
The best ideas for a romantic evening with your loved one in nature and at home. Refreshing the past: a romantic evening with a loved one

In the summer months, few people want to spend time in stuffy apartments - a person reaches for the bosom of nature and tries to spend every free minute by the sea, a river, in a cool forest. An interesting romantic evening in nature with a loved one is really possible.

How much free time is spent by people within the gassed metropolis: endless trips to supermarkets, trips in stuffy buses and trains. Weekends are also held in clubs, crowded cafes and cinemas - all this is already quite boring and you want something fresh and extraordinary. When the vacation is still far away, and the desire to relax in body and soul is already overflowing, you can perfectly, with benefits for the soul and health, spend a wonderful evening outside the city, having a picnic in a beautiful place.

In order for the evening to be filled with the best feelings, it is worth taking a little time to organize this event. You need to take a beautiful warm blanket so that you can comfortably sit on it during your rest - you can even lie down and then admire the beauty of the firmament. If the couple has a car, then you can take a small folding table with chairs with you to place snacks and a bottle of cold champagne on it - convenience is guaranteed! You should definitely cool a bottle of champagne or wine that a girl loves, you can buy high-quality cheese for it and cut it at home in advance. In nature, the best choice is disposable tableware, the variety and color scheme of which will undoubtedly decorate the table. Fruit at a romantic dinner is an indispensable attribute, you can buy a bunch of grapes, a few apples, oranges, kiwi, a banana and arrange everything beautifully on plates right in nature. Cheese and fruits perfectly emphasize the taste of wine and champagne. If you plan to spend a lot of time in nature, then you need to take care of food, because fresh air excites the appetite and soon you will want to eat something more satisfying than fruits. If a young man is an excellent cook and knows how to cook meat on a fire, then you should grab a compact barbecue in the trunk of a car to impress your beloved with culinary masterpieces - an unforgettable romantic evening is guaranteed.

Going to beautiful places, you should make sure that after the rest there is no garbage left - natural beauty does not deserve to be defiled by a mountain of bottles and cellophane waste. You need to take a couple of garbage bags with you and take out everything that is left after the picnic.

Now you need to think about what menu will be offered on an unusual romantic evening in nature. What to cook on a fire to conquer a girl with cooking skills? Fish is a great choice, especially if your loved one is watching her weight: you can cook salmon steak, as well as inexpensive mackerel baked in foil with lemon - such a dinner in the fresh air will make your head spin. If a couple loves chicken meat, then chicken skewers with large champignons will look very impressive - this exquisite delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. Barbecue vegetables can be made - sweet bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant are great in their taste when roasted over charcoal.

When the issue is resolved with food and snacks, you can proceed to the musical accompaniment of the evening and entertainment. If the car has good sound equipment, that's fine, but you should download your favorite music in advance, while not forgetting about slow compositions of romantic content. If a couple loves classical music, then this factor should definitely be used - if someone has heard how the works of great musicians sound in the bosom of nature, they will definitely understand what they are talking about.

Now it's worth thinking about entertainment: when walking along the coast is pleasantly relaxing, then you can play a game of board games, if both people like such entertainment at home. Do not give up active games to warm up - badminton or volleyball will give an original touch to the rest, and after a hearty dinner you will want to move. Going to nature in the evening, you should also take care of the means that protect against insect bites, otherwise a pleasant date will turn into a war with mosquitoes, and then into an unbearable itch from their many bites. There are many protective preparations in stores that will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

By organizing your romantic date on a beautiful shore, a person will receive an unforgettable aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the beautiful view of the natural elements. If there is a lake, sea or river near the city, it is best to organize your vacation near water bodies: water takes away negative emotions, relaxes and relieves stress.

An unusual romantic evening is necessarily prepared according to your own scenario, because everyone has different tastes and preferences, and only the chosen one knows what his soul mate loves and how she prefers to relax. Conquer your loved one with an extraordinary fantasy.

Is your romantic trip on hold? This is no reason to be bored. It is enough to buy a train ticket or get into a car, drive a few kilometers from the city and have a romantic picnic in nature.

Picnic just for two

Do not rush to call your friends and marinate a pot of meat. A light romantic meal in nature is a great option for a summer holiday for two. To get started, choose a location. Whether it will be the forest park closest to the house, a flower meadow or a picturesque river bank - it's up to you. Prepare everything you need in advance. This will not be a simple menu, but ... exciting the best feelings. There is no need to indulge in gluttony, otherwise, instead of romance, you will both be pulled into a dream.

Menu for a romantic picnic

The menu for lovers can be like this:
Sandwiches "Sycamore". You will need sliced ​​cheese, butter, slices of bran bread, 2-3 walnuts, and one seedless bunch of grapes. Smear the slices of bread with butter, put the cheese on top, decorate with halves of grapes and nuts. These sandwiches are easy to make right on the spot if all the ingredients are prepared in advance.
Salad "Seventh Heaven" Take 150 g of cheese and ham, cauliflower, onion, two jars of natural yogurt, 1 tsp. lemon juice, salt and pepper. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and boil, cool and mix with chopped ham and cheese cubes. Season with yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Drink - aphrodisiac

In advance, purchase convenient containers, bright disposable tableware and a tablecloth (it is desirable that everything be in the same color scheme). Prepare also a beautiful thermos for the Lovely Bacchante love drink. To prepare it, take 200 ml of grape juice and 50 ml of grape wine. Wine and juice must be the same color. If one of you is driving, omit the wine from the recipe and increase the proportion of juice. In addition, you will need 50 g of honey, 200 ml of water, kiwi, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Dissolve honey in 100 ml of hot water, then pour in grape juice, wine, lemon juice and the remaining water. And if you also add 5 ml of ginseng tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy, it will become a real aphrodisiac. Cool the finished drink and pour into a thermos. If you don't have a thermos, prepare a drink the day before, pour it into a plastic bottle and put it in the freezer overnight. By morning, it will turn into a block of ice, and by your picnic it will become just cool. Kiwi circles serve as a decoration, add just before a meal. You'll see, he just gasps! And of course, you will want more from such treats ... After a picnic in the fresh air, you will surely be drawn to exploits. Where to carry them out - directly in the bosom of nature, in a car or endure until home - decide for yourself. If you choose the first option, it is better to look after a suitable area in advance and, perhaps, even carry out a “cleaning up” the day before. Otherwise, there is a risk of throwing a “accidentally” blanket at hand on cans and broken glass. Especially not lucky for those who will be below.

Good weather favors romantic dates in nature. 'cause we we picked for you 5 Best Picnic Recipes, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time and give maximum pleasure.

Italian appetizer

Italian appetizer - salad on skewers

In addition to being tasty, it is also very convenient to eat in nature. Salad strung on skewers is original, tasty and convenient. There can be a lot of variations, you can combine various vegetables, or fruits and cheese, we offer you the following recipe:


Cherry tomatoes - 6 pieces

Mozzarella - 12 pieces

Salami - 200 grams

Fresh basil - a few sprigs

Lettuce - a couple of sheets

We string all the ingredients one by one on wooden skewers - and your appetizer is ready.

Another Italian recipe that many will like. And if our first recipe is suitable for a light aperitif, then such sandwiches will definitely not leave anyone hungry. The main feature of this sandwich is that they need to be compressed, and then they will take up a minimum of space in your picnic bag.


Ciabatta - 6 small buns (or 2 large baguettes)

Red bell pepper - 3 pieces

Mozzarella - packaging

Arugula - 1 bunch

Meat platter (salami, bacon) - 300 grams


Balsamic vinegar

Olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds and send it to the hot oven for 10 minutes, putting it with the skin down. When the pepper turns a little brown, take it out and cool, then remove the skin, add a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut the ciabatta in half lengthwise, brush each half with butter. Assembling our sandwiches: on a ciabatta with butter, put a piece of pepper, a generous layer of cold cuts, mozzarella halves, drizzle with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper, put more arugula and cover with the second half of the ciabatta. We press the sandwiches, wrap them in cling film and send them to the refrigerator for a while.

Another popular appetizer that is just right for outdoor recreation. And most importantly - no intricate products and difficulties in cooking.


Lavash - 1 pack

Cucumber - 2 pcs.

Cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.

Greens - to taste

Processed cheese - 2 packs

Wash vegetables and greens and cut into small strips. Mix all the chopped vegetables and spread evenly over the pita leaf. Grate the processed cheese and also evenly distribute over the pita bread. Roll the appetizer into a roll and refrigerate for a few minutes. At home, you can pre-cut ready-made pita bread into slices and put them in a convenient dish.

non-alcoholic cocktail

A bright and refreshing non-alcoholic cocktail of frozen balls of melon or watermelon will not only quench your thirst, but also cheer you up. It's so original and simple.


Melon watermelon

Mint - a few sprigs

Mineral water - 1 liter

With a small ice cream spoon, cut out balls from the pulp of a melon or watermelon, send it to the freezer in an airtight bag overnight. Before the trip, we put the zip-package in a cooler bag. Next, we prepare a cocktail already on the spot - pour the balls into glasses, fill with mineral water, decorate with mint leaves and enjoy the cocktail, which will gradually be filled with the taste of melon and watermelon!

For those who want to drink something stronger, but not get too drunk, sangria is perfect - fruit in wine. This popular drink came to us from Spain. Sangria is perfect for a hot romantic picnic. Prepare sangria at home and enjoy the taste in nature, after pouring it into a container convenient for transportation.


Wine - white or red - 1 bottle

Lemon or orange, apple or strawberry - 100 grams

Lemonade - 1 liter

Rum, brandy or vodka - 1 cup

Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Cinnamon - a pinch

Cut fruit, add sugar and cinnamon, pour a glass of any strong alcohol and leave for several hours in the refrigerator. "Drunken fruits" pour wine, lemonade, add ice and mix. Your cocktail is ready to drink!

The article helps to understand what a romantic dinner and date with a loved one is and how best to organize this event so that everyone is really happy with it.

What to pack for a romantic picnic for two

A good picnic requires good food. For this purpose, you can cook a baked chicken and immediately cut it into portions so as not to mess around with fatty foods during a romantic date.

In the store you can buy sausages that are useful for frying at the stake. You can also buy croutons or bread. Suitable for a picnic would be a delicious sauce that is suitable for both sausages and chicken.

Goodies such as pizza, sandwiches or tartlets can be an excellent addition to the table. Having shown imagination, you can cook pancakes with an unusual and exquisite filling. Fruits and vegetables, fish baked with lemon, cheesecakes or sweet cookies are also useful.

A good addition to a romantic picnic can be a bottle of good wine that your companion will like.

Romantic picnic on the beach near the sea, on the river bank, on the roof for a birthday what to cook

In order to organize a romantic picnic in an unusual place, you must first of all take care of coziness and comfort during such a date.

If we are talking about the seashore of a river or the roof of a high-rise building, then you need to take into account the fact that it can be windy there, and therefore cool. In this case, you should take blankets with you, which, if necessary, can hide you and your soulmate from bad weather.

On a picnic of this kind, you can take pillows or blankets with you, on which it will be comfortable and warm to sit.

If possible. You can also take care of a romantic atmosphere: pleasant music, candles or garlands ...

You can cook anything for a romantic picnic, from the simplest salads and sandwiches to gourmet appetizers, main courses and desserts. And do not forget about drinks suitable for such an occasion.

Romantic picnic in the forest, park, what to take and what food to buy, groceries, menu for a loved one

If you are going to have a romantic date in the woods or park, then you should think carefully about the additional things that you may need in this case.

If you are going to have a romantic date in nature, then you should decide in advance on the list of products and necessary things that you will buy in the store. In addition to food, you should also take care of cleanliness and hygiene. You need to buy dry and wet wipes, an additional bottle of clean water. It will also not be superfluous to take care of protection against insect bites, for which it is worth buying a special spray or cream.

Do not forget about preparing skewers or grills if such dishes are included in your plans. You may need to bring coals for a fire with you.

If we return to the topic of products, then it would be appropriate to take a variety of fruits, vegetables, sausage or cold cuts, sandwiches for a picnic. You can also buy meat or sausages to cook on the fire. The composition of the menu depends on your own imagination, but you need to remember that the food should be in such a consistency that it is convenient to transport it.

Romantic picnic in the evening, at night, in autumn, winter, summer at home ideas and recipes

There are no barriers to organizing a romantic picnic in the cold season (at night, in autumn or even in winter). You just need to plan well.

From a grocery basket for a romantic date in the fresh air, a bottle of good red wine, sandwiches with red fish and a thermos of hot tea or coffee will do just fine. All this can be beautifully folded into a basket, not forgetting cutlery, glasses and napkins.

To give a more romantic atmosphere, you can buy small multi-colored candles in candlesticks. Also, do not neglect such an attribute as a beautiful tablecloth, which will look spectacular against the backdrop of snow.

Another important and necessary device is folding furniture. Indeed, in the cold season, a blanket on the ground may not be enough. All this can be diluted with romantic music, good mood and a thermos of mulled wine.

Spring is here and it's time for a picnic! What is the best way to organize it? Here is the main idea!

10 things for a picnic: an American picnic

A country-style picnic will bring friends together and give everyone a new look - a classmate in a cowboy hat will seem like the man of your dreams, and your best friend in a plaid shirt will suddenly look like Charlize Theron.

The simplest things are sometimes the most spectacular - and here are 10 must-haves for a country-style picnic.

1. Tablecloth with a country pattern - a bright pattern in the style of "country" will create the right mood during a picnic and become the center of attraction for all friends.

2. Checkered cowboy shirt - an indispensable attribute of country style. Irreplaceable clothes for almost any situation, except perhaps for a ball and a gala reception. And it’s hard to come up with a better picnic.

3. Guitar. The guitar can be used as a string instrument, percussion instrument, as a stand for glasses and as a device for musical rowing - if for some reason you and your guitar find yourself in a pond, on a boat without oars.

4. Bottled beer. There is no need to explain anything here, the main thing is to collect bottles and other garbage after you have drunk all the beer.

5. Burgers, sausages, potatoes. You can buy potatoes already peeled and chopped, or you can bake them in a fire - it will be even tastier and healthier. Burgers and sausages are good with mustard and ketchup, fried right over an open fire - in case you forgot the brazier.

6. Travel coffee pot and coffee. A real cowboy can't do without coffee, so be sure to bring a travel coffee pot and ground coffee to brew an invigorating drink over an open fire.

7. Roaster in a suitcase. The compact, handy roaster makes it easy to grill anything from a whole leg of lamb to a traditional burger.

8. Picnic set. Instead of running around the supermarket in search of glasses, spoons, forks and plates, it is easier to purchase a picnic set, where everything you need will be packed in a handy bag that you can take with you to all spring and summer picnics.

9. Folding chairs. Not everyone likes to sit on the ground, besides, a large company does not always fit on one, even a large bedspread. Folding chairs are a simple and easy way out. You can sit on them, play cards or put things on them.

10. Folding glass with bottle opener. The thing is necessary and extremely functional - there are always not enough glasses, and openers, as a rule, are left at home. This glass, moreover, takes up very little space - it will fit into the breast pocket of a cowboy shirt.

10 Things for a Romantic Picnic: French Holidays

Picnic for two - what could be more romantic? Under a bright blue sky or under a melancholy gray - you two, under the same blanket, on the same wavelength ... Ten things that will create a love mood.

1. Cozy blanket. The warmth of loving hands and eyes is, of course, the first thing you need for a romantic picnic, but a blanket doesn't hurt either. Better from a dense lightweight fabric: it does not take up much space, and in which case it can be easily washed.

2. The rug is folding. A rug for two - not too big so that two lovers do not get lost at its different ends.

3. Openwork napkins will add sophistication and elegance to a romantic meeting.

4. Glasses for wine. Even the simplest glasses for a romantic picnic are better than plastic cups. Good wine is tastier to drink from glasses!

5. Kiss pillow. The softest, most comfortable and practical kiss.

6. Cooler bag. To please yourself with ice cream on a warm day in nature, a cooler bag will help. In it, if desired, you can put not only ice cream, but also cubes for cooling drinks.

7. Thermal mug. Hot coffee or tea is an essential part of a romantic dessert. In such a mug, freshly brewed coffee will retain its taste and aroma for a long time.

8. Polaroid. Memories that will stay with you forever - that's what Polaroid is. You can also fool around: capture the most unusual images of each other for a romantic album - there will be something to show to your girlfriends.

9. Wine, fruit, cheese. The classic French picnic set is a tried-and-true combination of sweet, salty and tart.

10. Cakes, croissants and other sweets. Sooner or later the wine will run out, and it will be too early to go home: this is where the sweet time will come. And it's not about kissing!

10 things for a picnic: a picnic-bachelorette party

Only for girls: chatting about stupid things, discussing men, clothes, bags and accessories, drinking sweet wine and giggling - this is a real bachelorette party. And what if you have a bachelorette party in nature, a real themed picnic? Let it be Japanese-style - for this we have collected ten things that you will need for a Japanese-style picnic.

1. Tabi socks are socks that look like mittens: they have a big toe separated from the rest. The Japanese wear tabi with traditional Japanese clothing - kimono, but even without a kimono in such socks, a bachelorette party will acquire obvious Asian features.

2. Bamboo fan. Japanese girls, giggling, cover their mouths with their palms. For this, you can use a fan - it will turn out a little old-fashioned, but colorful!

3. Bamboo napkin is the main item of Asian table setting.

4. A set of dishes and chopsticks. Bowls and sticks will turn even ordinary Russian food, such as dumplings, into an exotic dish.

5. Vegetables are delicious, quick and easy: any picnic is indispensable without them. Peppers, zucchini and carrots, grilled or tempura fried, will reveal an unexpected taste! Especially with sprouted soybean sprouts and soy sauce.

6. Ready rolls and sushi. What is there to say? Sushi is sushi - who loves what. The most reliable are vegetarian - they can be stored for the longest time without a refrigerator: for outdoor recreation, this is what you need.

7. Plum wine. Not a single Japanese celebration is complete without this drink: a traditional Japanese weak wine for girls.

8. Soy sauce. For the Japanese, soy sauce, as for Russians and Americans, mayonnaise and ketchup - you can eat anything with it.

To prepare this dish, both special pans for tempura and Chinese wok pans (small round deep pans with a convex bottom) are used.

10. Bedspread with traditional Japanese print. This is the most important part of the picnic: girls in Japanese socks will sit on it, eat Japanese food and giggle like Japanese schoolgirls.
Drawings with dragons, Mount Fuji or the rising sun are perfect for a Japanese-style picnic.

10 things for a family picnic: Italian picnic

A family picnic is fun, but troublesome. There are so many things to take with you, so much to cook, and, as usual, something most needed will be forgotten at home! Ten things that no family picnic can do without.

1. Jug for wine. First, the pitcher must be unbreakable. Secondly, it must be large enough to have enough drinks for everyone.

2. Glasses for wine. Glasses, of course, may seem like a luxury in nature, but they give the picnic the atmosphere of a real family holiday. And they ring when someone raises a toast to grandparents.

3. Picnic set with bottle cooling bag. For a family picnic, it is more convenient to take a bag to cool one bottle and cool them all in turn. This bag is lightweight and takes up very little space, which is important because a large family has a lot of luggage.

4. Grill for fish. Grilled fish: fast, convenient, tasty and you can do without oil.

5. Apron with barbecue set. The real head of the family at the picnic differs from all others in that he commands the barbecue. Therefore, an apron with a barbecue set is his working tool and at the same time his dress uniform.

6. Large family blanket. You can sit on it, you can wrap yourself in it for two or three, or cover a family member who has fallen asleep after dinner.

7. Folding chair with backrest for grandparents. An ideal place to take a nap under a warm blanket after a couple of glasses of wine and a serving of grilled fish.

8. Pizza, breadsticks - the perfect snack to take with you and offer the family while the fish is fried.

9. Fresh fish, herbs, salt, spices: a traditional Mediterranean meal. Feel like in Italy!

10. Playing cards. Cards are no less than ten ways to have a good time, and not all card games have a bad reputation for gambling. For example, "Mafia" is a great family game, and the cards will help determine who has the lot to be an honest person, and who is a member of Cosa nostra.

10 things for a picnic: children's picnic

Children do not really like delights in food, but they love games and dressing up. A picnic for children is sure to have fun games and bright costumes.
Indian games are the favorite among children of any gender, so it's time to organize a themed children's picnic, especially since preparing for it is not at all difficult: the main thing is to know a few rules for relaxing with children.

1. Indian costume. Indian outfit: poncho, moccasins, headdress with feathers - such a costume is easy to make from an old scarf or bedspread, sneakers and a headband, to which decorative feathers of bright multi-colored paper are attached.

2. Picnic utensils. Picnic set - all the necessary utensils for a picnic in one set.

3. Children's blanket. A funny and comfortable folding blanket in the shape of a dog will be happy to carry any child to a picnic. What else do you need for a proper rest?

4. Flying saucer. Agility and speed are the qualities of a real Indian. Flying saucer games will captivate both children and adults.

5. Bow and arrows. Archery for speed, archery for range, accuracy and just shooting from a homemade bow - rarely does anyone refuse such pleasure during a forest picnic?

6. Utility knife. Cutting a branch for a bow, opening a Coke bottle, sharpening an arrow and slicing bread - a knife is the main thing at an Indian picnic.

7. Tripod for a bowler hat. Almost no one forgets a bowler hat, but they usually try to make a tripod for a bowler hat from improvised means. And they are defeated! Grab a comfortable tripod and a hook and hanger and you won't be left without a hot meal at the Indian camp.

9. Corn. Fire-roasted corn is a camping romance and nutritious snack for Indians of all ages. Don't forget salt on the cobs - the main seasoning for any meal.

10. Long burning matches. Of course, a real Indian will make a fire without matches, but we, unreal Indians, are somehow calmer with matches.
