
Pasta with tomatoes - Italians are delighted! Amazingly delicious and original pasta recipes with tomatoes. Spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce

Spaghetti in Italian is characterized by very fast cooking. Firstly, cooking pasta is, in principle, quite easy and fast. And secondly, one of the basic principles of Italian cuisine is the preservation of the natural taste of products with minimal heat treatment.

The word spaghetti usually means a certain type of pasta: round durum wheat products with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 15 cm or more. All other types of pasta are not spaghetti, and you can no longer call them that. Ideally, when cooking, spaghetti should not be crumbled, they should be long, and they should be eaten with a fork. Fortunately, Russian stores sell a large number of types of Italian and Russian-made spaghetti.

spaghetti recipe with tomato and cheese

The simplest classic spaghetti recipe is spaghetti with tomatoes and cheese.

Must (for 4 servings):

1 pack (300 gr.) spaghetti,

4-5 large tomatoes (ripe, "meaty" tomatoes are ideal)

half a large onion

200-250 gr. cheese,

basil, oregano, salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

    Spaghetti should be pre-boiled in boiling salted water. Usually the required cooking time is indicated on the packaging, but it rarely exceeds 5 minutes. Do not forget that classic Italian pasta should never be boiled, they should be firm.

    While the pasta is cooking, peel the tomatoes and chop them finely.

    Onions should also be cut quite finely: this way it will give flavor to the tomato paste and will not be noticeable.

    Fry onions and tomatoes in a hot frying pan with a medium amount of vegetable oil.

    After the tomatoes turn into a homogeneous gruel, you should reduce the heat to a minimum, salt, add pepper and spices, chopped fresh or dried basil, oregano and, covered with a lid, leave for another 10-15 minutes.

    While the sauce is cooking, you can grate the cheese on a medium grater. Ideally, in addition to the usual hard cheese, parmesan should be added to the finished spaghetti, but its absence will not become critical.

    After the tomato sauce is cooked, you should mix the spaghetti prepared in advance with it and let stand for 1-2 minutes.

    The finished dish is laid out on flat plates and sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

    You can decorate it with a couple of basil leaves (purple basil is ideal for taste) and cherry tomatoes.

Other recipes for spaghetti with tomato paste and cheese include mushrooms, chicken, beef or pork, which must be fried in the same pan before you start cooking tomatoes in it. In addition to these ingredients, you can add finely chopped garlic and various herbs (thyme, rosemary, etc.).

Spaghetti with cheese and tomato should be served with chilled white wine. From non-alcoholic drinks, homemade lemonades and berry fruit drinks, as well as iced tea, are ideal.

Gone are the days when we ate pasta and meatballs for dinner. European cuisine is increasingly capturing our country. Today it is fashionable to eat spaghetti bolognese or something else with an incomprehensible and strange name. What is spaghetti and what are they eaten with?

Spaghetti is a long and thin pasta native to Italy. They are widely used in Italian cuisine and are the basis of a huge number of dishes. Most often in Italy, spaghetti is served with tomatoes and garlic. But there are many other types as well. Popular, for example, spaghetti with tomato sauce, spaghetti with tomatoes, cheese and garlic, spaghetti with garlic and butter. Known in Russia and spaghetti bolognese. But still, one of the most classic recipes is spaghetti with tomatoes and garlic.

Spaghetti appeared in Italy as early as the 13th century, but acquired its name only in 1842 due to the fact that they looked like thin twine (Italian: spago). Today there are about 176 types of pasta. Initially, "spaghetti" was called pasta 50 cm long, but due to the fact that it was inconvenient to store, the length was halved - up to 25 cm. It is also interesting that in each region of Italy, pasta is cooked in its own way.

It is easy to guess that there are a huge number of spaghetti recipes with tomatoes and garlic. After all, only in Italy there are 20 regions, each of which uses its own tricks and secrets in cooking spaghetti. We will focus on one of the simplest options. Cooking will take you about forty minutes. So, how to cook spaghetti with tomatoes and garlic?


To prepare dinner for 6 people you will need:

  • 4 ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red chili pepper
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese;
  • 8 fresh basil leaves;
  • spaghetti.

For the basil-garlic oil:

  • olive oil - 1/4 cup;
  • 8 whole garlic cloves;
  • 10 fresh basil leaves;
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red chili.

Tomato sauce

The first step is to prepare the tomato sauce. Remove the skin from the tomatoes with a sharp knife. Then cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a wide saucepan. Add tomatoes, crushed red pepper, season lightly with salt and pepper. After a few minutes, the tomatoes will become softer. Then they need to be removed from the pan, finely chopped. After that, cook the tomatoes for 20 minutes until they are soft and the sauce is smooth. If the sauce is too tart (perhaps your tomatoes were unsweetened or not fully ripe), add 1/2 teaspoon sugar. If you want to use a tomato and garlic sauce for spaghetti, you can also add garlic along with the pepper.

While the tomatoes are cooking, make the basil-garlic oil. Heat 1/4 cup olive oil in a small saucepan over low heat. Add chopped garlic, basil leaves and chopped chili peppers. The saucepan should be on low heat so that the ingredients heat up slowly. When the garlic starts to brown slightly, turn off the heat and let cool for 10 minutes. Strain the oil, discard all solid particles so that the mass is homogeneous.


For high-quality cooking, you will need a pan with a volume of at least three liters. Fill it 2/3 full with water. As soon as the water boils, salt it and put the spaghetti in the pan without breaking. If the spaghetti sticks out, don't worry - wait a minute: they will soften and completely go into the water. They need to be carefully laid with a wooden spatula (so as not to cut the pasta with sharp metal). Be sure to stir the spaghetti for the first two minutes so that they do not stick together. When the water boils a second time, reduce the heat to medium. Continue to stir spaghetti occasionally. Never cover them with a lid!

Look at how long you should cook spaghetti, according to the recommendations on the package. If you reduce this time by a minute, you will get spaghetti al dente. Such spaghetti should make a slight click or crunch when eaten. Drain the spaghetti in a colander (it's better not to pour the water from them yet). If you are used to washing pasta and then greasing it with oil, then do not rush to do this with spaghetti, experts do not recommend it. According to the recipe, we send spaghetti to tomatoes.

Combination of sauce and spaghetti

Add spaghetti to cooked tomato sauce. Cook over medium heat, stirring steadily (you can even shake the pan a few times), until the pasta is soft and the sauce is smooth. If the sauce seems too thick, add some of the water left over from cooking the spaghetti. Take the pot off the stove and toss in the butter, basil and grated cheese (the pasta should be turning orange).

Time to serve

Arrange cooked food on plates. We recommend putting them in a slightly warmed deep plate. For convenience, use special spaghetti tongs to lay them out neatly and beautifully. Drizzle a little basil-garlic oil over each serving. If desired, you can decorate with herbs or basil sprigs and sprinkle with cheese again. It is important to remember that spaghetti changes its taste when reheated, so it is better to eat them right away.

What to serve spaghetti with?

If you are thinking about what to serve spaghetti with, we hasten to reassure you: spaghetti is an absolutely self-sufficient dish that is not considered a side dish. Experts say that together with meat they lead to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. The Italians themselves are sure that it is impossible to get fat from pasta if you do not mix them with animal proteins (meat, fish). It is recommended to use spaghetti with vegetable (tomato) and mushroom sauces.

In Russia, spaghetti began to be actively introduced in the late 80s and early 90s. In parallel, pizzerias came into use.

The multi-pronged forks we are used to were designed specifically for eating spaghetti.

All pasta in Italy is called the word "pasta", which means "pasta dough".

Pasta with tomatoes is a real hit of Italian cuisine! Insanely delicious, light and beautiful pasta won millions of hearts around the world. The recipe is very simple, which is probably why it has gained such popularity.
Recipe content:

Pasta in our country is a national side dish, which, probably, competes with potatoes in its polarity. Some call them pasta, some call them pasta, and some call them spaghetti. However, the essence of this does not change at all. Dishes with them are always tasty, nutritious and satisfying. This tomato pasta recipe is a quick option for a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner. Its main advantage is ease, speed and availability of preparation, and, of course, excellent taste! You do not need to have special culinary skills to prepare the dish, the main thing is to choose fresh and high-quality products, as well as have the desire to make delicious pasta.

Pasta for a dish can be used in any shape: horns, bows, cobwebs, spaghetti and other interesting products. This will not affect the result of the finished dish. It will still be spicy and interesting. For a change, the food can be made even tastier. For example, show your imagination and add garlic, onions, herbs, cheese chips, butter, anchovies, olives or other products to your taste. All of these ingredients are great to pair with this pasta.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 203 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Durum wheat pasta - 200 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - for frying
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Step by step cooking pasta with tomatoes:

1. Pour drinking water into a saucepan, add salt and boil. Place pasta in boiling water and stir to prevent sticking. Season them with salt, bring the water back to a boil and reduce the heat to medium. Cook the pasta for about 15 minutes, but check the manufacturer's packaging for specific cooking times. Cook them with the lid open.

2. Turn the finished pasta into a sieve and leave for a few seconds to drain all excess liquid.

3. While the pasta is cooking, wash the tomato and dry it with a paper towel. Cut it into large pieces with a sharp knife. Do not crumble it finely, otherwise, during heat treatment, it will turn into a homogeneous gruel.

4. Pour olive oil into the pan and heat. Add the tomatoes and sauté over medium heat until lightly browned on all sides.

5. Put the boiled spaghetti in a serving plate in which you will serve the dish and pour a little olive oil.

Pasta with tomatoes is a very fragrant and easy-to-cook dish that goes well with various foods.

Pasta with Sun Dried Tomatoes

Pasta with sun-dried tomatoes suggests the following ingredients:

  • Pasta-200 grams;
  • Canned tuna - 1 can;
  • Dried tomatoes - 100 g;
  • Onion - in the amount of 1 piece;
  • hard cheese;
  • Fresh greens.

Duration-30 minutes. The number of servings is 2.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Remove skin from onion. It should be cut into half rings. According to the recipe, sun-dried tomatoes should be cut into strips.
  3. Fry the onion in a frying pan until it begins to acquire a golden hue. Put in the garlic and let it simmer for about a minute. Now put sun-dried tomatoes and stew them for about a minute.
  4. Divide the tuna into pieces and add to the fried vegetables. Mix well and turn off the fire.
  5. The prepared dish is consumed with the sauce.

Spaghetti with minced meat and tomatoes

Pasta with minced meat and tomatoes involves the use of such ingredients:

  • Spaghetti-250 grams;
  • Ground beef-250 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Tomato paste - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil;
  • Wheat flour - 1/2 tablespoon;
  • Bulb-1 piece;
  • Dry basil - half a teaspoon;
  • Black pepper;
  • Garlic-1-2 cloves;
  • Hard cheese.

Cooking time-35 minutes. The number of servings is 2.


  1. Boil spaghetti according to package instructions.
  2. When the spaghetti is cooked, you can prepare the sauce. Peel the onion from the husk, wash and chop finely. Saute chopped onion in olive oil until golden brown.
  3. Add minced meat, a little salt and simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Place the tomato paste, basil, parsley and pepper into the gruel. Mix well.
  5. Dissolve the flour in ¼ cup of water and place it in the tomato sauce, mixing thoroughly.
  6. Put the prepared sauce on minced meat, mix and salt. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Finely chop the garlic clove and add to the pan. Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Spaghetti with minced meat is prepared as follows: put the dish on a plate, and put the meat sauce on top of the pasta. Arrange everything on plates and top with chopped herbs and grated cheese.

Pasta with cherry tomatoes

Pasta with cherry tomatoes is a very tasty dish that is also very easy to prepare. Such a dish is not high-calorie, but even dietary, if you use the right varieties of spaghetti.

Pasta with cherry tomatoes involves the use of such ingredients:

  • Pasta-120 grams;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 60 grams;
  • Basil - 5 grams;
  • Thyme - to taste;
  • Butter - 15 grams;
  • Olive oil, salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Onion - 1/2 pc.

The cooking time is 30 minutes. The number of servings is 2.

Pasta with cherry tomatoes: sequence of actions

  1. Boil spaghetti. Remove skin from onion and chop finely.
  2. Cut cherry tomatoes in half.
  3. Saute the onion in a skillet until golden brown - 10 minutes.
  4. Then add cherry tomatoes. Fry everything, stirring constantly. Tomatoes should release juice - 10-12 minutes.
  5. Finely chop the basil.
  6. Pour spaghetti over fried tomatoes and put a piece of butter.
  7. Place the basil in the pan and stir everything together.
  8. Add pepper, salt and thyme to taste.
  9. Mix the finished dish and serve for dinner.

Pasta with tomatoes and basil

Pasta with tomatoes and basil is a real masterpiece of Italian cuisine. Pasta with basil is distinguished by its lightness, taste and beauty. Preparing pasta with tomatoes and basil is quite simple.

Pasta with tomatoes and basil involves the use of the following products:

  • Pasta-500 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 6 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Basil;
  • Salt;
  • Olive oil;
  • Cheese Parmesan.

The time spent on cooking is 25 minutes.

How to cook pasta with tomatoes and basil:

  1. Grease a deep-bottomed frying pan with olive oil and fry the garlic sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin thin plates until it turns golden.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into medium pieces. The basil should be finely chopped. Add everything to the pan, salt, pepper and cover with a lid. Fry for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Boil the spaghetti, drain the water and add them to the prepared sauce. Mix everything and serve the dish for dinner.

Italian pasta with tomatoes and cheese

Required products:

  • Pasta-250 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Onions - ½ pieces;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • Chicken meat - 150 grams;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste;
  • Parsley, basil, cumin, oregano.


  1. Boil pasta.
  2. In a frying pan with olive oil, put two cloves of garlic. It is placed so that the oil absorbs its aroma and juice. As soon as the garlic has changed its color, it must be removed from the heat.
  3. Peel the onion, wash, cut into half rings and put in a frying pan. The onion should be golden in color.
  4. Chicken meat, cut into small pieces, pour to the fried onions. Stir occasionally.
  5. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Add them to the pan, salt, pepper and let stew over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  6. Put pasta on a plate, and top with dressing with tomatoes.
  7. Top the dish with grated cheese and chopped parsley.

How to cook italian pasta with tomatoes

Pasta is a unique dish that can be cooked in different ways:

  • If you want the dish to become vegetarian, then you need to exclude chicken meat from the recipe. Then it will be less caloric.
  • If you don't like the taste of garlic, then just don't add it at the beginning of the recipe. When using garlic, a metallic taste may be observed. Therefore, it is advisable to use young garlic.
  • Pasta is great for people who sit on pasta. You just need to leave out ingredients like cheese and chicken.

There are many different recipes available. It all depends on your preferences and desires. Regardless of the recipe you choose, such a dish always turns out very fragrant and tasty.

I want to teach you how to cook spaghetti with tomatoes and garlic, and the recipe with a photo will help me with this. For flavor, add rosemary, which in Italy is often used in the preparation of various dishes.
By the way, with this sauce you can cook not only spaghetti, but also other types. Rosemary must always be fresh, by the way, it grows well on the windowsill even in winter.

For cooking we need:
- spaghetti for 2 servings,
- cherry tomatoes - 300 gr.,
- a sprig of rosemary
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 2 tablespoons olive oil,
- salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Boil spaghetti according to package instructions. While they are cooking, we will have time to make the sauce.
Wash cherry tomatoes and cut in half. The smallest can be used as a whole. Cut the garlic into small slices.

Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan, fry the garlic in it until golden brown and a pleasant aroma appears, then add the cherry tomatoes. Salt them and leave to stew, stirring occasionally, for 8 minutes.

Rinse a sprig of rosemary, tear off the leaves and cut with kitchen scissors or chop very finely with a knife.

Add chopped rosemary to the tomatoes in the pan. We mix. Now the rosemary will give all its wonderful flavor to the sauce. Tomato juice should thicken, adjust the heat, let the excess moisture evaporate. The lid does not need to be covered.

Drain the water from the cooked spaghetti, you can season the spaghetti with olive oil. Transfer the spaghetti to the sauce.

Gently toss the sauce with the spaghetti so as not to damage the soft cherry tomatoes.

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes is ready. Garnish the spaghetti with a sprig of rosemary before serving.
Fragrant and quick Italian dish is ready! We also recommend preparing
