
Therapeutic mixture of dried fruits. Vitamin mixtures to strengthen immunity - video recipe

Honey has long been valued for its unique healing properties.

This product perfectly copes with viral diseases and is an excellent prophylactic that can prevent colds.

In combination with dried fruits, it is able to increase immunity and activate the protective functions of the body. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and your family from unwanted ailments, it is not at all necessary to run to the pharmacy and buy expensive vitamin complexes, it is enough that you always have a vitamin mixture with honey at hand.

Preparing a mixture with honey and nuts

Her recipe is not complicated at all. Literally within half an hour you can create such a healthy and tasty mix with your own hands.

To do this, you will need the following ingredients in equal amounts (preferably 300 grams each):

  • Prunes.
  • Nuts.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Raisin.
  • Lemon.
  1. Seeds must be removed from prunes and lemons,
  2. Soak dried apricots and raisins for a few minutes in warm water,
  3. Peel nuts from partitions and shells.
  4. When the ingredients are ready, you just need to grind them through a meat grinder or with a blender. Homogeneous mass is recommended to be folded into a container and stored in the refrigerator.

Due to the unique properties of dried fruits, such a cocktail will not lose its usefulness for a long time.

Interestingly, the mix is ​​valued not only for being able to increase immunity and prevent many diseases, it is also useful vitamin mixture with honey for men.

The nuts that make up the product contain many vitamins, among which there is vitamin E, known as a reproductive hormone, zinc, which affects the production of testosterone, and magnesium, which is responsible for activating sex hormones.

And honey, which is one of the main ingredients of the cocktail, ideally supports men's health and has the best effect on potency.

Thanks to these properties of the products included in the useful mass, it is excellent as vitamin mixture with honey for conception. Ensuring the full functioning of all body systems, and improving immunity, such a cocktail allows you to become parents in the shortest possible time.

The mix, unique in its composition, can not only activate the reproductive function, but also “wake up” the protective functions of each organism. The thing is that vitamin mix with honey and lemon It has bactericidal properties, which help to cope with viral infections and resist colds.

Lemon, which is an essential ingredient in the mixture, is rich in organic acids, alkaline elements, vitamin C and P.

Such healing components not only improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize brain function and fight fatigue, but also enhance immunity, and also allow the use of this product as a prophylactic.

A vitamin mixture, consisting of honey and lemon at the same time, can deal a double blow to viruses and thereby eliminate the symptoms of respiratory diseases.

To always be able to use this mix, it is enough to spend 15-20 minutes of free time and prepare such a cocktail yourself. Everything you need for this can be found in any market and in any supermarket.

In addition to honey and lemon, you will need to buy:

  • dried apricots, known for their rich content of potassium,
  • prunes, good for the intestines,
  • raisins, indispensable for brain function,
  • walnuts activating the work of the brain.
  1. All ingredients are recommended to be pitted and cut into small pieces,
  2. Dried fruits are best soaked for a short time,
  3. It would be useful to dry the nuts in the oven.
  4. After that, you need to grind the products with a blender or meat grinder, mix the mixture with honey and put it in the refrigerator.

It is enough for such a cocktail to brew for about two days in an airtight container so that you can safely try it. Adults are recommended to use 1 tbsp. a day before meals, and for children 1 tsp.

However, this is not the only recipe for such a vitamin mix.

You can optionally add figs, ginger, rose hips or hawthorn, aloe juice and many other ingredients that are also of particular value to the human body.

Depending on your wishes and individual reactions of the body to a particular ingredient, you can supplement the mass with hazelnuts, dates or peanuts.

It is very important to use fresh products that have not been processed with chemicals in the cocktail. Only due to this, the beneficial properties of the mixture will have a more effective effect.

Also, before using the mix, you need to take into account the predisposition to allergic reactions that lemon or honey can cause, do not use the mixture as a sweet for tea, as it is very high in calories and rich in sugar.

Only moderate doses of this miraculous cocktail will help to have the most positive effect on the body.

Although it is not a medical remedy for combating various kinds of diseases, it is a fairly effective product that can cope with ailments as perfectly as pharmacy medicines would allow.

A feature of this cocktail can be called the natural ingredients that make up its composition. It is thanks to them that the mixture is very rich in the content of mineral salts, vitamins, organic acids, fiber and pectins.

It also acts as a natural biostimulant that can improve human health and support the body's immune forces.


This mix allows:

  • Improve brain function
  • Normalize the work of blood vessels and the heart,
  • Activate reproductive processes
  • Resist colds and respiratory infections.

If for the recovery of the body is chosen vitamin mixture dried apricots prunes, so you can thanks to it:

  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Enrich the body with useful vitamins,
  • Activate metabolic processes
  • Restore physical strength after a busy day.

This cocktail is especially recommended for those whose profession is associated with sports, heavy physical exertion or stress. Since the mix can have a tonic and healing effect on the body, improve mood, normalize the functioning of all organs and, in general, strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin mixture of dried apricots, honey and walnuts it is also characteristic to improve the functioning of the kidneys and heart, to positively influence not only the work of male, but also female organs. Children will eat it with pleasure due to its pleasant taste.

With such a healthy and tasty cocktail, you will be able to improve not only yourself, but also the most picky child. Without abusing the mixture, you can achieve a positive effect in a matter of days. The protective functions of the body are activated, which will be a good obstacle to the occurrence of diseases.

Every caring housewife in the autumn-winter period is puzzled by the issue of increasing the immunity of their loved ones. An excellent solution to this problem is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits with the addition of lemon and honey, the taste of which is familiar to many from childhood. It should be noted that dried fruits contain much more important substances than fresh ones. Fruits that have undergone natural drying under the sun are a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. They normalize digestion, pressure, are important for the work of the heart, nervous system and muscles. In addition to useful properties, the composition has a pleasant aftertaste, which is important, because children will be happy to take this “medicine”. Preparing a mixture of fortified dried fruits will require a little time and expense. On our website in the section you will find other recipes that will certainly please your kids.

Ingredients for Dried Fruit and Nut Vitamin Blend:

  • Raisins - 200 gr;
  • Dried apricots - 200 gr;
  • Pitted prunes - 200 gr;
  • Walnut kernels - 200 gr;
  • Lemon (medium-sized) - 1 pc.;
  • Natural honey - 200 ml.

Useful vitamin mixture of dried fruits, how to cook:

1. We sort out raisins and dried apricots, remove dirt, remnants of ponytails, twigs, rinse under running water. Pour dried fruits with hot water, leave for 15-20 minutes to steam them. Do not pour boiling water over fruits, while some of the vitamins will be destroyed.

2. We carry out the same procedure with prunes.
Advice: Since it is not uncommon for unscrupulous manufacturers to improve the appearance and extend the shelf life, they tint dried fruits, fumigate them with sulfur dioxide, impregnate them with chemicals that are toxic, choose not shiny fruits for food, but matte, dull, natural size and color. Don't buy into pretty colors. Dried fruits must be absolutely dry, excessive moisture can cause mold to develop. You can cook from dried fruits not only a vitamin mixture, but tasty and healthy, the recipe of which is on the My Cookbook website.

3. While the dried fruits are steaming, grind the walnuts in a blender.
Reference: The core of this type of nuts is ten times more nutritious than a glass of milk and thirty times a fresh apple. No wonder the shape of the nucleus is compared with the brain, because it is this nut that has a positive effect on brain activity and the nervous system. Therefore, its use is primarily recommended for children, women during pregnancy and the elderly.

4. An effective dried fruit vitamin mix would be incomplete without lemon. This fruit must be washed with a brush under running water with vinegar. Then we pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness of the peel and finally wash off the wax coating that citrus fruits often cover recently. If it is not possible to completely remove it, you can cut off the top thin layer of the peel. But the white layer - albedo - do not remove. It contains the largest amount of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help its absorption. Slice the lemon into wedges to make it easier to remove the pits. This is the most unhealthy part of the lemon, which can cause allergies.
Advice: when choosing lemons, many of us make mistakes. You should know that young fruits from the northern regions, for example, from Abkhazia, are more useful. You can identify a young fruit by a green tail and a greenish-dull peel. It has been proven that at zero temperature such a lemon will not lose a single vitamin for six months. Avoid citrus fruits with black dots.

5. Alternately pass dried fruits and lemon through a meat grinder. Add chopped nuts. Mix and combine with honey.

A healthy and unusually tasty vitamin mixture of dried fruits is ready.

Use it 3 times a day before meals, 1-2 teaspoons. Do not stock up on a vitamin immune mixture of nuts, lemon and dried fruits for future use, it is better to prepare fresh.

We strengthen immunity.
We are now in quarantine because the flu outbreak has begun. You may have the same story. And especially at this time, the body needs emergency help in strengthening the immune system. Therefore, this is the best time to start using the healing elixir.

Moreover, it is really a magical mixture and absolutely natural for 100%. It is very tasty and incredibly healthy in terms of the composition of the ingredients selected here, which are available to everyone. It is suitable for both children and adults. It can be eaten in any quantity. And use the whole year, and not just in winter to strengthen immunity.

You can eat it all the time, because. this mixture contains ingredients that have a complex healing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the entire body. Eat as much of this mixture as your body asks for. As I usually say, listen to your body and it will tell you the right decision.

So, today we are preparing a super healthy dish.

First, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients:
- Dried apricots - 200 grams
- Prunes - 200 grams
- Raisins - 300 grams
- Dates - 200 grams (optional)
- Nuts - 200 grams
- Honey - 1 tablespoon (if you need sweeter, put more)
- Lemon - 1 piece

So, we have prepared all the components of our magic vitamin mixture.

Let's start with dry fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, raisins are selected of better quality: clean and without wormholes. Wash them thoroughly with warm water in a colander. And then we pour almost boiling water over them to disinfect them. We sort through dried fruits in turn. And we remove the bones (if any), roots and debris from them.

Dried apricots are usually pitted at all. Therefore, it can not be particularly sorted out.

In PRUNES, bones occasionally come across, so it needs to be sorted out more carefully. And if there are bones, then we remove them.

RAISINS may contain small roots. Therefore, we also sort it out and clean it from roots and other debris.

NUTS may contain partitions that are not edible and may spoil the vitamin mixture. Therefore, we sort out the nuts and carefully remove all unnecessary from them.

Peel the LEMON (zest). Coarsely chop the rind and the lemon itself. Both will go into our vitamin mixture. We also use zest, because. it also contains valuable substances. I have tried with and without zest. It turns out delicious in both cases. You choose the more suitable option.

You can also add dates. But this is also optional. Some people like them, some don't.
When we finally prepared all the ingredients, we proceed to grind them.

Here you can use 2 options.
1 option. Grind everything in a blender. It turns out quickly and finely.
Option 2. Grind with a knife and hands. Cut dried fruit into small pieces with a knife. Lemon cut smaller to a more homogeneous mass. The nuts are broken by hand.

I did it first with a blender. Then I tried to do it manually. Sometimes you just want to feel the taste of individual dried fruits, chew nuts. So choose the right one for you here. If you don't want to mess around for a long time, do it with a blender. If you have time and like large pieces of dried fruit, do it by hand.
If we do it by hand, we get this mixture.

If we do in a blender.
Place the ingredients one by one in a blender and bring to the desired consistency.
Then we put all the ingredients in a saucepan and mix everything together.
Add 1 tablespoon of honey (or more if you like it sweeter). And mix well again. "Vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts, honey and lemon" is ready.

And then we transfer the already prepared mixture into jars. You can use both glass and plastic.

This immune mixture is best stored in the refrigerator. Or some other cool place.
The mixture can be eaten immediately after preparation. It is advisable to eat it fresh, i.e. within 2-3 weeks. Because the longer it sits, the less valuable "Vitamin Mix with Dried Fruits, Nuts, Honey and Lemon" becomes. Any natural product should be eaten quickly while it is fresh.

And, of course, with this absolutely amazing means of nutrition, healing and recovery, you will maintain your health for many years to come.
The wise Hippocrates said: "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food."
Therefore, be healthy!

Dried fruits are an ideal alternative to fruits during the cold season, especially when the body feels a severe lack of vitamins. Properly prepared dried fruits retain all the vitamins, micro and macro elements that the body needs.

A mixture of their dried fruits is a real storehouse of the most useful substances, thanks to which it is able to increase hemoglobin in the blood, cleanse the bloodstream, prevent some heart diseases, normalize blood pressure, and more. And the mixture for immunity from dried fruits with honey acquires healing properties throughout the body, enhancing the action of each other. Therefore, we will talk in an article about how to prepare a vitamin salad at home in order to always stay healthy.

A mixture of dried fruits with honey - what are the benefits of dried fruits for immunity

Dried fruits are natural products that contain a huge amount of useful and nutritious substances. They can fully replace any sweets, which is very good for those who are on a diet and are struggling with being overweight. But do not forget that they are also high in calories and can be consumed in small quantities. Nowadays, on the shelves of stores you can find a huge number of different types of dried fruits. Let's analyze the classic types that bring the greatest benefit to immunity.

Dried apricots

This is the most common ingredient in mixtures. This is a dried apricot, it contains a large amount of iron, potassium, phosphorus and glucose, it is also saturated with vitamins, especially groups B and C. Its usefulness is aimed at strengthening the immune system and improving the cardiovascular system, helping to cleanse it of cholesterol and toxic substances.

Its unique composition gives the body additional energy. Dried apricot is very useful for such an ailment as anemia or anemia, it is also recommended for people who have low vision, as it is rich in vitamin A. B vitamins help improve the condition of hair and skin.


This is an exotic fruit that contains a large amount of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. But most of all, figs are valued for their rich content of potassium, a mineral that prevents the appearance of pathologies of the nervous system. Regular consumption of it in food significantly strengthens the body, and the blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


These are dried grapes that are saturated with fats and proteins. They are needed for the body, which is constantly subject to excessive physical and mental stress. It is also a rich source of calcium, iron and magnesium, which improve the cardiovascular system and strengthen the immune system. Dried grapes are rich in B vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system and strengthen sleep. Raisins, due to their calcium content, are able to strengthen teeth and bones. It is also able to improve lactation during feeding and remove toxins from the body.


These are dried plums that are often used to make pastries, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery. Prunes are rich in vitamins B and C, which fully help strengthen the immune system. And the content of magnesium, phosphorus and sodium in it allows you to cleanse the body of cholesterol and is an excellent combination for the heart.

In folk medicine, dried plums are used for constipation as a laxative. It helps to fight pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli, and copes no worse than medicines.


This is the fruit of the date palm, which is able to recover from excessive physical or mental stress, and it also improves performance and is an energy supplement. It contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which can help synthesize serotonin, the hormone of joy.

Dates are able to improve metabolism and metabolism, restore the body after illnesses and operations. They contain a mineral such as fluorine, which is able to fight tooth decay. In folk medicine, it is used to treat coughs, to help fight anemia and hypertension.

There are other useful dried fruits that can be additionally used.

Dried fruits with honey for immunity

Such a delicacy can replace other sweets, while it has great benefits for the body. Sweet honey with dried fruits helps strengthen the body's immune defenses and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Such a useful product for the whole winter is enough to maintain immunity. Many lemons can be added to such a mixture, namely juice or peel.

Shredded dried pitted fruits are mixed with honey, due to which they acquire additional properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • cleansing of toxins and slags.

Such a delicious vitamin mixture turns out to be high-calorie, on average, 100 grams of the product contains more than 30 kcal. Therefore, there are restrictions on the dosage of the product. So for people who experience a breakdown and general weakness, the mixture can be used for prevention in 1 tbsp. every day. For the treatment of a cold, an adult can use 2-3 tbsp. product.

Children over 3 years old, as a preventive measure, can be given 1 tsp. per day, and with the appearance of colds, the dose can be increased to 3 small spoons per day. The mixture can be added to cereals. Often used as an immune mixture: honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, lemon.

If during the use of the mixture there are gastrointestinal disorders or manifestations of an allergic reaction, the use of the product should be discontinued. The mixture should not be washed down with water, otherwise all its usefulness will dissolve.

Who and when should not eat dried fruits

Despite all its benefits, dried fruits with honey for immunity still have contraindications. They are not recommended for the following groups of people:

  1. Allergy sufferers – Dried fruits can cause a severe food reaction.
  2. Patients with diabetes - dried fruit contains more glucose, so its use should be minimized so as not to cause negative effects.
  3. With obesity - these natural products are high in calories, 100 grams contain more than 250 kcal, so their use should also be minimized.
  4. Patients with an acute form of gastric, intestinal or duodenal ulcers - dried fruits are heavy foods that cause severe discomfort, and the stomach cannot cope with its digestion. Therefore, during exacerbations, it is necessary to completely abandon it.

Even in a healthy person, excessive consumption of these foods can cause gastrointestinal upset, as they are hard to digest food. Therefore, it is better to eat dried fruits in a small permitted amount.

Important! Doctors advise eating no more than 8 useful fruits in 1 sitting so as not to cause negative negative consequences.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

This classic mixture is most often used by the people to strengthen immunity in the cold season, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. And also it perfectly improves brain function and gives vitality.

The presence of honey in the mixture increases its usefulness. It is a natural product of beekeeping, known throughout the world, it is famous for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Honey gives the mixture a special sweet taste, which makes it more pleasant and easier to eat.

To prepare a honey mixture with dried fruits, you will need:

  • dried apricots - 150 g;
  • prunes - 150 g;
  • figs - 100 g;
  • linden honey - 200 g.

Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

Dried fruits are thoroughly washed, the mixture for immunity from dried fruits is dried on a paper napkin, finely chopped. It is best not to grind dried fruits in a blender, as they lose the taste of each component. Next, pieces of fruit are mixed with warm melted linden honey in a glass container. After the dish is placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for storage.

Dried fruits, nuts and honey: recipe

This is the most beneficial mixture imaginable. It contains almost all micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, phytoncides and others. Honey-nut mix with dried fruits is the most nutritious and healthy food. The following components are often used here: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and lemon (peel). Lemon peel can be replaced with another citrus.

The classic recipe for preparing a healthy mixture consists of the following crushed ingredients:

  • prunes - 200 grams;
  • dates - 100 grams;
  • raisins - 100 grams;
  • dried apricots - 200 grams;
  • nuts - 250 grams;
  • honey - 250 grams;
  • lemon peel.

Honey should be warm and liquid, lemon peel finely chopped, and nuts - peeled and finely chopped or ground through a meat grinder. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed per day, 1 tablespoon of dried fruit and nut dessert for prevention, for treatment - 2 tbsp.

The following types can be used as nuts:

  1. walnut- the most common nuts, rich in vitamin K, which are very nutritious and help improve brain activity, give energy. Improve immune defense, restore after illness. Useful for men - increase potency. Often this combination is used for the mixture: honey, walnut, lemon.
  2. Cedar- help prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, improve brain performance. They are nutritious, and because of the content of arginine, which helps the young body to grow and develop normally, it is very useful for children, pregnant and lactating girls.
  3. Almond– prevents heartburn, flatulence, improve metabolism and metabolism. Able to remove cholesterol and toxins from the body. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which can be deadly to health, so you can eat up to 500 nuts at a time.
  4. Hazelnut- prevents the formation of malignant neoplasms, slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system.
  5. Peanut- normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens healthy sleep, improves memory and brain activity, prevents the occurrence of heart disease.

Important! The vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts and honey is allergenic, so before taking it, you need to make sure that there are no allergies or personal intolerance to the components.

How to store healthy mixtures so that they do not deteriorate prematurely

In order for a mix of dried fruits and honey to retain its benefits for a long time, it must be properly stored and prepared:

  1. For the preparation of mixtures, you need to make only fresh natural products. Dried fruits must be free from mold, fungus or other damage.
  2. You need to make and store such a mixture only in a glass container, which is then placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The container must be hermetically sealed, then the mixture can serve you up to several months. Honey mixture can be stored a little longer, because honey is a good preservative.
  3. It is always better to prepare fresh mixture in small portions, for example once a week.

Dried fruit sweets without honey - recipe

  • dates - 250 g;
  • dried apricots - 200 g;
  • prunes - 100g;
  • sesame - 5 tbsp.

Using a meat grinder, grind all the components, then mix them thoroughly with each other in a glass container. So that the ingredients do not stick to your fingers, you can moisten your hands in water. Roll the mixture into small balls and dip in sesame seeds. Dried fruit dessert is ready. This sweet can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. The calorie content of the product is 240 kcal per 100 grams.

Using dried fruits in winter is a great idea for adults, children from 3 years old and athletes, those who go to the gym or fitness. They are able to increase the immune defense of the body and increase brain activity. They also help to normalize the work of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. In stores, you can buy a large number of different dried fruits to prepare a vitamin mixture from dried fruits.

Dried fruits can be used in the preparation of a honey or honey-nut mixture. They are also often used for confectionery recipes. However, do not forget about the daily dosages of the product and contraindications for use.

Acute respiratory viral infections lie in wait for each person, especially for children, as well as for women and men with weak immunity. Currently, in pharmacies you can buy a wide variety of drugs, the composition of which includes various vitamins. But such funds are most often expensive, and they cannot be called natural. At the same time, any parents want their child to take only natural vitamins. This is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the peak of colds is observed.

That is why mothers have to resort to the preparation of funds and vitamin mixtures to strengthen immunity. One of these is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts and honey, which is in no way inferior to fruit vitamins from a pharmacy. There are also other mixtures to increase immunity, which will be discussed below.

Indications for use

A mixture to increase immunity, consisting of dried fruits and nuts, will be very useful during the development of colds, viral infections, or just during spring beriberi. As a rule, after winter, it is no longer possible to find natural healthy fruits and vegetables on store shelves, so we are forced to replenish our vitamin reserves by consuming our own food.

Such vitamin mixtures are suitable for those people who have:

Composition of a natural immunostimulating agent

Immune Boosting Blend usually consists of the following ingredients:

  • Dried fruits.
  • Lemon.
  • Walnuts.

The above components are the main ones, but dates, figs, prunes can be added to the mixture. Instead of walnuts, it is allowed to use peanuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts and others. By the way, it is worth noting that pine nuts are useful in the fight against pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Cashews lower blood cholesterol levels.

Also, these nuts, unlike most others, are not capable of causing an allergic reaction in humans. Tasty almonds contain a huge amount of organic acids, just like walnuts. That is why you can safely experiment by adding your favorite nuts to taste.


First of all, you need to start preparing the main ingredients: honey, nuts, raisins, lemon, dried apricots. Nuts and dried fruits are taken in equal proportions - 200 g each. Three tablespoons of honey are required. You will also need one medium-sized lemon. When preparing the mixture, you must follow some rules, which are as follows:

The prepared mixture should be stored only in the refrigerator in a glass jar tightly with a closed lid.

Please note that the mixture has a positive effect on the heart. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, honey are necessary for the rhythmic work of the heart, that is, they prevent the occurrence of arrhythmias. The resulting mixture is also effective in the fight against atherosclerosis.

Some useful tips when preparing and consuming the immune boosting mixture:

Application and composition

As a rule, such a vitamin mixture equally like as a child m, and adults. The resulting drug is recommended to be taken in the following dosage:

  • 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for adults.
  • 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for children from 3 years.

Please note that this mixture should not be given to children under 3 years of age, as it contains foods that can cause an allergic reaction, such as nuts and honey. Otherwise, you can prepare a mixture based on berry jam instead of honey, and do not add nuts at all.

The benefits of dried apricots

Dried apricots carry a huge benefit to human health. This dried apricot is rich in sucrose, fructose, glucose, it contains a huge amount of magnesium, potassium, pectin, calcium, vitamin B5, as well as organic acids that remove heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. This product affects the human body as follows:

Despite all the positive properties described above, the benefits of dried apricots for the human body can be significantly reduced, and dried fruits can even harm health if a person chooses this product incorrectly. Some growers treat dried apricots with a variety of chemicals to increase shelf life as well as improve the appearance of the product. That is why it is necessary to buy dried apricots only in trusted places. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that dried apricot is contraindicated for those people who are obese or have an allergic reaction to dried fruit.

By the way, allowed to eat these dried fruits during pregnancy, but they are contraindicated in

and weight loss.

Lemon and citrus

Since childhood, we know that lemons can help with colds, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. This fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps the body fight the symptoms of SARS. The lemon also contains B vitamins, which reduce fatigue, relieve depression, normalize sleep and give a person cheerfulness. Vitamins of group A, which are part of citrus fruit, are very beneficial for vision . Using lemon peel improves digestion and reduces gas formation.


Walnut is an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of an immunostimulating mixture. It is able to increase immunity due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. In addition, nuts increase the overall tone of the human body. The product is positively able to influence the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. It improves blood viscosity, prevents the aging process, has antitumor and hypoglycemic effects.

Useful properties of honey

Dried apricots, honey, lemon are those ingredients that are rich in vitamins A, B, P, potassium, copper, pectins. However, most of these elements are found in honey. This bee product is able to increase immunity, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

Those people who regularly use honey to restore the body's defenses note their excellent mood and high efficiency. And this indicates that if a person is strong from the inside, then he will have strong immunity. People who often get colds often complain of fatigue, bad mood and fatigue. Honey also improves appetite, restores the cardiovascular system and activates brain activity.

However, it is important to note that honey should only be natural. Only in this case, the immunostimulating mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey be considered truly valuable.

Raisins for health

Raisins contain almost all the same vitamins as dried apricots. In addition, dried grapes contain a bioton called vitamin H. Raisins are also rich in sodium and potassium. Main useful properties of this product are as follows:

Dried fruits, nuts, lemon and honey are a real treasure trove of useful elements. When using these products, a person increases immunity, reduces the risk of viral diseases. In addition, such a healthy mixture can be easily and simply prepared at home. At the same time, you should not go to the pharmacy to find the best remedy to strengthen the immune system. That is why it will not be superfluous to take care of the availability of such a miracle cure in an influenza epidemic.
