. Let's stand a little and cool.

What you need to know about semolina

  • Semolina is made from wheat, which is practically ground into flour. As a result of such an action, a large amount of vitamins and microelements leaves it, but 70% of carbohydrates remain, which are easily digested.
  • It is believed that semolina should be fed to children after one year and not more than once a week. After forty-five years, it is also not recommended to include it in the diet, as this can affect the destruction of bones.
  • Its usefulness lies in its mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is suitable for those who have gastritis, peptic ulcer or colic.
  • It has a positive effect on the immune system of the digestive system. Also useful in chronic renal failure and chronic fatigue.
  • Calorie semolina porridge 328 kcal / 100 grams. It is not recommended for those who follow their figure.
  • Additionally, cinnamon, vanilla, jam, honey, berries and fruits can be added to semolina. This improves its palatability, which will undoubtedly please your child.

How? You haven't read yet:

How to cook semolina porridge? Are there any features of cooking with water and milk? What proportions of cereals and liquids are optimal? Is it possible to add tasty and healthy additives to the porridge, for example, berries or bananas? Learn about the intricacies of cooking a popular product!

Easy to cook

The title of democratic has firmly entrenched behind this porridge. Seems impossible to mess it up! To make it liquid, you can simply add more water or milk, and at the very end of cooking, if it suddenly thickens. For greater density, you can cook a little longer, and you get what you need! Semolina porridge on water and milk is so unpretentious that most of us do not even know how to cook it correctly. But in ancient Rus' it was considered a whole art! And not by accident.

Manna from heaven or food for feasts

Perhaps the expression "manna from heaven" came to us from the Bible. But in Russian culture, it was fixed precisely in relation to semolina. Before the Soviet period, it was considered not just a "delicacy", but food for holidays and feasts. In the 12th century, the word porridge, which referred specifically to semolina, was associated exclusively with solemn feasts. Groats were not available to ordinary people, so only a few knew how to make semolina.

The reason for such a narrow distribution was the technique for the production of cereals. Or rather, flour, because semolina is a product of wheat processing. That is ground finely and finely and passed through a sieve. The smallest grains are sifted and packaged like flour. And a little larger, which do not pass through the sieves, are selected and called semolina.

So, in the XII century, to which the first mentions of the product in Russian chronicles belong, the grinding technology was very expensive. It remained so for an extremely long time, until the Soviet period, when there were many mills and bread became "the property of the people." Since then, semolina has become popular, but the traditions of its preparation have not been preserved. Therefore, they cook it as it should. According to culinary theorists, for example, the famous Russian historian and culinary specialist William Pokhlebkin, completely losing both the taste and the benefits of the product.

Subtleties of cooking

How is semolina porridge cooked? No need to think that the question of how to cook deliciously liquid semolina is extremely simple or akin to art. It has several subtleties that are important to consider. Thanks to their observance, the dish will turn out without lumps, and without that hated “foam” that everyone remembers from childhood.

  • The proportions of semolina porridge in milk and water are the basis of a good dish. To make it moderately liquid, 100 grams of cereal should be used for 500 ml of water (milk).
  • Pour the cereal through a sieve. This will prevent lumps from appearing in the dish. Semolina should be dispelled over a boiling liquid and mixed intensively.
  • Stir non-stop. This is important so that the grains do not stick together into lumps, and the porridge does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  • Cook quickly. When asked how long it takes to cook semolina porridge, professional chefs answer: no more than two minutes! Pour the cereal into the pan, mix vigorously and turn it off after 2 minutes. Then cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. It is under the influence of steam that porridge should reach readiness. By the way, its temperature is higher than the liquid itself during boiling, due to which the grains swell faster. You can serve porridge 10 minutes after the “steam bath”.
  • Add additional ingredients after the porridge is ready. A good choice for breakfast is to cook semolina porridge in milk and add butter, honey, fruits or bananas to it. Each ingredient is perfectly combined with the delicate taste of the main product. But perhaps, having prepared the porridge correctly, you will not want to flavor it with anything other than butter!

That same hated foam on the surface of the porridge appears due to long cooking. While the cereal is boiling, starch and protein are destroyed in it, which then float to the surface. Such a product no longer contains useful vitamins and valuable protein, its consistency is too thick, and the taste is lost. Therefore, do not exceed the time of keeping the cereal on fire!

Delicious recipes

The unpretentiousness of the product is manifested in the possibility of its preparation both on a gas stove and in a microwave oven, in absolutely any dish, porridge is cooked with any additives. But only in a saucepan and under the influence of its own steam, the groats reach ideally, acquire the optimal consistency. The grains in it are preserved whole, distinguishable, and the taste is rich and rich.

But if there is no time or desire to warm the milk on the stove or stir the porridge, you can use the microwave. The easiest recipe for liquid semolina is to mix a glass of cold milk with two teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, add 2 tablespoons of cereal and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. After the signal, add a piece of butter and leave for another 1.5 minutes. The quick meal is ready.

We will try how to cook semolina porridge correctly, using the advice of professional chefs. So we will find out what the true taste of cereals is, which in Rus' was considered the food of the rich and "manna from heaven."

On milk

A great dish for a children's breakfast, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour the grits into a sieve, gradually “fly” over the pan, stirring constantly.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes without stopping stirring.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a towel.
  5. After 10 minutes, add a piece of butter and sugar, mix and serve.

In a similar way, a porridge is prepared on water; after cooking, it can be flavored not with sugar, but with salt and onion frying. Such a breakfast may seem unusual, but it was in this form that cereals were often served in old Russian cuisine.

with banana

This version of semolina with a banana will diversify the children's menu. And perhaps he will reconcile adults with her, in whose memory semolina has remained an unloved porridge from the kindergarten cafeteria.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • bananas - 2 medium-sized fruits;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Take out the butter and let it soften at room temperature.
  2. Boil the milk, reduce the heat and gradually add the cereal. Stir for 2 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, stir, remove from heat, leave covered.
  4. Whisk bananas with butter.
  5. Pour the banana mixture into the porridge, mix.

This recipe is delicious and healthy. Banana will saturate breakfast with valuable elements, because it is rich in potassium and vitamins. The fruit is well digested and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

With strawberry

In the summer, you can try to cook semolina with fruits or berries. Strawberries are an excellent choice for porridge. You need a lot of berries for the dish to get a rich taste. And we will also increase the amount of sugar, because strawberries can give grits an unpleasant sourness.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pour the cereal into the boiling milk. Leave on low heat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the gas, cover the porridge with a lid.
  2. Rub sugar with strawberries. It is convenient to beat the mass in a blender.
  3. Pour strawberry mass over porridge, laid out in portioned plates. Serve warm.

Such a dish can become an unexpected tasty dessert for a children's table. You can decorate it when serving with whole berries.

Now you know what semolina porridge is made of and what are the rules for its preparation. We hope that a tasty and healthy product will be more often found on your table!

Other cereal recipes


The article offers you several recipes for making semolina porridge without lumps, with milk or water.

IMPORTANT: Most often, semolina is boiled in milk, because it emphasizes the delicate taste of cereals, makes porridge hearty with a creamy tint. To improve the taste, you can also add butter and sugar, vanilla or cinnamon as desired.

You will need:

  • Milk (preferably homemade) 1 cup (you can take milk of any fat content, the fatter - the tastier).
  • Semolina groats - 4 tbsp (full, with a slide)
  • Salt - a small pinch (salt emphasizes and enhances the taste of semolina).
  • Sugar- several art. l. (according to your preferences, 2-3 tablespoons)


  • Pour milk into a bowl
  • Milk must be boiled
  • Dissolve sugar (and other additives as desired)
  • For mixing, it is advisable to use a whisk, not a spoon. It mixes the cereal more thoroughly and prevents lumps from forming.
  • Semolina should be added in small portions and each thoroughly mixed.
  • Continue whisking the porridge for a few more minutes after turning off the heat (ideally about 5 minutes).
  • Cover the dish and let the porridge stand for another 5-7 minutes before serving (so it can cool a little and become more dense).

How to cook milk semolina porridge for one and two servings, for 1 liter of milk: the proportions of milk and semolina

In order for the semolina to turn out tasty and homogeneous, with a pleasant consistency and density, the proportions of the dry and liquid parts should be strictly observed during cooking. To do this, use the proposed table of proportions for one, several servings or for a whole liter of milk.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker: recipe

The presence of modern kitchen appliances simplifies the process of cooking, does not require much effort and a lot of time. An oven such as a slow cooker will allow you to quickly and effortlessly cook semolina in water or milk and you do not have to constantly stand at the stove.

How to cook semolina in a slow cooker:

  • Pour the required amount of milk into the multicooker bowl (see proportions above).
  • Turn on the mode "Cooking", "Soup" or "Baking"
  • After 5-7 minutes, pour cereal, sugar and salt (vanillin, cinnamon if desired) into the milk.
  • Cooking time - 7-10 minutes, it is best to let the porridge still brew after cooking.
  • Add oil after cooking when serving

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave: recipe

It turns out that you can cook semolina porridge not only on the stove and in a slow cooker, but also with the help of such modern kitchen appliances as a microwave. Everyone is used to heating food in it and few people know that even a simple microwave oven without a number of special functions can steam and bring semolina to readiness.

IMPORTANT: It is worth noting that semolina in the microwave is more of a necessity than "correct and healthy food." For children, it is better to cook semolina in the old familiar way. Nevertheless, semolina porridge in the microwave turns out to be homogeneous, airy, very light and tasty.

You need:

  • Semolina (groats) - 2-2.5 tbsp (with slide)
  • Milk or water (milk is preferred) – 1 glass
  • Sugar - according to your preferences (1-3 tsp)
  • Salt - 1 small pinch (you can do without salt)

How to cook:

  • "Cooking" in the microwave semolina should only be in special or glassware.
  • Pour all dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix them thoroughly with a spoon.
  • Pour milk into a bowl (you can also use water or milk and water in half).
  • Mix everything thoroughly and put in the microwave on the usual heating mode, time - 1 minute.
  • After 1 minute (no more), remove the bowl and mix the porridge thoroughly again.
  • The same procedure should be repeated three more times, each time taking the porridge out of the microwave and mixing it thoroughly - this will help it get rid of lumps “in the future”.
  • Season the finished porridge with a piece of butter before serving.

Delicious and "quick" semolina porridge

How to cook liquid semolina porridge in milk: recipe, proportions

Liquid and watery semolina is a good food for young children who start complementary foods or feed on formula milk. Liquid porridge from semolina is more satisfying food and allows you to fill the child's body with energy. Liquid semolina is very convenient to pour into a feeding bottle. Some adults also like quite watery semolina, which can be seasoned with butter or jam. Semolina swells very much during cooking, steaming and infusion, and therefore porridge always has a pleasant texture.

How to weld:

  • Pour 2 cups of milk into the dish (this is approximately 450-500 ml, you can also replace it with a mixture of milk and water, as well as plain water).
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, dissolve additives in it as desired (a little sugar and salt can be added, they can also be added when serving).
  • After boiling milk, you should add a small amount of cereal. Semolina swells well and for the porridge to be liquid, 1.5 tbsp is enough.
  • Mix the cereal thoroughly to avoid clots.
  • Cooking time - 4-5 minutes, infusion time - 5-7 minutes.

How to cook medium semolina porridge in milk: recipe, proportions

IMPORTANT: When cooking semolina porridge, it is important to observe strict proportions, since cereals can swell very much (almost three times). Sometimes the violation of proportions turns the porridge into a thick lump, which, when cooled, resembles a casserole.

How to weld:

  • Pour 2 cups of milk into the dishes (this is approximately 450-500 ml, you can boil it in water or in milk with water).
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, dissolve in it vanillin, sugar and salt (optional).
  • After boiling milk, pour 4.5-5 tablespoons into it. semolina with a slide and mix thoroughly (preferably use a whisk instead of a spoon).

How to cook thick semolina porridge in milk: recipe, proportions

Quite a lot of people like thick semolina porridge. After cooling and solidification, the dish becomes very dense and visually resembles a casserole. The cooled thick semolina is applied with a spoon or cut into pieces with a knife. She keeps her shape.

When cooking, such porridge will still remain liquid, but after infusion and cooling, each ground grain of wheat will swell several times and the dish will gain density. If you cook thick porridge in milk, such a dish is in no way inferior in taste to Italian panna cotta. A breast of thick porridge can be flavored with jam or condensed milk.

You will need:

  • Sugar -
  • Vanilla sugar -
  • Salt -
  • Semolina groats -


  • After that, cover with a lid and keep until it cools completely (or partially). The colder the porridge is, the thicker it will be.

How to cook semolina porridge with condensed milk: a recipe

You can cook delicious semolina porridge not only with water or milk, but also with condensed milk. You will get a dish with a delicate, very delicate creamy taste, pleasant sweetness. Such porridge will certainly appeal to adults and children.

You will need:

  • Condensed milk - 80-100 ml. (condensed milk should be diluted with plain water in the preferred proportions that you determine to taste, you should get a full glass of liquid).
  • Butter (not spread or margarine) - 10-20 g (according to your preferences, you can not add).
  • Semolina groats - 6-7 tablespoons (look at the consistency of the dish)
  • Salt - small pinch
  • Vanillin - a few pinches
  • Fruit or berries for serving(jam or jam, as an option).

How to cook:

  • Heat water in a saucepan and dissolve a few tablespoons in it. condensed milk to your liking. Sugar should not be added to porridge, as condensed milk is already very sweet.
  • Add salt and vanillin, melt the butter (you can not mix the butter into the porridge, but simply put it on top when serving).
  • After boiling the liquid, start adding grits in small portions, mixing everything thoroughly each time.
  • Cook porridge on the smallest fire for no more than 5 minutes, then let the porridge brew for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Serve with sliced ​​fruit, fresh berries or fruit jam.

How to cook semolina porridge with milk powder: recipe

Semolina porridge, which can be boiled in milk powder, always turns out homogeneous and without lumps. There are several important and effective cooking secrets for this.

You will need:

  • Powdered milk - a few tbsp. (per serving approximately 5 tablespoons).
  • Semolina groats - a few tbsp. (depending on how thick you want your porridge to be. Approximately 4-6 tablespoons).
  • Sugar - a few tbsp. (according to your preferences).
  • Water - 0.5-1.5 cups (look at the density of porridge)
  • Vanillin - pinch (optional)

How to cook:

  • Pour all dry ingredients into a saucepan: milk, semolina and sugar (add vanillin if you want).
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed with a spoon, pour 0.5 cups of water, mix everything with a whisk or using a blender.
  • The cold water with which you pour the semolina will allow the cereal to swell, but will not brew it, and therefore you will avoid lumps.
  • Put the saucepan on the fire and start brewing over low heat, without ceasing to stir the porridge.
  • Add water little by little to reach the required and desired porridge consistency. Before serving, let it brew, add berries, fruits or oil to the dish.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps with pumpkin: recipe

Pumpkin is ideally combined with milk semolina, it emphasizes the delicate creamy taste of the dish and complements it with its aroma. You can also cook such porridge on dry or condensed milk, as well as on ordinary water. Depending on your preferences, you can chop the pumpkin pulp into small cubes, grate or puree with a blender (boiled only).

You will need:

  • Milk (homemade or store bought) 250-300 ml. (you can use diluted milk powder or condensed milk dissolved in water).
  • Semolina (groats) -
  • Pumpkin pulp (sweet) - 100-200 g (according to your preferences)
  • Sugar -
  • Salt - big pinch
  • Butter -

How to cook:

  • To avoid lumps in the porridge, split the pan and fry the semolina in it for 5 minutes (it should acquire a pleasant golden color).
  • Send semolina to boiling milk and mix thoroughly, add finely grated pulp of sweet pumpkin.
  • Add oil after cooking

Recipe for semolina porridge in milk with raisins: how to cook?

Raisins with their pleasant sourness and at the same time sweetness perfectly emphasize the taste of creamy semolina porridge. It is best to cook thick semolina and add raisins to it, such a dish can serve as a full-fledged dessert and treat for both children and adults.

You will need:

  • Full fat milk (homemade or store bought) 0.5 liters (approximately two full glasses).
  • Raisin - 100 g (light)
  • Sugar - a few tbsp. (according to your taste preferences).
  • Vanilla sugar - 0.5-1 tsp (add to taste and desire).
  • Salt - a small pinch (will emphasize and enhance the taste)
  • Semolina groats - 10 tbsp (look at the consistency, plus or minus 1-2 tablespoons).


  • Raisins should be poured with boiling water in advance and let it stand for 10 minutes to soak.
  • Milk is put on fire and salt, sugar, vanillin dissolve in it.
  • After that, semolina should be gradually added to boiling milk in small portions (1 tablespoon each) and everything should be thoroughly mixed with a spoon or whisk.
  • Add raisins soaked and squeezed from excess liquid to the porridge.
  • Do not stop stirring the porridge throughout the cooking process (7-8 minutes).
  • Then turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let stand 5 minutes and stir again.
  • After that, cover with a lid and keep until it cools completely, so that it becomes dense and thick.

Recipe for semolina porridge in milk with fruits: how to cook?

To prepare "fruit" semolina porridge, you can use not only fresh fruits according to your preferences. Dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs, cherries or strawberries, oranges, and so on) are also suitable, as well as their combinations.

How to weld:

  • Dishes pour 2 cups of milk can be boiled in water or in milk with water).
  • Bring milk to a boil, dissolve vanilla, sugar and salt (optional).
  • After boiling milk, pour 5-6 tablespoons into it. semolina with a slide and mix thoroughly.
  • Finely chop fruit (banana, pear, apple, peach or any other). If you add dried fruits, they should be soaked in advance for 5-10 minutes in boiling water, and then finely chopped.
  • Bring to a boil again, turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let the porridge brew for 5-10 minutes under a closed lid, you can add 1 tbsp. butter.

Recipe for semolina porridge in milk with banana: how to cook?

Banana has a very mild and rich taste, which perfectly complements semolina porridge, making it rich, satisfying and healthy. There are several ways to add a banana to a dish: cut and put on top just before serving, puree and mix into porridge, cook semolina with dried bananas.

You will need:

  • Milk (homemade, store-bought, powdered or condensed) - 250-300 ml.
  • Semolina (groats) - 2-3 tbsp (porridge will be of medium density)
  • Large sweet banana 1 PC.
  • Sugar - a few tbsp. to taste (can be replaced with honey)
  • Salt - big pinch
  • Butter - 10-15 g (can be excluded or replaced with vegetable).

How to cook:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Dissolve salt, sugar and vanilla in milk (optional)
  • Send semolina to boiling milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Banana should be crushed with a fork or interrupted with a blender (you can also just cut into slices).
  • Cook the porridge over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring thoroughly all the time.
  • Banana should be added to porridge only after cooking
  • After cooking, add the oil, stir again and let stand covered for 5 minutes before serving.

Recipe for semolina porridge with milk “like in kindergarten”: preparation

Everyone, as a child, partially remembers their food in kindergarten. Very often in the food menu there was semolina porridge, which was “in a special way” tasty and tender. Try to cook at home, using simple tips.


  • In a bowl, mix a few tablespoons. semolina with the preferred amount of sugar (focus on your taste).
  • Pour the dry ingredients with a glass of cold water (maybe not full, but only 2/3).
  • Stir the semolina and let it swell a little.
  • Boil a glass of milk on the stove.
  • Pour the swollen semolina into boiling milk and mix the porridge thoroughly for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the fire and season the porridge with oil.

Semolina porridge "like in a garden"

Recipe for semolina porridge in milk for babies up to a year: how to cook?

When brewing semolina for an infant who is not yet a year old, you should be aware of some precautions:

  • Feed your baby only liquid semolina
  • For cooking, use only high-quality milk
  • Be sure to bring the milk to a boil while cooking.
  • Do not add butter, sugar, salt and vanillin to porridge
  • Introduce semolina into the child's diet only after you have made his first feeding with other cereals

How to weld:

  • Boil 200-250 ml of milk.
  • Add just a little bit of sugar to the milk, 0.5 tsp is enough. (sweetness will attract the child).
  • Add 1 tbsp. semolina without a slide and mix the porridge thoroughly.
  • Bring the semolina to a boil and turn off the heat, cool before giving to the child.

Recipe for semolina porridge in milk for a child at 1 year old and after: preparation

Depending on how your child eats (through a bottle or from a spoon), you should select the proportions of milk and cereals when cooking semolina. If your baby is eating porridge from a bottle after a year, the previous recipe (1 cup of milk and 1 tbsp of cereal) will do. To make the porridge a little thicker, in order to feed the baby with a spoon, you can increase the portion of the cereal to 1.5 and 2 spoons. You can also increase the amount of sugar up to 1-2 tsp.

How to cook lean semolina porridge without milk on water: a recipe

You will need:

  • Manka - 4-5 tbsp (adjust the amount of cereal yourself, depending on the preferred density of porridge).
  • Water - 250-300 ml.
  • Vanillin - 1-2 pinches to taste
  • Sugar - a few tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp (corn or sunflower).


  • Boil water and dissolve sugar in it, you can add vanillin and a pinch of salt.
  • Pour vegetable oil into boiling water and gradually add semolina.
  • Thoroughly mix the porridge during the cooking process so that there are no lumps.

Video: "Semolina porridge without lumps in milk"

Step-by-step recipes for making semolina porridge with milk and water: classic, quick in a slow cooker, for children under one year old, with banana, with strawberries, for children from three years old

2017-12-18 Liana Raymanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

4 gr.


8 gr.

73 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for semolina porridge with milk and water

Semolina is a cereal ground from wheat. Undoubtedly, it has useful properties, quickly gives a feeling of satiety, it has many different ones. At the same time, you need to know that semolina is quite high in calories. Since childhood, we have known the taste of this porridge, but for many it was a whole test because of the lumps. We will tell you how to cook semolina porridge properly so that it is homogeneous and tasty. Let's start with the traditional recipe for semolina in milk and water.


  • one liter of water;
  • one liter of milk;
  • one glass of semolina;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • one table of spoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of oil drain;
  • a pinch of vanilla, optional.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina porridge with milk and water

Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire.

Wait until the liquid starts to boil.

We take semolina and pour a little bit into the pan and stir constantly. We cook for about five minutes. Semolina should swell, boil.

We pour milk. Now you can salt, add sugar and stir until dissolved. Cook for another five minutes. Stir the porridge throughout the entire cooking time, we do not need lumps.

If you want to improve the taste of semolina, then add this step and introduce literally a pinch of vanillin. Mix everything again and remove from heat.

So, we got a traditional semolina porridge, without lumps with a pleasant vanilla flavor.

Note to the hostess: If during cooking you see that the porridge is dry or sticks to the walls of the pan, you can still save the situation. Pour in boiling water, stir. Close the pan with a lid, cover with a towel and let it brew.

Option 2: A quick recipe for semolina porridge with milk and water

To cook semolina quickly, we will use a kitchen assistant - a slow cooker. Delicious and healthy breakfast will be ready in minutes.


  • 50 grams of semolina;
  • 1/4 milk;
  • 1/4 water;
  • 20 grams of oil drain;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to quickly cook semolina porridge with milk and water

Pour water and milk into the multicooker bowl.

Add a pinch of salt, two small spoons of sugar and half of the prepared butter. Stir well.

We select the program "Porridge" or "Rice", set the timer for ten minutes.

After the specified time, an audible signal will sound. Turn off the device, add the rest of the oil, stir it.

Now you can pour the porridge on plates. You can serve it with your favorite jam or jam.

Option 3: Semolina porridge with milk and water for children under one year old

From an early age, children begin to give porridge. Each age has its own nuances. For babies, the porridge needs to be boiled quite liquid so that it can be poured into a bottle, and the baby can drink it through a silicone nozzle. You can also start your baby's acquaintance with milk by preparing porridge for water and milk. By the way, such porridge will be useful for adults and older children. You can just make it thicker by adding more semolina.


  • two teaspoons of semolina;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of water;
  • one teaspoon of sugar or less.

How to cook

We put the pan with the indicated amount of water on the fire.

As soon as the water boils, slowly pour in the semolina, kneading it with a spatula or spoon. Boil for at least a quarter of an hour, and preferably twenty minutes.

Now you can pour in the milk, sprinkle with sugar. The recipe calls for a teaspoon, but you can use less. For young children, it is better to give a small amount of sugar or completely exclude this ingredient from the menu.

Constantly stir the porridge. As soon as it boils again, wait a couple of minutes and turn off the heat.

Before pouring into a bottle, it must be cooled.

Note to the hostess: If you introduce semolina porridge as a complementary food, then you need to get rid of the fitin during cooking. To do this, after you have added milk and brought it to a boil, boil semolina for another two minutes. And then we let it brew and at the same time cool it down.

Option 4: Semolina porridge with milk and water with a banana

Almost any kind of fruit, preserves and jams are suitable for semolina porridge. To make it sweeter, tastier and more varied, you can add what you have at home. We offer a proven version of semolina porridge with a banana.


  • half a liter of milk;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 200 gr semolina;
  • 50 gr oil drain;
  • two bananas;
  • three table spoons of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Take the butter out of the fridge and let it soften a little at room temperature.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.

Slowly add semolina in small portions. Stir, cook for three minutes until swelling and boiling.

Pour milk, kneading porridge with a spatula or spoon. Cook for another eight minutes, without stopping stirring.

We introduce sugar, dissolve it and turn off the fire. We close the pan with a lid and let the porridge infuse.

Meanwhile, peel the bananas, cut them into small arbitrary pieces, put in a bowl.

Put soft butter in the same container and beat with a mixer.

Add the banana mixture to the bowl with the porridge and mix thoroughly.

Delicious and healthy banana semolina porridge is ready. You have a very hearty breakfast that will energize you for a long time.

Note to the hostess: So that there are no lumps in the semolina that no one likes. Grains should be poured into a boiling liquid slowly, in a thin stream. You can also use a sieve. Another way to avoid lumps is to soak semolina in cold water before making porridge.

Option 5: Semolina porridge with milk and water with strawberries

Strawberries can be taken fresh or frozen. The porridge will turn out to be a beautiful pink color, it will have a rich taste. Even kids will love this treat.


  • half a liter of water;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • 200 gr semolina;
  • half a kilogram of strawberries;
  • 200 gr sugar.

How to cook

If you have frozen strawberries, take them out of the fridge, put them in a colander, and place them in the sink. She must melt. Then rinse it, if there are ponytails, separate them.

Bring water to a boil, add a little semolina, kneading with a spatula. Boil it for five minutes. During this time, it will boil, swell.

Pour the milk, stir thoroughly and continue to cook, without stopping to stir the porridge.

After five minutes, turn off the heat and close the lid.

Put the washed and sorted strawberries in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and process with a blender until smooth. You should have a runny strawberry dressing.

There are two options. The first is to pour the strawberry mass into the porridge and stir, then pour it into plates. The second is to put semolina porridge in portioned plates, and then pour strawberry dressing into the middle. You can take a teaspoon and make patterns in a plate. Or everyone just stirs himself.

Note to the hostess: The cooking time of semolina porridge depends on the amount and grinding. In any case, three to four minutes after boiling the liquid is a prerequisite. Also, the time can be increased up to a quarter of an hour, depending on the recipe. Another prerequisite is the infusion of porridge under a closed lid. So it turns out really tasty and homogeneous.

Option 6: Semolina porridge with milk and water for children from 3 years old

For children from three years old, semolina porridge can be made as thick as for babies. This breakfast is complemented by delicious sweet jam or preserves. Adults will also benefit from such a breakfast.


  • 130 gr milk;
  • 130 grams of water;
  • 4 teaspoons of semolina;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • jam or jam.

Step by step recipe

First, pour water into a container for cooking porridge, bring to a boil.

Add cereal in small portions, stir and cook for four minutes.

Pour milk, sprinkle with sugar and cook, stirring the porridge for the same amount of time.

We remove the finished breakfast from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for at least ten minutes.

Place fruit jam or jam on each plate.

Advice: If you add honey to porridge. We introduce it at the very end, do not cook for a long time, literally one or two minutes. Or you can melt it, and then pour it into ready-made porridge, poured into portioned plates.
