
Sauerkraut in a plastic barrel. How to pickle cabbage with forks for the winter with different additives

The definition of the word fermentation implies a biochemical method of preservation. The basis for it is the formation of a natural preservative - lactic acid. This substance during the fermentation period gradually accumulates and impregnates the products, giving them a special taste and aroma.

ATTENTION: In addition, lactic acid prevents the development of any foreign microflora. For comparison, this function during pickling is performed by vinegar, which prevents the development of other microorganisms in the product.

During fermentation, the following physical and chemical processes occur:

  • penetration of cell juice into the brine;
  • diffusion of salt into the cell.


For those who decide for the first time to try to ferment these fruits for the winter, you should choose them correctly. Not all varieties of apples are suitable for this type of canning. Often, fruits of winter or autumn varieties are used for fermentation.:

In order for the preparation to turn out not only tasty, but also to last longer, you need to be based on the following parameters of the fruit:

  • sweet and sour apples with a distinct aroma;
  • fully ripe, without starch and dense;
  • apples should have a perfect surface without any damage;
  • before pickling with cabbage, the fruits are kept in the dark and cold for 14 days.

When fermented, all the useful properties of the products are preserved. The fermentation process allows all vitamins and elements to remain in apples and cabbage. These substances favor the healing of all organs responsible for the process of digestion, and also significantly raise the immune system.

The technology of sauerkraut with apples is based on the fermentation of sugar. The duration of this process is from 21 to 28 days. It is necessary to ferment only at room temperature. When fermentation reaches its climax, the finished mixture is moved to a colder room. The temperature in it should not exceed 0 degrees.

Benefit and harm

As a result of repeated studies, the undeniable benefits of sauerkraut with cabbage have been proven. This dish is often consumed in the cold season, when a person suffers from a deficiency of vitamins, sun and heat.

100 g of fermented mixture contains so much vitamin C and P how much each person should consume daily. These two vitamins are interconnected. C, a vitamin that does not accumulate and must be constantly supplied to the body, and P, which helps to absorb the previous one.

Pickled fruits are an ideal source of complex carbohydrates necessary for digestion, the proper metabolic process, the removal of decay products from the body and the prevention of cancer. The use of this dish benefits such departments of the human body:

  1. the cardiovascular system;
  2. digestive system;
  3. the immune system;
  4. nervous system.

With all its tangible merits, recognition by doctors and experienced nutritionists sauerkraut with apples has a number of serious contraindications:

  1. urolithiasis disease;
  2. period of exacerbation of gastritis;
  3. ulcer;
  4. pancreatitis;
  5. flatulence;
  6. excessive acidity of the stomach;
  7. kidney failure;
  8. hypertension;
  9. swelling caused by heart disease.

Preparation in the bank

To prepare the fermented mixture, enameled, glass containers, as well as wooden barrels are used.. To ferment cabbage with apples in a 3 liter jar, the following ingredients are needed:

  • autumn harvest cabbage, white cabbage - 2 kg;
  • apples - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 500g;
  • pepper, peas - 5-10 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 3-5 pieces;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.

First you need to prepare products for sourdough:

Since the volume is small, the fermentation procedure will be faster. Within 5 days, it is necessary to pierce the mixture in the jar with a wooden stick to enrich it with oxygen. A week later, cabbage with apples can be consumed.

Watch a video on cooking sauerkraut with apples:

The recipe for fermenting for the winter in a barrel at home

The technology for preparing such preservation is identical to that given above for cans. Only the volumes of products vary. The process of preparing vegetables and fruits is the same as for sourdough in jars. After placing all the ingredients in the barrel, leave 10 cm to the top of the brine barrel.

ADVICE: If there is too much brine, it must be scooped out. But do not pour it out, but store it in a clean container in a cool place, since after a few days the brine can be poured into a barrel again.

On top of the finished mixture put oppression weighing at least 15% of the total amount of products. The room temperature should be between 17-23 degrees. After 3-6 days, cabbage with apples will begin to ferment. First, bubbles appear, then foam forms on the surface. It is necessary to release gases with a wooden stick throughout the entire sourdough. The readiness of the dish for consumption will be indicated by the transparency of the brine.. It will be sour, but without bitterness.

The lower the room temperature, the longer the fermentation process will last. Sometimes it goes more than 35 days.

Watch a video about sauerkraut with apples in a barrel:


Sauerkraut with apples can be stored for up to 6-8 months. In order to keep conservation for a long time it is necessary:

  • maintain room temperature 0-3 degrees;
  • observe that the cabbage does not drown in brine;
  • immediately remove the mold that has appeared;
  • oppression periodically washed and doused with boiling water.

If it is not possible to store this preservation in a large container, then you can resort to tricks and pack the ready-made sourdough in bags and place it in the freezer. Then, if necessary, take out the package and defrost. Sauerkraut with apples will not change its taste, aroma, or color, and will remain just as healthy.


The technology and process of sauerkraut with apples is elementary. It is also a budget option for conservation, which does not require special financial costs. The main advantage is the ability to replenish the body's vitamin reserves in the winter with such a tasty and crispy dish.

One of the simplest, most delicious and economical preparations for the winter is sauerkraut.

If you know how to salt cabbage in a barrel, then this will be very useful to you if you want to support your body in the winter with vitamins and other useful substances.

Many housewives have their own family recipes for sauerkraut in a barrel, which are passed down from generation to generation.

So, if you have this same wooden barrel on your farm, be sure to prepare delicious salted cabbage in it for the winter, which has a natural and very pleasant taste.

It would be more modern to pickle the cabbage in a plastic barrel, but it does not allow air to pass through, which will affect the taste of the cabbage.

Choose elastic flat heads, "heady" Amager varieties after fermentation will be soft and "snotty".

You need to ferment cabbages cut in early October, before the first frost, that is, late. But if her upper leaves are cut off, this means that the cabbage is frozen, and the seller hides this in this way.

The most crispy salted cabbage is obtained from light, almost white heads of cabbage.

How to salt cabbage in an oak barrel

Rinse the barrel with ordinary baking soda and pour boiling water over it. Fill with water and leave it like this for a week, at first it may leak at the connector points. But when the wood swells with water, the flow will stop.

The ingredient list is simple. This is the cabbage itself and coarse salt, which is taken at the rate of 1 tablespoon with the top per kilogram of chopped cabbage. In Soviet times, salt was measured with a matchbox (1 box of salt per 1 kg). You can not ferment cabbage with iodized salt, because it softens it.

In addition, for color, taste and aroma, carrots grated on a coarse grater are added to the cabbage - 1 pc. for a medium head or a little more. To increase the acidity, you can put lingonberries, cranberries (200 g per 10 kg), sour varieties of apples.

Raspberry color is obtained due to the addition of beets.

And for flavor, black and allspice, bay leaf (20-25 sheets), hot pepper, cloves, caraway seeds (2 tsp per 10 kg) are put in cabbage.

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At heads of cabbage, remove the top leaves, rinse them with water, cut into 4 parts and cut off the stalk - nitrates accumulate in it.

Shredding cabbage is best not very thin, but it depends on your preference.

The bottom of the barrel in the old days was sprinkled with rye flour, then a layer of shredded cabbage, a layer of salt, and a layer of carrots were placed. At the same time, cabbage should be lightly tamped, just lightly, in order to avoid softening it.

It is not necessary to fill the barrel to the brim, otherwise the cabbage brine may spill out of it. Top the cabbage with cleanly washed cabbage leaves, then with a boiled cotton cloth and a clean wooden circle, on which lay oppression.

Do not use plywood or chipboard due to the content of harmful substances in them.

Cabbage will ferment at room temperature for two weeks. If the room is cool, then longer. During fermentation, foam appears, which must be removed.

Pierce the contents of the barrel once a day with a long, clean stick to release gases. During the fermentation process, the cabbage should always be covered with brine.

When the smell disappears and gas stops coming out when pierced, the cabbage is ready. You can put it away for storage.

How to salt a whole cabbage in a barrel

You can also salt cabbage for the winter in a barrel with whole heads of cabbage. To do this, remove the top leaves, cut out the stalk.

With these leaves, you can lay out the bottom of the barrel, as well as fill them with voids between heads of cabbage in the upper rows.

Halves of peeled carrots are placed between cabbage heads, as well as tomatoes and bell peppers to improve the taste of ready-made sauerkraut.

Then pour the cabbage with a brine of 400 g of salt per 10 liters of filtered water), cover with a linen cloth on top, put a cross and a load treated with antiseptics.

Clean, and preferably boiled, large stones are traditionally used as cargo, which will not affect the taste of cabbage.

The fabric should be washed regularly in plain water and then boiled to get rid of mold.

It is best to store sauerkraut in the cellar, because the barrel is unlikely to fit anywhere else.

The optimum storage temperature is from 0 to 2 degrees. Too low temperatures affect the taste of the workpiece badly - after defrosting, the cabbage will be soft and stop crunching.

Barrel cabbage has long been considered the most delicious. This method is not very popular today, because it is much more convenient to ferment cabbage and store it in jars. But only barrel salting according to old recipes allows you to cook the most delicious and crispy cabbage.

Many housewives pickle cabbage for the winter in order to be able to serve it as an independent salad, and also use it for a variety of dishes. In most cases, the vegetable is finely chopped and then poured with marinade, but you can greatly simplify your task and cook whole heads of cabbage.

The processes are very similar, but it is important to have the right size container. For example, it can be a barrel, a large pot or a plastic bucket. Consider a few proven recipes.

How to pickle cabbage with forks for the winter?

A similar method of harvesting this vegetable is especially popular in Bulgaria. Various snacks are prepared from whole leaves, for example, cabbage rolls or Korean salads. Prepared ingredients are designed for a capacity of 100 liters.

To cook cabbage with forks for the winter, take these products: 50 kg of cabbage, 2.5 kg of coarse sea salt and cold water. In addition, you need to take a plastic hose 1.5 m long. You can include other vegetables and spices in this recipe for taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. to pickle the forks, the heads of cabbage must be prepared by removing the leaves from them and removing the stalk. Make a cross cut on the fork. Fill the hole where the dense part of the vegetable was with salt;
  2. in the prepared container, tightly lay the cabbage with heads of cabbage, after lowering one edge to the bottom, and the other should stick out on the surface. If desired, you can put a couple of onions, quince or horseradish root. These ingredients will give the vegetable an original taste and aroma;
  3. put the remaining salt into the water, mix well until completely dissolved, and then pour the brine into the container. The liquid should cover the vegetables. Put oppression on top so that the heads of cabbage do not float;
  4. for 5 days, it is necessary to mix the brine, for which you need a hose, which was first fixed in a container. Remove the pressure, and then, strongly blow into the free end of the hose about 10 times. This will be enough to mix the brine. For 3 weeks, the process should be repeated a couple of times. After a couple of months, cabbage is considered ready. A white film will appear on the surface of the liquid, which is one of the readiness signals. Using a slotted spoon, remove it. The process must take place in a cold room.

Salting cabbage for the winter with forks in a barrel

The ideal vessel for this procedure is an oak barrel. The forks prepared according to this recipe are not only delicious, but also very healthy. Thanks to the fact that whole heads of cabbage are salted, they can be preserved until spring and enjoy delicious dishes all winter. By the way, it was customary to cook vegetables in a barrel back in the pre-revolutionary era.

First you need to prepare the container. Take a barrel and rinse it thoroughly with a solution of soda and boiling water. After that, it must be completely filled with water, and left for 7 days. This is necessary so that the wood swells and subsequently does not absorb the solution. For pickling cabbage with forks, it is recommended to use a vegetable of late varieties. Also prepare carrots, tomatoes and sweet peppers. If you want to give the vegetable a beautiful color, then add beets.

Cooking steps:

  1. to start, clean the forks from the outer leaves so that a smooth and dense head of cabbage remains. By the way, cut leaves can not be thrown away, because they can fill the voids in the top row and after a few weeks they are considered ready;
  2. remove the stalk using a sharp knife. Thanks to this, the salting process will proceed evenly. Put the vegetables in the prepared barrel, filling the voids with large pieces of carrots, tomatoes and peppers. These vegetables will make the taste of the product even more original;
  3. we will salt in brine, for the preparation of which combine 10 liters of purified water and 400 g of salt. Pour the liquid into the barrel, put the leaves in the voids and cover the top with a piece of linen. Put a cross and press down with a load, for example, with a stone;
  4. every week, it is necessary to take out the fabric and, together with the circle, wash it in water, removing the mold that has formed. In a couple of months everything will be ready.

How to salt cauliflower with forks?

You can cook not only white, but also colored forks, which also turn out to be very tasty. Separate inflorescences will be an excellent basis, for example, for Korean salads.

For this recipe for the winter, you need to take such products: 2 forks of cauliflower, 0.5 kg of carrots, 5 bay leaves, 6 peppercorns and the same number of garlic cloves. To make a brine for 1 liter, you will need: 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide of salt and a little less than 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. salting begins with the preparation of the vegetable: carefully review the forks, as they should be dense, white and without spots. Otherwise, they are considered unsuitable for salting. Rinse them in water, then soak for a couple of hours to remove insects. It is best to remove too hard legs. The next step is to lower the forks for 2 minutes. into boiling water and then into cold water. It is important not to overcook the vegetable, as it will become soft and unsuitable for further processing. Chop the peeled carrots on a regular Korean grater;
  2. To make a brine, dissolve salt and sugar in water. After that, put the liquid on the stove and boil. Put the forks in a saucepan, add the carrots, slices of garlic, laurel and peppercorns, and then pour them with the cooled brine. Put oppression on top and leave for 2 days at room temperature. After that, transfer the container to a cool place, and after 4-5 days the cabbage will be ready. Vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for sauerkraut with apples

Another option for cooking a vegetable, which, thanks to apples, turns out to be fragrant. In addition, salted fruits are also very tasty. Most often, this recipe is used by people who want to cook delicious and juicy cabbage rolls in the winter.

To prepare sauerkraut, take: 3 heads, 1 kg of apples and salt, which must be taken on the basis that 90 g should fall on 1 liter. In general, you will need about 5 liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. cabbage prepared for this recipe should be cleaned of old leaves and various stains. Using a sharp knife, remove the stalks. Take a large container, pour warm water into it and dissolve the salt. Stir well until the salt dissolves;
  2. tightly pack the heads and apples in a container with brine. Cover with a layer of gauze on top and put oppression, for example, it can be a bottle of water. Leave for 5 days at room temperature. After the time has elapsed, rinse the gauze in running water from mold, and also turn the heads of cabbage over. In order for the workpiece to turn out crispy, it is recommended to add a couple of corn cobs. Put the gauze back on and set the oppression. After that, transfer everything to a cool place for a month.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in sauerkraut and everyone can cope with this process. Be sure to use the suggested recipes to get a tasty and healthy meal for your family.

    Sauerkraut is one of the simplest and most delicious dishes.

    It is best to salt (sour) cabbage in a wooden barrel. So it retains its beneficial properties, taste and aroma more.

    Late varieties of cabbage are suitable for salting. Therefore, it is best to cut cabbage for sourdough in early October, before the first frost.

    Before sourdough cabbage, the barrels are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water.

    Shred the cabbage in a large bowl. You can add some grated carrots to it. All this is mixed and salted at the rate of one tablespoon per kilogram of shredded cabbage.

    The prepared mass is placed in a barrel and rammed a little. Then they do the same thing again and again put everything in a barrel and ram it.

    For salting, it is best to put enough cabbage so that there is still room to the top of the barrel.

    Cabbage is covered with clean cabbage leaves, then with boiled cotton cloth and on top with a clean wooden circle, on which oppression is placed.

    Salted cabbage is a favorite dish of many people. It is noteworthy that cabbage salted for the winter can be used as a side dish for meat and poultry. There are a great many recipes for its preparation, including how to pickle cabbage in a barrel. Cabbage salted in a barrel has its own special taste. Before you start cooking, you need to take care of the barrel. It must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water for disinfection. Now cabbage. The most suitable for salting will be late varieties of cabbage. The heads of cabbage will need to be washed, the lower leaves removed, so that smooth, neat heads of cabbage are obtained, with leaves tightly adjacent to each other. We put the heads of cabbage neatly in a barrel, the voids between the heads of cabbage can be filled with cabbage leaves, which we previously removed. Now we are preparing the brine. For 10 liters of water, there are usually about 400 gr. salt. Fill our cabbage with brine, cover with a cloth on top. It is good if it is natural, for example, from flax. We put a circle from the barrel on the fabric and press it down with some kind of load. Periodically, mold will appear on the fabric and circle. It will need to be cleaned and washed.

    Cabbage that has been pickled in barrels is slightly different from regular cabbage. Usually, with such salting of cabbage, a lot is needed. And of course, you need a barrel made of natural wood.

    Cabbage can be cut into strips, you can chop thinly, you can just cut into pieces.

    You can still add carrots to a coma of cabbage. You can add more ingredients.

    How to salt cabbage in barrels can be seen in this video:

    1. Before salting cabbage in a barrel, it is necessary to prepare the container itself for salting. This procedure must be given Special attention otherwise you can lose all the cabbage. So, a few days before salting, thoroughly wash the barrel, pour boiling water over it, fill it with water and leave it for three or four days to swell. In this case, subsequently the barrel will not let the juice through. We put whole cabbage leaves on the bottom of the barrel.
    2. We cut cabbage, carrots, salt and mix in an enameled bowl so that it starts up the juice. To taste, cabbage should be a little more salty than when preparing a regular salad. Thus, we fill the entire container, not forgetting to leave room for the juice. We put oppression on top and leave for 5 days.
    3. We pierce daily to let the air out.

    I still collect the resulting foam and throw it away (not sure if this is the right way to do it).

    When the cabbage is ready, we remove it in the cold.

    If you like cabbage with spices, you can add cumin, peppercorns, bay leaves or cranberries.

  • All people ferment cabbage in different ways. In our family, it is customary: cabbage is cut, carrots are rubbed, salt - all these components are selected by eye, as you like. It is necessary to press everything tightly in the barrel. But the most difficult thing is to chop cabbage because of the quantity.

    Here is a video with a simple sourdough recipe.

    For pickling cabbage in a barrel, the most difficult thing is shredding. This requires strength in the hands and caution, you can hurt your hands, but if you coped with this, then you have already done more than half the work.

    As soon as we chopped a lot of cabbage into a barrel, we rub carrots on the trke. We salt it all and put it in a barrel, pressing it well with our hands. Optionally, you can put a bay leaf and peppercorns, salt the cabbage to taste.

    There are a lot of different recipes for fermenting cabbage, many different secrets exist for the fermentation of each owner, I do this according to the lunar calendar. You can watch a video of how the whole fermentation procedure takes place with preparation together.

    Initially, you need to chop the cabbage, and this work is the largest of the entire salting process because of the volume. Next, you need to chop the carrots and mix it all well, adding salt to taste. Put whole cabbage leaves on the bottom and top of the barrel. Next, pour the cabbage into the barrel and you need something heavy press down! Leave to ferment indoors at 18 degrees, and then store at 0-2C.

    Sauerkraut has always been in special mail, because it plays an exceptional role on the table, since there are practically no analogues, and it is also a rather budgetary dish.

    It is advisable to use ordinary table salt in the salting process, since

    The proportions should be as follows:

    • 1 tbsp salt per 1 kg of cabbage (from brine);
    • a little more than 1 tbsp. salt per 1 kg of cabbage (without brine).

    You should also take care of the preparation of the barrel.

    Sauerkraut is a favorite dish of many people. It can be served as an additional side dish, an appetizer or simply enjoyed on any day.

    Sauerkraut in a barrel acquires a special taste.

    Proportions: for 10 kg of cabbage 300 g of carrots and 200 g of salt.

    Separate individual leaves from cabbage to cover the bottom and leave a little on top.

    Cabbage should be shredded. Of course, you can do it by hand, but the process is very long. Although, if you turn on the movie or while talking, the time will fly by unnoticed. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater.

    We cover the bottom of the barrel with cabbage leaves, then put the chopped cabbage and carrots in layers, filling each layer with salt. You can mix it up a bit. Each layer must be carefully compacted. The barrel does not need to be filled completely, since oppression will need to be put on top.

    Chopped cabbage is covered with cabbage leaves, on top we lay a wooden circle with a diameter slightly less than the inner diameter of the barrel. On top of this mug we put a jar of water. This wooden circle should always be covered with the secreted juice.

    To start the fermentation process, the barrel must be kept in a room with a temperature of about 18-20 degrees. From time to time you need to remove the foam from above and pierce the cabbage to the bottom of the barrel with a clean wooden stick. The fact that the cabbage is ready will be indicated by a transparent brine. Then the barrel must be taken out into the cold (0-2 degrees).

    Everyone salts cabbage in different ways, based on the taste preferences of the family. In our family, such a simple recipe for salting cabbage in a barrel is transmitted.

    To begin with, we need a shredder, because cutting a huge amount of cabbage with your hands is simply unrealistic. But even with the use of a shredder, harvesting cabbage for the winter takes a whole day.

    And so the ratios of the products are as follows:

    • 10 kg of cabbage of winter varieties suitable for storage and pickling
    • 300 g carrots, three on a coarse grater
    • 200 g cranberries
    • 250 g salt

    At the bottom of a wooden barrel lay out whole cabbage leaves. And now, alternating in layers: shredded cabbage, carrots, cranberries, salt, etc., until the barrel or cabbage runs out :) We close everything with cabbage leaves.

    From above we place a wooden board and becoming oppression.

    Ready cabbage can be eaten after 30-45 days.

    Video recipe for cooking cabbage at home:
