
Lexical topic food 2 junior group. A selection of games and exercises on the topic "Food

  • Teach children to listen carefully and understand what is said in this work.
  • To form a motive, the need for dialogic speech.
  • Develop the ability to correctly form statements into intonation.
  • To form phonetically and grammatically correct speech of children.
  • Develop imagination, the ability to reincarnate.
  • Exercise in the word formation of relative adjectives.
  • Cultivate a sense of goodwill towards each other.
  • Cultivate interest in literature.
  • Preliminary work.

    A conversation about food. Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten. Reading a poem by A. Rozhdestvenskaya “Milk”, a story by B. Almazov “Gorbushka”, a fairy tale “A pot of porridge”.


    “Food” hats, cook doll.

    Lesson progress

    1. Organizing moment. Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the topic of conversation


    - Chef Mitya came to our lesson (I show the children a cook doll). He recently graduated from a culinary school, he has no work experience yet, and he is very afraid that his food will come out tasteless, and no one will want to eat anything. He needs your help. I will speak for Mitya the cook, and you correct me if I'm wrong.

    Educator (Mitya):

    What should I cook with vegetables?

    Children: Salad, vinaigrette, vegetable stew.

    Educator (Mitya):

    - I will cook vegetable stew. I'll take the meat.

    The teacher asks the children:

    Children: No meat. Meat is a food item, but you are making a vegetable stew. We need vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes, onions.

    Educator (Mitya):

    I will put all the vegetables in the pan and fry.

    Children: They are not fried. Vegetables are finely chopped and stewed, seasoned with sunflower oil.

    The teacher (Mitya) is preparing vegetable stew.

    2. Post subject.


    - Children, chef Mitya will stay with us in class and listen to a story about products that argued among themselves and could not decide which one was tastier.

    3. Reading the story of L.I. Smirnova “What is tastier?”:

    During lunch, the products argued which of them tasted better.

    Cutlet said:

    I taste better because I'm made of meat.

    Soup said:

    - I am the tastiest of all, because I am from chicken.

    And the salad answered them:

    - I am the tastiest of all, because I am from vegetables.

    Compote replied:

    - I am the tastiest of all, because I am made of fruits.

    “I’m the tastiest of all, because I’m made of cottage cheese,” the pie intervened in the argument.

    “I’m tastier,” said the porridge, “because I’m dairy.

    Kvass shouted:

    - I am the tastiest of all, because I am bread.

    Kisel disagreed:

    - No, I'm the tastiest of all, because I'm from raspberries.

    Tanya heard a dispute about the products and said:

    - Do not argue, you are all very tasty. I eat you all with pleasure.

    4. Conversation on the content of the story.

    1. Working with text.


    - Remember the children, what products were arguing?

    - What caused the controversy?

    What is the personality of each character in the story?

    - How can this be conveyed with the help of movements, voice?

    5. The game “I taste better!”

    Goal: Development of intonation.

    Children choose a hero, invent a character and convey with the help of intonation who is tastier.


    Who ended the dispute?

    - Tanya said: “Do not argue, you are all very tasty!”

    6. D / and “From what - what?”.

    Purpose: Lexico-grammatical exercise on the listened text - the formation of relative adjectives.

    Meat cutlet (what?) - meat cutlet.

    Chicken soup (what?) - chicken soup.

    Vegetable salad (what?) - vegetable salad.

    Fruit compote (what?) - fruit compote.

    Cottage cheese pie (what?) - cottage cheese pie.

    Milk porridge (what?) - milk porridge.

    Kvass from bread (what?) - bread kvass.

    Raspberry jelly (what?) - raspberry jelly.

    Fizkultminutka - logorhythm.

    We open the refrigerator (imitation of opening the refrigerator with one hand),

    We take out a pack of oil (tilt forward, depict movements of the hands forward to the chest),

    Sausage, sour cream, cheese,

    Cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir (claps in front of you for every word),

    Let's not forget the cake and fruit, (round hands in front of you, sit down, hands to the sides).

    What did we get? Products.

    7. Re-reading the story with a mindset for retelling.

    Children put on a cap of the chosen “hero” of the story and prepare for a dramatization game.

    8. Retelling the text by dramatizing the dialogue.

    9. The result of the lesson.


    - Children, did you like to retell the story by roles?

    Educator (Mitya):

    – Guys, can you come up with a story about your favorite product and draw an illustration? Bring your work tomorrow.

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food"

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Educational areas

    all rooms in the group)




    Activity Image V

    regime moments



    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greeting each child in the group. Morning exercises to music. Speech five minutes on the topic. D / and "Bread is the head of everything."

    Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge that bread is one of the most important food products in Russia, black bread is especially healthy and rich in vitamins. Continue to acquaint with the work of grain growers and transport

    D / and “I count up to 10 - to form children's ideas about counting objects up to 10, to consolidate the ability to name numerals in order, pointing to objects, to express the results of counting in speech.

    Learn with children L. Zilberg's quatrain “I never lose heart,

    And a smile on your face

    Because I accept

    Vitamins A, B, C.

    Purpose: To develop memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

    Introduction of illustrations on the topic “Food. Bakery products"

    Keeping a calendar of nature.

    Garden on the window.

    Purpose: to develop observation, thinking,diligence.

    Canteen duty.

    To instill cultural and hygienic skills in children.


    Speech development

    Speech development. (Correctional). GCD..

    Speech development (Reading art. Literature)

    Artistic and aesthetic development Phys. development

    GCD. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

    According to the plan of the physical instructor.


    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Wind observation. Wind is the movement of air, note that cold winds began to blow more often. Find out what other signs the children know. Systematize ideas about the sequence of seasonal changes. Salki game

    D / game "Speak, do not delay." Purpose: To develop speech activity, vocabulary Zuhra, Karina, Plato

    Situational conversation with children “What is porridge made of?” - expand children's understanding of various foods

    Labor on the site - raking snow to the roots of trees. Purpose: to develop the skills of diligence. Independent play activity on the site.


    before bedtime

    1. Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fictionR.s.s. "fox and crane".


    Wake up to calm music. Control complex. In the bed. Hardening procedures. D / and "Magic words."

    Purpose: To form the ability to decipher words by the first letters of the picture. Strengthen knowledge of letters and sounds.

    Work on expressive reading of poems for the competition of readers "Zimushka-winter"

    Productive activity: "Drawing". Purpose: to form the ability to create drawings about the family. Develop the ability to hold a brush and pencil correctly

    Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games.

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers. P / I "Classics"


    Observation of clouds and clouds in the evening sky. Purpose: to teach children to highlight snow clouds. P/I

    PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL WORK for a week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Objectives: To create conditions for the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about food, about utensils. Clarify and consolidate with children the concepts of "dishes", "food" using various types of children's activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers,

    all rooms in the group)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Activity Image V

    regime moments



    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greet each child in the group. Morning exercises to the music of LOTO "SHOP" -

    get to know the different types of shops. Introduce children to economic terminology: product, price, cost, delivery, profit. To develop the ability to make purchases in the store, practice in the oral account, expand ideas about the types of stores and goods. Develop thinking, attention, memory. Dictionary activation

    Continue to reinforce proverbs about work. Purpose: To develop memory, thinking, clear pronunciation, speech, the ability to communicate with adults. Attract Sonya, Alina A

    Examining illustrations and solving riddles about products. - Continue to introduce products, their beneficial properties, vitamins,

    Labor - duty in the dining room "Order in everything" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast.

    Board game "Lacing". To consolidate the ability of children to tie shoelaces in the form of a banner. Independent activity of children

    on the topic "Dishes"

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


    Speech development

    Speech development. (Correctional)






    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Target walk.

    (according to the ter-ii d / s). Invite the children to note the changes that have occurred on the territory of the kindergarten with the onset of winter.

    P / I " cat and mice» - Develop the main type of movement - running. Develop the ability to dodge. .

    Consolidation of the ability to dress in the correct sequence, to provide all possible assistance to peers.

    Situational conversation with children - "Bread is not a toy." Purpose: to explain to children the rules of behavior at the table.

    Work is to clear the paths of snow.. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help adults.

    Independent play activity.Games for children.


    before bedtime

    To consolidate the ability to quickly, carefully undress, keeping order in your closet (lay out clothes in certain places)Reading fiction: Br. Grimm "Pot of Porridge".


    Wake up to calm music. A set of exercises "Clap". hardening procedures. Theatricalization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Spikelet" Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

    Continue to develop the child's vocabulary on the topic "Baked products" - Ruslan, Ulyana. Egor

    D / And “Do-not” Purpose: to consolidate the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

    Attributes for the s / r game “Sick.

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers: design, drawing.


    Wind observation. How does the wind affect the flight of birds? Purpose: to teach to draw conclusions in the course of observations. P / I "Owl"

    PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL WORK for a week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Objectives: To create conditions for the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about food, about utensils. Clarify and consolidate with children the concepts of "dishes", "food" using various types of children's activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers,

    all rooms in the group)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Activity Image V

    regime moments



    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Reception of children. Morning exercises Greeting: A ball of affectionate names. Speech five minutes on the topic Be D.I.: “What the artist mixed up” (departments in a grocery store). Purpose: development of visual attention, consolidation of knowledge about food and various departments of the store.seda "All about our dishes" - to clarify the meaning and role of dishes for our health.

    Ind. work - improving the ability to compare and distinguish objects that are contrasting in shape (products nutrition

    Nastya, Dasha, Lera.

    Situational conversation with children "Our hygiene" in order to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills.

    Equipping the object-spatial environment in the group - selection of illustrations on the theme of the week.Independent activity in activity centers. Coloring pages on the topic.

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


    Speech development


    GCD. Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject:

    Artistic creativity

    Physical development

    NOD. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

    GCD Physical development according to the plan of the instructor


    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Bird watching - crow. Purpose: expansion of ideas about wintering birds; observation training (how birds move). "Crow and dog". Purpose: learning to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move around without interfering with each other. P/I"Knock down the pin"

    Exercise children in walking and running "snake" between objects.

    Situational conversation “How do children understand the proverb “Meet by clothes, see off by mind”?”

    Work on the site - to collect garbage Purpose: to cultivate a desire to take care of the cleanliness of the environment. Independent gaming activity on the site. Experimental activity "How to melt the snow"


    before bedtime

    Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief",


    Wake up to calm music. Control complex. In the bed. Hardening procedures.

    D.I .: "Learn by the contour." Purpose: development of the ability to visually analyze the contour of an object. Repeating songs for the new year

    D / I “Draw by dots” Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. With Karina, Alina, Dasha

    Situational conversation "Each toy has its place." Purpose: to consolidate the skills of cleaning the play area..

    Role-playing game "Shop".

    Independent activity of children in the centers of creativity.

    Design of a book corner, attributes for a s/r game


    Observations of the onset of evening, how birds behave at nightfall. Purpose: to teach to draw conclusions in the course of observations. P / I "Birds on a tree".

    PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL WORK for a week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017

    Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Objectives: To create conditions for the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about food, about utensils. Clarify and consolidate with children the concepts of "dishes", "food" using various types of children's activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers,

    all rooms in the group)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Activity Image V

    regime moments



    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Greet each child in the group. Morning exercises to music. Speech five minutes on the topic. D / and "Guess who it is?" (by descriptive features). Purpose: consolidation of ideas about food, dishes, development of auditory attention, thinking.

    P / and "Shadow"

    D / I "Correct the mistake" Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning of possessive pronouns "my, mine, mine, mine" SFotima, Zukhra Karina

    Learning the dynamic game "Mol" Purpose: to develop visual-motor coordination of movement. Dasha, Bogdan, Seryozha)

    Labor - preparation of the workplace for educational activities Purpose: to cultivate accuracy.

    Independent gaming activity in employment centers. A set of subject pictures on the topic, the album "Dishes".

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

    About the upcoming competition "Christmas Toy"


    Speech development


    GCD. Speech development (correctional) Topic:

    GCD. Cognition. FEMP Theme:


    GCD Artistic and aesthetic development (application)


    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Observation of inanimate nature - the sun. Goal: deepening knowledge about natural phenomena (sunny, cloudy weather). P / and: “Who will throw the snowball farther? - exercise in throwing, observe the order

    Exercise children in jumping over a long rope (Katya, Lera, Lyuba)

    Cognitive research activity: “Why trees need snow

    Labor is to clear the veranda of snow, put things in order. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness. Independent gaming activity on the site. Remote material: equipment for work, balls.


    before bedtime

    To consolidate the ability to quickly, carefully undress, keeping order in your closet (lay out clothes in certain places) Reading fiction: N. Nosov at the choice of children


    Wake up to calm music. Complex "Kittens". Hardening procedures.Theatricalization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

    Repeat poems and songs for the new year

    Situational conversation with children - "We play together" in order to consolidate the ability to organize joint games

    Independent play activities of children in employment centers

    Desktop printed games: "Lotto", "Domino", "Logic"

    Free activity in the art corner using stencils, coloring books.


    Wind observations. Purpose: to continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind; to expand children's knowledge about the inanimate nature of P / I at the choice of children. Compilation of riddles about dishes, food with Leva, Katya, Adeline and Ruslan.

    PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL WORK for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

    Group: senior groupSubject:« Dishes ». "Food" Objectives: To create conditions for the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about food, about utensils. Clarify and consolidate with children the concepts of "dishes", "food" using various types of children's activities

    Day of the week



    educational areas

    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers,

    all rooms in the group)

    Interaction with parents/social partners




    Activity Image V

    regime moments



    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    morning gymnastics to music. Greeting "Stand up, children, stand in a circle." Speech five minutes on the topic. Conversation with children “Health is the main wealth” Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​proper nutrition, the need to protect your health.

    Ind. work discussing food from which you can cook breakfastWith Karina P., Serezha G.. Alina A.

    A conversation about what cooks cook for us for breakfast?

    Canteen work Purpose: to teach children how to set the table for breakfast.

    A set of illustrations on the topic, d / i, independent gaming activities in employment centers Plot - role-playing games at the request of children.

    Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

    "How to spend the weekend with the benefit of the child"


    Speech development


    GCD ecology Topic:

    GCD. Drawing. Subject:

    Phys. culture

    According to the plan of the instructor in PHYSICAL


    Speech development


    cognitive development

    Phys. culture

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Observation: "Birch in late autumn." Continue to introduce children to various types of trees, learn to recognize birch by its white trunk, shape of branches, name its distinguishing features. Tell the children about the birch as a symbol of Russia.. Offer to think about why the needles do not fall off in winter, like the leaves of deciduous trees.P / n: Who will run faster?

    P / I “Get in the hoop” Purpose: to train children in throwing bags at a vertical target Emil, Lyuba, Adelina

    Did the game "call it in one word." Learn to use generalizing concepts of dishes, products in speech. Enrich vocabulary.

    Work on the site - clear the paths from snow. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness. Independent gaming activity on the site. Remote material: equipment for work, balls.


    before bedtime

    To consolidate the ability to quickly, carefully undress, keeping order in your closet (lay out clothes in certain places) Reading art. Literature: V. Oseeva "Cookies".


    Wake up to calm music. hardening procedures. Reading fiction. Fairy tale "Snow Queen". Reading session.

    D / y “Continue the pattern” Purpose: to exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage. (Karina, Diana, Bogdan)

    Situational conversation “If a friend suddenly turned up” Purpose: to teach children to find solutions in problem situations, to cultivate friendliness

    Entertainment "Journey to the country of health" Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​the benefits of sports for health, to cultivate the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle


    Tracking observations. D / I "Where are whose tracks?" Purpose: to develop observation, imagination, to consolidate knowledge about the world around. P / I "Who is gone"With Karina P., Dasha P., Serezha T. fix the sequence of parts of the day

    Thematic selection of games and exercises, topic: "Food"


    Expand children's knowledge about food.
    To enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children on this topic.
    Learn to listen carefully and understand the text.
    Form ideas about color, position in space (on, behind, in front, next to, top-bottom, right-left), geometric shapes (rectangle, square, triangle, circle, oval), size (large-small).
    Teach children to find exactly the same object, as well as an object that is different from the rest.
    Improve the skills of gluing, sculpting, drawing straight vertical lines with a pencil.
    Teach children to find the middle of an object.
    Teach kids how to cut paper with scissors.
    Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
    Exercise in the ability to coordinate their actions with the words of the song.
    Cultivate the desire to be careful when eating, use a napkin.


    Packaging from under various food products (two copies).
    Pictures "Find an extra item" (food).
    Plates cut out of cardboard, PVA glue, buckwheat.
    Salt dough, toy knives, candy wrappers.
    Pictures depicting ears, grains, flour, dough, bakery products.
    Sheet-background with the image of the road. Little cars.
    Sheet-background depicting plates of various shapes; carved color images of bread, cookies, pie, long loaf, donut; glue.
    Large white beans and small brown beans. Large and small bowls.
    Scissors. Paper cut images of bread and sausage.
    Clothespins. Multi-colored silhouette images of "chupa-chups".
    Handout "tomatoes", "cucumbers", "pears", "plums"; circles-plates of red, blue, yellow and green colors.
    Clothesline. Silhouette images of mushrooms.
    Drying. Ropes.
    A picture of a neat and messy baby eating. Paper napkins.
    Round cardboard "pizzas" with Velcro, small pieces of sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese with Velcro.
    Pictures-backgrounds with the image of sweets in the form of geometric shapes with an empty middle, the corresponding geometric shapes.
    Pencils. Sheets with foodstuffs drawn at the top and plates at the bottom, which need to be connected with a vertical line.
    Audio recordings: “Dance with Mom”, “I bake, bake, bake a pie for all the kids.”

    Lesson progress:

    When we are told "Bon appetit?" So they say before eating. Today we will play and talk about what we eat.

    When you are offered a treat -
    Fruit cake, sweets and cookies, -
    Eat calmly, carefully.
    Everyone around will be happy.

    What should be said before eating? What should be said after eating?

    Didactic game "Buy exactly the same product in the store"

    Children are given empty packages of various food products. Children must go to the "shop" (where the same packages are placed) and choose-"buy" exactly the same product.

    Didactic exercise "What is inedible?"

    Look at the picture carefully and show what is inedible, what cannot be eaten.

    Children draw vertical straight lines with pencils from the product to the plate.

    Exercise "Pizza"

    Prepare a real pizza - put slices of sausage, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes on top.

    looking at pictures

    You like to eat cookies, buns, bread. Look and hear how and from what they turned out. (Showing pictures is accompanied by a story of an adult).

    Picture "Spikes".
    Picture "Grain".
    Picture "Flour".
    Picture "Dough".
    Picture "Bakery products".

    Didactic game "Bread truck"

    Put sheets of paper with a drawn city in front of you and pick up a bread truck. You will be the drivers and drive the car in the right direction.

    Put the car in the upper left corner. There is a bakery here and fresh bread, rolls and other delicious products will be loaded into the car.
    Drive the car to the center, to the very middle.
    The car is now moving to the right.
    Now down the street.
    The car stopped in front of a tall building.
    Then the car moved to the left.
    Stopped behind a low house.
    The car drove up the street.
    The car returned to the bakery.

    Application "Choose a dish of the desired shape"

    We bought different products at the bakery. Now you need to lay them out on the festive table. You do not have a tablecloth with dishes placed on it. Consider carefully bakery products and dishes for them.
    You need to choose a dish of a suitable shape for each product.
    What geometric shape does a donut look like? To the circle. On a dish of what shape should a round bagel be placed? For a round dish.
    What geometric shape does bread look like? To a rectangle. What shape dish should the rectangular bread be placed on? On a rectangular dish.
    What geometric shape does a loaf look like? On the oval On a dish of what shape should an oval loaf be placed? On an oval platter.
    What geometric shape does the pie look like? To a triangle. On a dish of what shape should a triangular pie be placed? On a triangular dish.
    What geometric shape does a cookie look like? To the square. On a dish of what shape should a square cookie be placed? For a square dish.

    Reading the poem "Bread"

    Flour was kneaded into the dough.
    And from the test we blinded:
    pies and buns,
    sweet cheesecakes,
    Buns and rolls -
    We bake everything in the oven.

    Sculpting "Kolobok, loaf, bagel"

    Pick up pieces of salty dough and roll up a bun (circular rolling), a loaf (direct rolling, pressing, notching), a bagel (direct rolling, bending, joining).

    Dynamic pause "I'm baking, I'm baking, I'm baking"

    Children perform movements as shown by an adult to the song "I bake, bake, bake."

    Didactic game "Put food on plates"

    Here are the vegetables and fruits. Name them: cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, pears. Can you tell me what color they are? Green cucumbers, red tomatoes, yellow pears, blue plums. Arrange them on plates of a suitable color.

    Didactic exercise "We sort the beans"

    Here on a plate mixed beans. There are white beans, large, and there are brown beans, small. Divide the beans: large beans on large plates and small beans on a small plate.

    Didactic game "Spread out the sweets"

    Pick up candies of a suitable shape and arrange them in the picture.

    Game with clothespins "Candy on sticks"

    Here are some sweets for you. Show candy red, yellow, blue, green. Now pick up a stick of the same color for each candy.

    Manual labor "Candy"

    Pinch off large pieces from salt dough, roll into a thick sausage and wrap in candy wrappers.

    Reading the poem "Delicious porridge" by Z. Alexandrova

    buckwheat porridge,
    Where did you cook? In the oven.
    Copied, pissed off.
    For Olenka to eat.
    The porridge was cooked
    All shared...
    Got a spoonful
    Geese on the path
    Chickens in a basket
    Tits in the window.
    Enough for a spoon
    Dog and cat.
    And Olya finished
    Last crumbs!

    Manual labor "Porridge on a plate"

    Spread the middle of the plate with glue (copiously), sprinkle with cereals on top. Shake off or blow off the rest of the cereal.

    Didactic exercise "Cut in half"

    Take scissors and cut the sausage and bread in half.

    Show a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

    Didactic exercise "Dry mushrooms"

    Squirrels dry mushrooms on the knots of trees. And people hang mushrooms to dry on a string. So we are now hanging the mushrooms to dry on a string using clothespins.

    Dance exercise "Dance with Mom"

    Children perform movements to the music according to the text.

    Didactic exercise "Good and bad"

    Children look at the picture and explain which child is good at the table and which is bad.

    How do you behave at the table? Try to eat carefully. To not get dirty. Use a napkin. To wipe your mouth after eating. Show how you wipe your mouth with a tissue.

    Manual labor "Bunch of dryers"

    Children string dryers on a string, adults help to tie a knot on a string. Children take a bunch of dryers with them.

    Lexical work on the topic: "Food"


    Continue introduce children to different food.

    Reinforce knowledge of where they are sold what they are needed for, what can be prepared from them, where they are stored.

    Summarize children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, food through the content of familiar fairy tales, riddles, poems

    Exercise in the ability to classify, generalize (food, food).

    Develop curiosity, the ability to highlight the rules of a healthy nutrition

    Cultivate interest and respect for food desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Vocabulary Job:

    Items: products; fridge; butter, milk, cheese, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ice cream; meat, sausage, sausages, sausages, meatballs, ham, minced meat; ripple, bird (chicken, turkey, etc.); eggs; wheat, rye, flour, bread, rolls, bagels, crackers, pies, pasta; chocolate, sweets, marmalade, marshmallows, cake; salesman, shop; vegetables fruits; spices: salt, sugar, pepper; cereals, rice, buckwheat, oats, millet, semolina.

    Actions: buy, store, sell, make, cook, cook, fry, salt, eat, cut.

    signs:grocery, dairy, meat, fish, bread, flour, vegetable, confectionery; salty, sweet, spicy, soft, stale, tasty, chocolatey, fresh, fried, boiled, hot, cold, healthy, harmful

    Proverbs about bread, food, food.

    Appetite comes with eating.

    Save bread for food, and money for trouble.

    Pancakes and pancakes - the matchmakers were wrapped up.

    There will be bread - there will be lunch.

    Buckwheat porridge - our mother,

    And rye bread is a father.

    Potato bread help.

    You won't spoil the porridge with oil.

    Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.

    When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

    Itself not am and I will not give to others.

    Bread is the head of everything.

    Bread and cereals are good for your health.

    Shchi and porridge are our food.


    Taking to the store products,

    But not vegetables, not fruits.

    Cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese,

    Glazed curd.

    Brought from afar

    Three cans of milk.

    Our children are very fond of

    Yoghurts and curdled milk.

    This is very helpful for them.

    Our dairy shop. V. Nishchev

    Baton O. Grigoriev

    With a long loaf under the arm

    A boy came from the bakery

    Followed by a red beard

    The dog minced short.

    The boy did not turn around

    And the bat got shorter.

    One two three four.

    There are four weights on the scales,

    On the other hand

    There are pancakes on the scales.

    On a board near the house

    I baked them myself.

    None came out lumpy

    Not one set on fire!

    Damn you, damn him

    And others one by one.

    Eat faster

    Don't look!

    If you don't want to eat, come out!

    G. Ladonshchikov

    Sandwich G. Sapgir

    Weird mathematician

    Lived in Germany.

    He is bread and sausage

    Accidentally folded.

    Then the result

    I put it in my mouth.

    That's the way man

    Invented Sandwich.

    Jam O. Grigoriev

    Sergei has no patience,

    He eats jam with his hands.

    Seryozha's fingers stuck together,

    The shirt has grown to the skin.

    Don't take your feet off the floor

    Do not take your hands off your feet.

    Elbows and knees stuck together.

    Ears glued jam.

    There is a pitiful sob.

    Sergei stuck to himself.


    The old woman decided

    Bake the cheesecakes.

    I put the dough

    Yes, the stove is lit.

    The old woman decided

    Bake cheesecakes,

    And how many do you need

    Completely forgot.

    Two things - for the granddaughter,

    Two things - for grandfather,

    Two things - for Tanya,

    Neighbor's daughters...

    I thought, I thought, but I lost my way,

    And the oven is completely fired up!

    Help the old lady

    Count the cheesecakes!

    V. Kudryavtseva

    delicious porridge

    Buckwheat porridge.

    Where did you cook? In the oven.

    Welded, got ahead,

    So that Olenka eats,

    Kasha praised,

    Divided for everyone...

    Got a spoonful

    Geese on the path

    Chickens in a basket

    Tits in the window.

    Enough for a spoon

    Dog and cat

    And Olya finished

    Last crumbs!

    Z. Alexandrova

    I don't like semolina

    I have a very hard time with porridge.

    It is useless to argue with my mother Cooks porridge for me stubbornly.

    It's not easy for a brother -

    Brother drinks milk.

    He screams both day and night -

    Apparently, he also wants something.

    Maybe this semolina

    Come on, eat at least a spoon,

    I'll pour the rest to the cat.

    E. Stekvashova

    Grandma planted in the oven

    Bake pies with cabbage.

    For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

    The pies are ready.

    Yes, another pie

    The cat dragged under the bench.

    Yes, there are four in the oven.

    The pies are counted by the grandchildren.

    N. Konchalovskaya

    I decided to cook compote

    On my mother's birthday.

    I took raisins, nuts, honey,

    Kilogram of jam.

    Put everything in a pot

    Stirred, poured water,

    Put on the stove

    And added fire.

    To make it taste better

    I won't regret anything.

    Two carrots, onion, banana,

    Cucumber, flour glass,

    Everything was boiling, steam swirled ...

    Finally, the compote is cooked!

    I took the pan to my mother:

    Happy birthday, mommy!

    Mom was very surprised

    Laughed, admired.

    I poured compote for her -

    Let's try it soon!

    Mom drank a little

    And ... coughed into her palm,

    And then she said sadly:

    Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you!

    Delicious! M. Druzhinin

    EVIL Avdeenko

    Hens-hens: "Ko-ko-ko!

    We laid testicles;

    Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,

    Little kids!"

    HAY YES SOUP! Tokmakova

    Deep, not shallow.

    Ships in a bowl.

    bow head,

    Red carrot.

    Parsley, potatoes

    And some grains.

    Here the ship is sailing

    Swims right into your mouth!

    Porridge Irina Tokmakova

    Come on, come on, come on, come on!

    Do not grumble, you pans!

    Don't grumble, don't hiss,

    Cook sweet porridge

    Cook sweet porridge

    Feed our children.

    Cottage cheese-cottage cheese-cottage cheese,

    Yum yum yum - delicious!

    Cottage cheese-cottage cheese-cottage cheese,

    White as cabbage!

    In the mouth-am! - and cottage cheese

    How the snowflake melts;

    Cottage cheese is our friend!

    Strengthens teeth.


    Sasha walked along the highway,

    Carry dryers in a bag.

    Drying - Grisha,

    Drying - Misha.

    There are drying Proshe,

    Vasyusha and Antosha.

    Two more dryers

    Nyusha and Petrushka


    I clean vegetables for cabbage soup.

    How many vegetables do you need?

    Three potatoes, two carrots,

    Onions one and a half heads,

    Yes parsley root,

    Yes, a cabbage roll.

    Make room for you, cabbage,

    From you in a saucepan thick!

    One, two, three, the fire is lit -

    Stump, get out!

    Finger gymnastics "Grinders"

    We sharpen the knife, we sharpen the knife

    He will be very good

    He will cut supplies:

    Butter, lard and sausages,

    Tomatoes cucumbers.

    Eat well done!

    Learn a poem "To grow big"

    To grow big

    You need to listen to your mother

    At lunch from the heart

    Eat chicken soup.

    Eat meatballs for the second

    And puree to boot.

    I eat meat for lunch

    I will be strong

    Guess easily and quickly:

    Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

    He is black, he is white

    And it gets burned.


    sits on a spoon

    Dangling legs.


    Can be welded

    May break

    If you want, into a bird

    Can turn.


    White, sweet stone

    Melting in our cup

    Tea, compote flavors.


    Separately - I'm not so tasty

    But in food - everyone needs it.


    Liquid, not water

    White, not snow.


    Starts with "TO", -

    We drink milk product.


    At lunch time products argued which one is tastier. Cutlet said:– I am tastier because I am made of meat. Soup said:- I'm the tastiest of all, because I'm made of chicken. And the salad im in answer:- I am the tastiest of all, because I am from vegetables. Compote objected:– I am the tastiest of all, because I am made of fruits. “I’m the tastiest of all, because I’m made of cottage cheese,” the pie intervened in the argument. “I’m tastier,” said the porridge, “because I’m dairy. Kvass shouted:- I am tastier than everyone, because I am bread. Kissel is not agreed:– No, I am the tastiest of all, because I am from raspberries. Tanya heard the argument products and said:– Do not argue, you are all very tasty. I eat you all with pleasure.

    Didactic games

    "Name what you know products»

    What is made from milk? Milk is used to make cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, curdled milk, kefir

    What is made from meat? Cutlets, sausages, sausages are made from meat ...

    What is made from flour? Bread, bagels, bagels, cookies, rolls are made from flour ...

    "What are products What is the name of milk products. – Dairy products

    What is the name of meat products. – Meat products. What is the name of flour products. – Flour products.

    "What of what?" What can be prepared from milk - milk porridge, cottage cheese, butter, from meat - cutlets, minced meat, meat soup (bouillon)... from vegetables - salad, soup, vegetable stew ... from flour - bread, rolls, cake, cookies, bagels, ...

    "What is porridge?"- Tell me the name of the porridge. from rice – From rice - rice porridge from millet – From millet - millet porridge from buckwheat – From buckwheat - buckwheat porridge from oats – From oats - oatmeal

    from semolina - From semolina - semolina porridge

    "Choose the words-signs" bread (Which)- wheat, rye, white, black, fresh, soft, tasty, ... ice cream (which)– white, sweet, delicious, cold, milky, creamy… candy (which)- sweet, chocolate, caramel, small, tasty ...

    "Name the store/store department"- Tell me the name of the store where sell products. - This grocery store.

    sell milk. This is the dairy department.

    Tell me the name of the department store where sell meat. This is the meat department.

    Tell me the name of the department store where sell fish. This is the fish department.

    Tell me the name of the department store where sell bread. This is the bakery department.

    "What do they do with products- Tell me what to do with products.

    Products sell, buy, make, cook, fry, boil, salt, cut, eat ...

    "What lies where?"(prepositions (using pictures or showing actions)

    Where is the milk? Milk is in the fridge (on the table, on the shelf)

    Where did you get the bread from? I took the bread from the bread box (from the dish, from the table).

    Where did you put the meat? I put the meat on the plate (in the pot, in the refrigerator).

    What did you do (huh? I poured (A) milk from a bag into a glass. And so on.

    "Compare products» Milk is liquid, but sour cream is thick. The bread is soft and the bread is hard. Ice cream is cold and cake is hot. The candy is sweet, but the onion is bitter.

    "Count from 1 to 10 and back" one package of milk, two ... one loaf of bread, two ... one pack of butter, one bottle of vegetable oil, two ... the first candy, the second ... the first ice cream, ... the first cracker, ... Etc.

    "What did you see in the store?" "What did you buy?" I saw sausages, sausages, sweets in the store ...

    I bought bread, kefir, sour cream, ... "What's not in the store?" There are no sausages, sausages, sweets in the store ...

    "Call it sweetly"

    oil - oil

    bread - loaf

    sour cream - sour cream

    kefir - kefir

    bun - bun

    sausage - sausage

    "One is many"- Tell me what's in the store. - There are a lot of sweets, bagels, crackers, milk, ... in the store.

    "Tell", "Guess -KA" Compiling stories about food. Compilation plan story:

    What is this?

    What kind product?

    How are they produced?

    Where sell(which department)

    What is being prepared?

    Do you like it? (Sample story. "Cake" This is cake. A cake is a confectionery product. It is made from flour, eggs, butter, sugar. Cake is usually eaten on holidays. He is sweet. I love cake: it is beautiful and delicious.)

    Fix the names with the child food what they are for, what can be prepared from them, where they are sold where they are stored and why;

    Fix the names of dishes with the child (borscht, porridge, soup, puree, vinaigrette, etc.).

    Draw or cut out pictures food for a book about useful and harmful products

    Show child products, from which food is prepared, fix the names of dishes that are cooked at home, as well as methods of cooking. At the same time, it should ask: what is prepared from meat? From potatoes? From cabbage? What is vinaigrette made from?

    To tell the children how important bread is for all people, how many people of different professions work so that bread appears on our table, that bread must be protected. Explain the expression to children "Bread is the head of everything". Together with the child, buy bread, pay attention to its taste, smell, tell what bread is baked from.

    Talk with your child about the fact that the food that is bought in the store and various dishes are prepared from it is called food. Food there are several species: dairy, meat, fish, bakery, etc.

    Learn a poem

    Lived - there were cheese, meatballs,

    Marmalade, marshmallows, sweets,

    Juices, vegetables and fruits,

    We call them - products,

    We call them food

    We love them always!

    Involve your child in cooking dishes: soup, cereals, casseroles, compote ... etc. Tell me which products are prepared these dishes; which of them belong to the first, second, third dishes; which are included in the breakfast, lunch or dinner menu. Let the child pronounce the actions that you perform, call products that you need for cooking.

    play word games games: "Name the dish?" Vegetable Salad (Which)- vegetable. porridge from buckwheat (which) –…. (from rice groats, from semolina, from hercules, from millet, etc.) cheese casserole (which) – …. (from meat, from potatoes, from vermicelli, etc.) cutlet of meat (which) – ….(fish, carrot, chicken, etc.) vermicelli soup (Which) - (from potatoes, from vegetables, from rice, from peas, from fish, ....) apple compote (Which)- …. (pears, cherries, plums, berries, etc.).

    A game "Remember and Name" Dairy products: butter, cottage cheese, cheese .... Meat products: sausages, sausage, minced meat .... Flour products: bread, cookies, dryers, pasta….

    A game "Merry Account".One apple, two., three., four, five apples; (sausage, candy, cutlet, etc.)

    A game "Name the juice, jam, soup, porridge" What kind of jam (apple, plum, apricot, peach) Which puree... (potatoes, peas, apples) What juice from... (carrot, pear, orange) What kind of soup (peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables, meat) What kind of porridge (millet, semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)

    Name the game products, which Can: fry (fish, meatballs, cook (sausages, potatoes, pasta, bake in the oven (pies, bread….)

    1. In the kitchen, consider food, inviting the child to name those that he knows and pronounce those that he does not know. Ask appropriate follow-up questions:

    What / what? Is it eaten raw or does it have to be cooked first? What is prepared from it and how (clean, cut, boil, fry ...)? Where is it stored?

    Discuss where the products come from (grown in the garden, bought in the store).

    Discuss the rules for eating (before eating, you need to wash your hands so as not to get sick; do not talk during meals because you can choke; eat carefully so as not to stain the table and clothes).

    Consider together images of familiar products in pictures in books.

    2. Selection of nouns for the verb
    What are they brewing? What are they frying? What is washed? What are they cleaning? What is eaten raw? What is stored in the refrigerator? What is kept in the closet?

    3. The use of verbs in the past tense (now we are cooking soup, but yesterday ... we cooked; now we are eating, but yesterday ...)

    4. Answer other related questions
    What is porridge made from? What is soup made from? What is the salad made from? What are sandwiches made of? What are crackers made of? What is compote brewed and juice made from? Why do you need to wash your hands before eating? Why don't they talk while eating? Why eat carefully?

    5. Name affectionately (cottage cheese ... cottage cheese, cheese, pasta, porridge, soup, salad, sandwich, compote ...)

    6. Say the opposite

    Clean - dirty (vegetables)

    Hard - soft (pasta)

    Liquid - thick (porridge)

    Sweet - salty

    7. Finger gymnastics


    We shared an orange, there are many of us, and he is alone (for each word, squeeze your fingers into a fist)

    This slice is for a hedgehog, this slice is for a swift, this slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens, this slice is for a beaver (bend your fingers alternately with your left hand)

    And for a wolf - peel.


    The fox was walking along the path (the index and middle fingers “walk” along the surface)

    And she carried mushrooms in a basket (one hand into a fist, and with the other hand cover it from above, like a hat; on the word "basket" make a handful with your palms)

    Five mushrooms (show 5 fingers of one hand)

    And five chanterelles (show 5 fingers of the other hand)

    For fox cubs (squeeze the fingers of one hand into a fist)

    And for the chanterelles (squeeze the fingers of the other hand into a fist)

    8. Tell and discuss or beat (with toys or using plasticine) the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

    I am a little friend

    With a tablespoon.

    I just open my mouth

    A spoon with porridge comes in,

    Plop! To my tongue

    Cheeks together smack-smack-smack!

    Everyone is happy: me, my mouth

    And my chubby belly!

    Fruits stand in a row

    And they are talking about something.

    Who will be the first among them?

    Pear or grape?

    Or maybe an apricot?

    Amazing question!

    To think, only a banana did not,

    The first one fell into my hands.

    And Marina has three huge tangerines in her basket.

    * Cucumber, cucumber, don't go to that tip. The mouse lives there, it will bite your tail.

    bright yellow orange

    cute yellow ball

    I twist you - I twist

    I want to eat you

    10. Riddles
    Describe food in your own words.

    Riddles in verse:

    Dinner hour comes: wash your hands, fidget! From fresh vegetables and cereals, my mother cooked a delicious ...
