
Cranberry lemonade. Cranberry drinks and soaked cranberries

Every day it gets hotter outside. Isn't it time for us to think about soft drinks that will save you in the summer heat?
Cold tea, fresh juice, lemonade....Yes! Lemonade! Exactly what is needed. But we will go further, and instead of the usual, standard set in a glass - water, ice, lemon juice ... we get a citrus-berry explosion.
Of course, the base will be freshly squeezed lemon juice, but in order to diversify its taste, we will add cranberries and a lot of fresh mint.
These small, red berries will bring to the drink not only an interesting taste, but also a bright and exciting color. How nice it is when whole berries come across, they explode with their sourness, add interesting colors. And of course, an indispensable attribute of lemonade is ice. Lots of ice. Without it, the drink will not sparkle with its bright colors.

Olya hrizantema_8 passes FM " Berries, fruits and flowers", I'll take her my lemonade J

For 2 l jug

  • 80 g cranberries (can be frozen)

  • 50 g sugar + 50 g water for syrup

  • 2-3 lemons

  • Fresh mint (handful)

  • Ice (2 standard shapes)

  • 1.5 liters of sparkling water (I have medium carbonated)

In order for our lemonade to be slightly sweet, you need to dilute the sugar. In cold water, this process is difficult. Therefore, it is better to prepare some sugar syrup. Then, we simply mix it with water. Of course, you can use as much sugar as you prefer, but in my opinion, lemonade should not be cloying, its taste should be light and refreshing. Only slightly sweetened. 50 g is enough for me, but you vary the amount of sugar for yourself.

1. Mix sugar + water in a saucepan. Heat until sugar dissolves.
2. Pour half of the cranberries with the resulting sugar syrup. Using a pestle or blender, smash the berries.
3. Send the cranberry mass to the jug. Send the whole berries that are left there.
4. Cut the lemons in half, and squeeze the juice out of two pieces. Pour it over cranberries.
5. Cut the remaining lemon into rings. Also send to the jug. Add mint.
6. Throw ice to the rest of the ingredients of the future lemonade.
7. Pour all the water into the jug, and mix a little. Try to gently rub the mint leaves so that it gives off its aroma and taste better.

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! In the midst of the summer heat, soft drinks are traditionally at the peak of popularity. Instantly cheer up, refresh and improve your mood with homemade lemonade based on juicy citruses, berries or fruits. Preparing such a drink is easy and pleasant, and any store product will envy its wonderful taste and naturalness! And today I will tell you how to make homemade lemonade yourself.

apple lemonade


  • Honey or sugar - both regular and cane will do (60 grams)
  • Apples (2 fruits)
  • Filtered or boiled water (2 liters)
  • Lemon (1 piece)
  • Ginger root (50 grams)


  • Rinse a couple of apples thoroughly. Peel off the skin and remove the core.
  • Place the uncut fruit in a saucepan or multi-cooker bowl. Fill with two liters of water.
  • Rinse the lemon. Pour boiling water over (this is necessary in order to remove the wax coating and remove bitterness), and then dry with a towel.
  • Grind the zest on a coarse grater. Squeeze juice from the citrus pulp - if there is no special equipment, you can grind it with a blender, and then squeeze the gruel well with gauze.
  • Chop the peeled ginger root into rings 3 mm thick. They should be thrown to apples along with lemon zest (if desired, a cinnamon stick is also laid there).
  • Place the dishes on the stove (in the case of a multicooker, the "Soup" mode is activated). On an open fire, the composition is kept for ten minutes after boiling (adjust the heat to low), in a slow cooker, the total cooking time should not exceed twenty.
  • After languishing, the apple mass should cool at room temperature. Then you just have to strain it, combine with lemon juice and sweeten to your taste.
  • Crushed ice will help to cool and decorate the lemonade when serving.

Classic Lemon Lemonade

You will need:

  • Drinking water (2 glasses)
  • Sugar (1 kilogram)
  • Fine salt (1/4 teaspoon)
  • Lemons (1.2 kilograms)


  1. Pour water into a small saucepan. Pour sugar and salt, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat.
  2. The next two to three minutes, the syrup will cook slowly. Eventually it will become transparent.
  3. Remove the container from the stove. Pour in the squeezed lemon juice and mix thoroughly.
  4. The concentrated drink can be stored in the refrigerator for about two months. A couple of tablespoons are measured for one serving of lemonade: dilute the composition with chilled water and throw in a few ice cubes.

Homemade watermelon lemonade


  • Sugar (about 100 grams)
  • Chilled water (one and a half liters)
  • Watermelon pulp (from 1 half fruit)
  • Crushed ice (to taste)
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 citrus)
  • Basil leaves (optional)


  1. Pour the sugar into a small saucepan. Set the pot on the fire by adding a glass of clean water.
  2. Wait for the boil, and then continue to slowly boil the syrup for another two minutes.
  3. Take the saucepan off the stove. Pour the sweet contents into a jar or decanter, cool and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Separate the pulp from one half of the watermelon - it is more convenient to use a spoon for this. Combine it with a glass of water and puree in a blender until completely smooth.
  5. Strain the watermelon mass through a fine sieve. In the process, add 2 cups of water in parts to make the composition more liquid.
  6. The resulting juice needs to be diluted again: by this time you will have 3 glasses of water left. Pour in lemon juice and chilled sugar syrup at the same time.
  7. Stir the lemonade thoroughly. Before serving, evaluate its taste properties: if necessary, add a little more water, muffling the sweetness.
  8. Divide watermelon drink among glasses. For greater beauty, each serving should be supplemented with crushed ice and basil leaves.

Lemonade with raspberries


  • Raspberries (50 grams)
  • Lemon (1 half fruit)
  • Chilled raspberry juice (2.5 cups)
  • Sprigs of mint (2 pieces)
  • Mineral water (2.5 cups)


  1. Wash and dry the citrus. Squeeze juice from one half.
  2. Combine lemon juice with raspberry (the latter should be kept in the refrigerator in advance).
  3. Add half a liter of mineral water and stir well.
  4. Arrange fresh raspberries in elegant glasses (do not forget to rinse the berries beforehand). Fill glasses with lemonade and garnish with mint leaves.

Cranberry Lemonade


  • Sugar (60 grams)
  • Chilled water (750 milliliters)
  • Cranberries (200 grams)
  • Lemons (2 fruits)


Squeeze the juice from a couple of washed lemons. Strain and pour into a blender bowl.

Carefully rinse selected cranberries with running water (you can take both fresh and defrosted). Lightly dry the berries, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth: it will also go to the blender.

Sweeten the berry-citrus juice to taste. Add cold water (it should be boiled or at least filtered), and then beat the mixture for a minute.

Finally, lemonade can be poured into glasses. Ice cubes, lemon slices or grated orange zest will help dress up the drink.

Homemade lemonade with grapes


  • Water (200 milliliters)
  • Grapes (1 small bunch)
  • Lemon (1 piece)
  • Cold mineral water (a couple of glasses)
  • Grape juice (200 ml)
  • Sugar (100 grams)
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (1/4 cup)


Make syrup by dissolving half a cup of sugar in a glass of water.

Add grape, orange and lemon juice one by one. Then let the composition brew for about 2.5 hours.

On the eve of serving, pour in chilled mineral water. When pouring lemonade, place a few juicy grapes in each glass.

Cowberry lemonade


  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Lingonberries (100 grams)
  • Carbonated water (5 glasses)
  • Lemon zest (to taste)


  1. Put the cranberries in a colander. Rinse well under running water, then dry on a napkin.
  2. Mash the berries with a crush. Then squeeze the juice through a layer of gauze (if you use a juicer, the process can be greatly simplified).
  3. Sweeten the juice to your taste. The approximate amount of sugar is half a cup.
  4. Pour in sparkling water. If desired, a slice of lemon zest can be added to the drink - it will bring a special flavor.
  5. In the process of serving, lingonberry lemonade can be supplemented with ice cubes.

grapefruit lemonade


  • Drinking water without gas (about 2 liters)
  • Honey (to taste)
  • Pink grapefruit (2 large fruits)
  • Ginger root (4cm slice)
  • Mint (several sprigs)


Remove peel from washed citrus fruits. White films also need to be separated - they give an unpleasant bitterness.

Cut the grapefruit pulp into slices and place in a blender bowl. Break until completely homogeneous, then transfer to a glass jar.

Ginger root must be peeled and chopped on the smallest grater. Ginger chips will also go to citrus.

Tear the washed mint leaves into small pieces and send to the same jar. Then the contents of the dishes must be filled with non-carbonated water.

Put the container in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning strain with a strainer. Sweeten the resulting drink with honey, divide into portions and garnish with crushed ice.

melon lemonade


  • Soda water (2 cups)
  • Melon pulp (2 kilograms)
  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Fresh mint leaves (to taste)
  • Lemons (2 fruits)


Separate the seeds from the melon pulp. Chop it into small slices, and then place in a blender and bring to a puree consistency.

Squeeze juice from a couple of washed citrus fruits. Attach it to the melon mass along with mint leaves and sugar.

Stir and set aside the mixture for several hours. It is not required to place in the refrigerator - you can insist at room conditions.

Strain the mixture through a large sieve. Add the separated liquid with sparkling water and mix well.

Finally, melon lemonade can be enclosed in a jug and served at the table. Accompany the drink with lemon slices and fragrant mint leaves, ice is added to taste.

Homemade pineapple lemonade


  • Fresh lemon juice (15 ml)
  • Chopped pineapple pulp (2 cups)
  • Still water (half a glass)
  • Honey (60 grams)
  • Mineral water (to taste)
  • Mint (a couple of sprigs)


  1. Place pineapple slices, honey and sprigs of fragrant mint in a saucepan. Pour in drinking water without adding gas, as well as freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Place the pot on the stove and cover with a lid. When the composition boils (maintain medium heat), remove the lid and count another five minutes - for this period, the fire power will need to be reduced to a minimum. In the process, be sure to stir the mixture with a spatula - the fruit pieces will become softer and begin to disintegrate slightly.
  3. After the expiration date, let the composition brew outside the stove for half an hour.
  4. Later, extract the mint and pour the mass into the blender bowl. Beat intensively, but not to a puree state: just crush the pineapple slices.
  5. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and refrigerate. For a week, it can be safely used to make fresh lemonade.
  6. Pour the cooled pineapple concentrate into glasses and dilute with cold mineral water (about 180 milliliters will be required). Mix well - and delicious lemonade is ready to drink!

Homemade lemonades are the richest sources of natural vitamins. They will not only delight you with their incomparable taste and health benefits, but also perfectly brighten up family gatherings! See you soon!

Drinks from wild fruits and berries are valuable not only for their taste and aroma, but also for their high content of biologically active substances - vitamins, enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates. Most of them have medicinal properties and have long been used in folk medicine. Cranberry drinks are given to stimulate appetite and increase vitality. Therefore, every housewife should know how to cook cranberry juice.

To prepare one liter of drink we need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. cranberries;
  • ¾ st. granulated sugar.

Let's prepare the berries first. They should be sorted out, washed, dried. Then put the cranberries in a colander or sieve and mash with a wooden spoon or crush. Pour the cranberry juice obtained in this way into a clean bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

To prepare cranberry juice, you need to sort the cranberries, rinse, crush with a wooden spoon, and then squeeze the juice

Pour the pulp, or pomace, with water and boil for five to seven minutes, strain, add sugar and cool. Add fresh cranberry juice from the refrigerator to this broth and mix thoroughly. As you can see, the preparation of cranberry juice did not take much time. The drink should be served chilled.

Depending on the time of harvest, cranberries can be sour or sweeter, so the amount of sugar in the drink is adjusted to taste. If the amount of sugar that the recipe suggests is suddenly not enough, add it to the finished drink. If the fruit drink turned out to be sweeter than you expected, dilute it with boiled water.

There are several tricks in the preparation of fruit drink. One of them is preliminary blanching of berries. It will take a little time, but the benefits are obvious. After blanching, the shell of the cranberry becomes thinner, which means it will be much easier to knead it, and more juice will be obtained.

With this method of preparing cranberry juice, the drink retains a maximum of useful substances, since the most valuable - berry juice - does not undergo heat treatment. Such a drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Drink "Klyukovka"

Here is another interesting recipe for a cranberry drink, the preparation of which is perhaps even simpler than the previous one. The beneficial properties of the berry are preserved in it. Prepared cranberries should be mashed in a bowl and covered with sugar. After 2-3 hours, a syrup forms in the dishes, it must be drained into a separate saucepan. The remaining pomace should be poured with water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. Remove the broth from the fire, filter, cool. Before serving, add the syrup obtained earlier to the drink.

Product Ratio:

  • 1.5 st. cranberries;
  • 0.5 st. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of water.

If you use this recipe, you will notice the advantage of this cooking method. Cranberry seeds will not be able to get into the finished fruit drink, because both the syrup and the broth are filtered.

As already mentioned, cranberry juice is a useful thing. It is used for colds, as it quenches thirst well and reduces the temperature in colds and flu. It is clear that you cannot serve an ice drink to the sick, it must be consumed warm.

Juicy berry lemonade

Nowadays, it is easy to buy cranberries in the supermarket at any time of the year. Therefore, this recipe is useful for making homemade lemonade.

Cranberry juice is very refreshing and very healthy.

Cranberries need to be mashed with a wooden spoon, strain the juice through cheesecloth or squeeze through a juicer, add sugar. Mix well and place in a decanter. While all the steps in the preparation of fruit drinks are repeated, and now ... Put a few ice cubes in the decanter and top up the vessel with sparkling water.

For taste, you can put pieces of fresh lemon zest in the drink or squeeze a little juice from the lemon. After that, the drink will accurately reflect its name - "lemonade".

To prepare a refreshing fruit drink for 100 g of cranberries, you will need:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • slices of lemon peel.

Cranberries are strong berries. It is not difficult to store it: you can fill it with cold water in the fall and put it in a cool place, you can freeze it. If you have little storage space, then we advise you to prepare a concentrate from which you can cook cranberry juice at any time.

Preparation for fruit drink for the future

Rinse cranberries, grind in a blender, mix with sugar. Let stand for a couple of hours, so that the sugar disperses, and arrange in jars. Sugar is taken to taste, do not be afraid, it will not be enough, the berries contain a large amount of benzoic acid, which is a natural preservative, so the puree will not ferment. However, it is better to store it in the refrigerator. If necessary, dilute the mixture with boiled water, and the cranberry juice is ready, you don’t even need to boil it.

To increase the healing properties of the drink, you can replace sugar with honey, adding it to a still warm broth. It is important to note that when using honey, it is no longer necessary to boil fruit drinks, otherwise all the healing substances contained in honey will be destroyed.

Separately, it is worth talking about the benefits of berries during pregnancy.

Cranberry is a powerful natural remedy, cranberry juice has the ability to resist infections, as it contains a large amount of tannin. That is why cranberry juice is strongly recommended by doctors for women during pregnancy. During this critical period for a woman, the immunity of her body decreases. Cranberry drink will be the very remedy that will help boost immunity and prevent colds.

Cranberries have diuretic properties

Another problem during pregnancy is swelling. Due to the pronounced diuretic effect, cranberry juice is prescribed instead of chemicals. It was noted that women who ate cranberry drinks during pregnancy were less likely to visit dentists about bleeding gums and caries.

This wonderful berry will also help to raise the pressure and help with the problem of varicose veins during pregnancy. Cranberry strengthens blood vessels, and this is very important during pregnancy, it contributes to normal blood circulation, and, therefore, has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Sometimes during pregnancy, cranberry juice can irritate the gastric mucosa, in which case it can be replaced with jelly.

Recipe for delicious jelly

Prepare berries: sort, rinse. Then chop the cranberries in a blender or crush in a mortar, squeeze out the juice. Pour the pomace with water, and cook for 5 - 7 minutes, strain. Add sugar to the broth and bring to a boil, add starch diluted in cold water in a thin stream into the boiling liquid. Bring to a boil again, remove the pan from heat, add fresh cranberry juice. Stir the jelly and pour into a shallow dish, sprinkle with sugar so that a film does not form, and let cool. Can be served with milk or cream.

To prepare the jelly you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. cranberries;
  • ¾ st. granulated sugar;
  • 3 art. l. starch.

Try decorating the jelly with whipped cream on top, and a great dessert is ready.

Delicious cranberry jelly

Berry mousse

As soon as we started talking about desserts, we advise you to prepare mousse based on cranberry juice. This dish will appeal to children, diversifies the menu of those who follow a diet, its preparation does not require much time.

So, the recipe involves using the following products:

  • 3 art. water;
  • 0.5 st. cranberries;
  • 0.5 st. semolina;
  • 0.5 st. Sahara.

We wash the cranberries and squeeze the juice out of it. Boil the pulp, strain, boil the liquid, add sugar. While stirring, pour in the cereal and cook until tender. Cool the porridge a little and beat, then add the squeezed juice. The mousse is served with cold milk or cream. Dessert can be decorated with fresh fruit or jam.

Now it is very fashionable to harvest berries and fruits for future use by drying or drying. Those who follow the figure should be careful about eating cranberry chips. The berry itself is low-calorie, 100 g of the product contains only 26 kcal, but the energy value of 100 g of dried berries is already 308 kcal. With caution, cranberries should be used for liver diseases, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, ulcerative processes.
