
Easy puff pastry recipe. How to make puff pastry and what to cook from it

Puff pastry is tender, unique, airy. Its texture cannot be replicated in other types of dough, but you can repeat it at home, and besides, it is not difficult at all! It is used in completely different types of baking: pies, pastries, cakes, pizza, croissants, rolls and so on. This is a very versatile look. Surely you know what his secret is? That's right, it's in the layers, it's not for nothing that it is called “puff”. The more layers in it, the more magnificent and higher it is.

Our people are more likely to buy such a product in the store, and even frozen. But how is it? It's not hard at all to cook. In addition, this is the only way you will find out what is in the composition of this product, how fresh and high-quality it is. Right? If you agree, then join us and let's try to cook different types of dough at home, which can be used in completely different areas of cooking.

Description and general principles of preparation

What is puff pastry - you probably already guessed. The simplest product with it, which everyone has probably tried, is a puff. They come in different sizes, shapes and with different fillings. It can be vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meat, mushrooms, greens and much more.

Puff pastry, by the way, can be of different types: yeast, yeast-free and even unleavened. In Europe, for example, puff pastry is still divided into three types - Dutch (butter spread on top), French (butter wrapped) and German (butter wrapped inside). All of them are used in cooking and at the moment, both with fillings and without them.

Have you heard how it exfoliates in the oven? This is because the butter melts and thus separates one layer from another. It would be interesting to look at it, but it's a pity you can't bake it in such a clear cut.

But in general, we talked about puffs. Remember the first bite. First you hear a crunch, right? Then you bite off a piece of this puff, and inside you feel a delicate, soft texture, which, together with the filling, becomes even more airy and pleasant. The only drawback of such a test is, perhaps, that it crumbles terribly. But is it worth it?

What principles should be followed in order to create a tasty, proper dough? Well, first of all it is the choice of flour. A very important point to be observed. Next, you need to give it the right “elasticity level”. This can be achieved with additives such as salt or citric acid. Water or milk? It is better to combine them, so it will be more correct and it will turn out tastier. What about oil? It must not be frozen.

Of course, these are not all the secrets of the correct test. But we will reveal all the cards in the course of recipes and tell even the biggest secrets of confectioners!

Instant puff pastry

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

How to cook:

It will take 45 minutes to prepare.

Calories - 610 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Kill the cottage cheese with a submersible blender or pass through a sieve so that it becomes homogeneous, without breasts;
  2. Cut the butter into pieces or grate with a grater;
  3. Combine butter and cottage cheese in a blender bowl with a knife;
  4. Add salt, beat again;
  5. Add flour and knead the dough by hand;
  6. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate overnight.
  7. Bake products until golden brown at 220 degrees.

Puff pastry on beer

It will take half an hour to prepare.

Calories - 570 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sift the flour several times, adding both salt and soda to it;
  2. Take out the margarine and cut it with a sharp knife or grate it with a grater;
  3. Combine with most of the flour;
  4. Add beer and the rest of the flour to make the dough elastic, elastic;
  5. Knead a homogeneous dough and form a rectangle out of it, outwardly resembling a brick;
  6. Wrap it in a bag or film and put it in the refrigerator for two hours;
  7. Take out the dough and roll it into an even layer, the thickness of which is not more than 10 mm;
  8. Fold it in an envelope, turn it 90 degrees, roll it out again and put it in the refrigerator for two hours;
  9. After two hours, repeat the procedure, and then again;
  10. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

Quick recipe for yeast-free puff pastry

It will take half an hour to cook.

The number of calories is 335 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Grate the oil with a grater;
  2. Pour the flour onto the surface and sprinkle it with crushed butter;
  3. Now chop the whole mass with a sharp knife to make it more or less homogeneous;
  4. Dissolve the salt in water until the crystals disappear completely;
  5. Pour salt water over flour and butter and knead the dough;
  6. Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with a damp towel and leave in the refrigerator overnight;
  7. Take out the dough, roll it out to a thickness of 5 mm and fold it into an envelope in 3-4 layers;
  8. Then roll out again and fold again in layers;
  9. Repeat the process six times;
  10. Ready to clean and get before the cooking of the dish;
  11. Roll out to the thickness required for the dish and bake until golden brown.

A lot of tricks are wrapped around each recipe. They are kept not only by modern famous culinary specialists, but also by our grandmothers, who, at times, can cook something that we all still have to learn and learn. We will tell you a couple of secrets collected from all over the world:

  1. Puff pastry can be stored for up to seven days in the refrigerator and in the freezer for up to six months;
  2. For the beer test, use light beer so that the taste is not reflected in the baked goods;
  3. Flour must be taken of the best quality and sifted to saturate it with oxygen. The more times you do this, the more magnificent the future baking will be;
  4. Citric acid, salt, vinegar always add strictly according to the recipe. This greatly affects the elasticity of future baking;
  5. As a liquid, it is better to take water (cold, but not ice-cold) and milk in proportions of 1 to 1. Milk will make the taste better, and water will “adjust” the correct elasticity of the dough;
  6. Fatty oil is the best oil. This can be called the motto of puff pastry, because the fatter the butter / margarine, the more magnificent the dessert will turn out;
  7. Butter should not be frozen, it should be "straight from the fridge";
  8. It is always necessary to roll out “away from yourself” and never reach the end, this will smooth out the layers and the dough will not rise;
  9. Cut only with a sharp knife so as not to damage the cut. If the knife is dull, the dough in this place will flatten and not rise;
  10. When baking, it is better to pierce the product a little so that it does not swell;
  11. When lubricating with eggs, water, oil, do not lubricate the edges, they will bake and will not allow you to raise all the pastries;
  12. Adding sugar will ruin everything, because when baking, the grains will begin to melt, and your dough will “float”. To make pastries sweet, you can grease them with sweet water or play with the filling;
  13. In unleavened dough for taste, you can add a couple of drops of cognac or rum;
  14. If you like to experiment, then the taste of the dough will improve the egg. But for this you need to be very brave and not be afraid of what may not work out;
  15. You can always diversify pastries even externally. Having lubricated it with oil, an egg or water, you can sprinkle it with chocolate, sesame seeds, herbs, nuts and other additives;
  16. As soon as the pastry is browned, take it out, even if the recipe still needs time. Do not forget that all ovens are different;
  17. To prevent pastries from sticking during baking, you need to put a sheet of parchment under it. But you don’t need to lubricate, because there is enough oil in the composition.

Puff pastry is one of those sections of confectionery art, the secrets of which are unknown to many housewives. People are terribly afraid to cook what they have never had before.

But after reading our recipes and a huge list of useful tips for them, you will understand that it is stupid to be afraid of this test. Cooking it is not so difficult, but for some it is even easier than yeast.

After all, yeast is more tender, it cannot be treated roughly and harshly, it cannot be in the cold, in a draft, it cannot be disturbed once again and touched while it is “growing”. Therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, think again before choosing which pastries to bake for Sunday dinner for the family.

Do not forget also that pastries can be both sweet and salty. These are not only croissants, cakes, pies, puffs, but also cakes, pizzas, jellied pies with rich fillings, and something simpler - puff sticks with cheese / cumin / sesame seeds.

As you can see, you can come up with, the main thing is desire, and then you will definitely succeed!

To make fluffy croissants, fluffy open pie or other pastries, you will need puff pastry. You can buy it at any supermarket, but it's much safer to make it yourself. It is believed that this is quite difficult, especially when it comes to the yeast version. However, do not be afraid! Follow the suggested recipe and you'll be fine. And the photo will explain all the nuances of the cooking process.

Based on the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, you can prepare puff pastry, which is enough to bake a small cake with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 4 cm or 10 croissants. If necessary, you can proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.


  • 1 cup flour (for the base);
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour (for layering);
  • 3/4 cup flour for rolling out (you may need less, a lot depends on the flour);
  • 50 g butter (soft);
  • 100 g butter (for layering, strongly chilled);
  • 5 g dry yeast;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1 egg.


Heat half a glass of milk in the microwave or on the stove. Pour dry yeast into milk. Mix well. Pour the milk with the yeast dissolved in it into a large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients there: flour, egg, sugar, butter and salt. Butter for dough should be soft.

Knead the dough from the ingredients described above. This will be the yeast base. It must be set aside for at least 1 hour, but no longer than 2-3 hours. To prevent the puff pastry from winding on top, it must be covered with a towel.

Now let's prepare the oil for the layering. To do this, take a heavily chilled butter, put it in a plate and add flour to it. The butter should be chopped with a cold knife and mixed with flour until it turns into fine crumbs. After that, the plate with butter-flour crumbs should be put in the refrigerator.

When the dough is ready, knead the required amount of flour into it so that the mass does not stick to your hands and can be rolled out. Roll out the base into a thin pancake on a floured table or a special board. Remove the bowl of butter crumbs from the refrigerator. Separate a small part (1/5 or 1/6 - depending on the area of ​​​​the rolled out dough layer) and evenly distribute it over the dough sheet.

Advice for newbies. After you take some of the flour from the plate, put it back in the refrigerator. This is done so that the butter does not start to melt in the heat. If you are preparing puff pastry at home not for the first time, you can layer and roll it out quickly and skillfully, you can not remove the plate with butter-flour crumbs every time in the cold.

Fold the dough in half and gently roll it out with a rolling pin. Sprinkle the resulting layer of dough again with oil crumbs. Fold it in half and roll it out again. This is done until the butter-flour crumb runs out. When rolling out, it is not immediately possible to obtain a dough with a neat square shape. However, for the first 2-3 layers, this can be achieved by collecting a layer in the shape of a square, as can be seen in the photo.

Homemade puff pastry is ready! It looks beautiful and has at least 32 layers. Now you need to put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. There the dough will cool and be ready for baking.

Yeast-free puff pastry

Many women ask themselves: “How to make puff pastry without yeast?” Not everyone wants to mess with them, but everyone wants to get an excellent result. The answer to the question will be a recipe for yeast-free puff pastry. You can use it to make puffs, croissants or other confectionery products, both sweet and meat. By preparing puff pastry according to the proposed recipe, you will get a base that is enough for 8-10 palm-sized croissants.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 200 g butter (very chilled).


Dissolve lemon juice and salt in half a glass of water. Sift the flour into a deep bowl. The sifted flour is saturated with oxygen, and the resulting dough becomes more airy. Gather the flour in a pile and make a well in the center.

Gradually pour water into the recess and mix it with flour. Thus knead the dough. It should not be too sticky to the hands and the rolling pin so that it can be rolled out. This will be a yeast-free mass, on the basis of which it will be necessary to prepare puff pastry.

Roll out the mass into a thin layer. To make the layers, you will need butter. Divide the heavily chilled butter into 6 portions. Take them one by one, and put the others in the refrigerator, otherwise they will melt, stick to the grater and hands.

Take one part of the oil. Grind it quickly on a grater. Spread over the dough layer. This is best done with a spoon or cold hands.

Fold the dough sheet in four. Gently roll it out with a rolling pin as thin as possible. Take the second part of the oil, grate it and spread it over the dough. Fold the sheet in four again and roll out. Repeat these manipulations until the oil runs out.

Yeast-free puff pastry is ready! Place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour or longer. It is necessary to do this so that the mass is sufficiently cooled. After the specified time, you can cook pastries.

Quick puff pastry

Making puff pastry doesn't necessarily involve tedious layering with butter. There is a recipe that allows you to make it quickly and easily. This option is ideal for making khachapuri, samsa or chicken leg bags. Quick puff pastry is elastic, it is easy to mold from it. Try to cook it according to the proposed recipe, and many new dishes based on it will open for you.

You will need:

  • 200 g butter (very chilled);
  • 2 cups flour (plus some more for rolling out)
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar (regular or apple);
  • 1/4 tsp salt.


In the bowl in which you are going to knead the dough, put the heavily chilled butter. Pour flour in there. Chop the butter with a knife and mix it with flour. Do this until the mass turns into crumbs.

Collect the mass and lay it out in a slide, as in the photo. Make a hole in the middle of the hill. Dissolve vinegar and salt in half a glass of water. Gradually pour water into the recess, without ceasing to chop the dough. Do this until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Quick homemade puff pastry is ready! Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour. As you can see, puff pastry can be made quite easily without spending a lot of time on cooking.

It's good that puff pastry, on the way home from work, you can buy at any store and bake something tasty for dinner in a quick way.

But sometimes you want to treat yourself to home-made baking with your own hands, investing your work and soul. After all, food prepared with your own hands is always tastier, because it is prepared with love. For puff pastry, you need a few products, it is based on flour, butter and salt. But it takes a lot more time to prepare it.

True, there are many quick puff pastry recipes, so if you do not have free time, you can choose a faster cooking method. Fortunately, there are many options offered - kneading with beer, yeast, water, with the addition of sour cream or cottage cheese.

Puff pastry - food preparation

Puff pastries are always very tender. And to make it even tastier, before kneading the mass, the flour must be sifted so that it is enriched with oxygen. If the dough is made according to the classic recipe, you first need to knead water with flour, and then roll out the layers, oiling them with margarine or butter.

Recipe 1: Puff pastry

If you make puff pastry according to all the rules, you can’t do it in five minutes. This process is not rushed. But the result justifies the invested work and the time spent. The secret to good puff pastry is to roll it out properly. The layers should absorb oil, the dough should not be allowed to tear when rolling, otherwise the baking will turn out not airy, but sticky and hard. Therefore, you do not need to press hard on the rolling pin, you need to move it smoothly so that pieces of oil do not break out.

Ingredients: wheat flour - 500-600g, a glass of water (0.25l), salt ¼ tsp, butter - 350g.

Cooking method

Mix salt with flour (500g), and leave 100g for powder. Pour in water and 50g of melted butter. Knead the dough and knead for about a minute. Then put it in a bag or wrap it in a film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour. Spread the remaining butter to a thickness of about a centimeter.

Cut the dough ball on top deeply with a knife crosswise. Open the dough quarters like a flower and roll into layers without touching the middle. You need to put oil on it and close it with rolled petals, wrapping it on all sides. If the dough is not enough to cover the butter, it can be slightly stretched. Sprinkle flour on top, lightly beat off with a rolling pin and begin to gently roll into a rectangle of the same thickness. Roll it out in one direction. Fold the resulting rectangular layer in three, wrap in a film and put away for an hour in a cold place. Then do 3-4 more rolls, only in the other direction. Do not forget to put the dough in the refrigerator after each rolling.

Recipe 2: Puff Curd Dough

The main secret of making a good dough lies in the cottage cheese: it should be lump-free, soft, tender, but not wet. Then the products will turn out to be more layered and crumbly.

Ingredients: 300g wheat flour, homemade soft cottage cheese - 250g, butter - 150g, salt - at the tip of a teaspoon.

Cooking method

Mix cottage cheese with butter, salt and flour. To make the oil easier to knead, it is necessary to hold it in a warm place so that it becomes supple and plastic. Next, wrap the dough in a film or bag and place in the refrigerator to ripen overnight or overnight. Now you can bake bagels, ears, puffs from it. Raw dough will keep for 6-7 days in the refrigerator. Or put in the freezer. And when you need to bake something, all you have to do is take it out and defrost it.

It was a quick dough recipe. If you want to make baking more layered, then the dough needs to be rolled out differently, layering it not with butter, but with flour. Mix ingredients with less flour. Roll out a thin layer, sprinkle it with plenty of flour, fold it three times and place it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Then roll it out again, sprinkle with flour, roll it up and put it in the freezer. In total, this should be done 3 times. If there is no freezer, you can put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The main thing is that the oil hardens, and the dough does not stick and rolls well.

Recipe 3: Puff pastry yeast dough

Despite the fact that the dough is yeast, it is done quite quickly. Dry yeast can be used in place of fresh yeast. For the required amount of 70g of fresh yeast, you need to take about 23-25g of dry yeast.

Ingredients: wheat flour - 500g, creamy margarine - 400g, sour cream - 100g, 2 yolks, granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon, fresh yeast stick - 70g, ½ tsp. salt, half a glass of milk.

Cooking method

In warm milk, dissolve the yeast with sugar, pouring 1 tbsp. l flour. Leave the sourdough in a warm place so that the yeast revives.

At this time, mix the flour with salt. Chop margarine with a knife, adding flour until crumbs form. Transfer the mass to a wide bowl. In a bowl, mix the yolks with sour cream, pour into crumbs, continuing to chop with a knife. Add yeast starter and knead the dough. It should be soft enough, at the same time not stick to your hands. You can add a little more flour if needed. Then chop the dough with a knife and immediately you can start shaping the products and bake cake layers, bagels, cookies. Or, rolled into a ball and wrapped in a film, put in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Beer Puff Pastry

Products from such a test are tender and fragile. They melt in your mouth on their own. You can make sticks, cookies, cakes, bagels. The highlight of the recipe is the moment at which the flour is mixed not with cold margarine, but with hot melted margarine, as if the dough is brewed.

Ingredients: 250g margarine, 4 cups wheat flour, half a cup of light beer.

Cooking method

Melt margarine until hot and pour into flour. Stir, add beer. First, you can mix with a spoon, and then carefully knead the mass with your hands. Roll up a bun, flatten it and place it in the freezer, wrapping it in a bag or film.

Defrost the frozen dough, roll out thinly, try to make a rectangle. Then fold in three - lay one end, going beyond the middle and cover with the other end. Fold the resulting folded strip again to form a square, roll out thinly and cut out the desired shape, bake until light golden brown.

Puff pastry - useful tips from experienced chefs

To make puff pastry easier to roll out, instead of a rolling pin, you can use a wine bottle filled with cold water.

The baking sheet before baking is not greased with oil, but moistened with cold water. The dough is always placed only in a well-heated oven.

Making instant puff pastry at home is not difficult. From it you can immediately bake your favorite pastries or freeze and use later. Homemade dough products are many times better than those bought in the store. What if you don't have the time or energy to cook? Remove a piece of prepared puff pastry from the freezer in advance. And when it thaws on the kitchen table, mold it into anything! Pies, pies, sausages in dough, snack baskets - everything with such a dough will turn out perfect!

Instant Puff Pastry Recipe - General Cooking Principles

The classic recipe for homemade puff pastry is yeast or yeast-free, but it necessarily includes the following essential components: butter, flour and salt. It is desirable to take flour of the highest grade and be sure to sifted through a sieve a couple of times. The sifted flour will be enriched with oxygen, which will additionally contribute to the rise of pastries from puff pastry. Butter should be taken from trusted brands, if desired, it can be replaced with margarine.

For the classic recipe, the dough is first kneaded from flour and water. Instead of water for a quick recipe, Borjomi mineral water is well suited. Such water gives an additional effect to increase the volume of baked goods. The resulting dough should not stick to your hands, but you don’t need to make it very steep either. According to the classic recipe, the dough is rolled into a layer several times, while being constantly lubricated with melted margarine or butter. To prepare a quick dough, you must first mix the flour with butter or margarine, and only then add the liquid ingredients.

Instant puff pastry recipe with margarine


Half a kilo of wheat flour;

A pack of margarine;

A pinch of salt;

100 ml of water;

10 g sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put soft margarine into a cup. Sift flour to it. Rub with a spatula until crumbly.

2. Pour salt and sugar into the water, stir. Pour into flour with fat.

3. Quickly knead the dough with your hands. Place in a bowl and cover with cling film. Put for 2-3 hours in a cool place for infusion. If you put it in the freezer, things will go faster.

4. Put the piece on a floured table and roll into a rectangle. Fold its edges with a book (in several layers) and roll out again. Do this 2-3 times.

5. The dough is ready, you can mold products or pies.

Instant puff pastry recipe with vinegar


A pack of cool butter;

Half a kilo of wheat flour of the highest quality;

Half a glass of boiled or filtered water;

25 ml of table vinegar 9%;

A pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Sift wheat flour into a large bowl. Put butter in there. With a knife, gently cut the butter in the flour until a mixture of crumbs forms.

2. Combine water with salt and vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can be used instead of regular table vinegar. Pour the mixture into the flour and knead the elastic dough by hand. If it is inconvenient to do this in a cup, pull it out directly onto the table. You can roll out the dough several times, constantly turning into a roll.

3. Transfer the dough to a plastic bag or wrap with cling film. Put in the freezer for half an hour.

4. After the specified time, remove the dough and mold any pastries from it to taste.

Instant puff pastry on kefir (cookie recipe)


A pack of butter;

A glass of kefir;

Two chicken eggs;

A pinch of salt;

800 g wheat flour of the highest quality;

Vanillin sachet;

250 g of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the chilled butter into crumbs with a knife. Cover with flour and cut it again with a knife. It is necessary to get a homogeneous mass with particles of oil in the flour.

2. Separately mix kefir with egg and salt. By the way, if you now add a pinch of spices or seasonings (ground pepper, coriander, cinnamon or dried herbs), then the dough will turn out with an original spicy taste.

3. Knead the dough by mixing all the ingredients (except granulated sugar).

4. Divide the prepared elastic dough into several parts and send in separate bags to the freezer for one hour.

5. Then take the dough out of the cold. Roll out the pieces separately and lay them on top of each other. When a stack of dough cakes is formed, sprinkle the top with flour and roll out the workpiece to 8-9 mm with a rolling pin.

6. Cut out blanks from the cake with a cookie cutter. You can use carved molds or ordinary round rings of different diameters.

7. Put the cookies on a baking sheet (necessarily lined with food foil or thin paper). Beat the remaining chicken egg and anoint the blanks. Sprinkle them with a generous layer of granulated sugar on top.

8. Bake in an oven preheated to 220°C.

9. When the quick homemade puff pastry cookies have cooled down a bit, serve them to the table.

Instant puff pastry on Borjomi (cake recipe)


Not a full glass of mineral Borjomi water;

Two glasses of the highest quality wheat flour;

Half a pack of butter;

Two raw chicken eggs;

Half a glass of granulated sugar;

5-6 g of salt;

A bag of baking powder for dough;

250 g fruit or berry jam;

100 ml heavy cream 33%.

Cooking method:

1. Mix salt and granulated sugar with fresh, slightly bubbling mineral water (a pinch is enough). Add one egg and knead a dense dough together with the sifted flour. First in a cup, and then, dumping the mass on the table. Pressing with the palm of the hand so that the consistency of the dough is uniform and elastic.

2. Grate the frozen butter on a coarse grater into a separate bowl.

3. Roll out the dough into a wide layer and evenly sprinkle with butter.

4. Fold the dough with a book - in three layers, so that the oil is inside the layers.

5. Roll out into a rectangle and sprinkle with butter again. Re-fold the dough in three layers. Conditionally divide the reservoir into three rectangular parts. Put the right side up inside. Left side to right side. This is folding puff pastry with a book.

6. Use the rolling pin again and fold the rectangle in three again.

7. Now put the dough in cling film and put it in the freezer for several hours.

8. Then pull out and roll into a workpiece 4-5 mm thick.

9. Cut into circles with a special notch. Make it so that there are the following types of blanks - circles, rings with a void inside (like a donut).

10. Put a ring on each circle. For denser modeling, wipe the edges of the circle with wet hands.

11. So, the next step is to lay the blanks on a baking sheet and send them to bake at a standard temperature, always in a well-heated oven.

12. In the meantime, mix the cream with sugar and beat until a dense sweet foam. For the speedy dissolution of the sweet component, you can take powder instead of sand.

13. Put a little jam into ready-made baked puff pastry cups and top with whipped cream. They can be squeezed out with a pastry bag.

Instant puff pastry recipe with dark beer


A glass of dark beer;

A pack of margarine;

50 g of granulated sugar;

One chicken egg;

750 g wheat flour of the highest quality.

Cooking method:

1. Pour beer into a bowl or pan, add sugar and break an egg. Mix.

2. Gradually introduce pre-sifted wheat flour and knead the dough. This must be done quickly before the gas bubbles have evaporated from the beer.

3. Then roll out the dough and brush with soft butter by hand. Fold and roll out again. Brush with the remaining oil and fold the dough. The oil will be inside the layers.

4. Put the dough in the freezer for half an hour. Then roll out into a layer of the required size and use to prepare the blank for baking. But you can leave it in a whole piece or cut it into pieces and put it in different packages for future use.

Recipe for instant puff pastry with lemon juice without eggs


Half a glass of cold water;

800 g wheat flour;

One and a half packs of butter;

5 g salt;

Half of one lemon.

Method cooking:

1. Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Strain it from the seeds and pulp.

2. Chop the chilled butter into pieces and mix with flour in a bowl.

3. Continue to chop, but already with flour.

4. When the mixture becomes loose and crumbles, pour in lemon juice and water, add salt.

6. Fold with an accordion and roll out again. The dough is ready to use.

Instant Puff Pastry Recipe - Tricks and Helpful Tips

Mineral water for the test is better to take in glass bottles.

The more margarine or butter is used in the preparation of the dough, the better it will turn out.

To make the dough truly puffy, it is better to use cold ingredients and equipment for cooking.

Instead of a rolling pin for rolling puff pastry, you can use a regular bottle of cold wine.

The baking sheet does not have to be oiled, it can simply be moistened with cool water.

It is better to store the dough in a bag or cling film in the freezer.

The quality of the test itself will depend on the quality of the components used.

Products formed from homemade puff pastry (when laminating with butter or margarine) should only be sent to a heated oven. If you put it in barely warm, the butter in the dough will begin to actively melt and the products will spread over the baking sheet, instead of rising.

When you hold a weightless croissant that melts in your mouth or an airy Napoleon cake in your hands, it seems that the secret art of baking from puff pastry is available only to selected celestials.

However, in fact, mastering the preparation of this type of flour products is available to everyone. And you need to start with their basics.

But how do you make real puff pastry at home? This article contains the most popular recipes from traditional and time-consuming to the most simple and unexpected.

Yeast-free puff pastry - a classic recipe

You need to make a reservation right away that the number of eggs in a rich puff pastry without yeast depends only on the preferences of the hostess, their number with a given amount of flour can vary from four to zero.

The amount of butter is also determined subjectively. The quality of the dough largely depends on the correct kneading and compliance with the rules of preparation.

Puff pastry consists of two parts - flour and butter. Immediately after sifting the flour, set aside 6 tablespoons to prepare the butter portion.

Beat the eggs into the flour, do not forget to add salt and acid, and then pour cold water into it and knead a smooth dough very quickly. If kneaded correctly, it takes any shape well, does not stick to the table and hands. Leave it for half an hour on the table, covered with a napkin.

Now start cooking the oil part. Finely chop the cold butter with the remaining flour until crumbs form. Then mold the butter dough and roll it into a square cake about 1 cm high.

Act quickly while the oil is still cold. Remove the dough from the refrigerator.

Roll out a square of the flour part of the dough twice the size of the butter square. Stretch the edges of the cake well, they should be thinner than its center.

Remove the butter base from the refrigerator and place it on top of the flour square. Wrap as in an envelope, bending the edges.

Carefully roll the resulting “envelope” into a rectangle (it should not be thicker than 1 cm), fold it again two or three times and put it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

The cycle "roll out - roll - cool" is repeated several times. Puff pastry is considered correct, in which there are at least 100 layers. And masters of cooking and especially persistent housewives bring this figure to 500!

The number of layers, which means your patience and determination in the rolling process, determines how high and airy the finished product will be.

Luxurious puffs, tongues, stuffed pockets, apple strudel, as well as the emperor of the kitchen - the Napoleon cake - you will get all this from the dough made according to this recipe!

yeast puff pastry recipe

Sometimes at home, puff pastry is prepared with the addition of yeast, then it turns out to be softer and not so crumbly.


  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 pack (200 g) butter

In order for the yeast to work faster, the milk must be heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Dissolve the yeast in it.

When dry grains of yeast swell, add flour, salt, sugar and mix. Leave the resulting dough for 40 minutes in the warmest place in your house.

The dough is ready if its surface begins to wrinkle - this is a sign that it has risen to the maximum and is ready to fall. Now is the time to add the rest of the products and knead the elastic bun.

Let it double in size (this will take about 30-40 minutes) and roll into a large rectangular cake.

Put warm butter in pieces on the surface of the dough, fold it into an envelope, sprinkle with flour, roll it out. Fold again and roll out again. Repeat this procedure two or three more times - for yeast puff pastry, 30 layers are considered the norm.

Is there a difference between yeast and yeast-free dough?

This legitimate question puzzles many housewives. Indeed, are both species very different in properties and taste?

Yeast-free Yeast
Number of layers - from 100 to 500 30 to 120 layers
Finished products are drier, more crumbly Products are softer
Pronounced layering, the layers are clearly visible on the cut Products are not so layered, but more juicy
Has no characteristic odor Gives off a pleasant sour smell when baked.
Takes time to cool down during rolling Needs extra time for yeast to rise and proof before baking
Traditionally suitable for making tongues, croissants, Napoleon cake, as well as brushwood, sausages in dough. For baking with a juicy filling (jam, cream, cheese, minced meat), it is better to choose this type of dough. It makes excellent pizza, khachapuri, khinkali, puffs.

As you can see, both types of test have no minuses, but only pluses. Therefore, you are faced with a painful choice between tasty and ... very tasty!

A quick recipe for impatient housewives

Making traditional puff pastry is a rather long process. To save time, use this simplified but no less effective recipe.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 200 g butter;
  • ½ cup cold water;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • ¼ tsp salt.

The most important thing about this recipe is to work quickly. Chop small pieces of butter with flour on a cutting board.

Add salt, sugar, and, pouring in portions of water, knead vigorously until a smooth kolobok is obtained. Until fully cooked, he needs to spend several hours at a cold temperature.

Before baking, roll it out several times, folding it into several layers at each time.

Although instant puff pastry is not so high and airy, it is much faster and more pleasant to cook.

Curd cooking option

This dough is also prepared quickly at home. The paradox of cottage cheese has long been formulated by housewives: "The more stale the cottage cheese, the tastier the pastries from it."

So instead of throwing away an expired pack of cottage cheese, make something unexpected out of it.

So, we take:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 1/5 tsp salt.

Cottage cheese puff pastry is good to do in the evening. Mix cottage cheese with softened butter, add flour, salt and knead a homogeneous mass.

Put it in the fridge in the evening and surprise the family with crispy buns, jam puffs or cheese rolls for breakfast!

Tricks and secrets

Puff pastry is a delicate matter. It's not so much the recipe that matters, but the conditions of preparation. Carefully study these tips so as not to get the "first puff lumpy".

  1. Puff pastry loves the cold. Therefore, for cooking, you need to take only cold foods and, if possible, roll it out better on a marble or ceramic cutting board;
  2. The optimum temperature for kneading is 16-17 degrees, but since the temperature in the kitchen is usually much higher, the dough should be allowed to rest in the refrigerator while working;
  3. Salt and acid are very important, their lack makes the consistency of the batch less compact. However, you should not be zealous either, so as not to spoil the taste;
  4. Resist the temptation to add sugar, it prevents layers from forming;
  5. Roll out the puff base carefully so that the layer does not tear;
  6. You can not cut this type of dough with a blunt knife or shape: the edges will flatten, this will prevent it from rising;
  7. Puff pastry requires a high temperature - 240-270 degrees. 20 minutes, with a preheated oven, is enough for the pastry to brown beautifully;
  8. The baking tray is usually moistened with water;
  9. Products from any kind of puff pastry bake better if they are pierced with a fork before baking;
  10. The oven door must not be opened for the first 5-7 minutes of baking, otherwise the pastry will settle.

Indeed, it is difficult to prepare such a dough, but it is still possible if you follow the above recipes and tips.

Puff pastry opens up a lot of space for imagination and culinary experimentation: use unexpected ingredients, use it instead of yeast or unleavened dough, make discoveries and never cease to amaze family and friends with your culinary talents!
