
Raspberries on moonshine recipe. Raspberry tincture recipes

Residents of Western Europe prefer liqueurs to all other sweet alcoholic drinks. In Eastern Europe, of which we are also a part, they do not refuse liqueurs, but prefer to make them from their own berry and fruit raw materials. sweet liqueurs, including those without the addition of alcohol. Raspberry in this sense ranks first in popularity. Homemade raspberry liqueur can be found in every farmer who cultivates raspberries. An important technological point in the manufacture of raspberry liqueur, common to other drinks from this series, is the use of ceramics at home as the necessary containers. In the technological process, glassware will also be needed, and ceramics, in extreme cases, can be replaced with enamel.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home

The main concern of the manufacturer of raspberry liqueur is the quality of the raw materials. Berries, jam, alcohol-containing drinks, water - everything must meet the standards and be used in clean dishes.

Preparing berries

In the classic version, when raspberries are going to be used immediately, they are carefully sorted out, clearing any debris. Then the berries are slightly kneaded and poured into a glass container. But there are other possibilities when the liqueur is going to be made from raspberry jam or from frozen berries, which is also quite simple at home.

Did you know? Raspberries should be frozen no later than two hours after harvest.

How to make raspberry liqueur at home (without adding alcohol)

Pouring, which is prepared without the addition of vodka, alcohol or other strong drinks, can be called liquor very conditionally. It would be more correct to talk about raspberry wine, since the technology is quite consistent with the production of homemade wine by traditional fermentation. The advantage (or disadvantage - as you like) of raspberry liqueur, made according to the "wine" recipe, is in the low alcohol content. Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 0.2 l of water.
First, raspberries and sugar are placed in a glass jar (3 l) in layers, after adding water, all this is crushed with a wooden spoon (you can use a rolling pin). Exhibited in a warm place (where, for example, there is more sun), the container should be closed with a lid that has a water seal. If this is not the case, you can pull on an ordinary rubber glove by making a puncture in it. When the mixture ferments, the resulting liquor is carefully filtered and, poured into a clean dish, left closed in the cellar or in another place where it is dark and cool. After two or three days, the final bottling can be done for subsequent storage at a lower temperature or immediately used for its intended purpose.

Alcohol-based raspberry liqueur recipe

Raspberries already in glassware are poured with vodka (or food alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees) so that they are about 3 cm below the liquid level. After that, the bottle closed with a dense cloth should spend a week warm.

Then the resulting liquid is drained, and the precipitate is squeezed out, moved to another container suitable for heating, and mixed with water and sugar. The resulting substance is brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes over low heat, freeing itself from the periodically occurring foam. After the thick syrup reaches room temperature, it is mixed with the previously drained raspberry tincture.

The final stage consists of straining through cheesecloth, pouring into prepared glassware and simmering for a month to reach final maturity, in coolness and darkness. The process is crowned by filtration, bottling (or other preferred containers). The optimal storage conditions for raspberry liqueur on vodka, the recipe of which has just been described, is considered to be a plus temperature of 6 to 16 degrees. The quantitative proportions of the ingredients used are as follows: raspberries / sugar = 5 kg / 1 kg, vodka / water = 1.5 l / 1 l.

Raspberry liqueur is not necessarily made with ordinary state-owned vodka. Owners who prefer natural products can use homemade vodka, that is, moonshine, to make it. For this, there is a wonderful recipe for frozen raspberry liqueur. It will need 2.5 kg per quarter kilogram of sugar and half a liter of 45-50-degree moonshine. Raspberry liqueur according to this recipe is prepared as follows:

  • thawed raspberry berries placed in a bowl are covered with sugar and poured with homemade vodka;
  • after an hour, the ingredients are mixed (the berries are crushed) until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • the resulting mixture is preserved (you can just close it very tightly) in jars, which are then kept in the dark for a month;
  • after a month, the finished liquor is filtered and poured into suitable containers for subsequent use.

Important! Make sure that homemade vodka is well purified.

For lovers of old exotics, we can recommend a recipe for raspberry vodka liqueur, which was practiced in rural noble estates 1.5-3 centuries ago. Summer residents and villagers can use the oven for this, if there is one, while others will have to be content with the oven.

A ceramic (clay) pot is placed in it, in which a kilogram of raspberries is pre-filled with a quarter of vodka. The neck of the pot should be tied with paper with thin holes pierced (a fork is enough for this). When slowly heated, the berries should turn brown. The resulting composition, after passing through a colander, is mixed with another quarter of vodka and sugar (from 100 to 300 g). Such a liquor for unprepared people can be strong(you should try it right away), which is eliminated by adding squeezed juice from the berries remaining in the colander to it.

Did you know? Liqueurs, which in the old days were cooked in the oven, were called casseroles.

Finally, a quick recipe for making liqueur, which will be ready in a day:
  • high-temperature-resistant sealed containers with berries are set on fire in a basin of cold water;
  • after boiling, the potion languishes on a minimum fire for 1.5 hours;
  • well-strained juice after this procedure is mixed with vodka and sugar (all ingredients are used in proportion corresponding to real circumstances, with an eye to the classic version);
  • the bottled drink takes another 24 hours to reach the desired maturity.

How to make raspberry jam

Freshly harvested raspberry liqueurs may not be enough for the entire autumn-winter period. This is where technology will come in handy, how to make raspberry liqueur when there are no more fresh berries. And jam will replace fresh berries in both cooking options - with and without alcohol.

Recipe for making liquor without alcohol

No matter how much you want to make a drink from raspberries without the use of strong drinks, you cannot do without the natural fermentation process. A curious recipe is very good, involving the use of fresh raisins (0.1 kg) as one of the ingredients (wild yeast). Instead, you can use unwashed grapes, strawberries, or just wine yeast. The other two components are traditional: a liter of jam and a liter of water.

Important! The sugar content of the water-jam mixture should not be higher than 30% and not less than 20%.

The cooking technology is as follows:
  • one and a half months to store the liquor in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees;
  • filter liquids through gauze, pour it into another, hermetically sealed container and keep it in a cold place for 3-4 months;
  • Pour into bottles or other sealed containers.
If you cook a lot of such liquor, the strength of which reaches 12 degrees, then you can enjoy it for up to 3 years, maintaining the tightness of the dishes and the temperature regime - from 6 to 16 degrees.

Pour jam at home on alcohol or vodka

The proposed method for making raspberry liqueur from jam is, in fact, universal in nature, that is, it can also be used when jam is made from other berries. After preparing the usual sugar syrup (100 g of water and sugar each), it is added to 0.4 liters of jam and boiled over low heat for half an hour after boiling. A liter of vodka (diluted alcohol) is added when the temperature of the future liquor has dropped to +20 degrees. Infusion takes at least a week, during its course the container with the drink is shaken from time to time. It is desirable to drain from the sediment as many times as necessary so that there is no sediment at all, and the last infusion lasting a month and a half takes place in the dark and cold in a tightly closed container.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person on Earth who would not like raspberries. The berry is beautiful, tasty, and besides, it is also healthy. If raspberries are used for food and for the preparation of tinctures, then the leaves, roots and stems are used for medicinal tinctures and decoctions.

The chemical composition and beneficial properties of raspberries

The berries, leaves and roots of raspberries contain a whole set of vitamins, fructose, glucose, fiber, as well as malic, ascorbic, salicylic, formic and citric acids. Tannins and dyes, carotene, potassium and copper salts, phytosterol, β-sitosterol.

Raspberry has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, tonic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat anemia, stomach bleeding, colds, rashes, fever, acne, inflammation.

Raspberry fruits are harvested as they ripen, leaves - in June-July, and roots - in the fall after the leaves fall. For medicinal purposes, you can also use homemade raspberries growing in gardens and summer cottages, but wild raspberries have more valuable healing properties. Raspberry medicinal raw materials, collected far from industrial enterprises, highways and large settlements, contain much more useful substances, with a minimum amount of pesticides, herbicides, salts of heavy metals, and other "fruits" of human activity.

The collected leaves and roots are dried in a draft under a canopy, and the berries are processed, dried or frozen. In any form, they are suitable for the preparation of raspberry tinctures.

In winter, dry raspberries can be used instead of tea brewing, the drink will turn out tasty and vitamin, with antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. Raspberry leaves can be brewed alone to treat a cold, or combined with other medicinal herbs with a similar effect. A decoction of raspberry roots is used to treat bronchitis, hives, eczema.

Frozen raspberries can be consumed with severe alcohol intoxication, the acids contained in them neutralize the effect of alcohol, have anti-inflammatory and antiemetic effects.

Raspberry wine and other medicines

We offer you recipes by which you can make medicinal tinctures and decoctions on water and vodka, as well as dessert alcoholic drinks from raspberry berries, roots and leaves.

Recipe 1.

Raspberry tincture for alcohol or vodka. To make a tincture, take 3.5 kg of raspberries, 250 grams of sugar, 250 ml of water.

Raspberries are sorted, poured into a three-liter jar and poured with alcohol or vodka. Then for 2-3 days they clean it in a warm and dark place. Then filter the liquid, and pour it into another bowl. Syrup is prepared from sugar and water, boiled for 3-4 minutes and cooled.

When the syrup has cooled, it must be mixed with the finished raspberry vodka, and the raspberry vodka tincture is ready! Raspberry tincture is an excellent drink for feasts, in addition, in small doses it can be drunk as a medicine for beriberi.

Recipe 2.

Raspberry tincture for alcohol. Take: 3 kg of berries, 7 liters of water, 0.5 liters of alcohol. Sort the raspberries carefully, and boil the water and cool.

Mix all components in a 10-liter bottle. The neck of the bottle is closed loosely, for this you can use gauze or cloth, and put the container near the window.

The bottle needs to be shaken every day, after 2 weeks fermentation will begin in the container, the berries will begin to move randomly, and this will be evidence that the raspberry tincture is ready.

The tincture is filtered, poured into the same bottle and allowed to brew for another 2 days. The drink can then be bottled and decanted.

It is better to store the drink in the refrigerator so that the fermentation process stops and the bottles do not burst from the inside. In general, it is better to use champagne bottles to store this tincture - they are more durable and thick-walled. Raspberry tincture should not be poured into the bottle to the neck - leave 5-6 cm to the brim. The cork should be wrapped with cloth or polyethylene and twisted with wire, like champagne bottles. The raspberry tincture will fully ripen in 1.5 months, and then it will be possible to drink it.

Raspberry tincture for alcohol, prepared according to this recipe, can be stored for no more than a year.

Recipe 3.

Raspberry tincture on cognac. Sugar is not used in this recipe, so the taste of cognac in the tincture will remain, and will be in perfect harmony with the taste of raspberries.

Take 750 grams of raspberries and 1 liter of cognac, mix in a glass jar, close the lid tightly, and store in a warm place for one and a half to two months.

Strain the tincture, pour into decanters and bottles for storage. Raspberry tincture on cognac is stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.

Raspberry tincture with vodka or alcohol helps in the treatment of influenza, hypertension, insomnia, neurasthenia, gastritis with low acidity, diuresis, tonsillitis, measles, scarlet fever.

Raspberry tincture is used to improve digestion, slow down the growth of cancer cells, and reduce pressure.

Recipe 4.

Raspberry pour. The preparation of liqueur is not a difficult process, but the result is excellent. Take 7 kg of raspberries and 3 kg of granulated sugar.

Preparation: we sort the raspberries and put them in a large container, sprinkling with layers of sugar. We tie the container with gauze, and put it in a sunny place for several days.

The first time, before the start of fermentation, the dishes with berries are shaken from time to time. Then a rubber glove or a plastic bag is put on the neck, secured with an elastic band, and cleaned in a dark place for a month. After a month, the liqueur is filtered and bottled, stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5.

A decoction of raspberry roots. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raspberry roots with two glasses of hot water, boil, let it brew. Take with bronchitis during the day, regardless of the meal.

Recipe 6.

A decoction of raspberry roots. Grind the raspberry root, take 50 grams of powder, pour 1.5 liters of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Take orally throughout the day, regardless of food intake for hives, eczema, asthma and bronchitis.

Recipe 7.

Raspberry root on vodka. Grind raspberry root, take 50 grams of powder and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. Steep for 10 days in a dark, cool place, then strain and take 10-15 drops before meals to treat bronchitis.


Raspberry is a useful berry, but its use in large volumes can cause harm. The same applies to preparations from various parts of the plant.

Raspberry tincture, as well as other preparations based on it, is contraindicated in people suffering from nephritis and gout. Alcohol tincture on raspberries will not benefit those who are being treated for alcoholism.

Raspberry tincture, prepared at home, is considered a great refined drink. This dessert drink can be easily made at home. To prepare an alcoholic drink, you need to stock up on the simplest and most affordable products. Most of them are sold in the nearest store or are made independently.


Among experts, there is an opinion that the best option is to use fresh berries. For these purposes, there is no need to breed exquisite and elite varieties of raspberries in your summer cottage. Any berries can be used, even those found in the forest. An alternative option is the use of freshly frozen products. This is true during cold weather, when raspberries do not bear fruit, and fresh berries can only be bought at a fabulous price. Before use, the fruits are pre-thawed.

The preparation of the drink begins with sorting the berries. Petioles must be removed from them. Spoiled berries should not be allowed to enter the composition. Otherwise, the drink may have a bad taste. As a basis, you should choose good varieties of vodka or cognac. If there are no such products at hand, then alcohol can be diluted. Its strength should not exceed 45ºС. In extreme cases, moonshine of a high degree of purification is suitable. The resulting drink should have a pleasant sweet taste and moderate strength.


In order to prepare the tincture, you will need:

  • water 250 ml;
  • vodka (replaced by moonshine or diluted alcohol) no more than 1 liter;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • raspberries - 3.5 kg.

Berries are sorted out in the most careful way. After that, they are washed again, allowed to dry and poured into a jar. This mixture is poured with vodka. Then it is placed in a warm place for 3 days. Meanwhile, sugar is added to the water. In this way, we get a ready-made syrup, which is given room temperature. Vodka and syrup are mixed in a single vessel. The finished product must be stored in glass bottles sealed with a tight-fitting lid. The container is placed in a cool place where the rays of light do not penetrate. Here the product is infused for another 20 days. Then the tincture is filtered, the pure product is separated from the remnants of the berries. Store the tincture in the refrigerator or basement. You do not have to worry about safety, since the shelf life is unlimited.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


No sugar is used in the preparation of this product. Thus, it is possible to preserve the pure taste of cognac and berries.

To prepare the tincture are taken:

  • raspberries - 750 g;
  • cognac (preferably a good brand) - 1 l.

Raspberries must first be sorted out: remove petioles and spoiled fruits. Next, the berries are thoroughly washed and dried. In the container where the raspberries are placed, it is necessary to pour cognac. It is recommended to add it until the drink covers the berries by 3 cm. The dishes must be tightly corked. As in the previous version, it is placed in a warm place. There, the mixture is infused for at least 45 days. The ideal period is 2 months. The resulting tincture must be filtered from the sediment, and the berries are removed with ordinary gauze. Cotton wool is used to remove small parts of raspberries. The resulting product is bottled and stored in any convenient place.


Even a product that has deteriorated due to a long downtime on the shelves is ideal for obtaining a drink. In other words, raspberry jam, which has stood for a long time without being consumed, can be turned into a wonderful alcoholic drink. It is worth noting that if there is mold on the delicacy, then you do not need to use it. Otherwise, you can get a real mash.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • water - up to 150 ml;
  • moonshine or vodka - 300 ml;
  • homemade raspberry jam - 300 g.

Preparing an alcoholic drink

Jam must be removed from the container and placed in a clean bowl. Add vodka to this product and mix thoroughly. Next, the vessel is tightly closed and placed in a cold room, where it will stand for at least 3 days.

You need to constantly monitor the process

Jam and vodka may begin to crystallize. In this case, the product must be shaken. After settling, it is necessary to strain the resulting mixture. For this, not only gauze is used, but also cotton wool. If necessary, you can add water to the resulting drink, thereby lowering the alcohol content.

These are the most famous and simple recipes that will be useful to anyone who decides to make a delicious alcoholic drink with their own hands. Drink to your health!

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Raspberries have long been famous not only for their wonderful taste and sweetness, but also for their beneficial properties. Raspberry vodka tincture (alcohol, moonshine), the recipe of which is described below, is a dessert, however, a properly prepared tincture will help the body overcome fever and colds, and cope with nervous disorders. Raspberries are rich in iron, copper, organic acids, vitamins C, B1 and B12. Raspberry also has a diaphoretic effect, helps to cope with fungal and staphylococcal infections.

For the preparation of tincture, fresh or frozen berries are suitable. Also in this article we will look at the recipe for raspberry jam tincture. Pay special attention to the quality of the alcohol base for the tincture: buy proven vodka, if you use alcohol, then it is better to take medical, diluted to a strength of 40-45 degrees. An excellent solution for raspberry tincture would be homemade moonshine, especially if it was obtained from mash on raspberry jam. Such a tincture will be even more rich and fragrant. You can find on . Moonshine for tincture use double distillation with a strength of 45 degrees. To obtain high-quality moonshine, we recommend (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand): so you can be completely sure of the origin and quality of the drink.

Raspberry tincture recipes for alcohol (vodka, moonshine) are very easy to prepare. See for yourself!

Raspberry tincture recipes for alcohol


  • raspberries - 3.5 kg
  • alcohol with a strength of 40-45 degrees - 1 liter
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams
  • pure water - 250 ml

Preparing the tincture:

  1. Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones.
  2. In a fermentation container, pour the berries with alcohol.
  3. Remove with a tightly closed lid in a dark place for four days.
  4. Next, separate the liquid from the berries.
  5. Boil sugar syrup.
  6. With continuous stirring, pour in the cooled syrup obtained raspberry alcohol
  7. Place the future tincture in a cool dark place for two to three weeks.
  8. After the tincture, strain, pour into a container for storage and put in a cool place (cellar, refrigerator).

Recipe for raspberry tincture on moonshine from frozen berries


  • frozen raspberries - 250 grams
  • moonshine double distillation with a strength of 40-45 degrees - 500 ml
  • pure water - 500 ml
  • fructose - 100 grams
  • fresh ginger - 30 grams
  • fresh chili pepper - half a small pod

Preparing the tincture:

  1. Defrost the berries and transfer to a container for infusion.
  2. Add chopped ginger and half a chili pepper to the berries.
  3. Pour the mixture with moonshine, put it in a dark place at room temperature for 1.5-2 weeks. Strain the tincture after.
  4. Cook fructose syrup.
  5. With constant stirring, pour the syrup into the tincture.
  6. The finished tincture is allowed to “rest” for 5-7 days.

Recipe for raspberry tincture with raspberry jam vodka

Use fresh or slightly candied jam. Old fermented or moldy is no good!


  • raspberry jam - 0.5 l
  • vodka - 0.5 l

Preparing the tincture:

  1. Pour the jam with vodka, mix well.
  2. Close the container with a lid, leave for 4-5 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  3. Strain the finished tincture.

one of the rarest in the home bar. See how many interesting and simple recipes for making raspberry tincture exist. Success in the preparation of raspberry tincture is following the recommendations in the recipe, and also the high quality of the berries. Raspberry tincture not only a delicious alcoholic drink, but also a cold remedy. Find out what a delicious raspberry tincture can be.

Tinctures have been made since ancient times. In many countries, especially the court nobility, they liked this method of preparing alcoholic beverages. Initially, tinctures were made on alcohol with the addition of herbs, which was supposed to help with various ailments and diseases. Over time, the preparation of tinctures has become more thorough, although it should be noted that it is probably hardly possible to create the same tincture a second time. Currently, tinctures are made from almost any fruit, berry and herb in various combinations. One of the most delicious tinctures is raspberry tincture or robin.

Robin very popular, so there are really a lot of recipes. Below are recipes for raspberry tincture from different countries and peoples.

Raspberry tincture on alcohol

In order to prepare this raspberry tincture, first of all we need: 0.5 l of alcohol, about 1.2 kg of raspberries and 4 liters of sugar syrup (proportions of 1.5 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water) . First, pour the raspberries with sugar syrup. Then add alcohol. Close everything carefully and set aside for 10 days in a warm place, but avoiding direct sunlight. After 10 days, pour the resulting tincture into bottles and store in a dark place. This fairly simple recipe for making raspberry tincture with alcohol has no right to fail!

Lithuanian robin

This robin takes about 6 months to cook, but for the excellent, unique taste, it's really worth the wait.

We will need: 1.2 kg raspberries, vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%

Raspberries should be poured with alcohol so that all the berries are covered with vodka. We leave them in a dark place for a day. Then it is necessary to pour, only the liquid, into another bowl and discard the raspberries (without squeezing). We fall asleep again, fresh raspberries in a jar, and fill it with alcohol, which turned out after the first time. We leave it for another day. After that, filter and pour into prepared bottles. We close them tightly and set aside in a dark, cool place for 6 months so that the cooked robin “ripens”.

German raspberry tincture

How to prepare raspberry tincture, which will have a unique aroma and taste? It is enough to follow the recommendations below. German robin is really something else among raspberry tincture recipes.

Required: 2.4 kg raspberries, 5 gr. cloves, about 5 gr. plum (crushed) seeds and 4 liters of alcohol (diluted to 70%)

Squeeze out the juice from raspberries, add cloves and crushed plum stones into it. Pour it all over with alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and expose to the sun or a warm place for a month. Then filter and bottle. Set aside for 6 months in a cool place.

Forest tincture of raspberries

The preparation of this tincture is quite simple, however, it is more difficult to collect berries for this robin. Forest tincture will require forest-harvested raspberries, but finding and picking the berries really pays off! Forest raspberries are more aromatic than garden raspberries. Approximately needed 60 gr. wild berries and 0.5 l of alcohol (diluted to 60% ), and a week later sugar .

Pour raspberries with alcohol so that all the berries are covered. Put on the window, on the sunny side, for a week, so that the color does not fade. Then we pour the resulting liquid into a separate bowl, and sprinkle the raspberries with sugar (the amount depends on how sweet the tincture should be). When the sugar dissolves and juice is formed, we separate it from the berries (squeezing it well) and combine it with the resulting liquid. If the tincture is cloudy, you can filter it through paper. Pour into bottles and you're done!

French raspberry tincture

This type of robin also takes a long time to ripen, but it will pay off in full. French tincture - it's something special.

Ingredients: 3 kg raspberries, 0.5 kg powdered sugar. After 2 days, sugar and 4 liters of vodka, or diluted to 40% alcohol.

We grind the raspberries with powdered sugar and, thus, leave the resulting mass in a cool place for 2 days. Then we shift the mass into a bottle, add sugar (amount to your liking) and pour alcohol. Mix everything and strain through a thick sieve. Pour it back into the bottle and let it brew for 4 days in a cool place. At the end, filter and bottle. Close tightly and leave for 6 months.

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