
Lemon curd: a recipe for cream anglaise for desserts in two versions. Lemon curd on yolks

First of all, prepare the lemons. It will take 3-4 medium fruits to get 100 ml of juice. But before squeezing the juice, remove the zest from all the lemons. Place citrus fruits in a colander and scald with boiling water, dry with a towel. Place a sheet of parchment on a fine grater to reduce zest loss. Remove the yellow part of the lemon, carefully wiping it from all sides. Afterwards, peel off the parchment with a knife.

Now squeeze out the juice in a way convenient for you. Roll the lemons on the table before squeezing. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. You should get 100 ml of juice.

Add medium-sized chicken eggs to a deep heatproof bowl. Pour in granulated sugar. Mix a little with a hand whisk. No need to beat.

Add a pinch of salt and lemon zest. Stir.

Pour in the squeezed juice, add pieces of butter and cornstarch. Stir.

Corn starch can be replaced with potato starch.

Now let's figure out how much to cook so that it turns out to be the desired consistency. . Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Place the bowl with the egg-sugar mixture in the bath. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the liquid, and the water should simmer slowly. Take a whisk and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. This process usually takes 2-3 minutes.

Once the mixture thickens, remove the bowl from the water bath.

Pass the cream through a fine strainer to remove any remaining zest and any lumps that have formed. This step is convenient to do with a hand whisk, turning it in a circle.

Prepare a bowl of ice water in advance. Place the bowl of cream in cold water and stir vigorously until the temperature drops below room temperature. In this way, we will prevent the appearance of a film on the surface of the cream.

Done, help yourself!

Delicious desserts to you!

Hi all. Today we will deal with such a concept as Kurd. I myself heard this foreign word relatively recently, and was terribly interested. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler than I thought. Both in terms of composition and in terms of preparation. So what is this Kurd and what is it eaten with?!

Kurd is a custard made with fruit juice; it can be anything, but the most famous is perhaps lemon. This is where we will begin our acquaintance.

Lemon cream is incredibly easy to prepare, and how delicious it is! Its area of ​​application is simply vast. Perhaps you won’t find another such versatile product. Kurd is good as a layer in cakes, as a filling for cupcakes, tarts and tartlets, macaroons, and pastries. Yes, even just as a snack with pancakes or toast, it’s very tasty!

But most of all, my husband and I love the combination of this custard with Pavlova cake. Sweet meringue combined with sour lemon curd and my favorite - it's a flavor explosion!

How to make lemon curd at home, recipe step by step with photos.


  1. 4 yolks
  2. 100 g sugar
  3. 70 ml. lemon juice
  4. 70 gr. butter
  5. zest of 1 lemon
  6. 2 tablespoons starch (optional)


First, we need to remove the zest from 1 lemon and squeeze out lemon juice. You don’t have to grind the zest too much, then we’ll just pass our cream through a sieve. Try not to touch the white rind of the lemon, otherwise bitterness will appear in the cream.

In order to get more juice from a lemon, there are a couple of tricks: firstly, you can heat the lemon in the microwave for literally ten to fifteen seconds, and secondly, cut it lengthwise rather than across.

In a saucepan, combine our yolks with sugar, lemon juice and zest. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring all the time until thickened. It literally takes 5 minutes.

Then, add our butter at room temperature, mix and remove from the stove. If you want to get rid of the zest, strain through a sieve.

If you need a straight dense consistency, then there are two options: either add a couple of tablespoons of starch at the very beginning, stirring it in lemon juice, or add gelatin at the very end, I think 3 grams will be enough (I once added 5 and I got jelly ). Gelatin must be prepared according to instructions.

Pour the finished cream into a jar and put it in the refrigerator to cool for at least a couple of hours, and preferably overnight.

That's it, our lemon curd is ready.

Isn’t there really nothing scary or difficult to prepare? Using the same principle, you can prepare curd from any citrus fruits - lime, orange, tangerine.

By the way, curd can also be made from berries - cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry... Whatever you like! Experiment.

Bon appetit.

Every housewife should have a classic recipe for lemon cream. No wonder this recipe is in two books by Anastasia Zurabova! And now you can check it out on the website. Lemon curd is an excellent product that is not only good on its own, but can also serve as a filling for various baked goods: from donuts and cupcakes to cheesecakes and tarts. This dessert is also an amazing sauce for cheesecakes, pancakes and pancakes. Light, fresh and aromatic cream that everyone will love!

What is lemon curd

In fact, this traditional British dessert is a fruit cream made from eggs, butter and sugar with the addition of fruit, usually citrus fruits. Since the 19th century, lemon curd has become a common part of English cuisine, served on bread and toast instead of jam. It is also used as a filling for baked goods.
Lemon cream differs from regular custard in its distinct citrus aroma and more uniform texture.
Kurd is not an independent dish; it is eaten with bread, toast, and also as part of numerous desserts. But it's time to start cooking!


  • Lemon juice – 240 ml
  • Zest of one lemon
  • Yolk - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Corn starch - 20 g
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Salt - a pinch

How to cook

1. Pour lemon juice into a saucepan and heat over medium heat until almost boiling.

Lemon curd, a fruit cream created in the likeness of custard, came to us from English cuisine and immediately deservedly won everyone’s favor. The dessert has a citrus aroma, thick texture and can be used in a variety of ways, while its simplicity and ease of preparation make the dish universal and attractive.

How to make lemon curd?

Lemon curd is a custard made from fruit juice that has a balanced taste, color and citrus aroma. Kurd does not require exotic ingredients: eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice and butter allow you to quickly and easily create such a delicacy. Its only difference from custard is the absence of milk and flour.

  1. To prepare dessert, use only fresh lemon juice.
  2. It is necessary to remove the zest from the citrus fruits, squeeze out the juice and combine with eggs and sugar. Add oil.
  3. Lemon curd is cooked in a water bath, which helps avoid lumps and curdling of the eggs.
  4. The cream is cooked until completely thick and immediately removed from the stove.
  5. The finished mass should be cooled at room temperature, covered with film and placed in the refrigerator.
  6. As it cools, the cream will thicken. If necessary, whipped cream will help to dilute the thickness.

Lemon curd is a recipe based on the technique of making custard. The difference is that the fruit mass has a lighter texture, less fat content and a less cloying taste. Such qualities are suitable for biscuits, giving the latter the desired oiliness. But Kurd is not suitable for decoration because it is not able to hold its shape.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • butter - 55 g.


  1. Grind the lemon zest.
  2. Squeeze the citrus juice, strain and mix with zest.
  3. Add eggs, sugar, beat and place in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Add butter to the thickened mass, stir and remove from heat.
  5. Cool the lemon curd and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Lemon-orange curd has a rich taste, wonderful aroma and is one of the few healthy desserts. This dish clearly maintains the balance of sour and sweet, which allows you not only to decorate baked goods, but also to serve it as a separate delicacy, poured into bowls. The cream is easy to prepare and will take no more than half an hour.


  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • butter - 110 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.


  1. Grind the lemon and orange zest.
  2. Squeeze out the citrus pulp.
  3. Mix sugar with eggs, add butter, zest and juice.
  4. Bring to a boil in a water bath and cook the lemon custard for 15 minutes.

Citrus curd is invigorating, refreshing and goes well with homemade butter and shortbread. The speedy dessert has features, knowing which you can get the perfect cream. Thus, by increasing the amount of sugar, you can regulate the excess acid, and short heating of the fruit in the microwave guarantees an abundance of juice from lemons and limes.


  • lime - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 60 g.


  1. Grind the lemon and lime zest.
  2. Mix it with sugar and set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits.
  4. Add juice and butter to sugar.
  5. Place the cream in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  6. Strain the lemon curd through a sieve and cool.

Eggless lemon curd

Eggless curd has a dense and stable texture, and therefore is used in baking. You can’t make complex decorations from it, but small and simple patterns are fine. Potato or corn starch will replace eggs and create a cream of the desired thickness. This recipe is economical, which makes it easy and simple to decorate sweets.


  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • corn starch - 60 g;
  • butter - 75 g.


  1. Remove the zest from the citrus fruit and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Mix starch with powder and add to lemon mixture.
  3. Add the oil and place the cream in a water bath.
  4. Strain the thick lemon curd through a sieve, cool and use as intended.

Lemon curd with the addition of gelatin is similar in texture and preparation technique to custard. Separately beat eggs with sugar, mix with lemon juice and cook until thick. Since the composition includes gelatin, the cream is stable, viscous and perfect as a base for a cake or filling tarts.


  • gelatin sheet - 2.5 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 80 g.


  1. Before making lemon curd, soak the gelatin in water.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice, add half the sugar and heat.
  3. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar and add to the lemon mixture.
  4. Boil for 3 minutes, add gelatin and butter.
  5. Blend the lemon curd in a blender and leave to cool.

Lemon curd on yolks

Experts say that citrus curd on yolks is the only correct cooking technology, giving an incredibly tasty and delicate texture. The delicacy can be used as an independent dish, or as a spread in any combination. It makes an excellent layer for cakes and...


  • yolk - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 70 g.


  1. Before preparing the curd, remove the zest from the lemons and grind it with sugar.
  2. Squeeze out the citrus pulp.
  3. Mix and place in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Add oil and refrigerate.

Kurd is a recipe for a cake that differs from previous versions in its preparation technique. The cream is simmered over low heat without a water bath and turns into a thick viscous mass that holds its shape. This consistency is appropriate for. Chopped strawberries go well with lemon juice, adding freshness and flavor.


  • fresh strawberries - 300 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • egg - 5 pcs.


  1. Grind the strawberries in a blender.
  2. Add lemon juice.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar.
  4. Combine the egg mixture with the fruit mixture. Add oil.
  5. Place the cream on the fire and stir until you achieve the desired thickness.

Lemon curd with cream

Kurd is a recipe with which you can achieve the desired texture, adjust the taste and calorie content of the dish. So, by adding cream to the citrus cream, you can correct the excess density and give the dessert airiness and lightness. It should be remembered that the mass must be thickened and completely cooled, and


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • lemon zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • cream - 60 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 20 g.


  1. Beat the eggs with sugar, pour in the juice and place in a water bath.
  2. Strain the thickened mixture, add oil and zest.
  3. Whip the cream and powder and add to the chilled curd.

You will never get tired of the taste of lemon curd. Moreover, the delicate and light dessert is varied, simple, and can decorate not only any pastry, but also act as an independent dish. Many housewives cook for future use due to lack of time, and therefore the question of how long Kurd can be stored always remains relevant.

  1. To ensure that the dish retains its taste, cool it at room temperature, sealing it with film.
  2. After natural cooling, place the curd in a sterile glass container, close with a clean lid and place in the refrigerator at a temperature of at least 6 degrees.
  3. If you follow the rules, Kurd can be stored for about 2 weeks.

Do you think that you have already tried everything and nothing will surprise you? You shouldn't think so. It was this recipe that became something of a revelation for me! You know, my emotions, when I was preparing it, reached peak power! From delight: “How lovely!”, to: “So simple?!”, and again to delight: “Wow!”
What is lemon curd? First I'll tell you about my impressions. This is tenderness, so magical, velvety that you take a spoonful of curd into your mouth and freeze with happiness while the cream melts in your mouth, spreading with all shades of sour-sweet-airy pleasure.

Now it remains to dispel the last secrets and tell how this tenderness is prepared. I’ll introduce you to the basic recipe that I picked up from Chadeika. And right away I will be happy to thank Irina Chadeeva not only for this recipe, but also for the tips and recommendations on her website.

Classic lemon curd

This dish of English cuisine is a custard, where the main ingredient is lemon. By the way, there are only 4 ingredients: egg, lemon, sugar and butter. Well, let's mix everything together to make a classic lemon curd?
I looked at Irina to see what the ratio of products should be. And based on this I prepare the portion I need. She advised taking 1 lemon for 1 egg, 10-15 g butter and 50 sugar.
I have accordingly:

  • Lemon – 4 pcs.;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Butter – 40 g.

How to make lemon curd at home

I zest two lemons.

I add sugar to the zest. Mix well.

I squeeze the juice out of all four lemons. I add it to the zest and sugar. I stir.

I beat the eggs separately. No need to be overzealous, no foam needed, just a homogeneous mixture.

I add it to the rest of the ingredients. I mix everything well.

Now I let the future cream brew. The next step will be straining to separate the zest.

Therefore, an additional half hour gives the cream a chance to soak in and take on the taste and aroma of the zest.
Straining. This provides another advantage. Proteins that do not mix well with the bulk are also separated. And then, during heat treatment, white flakes will not form in the cream.

Place the saucepan with the mixture on medium heat.
I add oil.

Stir constantly until the cream thickens. If you run your finger along the spatula, the trace should not spread; in this case, the cream is ready (this is a standard test when preparing any cream).

The cooking process itself took about 10 minutes (not taking into account the half hour when the mixture with the zest was infused), of which 4-5 was for cooking.
There's just a little bit left to do. Pour into beautiful jars and place the curd in the refrigerator.

All! The bright, aromatic and incomparably delicious cream is ready! After it sits in the refrigerator, its consistency will become quite thick and incredibly tender.

And I will tell you about its advantages:

  • Beautiful bright color;
  • Useful;
  • Delicious;
  • Prepares quickly;
  • Simple and affordable ingredients;
  • Amazing aroma;
  • Also, it can become the basis for other variations of the cream;
  • You can use it to diversify your breakfast, prepare a number of desserts, or decorate a birthday cake.

In a word: how did I manage without it before?)
And one more plus! It keeps for a long time! Up to 2-3 weeks. Really, I would like to see the person who actually keeps this yummy food! Everything quickly and without a trace disappears before our eyes. Only a pleasant aftertaste remains, and the feeling that I myself am completely saturated with the freshness of lemon.
Lemon curd is perfect to balance the sickly sweet taste of meringue.

Traditionally, the British liked to spread lemon curd on their toast. Today this cream is used much more widely. They decorate some ready-made dishes, for example, cakes or pastries, where the curd acts as a cream. Kurd can be used as a filling for.

You can fill baskets, grease pancakes, pancakes or crumpets. This cream can also be used as a basis for the preparation of some desserts, where it is added in a semi-liquid state or already frozen. For example, these could be tarts. But who will stop us from “spoiling” the tender Kurd with anything and crushing this yummy with a spoon? Lemon curd can be used to prepare
Now let's diversify the recipe!

The principle of preparing lemon curd as a basis

You guessed it right! And instead of lemons, you can take any other citrus or berry that is quite sour. It could be oranges or limes. One of his friends said that he tried it with pomegranate and currants. All these ingredients can be either basic or additional. I'll tell you about lemon-tangerine curd.
Its advantage is a very delicate taste, the acidity of the lemon is so muted that the tangerine notes we love for the New Year holidays clearly appear.

How to cook tangerine curd

This is how quickly and easily you can please yourself and your loved ones with a wonderful cream!

  • It is better not to use juice from the store for Kurd. This may ruin the cream itself. And one more thing: now the finished zest is on sale. Don't be tempted! Use fresh! It will be much tastier with it.
  • To better squeeze the juice out of lemons, roll them on the table.
  • The zest in this dish is not an indulgence or a decoration. She is one of the main ingredients. That’s why it’s worth adding it even if it’s, for example, pomegranate curd.
  • If the eggs are small, take an extra number, 1 or 2, depending on the size.
  • Sometimes the taste depends on the quality or variety of lemon. Therefore, to make the cream exactly the way you want it to be, you can add the juice of other citrus fruits: tangerine - to reduce acidity; lime - to increase it.
  • Want to quickly zest? Place the lemon in the freezer for a few minutes.
  • You can cook the curd in a water bath. This procedure will take more time, but the cream is guaranteed not to burn and the eggs will not curl.

Now, it seems, that’s it!)

Classic lemon curd makes an excellent filling for French macarons. You can watch how to make these delicious cakes on our You Tube video channel:

If I forgot something, or if you, my dear friends, have something to add to all of the above, leave a comment. I will be glad to know that you are interested in my experiments in the kitchen!
Bye bye!

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