
Liquor Mast-Jagermeister AG Jagermeister - “How to drink Jägermeister? What happens if you mix Jägermeister with beer? Ways to drink Jägermeister liquor.

Jägermeister (translated as "senior huntsman") is a strong German liquor based on 56 herbs.

It is also classified as beaters, tinctures and balms. It has a characteristic bitter herbal taste, in which notes of citrus, cinnamon, saffron and anise are clearly distinguished. Alcoholic fortress - 35 degrees.

Contrary to rumors, it does not contain deer blood.

How much is Jägermeister

A bottle of 0.2 liters will cost about 150 rubles, 0.5 liters - 700 rubles, 0.7 liters - 900 rubles), the price of 1 liter is 1300 rubles. Prices are indicative and vary by region.

In Russia, Jägermeister is not the most popular product, therefore it is extremely rarely counterfeited. However, you can always run into a fake, so it is better to buy liquor in specialized stores.

How and with what to serve

It is traditionally drunk neat as an aperitif. Another classic use is Ice Shot. More details about what to serve with and how to drink Jägermeister are described in this article.

Origin Legend

Count Hubert Palatine entered the service of the Burgundian king Theodore. But soon he became a victim of the intrigues of the royal court. Under cover of night, he had to secretly flee from the palace.

The fugitive was given refuge by the king of the Franks - Pepin Herstalsky. War broke out between the kings. Theodore's army was defeated. After the war, Hubert married Pepin's daughter, Princess Floribane.

sacred deer

The happy life did not last long: the young princess died in childbirth. Trying to distract himself from sad thoughts, Hubert hunted for a long time in the local forest.

One Christmas evening he met a deer with a shining cross between its antlers. He couldn't shoot him. He regarded the phenomenon as a sign of the Almighty.

After this event, Hubert renounced his property and took the veil as a monk. He spent all his time praying and creating some kind of healing potion.

The true story of the creation of Jägermeister liqueur

In 1878, Wilhelm Mast opened a winery in the Saxon town of Wolfenbüttel. Later, the family business was continued by his son, Kurt.

It was Kurt Mast who created the recipe for this liqueur in 1934. Inspired by the story of Jägermeister, he decided to name the liquor after him. Legendary stories from German folklore adorned the label of this liquor.

Particular attention was paid to the bottle: it not only protected the drink from sunlight, but also from falls. For this, Kurt dropped the bottles one by one on the floor until he found the perfect shape.

The liquor gained wide popularity after 1973 - it was then that the manufacturers launched a large-scale advertising campaign. The bet was made on rock musicians. At one time, Jägermeister was glorified by such bands as Metallica, Slayer, Nightwish and many others.

Secrets of making Jägermeister liqueur

Selected raw materials are used for production: herbs, roots, flowers and fruits are carefully selected. Then all the ingredients are ground into powder.

Jägermeister contains 56 components. Each of them has a certain proportion. Therefore, during production, all ingredients are weighed on accurate electronic scales. The proportions themselves are kept secret.

A mixture of 56 components is poured with alcohol and water. The maceration process (infusion) takes 2 weeks. After filtering, the liqueur matures in oak barrels for 1 year. Then the drink is sweetened with honey, filtered again, and only then bottled.

Thus, the Jägermeister manufacturing process takes just over a year. Before leaving the factory, the liquor goes through 383 checks according to various quality criteria.

At one of the exhibitions in Germany, the manufacturer demonstrated some of the ingredients used to make Jägermeister.

Composition of Jägermeister

The liqueur recipe includes 56 components. The exact composition is kept secret by the manufacturer, but it is known that Jägermeister uses:

  • Ceylon cinnamon
  • gentian root
  • rhubarb root
  • Australian bitter oranges
  • Ginseng
  • Liquorice
  • South Asian ginger
  • poppy seeds
  • Red sandalwood from East India
  • juniper berries
  • Blueberry
  • Saffron
  • Coriander
  • citrus zest

All ingredients are perfectly balanced, citrus fruits, anise, saffron harmonize in taste, as well as a slight herbal bitterness, which becomes invisible if you know how to drink Jägermeister correctly. Naturally, such a range of various flavors is also used for making cocktails.

How do they drink Jägermeister and what is its use?

"Ice Shot"

According to its composition, Jägermeister liqueur is one of the aperitifs. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, so it is drunk before or after meals. Because of its bitter taste, it is customary to serve it chilled, and drink it in one gulp.

What is customary to eat

An appetizer is not required, but goes well with cold dishes. In bars and nightclubs, lemon is often served with it, as with tequila. For ladies, a more refined option is prepared - slices of juicy orange sprinkled with cinnamon.

How to drink Jägermeister in German

In the homeland of this drink, there is a classic way to drink liquor - Ice-shot or "Ice Shot". The drink is cooled strictly to a temperature of -18°C and served in a shot glass. Jägermeister becomes thicker and more viscous, instead of bitterness, the liquor becomes, on the contrary, sweet and burning. The shot is also drunk in one sip.

The drink belongs to noble alcohol. Therefore, it is believed that it is right to drink it only in its pure form. Despite this, many delicious cocktails are prepared with Jägermeister liqueur.

About the properties of liquor: do we drink or are we treated?

Many classify Jagermeisters as beaters because they have a bitter taste. At the same time, many people think that herbal bitters must have healing properties.

As the manufacturer himself assures, Jägermeister has a beneficial effect on digestion. It consists of 56 components, which include various herbs, roots and spices from around the world. At the same time, an image of a medicinal mixture was created around it: this is evidenced by the legend of origin, the shape of the bottles, and the cross itself resembles a symbol of an ambulance.

But in fact, apart from “improving digestion”, the drink does not have a specific medicinal benefit. And any aperitif has similar properties.

Cocktail recipes with Jägermeister

In addition to the classic way of drinking, this liquor is also drunk as part of a variety of mixed drinks. Below is a list of the most popular Jägermeister-based cocktails.

Black blood cocktail

  • 50 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 20 ml Jägermeister
  • 25 ml sprite

All ingredients are mixed in a glass.


  • 10 ml Jägermeister
  • 15 ml Cointreau
  • 15 ml Baileys
  • 15 ml mint liqueur

Mint liqueur is poured into the glass first. Then Baileys, Cointreau and the last - Jägermeister are poured in layers. Drinks in one gulp.


  • 30 ml Jägermeister liqueur
  • 30 ml Grenadine syrup
  • 150 ml orange juice

The preparation is simple: all the ingredients are poured into a glass and mixed. The cocktail turns out to be low-alcohol.


  • 50 ml Jägermeister
  • 150 ml sprite
  • 150 grams of cucumbers

Cut the cucumber into small pieces and place in a highball glass. Fill the glass with ice to the very top. Pour Jägermeister, fill the remaining space with sprite.

alligator on acid

  • 20 ml Malibu liqueur
  • 20 ml Midori liqueur
  • 40 ml pineapple juice
  • 20 ml Jägermeister

In a shaker, mix ice, Malibu, Midori, pineapple juice and Jägermeister. Stir and pour into a cocktail glass.

Jägermeister with beer - "Submarine"

This cocktail is popular in the Alpine countries, and is often served in bars in Finland. In fact, this cocktail is the answer to the Russian ruff - the intoxicating effect is about the same. Mixed with beer in a ratio of 1:2. But you can drink it not only with beer - instead of foam, the most desperate use champagne.

Jägermeister with redbull

Also quite a popular mix in nightlife. Of course, the taste of the Jägermeister itself is lost behind the energy drink. But even such a cocktail is difficult to compare with the Jaguar, although in principle, the meaning is the same.

The range of alcoholic beverages today is extremely wide. Sometimes when you come to a bar, you don’t understand what is offered on the menu, and when you order, you don’t know how to drink it. We will devote this article to a drink that not everyone has heard of, but meanwhile, it deserves attention, since its composition is natural herbs and roots. Let's tell you the best way to have a snack "Jägermeister", what it is, how much the drink costs.

Type and manufacturer

"Jägermeister" is a strong liquor produced in Germany. Belongs to the category of alcoholic beverages, which include bitter tinctures.

"Jägermeister" is obtained by soaking and aging in oak barrels of plants, their roots and crusts. The strength of the drink is 35 degrees. The exact recipe and ingredients are kept secret.

Only a few ingredients are known:

  • Coriander;
  • Saffron;
  • Juniper;
  • Carnation;
  • Ginger.

Its developer Kurt Mast was an avid hunter, he gave the appropriate name to his invention - "Head Gamekeeper". The label depicts a deer's head, and a cross is drawn between the antlers. Initially, the drink was consumed only in Germany, but after 1970 it began to be imported almost all over the world.

Large marketing campaigns were organized with the participation of famous rock bands. So the liquor has already become a sponsor and faithful companion of concert performances of metal bands. They, in turn, devote entire compositions to the drink.

In 2000, the Jägermeister company was seen sponsoring sports competitions, car racing. But then she abandoned this idea, explaining this by the incompatibility of an alcoholic drink with sporting events.

In this video, the bartender, an expert on alcoholic beverages, Evgeny Isaev, will tell interesting facts about the Jagermeister, what it is made of and what it is used with:

How to drink "Jägermeister"?

  1. The drink has a bitter taste, so in its natural form it is drunk chilled. In order for the liquor to acquire a pleasant viscosity and a sweetish aftertaste, it is necessary to cool it at a temperature of -20 degrees. Do not hold liquid in your mouth, this is not wine, its strength will burn you. Swallow immediately, like vodka. Slices of lemon or orange are suitable for snacks;
  2. For those who want to experience the full bouquet of herbs, it is recommended to drink it at room temperature. Get ready for the taste to be sharp, with bitterness.

The best option is to pour the liquor into a small glass and add a few pieces of ice to it. It will dilute the strength, make the sharp taste softer, cool the drink, and you can enjoy it gradually.

But do not abuse, a large amount (over 300 g per evening) can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You will get upset and hangover, as well as spoil the good impression of a quality product.

How to drink "Jägermeister" with beer?

Many dilute the "Senior Huntsman" with other drinks, make cocktails. For example, with beer. It is usually called "Submarine" on the menu.

Now you will understand why:

  • A small glass is filled with liquor (25 g);
  • Then it is placed at the bottom of a tall beer mug;
  • They put ice;
  • And carefully pour the beer.

This is in a skillful execution, in a simple version, liquor and beer are simply mixed. Those who have tried say that the effect exceeds all expectations. You feel like you're on a submarine. To make it clearer, the result is approximately the same as when using the usual "ruff" from vodka with beer. Therefore, the drink is not recommended to be repeated, especially for women.

There are other options with the addition of energy drinks, champagne. The main thing is to calculate your strength and health. Otherwise, things can take an unexpected turn. Usually, trained people order cocktails with Jägermeister. Beginners are encouraged to try a little to get started.

Other cocktails: recipes

Here are recipes for other cocktails that are more gentle:

  • "Mad Dog" has a milky taste, combined with the aroma of herbs. It's easy to do, but it won't be cheap. Baileys liqueur (25 g) is taken, mixed with Jägermeister tincture (25 g). You can drink, both in one gulp and slowly;
  • "Sand Blaster" - a refreshing invigorating drink. Consists of "Jägermeister" (50 g), light rum (20 g), cola (100 g). Ice is added as desired. The cocktail turns out to be weak, as it is heavily diluted with soda;
  • Kraftstoff - a drink for real men: ¼ cup Jaeger, ¼ - Wild Turkey 101 bourbon, ¼ - Schnapps, ¼ - Bacardi;
  • Egermonster - often offered in bars, as it is in demand. The drink turns out to be low-alcohol, slightly sour in taste, you can drink slowly, stretching the pleasure: orange juice (150 g), pomegranate syrup (30 g), Huntsman (30 g);
  • Beautiful layered short drink "Mirage". It looks unusual, as the ingredients are stacked with a spoon: menthol liqueur (15 g), Baileys (15 g), Cointreau (15 g), Huntsman (10 g).

The choice is large. Names sometimes change, pay attention to the composition when choosing. There are even options with cucumbers, when Jägermeister (50 g), Sprite (150 g), ice are poured into a glass and a thin slice of fresh cucumber is added.

Average price for "Jägermeister"

Bitter is produced in Germany. The price depends on the store and the volume of the bottle. But be prepared, the drink is not cheap, as it is prepared from natural ingredients, according to an original recipe that requires a certain technological process. And the brand has long become famous, is popular due to its excellent quality.

It is clear that it is more profitable to buy a large bottle. If you drink a drink all the time, then a large bottle will last you a long time, buy one. So you can save money, and your favorite tincture will always be in the bar.

We told the story of a liqueur whose recipe is still shrouded in legends. Some Germans claim that it contains deer blood. Of course it isn't. But such mystery attracts more and more connoisseurs of quality alcoholic beverages. And in our country, the tincture is gaining popularity, although quite recently it was valued only in Europe.

Now you know exactly what Jägermeister is drunk with, and you can safely enjoy its fragrant taste in various cocktails or in its natural form.

Video: how to drink "Jägermeister"?

In this video, bartender Ilya Rodichkin will talk about the correct use of the Jägermeister, what you need to eat it, what you can interfere with:

Jägermeister is exported to 20 or more countries around the world. Bitter has gained wide popularity among different segments of the population due to its healing properties, special drinking culture, soft texture and rich aftertaste. The liquor became in demand after a marketing stunt. He was positioned at the Formula 1 race, and also made an inscription on some Porsche cars. Today, Jägermeister is drunk everywhere, following a certain ritual.

Jägermeister: production technology, composition

The production of Jägermeister dates back to 1935. For the first time, it was Mast-Jägermeister AG that formed a unique composition of liquor, which was to be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Later, already in 1970, the manufacturing company entered the international market, starting the export of the beater to 12 countries of the world.

Many are interested in the exact recipe for the liqueur, which is kept under 7 seals. Experienced sommeliers tasted notes of ginger, caramel, cloves, cinnamon, saffron, coriander in the drink. The basis is alcohol, spring water, as well as a variety of herbs growing near Wolfenbüttel (Lower Saxony). In total, Jägermeister includes about 56 components.

Healing plants, which have a lot of qualities useful for the human body, are carefully sorted and ground. Herbs are dried, filled with alcohol and water, infused in oak barrels.

The aging period is kept secret, after which the composition is filtered and supplied with spices, sweeteners, caramel. Six months later, the beater is poured into dark glass bottles of various sizes. It is this move that provides high-quality protection from UV rays.

How to drink Jägermeister in its purest form

  1. Most of the liqueurs, including the eminent Becherovka, reveal their rich taste only when used in their pure form. Traditionally, Jägermeister is drunk from ice shots (ice-shot).
  2. To start using, send the bottle with the contents to the freezer. Cool the liqueur to 18-19 degrees. Do the same with shot glasses. The dishes should be covered with a thin layer of frost.
  3. Pour the beater into a shot, use Jägermeister in one gulp as a digestif after a hearty lunch or dinner. Due to strong cooling, the drink will become thick and viscous, most of the herbs will be felt, and the alcohol will be hardly noticeable.
  4. It is not necessary to cool the Jägermeister to extremely low temperatures. You can pour 45-50 ml. into a glass for whiskey or juice, then supply the contents with cubes or shards of ice. Savor the beater in small sips, holding in your mouth for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Connoisseurs of alcoholic drugs do not exclude the possibility of using the composition at room temperature. In this case, it is enough to pour 30 ml into the shot. liquor, drink in one gulp, then bite with a slice of lime or orange. For best effect, after half a minute, drink some cold water.

Important! Do not use more than 250 ml in 1 dose. Jägermeister liqueur. A large concentration of herbs, alcohol and other active ingredients often causes an upset digestive tract, disruption of the liver and kidneys, and general dehydration.

How to drink Jägermeister with beer

Lovers of elite beaters have adapted to drink liquor with beer. This allows you to get drunk smoothly, while maintaining excellent health throughout the evening. If we talk about the combination with beer, the originality of the presentation is striking. Let's consider it in more detail.

  1. Choose a shot that has a narrow bottom that gradually widens towards the top. Chill it in the freezer for 20 minutes, then fill with 30 ml. Jägermeister.
  2. Take a beer glass with high sides. Send a shot of liquor inside. Add ice, start gently pouring in light or dark beer (always chilled).
  3. Then drink the composition, holding the glass with your lips. This combination should not be tried by people with a weak stomach. It is important to remember that when using liquor in combination with low-grade counterparts, the mind is greatly clouded.
  4. If you are confident in your own abilities, champagne is mixed with Jägermeister in the same way. However, the feast can turn sideways if you are not a trained drinker. Beginners should start small (20-25 ml of each spirit).

What to eat Jägermeister

  1. Liquor perfectly reflects on the general state of health. It normalizes the activity of the digestive tract, fights high blood sugar, regulates blood pressure and the functioning of the heart muscle.
  2. To get the most benefit, eat Jägermeister properly. It is worth giving up smoked and boiled sausages, canned food, cheeses, fish in any of its manifestations. You should not seize the digestif with hot and cold dishes, nuts, snacks, chocolate.
  3. Beater is optimally combined with slices of lime, orange, grapefruit, kiwi. It is enough to sprinkle the fruit with ground cinnamon or vanilla sugar, then chop it on a skewer and have a bite.

People who do not like to drink liquor in its pure form will like cocktail recipes. Thanks to additional ingredients, the strength of the beater is significantly reduced and the taste is distorted.

  1. Lady. Pick up a glass for juice or cocktails, cool it in the freezer. Pour in 35 ml. Jägermeister, 125 ml. grapefruit or orange fresh, 20 ml. mint liqueur. Add crushed ice to the top, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve without a straw, drink in small sips.
  2. Mirage. Prepare a shot up to 60 ml. Chill it for 15 minutes in the freezer. Then pour 15 ml. Cointreau liqueur, 10 ml. beater Baileys, 15 ml. Jaegers, 10 ml. mint syrup. Add 10 drops of lemon juice between layers to make the drink colorful. Eat in one gulp, snack on lime.
  3. Hello. Prepare a shaker, add 180 ml to it. Coca-Cola, 40 ml. Jägermeister, 140 gr. ice, 20 ml. banana beater. Mix thoroughly, garnish with crushed cinnamon and serve with an orange wedge.
  4. Monster. Combine in a shot glass 20 ml. Baileys, 10 ml. lemon fresh, 25-30 ml. Jägermeister. Send the contents to the freezer for 10 minutes, then use chilled at a time. Do not snack, so as not to interrupt the taste. Ladies are advised to pour the contents into a cocktail glass, then add crushed ice and drink through a straw.
  5. Fly away. Prepare a glass with a volume of 200-250 ml. Pour 15 ml into it. Kahlua, 20 ml. Baileys, 30 ml. Jägermeister, 20 ml. sambuca, 10 gr. absinthe. Add some crushed ice and drops of mint liqueur. Stir, consume in small sips.

To experience all the beauty of Jägermeister, use the liquor in its purest form. Choose shots up to 60 ml, pre-cool them in the freezer. Those who prefer low-grade drinks should take a closer look at cocktail recipes based on the eminent beater.

Video: how to drink pure Jägermeister and make cocktails with it

Jägermeister is a German herbal bitter liqueur, which was originally intended to be used as a medicine to increase immunity and improve digestion. Over time, the situation has changed and now herbal liqueur pleases lovers both in its pure form and in cocktails. The drink is especially popular at ski resorts, since the natural base still has a general strengthening effect on the body, especially if you do not abuse alcohol. Let's figure it out.

Jägermeister is a popular German liqueur with a 35% alcohol content. The exact recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. There are many legends around this secret, one of which says that deer blood is added to the liquor. In fact, this is not the case, however, manufacturers are silent on this matter and are in no hurry to dispel prejudices.

The history of the creation of an alcoholic beverage begins in the 19th century. For the first time, they began to produce it at the factory of Wilhelm Mast, whose main activity was the production of vinegar. The owner's son participated in the creation of the Jägermeister recipe, he had a unique talent for mixing various herbs and creating unique tastes. includes herbs, including saffron, ginseng, poppy, juniper, licorice and others. This is only part of the recipe, as the full composition is kept in the strictest confidence.

The components are crushed, placed in a barrel and poured with diluted alcohol. prepared for a little over a year. During this time, many checks are carried out for compliance with the quality standard. The result is a bittersweet drink with a bright herbal flavor. It clearly resembles a medicinal mixture and actually promotes active digestion. In this regard, it is used as an aperitif. It is difficult to convey in words the range of taste of this liquor, but it is worth noting that there is not a single gram of chemistry in the composition, the whole taste is based solely on natural ingredients.

The signature bottle of Jägermeister is adorned with a deer head with a cross. The creators were inspired by the legend of those times, about a count-hunter who once saw a deer, between the horns of which a cross shone. After that, the count took the veil as a monk. The deer from this fairy tale became the symbol of the hunting drink Jägermeister.

Now let's move on to the question of whetherhow to drink "Jägermeister". We remind readers once again that this is an aperitif, originally created as a medicinal syrup that improves digestion. Despite this, it is often drunk after dinner. It will be useful to drink a glass of liquor before going to bed if you are haunted by the feeling of an upcoming cold.

In its pure form, the drink is best drunk chilled. In this case, his bitterness goes away. The liqueur itself takes on a viscous texture and pleases with a grassy sweetness. Before use, a bottle of liquor is sent to the freezer so that it is thoroughly cooled. The glass should also be cooled and drink the bitter immediately, without waiting for it to warm up.

Many prefer liquor in cocktails, by the way, there are a great many of the latter. The taste of herbs gives cocktails a special charm. Here are some recipes for popular Jägermeister blends.

As for the snack, despite the decent strength of the Jägermeister, it is not required. When chilled, alcohol is practically not felt in the drink, and it is drunk with incredible ease. However, there are a number of foods that go great with bitters.

  • The Germans prefer to drink their liquor with hunting sausages.
  • Americans eat Jagermeister with oranges.
  • In Russia, it is customary to drink liquor with lemon and salt, like tequila.

As you can see, there are a lot of preferences and therefore it is precisely to determine with what andhow to drink "Jägermeister"is simply impossible. The only rule in this matter, which should be adhered to steadily - the appetizer should be cold. Hot dishes will completely ruin the whole experience of the drink.

As mentioned above, this alcohol has shown itself well in cocktails and their diversity can only be envied. We also promised to give examples of some particularly successful mixtures containing liquor.

The classic way to use a beater is called "Ice Shot". That is, both the drink and the dishes from which it is drunk are cooled as much as possible, and a portion of alcohol is drunk in one gulp. In this case, the fortress is not felt at all, and the taste of herbs and berries is fully revealed.

Black blood

It does not require special tricks in preparation.

  • Blue Curacao - 50 ml;
  • Jägermeister - 20 ml;
  • Sprite - 25 ml;
  • Ice cubes.

Place ice in a glass and pour in the rest of the ingredients. Stir with a cocktail spoon and everything, the drink is ready to drink.


A multi-layered cocktail that is drunk in one gulp, just like the bitter liqueur itself.

  • Cointreau - 15 ml;
  • Baileys - 15 ml;
  • Mint liqueur - 15 ml;
  • Jägermeister - 15 ml.

All liqueurs are carefully poured into the shot in layers and served to the client. It is important not to disturb the layers and mix the ingredients.

Cocktail "Kyukambe"

A mixture containing fresh cucumbers, as evidenced by its name. The drink contains a very small amount of alcohol, while it has a light refreshing taste. Used as an after-dinner digestif.

  • Jägermeister - 50 ml;
  • Sprite - 50 ml;
  • Fresh cucumber - 150 gr;
  • Ice cubes.

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and placed on the bottom of the glass. Then the glass is filled with ice and liquid components are poured. Mixing is not required.

acid alligator

This drink involves active mixing of the components in a shaker.

  • Malibu liqueur - 20 ml;
  • Pineapple juice - 40 ml;
  • Midori liqueur - 20 ml;
  • Jägermeister - 20 ml;
  • Ice.

Place the ingredients in a shaker and mix. Pour into a cocktail glass and serve.

So named because of the reddish tint, reminiscent of diluted blood.

  • Pomegranate syrup - 30 ml;
  • Jägermeister - 30 ml;
  • Orange juice - 150 ml.

The components are poured into a glass and mixed with a cocktail spoon until the color becomes uniform. It is worth noting that the taste of this low-alcohol drink has nothing to do with the name. It is perfect for people who practically do not drink alcohol.

As you can see, there are really a lot of cocktails. Each of them has an unforgettable special taste, which is ensured by the presence of our liquor.

At the end of the discussionhow to drink "Jägermeister"I would like to remind you that despite the original taste and benefits, this alcohol contains a considerable amount of alcohol. In addition, the infusion of herbs has a medicinal effect. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble and the opposite effect, Jägermeister is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities. The recommended daily dose is 300 ml. It is also not recommended to mix liquor with sparkling alcohol, such as beer or champagne, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

  1. Who would have thought that the liquor was invented at the vinegar factory.

    The recipe for Jägermeister liqueur was invented in 1935 in a vinegar factory by a man named Kurt Mast, who took 20 years for the factory to pass to him from his father. It was after this momentous event that Kurt decided to focus more on the production of alcohol, which later led him to the invention of a drink with a worldwide reputation.

  2. For more than half a century, the Jägermeister recipe has not changed.

    Authentic originality is one of the main features of the alcohol brand.

  3. Like 80 years ago, it is still produced in Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

    Today the company has "outgrown" the old vinegar factory and now Jägermeister is bottled at 3 different factories.

  4. Wolfenbüttel became a tourist city thanks to Jägermeister.

    With a population of only 50,000, Wolfenbüttel is visited by a large number of visitors precisely because of the fame of the liquor produced there. Tourists come to visit the factory and headquarters. Also in the city there is a hotel with the same name "Jägermeister".

  5. It takes 1 year for the Jägermeister liqueur to "get" into the bottle.

    This is a rather long and laborious process. Before bottling, Jägermeister is first filtered and bottled in oak barrels, where it is left for exactly 1 year. After that, the liquor goes through 383 series of quality checks, including another round of filtration with sugar, caramel, alcohol and water.

  6. The Germans call it "glue for the liver".

    And although many now believe that Jägermeister is a popular shot in nightclubs, it was originally prescribed as a digestif. Many Germans still drink it after meals.

  7. Jägermeister heals.

    Like most herbal liqueurs, Jägermeister was originally used in medicine. Even today, there are those who claim that it helps with colds.

  8. The liqueur does not contain the blood of deer or elk.

    Contrary to some legends about Jägermeister, you will not find the blood of these noble horned animals in its composition.

  9. The bottle shape is the most durable among other shapes.

    Kurt Mast perfected the world-famous green bottle by smashing a large number of differently shaped bottles on the kitchen floor in his home. That is, the form that exists today has proven its reliability and strength in practice.

  10. Unusual logo.

    The idea for the logo is believed to have been inspired by a story about a couple of saints who converted to Christianity after having a vision of a crucifixion between deer antlers.

  11. The Germans use liquor as insect bait.

    Wasps and flies also adore Jägermeister.

  12. Liquor is often used in cooking.

    Believe it or not, Jägermeister makes delicious chicken wing dips, marinades, and even brownies.

  13. Jägermeister is one of the most popular liquor brands in the world.

    Today, the liquor is sold in 80 countries, and 80% of all sales come from countries other than the country of origin. The largest market for the liquor is the United States, where sales have quadrupled over the past few years. The staff of the company is only 530 employees.
