
False caviar from herring recipe. How to make caviar from herring

Recipe for making fake red caviar from herring and semolina. Fake caviar is prepared very quickly and consists of simple ingredients. The taste of this paste is more like capelin caviar, and the herring itself is almost invisible. Appearance and color, it may well pass for caviar of red fish. This paste - caviar is great for making everyday sandwiches, or filling holiday tartlets. And if you plan to serve fish or seafood dishes to the table, then such caviar can serve you as a pleasant decoration.

Required Ingredients:

1 herring (lightly salted);

1 onion (salad variety);

1/2 cup vegetable oil;

1 teaspoon tomato paste + 1/4 cup warm water (tomato juice);

2 tbsp. spoons of semolina (with a slide);

Salt to taste.

How to cook:

Take a large herring, not strong salted, and wash it. Remove the skin from the fish and separate the fillets from the bones. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. If your onion is bitter and spicy, it is advisable to scald it with boiling water and rinse with cold water.

Using a mixer, grind the herring and onion until gruel. Postpone.

Pour vegetable oil into a small saucepan. If you do not have tomato juice or sauce, then dilute a spoonful of tomato paste with warm water. Pour the tomato water into a saucepan with oil and salt a little. The liquid now has a stratified consistency - a separate layer of oil and a layer of juice.

Place the saucepan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer for another 10 minutes at a gentle simmer. The liquid is a little combined, but basically remains the same stratified.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside. Semolina should swell a little more and combine all the ingredients into one mass.

In the cooled semolina, add gruel from herring and onions.

Stir the pasta until smooth, if desired, you can beat the caviar with a blender.

Ready-made fake caviar from herring and semolina spread on bread and serve with hot tea.

To make the caviar more tender, mix it with mayonnaise to taste.

Fake caviar (recipe #1)

The recipe is very old, even my mother gave me these sandwiches to school with her! great appetizer and absolutely delicious!

Here the main thing is that the fish was with caviar! This is the secret of the recipe. We sell caviar from herring separately .. but in my case - 1 herring with caviar,
half a glass of semolina,
1 small onion
1 tablespoon red pepper
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
I put the finished caviar in an airtight jar, and it is stored for a week without problems, instead of pate for a sweet soul!
We cook the semolina until the consistency "so that the spoon stands" on the water, add a little salt, it is very important that it is COMPLETELY COOL!

We clean the herring, separate it from the skin, I also cut off the bellies with bones .. I don’t like them .... ;) and wash them well along with caviar

Then caviar, herring and onion are passed through a meat grinder 2!! times

We combine all the ingredients, semolina, a mass of herring and onions, pepper, vinegar and oil ... and mix thoroughly. The finished mass can be decomposed into jars and eat on bread.

Delicious! I advise you to try! And caviar crunches on your teeth, it feels like you are eating real caviar .. hence the name, fake! :)))))

Author bastet
Snack "False caviar" (recipe No. 2)

This is the most delicious buttercream I have ever tried. The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang! Mom "brought" the recipe from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often !!

* 1 herring
* 100-150 g butter
* 2 processed cheese
* 3 small carrots
Clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until tender.
Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready.
Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, I have never stood that much).
You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes.
I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar !!
So cheap and cheerful, but delicious.... Try it!!
Recipe author nikulj Photographer Nadinka
False caviar 2 (recipe No. 3)

And another interesting and tasty putty for sandwiches

2-3 boiled carrots
1 herring
100 gr. butter,
2 processed cheese
two hard boiled eggs.

I don’t have a meat grinder by definition, I always use a combine with knives. Who is more comfortable here.
So, we put all our ingredients in a bowl

and grind until smooth

You can salt to taste if the herring is lightly salted.
We smear on a bun and drink tea :)

We put the rest in the refrigerator, for the future :)

Bon appetit!

Red and black caviar is a real delicacy. We do not eat every day, but serve it to the table on a special occasion. But, you can easily fix this and make this delicacy from herring. We'll talk about the recipes below.

It can be made from ordinary products, even from brine.

We will prepare the following products:

  • herring brine 100 ml;
  • tomato 40 g;
  • sunflower oil 80 ml;
  • semolina 100 g;
  • onion 80 g

Let's get to work:

  • grind the onion in a meat grinder;
  • pour oil into the ladle and put the tomato, wait for it to boil;
  • slowly pour the semolina into the boiled tomato-oil mixture and stir until the mass thickens;
  • combine herring with semolina and mix well;

Cool and leave in a cold place for 2 hours. Now we make sandwiches with this caviar

Black caviar from herring, recipe

Black caviar has become an absolute delight, because of its high cost, only a few can afford it. Now we will tell you how to surprise your guests with this delicacy without spending a lot of money. The already painfully familiar herring will help us with this.

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • onion 2-3 pcs.;
  • walnuts 200 g;
  • rye crackers 100 g;
  • herring fillet 150 g;
  • sunflower oil 100 g;
  • salt, spices.

Let's start cooking:

  • finely chop the onion and fry in oil;
  • add crackers and ground walnuts to the onion and fry until golden brown;
  • chilled roast and herring are passed through a meat grinder;
  • mix well and add spices and salt to taste.

Now it remains to put the resulting caviar on a plate and decorate with greens. You can fill it with tartlets and put it on the table.

Caviar from semolina and herring, recipe

Another "red caviar" can be prepared from herring and semolina. At first glance, the products are not compatible, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

You will need the following products:

  • tomato juice 1 glass;
  • semolina 1 cup;
  • sunflower oil 1 glass;
  • fillet from a pair of large herrings;
  • onion head 1 pc.

Let's start cooking caviar:

  • take a container and heat the tomato with oil in it;
  • the liquid boiled, it's time to add semolina to it, pour it in a thin stream and stir constantly;
  • cook semolina until it becomes thick, should be separated from the walls of the pan;
  • twist the herring and onion in a meat grinder;
  • minced herring is combined with semolina;
  • We put the resulting product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

That's all. Caviar can be smeared on bread and eat. If desired, you can add chopped dill to the mass.

Caviar from herring, processed cheese and carrots, recipe

Herring is a very useful fish and it is necessary to eat it. In its normal form, it can quickly get bored, so we suggest you make red caviar out of it. You may be surprised, but it's real.

So, for cooking you need the following products:

  • herring 1 pc.;
  • processed cheese 1 pc.;
  • carrot 1 pc.;
  • butter 200 g

Cooking progress:

  • boil the carrots until half cooked and cool;
  • remove the herring fillet from the ridge and skin;
  • we twist all the ingredients in a meat grinder, mix well and set to cool;
  • It remains to prepare sandwiches and serve to the table.

In addition, this caviar is a great snack without any additions.

Herring caviar and butter, recipe

This recipe is more like making herring cream or mousse. But it's tasty and original.

We will need:

  • herring fillet 200 g;
  • butter 100 g;
  • sour cream 2 tbsp;
  • apple 1 pc.;
  • onion head 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  • finely chop the herring, apple and onion;
  • put chopped herring, onion, apple into the blender bowl and add sour cream;
  • everything is thoroughly crushed;
  • beat the butter with a mixer and combine it with the herring mixture.

With this caviar, you can cook sandwiches or stuff boiled eggs.

Pike caviar recipe

You came across a caviar pike, whether you caught it yourself or bought it with caviar, it does not matter. You are lucky, because you can cook fish and eat caviar. To begin with, caviar must be cooked.

Do it in stages:

  1. Fish caviar is in a film bag, which is also called a yastik. It is from him that it must be extracted. We arm ourselves with a colander, gently squeeze out the caviar. As a result, the caviar will pass through the holes and end up in a bowl, and you can safely throw out the film. There is another way, put the caviar in a deep bowl, take the mixer and turn it on at the lowest speed, and, as it were, beat the caviar. The film is wound on the blades.
  2. After that, rinse the caviar with water. We make a brine, boil water at the rate of 2 liters per 1-1.5 kg of caviar. The water boils, pour salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).
  3. The washed caviar is transferred to a container and poured with boiling water, while it must be mixed. Caviar should be scalded for 3 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, you need to prepare a piece of gauze folded in several layers.
  5. We throw back the caviar with brine on gauze, the latter is hung over the sink, or any container, so that all the water is glass.

Caviar is ready. Before serving, caviar can be seasoned with chopped onion and add a little sunflower oil. It should also be remembered that caviar is a perishable product and can only be stored in the refrigerator, in glass containers for no more than 4 days.

Cooking pink salmon caviar at home, recipe

Pink salmon caviar is very useful, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart, the proper functioning of the nervous system, skin and hair health. It can be made at home. First you need to remove the caviar from the shell. This is done either by hand using a colander or a mixer (as is the case with pike caviar). The caviar was removed from the film and it is necessary to make a brine.

For him you will need:

  • liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 400 g pink salmon caviar.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt. We put it on fire. Boil and remove from stove. Now we cool the brine to a temperature of 40 - 50 degrees. Place the caviar in a saucepan and fill with brine. Leave for 15 minutes, if you like it salty, then keep it for half an hour. Time has passed and it is necessary to drain the brine. Caviar is ready.

Carp caviar recipe

Carp is a commercial fish that can be caught in our rivers. In the spring, you can often catch caviar fish. Carp caviar tastes good and healthy, it just needs to be cooked correctly. As in the previous two cases, the caviar must be separated from the film.

Then you need to make a brine:

  • To do this, pour 70 g of salt into a liter of water and boil.
  • After that, we put the caviar in a colander and place it in the brine, leave it for a few minutes. We take it out, let the water drain.

It remains to spread the caviar in glass jars, put a layer of melted butter on top and put it in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, caviar can be eaten.

Cod caviar recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • raw cod caviar - 700 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 2 tbsp.

Now salt the caviar:

  • We separate the caviar from the film.
  • Put a pot of water and salt on the stove. We boil.
  • After boiling, remove the brine from the heat and fill it with caviar. You need to stir.
  • In advance, we prepare a colander lined with gauze in 3-4 layers. We filter the brine with caviar through a colander, after that we hang the gauze to glass the liquid.

Caviar is ready. It is better to store it in the refrigerator in a glass container.

Cooking trout caviar, recipe

Trout is another fish whose caviar can be cooked independently. The whole process takes place in several stages:

  • We take a pan with high edges. Pour a liter of water into it and pour 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt, a teaspoon of sugar. Cook until salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and cool the brine to 60 degrees.
  • We lay the caviar in the film in the brine and beat everything with a whisk. We remove the film wound on the whisk. Beat until the caviar is completely free from the films.
  • You regulate the salting yourself, to get low-salted caviar, you need to keep it for 10 minutes, if you like it more salty, keep it in brine for 20 minutes.
  • Drain the caviar through a sieve.

Caviar is ready, you can eat. You need to eat caviar in a couple of days, it is a perishable product.

Burbot caviar recipe

Caviar preparation process:

  1. We put caviar in films in a colander and pour boiling water over it. This will make it easy to remove the film.
  2. We shift the caviar into a glass jar.
  3. We cook brine from water, salt and pepper (a glass of water, 3 peas of allspice, 3 tablespoons of salt).
  4. Cool it down to 60 degrees.
  5. Fill the caviar with brine and put in a cool place.

Caviar is ready in three days. Ready to be stored in the refrigerator.

This article tells about the preparation of caviar from herring. Detailed recipes for salting caviar of different fish species are also given. Using the information provided, you can cook caviar yourself and surprise your household. Bon appetit.

step by step recipe with photo

False caviar from herring and carrots is insanely delicious: there are practically no small bones in it, it has a velvety taste and its spreading consistency is suitable for creating not only sandwiches, but also canapes, stuffing eggs, etc. Such a mass of herring, boiled carrots , processed cheese and butter is also called herring pate. By the way, the dish can be prepared from any kind of salted fish: herring, mackerel, capelin, etc.


  • 1 salted herring
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 2 processed cheese
  • 50 g butter
  • 2-3 pinches of salt
  • 0.5 pcs. Luke
  • greens as desired


1. Remove the head, fins, tail and entrails from the herring. Rinse the fish thoroughly in water and remove the black film inside the abdomen. If there is milk or caviar, then leave them, washing. We will analyze the carcass on the fillet, removing the ridge and large bones. Cut into small pieces. Pre-boil the carrots for 20 minutes, and then abruptly place in cold water, let cool, and peel. We freeze processed cheese in the freezer for 10 minutes, like butter. As soon as everything is ready, let's pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, installing a grate with small cells on it.

2. Add salt to taste. Peel the onion and grate it on a fine-fine grater so that only the juice gets into the container with the herring mass. Mix everything so that all the ingredients in the container are combined with each other.

3. Put the resulting mass into prepared containers, such as jars or containers. Place the containers in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the mass grabs and becomes denser. After the specified time, false herring caviar can be served directly to the table in containers. If you like greens, then sprinkle dishes with caviar chopped herbs, green onions.

Note to the owner

1. From the tender mass, I want to completely eliminate the bones. But how to take them all out, because in the pulp of medium-sized herring they are completely transparent, like white nylon threads? .. You need to bend the already cut pieces so that the tips of the bones stick out from there. It is advisable to do such jewelry work together: one crumples fish slices, the second wields tweezers - this type of activity can be entrusted to the kids: they are big-eyed and dexterous. You should not worry about the fact that the product will be deformed as a result of such manipulations, since it still has to go through the meat grinder screw.

2. The thinnest Armenian lavash is covered with false herring caviar, gently crushed after twisting, so that the dough is slightly saturated with fat and softened. After an hour, cut the whole tourniquet into small rolls with sharp culinary scissors. Miniature rolls with coral filling are an aesthetic and original snack for forty-degree alcohol or strong beer.

3. Few people are able to eat a large tartlet filled to the brim with this hearty and high-calorie ersatz caviar. It is better to spread it on round crackers, and put some sour product on top: 4-5 pomegranate seeds, a triangular sector cut from a lemon slice, a couple of cranberries, sea buckthorn.

BUDGET DISHES False red caviar - several recipes and all are delicious

False caviar from childhood

The recipe is very old, even my mother gave me these sandwiches to school with her! great appetizer and absolutely delicious!
Here the main thing is that the fish was with caviar! This is the secret of the recipe. We sell caviar from herring separately .. but in my case - 1 herring with caviar,
half a glass of semolina,
1 small onion
1 tablespoon red pepper
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
I put the finished caviar in an airtight jar, and it is stored for a week without problems, instead of pate for a sweet soul!
We cook the semolina until the consistency "so that the spoon stands" on the water, add a little salt, it is very important that it is COMPLETELY COOL!

We clean the herring, separate it from the skin, I also cut off the bellies with bones .. I don’t like them .... and wash them well along with caviar

Then caviar, herring and onion are passed through a meat grinder 2!! times

We combine all the ingredients, semolina, a mass of herring and onions, pepper, vinegar and oil ... and mix thoroughly. The finished mass can be decomposed into jars and eat on bread.

Delicious! I advise you to try! And caviar crunches on your teeth, it feels like you are eating real caviar .. hence the name, fake! :)))))

False caviar 2*Student (with eggs)

And another interesting and tasty putty for sandwiches
2-3 boiled carrots
1 herring
100 gr. butter,
2 processed cheese
two hard boiled eggs.

I don’t have a meat grinder by definition, I always use a combine with knives. Who is more comfortable here.
So, we put all our ingredients in a bowl

and grind until smooth

You can salt to taste if the herring is lightly salted.
We smear on a bun and drink tea :)

We put the rest in the refrigerator, for the future :)


Recipe for red caviar from herring (without semolina)

But did you know that from ordinary salted herring you can make amazingly tasty caviar for sandwiches? No! Then we will tell you everything in detail.


  • sliced ​​bread - 300 g;
  • processed cheese - 150 g;
  • herring fillet - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 50 g.


Now we will tell you how to make caviar from herring. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes. If you bought a whole herring, then pay close attention to the fact that you need to choose the bones very carefully.

My carrots, boil until tender, peel and chop into small pieces. Cool the melted cheese and butter in the freezer, and then cut into small cubes. Now we combine herring, carrots, butter and cream cheese in one bowl.

Next, we take a blender, beat everything well until a thick homogeneous mass is formed and put it in the refrigerator. We cut the bread into slices, fry them in a toaster and put a small amount of red caviar from herring on each slice. Ready-made sandwiches are decorated according to your taste and served on the table with fresh cucumbers.

Herring caviar recipe (with semolina)


  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • tomato puree - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons.


So, to prepare caviar from herring with semolina, we take a liter mug, pour the right amount of sunflower oil and tomato puree into it. Then we put the dishes on a slow fire, do not mix the liquids: they remain floating in layers.

After a few minutes, when the mixture begins to bubble slightly, pour semolina in a thin stream, constantly stirring the contents of the mug so that no lumps form. Right before your eyes, the semolina will begin to connect with the tomato, and the oil is left to float on its own. Exactly one minute later, remove the mug from the stove and leave the mixture to cool.

At this time, let's take care of the fish for now: we take the herring, process it, cut it into fillets, remove the bones and, together with the peeled onion, chop with a blender. In a deep container we shift the fish mass and semolina, cooked in tomato and oil. Mix all ingredients with a spoon until smooth. Then beat everything again with a blender to make the mass airy and lush. That's all, homemade herring caviar is ready. Now you can spread it on bread or stuff pancakes with it.

False caviar with tomato paste


Herring 3 pcs

semolina 1 glass

tomato juice 2 glasses

sunflower oil 1 glass

bulb onions 3 pcs

black pepper 10 peas

Herring caviar recipe:

1. Boil the oil and tomato juice (you can take a glass of tomato paste and dilute with a glass of water). Pour semolina and cook over low heat with continuous stirring for 10 minutes. Leave to cool to room temperature.

2. While the "eggs" are cooling, clean the herring, free it from the bones and finely chop. Chop the onion as finely as rice. Herring and onions can be scrolled in a meat grinder.

3. Mix all the ingredients and add pepper.

Herring caviar can be smeared even on black or white bread, and sprinkled with green onions, dill, parsley, etc. on top.

Recently bought a herring. And somehow I didn’t want to eat it in its usual form. So this old recipe came to mind, forgotten, in my opinion, not deservedly at all. My mother cooked it in my childhood, lovingly calling it “Soviet-style red caviar”. I didn’t think about the name then, now I understand that the taste of the dip is very reminiscent of red granular caviar and is quite suitable for sandwiches for breakfast. Keeps well in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
A few more words about cooking. Mom always twisted all the ingredients in a meat grinder. I took a kitchen device - a blender and beat the mass into a mousse. I can't say exactly how it tasted better. I advise you to try both cooking options and choose your favorite.

To prepare a carrot and herring snack, you will need:

bread sliced ​​-200-300 g
herring fillet - 150 g
melted cheese - 50 g
medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.
butter - 50 g

How to cook carrot and herring appetizer

1. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes.
If you have a whole herring, then please note that the bones must be chosen very carefully.
2. Boil carrots and cut into small pieces.

3. Cool the melted cheese and butter in the freezer and cut into cubes.

4. Combine herring, carrots, butter and melted cheese in one bowl.
Blend with a blender until smooth.

5. Fry the bread in a toaster.

6. Put a small amount of herring snack on each piece and decorate according to your taste.

Serve on a platter with fresh cucumbers. Bon appetit.
