
Salt dough fridge magnet. Master class: Making New Year's magnets from salt dough

Master Class. Souvenir - a magnet made of salt dough "Kitten".

Gorchakova Yulia Alekseevna, educator of MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.

Description of the master class: I bring to your attention a master class on making a souvenir - a fridge magnet made of salt dough, which is intended for teachers, as well as children of senior preschool and primary school age.
Purpose: a souvenir - a keepsake, interior decoration, a prize for rewarding the winners of sports, intellectual games.
Target: making a figurine of a kitten from salt dough with your own hands.
Tasks: promote the development of fine motor skills, creative imagination, fantasy, cultivate love and respect for friends and relatives, arouse a desire to please with an unexpected gift.


This animal lives only at home.
We are all familiar with him.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
The mouse is afraid of him.
He purrs and sings.
Well, of course, this is ... (cat.)
For work I needed the following materials:
For test: 1/4 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 100 ml water.
For coloring: gouache, brushes "Squirrel" No. 2 and No. 3, a glass of water, clear varnish, magnets, super glue.

1. First I mixed all the ingredients: flour, salt and water, and I got a salty dough.

2. Then she pinched off a small piece, rolled up a ball and flattened it a little. Got a head.

3. In the same way, she blinded the body, slightly pulling the back to the right.

4. Now we will make small details: ears, paws, tail - all this from small pieces of dough.

5. Select the nose and oval cheeks.

6. And stick a big heart for decoration.

7. Then I dried the figurine in the oven and painted the torso.

8. Our kitten will be striped, for this I used several colors.

9. And finally, I highlighted all the details.

10. I waited for the figurine to dry, varnished the product and glued the magnets to the glue - a moment.

The souvenir is ready, and each child will be able to mold such a simple cat on their own and please their loved ones.

Do you want to learn how to make quickly, cheaply, and most importantly with your own hands, original souvenirs, Christmas decorations, fridge magnets?

For example, here is a cat.

Or a monkey with a snowman.

Or a happy home.

See how many different things you can do!

So you want to learn? Yes? Then let's start! Right now. It is not difficult.


All this is done from salt dough. Take regular flour. It is better to take the cheapest one, so that it is not expensive. The quality of the flour does not affect the final product. The main thing is that it was wheat.

Take salt.

The smaller, the better. And even better grind salt into powder. By the way, here is a good coffee grinder with which you can do this.

From salt and flour, knead the dough in water. Salt and flour are mixed in a ratio of one to one. Put a glass of salt on a glass of flour. We add water - as in the usual dough. LITTLE SECRET!!! To make the dough better, you need to add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and a spoonful of PVA glue to this mixture,

Well, that means that they kneaded it and got such a bun.

In appearance, this dough is similar to that from which bread is baked. It's not good for food because it's very, well, very salty. But it does not stick to your hands and generally has a bunch of unique properties, unlike the usual test. Most importantly, it is ideal for sculpting. After preparation, this dough must be kept in the refrigerator for a day. This is necessary so that the salt is completely dispersed. Only after that you can start sculpting.


So, the raw material is ready. Now let's move on to the sculpting process itself. I think in childhood they sculpted everything from plasticine. Everything is the same here. There is nothing fundamentally new. Take a plank and sculpt. Roll "balls", "sausages", etc. It all depends on your imagination and your hands. Well, since not everyone was born a professional sculptor, there are tools that will simplify the task of your pens. Here, for example, are such stacks that can be carefully cut off, figuredly cut, etc.

There is a set of such tools 75 re. Sold in any art store.

Or these gadgets. They can make all sorts of patterns, eyes, nostrils, ears (if you sculpt someone alive). These things are also inexpensive.

If you don’t want to buy a special tool, you can get by with what is at hand in every home instead. An ordinary ballpoint pen, a penknife, and even better a clerical knife will do.

And so, we sculpt. We get mushroom houses.

Baskets with flowers.


Cupcakes with buns.

And a whole lot more stuff.


Here you stuck a lot of all sorts of wonderful things. What's next? Beyond them need to dry. Put on a plank and dry on the battery.

The drying time depends on the thickness of the product. Small things dry in three days. Large and thick ones have to dry for about a week.

The fact that your toy is completely dry, you will understand by color. The dough turns white when dry. First around the edges, then more and more. When the whole little thing acquires a uniform whitish hue, then it dried up. It can also be determined by hardness. A completely dry thing becomes very hard.


So. To dry, our toys are dry. But they are so ugly! White, lifeless, as if from some realm of the snow queen. And our world is a world of colors! Means what? So, our toys need to be decorated! And it's also quite simple. Even for those who had a C in drawing at school!

We start to decorate. First thing we need brushes. At least that's it!

Or at least that much.

Scared? Well, in vain. I joked. In fact, all you need is these thin brushes.

And in order to finally calm you down, I’ll say that, in principle, just one thin brush is enough for you. Roughly like this.

You can also use oil paints.

Well, let's decorate!

And our toys begin to smile, laugh and bring together all the colors of the rainbow.

Now, so that the paint does not peel off, it remains only varnish them. I use this one. I don't remember where or when I bought it.

But you can use any other varnish - it does not matter at all. I think it's good for nails too.


It may happen that some toy you have accidentally breaks. Well, drop, for example, a snowman or a monkey, and the head will break off. This happens sometimes, because small gizmos are quite fragile.

So, if this suddenly happens, do not rush to cry and throw your work into the trash. Everything is done quickly and easily.

Take this PVA glue.

And you glue it. Seizes quickly, no traces of the connection remain.


The most interesting question. What are these toys for? Well, it all depends on your imagination and your needs. You can make such Christmas decorations. Then, during modeling, while the dough is damp, you need to make a hole, where you will then thread the thread to hang it on the Christmas tree. On New Year's Eve, such toys are very relevant. Snowmen, Santa Clauses, monkeys - after all, the year of the monkey is coming.

Small things can be fridge magnets. Then, on the already dried and decorated toy, you need to glue a magnet on the back side. Magnets are sold in craft stores. Glue with any glue. The main thing is to keep. It is possible on PVA, it is possible for a moment. This is roughly how it works.

Horseshoes can be hung over the door of the house. Hearts can be hung in the car. Large toys can simply be put on the table in the form of souvenirs. In general, the range of application is very wide.

If you have small children, then the main thing in modeling from salt dough may not be the result, but the process itself. The kids love making things like this. Yes, and you, next to the child, will fill your hand at the same time and become a pro in modeling.

And most importantly, think How nice it would be to give such gizmos to loved ones! Not just a fridge magnet, not just a Christmas toy, but a magnet and a handmade toy. Original, unusual, existing in a single copy! When you give, you can also joke that your gift is the most environmentally friendly that can be. And it's not just a joke! This is true! Because your gift is made from dough, which includes flour, salt and water. Even if you eat - do not get poisoned. And try to chew on a toy from the store ...

Did you enjoy making things with your own hands? Then . This, by the way, is easier and faster than sculpting from salt dough. But no less interesting.

Thank you for reading to the end! Good luck to you! And trust your hands more than the stores!

The kitchen is a sacred space for any housewife. It also plays an important role for other family members. After all, this is not only a place to eat, it is also a cozy corner where the whole family gathers and shares their thoughts and experiences.

Therefore, the kitchen is decorated with flowers, and the refrigerator with various magnets. Since often, it is they who can tell a lot about the life and character of the owners. However, you can make a magnet with your own hands.

Let's try to make a heart shaped fridge magnet. For this we need:

2. Salt;
3. Acrylic paint (gold);
5. Scissors;
7.Super glue MOMENT.

So, let's begin:

1. To begin with, we take salt with flour, and mix them in the same proportion, adding a little water. In this case, we can take 1/3 of a small glass. In total, you should get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.

2. Next, from the resulting "dough" we make a cake, from which we cut out the heart in the future. In order to facilitate your work and cut out the shape as beautifully as possible, you can first draw the outline of the heart with a toothpick and then cut it out with a knife.

3. Also, do not forget to remove excess dough with a knife.

4. Now we proceed to an equally important moment and sculpt the letters for the word "LOVE". After all, with the words of love, our heart will become more attractive. We make a small thin sausage, from which we will get the first letter.

6. Then, by the type of the first letter, we make the last two. In total, the word "LOVE" is ready.

7. We sculpt the letters on a heart from salt dough and decorate it with a dotted pattern.

8. Then we send the salt dough to the oven for 15 minutes at low heat.

9. After we took the heart out of the oven and it cooled down, paint it in acrylic gold paint (dries quickly enough).

11. After we have glued all the layers, we are waiting for complete drying.

12. Again we take the MOMENT glue and apply it to the shape of a golden heart, press it and wait again until the glue dries.

Here is such a wonderful and sunny one made from salt dough in the shape of a heart. Surely he will find his place among other decorations of the refrigerator.

Each of us on the eve of the New Year begins to stock up on gifts for loved ones! And today I want to offer to make small presents for your dear people with your own hands - these are New Year's magnets "Winter Hut". We will make them from salt dough (you can replace it with self-hardening clay). I chose salt dough, because the ingredients for it are available to everyone, and you can sculpt such products with children!

For work we need:

  • salt dough (the recipe I use will be below);
  • stack, clerical knife;
  • toothpicks, needles;
  • board for plasticine or ceramic tiles (where we will roll out the dough);
  • acrylic paints (if metallic colors are available);
  • gouache (black and ocher);
  • brushes;
  • felt;
  • magnet;
  • lacquer (I used colorless lacquer ХВ-584);
  • rhinestones (I have a diameter of 3 and 5 mm);
  • glue (Moment, PVA);
  • optional white glitter;
  • sponge.

Salt dough recipe (I have made it many times already):

  1. 150 g water + 1 tbsp. l. mix simple wallpaper glue, let the glue dissolve well;
  2. 200 g flour + 200 g fine salt + 2 tbsp. l (with top) mix potato starch separately;
  3. combine everything + 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

For several magnets, the amount of ingredients for salty can be divided in half.

It is better to prepare the dough in advance (I make it in the evening and put it in the refrigerator at night, wrapped in 2 bags).

Important! When working with salt dough, always keep the bag closed, the dough dries quickly!

We will have two options for magnet huts!

Magnet "Winter hut" with two Christmas trees

1. Roll out the dough, cut out the blank for the huts according to the template (the edges can be trimmed with a brush with water). Let's outline where the logs, the roof, the snow will be. We make a sausage from 4 mm dough, cut it into approximately equal parts, grease the workpiece with water and begin to impose our logs, flattening them a little.

2. Until our logs are dry, we pass through them with a needle, we get an imitation of a tree. We make two more sausages, flattening a little. With the help of a needle or a toothpick, we make roundings from one edge and transfer our workpieces to the hut, lubricating the places with water in advance, then we make recesses on the rounded workpieces (I did it with dots, but you can also use a regular toothpick). We make a pipe above the roof, we pass through the dough with a needle, imitating bricks. Next, we roll the ball, flatten it, cut it in half, we need only one part (it will be a window above the roof), attach it to the hut, make indentations, we get a window.

3. We make a thin sausage, lubricate it around the window with water, wrap it with sausage - it turns out to be cashing the window, flatten it a little.

4. In the middle of the hut there will be a main window made of a rectangular piece of dough, we make recesses in it. We roll the sausage, divide it into four parts according to the size of the window - these will be the platbands. We flatten the blanks and transfer them to the hut, not forgetting to lubricate the gluing places with water.

5. Now you can sculpt a Christmas tree. We cut out three trapezoidal blanks of different sizes, round each blank, cut the lower edge into three parts and round it with a toothpick (twigs are obtained). At the beginning, we lay down the largest workpiece and incrementally. We pass along the edges of the branches with a needle.

6. We will get two Christmas trees, high on one side, smaller on the other. We make indentations in the Christmas tree a little larger than the rhinestones themselves, because when dried, the salty dough becomes smaller. We make snow on the roof, in front of the hut, on the windows.

Magnet "Winter hut" with a snowman and a Christmas tree

We proceed to the next version of the magnet. The first stages of modeling are the same as for the first hut.

1. In a slightly different way, we will make platbands at the roof, small roundings on the edge and recesses in them with a toothpick. We roll the ball, make an oval, cut it off a little at the bottom, we get a semicircular blank for the window. We attach in the middle of the hut and the affairs of the deepening.

2. We take a strip of dough, apply it over the window and flatten the edges a little with a knife or a stack.

3. We do the same at the bottom of the window. Next, we make shutters: cut out two rectangles, cut them at an angle and attach them to the hut.

4. We make a snowman. We roll three balls of different sizes, flatten each ball and start attaching it to the hut from the largest one, roll four balls, these will be our arms and legs of a snowman 🙂 We make a hat from a triangle of dough, a scarf from two stripes. Nose - carrot-triangle dough. The Christmas tree is molded in the same way as in the first hut.

Our blanks for magnets are ready, let them dry well (I leave them on the battery for 2 days). At first, they are dried on foil, and when they dry, I transfer them to cardboard, because. the foil does not allow air to pass through, and the workpiece does not dry out.

Our huts have already dried up, now we cover them with black gouache (you can also brown). When the gouache has dried, we begin to carefully wash it off, so the product is embossed. The blanks dried out from the water. Let's start painting. We take brown acrylic paint and with a thin brush we pass along the logs of the hut. Next, we cover the platbands: at the first hut, we cover the platbands with gouache (ocher), at the second - with blue acrylic, and the outfit of the snowman is also blue.

When the paint has dried, we paint the frames at the windows with white acrylic, and at one hut we tint the trim with white.

Then we mix green and a little brown, we cover the Christmas trees with it

We need to make "frozen" windows. We drip blue and white paint directly into the window, mix quickly with a needle, add a little more white around the edges. We cover the platbands painted with ocher with an additional paint of a different color (I have acrylic metallic bronze, if it is not there, you can mix brown and yellow acrylic paint - you get beige platbands). We paint the snowman with white paint. Next, we take a sponge and begin to tampon with white paint, where we will have snow (I also walked over the logs with a brush). We make eyes and a mouth for a snowman. We tint the snowman on the hat and scarf with silver paint.

First we varnish one side of the magnet, when it dries, we cover the other side (the varnish that I use gives a little yellowness on white, after the varnish has dried, the snow is again covered with white paint). We take the felt, circle it, cut it out, this will be the back side of the hut.

Making souvenir magnets from salt dough. Master Class

Korsunova Yana, 7 years old, student of the 1st grade of the Moscow State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Surovikino, Volgograd Region
Supervisor: Korsunova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher of technology, Moscow State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Surovikino, Volgograd Region

Purpose: for interior decoration or as a gift for the New Year
Target: development of creative abilities

Materials and tools for work:

Salt, flour, water, gouache, colorless varnish, magnetic tape;
- Small rolling pin, dough brush, scissors, garlic press, small knife or stack

New Year- This is a favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. It is nice to receive gifts at any age, so you can please your friends with an unexpected gift that will remind them of you for a long time. It can be a souvenir magnet or a Christmas toy made from salt dough.
Any product made from salt dough in the house is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family: bread and salt will always be on the table.
Salt dough is one of the most versatile art materials available.
Beautiful things made from salt dough - different figures, paintings, panels decorate the room, create comfort.
Durability and durability of products. You can even play with them without fear that they will lose their shape or break.

Description of work:

1. Preparing salt dough
The main material for the manufacture of products from salt dough: premium flour - wheat, rye (gives the dough more friability), "Extra" salt. The usual proportion for kneading salt dough: for 2 parts of flour, you need to take 1 part of salt and dilute with water to the consistency of soft plasticine. The finished dough should be elastic. We will store the dough in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out.
For coloring dried products, we will use gouache.
2. Modeling
You can come up with a variety of New Year's stories for art modeling yourself, find them in children's books or on postcards. Roll out the dough into a 1 cm thick layer. For precise cutting of composition details from the layer, we use pre-prepared templates of these details.

The parts cut out of the dough are carefully laid out on a dense sheet, on which they will dry.
The texture in the drawing of the workpiece is achieved using various tools (you can use everything that is at hand). With a stack we apply veins on the spruce branch and the details of the product

Manicure scissors will help to make needles on the Christmas tree

If the dough is passed through a garlic press, you will get spaghetti-shaped curls, with which you can make a tree crown. Moisten the junction of the parts with each other with water

3. Salt dough processing
After complete drying, paint the product with gouache and varnish

Glue magnetic tape to the back of the product

Salt dough magnets are ready
