
Miracle with meat recipe Dagestan in a frying pan. Chudu - a dish of Dagestan cuisine

If you wanted to surprise your loved one with a wonderful concoction, use miracle recipes. On the site there are options with boiled eggs, minced meat, salted cottage cheese, Adyghe and hard cheese, fresh herbs, potatoes and green onions. On water, kefir and meat broth. You can bake the flatbreads in the oven or fry them without oil in a frying pan.

Chudu is considered one of the favorite dishes in the Caucasus. These are thin, usually unleavened flatbreads with meat or cheese fillings. And to give the food a delicate taste, they are coated with butter while still hot. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

The five most commonly used ingredients in miracle recipes:

Simple recipe:
1. Knead kefir, flour and salt into a soft dough.
2. Finely chop the herbs: dill, cilantro, parsley, etc.
3. Mix greens with cottage cheese and raw eggs.
4. Add salt.
5. Cut the onion into half rings and fry.
6. Add to curd mixture.
7. For those who like it spicy, you can add ground pepper.
8. Roll out round cakes.
9. Place the filling.
10. Connect the edges.
11. Without greasing the pan with oil, fry the miracle on both sides.
12. Coat with butter.

Five of the fastest miracle recipes:

Helpful Tips:
. You can add green “feathers” or leeks instead of white onions.
. It is advisable to take thicker cottage cheese so that the dish does not turn out dry.
. Be sure to cover the finished cakes, otherwise they will become tough.
. The dish also goes well with sour cream and white sauces.

Such an interesting name, like the dish itself, came to us from Dagestan cuisine. Recipes for miracles are not endowed with special difficulties and foreign ingredients. Apparently this is why they took root so quickly in families living not only in Dagestan. What miracles are and how they can be prepared - read about this further in the article. By spending a little time studying the material, you can pamper your family with delicious and unusual Dagestan miracles.

More details about the dish

Let's start with the most important thing: find out more about what kind of dish this is. It turns out that these are flatbreads. However, they are not simple, but have filling. Take a look at the photo of Dagestan miracles - these are delicious round-shaped flatbreads. As a rule, they are prepared from unleavened dough, without adding yeast. Miracle is prepared by frying in a dry frying pan.

You can also cook Dagestan miracles in the oven. Then they will have a different name - Dargin. This category of filled flatbreads can be made not only from unleavened dough, but also from yeast dough. You need to try both options to realize that they are great either way.

About the filling

The recipe for Dagestan miracles combines the simplest and most familiar ingredients. In addition to the simple dough, the filling is also very common, but no less beloved for this. Usually the flatbreads are filled with potatoes, cheese or salted cottage cheese. Depending on the personal preferences of the family and the housewife, you can bake them with cabbage filling. But Dagestan miracles with meat or minced meat are a dish that leaves no one indifferent.

Let's start directly studying the recipes for this original pastry.

Recipe for Dagestan miracles with meat and potatoes

The dish is prepared in the oven, the dough is kneaded with the addition of yeast. The baked goods will turn out beyond all praise. Here are all the products needed to prepare the Dagestan (Dargin) miracle with filling:

  • warm water - 2 glasses;
  • dry yeast - 1 packet (10 grams);
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • flour - 4-5 cups (the exact amount of this ingredient when preparing Dargin (Dagestan) miracles will depend on the amount of gluten in the flour);
  • egg - 1 piece (necessary for lubricating the miracle before sending it to the oven);
  • butter - 50 grams (for lubricating the finished product).

To make the Dagestan miracles more juicy and tender, we place potatoes and meat inside. To prepare the filling you will need:

  • beef - half a kilo;
  • potatoes in the amount of two to five medium tubers;
  • onion - one head;
  • various spices.

Yeast dough

Let's prepare the dough according to the simplest recipe using water, salt and yeast with flour. We repeat step by step:

  1. We take suitable deep dishes - it can be a large bowl with high walls, a saucepan or even a small basin. In general, a container in which it will be convenient for you to knead the dough.
  2. Heat the water slightly.
  3. Pour the yeast into a bowl and add water to it. There is no need to pour out all the liquid at once. In order to dilute them, take 250 milliliters.
  4. When the dry yeast dissolves and the reaction begins, add salt.
  5. Add vegetable oil and gradually flour.
  6. Knead the dough; the consistency should be elastic, but not tight, not stick to your fingers and keep its shape.
  7. Cover the dish with a lid, towel or napkin. Place in a warm place so that the base for the miracle rises well. This will take about an hour, during which time you can prepare the filling.


While the dough is rising, don't waste your precious time and start preparing the filling:

  1. Wash the potatoes under running water. Peel the root vegetables and leave them in clean, cool water.
  2. Peel and chop the onion in a convenient way.
  3. Rinse the meat too. Dry with a towel to remove excess moisture. Grind into small cubes.

The ingredients for the filling are prepared. Let's start shaping the miracle:

  1. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it well on the cutting table. Divide into two parts. One part of the dough will be the base, so it should be a third larger than the second, which is used to cover the miracle. Roll out most of it into a thin round layer no more than a centimeter thick.
  2. Place the base on a sheet coated with vegetable oil. Now you can spread the filling on the surface. The meat is placed in the first layer. At this stage, lightly salt it and add all the necessary seasonings. The most basic of them is freshly ground black pepper. But be guided by the preferences of your family members. Sprinkle the meat generously with onions.
  3. Potatoes can be cut into thin slices. Place the potato slices on the surface of the meat cubes and onions. Lightly salt them too.
  4. Roll out a smaller part of the dough in the same way as the first and, covering the filling with a layer, carefully pinch the edges. In the middle of the workpiece, make a small hole with a diameter of about 1 centimeter. This technique will allow the Dagestan miracle to bake well inside and maintain the desired shape of the finished product.
  5. Brush the entire surface of the future miracle with a raw egg. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 30-35 minutes. The oven must be preheated thoroughly.

Half an hour later, the Dagestan dish is miraculously ready! This is hinted at by the breathtaking aroma coming from the kitchen and the golden color of the baked goods. Remove from the oven and generously brush the pie with a knob of butter.

Fresh miracle

It will take a little more time to prepare a miracle from unleavened (yeast-free) dough. But you will be richly rewarded with admiring glances from your favorite eaters. Before you cook the Dagestan miracle in a frying pan, let’s decide on the filling. In our case, it will consist of potatoes and cottage cheese. By the way, you can use water or kefir for the dough. In the second case, the baked goods will be more tender.

List of components:

  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • two potatoes;
  • hard cheese - 80 grams;
  • butter - 40-60 grams;
  • favorite greens - to taste;
  • freshly ground pepper - according to personal preference;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking technology

You will need to prepare some ingredients in advance:

  1. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, after thoroughly washing them with a brush. Remove the finished tubers from the water, remove the skins and mash until puree.
  2. Grind the cheese on a fine grater.
  3. Soak the greens in cool water for a few minutes and then shake off excess liquid and chop as you like.

To prepare the dough, pour kefir into a bowl and add quicklime soda to it. Next, add the entire amount of salt to the sizzling liquid and, after stirring, add in small portions all the flour specified in the recipe. The correct final result is an elastic dough that does not stick to your fingers. In addition, it should be very soft. For ten to fifteen minutes, forget about the test. After this time, knead it well again. Next, start shaping the miracle.

Divide the resulting dough into several equal small parts. If the diameter of your frying pan is 20 centimeters, then you should get 9 pieces for the miracle. A different size of dishes, accordingly, will entail some changes in their quantity. You can fill the blanks with potato and cheese filling in two simple ways. Choose which one is more preferable in your case.

Method one

Roll out each piece of dough into a thin flat cake on a table that has been previously floured. Place one tablespoon of the prepared filling in its center. Gather the edges at the top and seal. It turns out to be a sort of “bag” with filling inside. Press the surface of the workpiece with your palm so that it is slightly flattened for further action. Using a rolling pin, gently roll out the flatbread again. Of course, it is better if the filling does not leave the confines of the cake during this procedure. However, even if such a nuisance occurs, nothing critical will happen. Roll out the miracle to a thickness of one centimeter. If possible, you can make the cake even thinner. But remember that the circumference of the workpiece must correspond to the diameter of the frying pan.

Second way

As in the first option, divide and roll out the dough, and then place the finished filling, but only on half of the product. The layer should be thin and even. Smooth it with a spoon to prevent the dough from tearing while shaping. Don't reach the edges a little. Fold the round cake in half. It turns out to be a huge dumpling. Bring the edges together by pressing the dough all the way around with your fingers. Roll out the dough to the diameter of the dish in which you will bake the Dagestan miracles. You can bake a miracle in the shape of a semicircle.

Cooking in a frying pan

Heat the dishes over very low heat. It should warm up evenly, but not become hot, so that the miracle does not instantly burn. The frying pan is not greased. Place the dough on a dry surface and bake over very moderate heat. Fry the miracle on both sides. Unleavened products will not be evenly golden, so after waiting until brownish inclusions and bubbles appear on one side, turn the workpiece over to the other side. If the tortilla suddenly puffs up (it happens), don't worry and just poke those air pockets with a fork or knife.

Ready-made Dagestan miracles should be flat. Place them from the frying pan onto a plate, brushing them with oil pinched onto a fork. Bake the second cake using the same technology and place it on a plate on top of the first, again generously greased with butter.

The most delicious miracle with potato and cheese filling is ready. Serve them hot and piping hot.

Chudu is a dish of Dagestan cuisine with a centuries-old history. It is a thin closed flat cake filled with a variety of fillings. There are other names depending on the region. For example, the Laks call her “kachi”. The miracle recipe is quite simple and takes little time both for cooking and for preparing the ingredients. Another plus is that the flatbread is fried in a frying pan without adding oil!

How to cook a miracle with potatoes

Among the most commonly used fillings in any pies, potato or meat occupy a special place. We suggest combining them, as in the recipe for a miracle with meat and potatoes.

So, when preparing the dish, you will need the following ingredients for the dough: 0.3 kg of flour, an egg and a little water. You also need to stock up on meat (0.3 kg) and three potatoes. Additionally, you should take 50 g of onion. Ground pepper, vinegar, salt and your favorite spices will help balance the taste.

Now we’ll explain step by step how to prepare the dish.

  1. Beat an egg into a suitable container, pour in a partial glass of water and a little salt. Shake everything thoroughly. Next, add flour and knead the dough. It should be cool. Roll into a ball, cover with a napkin and leave for half an hour.
  2. The meat is ground into minced meat, spices, pepper, salt, finely chopped onion are added to it and mixed until smooth.
  3. Right before preparing the flatbreads, peeled raw potatoes are grated, and then quickly mixed with minced meat, vinegar is added in an amount of 1 tsp. and stir vigorously, trying to mix everything thoroughly. If you hesitate, the potatoes will darken.
  4. The dough is divided into balls and rolled into a very thin cake.
  5. Now lay out the filling, fasten it into a “bag”, and then roll it out into a thin layer.
  6. All that remains is to fry the miracle with potatoes and meat, put it on a plate, grease it with oil, and serve.

Dagestan cuisine

There are a lot of recipes for miracles in Dagestan. There are traditional cooking techniques. But the rest depends on the hostess. The first thing to do is knead the dough. It can be anything: fresh, yeast
We will look at the miracle of kefir.

This will require 0.2 liters of kefir. This amount will use 2.5 tbsp. flour. Additionally, you need salt (0.5 tsp) and a little soda (only 1 tsp is enough).

To prepare a miracle, you need to take 0.25 kg of Adyghe cheese (if this is not available, replace it with what is available). You also need potato tubers (5 pcs.), aromatic herbs (quantity at your discretion) and 3 tbsp as a dressing. sour cream of any fat content. Grease the flatbreads with butter.

  1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and boiled in their skins until tender.
  2. Meanwhile, kefir is poured into a container, salt is added, flour and soda are added and thoroughly kneaded into an elastic dough. It is rolled into a ball, placed in a deep container and covered with a napkin so that it does not dry out.
  3. Now let's start filling. Boiled potatoes are peeled and mashed.
  4. The cheese is grated on a grater with small holes.
  5. Add cheese, sour cream, herbs to the mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly until smooth. Don't forget to check for salt and adjust it to perfection. The filling for the miracle with cheese is ready.
  6. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll into balls.
  7. Now take one “ball” at a time and roll it into a thin cake.
  8. The filling is placed in the center, the edges are collected in a “bag” and pinched.
  9. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom.
  10. Roll out the resulting “bag” thinly into a flat cake and place it in a frying pan to fry on one side and then on the other.
  11. The finished miracles are placed on a plate and immediately greased well with oil.

Flatbreads are served with sour cream whole or cut into pieces. The principle of preparing other miracle recipes is similar.

Miracle with greens

Another popular miracle recipe is with herbs. This dish is made with the arrival of spring, when a lot of fresh greens grow. Spices are used: parsley, cilantro, basil, dill, green onions, garlic, etc. Miracle made from nettle has an original taste. It is permissible to use one type of greenery or make a “hodgepodge” of several varieties. The washed and chopped filling is mixed with grated cheese or cottage cheese. The taste is adjusted by spices. To make the filling juicy, it is recommended to pour a little sour cream or kefir into it. The technical side of preparing a miracle with cheese and herbs is similar to the recipes described above.

In principle, you can add greens to any filling as an additional component. It will highlight the taste of the flatbreads.

Once you have prepared this miracle, this dish will become a frequent guest on your table.

Secrets of Dagestan cuisine from the chef of a national restaurant especially for readers of MTRK "Mir"

Lamb, beef, aromatic thin pies with various fillings and a lot of homemade wine - this is how guests are greeted in Dagestan. This mountainous region is home to 14 nationalities and another 14 ethnic groups, so the concept of “Dagestan cuisine” is like a colored mosaic with hundreds of smallest details.

There are many dishes, and in each place they are prepared a little differently, coloring them with local secrets, ingredients and serving methods. Each region of Dagestan adds its own special flavor to the preparation of any national dish. The most common dishes of Dagestan cuisine are miracle, khinkal and kurze.


To learn how to make Dagestani thin pies, miracle (emphasis on the last letter), the MTRK Mir correspondent went to the Zhi Is restaurant. This restaurant was recommended by the representative office of the Republic of Dagestan under the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow as a place where authentic Dagestan dishes are prepared.

“A lot of meat and a lot of baked goods,” is how the chef of this restaurant, a hereditary Lezgin, Zarema Ramazanova, described Dagestani cuisine in a nutshell. And she added: “It’s easy for a miracle. You will learn quickly."

Here is her recipe for a miracle especially for readers of MTRK Mir:

For unleavened dough, take 500 g of flour, sift through a sieve, add salt and gradually pour in 1 glass of water, kneading a dense, soft dough. Knead it a little and leave it to “rest” for 20 minutes. For the filling, prepare minced beef and lamb in a ratio of 2 to 1. For 500 gr. minced meat, take 1 onion, chop finely, combine with meat, salt and pepper, add 1 raw egg. Mix everything.

Then we form the dough into a thick sausage, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and roll each into a very thin oval pancake (folded in half, it should fit on your frying pan). Spread the filling on one half of the pancake in a thin layer, otherwise the miracle may not be fried inside. Leave the edges free. Cover the minced meat with the second half of the cake and connect the edges. Excess dough needs to be cut off. I use a curved roller knife, it produces beautiful “teeth.”

Fry the miracle in a dry frying pan, without oil. The frying pan must be warmed up well and the miracle should be transferred to it. Fry on both sides, remove to a wooden board and brush with melted butter.

Now cut into several pieces and serve immediately. The miracle must be eaten hot.

Meat filling is just one of many possibilities. Here are a few more:

Green stuffing
Wash nettle leaves, spinach, quinoa, cilantro thoroughly and chop finely. Add finely chopped onions and sauteed in oil (2 tablespoons per 300 grams of greens), salt, pepper, mix well. You can put more of this filling than meat, the miracle will turn out juicier.

From cottage cheese and cheese

We take 200 gr. cottage cheese and grated Dagestan cheese, mix, add an egg, finely chopped onion (1 onion) fried in melted butter, add a little salt and mix well. If you change the proportion a little and add more cheese than cottage cheese, then the filling will “stretch” pleasantly, and it will also turn out interesting.

From pumpkin
Peel 500 g of pumpkin, grate it, add finely chopped onions (2 tbsp.), salt to taste, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix.

Dargin miracle
The Dargin miracle is prepared in a completely different way. For it, yeast dough is prepared from flour, salt, warm water and yeast. The dough should not be very dense, but still such that it can be rolled out with a rolling pin. You have to let him come up, hug him, let him come up again.

For the filling, take lamb or beef pulp and raw peeled potatoes in equal parts. Cut the meat into small pieces, add finely chopped interior fat, thinly sliced ​​onions, salt, add black pepper and a little finely chopped basil. Lastly, add the potatoes, cut into very thin slices.

Separate a portion of the dough and roll it into a thin layer of 3-4 mm. Place in the pan so that the edges hang slightly over. Place the filling in a layer approximately 1.5 cm thick, cover the top with a second layer of thinly rolled dough, smaller in diameter. We connect the edges and pinch tightly with a pigtail. Spread sour cream on top and bake in a preheated oven at 230-250 degrees on both sides (about 20-25 minutes). Then take it out onto a board or plate, grease it with butter, and cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, serve.


Khinkal is the pride of the mountain people; it is prepared absolutely everywhere in Dagestan. Do not confuse with Georgian khinkali! This is a completely different, complex dish. Khinkal is served as a first and second course at the same time, prepared at any time of the day for family and guests, for all occasions.

Khinkal is not even a dish, but a whole complex of dishes consumed simultaneously. These are pieces of dough boiled in broth, slightly different in recipe and shape in each place, which are eaten, dipped in sauce, with lamb or beef (sometimes with chicken) and washed down with a strong meat broth with spices. Sauces always go with khinkal. Most often it is sour cream or kefir with garlic and herbs. We also like spicy tomato sauce for khinkal.

Avar khinkal is a lush, thick flatbread. The dough is kneaded with yogurt or whey, salt and soda are added, which makes it fluffy, delicate in taste, and unusually satisfying.

Kumyks prepare khinkal from unleavened dough, like dumplings. It is rolled out into a thin layer, cut into squares, diamonds or strips, and then boiled in broth.

Laki khinkal. The dough is rolled into sausages, which are cut into cubes the size of a walnut. Each piece is placed on the left palm, making a depression in the middle with the thumb of the right hand (giving the dough an “ear” shape).

For Dargin khinkal, unleavened dough is rolled out in a thin layer, sprinkled with chopped walnuts, rolled into a roll and cut into small pieces. For Lezgin khinkal, the dough is rolled out thinly and cut into small squares. Derbent city khinkal is prepared like Lezgin, but the meat is minced and spices are added. and fried. The sauce is crushed garlic with the addition of vinegar. For shepherd's dough, the dough is rolled out into a thin sausage shape and pieces are torn off that fit in a fist. Before lowering into the water, the pieces of dough are squeezed in a fist.


Kurze is a Dagestan type of dumplings (or dumplings, since the fillings are made in a variety of different ways). They differ in the way they are pinched and the fillings. The fillings are made from meat, like dumplings, but with tomato sauce and spices, or from herbs (nettle, spinach, halta, quinoa, wild garlic, cilantro in any combination). They also make kurze with cottage cheese, both sweet and salty, then add greens). For kurze with eggs, the filling is prepared from raw eggs with fried onions and butter. In just one village they can tell you about dozens of options for preparing kurze. And so in every new place. The greens are stewed or put raw, an egg is added somewhere raw, chopped boiled, and stewed together with the filling. A variety of spices are used; fried onions, green onions, salt, sugar, and cinnamon are added to the cottage cheese. What can you try in Dagestan!

Baking, meat, drinks

In Dagestan they bake a lot. From unleavened, yeast, shortbread and puff pastry. Sweet buns, cookies and pies.

Moreover, with all kinds of sweet and savory fillings. For example, boats made from butter dough filled with cottage cheese or cottage cheese and cheese, half and half, are very popular. They are not pinched all the way so that the filling peeks out appetizingly in the middle.

And, of course, in Dagestan they cook a lot of meat: kebabs, homemade lamb sausages with cumin and other spices, suktu (sausages with liver and rice), saris (sausages with liver, garlic and corn flour), stew with tomato and dry wine , roast.

Recipes of Dagestan cuisine are based on what the mountains give people. These are lamb and beef, poultry, fermented milk products, rice, flour. And also onions, tomatoes, a lot of herbs (dill, parsley, green onions, cilantro). Our favorite drinks are fermented milk ones, especially tsuru nek. This is the Dagestan analogue of tan. When the butter is churned, the whole fresh milk is poured into clay jugs and the jug is pumped for a long, long time. As a result, homemade butter gets churned. And the serum that remains is tsuru nek. Chilled, it perfectly quenches thirst.

Every rural family makes homemade wine, because vineyards thrive on the mountain slopes. Until now, each owner has his own secrets for preparing this drink. Sweet, semi-sweet and dry grape and fruit wines accompany any festive feast.

But still, the main drink of the Dagestan people is tea. They drink it all the time: at breakfast, lunch and dinner, in between, when guests come and just in between. And all the time there are sweet pastries and candies on the table.

Tatiana Rubleva

A special place in the hospitable Dagestan cuisine is given to the miracle of meat. These delicious and filling flatbreads filled with minced meat resemble miniature pies. Moreover, not only those who have lived or visited the Caucasus can cook them. The recipe is quite simple, although it has some subtleties. It is also worth noting that the miracle of meat will force the hostess to tinker. This recipe does not belong to the category of quick delicacies. You will be required to follow the steps thoroughly and carefully. However, the result that you get at the end will not allow you to be disappointed or regret the time spent. After all, miracles with meat in a frying pan turn out to be nutritious, fragrant, appetizing and infinitely tasty.

Cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes.Number of servings – 7.


To prepare such delicious pies according to the Dagestan recipe in a frying pan, you need to use the following set of ingredients:

  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • flour – 3.5 tbsp;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • egg – 2 pcs.

These products will be used to knead the dough for the miracle. For the filling you need:

  • lamb – 200 g;
  • broth or water - ½ tbsp.;
  • beef – 300 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley – ½ bunch;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • dill greens – ½ bunch;
  • ground pepper – ½ tsp.

How to cook Dagestan miracle with meat

The process of preparing Dagestan miracles with meat in a frying pan has some peculiarities. It won’t be difficult for you to delve into them if you use the step-by-step recipe with photos.

  1. Immediately you need to prepare all the products that are listed above - both for the dough and for the filling.

  1. If you have everything prepared, then you should start kneading the dough. For a miracle with meat, you need to make the same base as for ordinary dumplings. To do this, you need to take a deep bowl and break 2 eggs into it. They need to be salted. Then water is poured in there. Everything will need to be mixed thoroughly.

  1. Next you need to sift the flour. Pour it into the egg mixture in small portions.

  1. Then you will need to replace the dough. It should turn out steep, dense, tight. The mass rolls into a lump. The top will need to be lightly sprinkled with flour. It is best to close the container with the dough with a lid, after which you need to give the mixture about half an hour to proof.

  1. In the meantime, there is no need to waste precious minutes. It’s worth preparing the filling for a miracle. To do this, the first step is to peel and finely chop the onion.

  1. The greens should be washed and shaken a little to remove any remaining moisture. Fresh dill and parsley are finely chopped with a knife.

  1. Beef and lamb should be washed a little and dried thoroughly. It is best to grind the meat in a meat grinder, but you can also grind it in a blender or simply chop it finely.

  1. In a separate bowl, mix chopped herbs, meat and chopped onions. An egg is beaten into them. Everything needs to be peppered. The mixture is also diluted with salt. Broth or water is added to the mixture.

  1. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The filling should become homogeneous.

  1. Now it's time to get back to the test. It should be divided into 7 pieces of equal size. If you like the dough a little thicker, then make 5 pieces.

  1. Each fragment is rolled out into a layer. The piece should be round or oval. Place the filling on half of the dough.

On a note! The optimal thickness of the dough for preparing Dagestan miracles with meat is 2 mm.

  1. The second half of the dough covers the meat filling. The edges are pressed tightly.

  1. Excess dough is cut off with a special roller.

Video recipes

To make it easier to prepare Dagestan miracles with meat, you should first familiarize yourself with the video instructions. Recipes in this convenient format will allow you to bake amazing pies in a frying pan without the slightest difficulty:
