
Sauerkraut for the winter in 3 liters. Sauerkraut with honey

Hello dear friends! Today I offer you instant sauerkraut recipes to make it crispy and juicy. I already described the options in a previous article. But there is not always time and desire to wait a long time. I would like to try now.

For such impatient people, quick ways of sourdough have been invented. There is even one that can be put on the table in a couple of hours. It is very convenient when sudden guests are almost on the doorstep. And how by the way it will be as a snack, along with or cucumbers, for strong drinks.

For an everyday table, I like to serve it with fresh herbs and young potatoes. And for the taste, I still like to definitely drop a little unrefined sunflower oil. It's just some food.

Tip - for our purposes, choose medium-late or late white-headed varieties so that the head is dense and, preferably, large. It is better that the leaves are whole, not cracked.

Crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut in a jar in a day without vinegar

According to this recipe, I don’t put carrots in cabbage, but add it to the finished product when I serve it. I like it that way. Try and you do this option. But, if you want, you can immediately add one carrot and sour everything together. Grate it on a coarse grater and gently mix the vegetables.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Allspice peas - 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1 liter


1. Pour water into a ladle or saucepan and put on fire. As soon as it boils, put the bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns there. Add salt, sugar and stir. Simmer for 2 minutes, turn off heat and let cool completely.

2. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Then lay it tightly in the jar along the “shoulders”, that is, to the point where the jar narrows, leaving room for the brine. Put a bay leaf somewhere in the middle.

3. Now pour the cooled brine into the jar to the very top. Place the peppercorns from the brine on top as well. Put a deep bowl and leave for a day at room temperature.

4. After 6 hours, pierce in several places with a long stick (you can use a knife or a knitting needle) to the very bottom, so that gasses and bitterness come out. The foam that appears on top will need to be removed. In a day, sauerkraut will be ready and it can be served immediately. And for decoration, you can add mashed carrots and greens.

A quick recipe for cabbage in brine for a 3 liter jar

A very simple and versatile quick fermentation option. For this recipe, it does not matter at all what kind of cabbage will be - early or late. But it will taste just amazing. Crispy enough and very tasty.


  • Cabbage - 2-2.3 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 2 liters


1. First, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Put on fire and boil the brine, and then let it cool.

2. While the brine is cooling, chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Put in a deep bowl. Mix properly.

3. Transfer the vegetables to a 3 liter jar, leaving room for the brine on top. Lay approximately on the shoulders, that is, to the point where the can narrows. Then pour in the cooled brine. Place the jar in a deep bowl where the brine will flow. Cover the top loosely with a lid. Leave it like that for a day.

The next day, you need to pierce it in several places with a long stick to release bitterness and gas. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the entire fermentation time.

5. In total, such a jar should stand for two days. Then close the lid and store in a cool place. Or use right away.

Delicious sauerkraut in a pan in large pieces

And here is a variant of the fermentation of quick cabbage, laid in large pieces. Some people think (my husband for example) that this is how it will be tastier and more appetizing. For a fast method, it will be optimal enough.


  • White cabbage - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 200-300 gr
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Water - 1.5 liters


1. Cut off about half of the head of cabbage and cut it as if into slices 2.5-3 cm thick. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic and cut into halves.

2. Then put the pieces in a saucepan, sprinkle with carrots and garlic. Lay in layers.

3. Now let's deal with the brine. Pour water into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar to it. Wait until it boils and pour in the vinegar, and then turn it off. Pour the hot brine into the pot with vegetables to completely cover everything.

4. Put an inverted plate on top of the saucepan and place a filled 3 liter jar of water on it. Thus we have established oppression.

5. After a day, remove the oppression. Our white cabbage is ready. For storage, you can transfer to a more convenient dish and refrigerate. You can use it right away.

Sauerkraut in a quick way in 2-3 hours with vinegar and sugar

Very tasty and juicy cabbage is obtained in just 2-3 hours. Just about this recipe I wrote in the introduction. Imagine a situation where you were simply confronted with the fact that in a couple of hours unexpected, albeit respected, guests would come to you. For such cases, this recipe will come in handy. Such an appetizer is eaten just instantly. And the guests will be happy.


  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 200 gr
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 gr


1. Chop cabbage in any way convenient for you. Grate carrots and garlic. Place all vegetables in a deep bowl.

2. Now let's do the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar, as well as vegetable oil. Put on fire. Wait until it boils and add vinegar. After that, boil for another 2 minutes and remove from heat.

3. Pour hot marinade into a dish with chopped vegetables and mix. Cover and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

4. After this time, you can already eat it. If you get a lot, just transfer to a convenient container and store in the refrigerator. Usually we don't have it for more than a week.

Video recipe for crispy instant sauerkraut for the winter

Another not bad recipe I want to add to your piggy bank. Very good for salads. When it is ready, you can transfer it to jars, close the lid and store it in a cool place until winter. Or use it right away.


  • White cabbage - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Apple cider vinegar - 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt - 40 gr
  • Sugar - 35 gr
  • Carrots - 120 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 20 gr

You will see the cooking method in a very detailed video.

That's all for today. I shared with you the simplest and my favorite variations of quick sourdough cabbage. I don't have a lot of storage space at home, so I use these recipes. I'm done, I'm doing more. It doesn't take that long.

Good luck with your preparations!

Good afternoon. With this article I close the summer season and the preparation of winter stocks.

I want to offer you recipes for sauerkraut, which will certainly appear on the New Year's table as the main snack and which guests will praise as long as they are able to talk.

So take the time and stock up more. I'm sure they will come in handy, because the new year is just around the corner.

I picked up recipes for preparations only in jars, since in the conditions of apartments, sauerkraut in barrels and huge pots is not very convenient.

A classic cabbage recipe for the winter with brine for a 3-liter jar

Let's start, of course, with the "grandmother's" recipe, as they say, which involves a minimum of ingredients.


  • White cabbage - 2.2-2.5 kg
  • Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs

For brine:

  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Salt - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Peppercorns and bay leaf - optional

The quantity of ingredients is indicated for filling one 3-liter jar.


We start by preparing the brine. Boil water in a kettle and pour it into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar.

If you want to add spices, you can throw in a couple of bay leaves and literally five peas of allspice

We leave the future brine to cool.

While it cools, we are engaged in vegetables.

We take cabbage, remove the upper green leaves and cut off a piece of the weight we need.

The cabbage must be sweet. If it is bitter, then bitterness will remain in the pickled form

We cut it into small-small strips and put it in a deep bowl, in which we will mix it with carrots.

Peel the carrots and rub on a coarse grater. Add to cabbage and stir.

Vegetables do not need to be crushed and ground, just the usual, but thorough mixing is enough.

After that, put the carrots with cabbage in a jar. We lay tightly, but do not tamp.

Now you can pour the cooled brine into the jar.

In no case do not pour boiling water, the brine should be at room temperature so as not to destroy a lot of useful substances contained in cabbage

If you have observed all the proportions, then the brine will fill the jar right to the neck.

Now begins the longest, but inevitable process - fermentation. It will last three days, during which the jar should be open at room temperature. To protect the jar from midges and other small insects, cover the neck with gauze.

During these three days, carbon dioxide will form in the jar, which, going outside, will push out part of the brine. Therefore, the jar must be placed in a basin in which this brine will accumulate. And you will fill it daily.

In addition, twice a day (morning and evening) it is necessary to pierce sauerkraut with a wooden stick (for example, chopsticks) to promote a more free release of carbon dioxide.

By the end of the third day, fermentation ends. This is easy to understand by the fact that the brine stops bubbling.

Now you can close the jar with a nylon lid and store it in the refrigerator.

Don't forget: sauerkraut has a shelf life of 8 months in the refrigerator.

Cabbage prepared according to this recipe is crispy and very juicy. And you yourself know very well how to apply the brine after the holidays.

Delicious instant sauerkraut drenched in boiling water

This recipe can be called "sauerkraut" with a big stretch, since it skips the fermentation process, which, in general, makes sauerkraut. This is more of a marinating option. But thanks to this, you spend not three days on cooking, but only one.

In general, this is a recipe for those who need a quick, but still crispy and tasty.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 2kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves

For marinade:

  • water -3 glasses
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • salt - 3 tablespoons without a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 1 cup


Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and mix with each other in a deep bowl.

When mixing, you can knead and rub the cabbage a little, but this is not important

We put the cabbage in a jar. We put it very tightly, well tamping and crushing with our hands. When all the cabbage is laid, put garlic cloves on top, cut into 3-4 parts.

We are preparing the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on high heat. Pour sugar, salt, vegetable oil into a saucepan.

As soon as the marinade boils, turn off the stove, pour the vinegar into the pan and mix well.

Carefully pour the hot marinade into a jar of cabbage up to the very neck.

The marinade is hot, the jar is cold. Pour a little so that the jar has time to warm up and does not burst

We pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick many, many times so that the marinade is evenly distributed over the jar.

Now the cabbage should cool down. But it's not very fast to do so. Therefore, we take a nylon lid and close the jar. Only not completely, but "on one side" so that there is a gap.

In this form, leave the jar at room temperature for a day or a little less, until it cools completely.

After cooling, the cabbage is ready to eat.

It should also be stored in the refrigerator under a tightly closed lid for no longer than 8 months.

Cabbage, sauerkraut for the winter as barrel pieces in a jar

And now a very original recipe that will allow you to feel the taste of cask sauerkraut, although it will be cooked in an ordinary glass jar.


We need cabbage, half a roll of black "capital" bread and salt.

It is difficult to say exactly how much cabbage to take, it all depends on what pieces you will cut it in order to put it in a jar. For a three-liter jar, you will need from 1.2 to 1.5 kg of cabbage.

For brine:

  • 2 liters of water
  • Salt - 5 tbsp


We make crackers from bread. We cut it into pieces, put it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, heated to 150 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

At this time, prepare the brine. With this, everything is simple: pour water into a saucepan, add salt and put on a strong fire.

When the water boils, turn off the stove and wait until the brine cools down. Ready.

Cut cabbage into pieces. You can make any size of the pieces, as long as these pieces fit into the neck of the jar.

Now the important step is putting the ingredients in a jar. The procedure is as follows: we spread crackers on the bottom of the jar. Then comes a layer of cabbage. Then again crackers and cabbage again.

By this point, the jar should already be over and put another piece of breadcrumbs on top of the neck.

Then pour the brine to the very top.

The jar needs to be covered with a saucer and put away in a warm, dark place for a whole week. During this time, it will ferment well, acquire the taste of barrel cabbage and will be ready for use.

For further storage, the cabbage should be transferred to another jar, strain the brine and pour into the cabbage. We don’t add bread to it, it has already played its role. We store the jar in the refrigerator.

Delicious cabbage recipe with apples

One of my favorite recipes is sauerkraut with apples. A very tasty combination of sourness and sweetness is beyond words. Need to try.


  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Apples - 3 pieces of medium size

For brine:

  • Water - 2 liters
  • Salt - 4 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp


We clean the cabbage from green leaves and chop.

For this, by the way, it is very convenient to use a device for cleaning vegetables.

Carrots are also cleaned and grated.

Cut the apples into 4 pieces and remove the core.

When all the ingredients are ready, put them in a jar.

The sequence is as follows: spread the mixed cabbage with carrots in the first layer and fill the jar by a quarter. Then we put 4 pieces of apples in the corners. We fill the jar with cabbage and carrots and put 4 more pieces of apples. Then again cabbage almost to the shoulders of the jar, the remaining apples and again cabbage to the neck.

We do not ram the cabbage into the jar, because. still need to add brine

Speaking of brine.

It is prepared in exactly the same way as in previous recipes: water is poured into a saucepan, salt and sugar are stirred in it. The pot is placed on a strong fire until the water boils. After that, remove the pan from the stove and let the brine cool to room temperature.

After that, pour it into a jar of cabbage.

Then the cabbage will begin to ferment, so we put the jar on a saucer and leave it at room temperature for a couple of days. As in the first recipe, it is advisable to pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick a couple of times a day, for a better release of carbon dioxide.

On the third day, almost ready sauerkraut with apples can be put in a cool place (for example, on a loggia), and on the fourth day it will be completely ready, you can close it with a lid and send it to the refrigerator.

Video recipe for sauerkraut with horseradish and bell pepper

And finally, a video recipe for those who still have questions. It shows how to make sauerkraut with horseradish, but the basic steps remain the same.

That's all I have today. I hope you found something new and interesting for yourself.

Thank you for your attention.

Sauerkraut is, firstly, a tasty and healthy product. It has a lot of vitamins, vitamin C in it is 30-70 mg per 100 g (depending on the starter), this is almost a daily norm for a person. Vitamins K, B, A have a good effect on stress resistance, vitamin B6 is necessary for the breakdown of protein compounds. Vitamins K, U help the absorption of products, prevent the development of allergies, including asthmatic reactions. An abundance of vitamin PP strengthens hair and nails. But most importantly, it's a good snack.

It is better to take hard, elastic white cabbage for pickling, we will take white cabbage, it will make the most awesome appetizer.

Some types of cabbage are not suitable for salting, they have tight veins, but they have little juice. They have a feature that they are stored longer, I don’t even recommend making a salad from such cabbage, it will not be very tasty.

Sauerkraut according to a simple classic recipe for a 3-liter jar for the winter

Required Ingredients

  • White cabbage, medium-sized velok.
  • Carrots - 1 piece (take medium, not very large).
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Allspice black pepper - 3-4 pieces.
  • A couple of bay leaves.

1. We take cabbage, tear off the top leaves and wash it under cold water, wash it so that water does not get inside the cabbage, that is, holding it by the head. Then let the cabbage dry or wipe it. We take a knife in our hands and cut it in half, for the convenience of chopping. If the volume is small, then you can cut it with a knife; if the volume for sauerkraut is large, then it is better to take a shredder, it will be much faster to cut the cabbage. Throw out the stump, you don’t need to chop it. You can clean it and eat it, but I don’t recommend eating a lot of nitrates in it.

3 We take and cut carrots, but do not crush it with cabbage so that the cabbage remains white and beautiful. It is better to rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Then take carrots and mix with cabbage.

4 Add bay leaf and black pepper. Then we take everything that we have turned out and mix.

5 Then we take some kind of dishes, jars, enameled pans, tubs, barrels, in general, in which we will salt and wash and dry well. Pots must be taken without chips and rust.

6 When the container is ready, we take the product (everything that we interfered with) and put it there, pressing it down slightly. By the way, if you salt a large volume, it will be difficult to tamp, it is better to tamp in small batches. so that the cabbage starts up the juice which will be enough for a good fermentation process, therefore, for better juice formation, it is better to process the cabbage in not very large portions.

7 When the cabbage is placed in a container, it is necessary to press hard so that the juice is higher than the cabbage and close it with a lid or a plate, and put a sinker on the lid, it can be a stone and a jar of water at your discretion.

It is important that the cabbage is covered with juice and does not protrude beyond the edges. If this is not done, mold will appear on top, it will not take long. And we don’t need it at all, it spoils the taste and appearance. Cabbage turns gray from mold, that is, it loses its appearance. Naturally, this also affects its taste.

8 Next, we will put the blank in the room for 1-2 days, it all depends on the temperature in the room. And most importantly, do not forget to pierce it 3-4 times a day. When pierced, foam or bubbles may appear, do not be afraid, this is a fermentation process. It is imperative to pierce chopped cabbage with a stick. If the gas bubbles do not have an outlet to the surface, they will make the finished product taste bitter.

9 After 1-2 days we take out from room temperature where it will be cooler, that is, 16-18 degrees. This is the ideal temperature for further fermentation. It ends in 2-3 weeks. During this time, you can pierce the cabbage with a stick at least 1-2 times a day.

10 When foam ceases to form and bubbles go, the contents must be moved to a cold place, and kept at a temperature of 0 - 2 degrees all the time.

11 You can store it anywhere, even in jars on the balcony, even in the cellar, but figure out how to organize oppression.

Sauerkraut with apples

- white cabbage - 5 kg .;
- carrots - 2 pcs
- table salt - 100 g;
- bay leaf - 3 pcs
- black peppercorns - 10 peas
- apples of sweet and sour varieties - 2-3 pcs.

1 We take cabbage, just as in my first recipe we dry it, remove the heads of cabbage, chop on a shredder

3 Then mix, salt, black pepper, bay leaf, carefully do not break the bay leaf.

4 Then in the cabbage, add grated carrots and salt with spices and begin to knead until the juice is released.

5 For salting cabbage, we select a suitable container and fill it with cabbage, put apples between the layer and ram so that the juice is always on top.

6 We close the cabbage on top with a plate or a lid upside down and put oppression. We leave it to sour for 4-6 days at room temperature, do not forget to pierce every day with a stick to the very bottom to release gases.

7 After 1-2 days, we put it in jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Cabbage varieties needed for pickling

1 Gift. a variety suitable for both pickling and pickling. The head of cabbage is distinguished by a brightly expressed wax coating. Tight, with elastic leaves. Heads of cabbage can be different in color: light green, green, white. Their average weight is 2.5-4.5 kilograms. It is best to use this variety of cabbage in autumn and early winter.

2 Dobrovolskaya. The variety is valuable in that the heads do not crack. Heads of cabbage are large. The variety is universal. This cabbage is salted, sour, pickled, cooked in different forms.

3 Anniversary F1. Suitable for pickling, pickling - in this form they can be stored for up to five months. The heads of this cabbage variety are very large.

4 Belarusian. Very popular for pickling and pickling.

Well, and many other varieties necessary for salting.

By the way, when you buy cabbage for pickling, it is better to taste it; it should be sweet, juicy, and, accordingly, large. Therefore, what kind of cabbage you take this and it will taste.

But I can't stop and I hope that I still have time before the harvesting season is over. I believe that sauerkraut is just an indispensable attribute of autumn and winter. Juicy and crispy, with carrots, apples, cranberries or cumin, sauerkraut beckons us to the table. What's more, sauerkraut is healthier than fresh sauerkraut due to the lactic acid bacteria that form during the sourdough process.

In an apartment, it is most convenient to cook sauerkraut in glass jars. But if you are a happy owner of a cellar, and you have a wooden barrel, then it would be a crime not to fill it with cabbage and ferment it to the delight of the whole family. And so that the work is not in vain, you need to carefully read the useful tips for sauerkraut.

  1. The main thing is to buy or grow cabbage for sauerkraut, you need only late varieties. Summer cabbage is completely unsuitable for this. In summer cabbage varieties, the leaves are thinner, greener and looser. Winter varieties of cabbage are distinguished by a dense head of cabbage and white color. When choosing cabbage, pay attention that it is not too "wiry", with hard veins.
  2. Cut cabbage for sauerkraut should not be very small pieces. The thickness of each piece should be about 5 mm. If you shred the cabbage too much, it will become soft.
  3. For sauerkraut, use non-iodized coarse salt.
  4. Approach responsibly to the choice of container. For pickling, glass, wooden or enameled without chips, dishes are suitable. In an aluminum pan, lactic acid, which is formed during fermentation, will react and ruin your whole business.
  5. Cabbage should be fermented at a temperature not higher than 24 and not lower than 20 degrees. Overheat - get jelly, and in a cold room, the cabbage simply does not turn sour.
  6. The fermentation process takes about 3 days. After that, cabbage can, of course, be eaten. But the real taste of classic sauerkraut will appear only after a week.
  7. Shredded cabbage for sourdough must be pressed with something heavy, for example, a plate with a 3-liter jar of cucumbers. My grandmother always kept oppression at hand - a wooden circle and pressed it with a clean heavy stone.
  8. So that the gases formed during sourdough do not accumulate in the cabbage, it must be pierced in several places with a wooden stick.
  9. For storage of sauerkraut, the ideal temperature is from 0 to +2 degrees. You can transfer the cabbage to 3-liter jars and then it will be convenient to store it in the refrigerator.
  10. Cabbage is perfectly preserved for 9 months. True, the longer it is stored, the more sour it becomes. Therefore, it is better to cook all the same in small portions.
  11. Cabbage retains its properties only when frozen once. You can divide the sauerkraut into bags and put in the freezer.
  12. To make delicious crispy sauerkraut, pay attention to the phase of the moon. It is best to ferment cabbage on the growing Moon, after the New Moon in 3-4 days.

To prepare delicious, crispy sauerkraut, I offer a few simple classic recipes.

Sauerkraut - a classic recipe with pickle for a 3 liter jar

In order to get a 3 - liter can of sauerkraut, we need forks of fresh cabbage weighing about 2.5 kg. The simplest classic and no-nonsense sauerkraut recipe.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 0.5 liters (approximately)
  1. We shred the cabbage in any of the ways. It is convenient to have a special grater for this, or you can simply cut into thin strips with a knife. Put the cabbage in a deep bowl.

2. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage.

3. With your hands, simply mix both of these ingredients. Moreover, the cabbage should not be squeezed, otherwise it may become soft.

4. We take a clean 3-liter jar and put cabbage and carrots into it, lightly tamping. We fill the whole bank. Add salt and sugar with a spoon on top of the cabbage.

5. Cabbage must be fermented in brine. Just fill the cabbage with cold unboiled water (but not chlorinated) to the very neck of the jar.

The brine must cover all the cabbage. If the amount of brine decreases, just add water

6. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick so that the gases accumulated during fermentation go away. During fermentation, it is advisable to pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick at least once a day.

During fermentation, the amount of brine will increase and it will flow out of the jar, so be sure to place the jar of cabbage in a basin or any other container.

7. Cover the jar of cabbage with gauze and make sure that the brine covers all the cabbage. Cabbage at room temperature should stand for 2-3 days. After that, you can close it with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

How to ferment cabbage at home in jars - a simple recipe

Also a classic recipe, only here we can do without adding water. The ingredients are the same - cabbage and carrots, and we will also salt in a 3-liter jar.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  1. Shred the cabbage and carrots and put them in a deep bowl.

2. In a glass, mix salt and sugar, we will add them gradually to the cabbage.

3. In this recipe, we will stir the cabbage and rub it with our hands as if we are kneading the dough. The cabbage should release juice.

4. Gradually tamp the cabbage into a 3-liter jar and pour each layer with salt and sugar. Fill the jar to the very top.

5. We close the jar with a plastic lid, put a saucer or bowl under the bottom. Cabbage ferment for 3 days at room temperature. Do not forget to pierce the cabbage with a wooden or plastic stick 1-2 times a day.

6. After that, put the finished cabbage in the refrigerator for storage.

In order for the brine to constantly cover the cabbage, you need a load from above. To do this, place a plastic lid inside the jar, and place a 0.5 liter bottle of water on it.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and peppers - a recipe for the winter

This recipe is a little more complicated, with various ingredients added. Cabbage turns out just delicious, cook and see for yourself.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • apples (best antonovka) - 4-5 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • parsley, dill
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • coriander - a pinch
  • black peppercorns
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  1. We chop the cabbage, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the bell pepper into strips, cut the apples into 4 parts and remove the seeds.

2. In a large container, such as a bucket, lay the ingredients in layers. A layer of cabbage will go to the bottom, sprinkle with sweet pepper on top and lay out a layer of apples.

3. Again lay out a layer of cabbage, carrots on top, then chopped parsley and dill. Next add the chopped garlic.

4. We repeat these layers again - cabbage, peppers, apples. Cabbage, carrots, herbs, garlic.

5. Cooking hot brine. The recipe is given for 1 liter of water, you may need more water. Bring the water to a boil and salt, add coriander and peppercorns to taste. Pour the cabbage with brine. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick. We leave the cabbage for 3 days to ferment at room temperature.

After 3 days, we transfer the cabbage to clean jars and put them in the refrigerator. Delicious cabbage is ready.

Sauerkraut - recipe with bell pepper and horseradish

Another recipe for sauerkraut, which uses not only traditional cabbage and carrots, but also bell peppers and even horseradish.

Sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and rowan

A unique recipe in which we will use a decoction of oak bark to get crispy cabbage. Well, there will be even more vitamins in cabbage when we add cranberries and mountain ash.


  • cabbage - 1 head of 3 kg
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • cranberries - 1/2 cup
  • rowan - 1/2 cup
  • black peppercorns
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • decoction of oak bark - 50 ml

  1. Shred the cabbage and carrots, sprinkle with salt and grind with your hands until the juice appears.

2. We choose apples of sweet and sour varieties such as Antonovka. Cut apples into thin slices.

3. For sourdough, we will use a large enameled pan. Place the cabbage leaves in the bottom of the pot and sprinkle with peppercorns.

4. Lay layers of cabbage with carrots, then apples and generously sprinkle with cranberries and mountain ash. We repeat the layers in the same sequence and be sure to tamp with our hands.

To remove bitterness from mountain ash, pour boiling water over it

5. To make the cabbage crispy, prepare a decoction of oak bark in advance. To do this, the washed bark must be boiled in boiling water for 10 minutes and cooled. Pour the cooled broth into a saucepan with cabbage.

6. When all the cabbage is laid out, place a plate of the appropriate diameter on top and a heavy oppression, for example, a jar of water.

7. To ensure the release of gases from the cabbage, stick wooden sticks into the cabbage.

8. Cabbage will ferment for 3 days, after which it will be possible to decompose it into jars and send it to storage in a cold place.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and pears

You are convinced that there are many recipes for sauerkraut and I tried to introduce you to a variety of recipes for every taste. Now is the time to harvest sauerkraut. As I already wrote, it is very good to sauerkraut after the New Moon, which in October 2017 will occur on the 19th. So stock up on cabbage, save recipes and wish you good luck in healthy and tasty preparations.
