
Classic lasagna. Classic lasagna with minced meat and bechamel sauce

In fact, classic lasagna is a kind of cake, where the function of the cakes is performed by special sheets for lasagna (a kind of Italian pasta), and minced meat fried with tomatoes holds the bolognese cakes together. And lasagna can also be attributed to stuffed pasta, so popular in Italian cuisine - juicy, nutritious, satisfying. Divinely delicious!

A must-have attribute of classic lasagna is a delicate creamy bechamel sauce. I prepared it ahead of time.

Lasagna sheets are expensive in the store, and the composition includes only flour, egg and water, so I decided to make them myself. It didn't take long, but it turned out, I think, not worse. Cooking minced bolognese did not cause any problems at all. However, evaluate for yourself - a step-by-step recipe for classic lasagna with a photo so that there are no questions left. Use the recipe for health, help yourself, feed your loved ones and guests!)



  • egg 1 pc.
  • flour 300 g
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • cold water 40 ml
  • pinch of salt


  • minced pork 400 g
  • tomato paste 3 tbsp. l.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese 200 g
  • bechamel sauce 500 ml
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook classic lasagna

  1. I prepare the necessary products. I made the béchamel sauce ahead of time.

  2. I start by preparing the dough. A food processor will help me with this, which will mix everything in a matter of minutes. Pour flour and salt into the bowl, break the egg, pour in water and vegetable oil.

  3. I mix everything for 5 minutes until a homogeneous tight dough is obtained.
    Then I spread it on a table powdered with flour and begin to intensively knead with my hands for a few more minutes. As a result, the dough should not stick to your hands or to the table. I covered it with a towel and left it to rest for 20 minutes.

  4. In the meantime, I worked on the filling - bolognese sauce. Onion cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil until soft, then put the minced meat in the pan.

  5. She kept it on fire for 3-4 minutes, rubbing the lumps of meat with a spatula, because there should not be large pieces in the bolognese. Added tomato paste.

  6. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

  7. Now it's time to assemble the lasagna. The bottom of the mold (size 24x24 centimeters) was smeared with a small amount of bechamel sauce.

  8. The dough was divided into 3 parts and rolled out each to a thickness of about 2 millimeters, cut the edges to fit the shape and laid the first layer. The scraps made another sheet of lasagna.

  9. Laid out a third of the meat filling.

  10. Topped with creamy sauce.

  11. Sprinkled with grated cheese.

  12. Thus, I collected all the lasagna, smeared the top sheet with bechamel and sprinkled with cheese.

  13. Baked in the oven until the top began to brown. It took 35 minutes.

Before serving, let the dish stand for a while so that the layers stick together better and it is more convenient to cut the lasagna.

On a note:

  • when using ready-made lasagna sheets, follow the instructions on the package, they may need to be lowered into boiling water;
  • instead of tomato paste, it is good to take fresh tomatoes;
  • Bechamel sauce should be plenty so that the lasagna is well soaked and juicy.


Meat lasagna - one of the dishes of traditional Italian cuisine, which is a pasta in the form of thin layers of square or rectangular dough. A kind of this kind of pasta casserole, usually consisting of 4-6 layers.

Lasagna sheets can often be found on the shelves of any supermarket. There are ready-made sheets that are already ready for baking in the oven, or those that must first be boiled.In any case, this information can be easily found on the product packaging.

Various ingredients are used as ingredients for lasagna layers, for example, the most common of them are tomatoes, spinach, and various vegetables. An integral part is Bechamel sauce, which we will also learn how to cook.

However, the most popular and traditional of all the various recipes is meat lasagna with the addition of minced beef or with the addition of minced pork. So let's get started.


  • (100 g)

  • (40 ml)

  • (500 g)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (1/4 tsp)

  • (500 g)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (40 g)

  • (400 ml)

  • (50 g)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (50 g)

Cooking steps

    Take the washed onion and, cutting it into medium-sized squares, send it to the pan.Fry with a little oil until golden brown.

    Then add minced meat there and fry everything together until cooked, salt and pepper to your own taste.

    Next, you need to peel the tomatoes, which must be chopped and, when the minced meat is cooked, add them to it.You can also use tomato paste instead of tomatoes. The resulting sauce should be cooked over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add finely chopped herbs.

    The next step is to prepare a sauce called Bechamel. To do this, in a container over low heat, you need to melt the butter. Then slowly add the flour to the melted butter. To stir thoroughly. Thus, we got the so-called Roux sauce, one of the basic sauces in cooking. Next, you need to carefully slowly pour the chilled milk into this sauce, carefully mixing the resulting mass.It is very important to avoid the appearance of lumps in this sauce, you should definitely get rid of them. The resulting sauce must be simmered for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. After this time, the sauce should thicken, after which you need to add a small amount of salt and pepper to it,optionally - a pinch of ground nutmeg, which will add piquancy and diversify the taste.

    Next, you need to take a heat-resistant form (better ceramic or glass ) and thoroughly grease the entire bottom and edges of the mold with butter. Then you need to distribute 1-2 tbsp along the bottom of the form. spoons of the resulting creamy sauce, on which after putting sheets of lasagna. Spread some bechamel sauce on top of them as well.

    After that, we begin to lay out the sauce of minced meat and tomatoes. Then we put the lasagne sheet again and continue to repeat the layout of the layers until the height we need is reached.Usually lasagna consists of 4-6 layers. The top last layer is always bechamel sauce.

    In the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, you need to send the form with our meat lasagna and bake it for about 20 minutes. Then sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake until cooked through for another 7-10 minutes. When the lasagna is absolutely ready, take it out of the oven and leave it to stand and soak for another 10-15 minutes, and then cut it (usually into square pieces). You can eat!

    * Microwaved lasagna (for example, the next day) will also be no less tasty!

    Bon appetit!

Lasagna with minced meat is an amazingly delicious Italian dish that has gained recognition around the world. Very satisfying, prepared from layers of dough and layers of meat or vegetable filling, with Bechamel sauce. The process of preparing such lasagna with minced meat is not at all complicated.
Lasagna is perfect for any holiday or Sunday dinner.

Classic lasagna ingredients

For the bechamel sauce
100 g butter,
2 tbsp. l. flour,
0.7 l of milk,
2.5 g nutmeg,
1 bay leaf,
salt and white pepper to taste.
You also need the appropriate size baking dish: 17:25 or 20:20 cm.

Classic lasagna recipe

Remove the lasagna from the oven, let stand for 10 minutes, and then cut into portions. Bon appetit!

P.S. If there is no way to buy ready-made lasagna sheets in the store, you can cook it yourself. To do this, sift 400 g of flour through a sieve so that a slide is obtained. Then we make a recess in the center of this slide, where we drive in 5 large eggs, salt to taste and knead the dough. It's even easier to do this in a food processor. We roll into a ball, send it closer to the heat, for twenty minutes.
Then we divide it into nine parts and roll each part into a thin layer no more than 1.5 mm thick. Boil the layers in boiling salted water for ten minutes. Store the prepared dough strips in the freezer.
And especially about the tomato puree for lasagna. This is NOT tomato paste, this is puree, it is much thinner, more like liquid ketchup without additives. There is a store, in banks. You can also make mashed potatoes at home by passing the tomatoes through a meat grinder and then through a large sieve.

And, girls and boys, write in the comments who cooked lasagna with which sheets. I took pasta zara, it turned out great, not sour and not hard. Barilla and Rolton become limp. Who else cooked with what and how it turned out, share?

Classic lasagna, along with pizza, is a real traditional Italian dish, as well as a culinary symbol of this state. In appearance, the dish is an original cake, in which special sheets perform the function of cakes, and bechamel sauce connects them together, complementing them with aroma and delicate taste. How to cook delicious and mouth-watering classic lasagna step by step, we will tell in our article.

History of lasagna

Initially, the word "lasagna" was used to define dishes, according to the translation from the Greek language - the so-called hot plates. The Romans understood lasagna as boilers in which porridge was cooked. However, many years later, having gone through various semantic transformations, the meaning of the word was transformed and acquired a meaning that is understandable in our time.

The classic lasagna recipe has been around for a long time. Previously, it was cooked in a pan, putting stew or bechamel sauce on top of sheets of thin dough together with grated cheese. A little later, the inhabitants of Poland changed the form of serving and called the Italian dish lazanka.

An indispensable attribute of a modern classic lasagna is an amazing sauce that can be purchased at the supermarket or prepared by yourself, which does not require much effort or time. A detailed description of the preparation of the sauce can be found in our recipes for an Italian dish.

During the preparation of classic lasagna, novice housewives, who are always afraid of spoiling the taste of a new dish for them, may have several controversial questions regarding the correctness of the selected ingredients. We will try to figure out what can affect the taste of an Italian dish.

  1. In the event that ready-made purchased sheets are taken as the basis for lasagna, you need to carefully read the instructions, perhaps they should first be dipped in boiling water.
  2. Fresh tomatoes are a great substitute for tomato paste.
  3. To make the lasagna juicy and well soaked, you should not save on the amount of bechamel sauce.

Before eating lasagna, it needs to stand for a while so that all layers stick together better and it is convenient to cut it into pieces.

Step by step recipe for classic lasagna

For the first time, preparing a traditional Italian dish can take at least half a day. This is due to the fact that in addition to cooking the lasagna itself, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to the components of the dish, namely: to prepare the sauce and thin sheets of dough. However, it's worth it. The dish turns out juicy, nutritious, satisfying, and also divinely tasty.

The following products are useful for the test:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • minced meat - 350 g;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 150 g.

For sauce:

  • butter - 120 g;
  • cream - 300 ml;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.

How to prepare sauce?

To start cooking classic lasagna (there is a photo of the dish in the article), you need to prepare the ingredients for bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter, adding cream, flour, and some spices to it. As a rule, ground nutmeg is taken for this, but you can also stop at oregano or basil. After that, the future sauce is thoroughly mixed, until the lumps of flour disappear in it. In the event that when using the listed ingredients, the bechamel turns out to be too fat, you can replace the cream with milk.

In addition, to enhance the taste of the sauce, depending on the preferences of the cook, chopped garlic and a little pepper are also used.

Practical part

Cooking lasagna should begin with preparing the dough. To do this, you need to mix ingredients such as flour, salt, egg, water and a small amount of vegetable oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the batch must be laid out on a table sprinkled with flour and mashed with your hands for some time so that it does not stick to the palms. Then it must be covered with a towel and left for half an hour.

This time should be devoted to preparing the filling. Chop the prepared onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked, then add the minced meat to the onion. Simmer for 3 minutes and use a spatula to grind all large pieces of meat. Then put the tomato paste into the pan and bring everything to a boil.

After a certain time, you must return to the test. It should be rolled out into 3 equal parts with a thickness of about 2 mm and cut off the edges according to the size of the baking sheet, from which another same layer should be obtained.

After that, you can begin to form the lasagna. To do this, the bottom of the baking sheet should be smeared with bechamel sauce, then lay the first sheet and place a third of the minced meat on top of it. Next comes another layer of sauce, which is covered with grated cheese. So all layers are repeated in turn 3 or 4 times, depending on the number of rolled sheets obtained. The top of the lasagna is covered with bechamel and a thick layer of grated cheese. This masterpiece of Italian cuisine is baked for 40 minutes in the oven.

Classic lasagna recipe with photo

If you cook a dish based on this version of the recipe, the lasagna turns out to be quite satisfying, appetizing and unusually tasty. As a rule, many housewives prefer meat stuffing, but it can be varied with vegetables, fish, and mushrooms with olives. The resulting dish is great for both lunch and dinner. In its homeland, classic lasagna is served as a first course. It is more convenient to cook it in separate portions.

Suitable components are:

  • minced meat - 350 g;
  • sheets for lasagna - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cream - 450 g;
  • wine - 180 ml;
  • butter - 65 g.

Prepare sauce and lasagne sheets

The process must begin with the preparation of the ingredients. To do this, melt the butter, flour and cream in a saucepan. Stir the contents thoroughly so that no lumps form.

Acquired layers must be boiled for about 5 minutes. The water in which they will be boiled must be salted and a little vegetable oil added to it.

The preparation of an Italian popular dish must begin with chopping onions and carrots. Then the vegetables need to be fried in a preheated pan until half cooked, then add the minced meat and mix all the ingredients. While frying, you need to constantly stir until the contents become light brown.

At a time when the juice is gone from the meat, you can pour a little red wine into the pan. Next, the filling should be stewed until the alcohol has completely evaporated. The next step is to add tomato paste or finely chopped canned tomatoes to the minced meat (the paste should completely cover the future filling). The contents must be brought to a boil, salt, pepper, add bay leaves and leave to simmer for 45 minutes.

After the allotted time, it is necessary to begin the formation of classic lasagna. To do this, carefully grease a baking sheet with oil, then put the first prepared layer of lasagne sheets on the bottom, the third part of the filling, a little béchamel sauce and grated cheese. You need to repeat the steps 3 times. The top of the national Italian dish should be smeared with a layer of sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese. Bake the dish for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 ° C.

Lasagna classic - a traditional national Italian meat dish. Of course, today lasagna is prepared in a variety of ways and even exclusively with vegetables. But in this recipe, we will cook the most traditional minced meat lasagne at home.

Meat is the main ingredient in this dish. there are also special layers of dough and sauce. as well as cheese. During the baking process, the sauce permeates each layer and makes it very tender and creamy.

The classic step-by-step recipe for making lasagna with a photo is presented below. There is nothing complicated in it, each stage is described in detail and clearly. The main thing is to pick up all the necessary ingredients.

Lasagna sheets are special ready-made dough products that significantly reduce the cooking time. In addition, they are often green. They acquire this color due to the addition of spinach to the dough. Interestingly, such lasagna is also considered a classic. In the cooking process, you can use all kinds of dried herbs and aromatic herbs.

Let's start cooking.


  • Chopped meat
    (600 g)
  • Butter
    (60 g)
  • Wheat flour
    (2.5 tablespoons)
  • Olive oil
    (2 tablespoons)
  • hard cheese
    (500 g)

Cooking steps

Prepare the bechamel sauce. Put a piece of butter in a suitable saucepan and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, melt the ingredients over low heat and add flour in portions to them. Mix the ingredients so that the flour does not roll into lumps.

When the whole mass in the pan becomes sufficiently homogeneous, pour milk at room temperature into it, slightly increase the heat and cook the sauce until it thickens. The concentration of the liquid should be moderately thick, like not too oily sour cream.

We heat the pan with vegetable oil and pour all the minced meat on it. You can cook it yourself from a piece of fresh pork or beef, passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic.

Fry the minced meat until a matte crust forms, add the indicated amount of bolognese sauce, mix the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a suitable shaped baking sheet with butter and lightly cover with bechamel sauce.

We spread the dry sheets of lasagna on a baking sheet, on top of them we place the finished minced meat in an even high layer, rub the cheese on a coarse grater and spread it on top of the meat with the next layer. We cover all layers with bechamel sauce and lay out the sheets of lasagna again.

Repeat the process of laying out each layer, evenly distribute the sauce over the sheets of lasagna.

We fall asleep the remaining grated cheese as the final layer. Let the dish rest for 10 minutes. We send a baking sheet with lasagna to the oven and bake for half an hour.

We lay out the finished dish on plates, decorate with leaves of fresh herbs and serve. Lasagna classic with minced meat is ready.
