
Square diaper cake. Decor elements for diaper cake

Children are the beautiful flowers of life. Their appearance is a holiday for the whole family, and, as you know, it is customary to give gifts for the celebration. Most likely, all the necessary things for the baby have already been bought in advance by caring parents and enterprising grandparents, so it is often difficult to decide which gift will definitely come in handy for a child. However, there are a few things that will always be useful, as they tend to end quickly. For example, diapers and any other hygiene products. And if you connect your imagination, then such a gift can be made really festive, pleasantly surprising the baby's parents. For those who want to present an original and undoubtedly necessary gift for discharge from the hospital or the first birthday of a child, we offer a detailed description of how to make a cake from purchased diapers for a baby with your own hands in a step-by-step lesson with a photo.

We make a single-tier cake from diapers with our own hands step by step with a photo

This manufacturing method is the easiest, and the price of such a gift will not be a big blow to your budget.

We will need:

1) 11 diapers (more possible);

2) Beautiful fabric;

3) Wide long ribbons;

5) Scissors;

6) Jewelry to your taste.

Stages of work:

1) Take one diaper, roll it into a roller and tighten it with tape.

2) We put the resulting roller on the table, we place the remaining diapers around it.

3) We wrap the tape around the diapers and tighten them, wrapping the edges in one direction.

4) We tie the edges of the tape, fixing the diapers.

5) We wrap the cake with a ribbon and a bright cloth, fix it with glue.

6) We decorate the top of the resulting cake as desired, using toys, clothing, flowers, beads, ribbons.

You can fantasize endlessly. For a boy, ships, cars, planes are perfect, for a girl - funny animals, baskets, etc.

We make a multi-tiered cake for a creative presentation of a gift

In this master class, we will consider two ways to make a tiered diaper cake for a girl or a boy using the example of making a three-tier one.

Method one.
You will need:

1) 72 diapers;

2) 3 plastic cups (cardboard sleeves from toilet paper and paper towels are also suitable);

3) 3 long elastic bands (it is better to use underwear);

4) Solid base (cardboard, tray);

5) Pins;

6) Diaper;

7) Any decor to your taste.

Stages of work:

1) We distribute the diapers into three blocks, observing the proportion 1:2:3. For 72 pieces we take 12, 24 and 36 diapers for the upper, middle and lower floor, respectively.

2) We tie the block with an elastic band, not very tight, so that we can form a cylinder in the process. Place a glass under the rubber band.

3) We line up diapers in rings, moving them around the glass. At the same time, we hold the glass and diapers with one hand, fixing the beginning of the circle.

4) Evenly distribute the diapers along the outer edge, while holding the inner circle.

5) We connect the beginning and end of the resulting cake, align the middle.

6) To compact the cake, we level the elastic band, without releasing the knot, we tighten it for the second round. So the fixation will be more reliable. However, you shouldn't overtighten the rubber band.

7) We put the disk vertically and align the diapers again.

8) By the same principle, we make the remaining floors for the cake.

10) Tighten the elastic again around the new rod. We install the floors of the cake one on top of the other. And decorate as you like.

11) You can additionally decorate the cakes with diapers. To do this, we fold them in such a way that the width of the strip is equal to the height of the cake, and the length is equal to the turn around it. We connect the ends with pins and pull out the elastic, in this case we will no longer need it.

Method two.

The next version of our original gift is much easier to perform technically: there are no difficulties with aligning the diapers inside the cake, as in the previous method. The elements used are the same, you can buy them in almost any store.


1) Diapers (you choose the quantity yourself, for example, it is convenient to use 51 pieces - 7.17 and 27);

2) Solid base (it is better to use a pre-pasted tray);

3) Large elastic bands;

4) Ribbons for decoration;

6) Wrapping paper or diaper;

7) Cellophane;

8) Small rubber bands;

9) A bottle of wine or champagne (for parents).

Stages of work:

1) We place the selected bottle on the tray. We take a diaper, tightly twist it with a roll and fix it with a small elastic band. Similarly, we arrange all diapers.

2) We lay out the resulting rolls around the bottle. If necessary, you can compact the cake with unrolled diapers. We fix the finished floor of the future cake with an elastic band.

3) Fold the wrapping paper in several layers, cut a hole in the center and put it on the bottle. We fix the top with an elastic band.

4) We form the remaining layers in the same way, covering them with cloth or paper. For the third floor, you do not need to cut a hole.

5) We close the elastic bands with ribbons, fastening them with pins or tape. And we decorate further at our discretion, taking into account the gender of the child for whom the gift is intended.

You can learn more about MK "Diaper Cake", as well as get some ideas for decorating a gift in the selection of videos below.

Video tutorials for beginners on the topic of the article

One of the most necessary things for a baby is a diaper. It allows the baby to stay dry, and mom calm. A disposable diaper is enough for 3-5 hours of use, so diapers are always needed, there are never many of them. Presenting a package of diapers for discharge, christening, first birthday is not very nice. Therefore, creative women came up with the idea of ​​making various compositions from them: cakes, cars, bouquets, baskets, bicycles, strollers and others. Such a gift will certainly please the mother and will be useful for the baby.

Diaper cake: what you need to make

To make a cake from diapers, you will need a large pack of diapers: for a two-tier one - at least 50 pieces, for a three-tier one - at least 60 pieces. The brand can be chosen based on the preferences of a young mother or from personal experience. I use Pampers Active baby. They have a pleasant greenish color, dense, but not thin.

If you want to save money, it's better to buy fewer diapers than the cheapest option. Inexpensive diapers are thin and wrinkle a lot when twisted, you will need more of them for a cake, as a result, costs will not decrease, and quality will suffer.

Satin and paper ribbons, feather or fabric butterflies, artificial flowers, felt decor, beads, soft toys are used as decorations and decor.

Inside the cake, you can put children's clothes, cosmetics or a surprise for parents - a bottle of champagne (it must be wrapped in cling film).

In addition to diapers and decor for our cake, you will need:

  • cardboard for the stand;
  • adhesive tape ordinary and double-sided;
  • the film is transparent and glossy pink;
  • glue gun;
  • paper napkin for cake;
  • scissors;
  • stationery gum (wash and dry them first).

We make a cake from diapers with our own hands

We start making a cake with a stand. On a piece of thick cardboard we circle a lid or a plate of large diameter. I use a 40 cm pizza pan.

If the cardboard is not very dense, then it is better to cut out 2 circles, fold them so that the stiffeners are at an angle of 90̊. In this case, your stand will not collapse under the weight of the cake.

We cut off a piece about 1-1.2 m long from a roll of pink film, put the cut out circles in the middle.
We wrap the edges of the film in the center and fix it with transparent tape, and cut off the excess.
The result is such a round stand, and its front smooth side will be at the bottom. And on top of the folds, we glue a paper napkin for the cake on double-sided tape. It will hide all the flaws, in addition, it will ensure the hygiene of the base.

Next, we proceed to twisting the diapers. We spread them in piles on the table and prepare the gum.
It is better to twist all the diapers at once, so it is more convenient to distribute them in tiers. We begin to twist the tube from the gum, fix it with a clerical rubber band.
The beauty and stability of the cake depends on how tightly and evenly you wind the tubes.

In this cake, I use diapers in sizes 2 and 3, they differ in size. The upper two tiers will be of smaller tubes, the lower one of large ones.
You can use diapers of the same size, but with a combination of sizes, the cake is more stable and proportional. After all the diapers are twisted, we begin to collect tiers.

For the top, we need 9 tubes, we connect them with an elastic band (later we remove it).

For the second tier, we make a blank by analogy with the first, put on an elastic band and insert another row of tubes inside.

There is no clear rule for how many tubes to put in a tier, it all depends on the author's desire to make the cake wide or narrow, with a big difference between tiers or almost without it. It took me 25 tubes for 2 tiers. We try on the tiers to each other, if it suits, we proceed to the third.

The third tier is made similarly to the second, with the addition of another row of tubes.

As a result, we get the basis of the cake.

In order for the cake to be stable, you can insert a wooden skewer or a roll stick into the center.

We decorate a cake from diapers for a girl

After the cake is assembled, we begin to decorate it.

I glue all the decor with a glue gun.

Bows can be tied to ribbons. I also use feather butterflies on wire or clothespins. We also attach them to the tape.
Do not forget to hide the junction of the ribbons with bows.

Add a few mother-of-pearl beads as the final touch.

This is what our finished cake looks like from the front.

Back view.

7. Let's start packing the finished cake. I use 0.9 meter wide transparent film. We unwind the roll, measure the required amount so that a margin of 15-20 cm is obtained from the upper edge of the toy.

If you do less, then the bow will press down the toy or completely close it. We cut off the film and connect it on the sides with a stapler.

We decorate the top of the cake package with a large bow.

And the best gift is ready!

How to make a diaper cake for a boy

The technology for making a gift for a boy is similar to a gift for a girl. Only the design is done in green or blue colors. The top of the cake can be decorated with a soft car, a toy train. A marine-themed cake looks good when rubber toys in the form of marine life are used for decoration: fish, turtles, dolphins.

The finished cake has a weight of 1.5-2 kg, but a solid base allows you to move it without problems. I never make cakes much in advance, 2 days is enough to buy everything you need and make it. It is better not to store open diapers for a long time. And, of course, we follow the rules of hygiene in the manufacture of the necessary and beautiful gift for the baby.

Helpful Hints

In fact, making a diaper cake is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

In addition, the process of creating a cake is quite exciting and does not require a lot of time.

Here's how to craft them:

For one piece you will need:



Terry cloth

baby sock

Plastic eyes

7.1 roll up the diaper and wrap it in a tissue

7.2 put a sock on top

7.3 glue the toy eyes

7.4 make some similar wrapped diaper babies

7.5 to insert them into the cake, use chopsticks - just insert the chopstick halfway into the blank, and insert the other half into the cake.

Cake from diapers for a girl

You will need:

3 cardboard circles (in this example, they have a diameter of 20, 25 and 30 cm, respectively)

6 cardboard cylinders (from paper towels or toilet paper)

Glue (glue gun or superglue)

80 white diapers

Thin elastic bands (usually used for money, but you will need them to hold diapers together)

Ribbon of the right color

Artificial flowers

Additional decorations: soft toy, powder, toy, or other gift that fits the size.

If desired, you can prepare small postcards with excerpts from fairy tales or wishes.

1. We make the skeleton of the cake.

Cut enough excess from the cardboard cylinders to match the width of the diapers

Glue the cylinders to the cardboard circles - 3 cylinders for the bottom tier, 2 for the middle and 1 for the top.

2. Add diapers

Fold each diaper into a tube, and start wrapping cardboard cylinders with these tubes, securing them with rubber bands

Now you need to fix the diaper tubes along the diameter of the cardboard circle, i.e. wrap them around all the other diapers that you attached to the cylinders

3. Cake decoration

Wrap the tape around the places where the elastic bands are visible.

Add artificial flowers using glue (be careful not to get glue on the diapers)

Add decorations - it can be a toy, small wish cards, small children's books, etc. In this example, the turtle is reading one of the books.

DIY diaper cake

You will need:

60 diapers

Rubber bands

2 paperclips

Artificial flowers

Cardboard circle (diameter approx. 35 cm)

1 meter tulle

Glue gun or double tape

1. Roll up one diaper (patterned inside) and secure with a money elastic. This diaper will be the center for all the other diapers that you will fasten around it.

2. Prepare 5 diapers and put them one on top of the other with a small distance from each other (see image).

3. Wrap the cooked diapers around the central diaper (from point 1). Use an elastic band to secure the design. It turned out to be a small cake.

4. Start increasing the diameter of the "cake", adding new packs of 5 diapers each time. Between each update, use elastic bands to hold the entire structure together.

* The diameter of the bottom layer of the cake in this example is 30 centimeters.

5. Go through steps 1-4 again to create the top layer of the cake, which should be a little smaller.

* It took about 30-35 diapers for the lower tier of this cake, and about 20-25 diapers for the top tier.

* The number of diapers depends on the distance between them.

6. Lay the top tier on top of the bottom tier and wrap the ribbon around the cake where the elastic bands are visible.

7. Using paper clips, secure one end of the ribbon to the elastic on the cake.

8. Glue double tape to the same end to stick the other end to it.

9. You can decorate your cake however you like.

In this example, artificial flowers are used, which are glued to the ribbons on the cake (one flower must be glued at the place where the ribbons are fastened).

* You can put a pair of baby shoes on the top tier. Instead of shoes, you can use a toy or just decorate everything with flowers.

10. Put the cake on a piece of tulle and wrap it around.

Bright diaper cake

You will need:

Bright handkerchiefs or towels



Jewelry to taste

1. Start spiraling several diapers.

2. Wrap the rolled up diapers with a colorful handkerchief or towel and secure with pins as shown in the image.

* For this cake, you will need three scarves for three tiers of cake.

* If necessary, you can use double tape or rubber bands to attach all structures and tape to hide this tape or elastic band.

* In this example, ribbons have been added to prevent the towels from coming apart.

3. Decorate the cake as you wish - you can use small children's toys such as rattles, etc. They can also be attached with pins or sewn on with a thread and a needle if a ribbon is threaded through each toy.

Diaper cake (master class)

You will need:

Pampers (the bigger the cake, the more of them)

Cake stand or tray

Rubber bands for money

Lining fabric

Tapes as wide as diapers

Colored satin ribbons for decoration

bottle of champagne

1. Prepare a tray and place a bottle in the middle.

2. Roll each diaper into a tube and secure with a rubber band.

3. Place all rolled diapers around the bottle. You need to fill the tray, which means you need to use a lot of diapers until the tray is full.

The birth of a child is a great joyful event in the life of every family. It is customary to give relatives everything that the baby needs: diapers, socks, cosmetics, diapers, nipples, pacifiers, baby food, napkins, sliders, toys and much more. If you want your gift to be remembered, present it creatively. In this article we will look at: how to make a diaper cake with your own hands.

  1. The craft must be created in a clean room.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands well before starting work.
  3. Do not turn diapers inside out.
  4. Diapers, ribbons, socks and additional decorations must be clean and ironed.
  5. For babies, use diaper sizes 1 and 2.
  6. Ready-made cakes must be packaged for hygienic purposes, for example, in a transparent film.

Diaper cake can be made single-tiered, two, three, four and five-tiered. It all depends on your desire and the number of diapers. To make a cake, you need from 9 to 200 diapers. You should not make huge 4-5 tier cakes without basic experience, as they can fall apart at the most inopportune moment.

For boys

For girls


You will need: 90 diapers, 10 small towels, 100 standard size rubber bands, 3 large elastic bands, a roll of paper towels, 2 wide satin ribbons, thick cardboard, several sushi sticks, transparent film, toy decoration elements, flowers, a bow ...

Master Class

You will need: 24 diapers, pink satin ribbon, pink hairbrush, bibs, 24 standard size rubber bands and large rubber bands, Mickey Mouse Girlfriend, Minnie themed decorations, pink bow, clear wrapping film.

Master Class

Disney-style diaper cake is ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

You will need: 20 diapers, a diaper, 20 rubber bands of a standard size and 2 large elastic bands, ribbon decoration elements, beads, a small towel ...

Master Class

You will need: 141 diapers, 8 large rubber bands, clothespins, 4 diapers, thick cardboard, socks decoration elements, toys, transparent packaging film, a long stick for the cake axis.

Master Class

A four-tier diaper cake is ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

You will need: 90 diapers, a roll of paper towels, 3 large rubber bands, 3 satin ribbons, transparent packaging film, glue gun, decoration elements, flowers, bows…

Master Class

Soft toys, satin ribbons, diapers, corrugated paper, towels, socks, bows, flowers, cars, small balls, nipples, figurines, shampoos, creams, powders and much more are perfect for decorating a cake ...

There are a huge number of diaper crafts that you can look at. Before starting work, consider the design of the cake. Choose a color, buy ribbons, flowers, toys and create a creative gift with your own hands.

When planning a trip to visit the family where the newborn appeared, many are wondering about the gift.

I want the gift to be not only useful, but also beautiful and original. At the same time, you can donate clothes or toys, but they may not be useful.

The most win-win option in this case are diapers. They are in great demand at this age.

The main thing is to choose the right size and, of course, decorate the gift beautifully. Therefore, a diaper cake is the best fit.

In today's material, we will tell you how to make a diaper cake with your own hands - a step-by-step photo will allow you to follow the whole process from start to finish.

Such a gift is very popular lately.

Diaper cakes are becoming more and more popular. You can make them yourself or order such a service from needlewomen.

Why are these inedible cakes so popular? When choosing a gift for a newborn, you can pay attention to toys, hygiene products, clothes and household items.

But how to find out what exactly needs to be purchased and what young parents already have. After all, a newborn is growing rapidly, and many things may never come in handy.

Therefore, a gift from diapers, supplemented, for example, with a rattle, baby cream, a dummy or a bottle, will be useful in any case. The main thing is to correctly determine the size of diapers and the manufacturer.

And giving your gift the look of a cake of several tiers, decorated with ribbons and other elements, we get a beautiful, original and useful gift for the baby and his parents.

In what cases can you donate

You can give such an unusual cake when you come to the bride to the newborn, at the birth of a child with a work colleague, at christening and even on the baby's first birthday. You can complete the diaper cake package with diapers, towels, a blanket, a soft toy or doll, a rattle and other necessary items.

What to look out for

When making such a cake, you need to pay attention to the following points:

For girls, it is better to choose pink or white colors with thematic drawings, for boys, respectively, for example, blue with cars.

The appropriate color to choose all the elements and decorations for the cake.

  • The materials and products used in the manufacture of the cake must comply with all sanitary standards for newborns.

Be as natural and hypoallergenic as possible.

Hygiene rules

Making a diaper cake remember to follow the rules of hygiene, because these things are intended for a newborn.

  1. Wash hands and work surfaces thoroughly before handling.
  2. Do not open diapers or turn them inside out.
  3. Roll very carefully if necessary.

  4. Rubber bands for making a cake, gift and decor items should be disinfected or steamed, depending on the material.
  5. Iron the fabrics with a steam iron, wash the bottles well with soap and treat with a disinfectant solution, etc.

  6. When manufacturing, pets should not be present nearby so that wool does not get into it.

What will be required

When preparing a cake from diapers, you may need:

  • Large pack of diapers
  • Or several small ones, depending on the size of the intended cake and the number of its tiers (for three tiers, about 80 diapers).

  • Wooden sticks for stable connection of tiers.
  • Soft toy to decorate the top of the structure.
  • Ribbons, lace, decorative decorations for decorating the cake.
  • Mesh or film for packaging.
  • Elements that complement the cake

It can be baby creams, shampoos, rattles, pacifiers, bottles and more.

To be sure that you have chosen high-quality and safe diapers, be sure to read the reviews on them. On our site there is, compiled according to the reviews of mothers of newborn babies.

Manufacturing process step by step, with photo

Consider how to make a three-tier cake from diapers with your own hands: a photo master class will allow you to follow all the stages of work. Step by step, this process looks like this:

To do this, cut out a circle from thick cardboard, with a diameter slightly larger than the lower tier. We wrap the circle with corrugated or crepe paper. We glue it. It is better to use glue stick. You can decorate the stand with lace or braid along the edge, pinning it in a circle with a stapler.

I used a book as a stand, which will also be a gift for the baby. The book was wrapped in wrapping paper, and a bottle of bathing product was already glued to it with double-sided tape.

  • We put the cake on a stand and begin to decorate it with ribbons.
  • Gently glue the wide ribbon to the thin one that binds the layers, but not to the diapers themselves.

  • On top of a wide ribbon, you can add a narrower one with a thematic pattern.
  • We put a soft toy on top and attach it to the tube.

  • You can add a rattle or a pacifier as decor elements.

  • We decorate the cake with additional flowers or bows.
  • The cake is ready
  • How to pack

    In order for the cake to reach the birthday person safely, it is necessary to pack it well. In no case should it get dirty or dusty, because diapers will be used for the baby. Therefore, packaging should be not only beautiful, but also hygienic.

    The film that is used for packaging flowers is best suited for this. Carefully wrap the cake in foil and decorate with ribbons and a bow on top, and the beautiful and hygienic packaging of the cake is ready.

    • If desired, you can make a multi-tiered cake from more diapers.
    • Or, conversely, make a small cake of one or two tiers.

    • Wrap the layers on the outside with a multi-colored cloth, using diapers, towels or baby blankets for this.
    • Get a very effective cake.

    • You can use a different diaper size for each tier when making a cake.

    For example, the top layer is 1, the next one is 2, and so on.

    How much do they cost

    The cost of a diaper cake depends on the quantity and price of the components used. If you do it yourself, then this will determine its cost. If it is not possible to make a children's cake yourself, then you can order its production from special companies or craftswomen offering their services. Such a cake will certainly cost more.

    The more components and additional elements, the more expensive the gift. The cheapest diaper cakes can be purchased starting from 1200-1500 rubles. More expensive designs cost 3000-4500 rubles.

    Useful video
